#czech course
"oh, Charles, you're such an angel."
Max hears it often. he picks up the phrases chirped by the girls around. it was said by fans, PR managers and once he had even heard it from a Ferrari mechanic. and Max totally and utterly disagrees.
Charles is no angel. on and off the track.
he is a bloody menace.
because angels don't look like that. with a slight squint when there's a storm brewing in the depths of green eyes in the middle of a sunny day.
angels don't get so angry you're afraid to approach. angels don't hold grudges. angels are quick to forgive.
angels don't smile like that. smirking, a little arrogant, covering it with their innocence. and showing a little of the soft tip of the tongue between their teeth.
angels are measured. they take their time. they are neat and tidy. they never make a mess of crumpled sheets and clothes.
angels are gentle. angels never squeeze skin until it bruises, bite until it darkens, or pull hair so hard it brings tears to the eyes.
and even more so, angels don't moan. not painfully, but sweetly, like melted chocolate with marzipan that leaves marks on your fingers. hot. frank. naked. absolutely wasted.
angels don't expose their necks, don't bare collarbones, giving more space for someone’s lips to leave marks.
angels don't press closer, scratching back until it’s bleeding. angels don’t choke on passion and never create their own.
but he falls asleep in the most angelic way. with his nose against Max's neck and the blanket pulled up to his eyes. he throws an arm and a leg over the body next to him, pulls closer, smiles warmly, and lowers his long fluffy eyelashes.
people easily fall for it.
"oh, Charles, you're such an angel."
but Max knows that Charles isn't an angel at all. he's a real demon in the flesh. but it's much easier to love him like that.
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schnuffel-danny · 1 year
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That god damn LGBT Czechia flag has been living in my mind rent free since the moment I saw it and so, I present to you: The most self indulgent image I have ever made in my entire existence.
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hidden-but · 2 months
You know, today's news are kinda funnier in english, given everyone's talking about the Ex PM's Cock Video.
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lyriumrain · 5 months
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Duolingo once again serving only the most useful of phrases 🕷️🤔
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caesarsaladinn · 8 months
it would be unbelievably bad form and I won't do it but I'm tempted to go to my Czech lit professor and ask, "so what is the point of this class, exactly? will it give me any generalizable knowledge at all?"
my fault for enrolling, but still.
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kutyozh · 4 months
wouldn't it be nice to have money... imagine, i could even subscribe to 70 language courses on Mango
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hanzajesthanza · 2 years
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i carved ciri into a pumpkin for halloween 🎃
unfortunately i realized it was a pie pumpkin and not a carving pumpkin halfway through when i went to scoop its insides out 😅 but this was super fun
the design for the pumpkin is from this depiction of ciri by jana komárková from the czech edition of the tower of the swallow, one of my favorite illustrations of her and one of my favorite witcher illustrations ever:
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bookwormwinnetou · 4 months
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So, I got a bit curious about Goncharov, particularly as someone interested in other countries' posters for America's movies (my favourites include Showa era Japanese ones, look up Japan's Army of Darkness poster some time). It was already difficult given it was once lost (I was beginning to think maybe it never left the states), but to add to that it was released in the Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia at the time, their posters are always wild) under a completely different name. 'Hrnčíř Diskotéky', or if Google translate is to be believed, 'Disco Potter'.
Or at least, according to this poster. It has the exact same cast and director, and it does contain interpretations of things from the film, so it's my best guess that this is the Czech poster for Goncharov, and that must have been its name there.
It is pretty interesting poster in its own right, has what I often like about Czech posters anyway. But something else intrigued me. The odd knife. Now obviously, it's not the knife that killed Goncharov and Andrey. That could be just artistic license and lack of communication between countries, but the way De Niro is holding it in his mouth...
I googled as best I could of the knife's description, and it might be a bollock dagger. A type of dagger with a hilt that's deliberately meant to resemble testicles. Yep.
So, the designer might've noticed the subtext long before the film's new fans, or maybe the Czech Republic got a more explicit cut.
Either way...they knew.
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minglana · 6 months
guess ill look at other unis bc 1. apparently there was an easier way to look for courses offered. especially in english. and 2. the courses offered in english are all for master programs😭
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misterradio · 8 months
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pretty brutal huh. well, im insane
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patrickztump · 8 months
dude went to the (new) vet today. they loved him and said he was a very good boy.
he has a small growth on his wrist, something i noticed a few weeks back but thought it was a scab because he’s always cutting himself. it’s most likely like the mole he’s had on his back for the last however-many-years, and the best route is to just keep an eye on it.
he also has a lipoma on his side, something scamp had several of by this age. again, nothing serious.
his teeth are “good” but very worn. plaque is nonexistent and gumline is very nice.
we discussed the possibility of a gastropexy in his future, should he get neutered, because: german shepherd. now that we have the numbers in terms of price, it’s time to sit down and decide if it’s the right thing to do for him and his future. obviously a pexy will not prevent bloat, just torsion of the stomach, but there’s really no “it will or won’t” happen guarantee in life. you have homeowners insurance because of the unknown, not because you plan on your house being sucked away into a tornado.
so, it’s a lot to think about - and has been for the last 6-8 years - but now feels more real that i have a vet that can do it in-house. i guess the question is, would or have you gotten a gastropexy for your dog as a torsion prevention? or would you not, even if your breed is susceptible to it?
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amandaleveille · 1 year
& if I spent my last hour and fourteen minutes before bed watching the entire spittin' chiclets sandbagger invitational XVI featuring pastrnak and fiala video what then 😔😔😔😔
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shredsandpatches · 2 years
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Today in Duolingo: this is serious! They could make you delirious!
(Started doing the Italian course this weekend in case my language skills come up during the job interview. Because of the nature of the collections I'd be working with, I need to read Latin--which I do--and at least one other European language, and they specifically asked about Italian. Obviously not having Italian didn't hurt me that much given my good knowledge of French and okay knowledge of German and basic Czech, but it would be nice to be able to show I've put in some effort, and you never know what they'll ask. When I did my finalist interview for the other job at this institution they asked me to cold-read some Latin.)
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jcmarchi · 2 months
DITA Howitzers for Ukraine - What Makes This Weapon Special? - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/dita-howitzers-for-ukraine-what-makes-this-weapon-special-technology-org/
DITA Howitzers for Ukraine - What Makes This Weapon Special? - Technology Org
Ukraine badly needs strong artillery. Russia has a huge advantage in both the number of troops and weapons, so Ukraine must be ahead in terms of technology and the quality of its weapons. That is why the Netherlands is buying nine outstanding DITA self-propelled howitzers for Ukraine. This artillery system has some amazing capabilities.
DITA 155mm howitzer in 2021. Image credit: Michał Derela via Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 4.0)
The DITA is a highly advanced Czech-made self-propelled 155 mm howitzer, based on the earlier DANA. The DANA is a Czechoslovak self-propelled eight-wheel howitzer, in service since 1981. Mobility and speed have always been the main advantages of the DANA, which Ukraine also enjoys. But the DANA is a 152.4 mm howitzer, which is the old Eastern Bloc and Russian standard. Meanwhile, the DITA is a modern interpretation of this weapon, which not only has a lot of impressive technology, but also fires 155 mm rounds.
Why is the calibre important? It is already difficult for the West to supply Ukraine with artillery shells. However, finding 155 mm shells is a bit easier because it is the NATO standard. Such ammunition is produced in Western countries, and although it is also in short supply, it will be easier to produce larger quantities of such shells in the future than to find old Soviet 152.4 mm ammunition.
The DITA is an artillery system of impressive capabilities, made for speed. The location of the opposing artillery can be determined by the flight trajectory of the projectiles – there are counter-battery radars for this purpose. Sometimes it’s best to arrive at the firing site, fire a few shots, and leave before the enemy can fire back – this tactic is called shoot-and-scoot.
🇳🇱🇺🇦 “The DITA howitzer is a modern firing system that can hit targets tens of kilometers away. That is why the Netherlands recently ordered 9 howitzers for Ukraine in the Czech Republic”, – MoD of the Netherlands pic.twitter.com/mYmSQtvBZz
— MAKS 23 🇺🇦👀 (@Maks_NAFO_FELLA) February 28, 2024
The DITA is based on a Tatra 8×8 chassis with a 300 kW engine. On the road, this howitzer moves at 80-90 km/h without problems. It is good off-road as well. After arriving at the intended firing location, DITA prepares for shooting in less than 60 seconds. The hydraulic support legs are lowered, the howitzer barrel is automatically raised and directed towards the target, and the automatic loader begins to operate. The DITA can fire 6 shots per minute. Then the howitzer prepares to move in less than 60.
Best of all, the crew sits safely in an armoured, air-conditioned cab. The crew of DITA consists of only 2-3 people who work far from the ammunition compartment.
The Netherlands is buying 9 Czech DITA howitzers for Ukraine. Just that they may take some time to arrive, because it is a completely new weapon and who knows how quickly these systems can be produced. In any case, Ukraine will need good artillery for a long time and DITA is a good tool to have.
The Netherlands buys a lot of weapons for Ukraine. The Commander of the Dutch Armed Forces, General Onno Eichelsheim himself visited the Czech Republic and inspected not only the DITA howitzers, but also the VERA-NG radar system. He emphasized that military support for Ukraine is still the highest priority of the Netherlands.
Previously, the Netherlands ordered 100 MR-2 anti-aircraft guns from Czech manufacturers and together with the USA and Denmark bought 100 modernized T-72 tanks. The Netherlands thus became one of the main customers of the Czech arms industry. But, of course, with the goal of transferring everything to Ukraine.
General Onno Eichelsheim also echoed what most European leaders are now saying – Europe needs to ramp up its own arms production not only for Ukraine, but also for its own security.
Written by Povilas M.
Sources: The Netherlands Ministry of Defence, Wikipedia
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coffeexanodyne · 8 months
contemplating taking czech next semester so i can add another language to the „i know enough to read a wikipedia page about a basic topic but not enough to follow a conversation“ list
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