#daft punk go trick or treating...
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moxfirefly · 4 years
Hello, big fan, hi, wow nervous energy.✨✨ Okay so umm I've heard and seen the famous "Man Cold" where if a guy is sick it's the end of his life, he's the biggest baby blah blah blah. We've all seem how the turts would treat their s/o if he/she/they were sick. But how would the turts act if they were sick themselves? ⭐⭐
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Ohhh I’m digging this. Let’s see who’s the least and biggest baby when it comes to getting a cold/flu
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I’m going out on a limb here and I’m gonna say the biggest baby is Lee
Mostly because I love the contrast of him being such a stern tight ass leader and then he gets a cold and it’s just ‘this is it, this is how I die, I leave my katanas to my dearest y/n and my bonsais to my father’
Seriously he just becomes a baby
Can’t get out of bed
Wants soup, preferably homemade
100cc’s of Tea stat
The sick boyfriend that begs you to stay
Wants to watch cartoons cause that’s his fave thing when he feels all cruddy
Will lay his head on your lap, snug in a blanket,tissues nearby as you run your fingers across his head
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Our second baby is def Mikey
Come on
Even when little the theatrics this boy did
Honestly sick Mikey tugs at the heartstrings. The energy isnt there. He’s all achey and bummed out
Half the appetite he usually has
Mostly wants liquids and while orange crush isn’t a suitable liquid he will have Gatorade instead
Cat YouTube playlist please
Get his spirits up
Read to him as well
Lie down with him and listen to music with him. Mikey loves music when he feels like crap
He’ll love it more if you sing to him
Wants to be coddled so much like geeeeez
Will ask you to feed him probably
‘Kisses help for colds too babe’
Smooch his head then or he’ll pout forever
‘Doesnt the nurse give sponge baths??’
‘Mikey please’
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Raph hates being benched so getting sick is so annoying to him
He hates feeling stuffy and achey and not energized
Will try to sweat the fever out
Will have Leo breathing down his neck to get in bed and rest
Will spite Leo because it’s Raph come on
That is until you show up and point to the bed and he just slumps and sighs
Wants comfort food honestly
Accepts you making him Teas and broths
Distract him it’s the best way you can or he’ll go off on a rant about how much he hates being sick and how he isn’t even feeling that bad
‘Raph you’re shivering’
‘There’s a draft!’
Cue you looking into the camera like in the office
NyQuil doesn’t knock this man out, him big™️
Massage him, that usually does the trick
Let him rest of them tiddies
Vin Diesel marathon
Gossip with him about your work/school stuff (boy likes a good tea sesh)
Make up tutorials (I headcanon that Raph really enjoys that shit and he knows the terminology etc)
‘She went to heavy on the *loud sneeze* contour’
‘Well now she has a booger courtesy you’
Cue lots of nasally laughs
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Donnie would rather die than admit he’s ill
Like he will straight work through a high ass fever, body aches and chills
Like sure he knows his limits and he’ll probably research what to do but he fucking despises being sick
So he’ll try to hide just how utterly sick he is
Deny deny deny
It’s not until you see him wheelie his way to a wastebasket and just puke his life out and sit there for a solid five minutes looking like he’s gonna pass out that you declare a state of emergency
Family intervention for Donatello to go to bed has commenced
More denial
‘I’m perfectly fine, it’s allergies at best’
‘Pollen doesn’t make you dry heave into the kitchen sink’
Honestly he has to be monitored, every brother takes turns watching that he doesn’t sneak out
So you’re nurse skills gotta be top tier god like
Nifty playlist. DIY playlist. Keep his brain occupied, if he’s learning he don’t feel so wasted.
Daft Punk live concert. Can’t be upsetty about not being useful if you’re giving to good music.
You gotta stay with him honestly
Lots of talking boy loves to converse with you so take full advantage before he conks out
Once he does hold him and hum to him, he loves that shit
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rosey-writes · 5 years
saxophone, cello for eliot ✨
“You people have no idea how fucking close I was to saying My Chemical Romance just because I know you people expect me to be pure emo trash. I mean, I am, but, at least I’m classic emo trash.
Really though, I dunno, my music taste is a fucking trainwreck, but, I guess if I had to- either Lily Allen, Amy Winehouse, or Daft Punk. One and two because no one else managed to make sweet music so beautifully passive agressive, and three, I think made music not suck in the modern day. Them and Marshmellow are just about the only good producers outside of Ronson, so thank fuck they’re still around. 
I don’t really follow artists though, I don’t think anyone’s particularly good enough to follow. I find songs I like and listen to them, fuck whoever made them.
And I live with a chronic crybaby, take a wild guess. I love Axel, I do, but the kid’s going to be able to vote soon but refuses to go trick or treating without crushing my hand for half the walk.”
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kouryuudielysion · 6 years
41, 23, 6, and 43 (number generators are useful and I'm just curious about everything) 🌹
If it works, no need to fix it, eh?
Favorite band: 
Geez, this is hard mostly because I don’t actually listen to many bands. I suppose of all the bands I have listened to, Green Day is one that I’ve listened too for a long time, as has Skillet and Daft Punk.
What’s your shoe size? 
I generally run about a 9-9 1/2 in women’s, though I can sometimes fit an 8 1/2 if it’s a wide fit.
Have you ever snuck out of your house? 
I wouldn’t call it sneaking per se, though I did once go trick or treating as a teenager by (half-) lying to my parents saying I was going to hang out at a friend’s house.
Have you ever been arrested? 
I have not been arrested and I plan to do my best to keep it that way.
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