#dazai looks at oda's empty face only seeking revenge and death and thinks fuck he is my best friend
ningensorrow · 2 years
more on my odasaku lives and runs away with soukoku au i will eventually (never) write
dazai managed to stop oda before he could get to face gide
"if you go there you'll die" "yes I know"
"didn't you want to be a writer?!"
dazai yells, which his eyebrows furrowed, and there is a weird expression, one that stops odasaku for a second. dazai's usually inexpressive eyes are widened and there is something unfamiliar in his face
oda realizes that is hopelessness and his heart clenches
"I did," he replies.
dazai looks desperate and so terribly young as he says, "if you go there i'll have to watch you die"
and oh.
odasaku cant do that to him, can he?
he thinks about his orphans, his kids, about the explosion, about guilt, and he thinks, I can't do that to him.
odasaku says, mori wants be dead, doesn't he.
and dazai fills the gasp between them and grabs his sleeve and he looks at him with those strange, yet fitting, emotions, and he says, please, so quietly odasaku almost thinks he imagined it.
but it was real.
and so he nods.
dazai drags him (read as: attempts to, cause he is way too underweight and doesn't have the strength) and he doesn't know where he is going.
they ventur into some decaying part of the city, almost at the edge of it, until they're in front of an empty storehouse. dazai pushes them into it, closing the door behind them.
"it's a safehouse, one mori doesn't know about"
there is still something careful in his voice, a type of uncertainty that rarely is present.
swiftly, dazai walks across the room, almost completely empty except for a couch, a small, round table and a dusty carpet. there is also an oil lamp, and while dazai is grabbing something from the table, he goes to turn it on.
the light is eerie and it accentuates the pale tone of dazai's skin and the unlived state of the safehouse.
his grief has never been louder.
"all done, now we wait," dazai chippers, but his eyes are sharp. he is pocketing a phone - not the one he always has, and neither one of the mafia burners.
odasaku must have been staring, because dazai smirks, and shrugs. "precautions," he simply says, and oda nods.
"what are we waiting for?" "why, for an annoying dog to bark, of course!"
the words float above his head for a moment, before he understands their meaning.
he sighs.
he wonders if it's too late to go back and have his final duel.
if he is right, he just damned himself to a slow and painful death.
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