onewaigu · 4 years
Ring On My Ears (Pt. 2)
Genre : projectpartners!au
Theme : fluff
Pairing : Cya(Onewe) X Reader
Description : you were going to go to Giwook's apartment to do some planning for your art project. when he left you in his room to bring in some snacks, his phone went off. hearing his ringtone, you were extremely confused because you could've sworn you heard a really familiar voice coming from it.
Part 1 Part 2
You hopped off the bus with a heave as your black guitar case casually swung behind your back. Giwook's apartment building wasn't far from the busstop so you didn't mind the weight at all.
Scanning the stretch of buildings for the address he sent you through KaTalk the other night, you finally spotted the fairly new building and headed towards it. As your hand was reaching out to press the intercom signalling Giwook of your arrival, someone came out of the building. The person probably wasn't aware of your presence at the entrance because he immediately bumped into you, almost causing you to trip over some steps.
Thankfully, he was just in time to catch you and proceeded to apologise to you profusely. As he was apologetically bowing, you awkwardly straightened out your clothes before assuring him that it was okay.
When he looked up at you, he suddenly stopped bowing. Instead, he took a long glance at you. You were about to smack the creep's head into oblivion when he excitedly asked whether you were going to see 'that one college boy on the third floor'. You simply nodded. You didn't want to continue talking to this person.
“Well then, go ahead”, he gestured inside with his head as he held the door for you.
“No problem, anything for Cya's friend!”, you heard him shout as you entered the building.
You paused in your tracks. Rushing back to the entrance, your head turned from left to right searching for the person but unfortunately, he was already out of sight. Maybe he had gotten the wrong person cause you had absolutely no idea who this 'Kiya' was. Much less, be his friend.
Ignoring your odd encounter, you headed up to the third floor where Giwook was staying at. He had told you that he was living alone because of the college transfer so he warned you of the mess he called home.
A few hours later, you were in Giwook's room laying flat on his bed while he strummed some chords on his bass guitar. You were caught by surprise when you learnt that Giwook had a talent for producing. Thanks to his genius, the two of you were halfway done with the music samples for the different genres.
The sound of your grumbling stomach was the cue that both of you needed a break. Giwook, being the kind friend that he was, offered to bring some snacks from the kitchen. That left you alone in his room, rotting away in boredom.
You were mindlessly reaching for Giwook's bass guitar that was lying at the corner of the bed when you heard his phone go off. At first, you ignored it thinking that he might've heard it. However after a few more calls, he still hadn't entered the room to pick up the call. Hence, you decided not to let the other person on the line feel like they were being ignored so you answered the phone.
All the while when you were waiting for Giwook to pick up his phone, you couldn't help but notice a really familiar voice coming from his ringtone. It sounded almost identical to Giwook. The only difference was that the voice coming from the ringtone was a bit harsher than Giwook's soft-spoken one. But maybe, it was just in your head. That was what you assumed..until you heard the person on the other line speak.
You froze once you had picked up the call.
“Yah Cya, why were you ignoring my calls?”, a voice asked in fake hurt.
“Giwookie's probably tired of you”, another voice in the background humoured.
You could hear laughter and struggling from the other line.
“Anyway, what time are you guys done with your school project? You do remember that we have a performance at the Rolling Hall, right?”, the first person continued.
You stayed quiet throughout the whole conversation. You didn't know how to react so your thumb automatically pressed the end call button on the screen before the other person could say anything else.
After the call ended, you slumped your back against the wall behind you with Giwook's phone still in your hand as you stared at the door. He entered the room not long after with a plateful of fried chicken and two bottles of Coke. So that's why he took so long.
He, on the otherside, took notice of his phone that was in your possession.
“Y/N, why do you have my phone?”, he quirked his eyebrow at you as he didn't want to assume wrongly.
“It's nothing, just that apparently you have two names and that the creep I met when I came here knew I was your friend”, you monotonously replied to his question.
“Oh, and I think I heard your voice coming from your ringtone”
Your eyes followed him as he placed the snacks down on his table and began to pace around his room. He scrunched his nose in deep thought. Even amidst your confusion, you thought that was adorable.
Finally after much pacing around, he stood in front of you and took a deep breath before explaining.
From what you gathered, Giwook or rather Cya was part of a newly-redebuted band. He was in charge of the bass guitar and rap. The ringtone you heard was a song from their 1st single album, 'Ring On My Ears'. So, the voice you heard was really his. They were actually supposed to perform at this performance venue in Hongdae right after the two of you had wrapped up for the day that evening.
You held up your hand to stop him mid-explanation while looking at him incredulously.
“Then what are we still doing here?”
Giwook gaped at your sudden interruption.
“You have a band to meet up with”, you said hopping off his bed and dragging his arm towards the door.
“But- the chicken”
Was he really finding an excuse right now?
“Bring them chickens along”, you continued dragging him till you reached the venue.
The place was smaller than any other concert venues you'd seen but it was cozy. There was a neon sign in front that said 'Rolling Hall'. You awed as you took in everything while Giwook, who was still in your grasp, shyly scratched his head. Your eyes caught the banners that hung from the microphones. Onewe. That was probably the name of their band.
Your eyes moved to where the drummer was supposed to be and..
“You!”, you pointed accusingly at the person who was also pointing mockingly at you.
It was the guy from before. The weird creep that let you in the building. He was in Giwook's band. As you let your mind register that fact, the drummer placed his drumsticks down to come and greet you.
“This is Harin-hyung, he plays the drums”, Giwook introduced.
“Hey, didn't you say you had a cru-”, he unfortunately didn't get to finish the sentence as Giwook nudged him in the guts with his elbow.
Oblivious to what they were talking about, you just laughed at their silly exchange seeing both faces turn red in a millisecond. Giwook's from embarrassment, Harin's from pain.
Eventually, you decided to stay and watch Onewe perform. Just before they started, you waved at Giwook or Cya from your seat at the very back. He caught you waving but only smiled at the whole crowd. Oh right, professionalism.
Then came silence. The mini concert began when the blond guitarist strummed the first few chords. Starting off cooly alongside Harin's drumming, Cya took over rapping away the familiar verses you heard from his ringtone. They were performing 'Ring On My Ears'.
A few songs in, you noticed that the Giwook on stage wasn't that one quiet boy in your art class in college. He wasn't just your art project partner either. No. He was the charismastic, passionate bass guitarist, rapper, and producer of a band called 'Onewe' who just so happened to be your friend.
You let the thought sink in as you watched the band. It was during the performances, you finally noticed a pick-shaped earring hanging from Cya's left ear, glistening under the dimly-lit hall. You couldn't help but realise that the way it kept hitting against his ear truly reminded you of something familiar.
aah finally part two is out y'all! giwook is babie i can't..i just wanna squish them cheekies > <
stan onewe
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