labellerose-acheron · 7 years
Sfs, lymaui, and snow queen why not
immediately begins to shimmy when maroon 5 comes on
daisy but lou would totally join in after a little cajoling
wakes the other up at 3am demanding pancakes
lou bc he can’t sleep and also can’t cook 
sends the other unsolicited nudes
this is def a daisy move.
brags about knowing karate even though they never made it past yellow belt
i feel like neither? lou doesn’t brag about things he doesn’t actually do. and i feel like daisy wouldn’t either (also i feel like i have some memory that she does some sort of fight style? i could be wrong it might just be pilates.) 
comes to a complete halt outside bakeries/candy shops
daisy and lou indulges her
blows sarcastic kisses after doing ridiculous shit
daisy. this is totally a daisy move.
killed the guy (also, which hid the body)
lou killed the guy. daisy helped hide the body.
wears the least clothing around the house
they’re french? what is modesty?
has icky sentimental moments for no apparent reason
lowkey lou
immediately begins to shimmy when maroon 5 comes on
maui but he gets ly to join in
wakes the other up at 3am demanding pancakes
also maui bc he can’t cook and he’s HUNGRY LY
sends the other unsolicited nudes
both. more likely maui--tho also maui doesn’t send nudes bc #image but if he trusted her ya
brags about knowing karate even though they never made it past yellow belt
also maui cmon
comes to a complete halt outside bakeries/candy shops
i feel like this is lowkey ly but she is like HAH JUSt thOUGHt i saw someone i knew and maui is like omg we should go in
blows sarcastic kisses after doing ridiculous shit
both. ly’s are just way more sarcastic.
killed the guy (also, which hid the body)
ly killed the guy, maui helped hide the body.
wears the least clothing around the house
has icky sentimental moments for no apparent reason
i feel like lymantria is a secret sap.
immediately begins to shimmy when maroon 5 comes on
snow definitely but she gets eva into it
wakes the other up at 3am demanding pancakes
they dont eat or sleep...so...but hypothetically def snow
sends the other unsolicited nudes
snow more often, but both
brags about knowing karate even though they never made it past yellow belt
uhhh neither? I feel like both of them have trained a million times in a million diff fight styles
comes to a complete halt outside bakeries/candy shops
both of them bc it smells YUMMY and then they cry about not being able to eat any of it
blows sarcastic kisses after doing ridiculous shit
snow and eva rolls her eyes but catches them.
killed the guy (also, which hid the body)
lol either/or for both
wears the least clothing around the house
snow, just to like tease but both of them are comfortable in the nude
has icky sentimental moments for no apparent reason
eva. definitely.
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Amelia: what is the most inappropiate thing you've done in uniform?
Well ROGER jk
5- She’s not a prude by any means, but she has to at least sort of be on good/friend terms with you to divulge her life
“Darling, you know that the most inappropriate things happen out of uniform. But I certainly got up to some less than appropriate activities off the ship. Women approved of the uniform as expected, and well, I didn’t shy from using it to my advantage in the bedroom from time to time. Of course, it didn’t stay on for long.”
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displacedprincess · 6 years
elena: multiples of 5, will: prime numbers, rama: numbers that end with vowels, tigg: your favorite number
5. three things in their fridge?
Elena cannot keep raw ingredients chilling in her fridge for long! Right now, she has a dish full of leftover spinach gnocchi with gorgonzola cream sauce, a pot of cauliflower and cheese soup, and a tooooon of fruits for snacks
10. greatest regret?
Not telling her parents she loved them when she hung up the phone for the last time
15. what is their vice? (wrath, greed, pride, lust, gluttony, sloth, envy) 
20. have they ever been married? are they married?
No, she almost got married once though!
25. do they have allergies?
30. are they religious or spiritual? 
Raised Catholic, pretends to be Catholic, identifies as athiest
1. go to karaoke song?
Hit ‘Em Up Style by Blu Cantrell
2. a song that describes them?
Sugar Daddy by Fleetwood Mac
3. are they good at sports?
Pretty good actually! Will went to a fancy high school starting in their sophomore year on a volleyball scholarship, and there they also joined the archery team and scored darn well there as well.
5. three things in their fridge?
leftovers from team mom Irma’s cooking, beer, orange juice
7. celebrity crush?
Taraji P. Henson, hands down
11. biggest lie?
“I totally get plenty of sleep”
13. best accomplishment?
Mastering their powers to the level they have!
17. did they graduate high school? if so did they attend college?
Yes, graduated with pretty decent grades, but Will’s poor so can’t afford college19. have they ever broken someones heart? has someone broken theirs?
Nope and nope!
23. opinion on pets? cats or dogs?
They love all animals and would have pets if they could afford them!
29. do they enjoy coffee or tea? hot or iced? 
Yes to both and yes to all!
31. are they a morning person or night person?
They’re a night owl!
1. go to karaoke song?
Rama basically learned English as a child to Fleetwood Mac, Elton John, and Billy Joel so those are his go to artists, generally. A reliable go to song for him is Go Your Own Way because who doesn’t know all the words????
2. a song that describes them?
Damn These Vampires by The Mountain Goats
3. are they good at sports?
Rama is pretty athletic, so I’d say he’s decent, yeah!
5. three things in their fridge?
It’s full of his wife’s cooking, a six pack or two of whatever beer was on sale recently, and
9. best thing in their life?
His wife and baby!
12. biggest flaw?
That he is quite hot-headed, he has a bit of a temper and can be impulsive.
20. have they ever been married? are they married?
Yes! He’s a married man and a mated werewolf. He loves Raksha more than breathing.
21. do they have children? have they before?
Ouch :(
His son, Rahil, was killed along with the rest of their pack in India. His daughter, Rhea, is a month old.
22.do they want children?
If it were up to him, he’d have a house full of children. He’s always wanted a big family. But that’s Raksha’s decision, and she didn’t even want Rhea so he fully expects Rhea to be his last child. That’s fine. He’s lucky to even have her, it’s okay, and he isn’t upset either way.
23. opinion on pets? cats or dogs?
Rama IS the pet, yo
25. do they have allergies?
29.do they enjoy coffee or tea? hot or iced? 
Hot tea only, either hot or iced coffee
30. are they religious or spiritual? 
Yes, Rama is a practicing Muslim!
31. are they a morning person or night person?
Night! He loves being awake at night
32. if they could have any superpower what would it be?
To bring his son back from the dead
33. who is their ride or die friend?
9. best thing in their life? - Her sex appeal, because it gets her food, money, and a place to sleep from time to time
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paul-patts-blog · 6 years
Mel 33, Ber 32, Hades 31, Kiara 30, Milo 29, Nala 28, Kiki 27, Anita 26, Prince 25, Pongo 24, Andy 23, Merida 22, Mowgl 19, Charlie 18
Answring out of order for my own easeeee
when was their first real relationship? how’d it go? 
Charlie has never had a “real” relationship, just forlorn crushes that he buries deep inside
have they ever broken someones heart? has someone broken theirs?
Er, not really besides like Mowgli’s family dying. He stayed very close to the pack and mostly played with Mahika and the other kids. 
do they want children?
Merida is too busy hunting demons to think about kids. I think she’d warm up to the idea though. She gets a kick out of kids tbh, loves playing with them and is a pretty fun babysitter. 
opinion on pets? cats or dogs?
Andy loves pets though doesnt actually want to take care of them-- dogs are too needy, cats r the way to go.
opinion on horror films?
He has a love-hate relationship. He gets scared easy and will even make people check under the bed after, but he also really likes being scared sooo he’ll do it. 
do they have allergies? 
 For Prince: Pollen. jk. His prince magic actually makes it so he is very very healthy and robust as long as he is within the boundaries of swynlake so no allergies 
do they have a certain aesthetic or style?
For Anita: Grandma chic lol-- aka, posh, pastel colours, loves blue especially. Wears long fan out skirts and pantyhose with her heels :o Lipgloss, rarely lipstick. She actually loathes her hair because it’s naturally a bit frizzy and curly-ish (would be curlier if she cut it) so most days she puts it up since she doesnt want to take the time for perfect curls like Perdita. 
do they have tattoos or piercings? 
Kiki has pierced ears only! No tattoos, she’d do like magic ones if she were gonna get them though. 
do they have any distinctive features or marks?
This is a great question, but honestly for Nala I don’t-- know. Like she’s got really beautiful smooth skin but maybe she’s got a mole or two on her shoulder?? Idk, her skin and BIG BEAUTIFUL SMILE r really defining for her. 
do they enjoy coffee or tea? hot or iced? 
Milo likes both! He likes sugary tea tho and not sugary coffee so that is interesting-- hot coffee over iced. 
are they religious or spiritual? 
Kiara is not! She believes in herself, her friends, her family. 
are they a morning person or night person?
Hades is a night person bc he sleeps in in the mornings. 
if they could have any superpower what would it be?
THIS took me some time to consider-- buuuut i think Ber might like to go back in time tbh. Try to fix some of his mistakes or just rewind after saying something stUPID. 
who is their ride or die friend?
Herself. JK, Howl for sure. 
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thebadhorse-blog1 · 6 years
max: 1 4 7 10 13 will: 2 5 8 11 14 shego: 3 6 9 12 15
1. go to karaoke song?
I think for him it would have to be Every Breath You Take by The Police. I know, believe me I know.
4. do they have a favorite movie?
Maximus does actually have a favorite movie. For the longest time it was Black Beauty, because he really appreciated the consideration of what horses go through in their lives. He absolutely sobs every time Black Beauty’s friend Ginger dies. It breaks his heart. Black Beauty is a tearjerker to him in the same way that Titanic is to others.
7. celebrity crush?
Oh god. I guess his go to celebrity crushes are Wentworth Miller and Natalie Dormer. Idk. He’s watched Natalie in all kinds of things, and he was really into the show Prison Break for a while (despite the point of the show it was really good).
10. greatest regret?
Leaving Gabriel and Swynlake behind to pursue a job that would only end up rejecting him.
13. best accomplishment?
Okay, he would say it was making it onto the police force at a young age. I would say it was him opening up to another person. Oh well. Potato, Potahto.
2. a song that describes them?
This is too easy. Totally Fucked from Spring Awakening. I think it describes his life and his character in some ways. Honestly. Totally Fucked is a damn good one.
5. three things in their fridge?
milk, Grandma’s eggnog, dad’s toaster (don’t ask).
8. are they close to their family?
As a whole? Absolutely. The Robinsons are a tight knit bunch. So Wilbur has a dishonest streak. He means well. I think he’s got some trouble connecting with his dad, but on the whole they get along pretty well. He might get frustrated by them a lot, but he loves his family.
11. biggest lie?
lolololol. It would definitely be telling his family that everything was fine when in truth his dad’s invention was stolen. That would definitely take the cake.
14. greatest fear(s)?
People judge away. His greatest fear is his mom grounding him. Legit. He fears nothing else. Just that. He’s got a wild sense of proportion.
3. are they good at sports?
She’s in pretty good shape, and she tried gymnastics before, so that’s a sport she was okay with. Flipping around and all that. Plus she has some martial arts expertise from the fights she’s been involved with. So I guess those sports are on her resume.
6. most three recently watched on netflix?
oh god. Mean Girls, The Crown (she wants all the fancy things from that show), Anna Karenina (again for the glam, and she digs Kiera Knightley).
9. best thing in their life?
This question kind of made me sad. Idk she would say money, or her magick. Her badassery. She’s quite happy with who she is as a person. So I guess that.
12. biggest flaw?
I mean she has so many flaw. Which one’s the worst? I guess I’d have to say her biggest flaw is her temper. Because she has great ideas and things that she wants to accomplish, but if she loses her temper she’ll start a fight. She will not hesitate. Idk she has so many flaws. Will sleep with anyone. Steals things. You know there’s a long list of flaws.
15. What is their vice?
Oh definitely greed I would say. She wants all the money in the world and to be the most wealthy and best off person around. That is it. That is her simple dream.
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dalmatianplantationsensation replied to your photoset
she murders all her lovers, attina
and here is your lesson in “context is everything”, children
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sweetheart-minnie · 7 years
1) Who rocks the Ferris Wheel seat and who flips out and begs them to stop?
Ellie would definitely rock the Ferris Wheel seat as to whyyy I have no clue but it would be her haha although I don’t know if Stan would flip out he’s such a calm sweet-heart!!!!
2) Who is always horny and will have sex at any time, at any place and at any time?
I don’t know about always horny, but Ellie haha I mean her boyfriend is hot af can you really blame her?!?! 
3) Who is more into taking showers/baths together? Who tries to make it relaxing and who tries to make it sexy time?
I can see both of them for this one!!! Stan would try to make it relaxing Ellie would end up turning it into sexy time. 
4) Who likes to walk around the house naked and who tells the other to go put some clothes on?
I don’t know if they would walk around naked tbh Ellie would definitely walk around in only his shirt though all the time!! Well, not all the time but like all the time it’s just them two togetherrr
5) Who sleeps on the couch when they get into a fight?
You know, Ellie would!! Haha I feel like she’s the more hot headed one out of the two because Stan is so beautifully calm, so she’ll just leave the room haha
6) Who takes photos of the other while they sleep?
Ummm probably Stan, if Ellie is the one to do this she’ll forget to turn off the flash button and end up waking poor Stan in the process xD
7) Who said “I love you” first? and who ends their arguments in a fight with “Because I love you”?
Stan for both!!! I feel like it would be rough for Ellie to say it first beccause she doesn’t feel like she has the right to love anyone since she’s a ticking time bomb. 
8) Who likes to wear the others sweatshirts?
ELLIE!!!!!! Oh my gosh she loves too!!!! I don’t know how Stan has sweatshirts with Ellie like probably stealing them all the time!!! Plus she loves the fact that they are so big on her so she can feel all warm in it haha
9) Who wakes the other up in the middle of the night to tell them a cool dream they had? Who has the most nightmares, and who sings them back to sleep after?
Ellie to all of theseeee!!! Ellie is energetic so she’d definitely wake Stan up without even feeling bad about it haha. Then, she’d have nightmares about dying and I’m sure she has pretty voice when she sings I meann Debby does soo haha
10) Who is more likely to cheat?
I highly doubt either one of them would cheat. Ellie wouldn’t and I can’t see Stan cheating on her. PLEASE DON’T CHEAT ON HER!!!
11) Who makes fun of the other for having a crush on them, and who has to remind them that they are in a relationship?
Ellie probably does the making dun of and Stan does the reminding for sure!! Especially since Ellie has a bad habit of never telling Stan when she isn’t feeling well or when she’s in the hospital. 
12) Who starts a food fight in the kitchen?
13) Who initiates duets? and who is the better singer?
Umm probably again, Ellie and Stan would be the better singer because if Ellie is initiating a duet then she’s most likely singing off key xD
14) Who starts the hand holding? Who grabs the others butt? Who slides their arm around their waist? Who likes to put their fingers in the belt loops?
Stan I believe started the hand holding if I remember correctlyyy. I don’t know if either one of them are much of butt grabbers tbh haha. Stan slides his arms around Ellie’s waist and Ellie would definitely put her fingers through his belt loops just to keep him always close to her. She loves when he holds her it’s her favorite thing eveerrr.
15) Who likes writes the others name on their wrist?
Ellie would definitely doodle his name everywhere.
16) Who is more seductive when they are drunk? and who is louder in bed?
Oh god seductive when drunk??? Have these two ever been drunk though??? Ellie would be the louder one though for surreee haha
17) Who is more protective?
Ellie, Ellie can be very protective
18) Who talks to the other while they are sleeping?
Again, probably Ellie. Ellie can talk anyone’s ear off if they don’t stop her
19) Who drives and who has the window seat?
Stan would drive, especially since Ellie suffers from random bouts of fatigue so she’ll happily sit on the window seat with the wind running through her hairr
20) Who falls asleep in the others lap and who carries them to bed?
Ellie falls asleep on his lap. Ellie is such a cuddler!!!! Every time Stan holds her she just wiggles herself on him and curls her body against him. I’m telling you she LOVES when Stan holds her. And her beautiful Aussie can cutely carry her to bed because ummm I’m POSITIVE Ellie can’t carry him. 
21) Who cuts the others hair?
Ellie does!!! And it wouldn’t actually turn out bad :DD
22) Who is super bad at sexting? and who sends them encouraging messages throughout the day?
HAHAHA they probably both are!!!! That would be funny to seee. Stan would send the cute encouraging messages especially during Ellie’s really sick days.
23) Who thinks they are not good enough for the others love? and who’s more afraid of loosing the other? Who thinks they keep messing up, only for the other to tell them they don’t need to worry?
Oh god, Ellie, Ellie and ELLIE!!!! Although, it can also be Stan for the second one since Ellie could die at any moment. Ellie though doesn’t feel like she deserves his love because of her cancer and the fact that she has a habit of not telling Stan about how sick she really feels and when she’s in the hospital so she feels like she messes up all the timeee. :(((
24) Who starts random slow dancing with the other in the kitchen? Who holds the other just above the ground and kisses them?
Ellie would so start the random slow dancing and Stan would hold her just above the ground and kiss her. Gahh that’s so CUTTEE
25) Who says shitty puns and sex jokes just to see the other giggle and blush?
If any of them would try sex jokes I am pretty sure that would go horribly embarrassing and awful hahaha
26) Who kissed first?
Ellie did!!!!! Spider Man style kiss too :DD 
27) Who orders take out at two in a morning? and who wakes the other up at three in the morning to go downstairs with them to get a glass of water because it’s too dark?
Ellie and Ellie haha 
28) Who writes poems/stories and love songs about the other? Do they sing the songs the write for them?
You know Stan for both of these. I don’t know if he sings but Ellie would think he sounded beautiful even if he was off key they whole way through!!! But Ellie would write a musical piece for him and play it on the piano or violin!!!
29) Who does some crazy stunt to try and impress the other and who ends up driving them to the emergency room after it backfires?
I can see both of them doing this haha. I meann Stan did remain upside down for Ellie when she first kissed him all because she asked :DD
30) Who is embarrassed when they have to wear their glasses and who thinks they look super cute?
Stan!!! I don’t think either of them wear glasses, but they already cutely spoke about this in our current thread!!!!! /CRIESS
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11:15 To Edinburgh || Dearcliffe
Summary: Anita sees Roger off to his next great adventure. 
Today, Roger had a train to catch.
He was headed off, you see-- up north, to the rolling hills of Scotland, to the old stony walls of Edinburgh. There was a little flat with his deposit on it, close to a little tea and book shoppe. There were a few boxes shipped up there waiting for him. He’d have a new roommate, someone with a very Scottish name who was also doing some sort of graduate program at the University of Edinburgh. And classes would start very, very soon.
Roger was off, onto a brand new adventure. And Anita was not going with him.
She had woken up beside him early in the morning with this singular thought running through her brain. She felt like she hadn’t slept, though, not all night. She just kept waking up and twisting in the covers, to check to see if Roger was still there. And every time she spotted him, her heart had caught-- and she’d sighed in relief, knowing she had just a few more hours with him.
A few hours turned to two hours, then one hour, and then very little at all. When the alarm went off, Anita pretended to wake up fresh and kissed his scratchy cheek. “Do you think we have a little time for tea?” she’d asked him.
“There’s always time for tea,” he responded, and Anita fell in love with him all over again. But she would still not be going with him.
The morning bustled. Anita followed on Roger’s heel, going down a list of things that he must have for his trip (You packed socks? Do you have your wallet? Your IDs? Your library cards? A book to read? A pen? You must never go anywhere without a pen, darling.) They lined up Roger’s suitcases and she went all over it again, just to be safe.
“You sure you have everything?” she pressed, but of course, Roger did.
(But not Anita-- she would not be going with him.)
So for the last time, they scampered out of Anita’s humble flat. The luggage wheels ricketed down the hallway and then bounced along the cobblestone streets. They turned onto Main Street and began to walk down. It was a rather boring, misty morning outside, rather typical of Swynlake, but Anita didn’t think she’d want it any other way. Best remember Swynlake the way it usually was.
Though that was impossible when you were someone like Anita. As they passed by all the usual shoppes, she looked at them all as though she were seeing them for the first time.
It felt like that, didn’t it? Even if she’d return down this street in a half-hour and remain her another week or two before it was her time to proper move. Even then-- after Roger left, well, it felt as though Swynlake simply wouldn’t be the same.
He had been there since the beginning, after all.
“Oh, we should stop in Hatter’s,” she announced as she saw it approaching. She blinked rapidly and looked at him. “Shouldn’t we? I know we already had tea but-- perhaps a scone or something? You can’t leave Swynlake without one more trip to Hatter’s, Rog,” she said and smiled like it was simply a tease. But she meant it quite seriously. Or maybe she was just trying to stall.
He had not been able to sleep a wink.
This feelin’ of pickin’ up everything he knew wasn’t unfamiliar. He could recall that same flutter in his stomach, equal parts excitement and equal parts like he was leavin’ everything he’d ever known behind.
So he’d stared at the ceiling most of the night and tried to imagine what was gonna happen next -- would he like his new roommate, for instance? What would it be like goin’ back to school after so long? Would he be the oldest, stickin’ out among the crowd of uni kids?
What would happen with Anita?
That was the question that kept creepin’ back into his mind. He pushed it away, because he knew he shouldn’t be questioning that. If this was gonna work, he had to believe in it. In the two of them. Believe that they could do it.
Even so, in some early hour of the morning, he’d glanced over at Anita as she slept besides him, a triangle of blue light spilling across her face and he wanted to take that blue on her face and keep it with him always. He heard the melody of a song that did not exist and he pulled her close and held her tight.
“I suppose we can pop in for a scone,” said Roger, even though the train was coming quite soon and he knew that they should be at the station, probably, or at least on the way over. But they had been making good time, after all, and the town was small and even though he had said quiet goodbyes as he walked through all the streets and passed all the buildings he’d grown to love, they were still on track.
He squeezed Anita’s hand, leaning to steal a kiss from her -- he was stealing loads of kisses from her this morning, tuckin’ them away so he’d have something to hold onto.
“‘Slong as we take it to go, I think we’ll be on time -- it’d be a shame not to stop by Hatter’s.”
“Exactly my thinking,” she said and then, grasping his hand, ducked into the tea shoppe.
It was, as expected, exactly the same. In the early morning hours there were only a few people sat at the tables, and a few who’d queued up for their morning coffees and teas before going to work. This was just slightly before Anita herself would have arrived before work-- when she had work. She’d gotten a little Swynlake-specific routine down and things operated by that routine or Anita could focus all day. All of her best days, then, began right here: in the tea shoppe.
Since she lost her job, that routine had been in a flux and so too had Anita’s mood. She saw right away how silly she’d been to skip her morning jaunts to tea. Just entering Hatter’s and smelling the fresh coffee on the pot made her feel better.
It also made her feel sad. She squeezed at Roger’s hand and tried to ignore that feeling, but it bloomed as they stood in the queue. For it was here, wasn’t it, where they’d finally gotten their proper beginning? Anita glanced toward the table now-- no one was sitting at it yet. She could see the ghosts of the two of them though.
“You want to get dinner?” Roger had asked her “Like, dinner-dinner? As in, I’ll pay and it’ll be date.”
All those years of waiting, of back and forth and misunderstandings and dreadful timings, and it had come down to just one question in this tea shoppe.
“Do you remember?” Anita said then suddenly. She couldn’t ignore the nostalgia even if she wanted to. “You asked me out here. What was it-- for a-- very early dinner or a very late lunch?” Anita smiled up at Roger. “That happened right here, Rog.”
“Oi, what can I get for you?” asked the barista at that moment, for baristas, you know, have no concern for things like nostalgia and moments. They have a queue to get through and coffee to brew.
Anita jerked her head back and her face reddened a bit, but she stepped forward. “Oh yes, yes, um-- a black tea with lemon, please, and-- the strawberry white chocolate scone, I think, and-- anything else, Roger?” she said and looked back at him.
It had happened here -- not just the first ever date that they had been on. Hatter’s had been the first place that he and Anita had stepped into when they crossed paths, right after the two of them had happened to plop right into Swynlake.
This town had brought them together. In more ways than one.
Now they were leaving it. Hatter’s. The Plantation. The lake. The park. Town Hall. All of it.
There’d be old castles and foggy highlands and university halls for Roger. A bright beach and bustling boardwalk and fancy theatre for Anita. It would be different. They’d make do. They’d tell each other all about their old castles and bright beaches and foggy highlands and bustling boardwalks. They’d complain about their uni halls and theatre rows (but also they’d love them).
It would work. This was the best option.
(He wished she could -- that she would -- come with him).
“I’ll take an Earl Grey, lots of cream, just a smidge of sugar. And… a Bakewell tart for me.” He reached into his pocket, handing the money over to the barista before Anita could fetch her pocket book.
“Gotta keep the tradition, yeah?” said Roger, with a wink. “‘I’ll pay and it’ll be a date”.”
He leaned to kiss her on the forehead yet again, as if all these stolen kisses he were collecting would somehow fill the shape of her once his train left the platform. ‘Course it wouldn’t -- nothing could. But still, the thought of it was romantic enough and he slipped an arm around her waist as they waited.
The lad behind the counter handed them the little brown baggies and the cups. Their last Hatter’s order. Roger would forever remember black tea with lemon with a strawberry and white chocolate scone and Earl Grey, loads of cream, light sugar with a Bakewell tart.
“Well,” he said, looking at Anita. “Shall we?”
Anita briefly wished they had enough time to sit down in that little corner, that little corner that would forevermore be theirs-- even after the two of them were gone. It’d be nice to sip tea and chew at their treats and pretend that today was any other day. She’d miss the sameness of it all, Anita realized. She loved her routines. She loved that Swynlake had become as cozy as a sweater to her. It was going to be much harder to leave than she thought. It would be even harder to not think about Swynlake-- and all that had happened here-- when she was in her new home.
Anita looked away from the little seat though and smiled softly at Roger. It was best, she supposed, not to linger on such nostalgic things. She’d miss these very last moments if she did.
And so she slipped her hand into his again and squeezed it very tight. “We shall, Mr. Radcliffe,” she said, with a brief nose wrinkle in his direction.
And they did.
The two of them walked out of Hatter’s and back onto Main Street. The morning mist had yet to lift, but the tea in Anita’s other hand warmed her from her fingertips to her toes. They walked down, down, passing the police and fire station, passing Town Hall (where Anita used to go every single day-- so funny, how quickly those routines that Anita loved changed), passing Whosits and Whatsits too, and then passing Pixie’s.
They walked and they walked, the suitcases dragged behind them catching now and again on the stone. But they just pulled it on.
It was a brisk walk, and a quiet one, and many times Anita wanted to say something, but she didn’t quite know what she wanted to say. Maybe it was simply-- goodbye, as she passed.
Goodbye to Main Street! Goodbye to the Swynlake oak trees! Goodbye to Castle Road and goodbye to the calm waters of Atlantis Lake!
They arrived at the train station, the platform even quieter than the rest of the town-- and no one there but Roger and Anita.
Anita bit at her lip and looked at the old clockface ticking away.
“Just a few minutes now. Hopefully it won’t be late,” she commented. I hope it will be late, she thought to herself.  Because-- for all of Anita’s goodbyes-- Anita still had no idea how she was going to say goodbye to Roger.
He remembered the first time he’d set foot on this train platform, his first step into Swynlake, actually. It’d been scary, ‘course it had, but he felt that thrill of anticipation. Hell -- he’d written a whole song about it on the train ride over, wonderin’ about what all it really meant, if he was just searchin’ for something he was never gonna get.
But he’d found Anita here. He’d found Perdita and Paul and they’d all found each other.
And he found what he wanted to do next. His next step. A clearer step than he’d had in ages.
He just wished it didn’t mean leaving Anita.
The train was supposed to come in just a few minutes or so. He wanted those few minutes to feel like the ten minutes on Friday afternoon back in school before a three-day holiday, the few minutes waitin’ for Mum and Dad to unwrap Christmas gifts.
He slipped his hand from Anita’s and instead, wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close so that his cheek rested on her hair.
He wanted to say something -- anything. Something about how he didn’t want to leave this platform right now. Something about how he would see her again, so soon. Something about how he would write her the minute he was on the train, send the letter the minute he got off.
But all he could say was, “I love you so much.”
It came out a little soft, a little choked, and there was a lovely moment after he said it, a warm, blooming thing he wanted to keep forever, before it was punctuated by the whistle of the train.
They hugged. Roger pulled her close and Anita’s arms slipped around him, her hands locking against his spine.  She held him tightly, but it didn’t feel tight enough. There was still so much space between them even as close as they were. And if there was all this space even now, how could Anita bear to be hundreds and hundreds of miles away?
She knew that she must bear it. She knew that this was what was best for both of them.
But in Roger’s arms, she didn’t know anything, not really. All she had was her heart. And in Roger’s arms, her heart was home.
The train whistle screeched behind her. Anita clung even tighter as her heart rate sped up. And then she thought of her father--
Be brave now, Anita, he would tell her. That’s what he said on the day she took the train to Cambridge. He’d traveled with her to the train station but couldn’t come get her settled, for he had work. He knew that she was terrified though. One look at her big eyes and pink cheeks told him that.
She had to be brave again. Pulling away, she sniffled a bit, the tears bright in her eyes. She didn’t even bother to stop them from falling, for one was already spilling down her cheek. She laughed at how silly she was though and tried to wipe the tears away.
“I love you too, Rog. Oh, look at me, I’m a mess and you’re still here,” she said and wiped at the other eye. She blinked even faster, and then grasped at the front of his shirt. “You best get on that train right now, before I can’t even form a sentence, eh? I love you,” she said it again. You could never say something important like that enough, not at a train station or an airport or all the other places where people say goodbye.
She popped up onto her toes and kissed him, a hand on his scratchy cheek. It didn’t last long enough.
She fell back onto her heels. “Okay-- go, go! You’ll be brilliant!”
Anita was crying. Roger felt that he might cry too -- hell, he was crying. Tearing up. Doing his best to blink it all away and be strong, be brilliant as she said.
He looked at her now and it felt so hard to be strong, to be brilliant, when all he wanted to do was be with Anita.
But he couldn’t stay. Roger couldn’t go to Brighton. There was nothing for him in Brighton, nothing new, at least. Sure he could play pubs and he could work in a shop somewhere to tithe him over between paychecks, but it wasn’t gonna be a step in the future like the one he was gonna be makin’.
It was gonna be okay. They would be okay.
He squeezed Anita’s hand one last time, ducking his head a little because he didn’t want her to see him cry.
“Goodbye Anita,” he said and he wanted to hold onto her hand forever, but the train gave another whistle and he had to carry up his bags, so he let go of her hand and turned around, picking up his bags. Before he stepped up onto the train, he glanced over his shoulder, smiling back at her, looking back.
“I love you!” he called out. Roger could feel his heart hammering. He swallowed, Adam’s apple bobbing. His chest felt tight. He just had to do it, just had to get on the train.
So Roger took a deep breath and stepped onto the train, trying to focus his nervous, sadness on finding an empty seat.
Roger turned away from her.
Wait! caught in her throat.
He picked up her bags.
Wait! There the word was again.
She watched as he bustled on, the mist lifting around them and the train whistle screeching through the air, the loudest thing in the morning. She watched because that was what she was here to do. Anita had come to see him off-- to stand here at the platform and be the last thing that Roger saw as the train pulled out and took him to all that strange and unfamiliar.
She would wave to him and he would wave to her from the window. They’d wave until the train took the bend. And even then, Anita promised Roger she’d still be waving. She’d not leave until the train was gone. Completely gone. The ticking of its wheels on the tracks faded, and the air still again.
She promised these things. She tried to hold onto her promise as Roger boarded the train.
Maybe she could have done it too. Maybe. If Roger hadn’t turned back to look at her and shouted “I love you!” even louder than the whistle.
Her heart leapt from where she was standing then. And she thought again. Wait!
Wait, but for what?
For me!
The train doors closed, and Anita panicked. She leapt into motion too, chasing after her heart which had gotten caught on the wrong side of the door. No-- she was on the wrong side of the door, and so she darted to the train and pounded on it.
“Don’t leave! Stop, don’t leave!” she shouted. A face squinted through the slim windows on the door. “I have a ticket!” she shouted, she lied.
The doors opened.
“Ticket ma’am?” said the inspector.
Anita pushed past him, ignoring his exclaim. She rushed down the train compartment and shouted Roger’s name.
“Roger! Roger, wait! I’m here!”
“Ma’am, your ticket!” snapped the inspector, hot on her trail.
“I’m coming to Edinburgh!”
“Someone stop this woman!” the inspector reached out and caught Anita by the arm.
She whirled on him and tried to yank her arm away. The man had a firm grip and beady, hateful eyes, if you asked Anita. Her own brightened with her anger. “Let go of me, you cad. I’ll pay for a bloody ticket, I’m trying to-- this is a very romantic-- gesture--and you’re ruining it--” she huffed, then smashed her foot down on the man’s foot.
He yelped and let her go, and then Anita was off again, racing down the compartment until she collided into Roger’s arms. Anita brushed at some of her hair, askew from her dramatic flight here, smoothing it back, and then smiling.
“Roger, damn Brighton. I’m coming with you,” she repeated.
It all happened very fast.
One moment, Roger had been stealing glances out of the window, keeping his eye on Anita’s figure. Then he’d spotted an empty place for his luggage and had reached to lift up one of his bags, only when he glanced out the window this time, Anita wasn’t there --
His heart clenched. He feared the worst. He turned around, ready to dash out, ready to find Anita, ready to --
There was commotion towards the front of the train. Roger’s heart caught in his throat, for it was a voice he knew, calling his name, for it was a familiar flash of red hair.
“Anita!” he called out, rushing through the aisles of the train, bags be damned. He muttered apologies as he maneuvered past people, wishing that the path to Anita was not so cluttered.
But damn the narrow aisles, damn the bags strewn on the floor, damn the old women gawking at him and the young kids giggling -- he’d faced worse to get to her, he had. This was nothing. This was absolutely nothing.
She was right there, and Roger called her name as she collided right into his arms and she spoke.
Roger, damn Brighton. I’m coming with you.
He didn’t process it at first, still giddy with the fact that she was in his arms, that he didn’t have to say goodbye just yet. Then he heard it. I’m coming with you.
“Anita -- you -- I -- “
Roger cupped her face in his hands and kissed her on the mouth, pulling away a little breathless. Anita in Edinburgh with him. The two of them, in Edinburgh, together. The two of them. Together.
“Are you sure that’s what you want?” He was breathless, head spinning, looking at her like she was the most real thing in this whole world “I want you to come with me. You just said you would, I don’t know why I’m repeating that, Anita. I sound like a fool. I just want you with me, always.”
Roger kissed here, there in the middle of the train compartment. And you know, Anita would compare it to her favourite books and movies, but oh, why ruin it? The truth was it was so much better.
He kissed her and she kissed him back, her hands clutching tightly onto his shirt. This time, she swore to herself, she wouldn’t let go.
Because she saw it all clearly now. The Brighton mist had lifted for Anita and through it shined a different sun. There, the hills of Edinburgh and the grand castle looking over their new life together. They’d find themselves a brand new tea shoppe to go to every morning and to meet at between Roger’s classes. There were theatres up in Edinburgh and Anita would get a job there, because she was not the same sweet, shy Anita who relied on her family for her favours. She had outgrown that. She had grown into something else, and that something else fit perfectly in Roger’s arms.
And so she’d be fine. And so would Roger. Because they’d build a life together and this time and  talk it all the way through.
Yes, yes, yes, she wanted to say and laugh, like she was accepting a marriage proposal. Yes, I am so certain.
And Anita did laugh, but mostly because people around them had begun to clap. Some old man two seats away put his fingers in his mouth and whistled. Anita covered her lips, giggling behind them. She looked up at Roger with all that delight and saw his own reflected. They had always been mirrors for one another.
Then her hands slipped back down and clutched his shirt again. “And so do I. Oh Rog, I’ve wanted you to ask me since you got that letter. But how silly of me to wait. We must stop waiting for each other and get on with it, eh?” she teased. “So yes, I’m sure. Let’s us go be brilliant together.”
“Kiss her again!” hooted the old man, which made Anita laugh.
“Are you going to buy a ticket or not?” huffed the inspector. He tapped his pocket watch. “It’s all very romantic, I see, but we have a schedule to keep.”
And so Anita blushed and reached back into her purse. “Yes, um, of course. I’m terribly sorry.”
“Oh no you’re not,” said the sullen inspector.
And he was right. Anita was very much not sorry at all.  
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bdrpscrapbook · 7 years
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Uncle Roger and Penelope play some tunes. {Taken by Paul, 2017}
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@goingtosee-theworld @oh-heartlessman @darkqueen-eva @dalmatianplantationsensation @calliope-hesiod @delightfully-daisy @american-dragon @thelostillusionist @alzcomicbarn @alana-the-badbitch @thedipster
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pretty-perdita · 7 years
A Very Merry Unbirthday |*| [The Dalmatian Quartet feat. Chester]
In which Chester crashes a birthday party...
@paul-patts, @truly-aninspiration, @dalmatianplantationsensation, @chester-glass
[tw for mentions of suicide, contemplation of suicide, knife brandishing, baby kidnapping, violence, stabbing, some minor gore, it’s a while ride folks]
Chester’s plan had backfired. And to think, he’d been certain to plot it so well! You see, his grand plan on making Anita Dearly’s life miserable was supposed to culminate in a frozen-heart-punishment fit to make her stoic and barely-human-at-all. Or at least, that was Chester’s intent and so imagine his surprise when he saw his Sister Dearly strolling around Swynlake with a smile on her face. Further inspection revealed that not only was Anita Dearly unbothered by her condition—she /loved/ it. She liked being a heinous bitch. Now how was that for a plot twist?
Which just left Chester with one option and one option only: Kill Anita Dearly.
Now, murder was an awfully messy business. It was never Chester’s first choice, never really his intention, but sometimes the path grew narrow, the options limited. Chester’s options were dwindling the longer he stayed in Swynlake and the more terror he caused. He could smell the climax as it approached…feel it quiver in his skin.
And so when he heard about the Patts-Faye babies’ birthday, his plot senses began to tingle. He needed something to get the heartless Anita onto a ledge. In a room full of her friends, his options sprang wide open. And so it was on June 28th that Chester slunk into Anita and Perdita’s flat for the last time, while they hung their streamers and blew up balloons. Oh, it was going to be a party, alright.
Anita It had been several weeks now since the awfully annoying ‘intervention’ that her friends had staged and thankfully, things had more or less returned to normal. Perdita was still prone to give her strange glances and the cold shoulder, and she rarely went out with her anymore, but Anita had found other people to occupy her time.
In fact, she was planning to duck out of this baby shower thing as soon as she could so she might take advantage of her free time for a few cocktails at Pixie’s. For now though, she played the part of dutiful friend. /She’d/ even offered to pick up the cake and she put it on the table now, setting down the knife, the plates, and the napkins in the minutes before the party was to officially start.
“We’ll be eating this all /week,/” she teased as she looked back at Perdita, and for a moment it was like Anita could be herself again—all sugar and rosy cheeks. And then the doorbell rang and Anita looked toward it. "Oh, that'll be the boys, wouldn't it?" she said.
Perdita was in the middle of blowing up balloons and as her head dizzied from the massive intakes and outtakes of oxygen, she thought about how she got here as she watched Anita flit about the table. Anita with her frozen heart. Perdita, who just took her depression medication a few hours ago. Paul and Roger--the same as always, if not sadder and scorned by the women they loved. It could've all worked out peachy, couldn't've? Two best friends in love with two best friends? It was the fairy tale everyone wanted. Somewhere along the way it had gotten so fucked, but they were all still here in the end, and that made Perdita's heart light. Or maybe that was the lack of oxygen.
When the doorbell rang she set aside the gold balloon she was blowing up (gold and white with a little bit of sky blue were the party colors). "I'll get it," she said with a smile and flounced towards the door, opening it wide. She smiled wide too.
"Hey!" she greeted, reaching out for one of the babies. "Gimme. You two have got to hang the streamers and balloons," she told them.
Paul was bloody well-excited for the first time-- alright, since he got cast as Romeo, maybe it wasn't so far back after all. He'd been waiting for this day for a while is all. He couldn't believe that his kids were one years old today, that it'd been a year and his life had changed this much. Course he didn't linger on the specifics because he'd get sad. He just focused on the babies himself, little Penn and little Patch, lively and smart and friendly, who were gonna be speakin' any day now, who still had their mother's eyes.
So he was all smiles when Perdita opened the door, Patch in his arms (Roger had Penn). Patch immediately let out a gurgly happy giggle at the sight of Perdy.
"Yeah, that's Mum! Mum's gonna say happy birthday," cooed Paul with that big grin before he passed Patch over. He glanced over her shoulder into the room. "Blimey, you plannin' to float this flat away with all those?" he quipped, but walked in toward them. He smiled a bit stiffly at Anita.
"Hey Anita-- you mind taking Penn?" Anita nodded and went to go get Penn from Roger near the door. Paul swiped a bunch of streamers and dragged a chair toward the window, no idea where he was gonna be puttin' 'em.
Roger Penn wriggled a bit in his arms. She was excited. Even Roger was a bit excited, well, more than he'd been in a while. He'd sorta accepted a few weeks ago that he was going to be doomed to cash registers and dog walking for the foreseable future, so when literally anything out of the normal happened it was a welcome change. Not that he wasn't happy that Paul's kids were turning one--because that was wonderful. These two little critters that Paul (and Perdy) had brought into the world were turning into little people.
Roger bounced Penny a bit. "You excited? They've got a cake and everything. Well, I dunno if you can process the taste of cake--oh hello, Anita." He managed a warm smile, shifiting Penny a bit so that Anita could take her.
Anita did not want to hold the baby, mind you, but here she was: playing nice. She smiled at Roger-- a closed-lip smile-- as she took the drooling bundle into her arms.
"Hullo Rog-- oof, this one's getting rather heavy, isn't she?" Anita said and looked at Penn, who had her fingers in her mouth. "Fancy that it's been a year, hm? This time last year-- why, we were just getting used to Swynlake weren't we?" she said to him. "Now we're practically regulars."
Perdita "Yes, Mommy is gonna say happy birthday, isn't she? Happy birthday!" Perdita said, bouncing Pat on her hip gently touching her finger to his nose to make him giggle, which made her giggle. She couldn't even begin to wrap her head around the fact they were a year old.
Did all mothers feel like that? Or just the ones that had lost the first nine months of their babies lives to depression?
Wandering towards Paul, she hovered around the bottom of the chair. "We've got to tell Daddy to be careful," Perdita narrated to Patrick, but she was looking up at Paul. Patrick made a cooing, baby-talk sound. "Yeah, I know, he can be a bit of a klutz, can't he?"
Paul scoffed, tossing her a glance. "That's definitely not what he said. He's on my side. We Patts men--" he mounted the chair then "--stick together! Now where the bloody hell do you want me to put these things?" He lifted the streamers up, squinting at the doors.
Roger gave a little laugh. "Time passes, that's for sure," he said, shrugging and walking into the flat. "So where's this all set up?"
Anita walked in after Roger, pushing the door closed with her heel. "Er, well Paul's got the streamers so I suppose if you'd like to hang some balloons off the chairs perhaps? The table's already set up so really we're practically good to go, I'm sure everyone will be here soon," she narrated as her eyes flicked around the room. She frowned at her own open door-- she swore she had closed it, so she moved toward it to shut the bedroom door again. No need to go in there.
Perdita "Y'know," Perdita said, letting go of Patrick with one hand to wave her hand about. "Loop it across the doorway, separate the colors out, though, so they don't get all bunched and are more--layered. And don't wrinkle them."
Paul "Course, because /wrinkle the streamers/ was first on the to-do list," Paul quipped back but was facing the window, measuring out the streamer to see how big the "loops" had to be. He wasn't the best at this sort of thing, Perdy knew that. He was pretty sure he was gonna fuck it up and she'd tell him to redo it, but he leaned forward and taped the one end and did the first loop across the window. "Yeah, like this?" he said and looked over his shoulder at Perdy.
Roger scanned the room and found where the gold, white, and blue balloons were and grabbed a handful. "Er--ribbon...?" Anita had walked off to her room, Penny still in her arms. Roger found a spool of ribbon, then set the balloons on the table, tyin' 'em up behind the chairs, and arranging them all nice and stuff. He flicked the top of one of the balloons and continued around the table.
Anita "Oh that already looks lovely, Rog," said Anita when she glanced back at the table with the balloons and the ribbons. The colour scheme was of course all Perdita's doing, neither boy could be responsible for such important measures. But he had a good eye and Anita's still appreciated this kind of aesthetic thing. Everything needed to be perfect, like a magazine. "Maybe bring some of that ribbon to the door? What do you think, that might be nice for people coming in," she said, adjusting Penn in her arms. She was being awfully wiggly.
Perdita "Mmm," Perdita said, tilting her head and taking a step back, almost bumping into the end table of the couch which made Pat giggle in her arms. "A little to the left I think, don't make them too big or we'll only be able to fit one or two."
Paul snorted some air outta his nostrils but obeyed and shifted it to the left so the loop drooped more dramatically. "Yeah?" he said. A second or two passed as Perdy eyed it. "Oh /c'mon,/ Perdy, they're just bloody streamers."
Perdita "They're not /just/ streamers, Paul. If they're uneven they'll throw off the whole ro--you know what? Here." Perdita bent down and placed Penny on the floor. She immediately began crawling across the floor, towards the couch, probably so she could try to pull herself up with it. "Anita, Roger, can you keep an eye on Penn while I help this /klots/," she scoffed, but playfully as she went and grabbed another chair, plopping it down next to Paul's so that they were spread out across the double doors. She climbed up carefully. "Okay, hand me that end," she said, gesturing for it.
Roger continued to adjust the balloons, then glanced over at Anita. "Yeah--that's a good idea. I can hang a few of 'em around the door frame." He grabbed a few balloons, knotting their ends with string, and reached for the top corner of the doorframe.
Anita had already wandered Roger's way to inspect the ribbon-doorway-mission, which was truly of the utmost importance as the guests would see it first and so it needed to give off the best impression. She glanced toward Perdy now, long enough to see her bend down to put the second of the Patts children on the floor. Anita rolled her eyes a little. Wasn't one baby enough (Penny was already a handful as is) for a woman to have to keep an eye on?
She gave another cursory glance, figuring the request was similar to a stranger asking another stranger to watch their things in a coffee shop-- symbolic and nothing more.
Then back to Roger. "Yes, that looks quite nice, I think. For what it is," she said with a shrug. She glanced back toward Paul-and-Perdy who were bickering. Rolled her eyes. "I do wish they'd just sleep with each other and get it over with," she said half to herself, half to Roger.
And then she noticed her /door/ was open again. Anita scoffed. "I swear I just closed that--" Anita said as she swept back toward her bedroom to shut the door.
Paul "Oi, name callin-- we got kids in the room, Perdy," teased Paul with a mock-stern expression. He leaned over enough to hand her the other end of the streamer. "Right, so. Tell me how this is gonna work /oh streamer queen./" More mocking. Ah, felt like old times.
Roger heard what Anita had said and then just shrugged, not really wanting to get into the whole should-Paul-and-Perdy-sleep-together bit, especially coming from the girl who went off and froze her heart. He adjusted the balloons, glancing over his shoulder as Anita walked towards her bedroom.
Perdita "And don't you forget it," Perdita said playfully, taking the streamer from Paul, their fingers brushing over the streamer, making Perdita's heart squeeze a little. She hung it up, a mite distracted, and then looked over her shoulder to find the babies.
It was habit now, ever since Patch had fallen off the bed. If they were in the room, she could't take her eyes off them for maybe a few seconds. Anita still had Penny on her hip. Patch was--he should be right by the couch. She craned her head a little further, to try and see around the back of it, if he crawled off in that direction. It almost made her lose balance as her stilettos slipped against the finished wood and she ripped the fragile streamer still in her hands.
"Paul--do you--do you see Patch? Anita! Where is he?" she asked, her voice a little shriller than probably necessary as she began scrambling off the chair.
Anita had just closed her door again and looked up sharply at Perdita's voice. "What? Oh calm down, Perdy, he was right there," she said with an eye roll and she craned her neck too but didn't see the baby. "Or-- " she blinked. "Oh uh--"
Paul "What?" said Paul, his own head turning sharp at Perdy's voice. "Wait, what?" He dropped the ruined streamer anyway and hopped down from the chair, rounding along the couch in search of his son. But he-- wasn't there. "What the hell, where the hell?" He turned around, eyes scouring the room.
Roger turned around immediately, walking towards the center of the room, eyes scanning, on alert. "Er--did he crawl away maybe? Uh, under the sofa?" He dropped to his knees, looking around the floor.
Chester And it was then that Chester-- who had been there all along mind you, enjoying the silly drivel of the Mundus-- appeared sitting on the countertop, Patch in his lap and a knife in his hand. The very same knife that had just been on the kitchen table for that scrum-diddly-umptious cake of theirs!
"Oh, are you looking for this little tot?" He preened. Patch was giggling, reaching out his hand for that big, big knife. "Ooooh, no, no, little Patrick, that's not for /you./ Babies." Chester grinned and brought the knife a little closer.
Perdita No one could find him. Perdita stumbled a little as she got down off the chair, putting her hand against the wall as Paul and Roger frantically searched around. All she could think about was all the things he could be getting into. They'd babyproofed before the children had come over, of course, but Perdita's panicked brain wasn't thinking about that.
And then--out of nowhere materialized--"Ches--" she didn't get his name out before she saw the glint of the knife. Her throat closed up and she couldn't do anything but stand there, her heart pounding as if it was trying to warm her up enough to let her /do something/.
"Paul--" she managed to squeak out, though it was probably hardly loud enough to catch his attention
Anita started at the voice coming from behind, whirling around to see-- Chester Glass of all people on the counter. Her eyes stayed open, her mouth gaping in confusion. She held Penny a little tighter, making the girl whine. She was already upset by the rising voices and the stranger now in their midst. "Wh-- what--?" she breathed out the word, frozen otherwise, exactly where she was.
Paul was not frozen. Paul was the opposite of frozen. His blood turned to fire at once, moving several steps closer like he was going to lunge. He only stopped when the knife in Chester's hand slipped closer, and even then, his body trembled, unable to simply /stay/ still.
"What the hell are you doing? Who the hell is this?" he said hoarsely, glancing fast at Perdy and Anita who seemed to /know/ the man with /Paul's son./ "Give my son to me right now!" he yelled before any of his shellshocked mates could give him an answer. Penny, in Anita's arm, began to cry.
Roger nearly knocked his head on the coffee table, but stood up, instantly on defense, Paul's shout riling him right up. Penny was crying, the girls silent and frozen. Roger glanced from Chester Glass to Patch to the knife gleaming in Chester's hand and his own heart pounded, ready to jump into the fray at a moment's notice, but for now--he was on guard, didn't know what someone like /Chester/ would do with Patch.
Chester glowed after every single reaction, his heart pounding bright and hot in his chest. Nothing like a good surprise, was there? No, nothing. It was worth it-- all this hiding these past few months, being invisible more than not. All the terrorizing he'd caused without anyone to give him due credit. All of it had led up to this moment right here. And all eyes were on him. He was the star, the center of attention. He was the puppetmaster, and the show was going to go according to plan. He adjusted the tot in his lap, the little buddy still trying to grab at the knife.
"Oh /hush,/ handsome male lead, you're making the other one /cry,/" he said with a fake pout. Then smiled again. "We haven't met, have we? You're Paul-- I'm Chester. Well, that's not entirely true. I'm Alfred Dearly. Ooooo, spooky!" He giggled. "Not the dead one, the alive one. I'm his son. Anita, darling, so glad to finally make your acquaintance."
Perdita Paul's shouting only made Perdita's blood chill faster. She hated that. She hated the yelling, the knife getting closer to Patrick's neck. Penelope crying. She'd only put him down for a moment--just a moment. She wanted her baby in her arms more than she ever had. Either of them, both of them. The urge was so strong she wasn't listening to a word that Chester was saying, she didn't /care/ what he was saying. She just wanted her baby back.
Anita 's head spun, her face twisting with every word he said. None of that made /any/ sense. She had known Chester Glass. He was a prankster, yes, but not malicious. And he'd not been in town. Hadn't he moved away or something? She had no idea because he had just been a tiny blip on her radar, and certainly not-- not what he claimed to be.
"That's not /true,/ I -- I don't have a brother," she said with her voice high but sharp. "You're lying, you're-- you're /insane./"
Paul inched a tiny bit forward, eyes darting from Chester to Anita. "What's it matter anyway? Got /nothing/ to do with Pat," he said. "Leave him out of this, he's just a kid."
Roger nodded along with Paul. "Yeah--it's not him--he's got nothing to do with this."
Chester "Oh /I/ know that, he's just a hostage. Of course I don't want to hurt the little bugger, but I will if I have to," Chester said quite amicably. His legs swung a bit. He was getting a real kick out of all this, the boys as alert as puppy dogs, Perdita coming apart, and Anita-- well, she was the problem.
"Now, if Anita will just be so kind as to jump off the balcony and kill herself, then I will be on my way." He smiled sweetly. "Your daddy's waiting, Sister Dearly."
Perdita Paul's voice--softer now, but still strong, helped. He wasn't scared (okay, maybe he was, but he wasn't showing it, he wasn't coming apart--Roger too) and that helped. She still didn't move but she managed to hiccup a breath in--the first one she'd taken since Chester had appeared--and clear away some of the panic. Now, it all clicked together. Chester Glass--who'd she'd been working alongside for the better part of year--was her best friend's /brother/, or so he claimed.
And he wanted--for whatever reason--for Anita to die. Perdita's heart clenched, but still--she didn't say anything, couldn't. Too afraid that anything would set Chester off.
Anita "Wh-- /what/? Because you /think/ I'm your sister?" exclaimed Anita. And even as she did, though, the pieces were clicking for her too-- Chester the invisible boy slinking into her flat, Chester the invisible boy writing scary messages on the door, Chester the invisible boy somehow getting her photographs. She hadn't been haunted. It'd been a trap.
Chester "I know you're my sister. Oh, it's a long, long story-- but the summary is this. Your parents gave me away because I said Magick. While /you/ lived your life of horse races and champagne flutes, /I/ was an orphan. This--" he made a grand sweeping gesture with his knife, which made Paul flinch and make a strangling noise, "-- is my revenge plan. Now, at first I just wanted you to be miserable with a frozen heart but APPARENTLY you're having the time of your life, so that won't do. The only choice is for you. To jump." He brought the knife back toward Patch. "Or I'll saw the tyke's head off."
Anita There was a beat, a single beat. A second of silence, in which Paul Patts did not object, Perdita said nothing, and Roger, too, remained silent. It was a second where Anita looked around, her eyes catching that balcony door that, for now, remained shut. And truthfully-- she was waiting for /someone/ to object. For her friends, who she had known for the best years of her life, to say something. They didn't. It was just her and Chester, the knife glinting under the light, Patch squirming, getting restless, starting to panic too. She was supposed to give up her life for that wiggling, pink thing. Tiny. Helpless. Ugly (if they were all very honest with themselves). Part of her wanted to object and just say no, but the more Patch squirmed, the more empty her heart felt.
The silence turned into two, three seconds, and Anita's shoulders slumped, her face getting softer.
"Alright," she said. She looked at Perdita. "Perdy, you should come hold Penny while I do this."
Roger "Anita, you can't do this." Roger was still firmly planted where he stood, worried that the slightest motion towards Anita would cause Chester to slit Patch's throat. His heart was hammering away—he did not want Anita to jump, did not want anything to happen to Paul’s babies, there had to be /something/ they could do. "Please--" He looked at Chester now. "There must be /something/ else we can do for you."
Perdita's face changed as soon as Anita agreed. Her brows knitted and she turned her head sharply towards her friend, golden hair flying wildly about her shoulders.
"What? No." She didn't even think about her baby, not in that second. She was thinking about her friend. Her dearest friend in the whole world. Of course, the next second Roger spoke up and Perdita was looking at her baby. Perdita Faye had a very strong heart, it was iron wrapped in steel, but in that moment, it felt soft as cotton, and it ripped in half just as easily.
Paul did not take his eyes off his son. He inched, careful, slow, miniscule. Every time Chester's eyes bounced wildly around the room, he took a chance and took a centimeter. He had no real plan but he knew that he wasn't gonna let Patch die. Roger, Anita, and Perdy could just buy him enough time, he'd figure it out, he'd find a way-- he'd save him.
Chester grinned, ear to ear. Predictable, the friends chiming in, bargains hoping to be struck. But Chester would not be satisfied until Anita splat against the concrete. He looked at Roger, who had been in love with Anita-- was he still? He'd toyed with the idea of holding him hostage, but really, the baby was much easier to bully.
"I'm afraid there /isn't/, Mr. Radcliffe. Anita dies or the kid does. Now.." he hopped off the counter, holding a squirming, crying Patch slung in his arm, the tip of the knife pressing against the child's tummy. The father let out a shout, Anita flinching, the mother looking like she might crumple into hysterics at any moment. "Time's a-wasting! Don't make me skewer the lad!"
Anita did let out a tiny shout herself-- all her cool now gone forever, her heart, suddenly, heavy in her chest, squeezing. It felt like there was a knife against it. "No-- don't, I'm doing it, I am, look--" said Anita and she crossed quickly to Perdita, practically shoving Penny in her arms. "It's alright, Perdita, it's fine," said Anita to her, and she squeezed her friend's arm once before she pulled away.
Perdita really did want to crumble to the ground. She didn't know what to do. Of course she didn't, when things really mattered--that's when she crumbled. She'd started crying at some point, tears streaming down her face as Anita shoved Penny into her arms.
"A-Anita," she said, reaching out to grasp at her hand even as she pulled away. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She wanted to tell her to not do it--she didn't want her to do it. She needed Paul and Roger to think of something, to keep this from happening. She couldn't lose Anita, she couldn't lose Patrick. She couldn't lose anyone standing in this room. They were all she had.
Chester "That's right, scurry along!" hummed Chester. Patch wiggled in his arm, flailing his arms dangerously close to the point of his knife.
Anita tore her hand away from Perdy. She did not look at her friend again. She simply faced the task ahead, and at this point, it was good that her heart--though quickly thawing-- was not yet truly unfrozen. Because it was just a list of steps wasn't it? Move the chairs, open the balcony doors, climb onto the railing, and jump.
She was not scared to die. Or if she was, she could not yet feel it. It was just that list of tasks, and then the crying would stop. So she scurried quickly to the chairs and moved them, glancing at Chester for half-a-second before she opened the doors too. Behind her, the crying grew worse-- Perdy was crying now, and it /hurt/ in her chest too, oh, she'd forgotten how that felt. But it did not slow her steps. She moved onto the balcony, right up to the railing and she wrapped her hands around it and looked down.
It was not so far, Anita thought. The fall would be over before she opened her eyes.
Anita glanced again then to her friends over her shoulder. Paul, Perdy-- Roger. Another small spasm of pain in her chest, but she blinked and kept it away. It was probably better this way, Anita thought In a logical sense. Still, she hesitated.
Chester had a very short attention span and this was /really/ moving along slower than he liked. For one, there was about to be a /party/ in here and Chester wanted to time it perfectly so they could walk up to the building and find Anita's dead body in their way. Second of all, the X-factor was going to be on soon and he hadn't set it to record, he figured he'd be /done/ with this by now. So when Anita stopped by the railing and did not swing her legs over, he huffed, the grin lost.
"Get on with it!" Chester called and took several steps toward the balcony, brandishing his knife.
Roger This wasn’t fair. None of this was fair. None of them had asked for this—this town, this magic. Hell hadn’t they had enough, just on their own? Just four fucked up twenty-something year-olds, two poor as dirt, two fallen from riches—just trying to get by, with each other. There shouldn’t be a knife at a one-year old’s throat, Anita should not be walking towards the balcony, face drawn and serious. He was not going to let that happen—Roger was not an impulsive man. He followed Paul, usually, when Paul was impulsive, but Roger thought, Roger thought about what he was going to do before he did it.
Only Roger didn’t think now.
Chester Glass passed him—Chester, who used to tease him, who’d been Puck in the play last year (how ironic, two pairs of lovers), who’d been a pest but a loveable one, who sent everyone lewd texts on holidays—Chester passed him and Roger felt a surge of anger like he’d never felt before and without really thinking, he lunged forward, tackling Chester to the ground.
Chester did not see Roger lunge. He felt it-- felt the man's body slam into his, and then flew through the air, his arm and shoulder smashing nto the ground. Screams erupted from every corner of the room, the baby catapulted from his arms (where it landed, he had no idea!)and Chester slashed wildly with the knife while he got his feet under Roger and kicked at his thighs and groin. "Get--off--OF--ME--!"
Anita Anita saw the whole thing and she could not stop it. Roger lunged, and a scream ripped from her lungs, the sound shattering the leftover ice in her chest. It felt like shards too, scattering through her insides as sharp as the knife that was brandished Roger's way. She pressed her hand on her chest, gasping like she'd lost air. The world spun around her, noises coming from all different directions.
Her knees hit the pavement. When she looked up, she saw Roger and Chester, silver glinting between them, and-- Patch. Her eyes widened. The little boy was on the floor, surrounded by a shimmery, transparent, blue-tinged... shield.
Perdita screamed too, the sound ripping from her lungs like her soul leaving her body. She felt her heart stop in that moment, her eyes not on Roger at all, but on Patch, falling, once again--this time in slow motion, this time with Perdita's eyes right on him. Unknowingly, she had taken several steps forwards, Penny screaming too in her arms, the sound like white noise.
Suddenly a shield materialized around Patrick, so that he bounced against the ground, but didn't actually touch it. She stopped in her tracks, eyes widen. Patrick's eyes were also wide, big and glassy--and then, after a moment, with tear tracks on his face, he looked up at the glimmering shield and giggled.
Paul had been ready, primed to strike. He had not been ready for Roger to leap before him. When it happened, Paul's eyes widened and he shouted "NO!" lunging forward, eyes pinned on his son like he might dive to the floor for him. But he just stumbled toward the mess, the shield comin' outta no where and bouncing against the ground, then rollin' like a marble toward him and Perdy. He didn't even realize that he was grabbing Perdy's arm till the moment when the shield stopped and Patch smiled up at him like nothin' had gone wrong. Then he fell to his knees and reached out for his son despite the shield (because Paul acted, didn't think, just like /Roger/ was supposed to think and not act) and his hand hit the shield like a wall.
"Patrick," he blubbered, but the shield did not move. Paul snapped his eyes back to Rog and Chester and scrambled to his feet to help--
Roger had not thought he would get this far honestly. He didn’t have a plan, he had just lunged forward and Patch had gone flying and he hadn’t thought about that and maybe that wasn’t a good idea—and knife. There was a knife. Chester had a knife and Roger had pinned Chester to the ground by his shoulders, but he still had the knife and before Roger could react, before Roger could pin down Chester’s hands, wrestle the knife from him—there was a sharp pain, a glint of silver, a glint of Chester’s wicked smile.
He didn’t even feel it all at first, just like sometimes in the fist fights he got in with Paul you didn’t notice someone had punched you till after, and he grabbed Chester’s hand, only then noticing that the knife was red. It was between them now, drops falling on Chester, and Roger wrenched it from him, tossing it on the balcony.
“You’re not going to hurt /anyone/,” he growled and that’s when he felt it. The blood first, wet, soaking through his shirt, then the pain—sharp, stabbing, raw, nothing like a broken fist or a blood nose. He winced, but did not loosen his grip.
Chester Now this could have gone better, but despite all that, the adrenaline was kicking through him high speed, his muscles burning in that good, good way that Chester loved. And he was not opposed to having Roger Radcliffe on top of him. He laughed then, laughed harder as Roger wrenched the knife from him, didn't mind as it scattered toward the balcony, toward his sister.
He just looked at Roger, smiled, then disappeared underneath him. Only the drops of blood from Roger marked where he was as he wiggled and kicked Roger again, trying to dislodge him.
Anita was panting when the knife got tossed, skidding her way. It stopped nearly right in front of her, like it was meant for her. She did what anyone would do in that situation: she grabbed it and rose from the ground, nearly tripping on her own clumsy feet. She felt everything now. Her heart was so loud in her ears it felt like a siren, a warning.
"Roger! Roger!" She said as she moved toward him and Chester-- though Chester was invisible now.
Paul "Perdy, call the cops!" Paul said, getting to Roger before Anita did. He made a blind grab for any part of Chester's flailing body, hand colliding with a -- a knee? He grabbed and slammed it down, helping Roger pin him. 'Knock him out, Rog!"
Roger was still in pain, but he raised a hand and punched--something? anything? His hand definitely made contact with something and he punched and then punched and then he gasped. "Paul--" He clutched at his side, fingers now covered with blood, but then with all he had left in him, he curled that bloody hand into a fist and gave another solid punch.
Perdita. blinked at Paul, his voice ringing out loud and strong through the din. With shaking fingers, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and hit dial.
"Hi yes, please come quick there is a manic in my apartment he tried to steal my baby and s-stabbed my friend, p-please help!" She gave the address, the phone still presssd to her ear. She dropped down on on knee and gestured for Patrick. "Come to mama, baby, come here Pat," she said, trying to smile at him but he just smiled back, waving at her through the shimmery shield.
Chester laughed. He laughed until his laughs became manic shrieks, Roger punching the sound from his lungs. A blow to the shoulder, a blow to the ear, a blow straight to the eye. His nose crunched. Blood pooled in his vision. And then one more punch and that sound-- laughter like a hyena-- shut off. But Chester did not materialize back into view. No, his precious, shiny marbles had far flung themselves to every which corner, his brain could not keep them together when unconscious. It was like there was nothing there at all.
Paul "I got you, I got you, mate," panted Paul, pulling Roger gently off the invisible body (nothing but a blood stain in its place). He eased Roger's head into his lap and his eyes went wide at the side of the blood spilling rapidly from Roger's ribcage, soaking one half of his short, even parts of his trouser. Roger's entire hand was covered in blood. "Shit, Rog, you bastard," said Paul in a hoarse voice that did not sound like Paul. It quivered too much. "What've y'done to yourself, eh, mate?" His hand covered Roger's bloody one, pressing hard against the slash to try to stop the bleeding.
Anita fell to her knees at Roger's side at once, letting the knife go. Tears streamed down her face, each one hotter than the last. She felt hot all over now. She didn't realize how cold she'd been. How little had really gotten through. "Roger, oh no, no," she choked on each sob and touched his scratchy cheek so softly, scared she might make everything worse. She'd been the cause for all this, after all. It was her fault, her stupid fault.
Roger "I'm sorry..." Roger said, weakly. He pressed his hand against the wound, but it was--longer than he thought, longer than the span of his hand and blood still flowed around it. way Paul was looking down at him, he felt like a child, like when he’d broken his ankle when trying to do a trick on Paul’s bike and—and Anita was there, right at his side, her hand on his cheek. Was she Anita though? Was she Anita, was this Anita or some cold, distant figure in her place? And Patch—he couldn’t see Patch. Chester had been holding Patch, where was the baby?
“Is Patch okay? Did you get him—I’m sorry I didn’t think. I…it’s my fault.”
Perdita It all happened so fast and Perdita's hand was sweaty around the phone and she was too scared to move closer to Roger. She could see the blood from here, a few feet away. It made her hands tremble and she didn't--she didn't want Roger to die. He'd saved her babies, he'd kept her secret for her, he was her /friend/. At his question, Perdita finally remembered she had legs and she took a few shaky steps forwards, so that she was in Roger's line of sight if he lifted his head. Could he lift his head?
"H-he's fine--he's--well, he's--" she didn't really have the words "--more than fine, really." Her lips trembled and she pressed them together. "T-thank you." Had she ever said that? For before? She should've.
Anita sobbed again as Roger apologized. All she wanted to do was put her head on his chest and hold him. She couldn't do that. He was covered in blood, the slash big and /everywhere/ or so it felt to Anita, though everything looked blurry through her tears.
"Oh Rog, you /are/ an idiot," she blubbered, but she leaned down and kissed his forehead. "Thank you, oh, thank you--" his cheek, then his other cheek. She hiccuped and sat up straight at the sound of sirens coming through the open balcony door. Oh thank goodness. She grasped at Roger's hand not currently pressed to Roger's side. "I-it's ok, you'll-- you'll be alright, I promise, everything-- everything's going to be /fine./" And she managed to smile at him through her tears and squeeze his hand.
Roger breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Patch was alright. He felt pain. It was everywhere, not just the gaping would, but through his chest, every time he breathed. His breath was shaking. /No, calm down Rog, you’ll be fine, you’ll be fine./ Anita had kissed his forehead, she said those words to him. He was going to be fine. He heard sirens. Anita was here, Anita was here and she was alive and she was—crying. She was crying. Patch was alright. Perdy was alright. Paul was alright. They were all alright, even if he wasn’t, and that was okay. He squeezed Anita’s hand back and nodded.
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labellerose-acheron · 6 years
simba 1, belle 2, (continue down the line in order then repeat)
you fucked up bc belle is my og but i’ll do it this way bc the first two are better flipped anyway.
go to karaoke song? simba: oh definitely don’t go breaking my heart
a song that describes them? belle: mind on fire, by aisha badru or queen of peace/all this and heaven too by florence + the machines
are they good at sports? lou: lmao no he has never played a sport in his life
do they have a favorite movie? bambi: yup! moonrise kingdom
three things in their fridge? perdita: baby food, vodka, and stuff to make a salad--she likes spinach more than lettuce
most three recently watched on netflix? sweet: doesn’t watch netflix but with callie he’s probably watched a couple movies 
celebrity crush? maui: omfg probably like angelina jolie like a stereotype.
are they close to their family? hercules: his parents, yes, his extended, no. 
best thing in their life? attina: her family ofc
greatest regret? akela: lol
biggest lie? peach: her life is a lie
biggest flaw? simba: too Noble, tries too hard for other ppl, but not for himself, cripplingly afraid of letting ppl down
best accomplishment? belle: uhm, definitely battling through eight rings of hell lol, also just being like strong and awesome -- she says “lol none”
greatest fear(s)? lou: being alone
what is their vice? (wrath, greed, pride, lust, gluttony, sloth, envy) bambi: sloth
what would their hogwarts house be? perdita: the Slyth Queen of Swynlake fight her, she will defeat you.
did they graduate high school? if so did they attend college? sweet: yup! undergrad at university of south dakota p sure and then med school at duke, did his residency in maryland.
when was their first real relationship? how’d it go? maui: hasn’t had one, it will probably go terrible
have they ever broken someones heart? has someone broken theirs? hercules: no, and yes, his first real girlfriend in egypt, tho i mean she just didn’t wanna do long distance, which fair.
have they ever been married? are they married? attina: in a fake world,
do they have children? have they before? akela: wow these akela ones are hURTING ME, yes he had a daughter she DIED
do they want children? peach: hasn’t really thought about it tbh
opinion on pets? cats or dogs? simba: dogs. cats are evil. (which is hilarious on several levels) -- he likes big cats, those aren’t pets tho
opinion on horror films? belle: stupid and most of the time, stereotyped and harmful to the public perception of the supernatural.
do they have allergies? lou: not really, maybe a lil sniffly in the spring
do they have a certain aesthetic or style? bambi: oh yeah, def--it’s totally hipster chic u know what im talkin about
do they have tattoos or piercings? perdy: double ear piercings, no tattoos surprisingly (well not really it’s against jewish religion and perdy def picks and chooses lol), used to have a belly button piercing before the babies
do they have any distinctive features or marks? sweet: his charming smile (and dat booooooty)
do they enjoy coffee or tea? hot or iced? maui: iced tea, def. also coffee is his life’s blood, esp during school
are they religious or spiritual? hercules: he celebrates the big holidays like diwali and such but not particularly. he believes in the gods but doesnt actively pray
are they a morning person or night person? attina: morning person, definitely.
if they could have any superpower what would it be? akela: um nothing, being a wolf is the best.
who is their ride or die friend? peach: right now? probably wilbur. the only reason the answer isn’t isabel is bc i feel like wilbur would be much more willing to do some truly fucked up shit.
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chester-glass-blog · 7 years
Meet the Father || Demon Cat vs. Roger Radcliffe
@dalmatianplantationsensation @jamespsulley
Chester Glass did not need Mitte to tell him that Roger Radcliffe had the world’s most adorable, hopeless crush on Anita. That had been obvious since last summer during the play. Remember, Chester had gotten fitted right before Roger and he’d stuck around to watch a few minutes as they flirted and teased and blushed around each other. He’d found the whole thing hilarious then; he found their love affair to be a useful opportunity now. 
After all, any friend of Anita’s was a friend of Chester’s. Chester wanted to play too.
And so he roped Sulley once again into the streets of Swynlake, having tracked Roger’s general schedule the past few days to pinpoint the moment when he was most vulnerable. The answer? Shutting up Scat Cat Records. While Roger counted the cash, Sulley and Ches would slip in and have him running down the aisle. 
This time, his instructions would be very, very specific.
“Alrighty, honeybear, my instructions are very, very specific,” he said to Sulley where the two of them stood across the street from Scat Cat Records, gazing at the figure of Roger through the window. “I want you to pretend to be the god-awful hideous form of Alfred Dearly. I want you to slink in there and ask him-- Do you know who I am? Do that growly voice of yours, it’s precious. And then tell him you’re Alfred Dearly, and you have a message for Anita, your daughter, that he HAS to tell her-- or else.” 
Chester chuckled, rubbing his hands together. Oh, this was too good. 
“And that message is this: You will haunt Swynlake and kill all of Anita’s friends, one by one, until she suffers as he did. Tell Roger that he’s first!” Chester’s chuckle grew giddy and high and he hopped up and down two times. 
“Remember, don’t go off script or I’ll smash this pretty amulet,” Chester said, tapping the stone against his chest. It winked as mischievously as Chester himself. “And be sure to be threatening. Don’t be afraid to slap him around a little if need be.” 
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What a strange being you are, God knows where I would be If you hadn't found me, sitting all alone in the dark A dumb screenshot of youth Watch how a cold broken teen Will desperately lean on a superglued human of proof What the hell would I be, without you Brave face talk so lightly, hide the truth
'Cause I'm sick of losing soulmates, so where do we begin I can finally see, you're as fucked up as me So how do we win?
@dalmatianplantationsensation; @truly-aninspiration
I will go down with this goddamn ship.
Okay look, my feelings about Dearcliffe and Louita and Ranch Lesbians are all... shattered and scattered and muddled and horribly biased, but at the heart of it all I am a Dearcliffe shipper. They just... they’re so... how do I even put this connection into words? It’s tangible; when the two of them are in a room together you can feel the air trying to pull and push and force them together. They’re beautiful in that quiet, quaint way: Rog pecking around on his piano while Anita smiles to herself and paints. And they have that friendship where the lines get all muddled, the way Silly was in the beginning. There are feelings and they know that but they’re best friends and they don’t know how they’re supposed to come out on top in either scenario. Please excuse me while I go silently cry to myself.
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paul-patts-blog · 7 years
Paul/Patch and Paul/Penny but they cant be the same song
i can’t help but for patch/paul: (lowkey works for both)
Oh Philip, when you smile I am undoneMy sonLook at my sonPride is not the word I’m looking for
There is so much more inside me nowOh Philip, you outshine the morning sunMy sonWhen you smile, I fall apartAnd I thought I was so smartMy father wasn’t around (my father wasn’t around)
I swear thatI’ll be around for youI’ll do whatever it takesI’ll make a million mistakesI’ll make the world safe and sound for you
for penny, gotta go classic: 
Isn't she lovelyIsn't she wonderfulIsn't she preciousLess than one minute oldI never thought through love we'd beMaking one as lovely as sheBut isn't she lovely made from love
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dalmatianplantationsensation replied to your post: ariel/jakeee
fuckin scalies
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