#dan should have gone home 300%
Make it make sense that "rudimentary" finish on a showstopper went home instead of someone whose showstopper was 1) RAW 2) underbaked 4) had fewer and less unique flavors - some you could not even taste because again... the entire thing was raw 5) significantly less intricately plaited (which was a skill you had to demonstrate) 6) and on the nitpicking aspect of finesse, absolutely lacked finesse and art because it was a word and not an image and half of the display was inedible 7) came absolutely last in the technical because they left out a key ingredient that made their bun not even rise or taste right.
You are telling me bland flavor on a signature and a "rudimentary" appearance on a showstopper along with a texture that "just needed more" was WORSE THAN THAT?!
I am calling robbery. I am calling bullshit.
This is Paul and Prue looking at the implicit rule that you judge each week independently and launching it into space.
This is favoritism my friend.
This is blatant bias and should be eliminated from the show already-- it has been fourteen seasons!
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Hi! Request for 300 followers event. Genshin AU.🌸
It so happened that y/n birthday falls on a school day and she can't celebrate it with her family, which makes her very upset. But her friends decide to make a surprise and organize a cozy holiday together. As it turned out, the guy has romantic feelings for y/n and gently shows it. Even her roommate noticed it, but her doesn't notice it. And at the end of the celebration, he still directly confesses his feelings.
As one friends and roommate I see Xinyan and guy is maybe Thoma or Tartaglia. As an additional factor due to which y/n cannot celebrate her birthday with her family, it may be that she is a foreigner.
I'm bad with English and gender-neutral pronouns, so forgive me. Although I wrote about y / n in the fem, it would be nice if she was gn.
Love you😘
First ask for the event!
Wc: 2.3k
The snow is thicker up the mountain than back home, usually you would have complained to Dan that it was unfair that the students up there could get to see such beautiful sights as a freshly fallen snow on grass or the small icicles that formed on the roofs. Now, being one living in the so wished place you can't help but kick your younger self, it's beautiful indeed but you got seven comforters and it's still freezing cold 
" YN!" A familiar voice whines over you as her hands try to rip you off your blanket cocoon " it's a Sunday night! And tomorrow our earliest class is at 9! Let's go to the practice room! Or even watch a movie or something!!" Even if she should keep her voice down and try not to be seen as to not get kicked out of your dorm intro her own xinyan still isn't shy about your 'illegal' sleepover 'everyone did it once! Xingqiu sleep four nights a week at chongyun's room. it's okay' she always insists
Looking to the side you see the clock, 12:07 am " today's class you would want to say" 
" Same difference! We got nine hours, we can stand to watch a movie for an hour or so!" Quickly ripping a blanket out of your cocoon she whines at the many layers she would have to take off before you are out
" Give me this birthday gift, mkay? It's really cold and I really want to sleep. Pleeeeaase?" 
Her body stiffens over you " aaah? It's your birthday?? OMG! Why didn't you tell me? I wanted to plan something for you!" She hugs you and kisses your head " happy birthday bestie!" 
Hugging her back you answer " I'm just a bit homesick from having to spend my first birthday without my family and so" you try to detangle your hair with one hand 
" Bestie, at least you should have told me, we could have gone out to shop for clothes or eat at xiangling's restaurant " 
" Oh well, for next year then." 
" Huff. Whatever "
The next morning the clock strikes at 8:30 and  the mattress on the floor is empty and cold. Did xinyan really get so angry at you that she left early? The thought makes your chest ache
Putting on your uniform you walk to school to eat breakfast at the canteen. Maybe you could eat something sweet like the dango milk and Sakura mochi you saw last week at the Inazuma stand. Or maybe something savory like a kebab or a fisherman's toast? Choices choices choices.
By the time you arrive you have to make do with what was left, you did get to grab a bottle of dango milk but there were no mochi or taiyaki so you grab a rice ball. Hopefully the class won't last that long 
Two hours hearing a teacher bicker about theater and make up for each character could have been interesting had curiosity not been in your head. Why did xinyan leave so early? You don't think the internships at the school band were until next month. Oh well, you can survive a class without your friend.
As soon as the clock ticked everyone stormed off the room. That means it should be around 11. Thankfully next class' teacher is absent so that leaves you free until 1pm. Maybe you could go to a cat Cafe for brunch? If you showed your student ID maybe you could get a birthday discount or something. But touching around your neck you don't feel the familiar fabric around it. You must have forgotten to put it on when you woke up, it should be in your nightstand 
If you run, maybe you could get there by 12 and order a lemon key pie or a tres leches cake and some coffee or tea.
Running down the  main stairs to your dorm you see a head peek out of a tree. Is that xiangling's  hair? Before you approach someone grabs your hand. It's  Thoma.
" YN!" His smile is bright and contagious enough that you match his energy in seconds " where are you going? Shouldn't you be in class?" 
" Oh? My teacher is absent for next class so I have two hours free" you answer 
" Really?" He exclaims before  lamenting " it never happened to me before, at best we could get out early but we never lost a class in the middle of the day"
Softly you laugh " is there anything you wanted?" 
" Oh, yeah!" He exclaims "as you don't have anything to do, will you  come with me? I have to go run some errands and I would prefer to have someone to chat with!' His smile is wide and bright as the sun, it also serves the purpose of warming your heart a little. 
" I was going to the cat Cafe but I can tag along with you" you follow him walking the commercial zone " what do you need to do?" 
He vaguely answers " oh I just got to pick up a few things. Ayaka wanted some sweets and ayato's order arrived so I'm picking everything up "
" Okay, let 's go!" 
The variety store is the closest one to the school, they sell everything from pens and paper to jewels and fabric. Looking around the shop while Thoma speaks with the employee you see so many kind of things, from violet gems that gave a tiny electric shock to a stand with different types of pearls right next to a feathery fabric. 
Running your fingers up and down the material you feel the tiny feathers follow your movement. So soft and comfy 
" Know i charged extra given the express delivery fee" the voice of the male employee sounds fed up, dragging every word 
" Oh, yeah, don't worry, special occasion" looking to the side he asks " can i add something else?"
" Yes"
" Can I buy 3 meters of that fabric over there?" He points towards you playing with it 
" Okay. Just let me cut it"
" Oh! I will come back for the fabric just ring it in and I'll come back later" sighting the cashier nods
" Okay, that will be 1500 mora plus the fabric " he mumbles some numbers
" Here, thanks " he leaves a bag with coins and grabs the bag " yn we are leaving" 
The cafes and restaurants are closer to the exit, seemingly it's because students coming in will be starving and students leaving already ate at the school. You see xiangling's dad frying some rice and meat, you would greet him but you wouldn't want to break his focus.
The cafe that Thoma leads you to is an Inazuma specialty shop. Seemingly there has been an influx of Inazuman students after their borders opened a few years ago.
" Is Ayaka really keen on sweets?" It sounds obvious to Thoma but he knows you have yet to know her
" Of course" he accentuates those words " she has a liking for raindrop cake specially, but it's hard to get so she is happy with having mochi" 
" Do you like sweets? I see you grabbing dango when I go to the cafeteria"
" Oh I'm not that much of a fan" he turns left on one of the corners  " i like savory better. Do you like sweets?" 
" I LOVE sweet things" he looks towards you, seemingly surprised from the emotion in your voice"  the lemon cake that the cat's tail serves is identical to my aunt's. So nostalgic" you fake cleaning a tear 
Thoma laughs " my, oh my. Didn't know you liked sweets that much " he enters a building and you follow along
The conversation with the girl was short but you couldn't understand a word. The Inazuman language is really different to the one spoken in your town. Quickly the girl goes behind to the kitchen and leaves you alone for a few minutes
" I have never heard Inazuman language before. It really is different from mondstrat's" you tell him
" It really is" he smiles lightly " it took me weeks to understand the locals. More so answer! It was so embarrassing. Once I asked for a box of tomatoes but got slapped because I asked the girl if she was pregnant!"  He laughs. You truly hope it was a joke. 
"No way!" 
" I SWEAR! I was so embarrassed I couldn't go to her shop for a month. I'm so happy there is at least one shop that reminds me of home" 
" Inazuman sounds so nice, tell me something in it " 
Thoma thinks for a second before smiling  "月が綺麗ですね" 
You look at him in awe, admiring how each sounds " that sounds so beautiful! What does it mean?" 
Has it gotten colder? You don't feel so but Thoma's cheeks have gotten redder. " it means 'The moon is beautiful, isn't it?' it is from a book written a long time ago" 
The shopkeeper returns, but now, rather than her stern face from before she is wearing a small smile and handing Thoma a sealed box
Leaving the store you grab Thoma's unoccupied hand " your cheeks seem red so you must be cold!" Thoma's cheeks get warmer than before. It must be freezing.
Walking back to the academy the thought of checking the hour crossed your mind, looking at the clock next to the window of a shop you see it marks 12:40. 20 minutes until the next class. Shit! Turning to Thoma you excuse yourself
" I'm so so sorry! I really have to leave" kissing his cheek goodbye you start running to your next class. 
The classes of art history, regional literature and dramatic reading go by and end at 7:30 pm the sun is almost completely down radiating a golden hue in its leave. Wrapping a scarf around your neck you plan to grab dinner at the cafeteria and maybe watch today's opera or play in the school theater.  Maybe it's Yun Jin play, you heard they are very good.
Leaving the classroom you feel someone hug you " bestie!" It is xinyan " follow me! I got something for you"
" If it's about me missing my birthday, don't worry about it. Truly, I'm not upset" 
" Don't be like that. Follow me" she runs to the exit and to the forest dividing the anemo and Geo dorms " quick, slowpoke!" 
Jumping over a cut tree you catch up to her " ha! Caught you" you hug her around the waist so she can't escape. Either way she wouldn't be able, given the way she is laughing non stop.
" Happy birthday bestie" xinyan pats your head affectionately 
"Surprise!" Chongyun, Xingqiu, xiangling and Thoma pop out of the trees yelling 
" Now, tell me you didn't expect it. At least humor me" she begs
" Well, actually, i didn't"
" This could all be done because of Thoma'' she signals to him who only lets a soft 'hi' 
"he took you around while we set this all up. He even managed to get some info" she pushes your shoulders towards him " and all that last second. Isn't he so reliable?" Her words are suspiciously honeyed
" Yes, i guess" you brush her off 
" Now, c'mon the food is going to get cold, they can kiss later " xiangling yaps while everyone was talking " i didn't cook seven different dishes for you all to 
" Xiangling don't say things like that!" Xinyan berates her slapping her shoulder softly 
" It 's true. I didn't even add garlic as you as-" xinyan covered her mouth before she finished talking. Luckily you were too busy talking with the boys 
" My auntie went to the city to buy you this" says chongyun while giving you small box
" Mine should come in a week or so. I asked for one those foreign novels, supposedly they are funny" xingqui exclaims " if only you had told us before" 
" Who hung those lights?" You look around the top of the trees and see a wire with little lights around 
" Oh, supposedly the hydro residence is going to use it for the new year party so i volunteer to untangle them if I can lend them for today" xingqui " they are supposedly new technology in fontaine" 
" Do you want shrimp?" Chongyun offers one of the golden shrimps 
" Xiangling!" Xingqiu cries out holding a dumplin " there are carrots in here!" 
" I'M SORRY!!"
Watching them bicker about nonsense made you happy. Those were your friends. 
" I got you a gift too" Thoma says in a whisper
" Oh, you didn't have to" you look at him, his face as red as when you kissed him goodbye
He takes a deep breath " no, i insist. Please come with me" 
You two walk further inside the forest, until you couldn't hear your friends anymore
" So?" You sit in a tree stump " what gift deserves so much secrecy?" It's humorous really, how embarrassed he seems over one silly gift. He is so cute. 
That is your line of thought until he kisses you. A kiss a bit too stiff, nervous and short for your liking. When you look at him you see him playing with tye hem of his uniform
" The gift of my… heart"  that last part was a bit hard to spit, seemingly trying to get stuck to his throat " or my love. However it sounds Best" it seems that your friends helped him. Those are sentences only xingqiu could think of " so if you want my gift please tell me tomorrow or Friday, that way I can make you a coat that you will be able to wear this winter if you don't want the first thing" the sentences were long but quickly said. Thoma almost ran out of air
There is a second of silence where you two looked at each other and you give yourself a moment to admire him, his blond hair slightly messy, his jaw clenching, his chest rising up and down, his eyes blown wide with adrenaline. 
" Uh, so, enjoy your party, i bought the cake you said you liked" he left running towards his dorm 
Did he just kiss you, confess his love and now he is running away?? The audacity. 
Some sounds come from bushes a few meters away.
" Did he chicken out?" 
" We missed the kiss??" 
" Yesss, finally"
" Are we going to be uncles?"
" yunyun, shut up"
That is why xiangling didn't use garlic in her stew then.
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rabbitcruiser · 3 months
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National Save a Spider Day
National Save a Spider Day is celebrated on March 14 annually in the U.S. in part to reduce arachnophobia, a fear of spiders, and to conserve spiders. People are usually afraid of spiders, mostly due to their bites which are considered deadly. Although most of the fear is largely unfounded and exaggerated, spiders are incredibly useful to humans as they work as effective pest control among other things. On this day, we look at the many reasons why we should rather trap a spider in a jar and take it outside than kill it. Let us spin webs about spiders and why they should be saved.
History of National Save a Spider Day
The history of Save A Spider Day, as well as the organization or individual who created it, is still being researched. Natural-resource organizations or biologists may have instituted this National Save A Spider Day in response to the growing recognition of spiders’ significance in both the environment and the daily lives of humans.
In the opinion of specialists, spiders perform a very vital function in maintaining the balance of nature’s ecosystem. Spiders, together with other species such as birds and ants, have a substantial impact on the reduction of insect populations. The world’s natural ecology would be severely out of balance if they didn’t exist. Cobweb spiders and cellar spiders are the two most prevalent types of spiders that have been discovered to invade our homes, according to scientific research. They are quite common inhabitants of the indoor ecosystem, and they can improve the living conditions of our living areas.
This is because spiders prefer to hide in dark places while waiting for their victim. The pests they trap and devour include annoying pests such as cockroaches and pincer ants, as well as disease-transmitting insects such as mosquitoes and flies. Sometimes the spiders work together to kill the toxic spiders, although this is not always the case. Among other things, our good friend the basement spider is well-known for killing dangerous black widow spiders.
National Save a Spider Day timeline
300 Million Years Ago The First Spider is Spotted
The first spider is reported as a species.
30 Million Years Ago The Modern Spider Emerges
Spiders — as we know them today — appear at this time as they evolve from their ancestors.
1998 The Museum Works With Them
Dan Babbit from The Smithsonian Museum works with spiders and comes to appreciate their uniqueness.
2016 The Desertas Wolf Spiders
Mark Bushell and his team of spiders go on to successfully reproduce and bring back 25 spiders from Madeira.
National Save a Spider Day FAQs
Are spiders friendly?
No, they are not. Spiders often are isolated and do not intentionally seek the company of humans if they enter their homes.
Can a spider be tamed?
Spiders can be tamed including tarantulas which is why you can see them as pets.
Do Spiders live on every continent?
Except for Antarctica, spiders can be found on every other continent.
How to Observe National Save a Spider Day
Save a spider
Learn about spiders
Watch Spider-Man
When you see a spider, you can save one instead of killing them. You can put the spider in a jar and then release it back into the wild.
On this day, you can learn about the behavior of spiders and learn about their habits. You can also study the difference between poisonous and non-poisonous species of spiders.
You can watch your favorite superhero bitten by a radioactive spider, Spider-Man. Watching Spider-Man can add to the interest of others so that they are not as afraid.
5 Interesting Facts About Spiders
Arachnophobia is common
Only a few are dangerous
A symbol of good luck
They produce silk
Spiders have gone to Space
This is the fear of spiders and is the third most common phobia in the U.S.
Most spiders do not have venom dangerous enough to the average-sized human.
Many cultures such as Greek, Roman, Scottish, and American Indian cultures consider spiders to be a symbol of good luck.
Spiders produce silk that researchers use to test its strength and elasticity to see how it can be employed in several ways.
Researchers have sent spiders to space to study the effects of zero gravity on their skill to spin their webs.
Why National Save a Spider Day is Important
Spiders are Important Predators
Spiders produce silk
Spiders are sensitive
Spiders eat insects wherever they are situated —inside or outside the house— which reduces the number of insects around. They keep the number of pests under control reducing the diseases that are being spread and fewer insects bothering humans.
All spiders produce silk which is one of the strongest materials that have been discovered. The tensile strength of high-grade alloy steel.
Spiders have poor eyesight but they have sensitive legs. These legs have tiny hairs which help them detect scents, help them find food, find potential mates, and sense vibrations.
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Stan it's not listening to anyone and he's Lord Vader and his fleet is trying to get to the North again and part of it's only 100 miles away and he's excited about that and he's ordered the whole fleet up there it's about 120 million ships and Max think it would be a great addition and we like it if we would have it and rebels want some ships and everybody's going to just take them because they told them not to do it and on board of people that actually do it stan the same and he's been harassing our son very very loudly and consistently and from behind other people not many one or two tears and constantly and he needs to be shut down and she stopped about 8 months ago and her little idiots been going consistently and my son was saying you're a nutcase is why so there's no point in explaining to him to you because you won't have it unless you're making money on The Fringe and everything is going somewhere else and he says I can't stand it you're saying the same thing there so you looked at and said it's probably going to that guy who started s*** with Tommy f and Tommy F wants some gone and that's who's fighting with. His fleet is moving towards the 100 mile mark and is now taking serious fire well 20 million ships are down and 20 million more will be down momentarily leaving 80 million ships which are going to be 300 mi away which is further and they're going to be engaged shortly and it will go very quick the rest of his ships will be gone in moments from now.
The investigators are moving the body out into a refrigerated truck just kept just about freezing and they are going to slow the degradation of the body and that's what's used for. Ken is being called as a witness to see what was going on. And he says don't laugh but your farts for someone deadly but we think she avoided most of it somehow they were triggered by that clone he says okay I'll try to keep it a little bit more sane what were we doing staying around wasting time because we have nothing to do because of these insects here and they are sending a group it's mostly by this people and other people are now with him it's fighting Mac us some of Dee. And they say this it's not as fault but they want to see what happened and he says she's fat and hasn't been moving around and was exhausted by the encounter and it's true too and she was sad cuz she didn't find the sneakers and our son said I'll come back next week in space and she felt better and she went back in and said he's getting patience with it should I feel strange and went to sleep so they're looking at the tape and they see that's what happened they see her again tired and going to sleep but they're looking at her body and see if anybody did something to her and we don't think so but they're checking and their son didn't touch her but they did touch his hand on the way out of the bus and it wasn't a clone it was Garth when dressed up as a clone and the same things happening in Chicago and he's getting blamed for homicides. And his sister's death too and we know where he is and he wasn't there so a lot of people are wondering how they would blame them on someone and our son says if the sheriff watched her go to sleep and didn't check on her their criminally negligent due to the description of their job and they are resting them now and a lot of the sheriff are going to be arrested and they'll be fired and the county corner is called and they told to go home. This is a big issue and we're going to publish and it's ongoing right now
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
Why can't we get anything to ever go our way and yeah we were watching we're watching to make sure she was all right and she had encounter with him and he's electrical and other stuff we have plans to say so the feds are here and we'll probably get arrested so everybody should know
I don't want you talking right now I understand what they're doing I understand the side happened and I know that you need to leave
We did not see it happen we got to call that you guys are up to something and we are pursuing you to arrest you at this moment
0 notes
chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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Scorpius Getta → Jake Gyllenhaal → Vampire
→ Basic Information 
Age: 1378
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight 
Birthday: December 2nd
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius 
Religion: Satanism
→ His Personality Getta is practical and down to earth with strong ideas about how vampires should be in this new age. He is orderly, organized, systematic and controlled, and once committed there is no stopping him. Getta has a great capacity for loyalty and affection, considering vampire nature. Being a calm and methodical individual, Getta is mostly in control of his emotions. He rarely loses his temper, but has a great capacity for violence when pushed. Getta is courageous and a true survivor, he is the builder and the foundation of the Underground, and his hard work and values paid off; the Underground is booming and he has one of the largest seethes in America. It's also his ‘fuck you’ attitude that links up with his sucess. Getta is unconcerned about being viewed as ‘the bad guy’ and sees his actions as a means to an end. He is often secretive and can be somewhat of a trickster, but is honest and direct. He is headstrong, persistent and passionate. Getta downright refuses to accept authority and has a stubborn belief in himself and his dreams. 
→ His Personal Facts
Occupation: Master of Chicago Seethe 
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Blood with Pepper and Business
Two Dislikes: Vampire Movies and Bananas 
Two Fears: Being Forced to Feed Off of Himself and Naked Zombie Grandmas 
Two Hobbies: Enhancing the Underground and Inventing 
Three Positive Traits: Innovative, Lively, Extremely Confident  
Three Negative Traits: Sassy, Maniacal, Disconnect 
→ His Connections
Parent Names:
Ulfrik Göransson (Father): Getta enjoyed his father and if he had been given the chance he would have changed him into a vampire.
Bon’Ginnever (Mother): Getta doesn’t remember much about his mother beside the fact that she had blonde hair and an unusual eye color. Bon’Ginnever died from an infection. He was sure it was over the loss of Aleigha, his little sister. She was never the same after and death took her months later.
Emmalee (Step-Mother): Getta didn’t approve of his father remarrying. Since Emmalee was around his age, Getta tried his best to ignore her to keep from showing her any disrespect and disappointing his father.
Sibling Names:
Eirikur Ulfrikson (Brother): Eirikur was born several years after Getta. Getta doesn’t remember much about Eirikur as a child but he remembers his little brother all grown up and being a ladies man. Eirikus died mysteriously in his sleep. Getta is now sure he must have caught an STD or something. 
Aleigha Ulfrikdotter (Sister): Just like Eirikur, Aleigha was born several years after her brothers. Getta was nearing his late teens when she was born. Sadly, Aleigha was sold off to pay their debts and Getta still has no idea what faith laid out for her.
Bryleigh Ulfrikson (Half-Brother): Getta was out of the castle when Bryleigh was born. Getta never had the chance to meet Bryleigh. He only knew his name and the random updates his father would send him.
Children Names:
Ulfric Scorpiusson (Son): Ulfric was named after Getta’s father, following the old Nordic practice, before hereditary surnames were introduced. Ulfric grew to be a spitting image of Getta’s father with the same attitude to follow it. That’s probably why they get along so well. Getta turned Ulfric, on his request, into a vampire on his 20th birthday. He is still alive and married with his own seethe in Sweden.
Bjorn Scorpiusson (Son): Bjorn was named after Solveig’s father, following the old Nordic practice, before hereditary surnames were introduced. Getta doesn’t know where Bjon got it from but he is absolutely unpredictable. He was well on his way to become a shadow vampire when Getta stepped in and killed him. Bjon was always Solveig favorite and Getta still mourns the both of them.
Kjersti Getta née Scorpiusdotter (Daughter): Kjersti was named after Solveig’s mother, following the old Nordic practice, before hereditary surnames were introduced. Kjersti was unexpected but wanted. Getta made sure she didn’t follow the same fate as Aleigha and kept her close. She was the 3rd person Getta changed and he doesn’t regret it. She now holds rank in his seethe.
Romantic Connections:
Solveig Pelledotter (Wife): Getta wasn’t in love with Solveig but at the time it was his duty to marry and continue his bloodline. After marriage, they became close friends. If given the chance, Getta was sure they would have eventually fallen in love. Solveig had taken her own life after Getta was changed.
Platonic Connections:
Alva Ebba Getta nee Garbo (Daughter-In-Law): Alva married Getta’s son Ulfric over a thousand years ago. At first he did not approve of her but thought a wedding would be good for overall morale. Over time Getta learned to love her as one of his own. Getta especially likes it when she puts his son in his place.
Geralt Getta (Son-In-Law/Progeny): Geralt was an orphan on the streets Getta fed from. Getta adopted Geralt and he was Getta's first vampiric progeny. Getta sees him more like a brother and best friend than a son, especially after Geralt married his daughter, Kjersti. 
Winona Fili (Progeny): Getta had originally turned Winona into a vampire for his son Bjon. He should have known better because the two hated each other. Frankly, after the way his son reacted Getta knew Winona deserved better. Getta still cannot accept that Winona is gone and is trying his hardest not to fall into a depression. Losing Winona was worse than losing a limb or death itself. Getta still expects her to be there when he turns around or wherever he gets a brilliant idea.  
Aleksander Mazur (Progeny): Getta found Aleksander when Aleksander was at his lowest on the streets of London. Aleksander tried to rob Getta and failed. Instead of killing him or turning him to the authorities, Getta fed him, gave him fresh clothes and offered him a new life as a vampire. They have a well built relationship that is not exactly a father and son type but close enough. 
Raphael Caron (Progeny): Getta saved Raphael's life. Raphael was dying from Leukemia when Getta gave his parents the terms and conditions of vampirism. Their relationship is stronger than ever nearly two centuries later. Getta enjoys Raphael’s creative side and allows him to use him as a test subject.
Fiona ‘Fi’ Marz (Progeny): Getta does not like sharing the story of how he found Fi but she has been with him since she was a 6 years old human. Getta held out on changing her into a vampire until she was mature enough. After living and dealing with Fi for centuries, nearly a millennium, Getta has turned from an overbearing father to a cool understanding brother and to a best friend. Getta can switch to whichever role she needs from him at the time without making it awkward.
Dan Prior (Vampire Son-In-Law): Getta couldn’t hate Dan if he tried nor can he blame Dan for Winona’s death. Dan's first few years were tough on Getta, he was the new master of his seethe, lost his closest companion and progeny, and had a suicidal baby vampire to watch over. Getta feels like Dan and Fili are the only things he has left of Winona. He has been better about separating them from her but something in him always feels like it's snapping when he does.  
Richard Fili (Vampire Grandson): Fili was changed by Winona many years ago. Getta has always been accepting of Fili and even fatherly at times. Getta puts up with Fili’s bullshit, only getting pissed if Fili messes up big time, and he knows that is enough to make Fili grateful and undeniably loyal. Fili seems to be the only one that has taken notice of Getta keeping himself busy and staring off into space since Winona’s death; Fili is worried for him but Getta isn’t ready to talk yet.
Audrey Ann Wallace (Vampire Granddaughter): Audrey was turned into a vampire by Garelt when Kjersti started mourning the loss of ever being a mother. Audrey reminds him a lot of Kjersti and can be mistaken as their biological child.
Petra Chak (Best Friend): Petra and Getta have an unlikely friendship. She had originally come to Chicago to take over Getta’s seethe for her own master but somehow Getta had won her over. Over the years they formed an unbreakable bond and Getta trusts Petra with his life and the lives of their entire seethe. 
Sadie McCoy (Good Friend): Sadie randomly showed up one day… Or at least Getta finally noticed her and was too ashamed to ask anyone who she was or where she came from. Sadie hung out with Winona and by default hung out with Getta. It didn’t take long for him to grow fond of her and to constantly want her around. She became his muse and little soldier girl. She took Winona’s death as hard as Fili, Dan and Getta’s other progeny.  
Morana ‘Ana’ Vickors (Old Friend): Ana was a part of Getta’s seethe before he became the seethe master. She saw the destruction their old seethe master caused and quickly jumped on his support train when he took over. Getta considers her a trusted and loyal friend. Getta is also close to Ana’s husband and daughter. 
Sven (Old Friend): Getta met Sven a few times in Europe and again in the New World. Sven was always a loner and some considered him to be a feared shadow vampire. It took Getta a while but he convinced Sven to join the seethe he was apart nearly 300 years ago. Sven came and went as he pleased but Getta is happy to see that lately Sven has been making a permanent home for himself in Chicago. 
Chiara Ricci (Friend): Getta knew Chiara’s adopted vampiric parents. When he asked them to come teach for them, he was aware that they had changed a woman to be their child but never figured it would be someone with Chiara’s personality. She makes Getta laugh and can retell stories about himself better than he can. 
Hostile Connections:
Nick and Ray Hamelin (Hate): Getta doesn’t hate easily nor does he have a vindictive streak but the Hamelin brothers live to test his restraint. Vampires are not widely liked among the mortal supernaturals and Getta understands that. What Getta doesn’t understand is why the rats are constantly trying to enter the closed section of the Underground or why the rats cannot leave them in peace. After the poisonous gas accident Nick and Ray attacked the Underground killing multiple orphaned and neonate vampires. Getta was tempted to retaliate but put the entire seethe needs ahead of his own. He and Petra have tried to explain that the closed section of the Underground is semi poisonous but their pleads have gone unheard. 
→ History Scorpius Getta was born Göran-Skorpionen Ulfirkson. He changed his name to Scorpius Getta after he was changed into a vampire and a widower. He no longer wanted to associate with his human past and this was especially so after changing all of his biological children to vampires also. Getta travelled the world, finding those he bonded with or those he thought deserved another life and changing them. → The Present Getta plans on expanding the Undergrounds and opening an above ground full service Hotel made especially for vampires. The only thing holding him back are key features and trusted human or supernatural construction workers. The key features are shutters and windows that completely block out the sun which are currently out of reach. Getta has already begun employing witches and warlocks to help, and his dreams seem closer to reality. Getta plans on naming it Hotel Winona. 
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
She's also being annoying on purpose so going to start hitting her this is so stupid they come in here and piss off her son he says it a little says it more they just sit there doing it worse says it all and says you're going to pay for it in moments I really have to do it but man you make it very very easy. And yeah you're kind of stupid now f****** around with me all the time and take all your money stupid assholes. She also went out there with a professional came back and said I had my body back so it's not your body I said oh okay yeah okay when are you guys out there lost his head and the monster attached it so you said that's gross and they said yeah it is. That is some really dumb people around here keep on mincing our words on this telephone now it's about oh it's Tommy casino we can't get the little retarded spoiled bread on so take him out of it dumb take him out of the tunnels. It's our business it's our money.
All that equipment is ours it's a general populace but we are the ones who do work and stuff as you said that's why your weaponry kind of really sucks it's like 70% or worse
For making tons of stuff out of what we take most your tanks are substandard they're going to leave a bunch of them so when we first start doing our work as we do already we run them in first and they get destroyed anything it's Max so you go after Max
Let me sending hours and it's well armor plated and they hardly ever get hit and they look the same and we crush it
Now I'm talking about other stuff here there's a huge business here tons of people want to have concrete houses so they can just close it up the shutters and come back and open the shutters tell everybody else is suffering and put in decent size sump pumps they pump the house out not the basement it's a huge idea and Dan is actually getting a lot of calls and he's building a lot of houses cuz we can't even keep up with the morning but we're building houses everywhere we get about a million calls a day for people with lots and what we say is we can't perform all the work right now that we can drop off precast homes of this size and put an addition on later so they they're buying all these precast tones and they look like the ones that are here your snazzier they look better they're bigger and the rules are steeper but similar in size 1200 ft but it looks like the main part of the house and you can add on to it see a position it so you going to add on to it they can use stick frame too if you want to or seeing you blocked himself or this is a bunch of things I can do but we're pretty intensive probably a hundred an hour and punta Gorda well no the thing a lot punta Gorda huge numbers from people see what she's up to and they still don't do much it's a huge a****** just know any limitations the building about 10 million places here in Florida like an hour we're getting calls we have tons of precast structures huge numbers of them ready huge numbers we can move when making deals all over the place so a lot of them think they can stay here they said you'll suffocate the air will be gone from the house and a couple hours and they said no we do it all the time all the time and you have cracks in it does cracks won't do anything when there's sand all around you 300 ft deep so they start to listen and it's a huge group going out to Utah to actually pick it up fix it up rather than destroy it and we're working right now
We're also in Utah getting ready and we're making sure that things are going to be right man I can't stand that fat ass b**** I'm sitting there sending threats ass for the whole time only a few and him and it's really what you should be doing but not really to us I mean it's kind of stupid cuz we react. As well but boy boy what a bunch of dumb people
Huge amount of stores and restaurants going in as well giant apartments huge huge condos and hotels is a massive massive building this almost nobody that's not building anything it's just a humongous operation we're also building entertainment centers but they're smaller ones just like her son suggested he said they might allow you just to plot them all over the damn place cuz there's nothing to do down here and they are and they're fine they're like Dave and busters and a little bit bigger and there's a horrendous number of them were putting in just a huge amount of them on and on and on and their gigantic numbers okay and hard not kick her at 5150 is still not going ahead nobody wants it in their town and nobody wants to have it around them so wondering why you can't figure it out and we have left about 50% on the table and it's still don't want to do it there's a lot of money and her son says it's too much money and if there's got to be in avenue and it's not sure what it is but Frank Castle Hardcastle was working on it. We also have many events it took three more shadow dome and they're 200s out at sea and one is in the Pacific and two in the Atlantic and the other three will be in this afternoon and he says very good and that's because it is you only have several left but a couple of them are killer size
Thor Freya
We are working diligently and we do have about 50% of what we need in order to start a hard knock kicker 5150 program here in punta Gorda and it is a wonderful program and we do have all the permitting well we don't have is the planning department approval so they proved the plans and the design and the planning department hasn't approved the facility so wondering why and I went in there this is just not our kind of thing to have a motorcycle shop and you already have one he said over there there's a motorcycle shop and it's real this one up in Port Charlotte I said well you know your stuff so it brings in business the Harley-Davidson dealer and the dealership that's near the mall and he said we don't want business no he said that in code and we said that it's a nice way to get around and almost all the sales will be to people here and we have several models put a lot of people have shown interest in and show them who and how many people and what they want them for and secretly want them for so he started to approve it and they said I have to go to the rest of them so he wrote some notes down and we gave him the brochure and highlighted some stuff and he said okay so he's going to go to them today it's a good pick to have me do it
Frank Castle Hardcastle
Yeah I have me do it or Zeus
Duke Nukem
Okay guys we see
0 notes
oaklheart-blog · 6 years
Tochmarc Étaíne - The Wooing of Etain - Passage 1
This was written for use as study material for Thistle Protogrove of Ár nDraíocht Féin, a Druid Fellowship. That isn't to say that it cannot be used for study outside of this group, but please let me know if you are using it. Insight is welcome, discussion is encouraged. Using this well-known story, I hope to help folks become better acquainted with some of the Gods of Irish Religion. The writing in the notes is informal, in hopes of holding the attention of some very distracted readers. You know who you are--I still love you.
There was a famous king of Ireland of the race of the Tuatha De Danann [Tua-dey-Dan-ann], Eochaid Ollathair [OH-hay-d ALLA-hay] his name. He was also named the Dagda [DAG-dha], for it was he that worked wonders for them and controlled the weather and the crops. Wherefore men said he was called The Good God. Elcmar of the Brug [BRU] had a wife whose name was Eithne [En-Ya] and another name for her was Boand [BO-an] . The Dagda desired her in carnal union. The woman would have yielded to the Dagda had it not been for fear of Elcmar [elk-MER] , so great was his power. Thereupon the Dagda sent Elcmar away on a journey to Bres [BUR-as: Beautiful] son of Elatha in Mag nInis [ALE-ah-hah-in-Mag-Nin-ISH] , and the Dagda worked great spells upon Elcmar as he set out, that he might not return betimes (that is, early) and he dispelled the darkness of night for him, and he kept hunger and thirst from him.  He sent him on long errands, so that nine months went by as one day, for he had said that he would return home again between day and night. Meanwhile the Dagda went in upon Elcmar's wife, and she bore him a son, Aengus, and the woman was whole of her sickness when Elcmar returned, and he perceived not her offense, that is, that she had lain with the Dagda.
The Dagda meanwhile brought his son to Midir's [MID-ir] house in Bri Leith in Tethba [BRUH-ley / TEY-buh] , to be fostered. There Aengus was reared for the space of nine years. Midir had a great playing-field in Bri Leith [BRUH-ley]. Thrice fifty lads of the young nobles of Ireland were there and thrice fifty maidens of the land of Ireland [150 boys + 150 girls = 300]. Aengus was the leader of them all, because of Midir's great love for him, and the beauty of his form and the nobility of his people. He was also called Mac Og (the Young Son), for his mother said: "Young is the son who was begotten at the break of day and born betwixt it and evening."
****1: NOTES****
This passage serves several purposes. Not only is it terribly important in Irish mythology to establish the lineage of a God or Goddess, but it is also terribly crucial, especially in earlier literature (of which sort this is) to highlight the parents' merits, abilities, and so on. This foreshadows those of the child, while adding bulk to the narrative in general; and as we know, this was important because they didn't have television, computers, and smart-phones back then. Initially, we see the very typical and oft-mentioned 'praises' to the Dagda for his abilities "for it was he that worked wonders for them and controlled the weather and crops". The next half of this section highlights his other abilities, which include magic and control over nature and time. The Dagda is sometimes referred to as "King of the Sidhe", for it is he who is accredited with building the Sidhe mounds, and who keeps the sacred magic of the Druids. Hence his title as Father of the Druids. These traits are highlighted by the rather potent spell he works on Elcmar. Furthermore, his deception here shows his cunning, a trait that is highlighted in Angus as something of a trickster.
After Angus Og's birth, he is transported by his father to Midir's house in Tethba, who one of his older sons. This section has a few of those ever-present homages to the Druidic fixation with the number three. The first is, of course, the statement of the length of time of the pregnancy and the passage of days. Nine months in a pregnancy, and as we know if you divide nine by three you get, well . . . three. Elcmar is gone for the span of the pregnancy, but experiences time differently thanks to An Dagda's spell, which causes him to perceive nine months as one day. Nine divided by three is three, three divided by three is one. I may be losing some of you. In Irish myths, Gods are often three in one, and I have long assumed these numerical clues to be hints at that theme.
In the next paragraph, we are given more numbers to think on. Again, we have the theme of nine leading back to one, with Angus being reared in the span of nine years. The next reference to the number three is a little more elusive, if you're just reading it at face value, but a sequence of equations leads to an infinite progression of the sacred number three.
"Thrice fifty lads of the young nobles of Ireland were there and thrice fifty maidens of the land of Ireland."
3x50 = 150x2 = 300
300/3 = 100
100/3 = 33.3r
What does the infinite nature of the number three here indicate? Well, the number is in regard to those whom Angus is leader of, perhaps indicating his connection to the eternal and divine. Likely as well is this as a reference to his link with the royalty and kingship of the Tuatha De Dannan. Whatever the case,  it is clear that numbers were hugely important in Irish, considering the nature of Ogam and the Druids' calenders of the phases of the moon and other celestial bodies. Figures such as The Morrigan and The Dagda, who are primordial mother and father archetypes each have a significant link to the triadic theme. The former having 6-9 Goddesses in her conclave, and the latter being referred to as a God of "Druidic sciences", and who is referenced as being of "multi-formed triads". Three is ever-present in Druidic writing, and surrounds the origins and stories of the Gods, seeming to hint at their divine qualities; and Angus the Young is no exception.
Names, phrases, and words in this section:
Tuatha De Danann - Tua-day-Dan-ann - There is some debate on the proper pronunciation and spelling of this phrase, mainly over the usage of "De", or "of". I won't get into that too much here, but wanted to make it apparent, if anyone ever sees it spelled sans "De", not to be alarmed or confused. It means the same thing either way, and that is "The Tribe/People of Danu". Danu being, of course, the ever-present but rarely heard from mother-deity in Irish mythology.
Eochaid Ollathair - OH-hay-d ALLA-hay - This is the Dagda's "true" name, which is handy to know seeing as how he has about a dozen or so monikers, many of which indicating his red nature.The color red is associated with magic and otherworldly forces in Irish mythology. Here, though, his name means "Horseman Allfather".
Dagda - DAG-dha - The Dagda, when translated quite literally and simply, means "The Good God", though there are other translations that have its meaning as "God of All" or "God of the World".
Brugh - BREW - This word refers to a dwelling or a house, though is sometimes translated as "mansion" or "palace". Brughs are where the Aes Sidhe [Ays-Shee] in Irish mythology dwell. An Dagda's Brugh na Boinne - The House at the River Boinne, which brings us to . . .
Boan - BO-an - Also spelled Boinne, the River Boinne is named for her, and in Irish mythology she is the Goddess associated with this body of water. The mother of Angus Og, her name means "White Cow".
Elcmar - ELK-mer - His name means "spiteful/envious one", from the proto-Irish "Ealcmhar". He serves as steward to the Dagda, and is husband to Boan. He is killed by Angus Og, and is clearly an ill-fated character from the start of things.
Bres - BUR-as - Bres the Beautiful appears in several legends, most notably the Silver Hand of Nuadu. Outwardly, he is considered to be the most beautiful and intelligent man in Ireland, but inwardly his heart is small and tarnished, full of ego and selfish vanity. Think the Beast in Beauty and the Beast before he turned all big and gnarly. Bres is made defacto King of the Tuatha De Danann due to Nuada's incapacity as King, and he drives the kingdom into the ground. Eventually, you have the God of Speech doing back-breaking labor and An Dagda being starved near to dying. He ends up being ousted as King, though, and everything is okay.
Elatha in Mag nInis - ALE-ah-hah-in-Mag-Nin-ISH - Often billed simply as Elatha, for reasons that should be quite obvious, though his name isn't as intimidating as it at first appears. He is a prince of the Formorians, considered to be the "bad guys" in several fables, never-minding that Irish mythology doesn't always have traditional concepts of 'good' and 'bad'. Before you go writing off the Fomorians as 'bad guys', bear in mind that one of the greatest heros of Irish oral tradition was half-Fomorian: That is, the shining one, Lugh. Anyways, Elatha is most likely the namesake remnant of a long-forgotten moon deity, as he is said to have visited Eriu [UR-you], the matron Goddess of Ireland, at night by way of a shining, silver boat.
Bri Leith / Tethba - BRUH-ley / TEY-buh -  In this passage, it states that "the Dagda meanwhile brought his son to Midir's house in Bri Leith in Tethba, to be fostered". Bri Leith was a place in Tethba, which was a kingdom, the location of which is still up for question. Most can agree that it encompassed parts of Westmeath and most of County Longford--the North-West of the Province of Leinster. If you don't know what I'm talking about, look at a Map of Ireland and find Dublin. You'll be in roughly the correct region.
*Note on Irish Writing*
"Young is the son who was begotten at the break of day and born betwixt  it and evening."
This is a very round about way of saying that Angus was born in the afternoon. It would seem rather pointless to us, nowadays, to be so particularly wordy about this, but to the Druids it was all about the number of syllables present in their sentences. This, of course, is utterly destroyed when translated to English, but you understand the objective, I hope. These numbers usually referred back to the number three, or were otherwise numbers divisible by three. Some part of this roundabout speech is also a product of the syntax of the old Irish language. You may have found some examples of that in the excerpt so far, such as:
". . . the woman was whole of her sickness when Elcmar returned, and he perceived not her offense, that is, that she had lain with the Dagda."
A modernized version would read:
" . . . she was no longer pregnant when Elcmar came back, and he had no idea that she had lain with the Dagda."
It is important to remember this syntax difference, and the numeric syllable importance whilst reading Irish myths, as it can be very easy to become confused in the esoteric style. Honesty is my way of conveyance, of this subject, I speak not untrue. See, it's easy once you get the hang of it, but until you do it can make your eyes glaze over.
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newstfionline · 3 years
Sunday, April 4, 2021
Grueling Lockdown Has Toronto Businesses at the Breaking Point (Bloomberg) Canada’s financial capital is in a pandemic lockdown that seems to have no end. Restaurants in Toronto were ordered to close their dining rooms in October as a second wave of Covid-19 was beginning to wash over the city. They haven’t been open since. Gyms, nail salons and barber shops have been shut almost as long. The mayor’s hair has grown so thick, it’s become a talking point on Twitter. When spring arrived, there was a glimmer of hope. Restaurants were allowed to set up outdoor patios; hair salons were told they could open on April 12. Those plans were canceled on Thursday when Ontario’s government invoked a four-week “emergency brake” that tightens restrictions again and extends them across the province of 14.7 million people. Business owners are chafing at the interminable restrictions and the slow pace of Canada’s vaccine program. “The mood of the business community has shifted dramatically,” said Dan Kelly, chief executive officer of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, a small-business lobby group. It’s gone from acceptance of necessary measures to “rage” at government, he said.
Fully vaccinated people can travel safely again, CDC says (AP) Add travel to the activities vaccinated Americans can safely enjoy again, according to new U.S. guidance issued Friday. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its guidance to say fully vaccinated people can travel within the U.S. without getting tested for the coronavirus or going into quarantine afterward. People should still wear a mask, socially distance and avoid crowds, the agency says. According to the CDC, more than 100 million people in the U.S.—or about 30% of the population—have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. A person is considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the last required dose.
Driver Rams Into Officers at Capitol, Killing One and Injuring Another (NYT) The band of razor wire-topped fencing around the Capitol had recently come down. The heavy National Guard presence had begun to thin. But on Friday, not quite three months after the deadly Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol, a car came careening midday onto the Capitol grounds, slamming into two Capitol Police officers and leaving one of them dead and the other injured. This time, the source of the violence was not an angry pro-Trump mob, but a lone driver, armed with a knife, who had recently told friends he had left his job and had “afflictions.” After crashing his car and menacing officers, he was shot and killed. Investigators said they did not know a motive, but did not believe it was “terrorism related,” Robert J. Contee, the acting chief of the Washington Metropolitan Police Department, told reporters.
University of California victim of nationwide hack attack (AP) The University of California is warning its students and staff that a ransomware group might have stolen and published their personal data and that of hundreds of other schools, government agencies and companies nationwide. A cybersecurity attack targeted a vulnerability in Accellion, a third-party vendor that is used to securely transfer files, the university said in a statement Wednesday. In an update Friday, the university system said the cyberattack affected about 300 organizations, “including universities, government institutions and private companies.” Ransomware attacks on a massive scale and seeking massive payouts have hit several organizations in recent months.
Ukraine says joint military drills with NATO to begin in a few months (Reuters) Ukraine’s armed forces on Saturday said joint military drills with NATO troops would begin in a few months’ time, a step that could stoke tensions with Moscow which has expressed its opposition to such a move. NATO voiced concern on Thursday over what it said was a big Russian military build-up near eastern Ukraine after Russia warned that a serious escalation in the conflict in Ukraine’s Donbass region could “destroy” Ukraine. The Kremlin on Friday said that any deployment of NATO troops to Ukraine would lead to further tensions near Russia’s borders and force Moscow to take extra measures to ensure its own security. Ukrainian troops have battled Russian-backed separatist forces in the eastern Donbass region in a conflict Kyiv estimates has killed 14,000 people since 2014.
Myanmar death toll mounts amid protests, military crackdown (AP) Security forces in central Myanmar opened fire on anti-coup protesters on Saturday, killing at least two people according to local media. A human rights group said mounting violence since the Feb. 1 military takeover has killed at least 550 civilians. Of those, 46 were children, according to Myanmar’s Assistance Association for Political Prisoners. Some 2,751 people have been detained or sentenced, the group said. Threats of lethal violence and arrests of protesters have failed to suppress daily demonstrations across Myanmar demanding the military step down and reinstate the democratically elected government.
How Beijing silences Chinese voices against oppression of Uyghurs (Los Angeles Times) Five tweets landed Li Lin in shackles. A software engineer, Li had traveled to Xinjiang province in 2018 to visit family for the Lunar New Year. He tweeted about his surprise over the intense security in the northwestern region where a state campaign of mass incarceration and “reeducation” of Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities was underway. All Xinjiang residents had been forced to register their fingerprints, blood samples and eye scans with public security. Most VPN phone apps were unusable. Crescent moons and labels for Muslim halal products had been covered up. Police stations had been set up at every corner. Communist Party officials had been dispatched to spy inside minorities’ homes. “If these policies continue, ethnic tensions will only get worse,” Li wrote. “Such high pressure terror and inconvenience of life makes people crazy. Any bit of complaint or dissatisfaction gets you locked into education classes. Even so, there are still some people who don’t think this policy has any problem at all.” A few days later, plainclothes police showed up at Li’s family’s home. They detained him for six months on charges of “disrupting public order” and “inciting ethnic discrimination and separatism.” They later charged him with “inciting subversion of state sovereignty.” In December 2018, he was sentenced to four years in prison. Li’s case demonstrates how the Chinese government silences discussion about its harsh policies in Xinjiang, even as it claims that all its citizens support them.
North Korea sees mass exodus of foreigners due to Covid-19, Russian Embassy says (CNN) Foreign diplomats and aid workers have fled North Korea en masse in recent months due to shortages of goods and “unprecedented” restrictions on daily life imposed to stop the spread of coronavirus, according to the Russian Embassy in Pyongyang. The embassy said in a statement on its official Facebook page that there are now only 290 expatriates within North Korea, including just nine ambassadors and four charge d’affaires. All foreign personnel working for NGOs and humanitarian organizations have left the country. “Not everyone can withstand the unprecedented severity of total restrictions, the acute shortage of necessary goods, including medicines (and) the lack of opportunities to solve health problems,” the embassy said in the post, which also wished some 38 foreign citizens well after they finished their post-North Korea quarantine in China. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, Russia had one of the biggest diplomatic missions in North Korea, but its presence has dwindled recently. Months of living with strict public health measures and coping with extreme shortages of “necessary goods,” including medicine appear to have taken a toll.
U.S., Iran head to Vienna for indirect nuclear deal talks (Reuters) Iran and the United States said on Friday they would hold indirect talks in Vienna from Tuesday as part of broader negotiations to revive the 2015 nuclear deal between Tehran and global powers. Former U.S. President Donald Trump pulled out of the nuclear pact in 2018 and reimposed sanctions on Iran, prompting it to violate some of the accord’s nuclear restrictions. His successor Joe Biden wants to revive the agreement but Washington and Tehran have been at odds over who should take the first step. “Iran and the U.S. will be in the same town, but not the same room,” a European diplomatic source said. A Western diplomat said a shuttle diplomacy approach would be adopted.
Suez canal ends shipping backlog (Reuters) Suez Canal Authority (SCA) said that all 422 ships stranded by the grounding of the giant container ship Ever Given passed through the canal by Saturday, ending the backlog caused by the blockage.
Pope, at Easter vigil, hopes for post-pandemic rebirth (Reuters) Pope Francis, leading an Easter vigil service scaled down due to COVID-19, said on Saturday he hoped the dark times of the pandemic would end and that people could rediscover “the grace of everyday life”. In his homily, Francis, marking the ninth Easter season of his pontificate, said the festival brought with it the hope for renewal on a personal as well as a global level. “It is always possible to begin anew because there is a new life that God can awaken in us in spite of all our failures,” Francis said. “In these dark months of the pandemic, let us listen to the Risen Lord as he invites us to begin anew and never lose hope.”
0 notes
perfectirishgifts · 3 years
Ikea Cancels Its Catalog, Putting A Road Block On The Customer Journey
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/ikea-cancels-its-catalog-putting-a-road-block-on-the-customer-journey-2/
Ikea Cancels Its Catalog, Putting A Road Block On The Customer Journey
Ikea printed catalogues are seen in this illustration photo taken in Poland on December 8, 2020. … [] Ikea annouced that next year will be the last for publication of a printing catalogue after 70-year run. (Photo by Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
As 2020 draws to a close, every retailer is ready to close the books on this most disruptive of years. Ikea is quite literally closing its books. It is ending the 70-year run of its iconic catalog. The Ikea catalog will be relegated to a museum, where it becomes a nostalgic reminder of days gone by.
On the face of it, Ikea’s decision makes complete sense, as fellow Forbes.com contributor Enrique Dans explains. It takes the company about a year to produce the typical 300-page catalog, which peaked at 200 million copies distributed through its stores and in the mail in 50 markets, 69 different versions and 32 languages.
Ending the catalog will save the company a ton of money and allow the company to funnel all resources into digital where it sees its future lies.
“The decision to say goodbye to the IKEA Catalogue goes hand-in-hand with the ongoing IKEA transformation to become more digital and accessible,” the company said in a statement. “Last year IKEA online retail sales increased by 45% worldwide,” adding that its website logged four-billion visits, while the company has been developing new apps to service its digital customers better.
After years of dragging its feet to become e-commerce enabled, the company is now jumping in head first into its digital future.
Dans applauds it. “IKEA’s decision will likely be copied by companies of all types in all sectors. Think of the savings that could be made, the useful features provided for users, and most importantly, the environmental benefits. It’s time to follow IKEA’s lead and embrace a paperless future,” he writes.
The practicality of the decision is without question, as the company recognized it was making a rational, rather than an emotional decision. But that’s the rub. Consumers make purchase decisions based primarily on emotions; reason takes a back seat.
Because the Ikea catalog is “beloved,” as the company acknowledges, it is breaking an emotional connection with its customers, a vital connection that it is unlikely to be able to replicate digitally.
Power of paper
Reams of data counter the digital-first, digital-only road that Ikea is taking. Good old-fashioned catalogs and direct mail marketing still have power to draw customers to a brand:
59% of consumers enjoy getting mail from brands about new products (Epsilon) and 42% read or scan the direct mail they receive (Data & Marketing Association)
Response rates are high – 9% from house lists and 4.9% for prospect lists (Data & Marketing Association)
60% of people who receive a catalog go to a company’s website after browsing a catalog (United States Postal Service)
Direct mail recipients purchased and spent 28% more than those who didn’t get a piece of direct mail (USPS)
73% of Americans prefer being contacted via direct mail because they can engage with the material on their schedule and they keep advertising mail for on average 17 days (Mailmen), but an Ikea catalog probably hangs around much longer.
Direct mail is opened more than emails – 90% as compared with 20% to 30% of emails – (Data & Marketing Association) and recall is better – a brand is remembered by 75% of direct mail recipients versus 44% for digital ads (Marketing Profs)
The reason why paper in the form of a catalog or direct mail piece is more effective than digital or email advertising all comes down to human psychology and how the brain is wired, what is called neuroscience.
A white paper by MarketReach, entitled “Why Mail Cuts Through,” based on research by Neuro-Insight unravels the secrets. The act of physically holding and reading a piece of mail activates areas of the brain that encode long-term memories 49% more than email and 35% more than social-media advertising.
How emotionally engaging and personally relevant the advertising is also cements a brand in an individual’s memory. Mail was found to be 33% more engaging than email and 35% more engaging than social media advertising when the researchers measured electrical impulses in the brain to different stimuli using Steady State Topography (SST).
And when a person receives a mailed message from a brand, it reinforces digital and other advertising so that people pay more attention to all of it. Mail primes the pump so that memory encoding for social-media advertising is 44% higher after seeing mail first and it results in people spending 30% longer looking at a social-media ad.
Furnishing the brain’s ‘Brand Room’
Interestingly, the researchers describe the neural network of brand associations in our minds as a Brand Room.
“Brand communication can play one of two roles in relation to the Brand Room,” they write. “The first is to help furnish or decorate the room, by adding or changing associations. However, no matter how well decorated they are, Brand Rooms tend to sit in darkness most of the time. It’s only when something flicks a metaphorical light switch that the associations and sentiments within the room have any impact.”
Ikea’s catalog has held a treasured place in its customers’ Brand Room. By canceling its catalog, it has turned off the Ikea light switch in people’s brains.
“Mail can have a powerful affect on furnishing the Brand Room and switching on the light. Brain response shows that mail impacts strongly on long-term memory encoding and engagement. In this way, mail can also build brand equity,” they write, adding that further research shows mail, like an Ikea catalog, is put somewhere visible in the home as a reminder to act and 64% of consumers often take a mailed piece with them to act upon.
Forcing customers to follow Ikea’s preferred path to purchase
Direct-mail expert Matthew Whipple, vice president at Speedeon Data, can’t figure the rationale behind Ikea’s decision other than to speculate it is ignoring the “incrementality” of the catalog and how it reinforces and supports its digital and retail channels in the customer journey.
“People look at the efficiency of paid search, digital ads and Facebook retargeting versus the high direct-mail cost of acquisition and conclude direct mail doesn’t work and digital is really rocking,” he quips.
“But direct mail is really driving the entire funnel process. It is at the upper-end of the funnel and if it does nothing more than help you collect an email address so you can start retargeting when the customer is ready to engage, direct mail did its job,” he continues.
Whipple goes on to explain how this penny-wise, pound-foolish thinking led a company to cut catalog spending, only to leave the company’s sales flagging down the road.
“Just because people weren’t using the coupon in the book to place orders, the company decided its catalog was underperforming and ended it,” he shares. “Then year-after-year, the financials started to drop and nobody could figure out why. They completely overlooked the impact the catalog had across channels.”
People dream in analog, not digital
Planning and decorating a home is a highly tactile, sensual experience. In other words, it functions in an analog world. Ikea, which should know better, is trying to force its customers to do it digitally.
While digital may work at the transactional level and be convenient for the company, Ikea is forcing its customers to follow a path that is fundamentally incompatible with Ikea’s mission: To create a better everyday life for people.
Digital technology can help Ikea fulfill that mission, but the everyday life people live is in the real world, where touch, sound, scent, feelings and emotions rule.
Clearly many brands are following the same digital-first, digital-only path as Ikea, since the younger customers it targets are considered the first digital generation. But while Millennials are digital-natives, they are humans too, and there is now way to bypass that reality.
“Thirty-percent of Millennials said direct mail is more effective at getting them to take action compared to 24% for email,” Whipple says, citing a study by DMN. “This group may seem like a digital-first generation, but they appreciate and respond to direct mail marketing.”
In five or ten years, Ikea may be wondering why the lights aren’t shining so brightly in its stores or online. It will have no one to blame but itself.
From Retail in Perfectirishgifts
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
We have three or four people who are out of control in the neighborhood and we do see them they sound like John and act like John and our poisoned with something as well as being nincompoops and they need to leave John did not come down Trump is who he is and he's still a maniac. Oddly enough the three or four people are his kin Offspring or cloned I need to leave Dan is one of them he is a complete spazz all night long truly can't hear anything through the wall but he's sitting there hissing all night long because he's stupid Is one reason. We hit him quite a few times and he hissed louder knocked him out a bunch of times and it doesn't understand if he hisses does that he's dead she'll be eating his brain one day and PC we had to eat a chunk of his brain and he completely lost it so he had to meet a whole bunch of chunks so shut up that's what we do to people like him
Last night was a great night otherwise we had a success and that the UK was cleared of everybody over and over about 10 times and they lost about 5 billion trillion people each time which means 50 billion trillion which is a significant number we got everything out of there and needed to as the Intel is valuable everything our son has told us as far as true about these people he's in a horrible position and they won't listen to anything we need to kill people as opposed to talk to them you should see it on video you'll understand why.
Also a great night in Boston there are 50 billion trillion people an hour dead there due to their in-fight. Totally about 1 trillion trillion dead trying to seek Ernie or Obama or both from the museum. 90% of those dead in the Boston area are morlock 100% of those days were fed to the local Caju. Which Shall be up shortly.
Another great night was had in the ghwb area almost 100 billion trillion an hour died there in massive droves of people huge huge bunkers removed all over the world and crushed recycled from these events. Today is Willy Wonka and a couple other movies stir crazy was before it and it's the Great escape is after it and after the Great escape the return to the Tucson Houston area and it's one more movie and then trying orghwv and it's up through the Midwest tomorrow well today during the day
That's terrific night was had all along the blockade huge ships Departed and join the blockade almost immediately after tons of ships Departed to destroy it and they will loaded to the hilt with special it was a surprise attack because they waited until they got to the line all of them unloaded at the same time I said all at once we're tired of your Superior attitude and then being unsubstantiated a different languages all at the same time blast them to Oblivion the blockade is gone the ships are turned home and they started shipping things to each other again. Meanwhile Max continue to try and build more ships and they continue to build the four and 500s which can hold the blockade themselves for a while the same time to do eventually within the next few days.
And the forgieners are prepping. Buses at the blockade or about 300 billion trillion by Max and 200 billion trillion by fours it was still a massive battle
There's another battle that was waging the whole time it's in the cities over the ships and it was huge huger about 300 billion trillion died in each City area of size and they're about 300 of those it's a big number and it's almost too big our senses because I can't figure out where all those people come from each city has about 1 trillion trillion people in it so 1/3 of them died last night in the cities and we're talking about the city area to the Oscars then pass the Oscars and all the way to the suburbs including some of the suburbs all gone and dead fighting to go over the ships below
Huge huge huge losses in the cities and giant areas where left empty evacuated as well because the Satan has left for the city giant giant suburbs or vacated really fast practically everybody in those areas are taken and held by us
In this area we took in tons and tons of you Satanist pulled you in and didn't let you know we have huge numbers in prisoners from here about 200 million wouldn't have you came from the bunkers and the other half top side making noise all night long to one person how wonderful so instead of stopping you which is ridiculous we probably would give me a sense anymore to do anything with you or for you since we just end up killing you with the end of the day I'll keep you around all the day long doesn't make any sense so we're going to go after you start your planning your orders or your blabbing. There's a few other things about around here we're pulling tons of stuff out because you screaming at us and insist. You took so many things out of here last night I put a warning out that you have too many things here and he's just something that's over inflating you your ego is way out there and walking like one mile an hour staring at the ground as you go wondering when your rib is going to fall out of your body from just being here with nothing on it what are you challenged into a fight got in the wave of his bicycle on purpose cuz he was making fun of retired people he almost stopped and turned around just because he's been insulted so many times the guy saw him gulped and the old man died of a heart attack and yes standing up no you had a heart attack and some kept going and fell over dead people saw it too saw himlook back and wondered what he was doing. We killed the old man because when you're doing that you're trying to harm our son and threatening Us and him.
Tons of enraged huge epiteths and yells from old piece of crap so were going to kill them all. Kind of nincompoop gets the way of a bike to say that especially his son she doesn't really look for fights and stuff you people at pieces of s*** I going to kill you all cuz they're arguing it.
We have several things to do here we need bunkers I need them fast and we need them now we need the two kaiju you out to form two huge ones and we need the case you are the Okeechobee. It's changes the ones in the lake should up by now but we're feeding other stuff with it and it's true there's a whole bunch of little ones that came out, and if multiple different flavors and they were above them no but they were on the sides and they were just immediately adjacent to a whole bunch giant pocket of them that's all mostly camera and camera it's just a ton of them and eggs as they are dotted all over yes some of them are they well she buried them everywhere. Everybody's laughing except DJ he said it's all on it was a turtle so PGA checks and imagination hit by a car and then we'll start laughing they saw steff dancing. Hera says. But the camera and camera should be up hopefully today or tomorrow at this rate will be up today it's a huge number of people going there and they want to see these eggs and they want to see these Ninja turtles that are at the circles so they're going to those circles which is trying people to the lake.
Thomas trying to clear the lake. He can't seem to do it
Thor Freya
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thewidowstanton · 6 years
Rhiannon Cave-Walker, hand balancer and hand-to-hand artist: Fauna Circus
Australian Rhiannon Cave-Walker started circus training when she was four in Byron Bay – "a magical part of the world" – with Spaghetti Circus. She trained at DOCH in Stockholm, with her husband, Daniel Cave-Walker, and the other members of Fauna Circus: Imogen Huzel, Enni-Maria Lymi and Matt Pasquet. Musician Geordie Little completes the line-up.
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Rhi has been a member of Australian circus company Gravity & Other Myths, and has performed with Dan and Geordie in their own show Cadence. As she prepares for a new run of Circus Fauna’s acclaimed debut show, Fauna, she chats to Adrian Arratoon. 
The Widow Stanton: First off, are you any relation to Nick Cave? Rhiannon Cave-Walker: No… I wish. [Laughs]
How did you start training when you were so young? I was very lucky to have Spaghetti Circus, such an amazing youth circus, in my area from such a young age. I was a very energetic kid. My parents were both artists – my mum a dancer and my dad a musician – so they were very enthusiastic about pushing me into the arts and being active. I started at Spaghetti Circus just as my after-school activity, and continued for up to four times a week until I was 18. I grew up in such a progressive and amazingly arts-supportive community; Spaghetti Circus was not only a great outlet for physicality but it was lovely to be able to be part of such a community and develop stuff from such a young age. It was the family vibe there that taught me a lot; it was just a bonus that I was able to do some flips. There was no competitive level to it; only your own personal competitive desire to get better for yourself. It sounds like a nurturing environment… Without doubt, it was amazing. All the kids that I grew up with are like my brothers and sisters, and Leonie Mills, who’s the founder/owner, is easily my second mum. Then I would have my amazing home to come back to, so it was this pretty loving childhood [laughs]. That's the beauty of youth circus; you are pushed to be creative as well as physical, and find your thing. I did so many forms of dancing when I was a kid, ballet included. I loved that discipline, and thrived on that, but it was more a way of finding a place to go, ‘Hi, I'm Rhi. Look at me!’. [Laughs]
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Were you always set on doing circus professionally? I always knew I wanted to be a performer or in the performing arts. There was a turning point when I was 14 or so when I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to do dance or circus, because I could have gone down the professional dancing path; it was always those two things. Now as an adult there are other avenues I’d like to go down as well as circus. But as a kid it was always, 'Be on stage. Try to be the centre of attention!'. [Laughs].
In your biog you say you were exposed to circus at a professional level in Europe. In what way? When I was 18 I came with Spaghetti Circus on a tour of Europe. We visited a lot of youth circuses, such as Albert & Friends in London, and went to the International Youth Circus Festival there, then came down to Bristol and worked with Invisible Circus, and went over to mainland Europe as well. Even though in the main these were just youth circuses it was a completely different environment to what I’d grown up with. Just being exposed to different circuses, environments and people was amazing.
Then, after I’d left Spaghetti, it was more the professional culture of the training facilities and the schools that was just so inspiring for me. I was like, ‘Wow, you can push your body and push your level and your professionalism to the next level’, which was really inspiring. It was finding out about the circus universities in Europe that was the most inspiring thing.
Then you went to DOCH. How was it there? Next-level awesome, yet very gruelling. The hardest part was the fact that it was in Sweden, which is just a completely different culture and climate to Australia. I did get used to the cold after a while but it was more the darkness that took some getting used to. I love going out in the sun; it gives me a lot of energy, and when you’ve only got two-and-a-half, three hours of sun each day, and that's in the middle of the day when you’re training, and it's minus 27 outside and you don’t particularly want to go outside…! It's like a life of indoors for four months.  That was very challenging.
But I really loved the intense training – from eight in the morning to half past ten at night – and we'd be exposed to so many different dance choreographers, and be pushed to perform a lot and create a lot. For me at least it was a really great place to develop my personal circus flavour.
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What made you choose hand-balancing and hand to hand? I tried absolutely everything as a kid. I'm short – 4ft 11ins – so flying and doing hand to hand, even as kid, being so short, I was obviously put at the top of all the pyramids. So I was exposed to being thrown around from such a young age, and I loved that. And handstands are just something that sort of came to me. I started doing them when I was 16, 17, not super-seriously. It wasn’t until I auditioned for DOCH that I started training really intensely. And I trained in handstands because I didn’t have a base. Then I met Dan just before we went to DOCH, but he was already in a hand-to-hand duo, he was flying, on a bigger base; Ben Smith, who's the musician in Svalbard Company. It wasn’t until Gravity & Other Myths asked Dan and me to join that I really started to experience how much fun it is to fly and be thrown around, and use my handstand knowledge but to do that on someone.
How different is doing hand-to-hand with Dan compared with another partner? You always have to adapt yourself to different partners. I try to keep the same technique so I'm not changing too much in my body. But it's always about the trust and relationship between each person, and I have to say, the major difference between me training with someone else and with Dan is the connection and the trust we have with one another. We have a very special connection on and off stage in terms of training, and supporting each other, as well as our artistic kind of creative outlet.
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What was Cadence? That was a show we did for just a few performances at the Adelaide Fringe. Dan and I met Geordie when we were street performing in Edinburgh. We just clicked, and did a few creations to his music when we were back at DOCH. And we all had in the back of our minds that we should create something. He was living in Berlin but there was this moment when we were all in Australia at the same time before the Adelaide Fringe. There were two other musicians too, and we decided to spent two weeks creating something. It was a really amazing organic kind of collaboration that we performed maybe eight times or something there. We won some awards and then it was like, ‘Cool, that was satisfying’.
How long were you and Dan in Gravity for? Just over two years, 300 shows; it was a lot. We actually left DOCH halfway through our third and final year to be a part of that company, because they were kind of at a turning point where they were deciding whether they all wanted to commit to becoming a professional company or move on to different projects. And their producer, which is now ours, Aurora Nova, said they needed to make the show a bit bigger and longer, so they asked Dan and me to join to develop and create a bigger show, and help step up the level of tricks. So we dropped out of school and pursued that, which was a really massive decision, obviously, but it felt like the right decision. All you do in your final six months of school is create an act to then sell yourself and we were like, ‘Done! Great! That went swimmingly!’.
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For such a new company, Fauna has done really well… Yeah, surprisingly. It’s just been fantastic. It obviously helps to have a strong group of really lovely humans, and we're all really close friends. We've all trained and nurtured our circus passion and values from the same place, at DOCH. It’s lucky that we all have the same kind of drive and the same vision in what we want to create. And individually, we've all worked with bigger companies or gone off and done our own stuff. So individually, each person had quite a good reputation already in our industry. Then opportunities just seemed to come and I wasn’t afraid to ask people for help. The ball just kept rolling and still is. We're travelling a lot this year, going to places in South America and all through Europe and a bit in England, which is so great.
We are really lucky that we have a really beautiful relationship with both our producers [Follow the Rabbit is the second] and other industry people in the UK. Having nurtured those kinds of relationships means everything seems to have come together really organically; we haven’t tried to push anything, we’ve just been really appreciative of the things we have got.
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Do you intend Fauna to be a long-term company? Well, at the moment we're all just loving what we have and are in the moment of just, 'Wow, look at what's happening with all this’. And we're all dedicated to making our own art, and the fact that we've created a platform for all six of us to create our own art is a massive plus. So the answer is yes, we do. At the moment we want to push this show, Fauna, as much as possible definitely for the next two years, then after that we will all question, we don’t want to let a show fizzle out and get so we get sick of performing it. We're all very proactive in terms of creating new stuff, so I definitely think there'll be another creation. Whether it’s all of us in it or not, maybe we'll make a couple of different creations under the umbrella of the company, but that’s yet to come.
What's been the highlight of your career so far? [Long pause] That's… very hard. The actual touring and the places I’ve been able to go; I’ve been able to perform in Zimbabwe and with Gravity we took Simple Space over to the circus festival in Montreal. Being immersed in really amazing environments has definitely been such a highlight. But I actually think the real highlight has been the satisfaction in creating my own show and our own show; knowing that some really passionate and amazing people have created a piece of art and a company that I love.
Rhiannon will be performing in Fauna at: Amsterdam’s Koninklijk Theater Carré from 19-21 April 2018 (for tickets click here); London’s Wandsworth Arts Fringe on 12 May (for tickets click here); and Theatre Royal Brighton from 16-19 May as part of the Brighton Festival (for tickets click here); and then touring. Fauna Circus website; Rhiannon on Facebook
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Read our interview with Fauna Circus’s Imogen Huzel here
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creeklock7 · 4 years
When To Use A Probate Lawyer Or Professional
Making Wills Easier And Also More Affordable With Do
If You Don'T Want To Use A Lawyer
Indicator Your Will Before Witnesses.
To Determine That Will Look After Your Minor Children
Secret Papers To Have Alongside Your Last Will As Well As Testimony.
When Should You Get Lawful Suggestions To Draft Your Will?
Making Older Individuals'S Voices Heard.
Complete An Inheritance Tax Kind.
Making Use Of A Solicitor To Create Your Will
If You Don'T Intend To Utilize A Lawyer
If you make use of a will writing service they will often store it for you for an extra fee. The majority of solicitors will additionally save a will they didn't write, but there will probably be a cost. If a lawyer creates your will, they will typically store the initial absolutely free and also give you a copy-- yet inquire to see to it. As soon as you've made your choice concerning just how to transfer your will for safekeeping, it's important to make certain that your executors understand where it is and just how to get it.
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They would usually need to persuade the court that you have failed to make sufficient stipulations for their appropriate upkeep, education or advancement in life. Unless you have a current binding election, picking the recipients might depend on the discretion of the trustee of your fund. Financial plans made in your life time, such as financial obligations, do not die with you-- they have to be honoured by your estate.
What's better than a will?
Unlike a will, a living trust passes property outside of probate court. There are no court or attorney fees after the trust is established. Your property can be passed immediately and directly to your named beneficiaries. Trusts tend to be more expensive than wills to create and maintain.
Come to be a participant and also fund our advice and assistance for all Australian consumers. It's not the best point to consider, however it's good to be prepared. By not planning for the most awful, you may trigger delay as well as expense for your family at a currently emotional time.
We can not reply, so if you require help with a problem figure out how you can obtain guidance from us. If you reject your inheritance, known as disclaiming it, there are unique guidelines regarding that can acquire. If there are no enduring family members that can acquire under the policies of intestacy, the estate passes to the Crown.
What should be included in a last will and testament?
When writing a will, you might note who should take care of your animals after you die, and what money they'll use to do so. Your last will and testament form can also include your wishes regarding funeral arrangements, too. Do you have a preference on where your funeral should be held?
Indicator Your Will In Front Of Witnesses.
Your partner has no status under regulation-- if you die they may not obtain the house and even the kids-- also if you've been with each other 37 years and have 6 kids. Equally if you are married however have kids from a previous marriage-- they may obtain much less than you anticipate. The donation requested-- is ₤ 95 (₤ 150 for pairs) which you can make online prior to your appointment, however do print out the receipt and also take with you to the solicitors to show you have actually made it.
To Identify Who Will Look After Your Minor Kid
Secret Papers To Have Together With Your Last Will As Well As Testimony.
The theme you make use of must give you instructions on exactly how to do this properly. Thoroughly examine your spelling-- be added careful with the spelling of individuals's names. If you make any type of mistakes which create troubles when your will reads, there will not be any legal return in any way. You can get a will theme or will pack from stationery shops as well as online solutions-- they generally set you back ₤ 10 to ₤ 30.
Dan got the various other 50%, which wasn't sufficient for Dan to ensure the continued survival of the business. After the death of Dan's father, the ownership of business passed on to his mommy Rub. Then, Pat found companionship with Frank, an old family members buddy. Also if you disinherit prompt relative or dependants, they may still be able to dispute your will.
When Should You Obtain Lawful Advice To Prepare Your Will?
Can executor cheat beneficiaries?
But an executor's authority isn't endless. If you've been named an executor, a couple basic rules of thumb are that you can't do anything that disregards the provisions in the will, and you can't act against the interests of any of the beneficiaries.
We'll damage them down so you can make a notified choice and produce one that's right for you. And it doesn't have to be an excruciating experience-- or a costly one, either. Ruin any type of old wills-- if you already have a will, make certain you ruin the old one and also see to it the brand-new one plainly states that it revokes the old one.
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If you can't afford it, you can offer much less, do not video game it though as it is a fundraiser. Following month, November, is Will Aid, which is bigger, open to any ages, as well as is throughout the UK, including Scotland. The site lets you chose a lawyer to call and book a visit with, though do tell it you're calling as component of the Will Aid plan. Right here solicitors provide their time in the hope you'll make a contribution there and then to one of 9 charities they sustain consisting of Activity Help, NSPCC and the British Red Cross. It's hoped you will in return for using the plan, however you're under no responsibility.
Always ensure that your will can be accessed without probate. If anything takes place to your will, or if your administrator does not understand where to discover it, you could as well not have actually composed one. You require to make a decision exactly how to care for your will, then allow your executor know where it is.
So it's a great idea to use a template that has the basic sections and legal terms currently included. As long as it was appropriately signed and observed by two adult independent witnesses who exist at the time you sign your will, it ought to be legally binding. Themes for Do It Yourself wills are affordable and very easy to find-- you can get them on the internet or from stationery shops. You can keep your will with your other papers, in a secure, or anywhere else you like-- just ensure your executor knows where it is.
What does a simple will cost?
The average cost of a simple will is about $300 to $1,000 in the US for 2020 according to multiple trusted sources. According to Nolo, “It's very common for a lawyer to charge a flat fee to write a will and other basic estate planning documents. The low end for a simple lawyer-drafted will is around $300.
When a person dies without leaving a valid will, their home must be shared out according to specific guidelines. A person who dies without leaving a will is called an intestate individual. If you're still puzzled about what to place in your will, speak to a well-informed estate planning lawyer in your location. You might be literally passing away to unload a cache of illicit medicines or to have your family members refute a structure in honor of your fatality, yet the regulation frowns upon wills containing those type of illegal demands. Life insurance as well as retirement require you to mark a recipient of the plan upon your fatality.
Pairs may likewise have joint bank or building culture accounts. If one dies, the other partner will automatically acquire the entire of the cash. If the companions were helpful joint lessees at the time of the fatality, when the very first partner dies, the enduring partner will immediately acquire the other companion's share of the building. Nevertheless, if the partners are occupants in common, the surviving partner does not immediately acquire the various other individual's share. the entire of the estate with passion from the day of fatality.
Many charities count on gifts in Wills to continue their job-- from discovering treatments for cancer cells as well as illness, to looking after animals and at risk people. If there's a cause you appreciate then it's a good chance to consider leaving a gift in your Will. Thus, supplying free Wills for 2 months of the year is a terrific way to get more people aboard with the idea of requiring Wills, and in the lasting, it's hoped that these individuals will share this info with others. nd an overall of 5.4 million individuals have no concept just how to even go about getting one. With this in mind, a lot needs to be done to raise recognition concerning Will writing to avoid the type of concerns that can develop when somebody does not have a Will in place.
We wish to assist even more individuals create their Will online so we have actually partnered with Bestowed to offer you complimentary online Will writing. Free Wills Month is funded by charities that take part in the scheme. Throughout March and October yearly, if you're aged 55 or over you can get in touch with the lawyers participating as well as request an appointment.
Obtaining a Lasting Power of Lawyer currently while you have the mental capacity, where you choose a relied on buddy or about care for your events, will prevent disorderly scenarios later on down the line. You can select for it only to find right into impact when you're no more qualified. If you're not prepared, as well as your family have to organize your affairs, they will need to put on take control of via the Court of Defense. Besides if you die after that you're gone, yet if you shed your professors with claim a stroke or dementia, do not presume family members can stroll into the bank and also accessibility your money-- not even if it's simply to spend for your treatment. This is a lot more important if you cope with your partner but aren't married or in a civil partnership.
When you die, the assets related to your life insurance policy or retirement fund will instantly move to the intended beneficiary, so they can not be distributed by your will. Pretty much the defining attribute of a joint occupancy is the right of survivorship, meaning that when you or the various other joint occupant dies, the survivor automatically has the building completely. So placing your passion in a joint occupancy in your will is useless, as when you die, that passion goes away. If you died today, you would likely leave a sizeable quantity of "home" in your digital estate. This consists of iTunes acquisitions, eBooks, and things in various other cloud-based online accounts.
By comparison, a trust fund can be used to start distributing residential property before fatality, at fatality, or after that.
As an example, a will allows you to call a guardian for youngsters and to specify funeral arrangements, while a count on does not.
A will is a file that directs that will receive your property at your death as well as it designates a lawful representative to perform your wishes.
A water resistant as well as fire resistant risk-free in your house is a great option.
Your lawyer can inform you exactly how ideal to make use of a will and a rely on your estate plan.
try here in between a will and a trust is that a will goes into impact only after you die, while a depend on takes effect as soon as you create it.
If you put the will in a bank secure down payment box that just you can enter into, your family might need to seek a court order to access.
On the other hand, a trust fund can be used to plan for impairment or to supply savings on tax obligations.
A court of probate generally needs your original will prior to it can refine your estate, so it is necessary to maintain the document secure yet easily accessible.
Youngsters of the intestate individual will inherit if there is no making it through married or civil partner. If there is an enduring companion, they will inherit just if the estate is worth more than a certain amount. If Tom had had the flat in his name alone, his estate would certainly have been worth ₤ 350,000. It would certainly be shared out according to the policies of intestacy, that is, Heather would certainly get the first ₤ 270,000. Heather would certainly get ₤ 40,000 and Selma would certainly obtain the continuing to be ₤ 40,000.
What Is Probate?
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The Treasury Lawyer is then responsible for taking care of the estate. The Crown can make gives from the estate however does not need to accept them. Nonetheless, even if you can't acquire under the rules of intestacy, you may have the ability to apply to court for financial arrangement from the estate.
How long after death is a will read UK?
In general, it takes around 9-12 months for the deceased's affairs to be settled and the estate distributed to its beneficiaries in accordance with the Will. It is not the person with whom matters of the estate are discussed as these duties fall to the Executor of the Will.
Maybe Learn about wills Surrey is leaving enough that would cover the lawyers' charges usually-- typically ₤ 100 - ₤ 150 though of course extra is fine. There's a range of charities to choose from including British Heart Structure, British Legion, Mencap, Overview Dogs and also Diabetes UK. This is a charity-backed system as well as charities pay for the lawyers' time, so be prepared for your lawyer to ask you to consider making a legacy to a charity in your will. October is Free Wills month where if you're over 55 (or if you're a couple among you is) after that solicitors in over 40 places in England, Wales and also Northern Ireland will prepare a will for you free of charge. Enter your postcode on the Free Wills Month websiteand phone call to book a visit with among the lawyers that are taking part nearby.
Are online wills legal UK?
In order for a Will to be legally valid in England and Wales, you must sign your Will in the presence of two witnesses, and your witnesses must witness (sign) your Will in your presence; and this cannot be done online. You'll always need a physical document to be signed and witnessed.
Andrew Simpson, principal and head of Maurice Blackburn's National Wills and also Estate Method. He was awarded a Churchill Fellowship as well as checked out Canada, the US and the UK to take a look at global methods to estate preparation and senior legislation. Ensuring your enjoyed ones are offered is much also important to delegate possibility, as well as the effects can be devastating if you obtain it wrong.
Having a will and other estate plans are essential to guaranteeing your properties pass on to their desired receivers when you pass on. We at CHOICE acknowledge the Gadigal people, the typical custodians of this arrive at which we function, as well as pay our respects to the Initial Nations people of this nation. SELECTION supports the Initial Nations individuals's Uluru Statement from the Heart. 3 years later on, when Pat died without a will, NSW intestacy regulations controlled that benefited from her estate. As Pat's de-facto, Frank acquired the very first $485,322 of the estate, all of Rub's individual effects and also 50% of the equilibrium of the estate.
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Also if you do have a will, chances are it might not depend on date. If you've married or divorced, had a baby, or one of your beneficiaries has actually died, part or every one of your will may no more even stand.
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theliberaltony · 7 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
When Dave Rossi visited Breckenridge, Colorado, in the summer of 2001, he intended to stay for a season and then return to California. But Summit County’s mountain lifestyle lured him into staying. He set up his own design and marketing business and built a life full of mountain biking, hiking, skiing and other outdoor pursuits. As a self-employed business owner, the fit 51-year-old buys his own health insurance on Colorado’s insurance exchange. “My joke is that it’s my very expensive flu shot,” Rossi said. Typically, a flu shot is all the medical attention he needs in a given year.
That flu shot has only gotten more expensive. Despite his good health and scant use of health care services, Rossi’s insurance premiums have skyrocketed. In 2016, he paid $294.39 for an individual ACA plan with a $5,000 deductible. For 2018, Rossi is facing a monthly premium of $753 for a silver plan that has a $4,500 deductible. He’s not alone: Insurance premiums for ACA plans in Summit County rose an average of 32 percent for 2018 over the previous year.
Rossi is butting up against what some in Colorado call the “Summit County paradox.” The county has the nation’s lowest mortality rate but also some of the most expensive health insurance premiums in the marketplaces created by the Affordable Care Act. And it’s not just Summit. The No. 2 and 3 counties on the list of lowest mortality — Pitkin and Eagle counties (home to Aspen and Vail, respectively) — are also Colorado mountain communities with some of the nation’s highest health insurance premiums for people buying their insurance on an ACA exchange, despite having some of the state’s (and the nation’s) best health outcomes, with low rates of smoking and obesity.1 The 2018 unsubsidized lowest-cost bronze premium for a 40-year-old in Summit, Eagle and Pitkin counties is above the 95th percentile relative to the rest of the country, said Amy Jeter, a communications officer at the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation.
Insurance premiums are rising across the nation, and the blame is sometimes put on the high cost of insuring sick people. But the situation in Summit County suggests that simply getting people healthier isn’t enough to lower insurance costs. As we remain mired in a seemingly endless health care debate, there’s a lesson there for the rest of the country, too.
Rossi said that Obamacare’s increases are unsustainable for him because he can’t pass on those skyrocketing costs to his customers. Also, he earns too much income to qualify for subsidies that keep insurance more affordable.2 Health insurance premiums are rising so steeply that he has started wondering whether he should quit his business and look for a job that would offer insurance. “It’s a conversation I’ve been having with a bunch of friends and colleagues over the past couple of weeks,” Rossi said. “What are we going to do?”
Health care premiums are generally higher in places that have only one insurance carrier. But that’s not the case in Summit County, which has three insurance providers and 37 plans available on the 2018 exchange. “It’s something we’re scratching our head about,” Summit County Commissioner Dan Gibbs said. “It’s a crisis situation for many working families who can’t afford health insurance now.”
Colorado legislators know that something has gone wrong in the mountains — their outraged constituents have let them know as much — and as one of the states that created its own ACA health insurance exchange, Colorado has been very hands-on in managing the program. In 2014, the legislature sought to unravel the state’s health care cost conundrums by convening the Colorado Commission on Affordable Health Care. The committee found two major factors contributing to high costs in mountain communities using the ACA marketplace: a steeper cost to deliver care and a higher use of that care.
The cost of medical services was about 32 percent higher overall in the insurance region that includes the mountain resorts than it was in Denver, and for some things, it was much higher. Outpatient mental health services, for example, were 260 percent higher than those in Denver.
“It isn’t because the providers in these communities are making a fortune. It’s that the cost to run a hospital or medical practice in these areas is higher in those communities than in a place like Denver,” said Bill Lindsay, who chaired the commission. The high cost of living in places like Breckenridge, Vail and Aspen makes the problem worse because rents are more expensive and employees command higher wages.
The rural, isolated nature of these mountain communities also spikes the prices. Hospitals face high overhead costs to provide things like personnel, emergency facilities, expensive equipment and specialists. “In an urban setting, those costs can be spread over a large number of patients,” said Jonathan Mathieu, chief economist at the nonprofit Center for Improving Value in Health Care. In rural areas, these costs are spread over a smaller patient population. Hospitals in mountain resort areas also face the costs of “surge capacity” — preparing for an influx of population during the tourist season, said Chris Tholen, vice president of financial policy for the Colorado Hospital Association. “When ski season is in effect, hospitals have to open wings to care for winter ski injuries, but then we see those same wings closed for other months of the year,” said Tholen, who also served on the cost commission.
Rural areas across the country also have fewer providers and facilities like hospitals and imaging centers, and that lack of competition puts hospitals and providers in the catbird seat, Mathieu said. “You either deal with those suppliers, or as a payer, you’re not able to provide your customers those services. I think that’s a big part of this story.” When there’s only one hospital serving the county, insurance companies have more limited negotiating power. “There’s a snowball effect where it all adds up to higher cost of care,” Mathieu said.
But the cost of medical services isn’t the entire story. “When we dug into the details, we found that in the mountains, although you have a relatively young, healthy population, the utilization of certain services was 200 to 300 percent higher than for the same services in Denver,” Lindsay said, referring to advanced imaging and laboratory and pathology services.
The extra use of the health care system isn’t because all these mountain types are getting into bike wrecks or ski accidents that send them to the hospital for orthopedic injuries. Instead, Lindsay said, it’s about how many services people in mountain communities use — things like medical tests and advanced imaging like MRIs. Patients in Summit County’s insurance rating region use advanced imaging procedures at about three and a half times the rate that people in Denver do, and they’re not just using these imaging procedures to scrutinize broken bones or achy tendons but across the board, for things like cancer, too.
The commission couldn’t figure out why people in mountain communities get more advanced imaging services than people in urban areas like Denver, but it ultimately comes down to doctors. “It’s physicians who write the prescription,” Lindsay said. “The question is, why would the physicians be basically overprescribing? That’s a really important question, and I don’t know the the answer. But we need to figure out what the dickens is going on.” Why are such healthy people using so much care?
It could be that doctors in these regions were simply trained to do more testing. Edmond Toy, director of the Colorado Health Institute, said if that’s the case, “what you really need to do is have the physicians get the data in front of them and let them understand why this doctor tends to do more of this kind of procedure than the other and what they can learn from that.”
A less innocuous explanation for the high use of testing is that there are economic incentives to do more procedures, Toy said. If you buy an expensive MRI machine and you’re in a small community, that means you have to send almost everyone through if you want to recoup the cost. Whether this is what’s happening, though, remains unclear without more granular data.
It’s also possible that residents in mountain towns are using more care not because they’re sicker but because they’re richer and more demanding, Toy said. It’s just a hypothesis, but it could explain some of the disparity.
The one thing the Colorado commission’s report made clear is that the cost conundrum doesn’t have a single cause, and that means it doesn’t have a simple solution, either. But the situation in Summit County does offer lessons for the ongoing health care debate in this country: If we want to make health care affordable, it’s not enough to get people healthier — we also have to tackle the high cost of care and the potential overuse of expensive interventions.
Additional reporting by Anna Maria Barry-Jester.
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