#daddy Oz
finniestoncrane · 1 year
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ozzie-sweetheart · 1 year
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New pictures!! 💜💜
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mietkoodles · 1 year
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daddy oz for the amazing @finniestoncrane 🐧
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forkgirl · 2 years
look i'm thirst begging for yandere daddy oz, if you have the time/ideas to do it, then i have the time to read whatever you write five times and then cry about it afterwards u-u
𝐇𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐃𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐥𝐥
Farrell!Penguin x Fem!Reader
yes ofc anything for daddy oz, finally had a tiny bit of time to write a random drabble! also i got REALLY sleep deprived halfway so if it doesnt make sense or just starts to suck thats why
warnings: stripper reader, fem reader, tiny bit of nsfw, yandere themes, oz kills someone cause idk why not, oz kind of a douche but its okay coz hes hot
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𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐡 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐜𝐤, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐤𝐢𝐥𝐥 💋🍒
Gotham City had its ups and downs. Mostly downs, but it really depended on who you were. Born into money, a nepotism child being served everything on a silver platter - or just the average citizen, trying to play the hand they’ve been dealt.
Like many other girls struggling, you turned to the Iceberg Lounge for employment. It was well-paying, an easy to get job that would surely never lose business.
Each day payed well, you were a favourite amongst the crowd, even distracting some employees, giving them a sultry wink leaving them to long for more.
Amongst the men you’d see in your days, only a few really stuck out, your usual clients, some of the frequent patrons you’d catch staring at you during your routine. You’d hear them chatter as you go backstage, just drunken bar talk.
“Hey, dollface,” you heard through the blaring music and chatter. Not sure who it was, you glanced over and ignored it.
“Ay, I’m talkin’ to you!” The man snapped his fingers right at you.
Startled, you looked behind yourself. A larger middle aged man smiled at you, showing off his gold tooth.
“Didn’t mean to scare ya, angel, couldn’t help but tell you how gorgeous ya look.”
You smiled and nodded, about to walk away and go backstage to change your outfit, but he grabbed you by your shoulder.
“Don’t just leave when I’m talking to you, do you know who I am?”
“I’m, uh, I’m afraid not, sir.”
“Oh, princess.”
He looked at you as if disappointed, shocked even, letting out a deep sigh.
“Oswald Cobblepot. Owner of the place.” He winked and flashed a smile, and you were entirely convinced your life flashed right before your eyes.
“I didn’t know, I’m so sorry Mr. Cobblepot, really, I just never heard or seen who owns this pla-“ He hushed you, taking a seat down next to you. Who knew such a gangster coils be so gentlemanly, resting his arms on the crushed velvet sides.
“Not many people know, hah, better to be in the shadows so I can really see what people do here behind closed doors.” He chuckled, taking a sip of whiskey. “Say, think you could give me a private show? I like you a lot, you’re a charmer without even tryin’.”
Before you could even respond, blushing wildly, your manager came over to the two of you.
“Hey! Show’s on in 5, stop flirting with the customers! Ain’t like you’re getting paid extra or whatnot.” He stood between you and Oz, giving you a little shove to the dressing room entrance.
“And you, don’t flirt with my girls while they’re on the job, that’s what after hours are for!” He hissed at Oz, not knowing his position either.
Oz held his hands up, as if surrendering to the man, a smug grin on his face as the manager barked at you again, noticing your longing expression directed towards Oz.
“You’ll have enough time to flirt after your shift is over. Come on, don’t keep ‘em waiting!”
“She can stay with me as long as I want.” Oz grabbed you by the waist, protectively pulling you close to him.
“Excuse me? You think you run the place, or what?”
“‘Fact I do.” Oswald pulled out a gold-plated revolver from his coat, waving it around towards the exit. “What’s your name, kid? Tell me. I wanna know who’s mama I’m gonna be talking to, ordering around girls like that.”
The man was in too much shock to speak, instead tackling Oswald, choking him. Oswald managed to keep a grip on the revolver, shooting the man once in the head as the shot echoed throughout the club.
Oswald smiled at you, lifting himself back up on his feet and kicking the man to the side.
“You okay, sweetheart?”
You nodded, your mouth agape. He stuck two of his fingers inside, grazing your bottom teeth, taking them out to give you a kiss. Reaching inside of his pocket, he pulled out a hundred dollar bill with his number written on it.
“Nothin’ more gorgeous than a hundred dollar bill, baby, nothin’ but you. Buy yourself something pretty, you’re daddy’s now.” he said, before you could even speak.
“I say this is the night you become mine, angel.”
lmk if you guys want a part 2!! i could maybe make one ksjsjsj
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oz00ms2 · 4 months
buggy suffering through a family and business partner dinner: daddy, pass the salt?
shanks, crocodile, & mihawk reach for the salt: ?!!
buggy, just fuckin sick of all them: I could not have more clearly been speaking to rayleigh!!
rayleigh: don't mind me, congrats kiddo!
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burton-adib · 1 year
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I had to draw this 😊
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sweetheriah · 8 days
i need oz cock in my mouth all day every fucking day! 🇦🇺
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ozimagines · 15 days
It’s four in the morning help💀
I was inspired by @wawamouse yet again by saying he wanted to write a fic where Miguel was just openly attracted to Chico. Like, plain and simple. Two bros. Chillin in a hottub. You get the gist. I’m here for it and a little high so…
Miguel Alvarez and Chico Guerra in…
Crime and Punishment
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Fuck him. Sometimes Miguel forgot how much of a dick Chico could be. They’d been dating for a few years now. Mostly in private at first but they learned to roll with the punches. They just worked too well together to quit, even though they argued like an old married couple. Chico was in the bathroom now. Had been for the last half hour.
The blow up had been at dinner. An argument they had at least a dozen times but today was a monsoon. Every argument just came up all at once, until they were screaming at each other from across the table. Chico walked away first. He always did. And Miguel hated that he took that opportunity away from him every time. Made him angrier than the actual argument. He was seething on the couch as he waited on the bathroom. A one bedroom sounded like a great idea in the beginning; he and Guerra fucked like bunnies. But now? With Guerra hogging the only toilet in the house?
“You redecorating or some shit?” Miguel called heatedly. He heard a crash and some swearing but no screaming so he just rolled his eyes.
“Shaving. That okay with you, Princess?” Chico called back, like a taunting child. Miguel rolled his eyes yet again.
“I’d like to take a shit sometime this century.”
“Yeah? Maybe that lump of coal up your ass is finally a diamond.”
“Fuck off.”
Silence. He heard Chico fumbling with his shaving kit. He never used an electric razor on his face. Didn’t trust them. Shaved the way his brother taught him how. Miguel softened a little at the thought. He liked watching Chico shave and clean up his goatee. The man took so much pride in it. Plus it’s hot to watch your boyfriend shave. Miguel was man enough to admit that. But that’s why Chico was shaving now. He was purposely stopping Miguel from watching him. Alvarez understood how crazy that sounded, but he knew his insane boyfriend better than anyone. This is exactly the petty shit he pulls when he’s butthurt. Miguel found himself getting angry again at the thought. He knew Chico needed MUCH concentration when he shaved, so he decided to put down his book and walk to the bathroom door.
“Five. Ten. Fifteen. Twenty.”
“You’re counting now? What’re you? My mom?” Guerra called through the door with a grimace.
“Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo!”
“Oh, real fucking mature, Miguel.”
Miguel grinned like the bitch he was and kept going. He could hear Guerra muttering Spanish obscenities through the door.
“To sit in solemn silence on a dull dark dock in a pestilential prison with a life long lock-“
“Miguel, I’m warning you.”
Miguel just started to bang different tunes on the door to throw him off. He hated the tongue-twisters Miguel learned at the theater.
“-awaiting the sensation of a short sharp shock-“
“I’ll fucking leave you for this, you colossal bitch.”
“-from a cheap and chippy chopper on a big black block!”
“FUCK!” Chico reacted in pain and then there was silence. Miguel listened, the smile slowly disappearing from his face when the silence persisted.
“Chico? Yo, you okay?”
More silence. Miguel started to worry.
“Hey, Chico. Just… tap on the door if you’re okay.”
More silence. No Spanish obscenities. Miguel’s heart dropped.
“Carmen, I’m gonna break the door-“
The door swung open quick and a furious Guerra was standing there in only his boxers, a little blood dripping from his clean shaven face. It was just a nick. Chico went toe to toe with him, eyes flashing in their fury.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, cabron. That shit hurts.”
Miguel didn’t say a word, just stared at Chico, who didn’t notice his boyfriend wasn’t responding and kept berating him.
“The fuck is up with you? First you need to take a shit that’s more important than me keeping the skin on my face and now you got nothing to say?” He stormed past Miguel and went to the kitchen to pour some Tequila. Miguel followed. Chico noticed. “What? Now you gotta take a shit in the kitchen, too?”
Miguel just stared at Chico as if he was looking at him for the first time. Chico, ever the empath, just then noticed Miguel hasn’t said anything, just staring at him wide eyed. He touches his face to see if the nick was more serious than he thought, but the blood was already gone. He searched behind him for the answer.
“You shaved.”
“Told you I was.” He retorted, back to pouring his tequila. Miguel swallows thickly.
“I thought you meant you were trimming up the goatee.” Miguel clarified, still wide eyed. Chico shifted.
“Thought I’d try something new.” He took a shot of tequila and went to pour another. There weren’t any damn limes left in the house. Two Latinos. No limes. He shook his head at the travesty and looked up to see Miguel still staring. He suddenly got very self conscious.
“You don’t like it?” He asked quietly, eyes downward at first but then looking over Miguel.
“No… I mean yes… wait what was the question?” Miguel stammered out, eyes as big as the moon. Chico furrowed his brow, before a lightbulb lit in his head. He suddenly recognized that look. The glassy eyes. The moist lips. The starstruck attitude.
“Wait… wait you like it.” He narrated out loud, sly smirk starting to form as he pounds his last shot.
“Well… I mean….” Miguel’s speech patterns were giving him away. Chico knew this well. He’d seen Miguel horny but never like this.
“No, I know that look. You like it. More than that. You like like it.” He started chuckling to himself, mind already reeling at how he could use this, the argument from hours prior already forgotten.
Miguel tried to say something but he couldn’t. He really couldn’t. He was always attracted to Guerra, but clean shaven Guerra? Man never stood a chance.
His boyfriend was looking FIT. He’d always been muscular, but damn, did he look different there, hair a mess, only in his fucking blue boxers, clean shaven face grinning at him dickishly. And those eyes. He’d made his fair share of comments to Guerra regarding his eyes, but Miguel forgot how devastatingly deep and intense they were. Especially in the throes of passion. Chico took a cocksure step towards him, almost as if he were ‘showing off the goods’ as he once phrased it.
“Miguelito likes his handsome boyfriend.” He flexes dorkily, and Miguel starts to blush and deny, waving his hand in front of him dismissively.
“Man, shut up.” But his retorts were lacking. He was just too attracted to Guerra at the moment. The caramel skin and clean jaw. The long masculine fingers and hip bones sticking out. Chico kept sauntering over to him, teasing the air around him.
“Awww… Miguelito’s embarrassed. Don’t be, baby, I know I’m that gorgeous.”
Miguel felt his ears burning as he looked anywhere but in Guerra’s direction as he brushed past the man and straight to the tequila. He poured himself a shot and took it, mentally making a note to get limes tomorrow. He felt a hot breath on his neck, and Guerra’s arms sneaking around his waist. He started to pour another shot, when he heard Chico behind him. Only, Chico’s voice wasn’t playful anymore. It was deep and gravely as he tried to whisper into Miguel’s ear, licking the lobe lovingly before doing so.
“Just tell me you didn’t have the urge to call me Daddy just then and I’ll leave you alone.”
He husked one more hot breath and nipped at the lobe as he pulled away, the bite carrying a shiver down Miguel’s spine.
All he had to do was tell Chico no. Just one no, and he might get some peace and quiet for the first time that night. All he had to do was say no. Shake his head no. Punch Chico in the throat and then leave him. Anything, except what he actually did.
He moaned.
He heard a deep chuckle behind him, and Chico said;
“That’s what I thought, Miguelito.”
He kissed the side of Miguel’s head, before picking him up and throwing him onto the counter, pulling Miguel’s head forward to trap him in a kiss, spreading his legs so that either one was on their respective side of his hips. He forced his tongue deep into Miguel’s mouth, and the man made an animalistic sound Guerra had never heard from him. The glasses clattered to the floor, and as Alvarez instinctively looked to inspect the damage, Chico took the opportunity to bite his neck, making Miguel yell in pain and pleasure. Something about his freshly shaved face gliding on Miguel’s skin was too much to bear. They broke apart, panting and sweating, staring at the other and undressing them with their eyes. But neither one moved. There was a still silence for a second, before Guerra said;
“Say it.”
“Say what?” Miguel asked, confused. Chico smirked and raised his eyebrows.
“Say it.” He repeated, that same shit eating smile on his face. Miguel suddenly understood.
“I’m not saying it.”
“With your ego? Even this reaction was too much.”
Chico put both hands on either thigh, squeezing to get his attention, and moving his head so Miguel was forced to meet his gaze, smiling the whole way.
“Just say it, man, and I promise the night of your life.”
Miguel thought for a moment and sighed.
“Can I whisper it?” He said with a head shake, understanding that he was forgoing his dignity for the night. Chico nodded happily, and Chico guided him by a hand on the back of his neck, bringing Chico’s ear up to his lips. After kissing it for a second, he tries to muster the words Guerra wanted to hear.
“Fuck me, Daddy.”
Chico growled loudly and helped Miguel off the counter, spanking his ass loudly as Alvarez made his way to the bedroom.
“Fuck you.”
Guerra responded with a loud laugh, and another smack on Miguel’s rear, letting the door slam behind him.
“Careful, Miguelito. Daddy’s home.”
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obsoleteozymandias · 1 year
One of my favorite things in any media is when the nature of a person’s feelings (Normal’s) for someone (Hermie) gets called out. Asking whether a person’s feelings are genuine or not is such a good trope. Personally, as much as I love me some OakWorthy, I feel that Normal and Hermie both have a LONG way to go before being to be in any relationship. But Hermie questioning Normal accelerates that and makes future confrontations SO MUCH MORE DELICIOUS.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
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ozzie-sweetheart · 1 year
Well hello 👀🥰
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Also to who ever is taking these pictures, I love you
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7thingsnbeings · 2 months
Here, have a doodle of Big Oz himself
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cerealforkart · 9 months
Should I have used Ron as the lesson 41 end card instead of Santa Claus? Yes. Obviously. But I was so excited when Anthony and Will introduced Santa Claus like, “oh! Here’s a special treat they cooked up just for me to use as an end card!” that I completely failed to notice when Beth put a way better treat on the table
But it’s okay, Ron wouldn’t be disappointed in me
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roughridingrednecks · 10 months
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Oz Boxer
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gemini-in-tauro · 8 months
Methinks that if a crossover between Kuroshitsuji and Pandora Hearts ever happened, Elliot would have a fencing crush on Lizzy and would ask for her to duel him 24/7 à la that Extra where Break was just Done™ with him.
Edward would probably have a quarter-life crisis because how dare he accost his sister, but also??? Why does he look like me???
Alice would probably gain the eternal hate of Sebastian the moment he prepares a dish and she says it's "good, but not as good as the seaweedhead's", to Gilbert's pride and mortification.
Break, Reim and Ciel would bond over sweets (Break would give Ciel tips on how to poison people while looking at a Certain Sewer Rat).
Oz would have lots of fun with the Phantomhive servants, either messing with them, or asking them for tips to mess with Gilbert.
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tortelloniboi · 7 months
this was my reaction to the oakworthy scene™️ btw. if u even care
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