#days since dream last got in2 drama: 0
etihw000 · 1 year
How do you feel about the beef between Quackity and Dream going on Twitter right now?
does this man ever stop getting into drama/beef/accusations dear lord, christ, and the holy jesus
i have no idea how he still has apologists when he's CONSTANTLY causing infighting with other ccs only to handwave it all with an exaggerated "positive haha don't send hate!!" demeanor. why the fuck were you posting all of that on your public twitter??
look, maybe it isn't super mature for someone to shut down all communications and not reply to someone anymore, but it is in their whole right to whenever they want. maybe quack/ity WAS an asshole for not replying, maybe he has his own reasons, maybe he just doesn't want to be friends with dream anymore, and that's FINE. that's NORMAL.
what's even less mature is deciding to publicize the entire thing all because you didn't get a response in hopes of getting one. i think dream's a massive fuckin asshole.
quack/ity didn't say shit abt or to dream, that's the entire thing, so dream decides to call him out after finding out that quack/ity DOES NOT REPLY TO HIM PRIVATELY anymore.
in the same tweet, he talks about his dox, his stalkers, etc., in the same breath he complains about how quack/ity doesn't wanna reply to him, and how he is so heartbroken about it but it's all a misunderstanding i swear!!
"quack/ity is a good person but he has been ignoring me!! (psst hey fans go harass quack/ity for me so that he feels like he has to respond to me to get it to stop.) BUT HE'S A GOOD GUY I SWEAR!!"
now his fans are conflating the stalking, the doxxers, with quack/ity's fans, because it was done in the same breath, and what other possible reason could dream have had in mentioning them if the doxxers and stalkers weren't quack/ity's fans??
jesus christ actual teenagers (ran and tub) were more mature about drifting apart than this
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