#custom mini jet boats
customcraftminijets · 27 days
Unique Ways to Have Fun With Your Mini Jet Boat 
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Mini jet boats have been making waves in Australian leisure, offering thrilling adventures on the water. These compact yet powerful vessels provide a unique way to explore rivers, lakes, and coastal waters, making them increasingly popular among water enthusiasts. If you're lucky enough to own one of these adrenaline-pumping machines, here are some unique ways to make the most of your mini jet boat. 
Explore Hidden Waterways: Unveiling Australia's Secret Spots 
Australia's diverse landscape boasts numerous hidden waterways, offering adventurers a chance to escape the crowds and discover secluded treasures. Embark on an unforgettable journey with your mini jet boat and delve into the untouched beauty of Australia's lesser-known aquatic paradises. Here's why exploring these hidden gems should be on your bucket list: 
Secluded Creeks: Navigate through tranquil creeks flanked by lush vegetation, immersing yourself in the serenity of nature. 
Hidden Coves: Discover hidden coves tucked away from the hustle and bustle, perfect for a peaceful picnic or snorkelling adventure. 
Unspoiled Beauty: Experience the raw, unspoiled beauty of Australia's untouched waterways, far from the beaten path. 
Memorable Adventures: Create lasting memories as you explore new landscapes and uncover the country's best-kept secrets with your friends by your side. 
Pack your sense of adventure and set sail for an exploration like no other in the land down under. 
Fishing Adventures: Reel in the Big One 
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Calling all fishing enthusiasts! If you're passionate about angling, a mini jet boat is your ticket to an unparalleled fishing experience. Here's why: 
Accessible Fishing Spots: With its shallow draft and agile manoeuvrability, a mini jet boat allows you to navigate through tight spaces and reach remote fishing spots that larger boats can't access. 
Diverse Fishing Opportunities: Whether you're after barramundi in the Northern Territory's tropical waters or casting for trout in the pristine streams of the Snowy Mountains, your mini jet boat opens up a world of fishing possibilities. 
Enhanced Fishing Game: Enjoy unparalleled control and precision as you navigate rivers, estuaries, and lakes, maximising your chances of landing the big one. 
Essential Gear: Don't forget to pack your fishing rods, bait, and a chilly bin to store your prized catch while out on the water. 
Get ready to reel in the excitement and embark on unforgettable fishing adventures with your trusty mini jet boat by your side. 
Whitewater Thrills: Conquer the Rapids 
Think jet boats are just for cruising? Think again. Mini jet boats are built to tackle whitewater rapids with ease, giving you an adrenaline rush like no other. Head to your nearest river or rapids and prepare for an exhilarating ride. Hold on tight as you navigate through swirling currents and rocky obstacles, feeling the rush of the water beneath you. Just remember to wear your safety gear and brush up on your boating skills before taking on the rapids. 
Island Hopping: Discovering Coastal Gems 
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Australia boasts some of the most beautiful coastlines in the world, and what better way to explore them than by mini jet boat? Plan a day of island hopping, visiting secluded beaches and hidden coves along the coast. Pack a snorkel and explore the underwater wonders, or simply relax on the sandy shores with a cold drink in hand. With your mini jet boat as your trusty companion, the possibilities are endless. 
Family Fun: Bonding on the Water 
Looking for an exhilarating yet family-friendly adventure? Look no further than a day out on the water with a mini jet boat. Perfect for bonding and creating lasting memories, here's why mini jet boats are ideal for family fun: 
Scenic Cruises: Enjoy leisurely cruises along rivers or lakes, soaking in the beautiful surroundings while spending quality time with your loved ones. 
Picnics by the Water: Anchor your mini jet boat at a picturesque spot and indulge in a delicious picnic, surrounded by nature's tranquillity. 
Shallow Water Excursions: Explore shallow waters and sandy shores, perfect for splashing around and building sandcastles with the kids. 
Safety First: With built-in safety features, mini jet boats provide peace of mind, ensuring a secure and worry-free outing for the whole family. 
So, gather your loved ones, pack some snacks, and embark on a family adventure filled with fun, laughter, and unforgettable moments on the water. 
From exploring hidden waterways to conquering whitewater rapids, mini jet boats offer endless opportunities for adventure. Whether you're an adrenaline junkie, a fishing fanatic, or simply looking to spend quality time with your loved ones, there's something for everyone to enjoy. So, grab your gear, fire up your engine, and get ready for the ride of a lifetime with your mini jet boat. Adventure awaits! 
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justasparkwritings · 2 years
August {I} Salt Air
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Rating: PG13
Warnings: None
Word Count: 5.6K
Summary: Your family has gone to Lake Augusta every August since before you were born. 10 summers ago, the arrival of a new Kim family shook up your existence, and future.
Notes: Look, I love a summer romp starring Kim Taehyung. Sue me.
Listen: August, Taylor Swift; Long Hot Summer, Keith Urban; Slide, Calvin Harris feat. Frank Ocean & Migos; This Must Be the Place, Sure Sure (Talking Heads Cover); 
Tag List: @4ksj, @jagiya, @ot7nem, @knjkitten, @teamtardis-notdead​
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August, 10 Summers Ago
           There’s a stillness on Lake Augusta, before the hordes of people begin jet skiing, boating and tubing crash through it. It’s glassy smooth, deep blue and murky with seaweed and an invasive species of lake weeds. It expands for miles, the largest lake in the state, home to numerous resorts, personal and time-shared cabins, a coastline that stretches around almost all of the lake and home to a quaint, small town full of charm. Every year it waits for summer to breathe life back into it, to expand its holdings to be full of happiness, sunscreen and a few heartbreaks. It’s home away from home for many people. Not just a summer getaway, but a place to find oneself once again.
           The town stretches on for maybe five blocks, with little shops selling nearly identical goods flush to each other. Each is painted its own pastel or neon shade, bright and calling in the friendly customers and new faces. The dirt road seeps into your shoes no matter how hard you try to avoid the dust, making certain shoes impossible to wear anywhere but at the lake. Everyone shop owner knows every shop owner, and they call to each other as they open their stores each morning. Shops shift every summer, the few boutiques selling overpriced goods often go under before the following year, the summer town desolate in the fall and winter. The few snowbirds come through town but want nothing to do with summer fair, and thus shops change management and names but rarely change the goods they sell.
           It’s all cute and quaint, with the only relative drama coming from said shops switching management.
           That is, the adult world is hardly any drama.
           It’s the teenagers, and young adults that wreak havoc on the whole town, turning the peaceful pirate themed mini golf into the perfect place for clandestine meetings of exes, joint trading and conspicuous pictures being taken. They run town, and in turn their drama seeps into everyone’s summer jobs. The people running mini golf have always had suspiciously loose lips, trading secrets with the golf caddies at Gunner’s, who tell their girlfriends that work in Twix, Madras Plaid, and the sweet shop The Confectioners Corner. They then spread it to their friends who work at the resorts, Draven’s and Coral Mist (more on them later), who text and call and soon everyone, even the dockers who are only 13, know.
           It’s an incestuous gossip hole, where secrets are hard to keep, and secret relationships rarely remain that way by summers end.
           But it’s here, in August, that everything somehow coalesces and finds both you, and both Kim families, at the lake.
           You have come to this cottage since before you were born. A property your moms bought when they had just gotten married, they’ve fixed it up year after year until it was absolutely perfect, AC included. It’s winterized, though you rarely make the four-hour drive from your house to the cabin when there’s a threat of snow. But some Christmases, and New Year’s, have been spent inside the walls. It’s a modest, two and a half bedrooms, two bath single story cottage with a stretch of sand and a lengthy dock. All the swimming gear stays locked in the wooden shed just adjacent to the house, and the pontoon sits readily waiting for rides around the lake, to dinners at Arnie’s and Bar Harbor.
           This is your home, and so is the cottage next door, the home of the Kim’s.
           Seokjin and his twin Namjoon, and your best friend and coconspirator, Eun-Ji (everyone calls her EJ), their parents bought the cottage the same time as your moms and raised you almost in tandem. Seokjin and Namjoon, a few years older, have never once looked at you or your brother, except the one time they were told to babysit and naturally didn’t. They’ve always been lost in their own lives, even as kids, they have a bond that’s unbreakable largely due to their shared womb experience. But EJ, now EJ has done nothing but pay attention to you. A friendship forged over having brothers, you’ve spent every summer together. The worst is always June and July, when the Kim’s are up at the cabin and due to your moms’ jobs, are stuck in the city without EJ.
           This summer will be different. You both of scored summer jobs. Yours at The Confectioner’s Corner, EJ’s at Pirate’s Treasure Chest. You’ll both be working odd times, evenings and weekends, but somehow, you’re going to make this the best summer. You’re about to turn 15, ready to start high school…. This would be your summer. You’re sure of it.
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           “If you don’t hurry up and take the cooler in, all the food will be spoiled,” your mom scolded from the porch of the cottage. She stood with her foot in the door and a hand on her him, watching with scrutinizing eyes as you and your brother struggled to carry the large cooler up the walkway.
           “We’re coming, it’s really heavy,” your brother, Alex, complained.
           “Yeah, did you put an entire pig in here?” You asked.
           “Stop complaining, you want to eat, don’t you?” She asked rolling her eyes.
           “Of course, we do,” your mama called from the car, sticker her head out to meet her wife’s gaze. “Stop giving them hell because you’re hungry. Eat a snack, Jackie.”
           Your mom rolled her eyes and took the few steps to come and help you and Alex.
           “Can I go –
           “YOU’RE HERE!” A voice bellows from somewhere between the trees. Thankfully your mom picked up the handle of the cooler because you dropped your side swiftly and took off running towards the voice.
           “I AM!” You screamed, arms wrapping around EJ.
           “I thought you were never going to get here!” EJ said, hugging you tight. “I’ve been stuck with my brothers for too long and I have needed you.”
           “You have a cellphone,” You reminded her.
           “You know my house is a total dead zone.”
           It was a well-known fact that the Kim’s cottage, ten times larger than your family’s, has the worst internet and wifi connection on the whole lake. Well maybe not the whole lake, but at least this stretch of beach. You’ve texted and called EJ only to have them bounce back or not go through at all. It’s a nightmare.
           “I know, but still. You don’t have to suffer any longer because I am here.”
           “Y/N,” your mama called. “Help unpack or you’re grounded for two days.”
           You stared at your mama in disbelief, two days? The beginning of August meant the small fair and carnival was happening, and with work not starting until Tuesday, you had all weekend and Monday to play, eat cotton candy and try to win cheap stuffed animals.
           “Mama!” You groaned and stomped over to the car to help unpack.
           “I’ll help too!” EJ declared as she took a bag of groceries from the trunk. The cooler was full, and being in the middle of nowhere, your moms had stocked up on the essential city items: almond milk, oat milk, gluten free waffles, bagels and bread, the good wine they loved, and Costco sized containers of meat. It wasn’t just that your parents and the Kim’s had become adults in tandem, it was that they raised you in tandem. Seokjin and Namjoon came over to eat at your house, talking to your mom and harassing Alex, almost every night. You too went to theirs. And thus, your moms had to buy Costco sized packages of meat to feed not one growing boy, but three.
           EJ stops dead in her steps as she enters the kitchen, because of course Seokjin has already beaten her to it.
           “Ugh, you,” she commented.
           “Ew, you,” Jin said back. He was busy unpacking groceries into the fridge, your mom filling the pantry and cabinets with fresh food.
           “Did you come in the back way?” EJ asked, snark in her tone.
           “I did, smarter huh?” Jin teased.
           “You’re the worst.”
           “No fighting,” Your mom said. “We’ve been here for twenty minutes and I’m not starting my vacation with the two Kim’s bickering. My own kids –
           “We are your kids too!” Namjoon said, poking his head in from the living room where he was setting up the router and powering up all the electronics.
           “My biological kids have already been fighting. I don’t need additional bickering. Got it?”
           “You need a drink,” Mama said coming in with the last of the carload. “Kids, go unpack.”
           “Okay!” You agreed happily and tugged EJ’s hand along to your bedroom, where someone (probably Seokjin) had already placed your suitcase. Your room at the cottage was desperately smaller than your room at home, a single bed instead of a double, it’s soft white walls welcomed you every time you stepped into it. EJ had no trouble plopping on your bed.
           “So, wanna hear the gossip?” She asked, eyebrows raising.
           “Yes! I’ve missed out on two months of it. What has been going on?”
           “Well, the big news is, the house two doors down from you,” EJ pointed, albeit in the wrong direction, to where the house was.
           “The one that got demoed and rebuilt?”
           It was hot gossip – who had torn down and built up a brand-new cottage? Who had threatened to change the landscape of the shore by creating a modern home? Who were these mysterious people?
           “Yeah, duh them. They move in this week and get this, they have a son that’s also going to be a freshman in high school and, the craziest part,” EJ paused, leaning closer to you. “Their last name is Kim!”
           “Whoa, another Asian family?” You sat down, staring shocked at her.
           It was enough that you and Alex, biracial and clearly brown, with your two moms, was more than enough diversity for the small town. Then of course, there was the Kim’s and their three, very Korean children. And now, another Asian family was moving in. Never had there been this many non-white people living here.
           “Isn’t it crazy?”
           “Yeah, we have to like, be friends with them, don’t we?” You asked.
           “Yes, because Jin and Joon are already annoyed someone else named Kim is moving in. They think everyone is going to be confused and think we’re related.”
           “Wouldn’t that make people think you’re related, more?”
           “That’s what my dad argued before he said that not wanting to be friends with them was anti-American, which sent Joon into a total spiral and mom sent him to his room.”
           Ah, yes. The three Kim children have their own rooms in the lake house.
           “It’s crazy that a Korean family is moving in, like that doesn’t happen. Not here.” You said, carefully taking the folded shirts out of your suitcase and placing them in their designated drawer, the second from the top.
           “No, but maybe more people are buying houses out here? My mom said things are changing.”
           “How would your mom know?” You asked.
           “She’s on the board of the town beautification project or whatever and working on dealing with the invasive species that are in the lake,” EJ said.
           “They’re not like, dangerous to humans, are they?”
           “Relax, if they were Seokjin would’ve turned into a red puss ball by now.”
           You laughed. “Can you imagine?”
           “I can, it happens when he eats too much garlic. It’s very funny and apparently can kill him.”
           “What’s the other gossip?” You wanted to keep the conversation moving. EJ, much like Namjoon, can get stuck on a subject and circle around it for hours.
           “According to sources I cannot confirm –
           That was lake code for “someone told me something they weren’t supposed to and now I’m telling you though I’m not supposed to”.
           “Uh-huh,” you said.
           “Maia is planning on losing her kissing virginity to Eric by end of summer.” EJ whispered, voice nearly rising loud enough to be heard outside your bedroom.
           “Whoa,” you said, sitting back and staring at her. “She likes him like that?”
           “I guess.”
           “I thought she was into Matty,” you said.
           “I did too, but then she came in this summer with boobs and straight hair, and I don’t know. They play mini golf at least once a week.”
           EJ leaned in again, voice even quieter than before. “Apparently, Matty and Katherine have done under the shirt stuff too.”
           “Whoa!” You said, making sure your door was closed so your moms didn’t hear anything. You sat down next to her, legs crossed, staring. “You’re joking.”
           “Cross my heart on Fearless, I am not.”
           “Oh my god,” you said. That was a serious vow, EJ loved Taylor Swift.
           “Yeah. And apparently some of the older kids are throwing a rager next weekend when Roman’s parents are out of town. Like a real party, with beer.” She was so glad you were finally here to tell this information to because the bad reception and likelihood her parents would look at her texts meant that she couldn’t send you a message. But this was huge. Parents never go out of town, and kids who throw parties while they are away, always get caught. Always. There isn’t a parent in this section of shore that wouldn’t go over immediately and shut it down, or worse, call the sheriff with noise complaints.
           “How do you know that?” You asked.
           “I have my ways,” EJ said. Which was really a code for, I eavesdrop on my brothers.
           “How could I have missed so much?” You asked, laying back on your bed.
           “I don’t know, but once you start work, I’m sure you’ll hear so much gossip you’ll be filling me in.” She confided.
           “I hope so. I just hope –
           “None of it is about you, I know. Your deepest fear.”
           “Are we going to the fair tomorrow?” EJ asked, standing to look through the new clothes you’d brought with you.
           “Yeah, but not until like two because we don’t want to seem, like, eager.”
           “We’re high school freshman,” EJ said, like it carried weight or magnitude in your current situation.
           “That means we’re at the bottom of the totem pole, again.” You reminded her.
           EJ scoffed. “We’re always going to be at the bottom with that attitude.”
           “At least while your brothers are around, we will be.”
           “So true, I can’t wait until they go to college.”
           “A few more years,” you said, resigned to experiencing the summer in the shadow of EJ’s hulking older brothers.
           Seokjin and Namjoon, fraternal twins born five minutes apart, are like night and day. Seokjin has always been the sun, willing to help, kind to everyone but introverted to a fault. He’s the favorite caddy of all the summer hires, requested by the high-profile club members, he’s kind and welcoming, always known for sharing an uproariously funny joke or two. But outside of Gunner’s, Jin stays to himself, doing his schoolwork, studying in the summer for his upcoming standardized tests, reading college required reading and making sure EJ stays in line. He might be the sun, but he carries no social clout and thus tries not to be outshone by Namjoon, something he fails at at the lake.
           Namjoon, student body president and assistant summer manager at Draven’s Resort, he works in mysterious ways. Clumsy and prone to accidents (he’s definitely broken a bone sitting on the dock), he knows what’s happening at every single business and clique of friends in town. How? No one really knows, but his penchant for being found both behind all the stores (the area they call the mall), and somehow never being seen anywhere but work and his parents’ house, has led the towns youth to create so many rumors about him he can’t keep straight what’s true and what isn’t. He isn’t above it all, in any sort of way. In fact, he’s always been a little lost in who he is when he’s up here. At home he’s totally fine, self-assured and aware of who he is and what he does. But here? He’s both Namjoon Kim, second son of the Kim’s, and Namjoon Kim, mysterious perpetually single yet dashing intellectual who is always injured. Neither identity feels true. If it was up to him, he’d be a bit more like Seokjin, who is the same at the lake as he is at home. Or EJ, who doesn’t ever seem to doubt who she is becoming.
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           The Lake Augusta Country Fair comes through once a summer, in August always, and brings with it a host of outsiders and new job opportunities. The businesses around town hire extra teens, and you’re considered lucky if you don’t have to work the weekend of the big fair. Seokjin and Namjoon always work it, their personalities and penchant for big tips always makes the guests spend more money, so they only get to go in the evenings. EJ is too new to be kept on at Mini Golf for the weekend, and thus she and you are on your way with Alex in tow.
           The fair is like any state fair, carnivals rides, a Ferris wheel, elephant ears, are all a part of the excitement. No one in town sells shoestring fries quite like the carts available that weekend. And, the thrilling part of the entire fair, the water park. The water park is the best part of the fair. A small wave pool, five large water slides that all pour into the same pool, and a surf simulator are the most popular of the attractions. But the lazy river, which extends the entire perimeter of the water park is truly the best place to be. Not only do the non-working teenagers gossip there, it's where first dates are held, college students get drunk, and pre-teens get to experience freedom away from their parents.
           It’s there that you see him – soft eyes, one mono-lid, big and brown and staring at you. He smiles shyly, staring at you before looking away quickly.
           “Hey,” you said to EJ. “Who is that?”
           “Who?” she asked, looking to the spot where you were gesturing.
           “That guy, black hair, he looks about our age,” you said.
           “I don’t see him.”
           “Oh,” you shook your head, maybe you imagined it.
           “It’s our turn, come one,” EJ said and grabbed your hand, pulling you and your tube towards the entrance of the lazy river.
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           Dinner at the fair is a cornucopia of fried foods and grease covered side dishes. Mac & Cheese balls, corn dogs, fries, topped off with ice cold coke and a root beer float, or fried ice cream with a fried Oreo on top, are the best of the options you and EJ can pick.
           It’s in picking up your root beer floats that you spot him again, honeyed skin, boxy grin, staring at what looks like his younger sister. He glanced up and you glanced away, unsure what the moment was, if anything. But you couldn’t forget the way your heart raced, how you wanted to talk to him, know him, wave and say hello to him. But you didn’t. You grabbed your treats and went back to EJ.
           “I saw that kid again.” You told her.
           “Really?” She asked. It was unusual to see the same person again, the fair brought in thousands of locals.
           “Yes really, I think he has a little sister.”
           “Okay, stalker much.”
           “I’m not stalking, I just happened to see him again.” You said.
           “Did you say something?” She asked.
           “Well how are you going to give him your kissing virginity if you don’t talk to him?”
           “Oh my god EJ!” You said hitting her arm. “I’m not doing that.”
           “And why not?” She asked.
           “I don’t even know him. He could live a town over and never come back after today, I’m not going to give my kissing virginity to someone I don’t even know.”
           “Whatever you say,” EJ teased.
           The thing is, what you didn’t realize and refused to acknowledge even now, is that EJ was completely right. And you absolutely would.
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           The saccharine smell of sugar, homemade fudge and fresh waffle cones waft through the doorway of The Confectioners Corner, the towns only sweet shop. It’s painted sky blue with yellow, pink and white polka dots. The branding is very Dylan’s Candy Bar if Dylan’s went rural summer destination. It’s owned by Greg and Donna, two lifers who spend their fall and winters in the city running some clothing boutique, which apparently does well enough that they built a million-dollar lake getaway. They hire a group of teens every summer to run their candy store while they’re busy making the candy. Fresh fudge nearly every day, decadent malted milk balls and designer gummies from top notch suppliers fill the shelves. It’s heaven for kids, and the most coveted place to work outside of Pirate’s Treasure Chest Mini Golf.
           The only reason you’re working there that summer was because Alexis had to go home early to prepare for college, she’s going to UC San Diego and has to pack up her entire life to move. Which meant Greg and Donna had one single opening for the month of August, and with the recommendations from Seokjin and Namjoon, the spot was yours.
           Stepping into the shop on your first day, you maneuvered through the crowd of people buying gummy worms and cookies and cream fudge to the back where you’re meant to sign in. It’s busy, as to be expected for noon on a Tuesday when the temperature is over 80 degrees. In the back is Shannon, the manager, waiting patiently for you to show up.
           “There you are Y/N!” She said with a smile. “Finally, here’s your apron. Toss it on and wash your hands, then the three of us will get started.”
           “Three?” You asked, looking around for a third person to join in your training.
           “Three,” a voice said behind you, causing you to turn and stare.
           Of course, in the perfect rom-com moment that could only happen at Confectioners Corner, it was him. The boy from the fair. He was much taller when he was standing two feet from you, and his eyes somehow gentler than you realized when squinting in the hot sun. he was… cute. Too cute to be back here working in the ice cream section. He should be working on the golf course or at the resort being a lifeguard. Not relegated to the back section of the candy shop.
           “Y/N, this is Taehyung. He’s new, too,” Shannon said and tossed the blonde hair dripping down her back into a messy top knot.
           Shannon had worked summers at the candy shop every year of high school, and somehow came back the first two summers in college too. She was 20, lean from playing club volleyball and tan from sunning on the shore in her off hours. Two years ago, she nearly ruined her reputation over a relationship with the lead caddy over at Gunner’s. It had been the hottest gossip of the whole summer. Craig had been a year older, and after taking Shannon to prom his senior year, they started dating. That is until he broke up with her over a game of mini-golf and nearly ruined her life with the scandal. Craig’s family sold their property and bought a home on a lake twenty miles away, and no one’s heard from them since.  
           Shannon is beloved by Greg and Donna, who view her as their fourth child and entrust the business to her every summer without fail.
           “I saw you, at the fair,” you said, staring at Taehyung.
           “Yes, I saw you too.”
           “Taehyung, are you the new Kim family that moved into Pebble Beach Road?”
           “How’d you know that?” He asked.
           “I live next door, the little navy cottage.”
           “Next to that huge house with the loud boys, right?”
           “Yeah, next to them.”            
           “We haven’t been here long enough to know anyone, but I think I’ve seen you.”
           The idea that he had seen you before you saw him made you dizzy. Had he known when you locked eyes at the fair that you were neighbors? Did he already know you’d be working together for the rest of summer?
           “You should come over sometime, meet everyone,” you were unsure where this bravery came from.
           “Oh yeah?” He asked, surprised.
           “Yeah, you should. The guys are idiots, but EJ and I are fun, and my brother Alex is always looking for someone to go tubing or swimming with.”
           “I’ve got a sister and a brother, they’d probably like all that too.”
           “Cool,” you said.
           “Yeah, cool.”
           “Okay, now that you two know each other, let’s get started,” Shannon said.
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           It turns out scooping ice cream is harder than it looks, particularly because The Confectioner’s Corner keeps the ice cream a little past freezing, making it almost rock solid. Taehyung already has natural muscles, some from dancing and whatever sports he plays during the school year. You on the other hand, are fairly strong from swim team and volleyball. But by weeks end you’re both exhausted, barely peddling home on your bikes.
           It’s routine, whenever you work together and are heading off at the same time, you ride together. Your moms and Taehyung’s parents are happy that each of you has a buddy, and it does make the often-sweltering ride so much nicer. Taehyung is sweet, and funny, and a little off kilter in a way that makes him exciting to be with.
           “You wanna come for a swim?” You asked at the end of your morning shifts. 8AM-12PM is a sweet time to work because you hardly get a rush but then get the rest of the afternoon to swim, play and be nearly 15 years old.
           “Oh, sure!”
           “EJ has the day off, so she’ll be around, and of course Alex too. I think one of EJ’s brother’s is off too… I hope it isn’t Seokjin.”
           “You don’t like him?” Taehyung asked as he hung his apron up.
           “Everyone likes Seokjin. Everyone.”
           “Not you?”
           “He’s so… obnoxious. He teases me all the time and just, he sucks. Namjoon is much more likable.”
           That was in no way true, in fact the crush you had on Seokjin was so buried deep within you that not even EJ knew. You didn’t really know, either, keeping it all locked up inside you… burying it because what would happen? Seokjin was seventeen! What did a seventeen-year-old want with a barely fifteen-year-old? And it wouldn’t be romantic like in The Princess Diaries, it would be weird and creepy because he’s almost an adult and you…. well, you hadn’t even started high school.
           “Oh, I get that.”
           “I’m gonna head home to eat lunch and then go out – wanna meet in an hour?”      
           “Uh, yeah, sure.”
           “Okay, you can just cross the beach to mine, I’ll be outside,” you smiled at him, excited for EJ to finally meet him.
           “Sounds perfect.”
           “I gotta stop by the store on my way home, otherwise I’d ride with you,” you told him. Taehyung nodded and took off through town and turned right at the stop light.
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           You hadn’t given yourself enough time. The store was a ten-minute bike ride from work, and then a twenty-minute ride to your house from the store. And of course, it took longer at the store to get the tomatoes and lettuce and whatever alternative to mayo your mama wanted for BLTs that night, and then cobb salads the next day. By the time you were meant to be on the beach, you were barely getting into your swimsuit let alone eating. You ran out the door to the beach with your turkey sandwich in hand, and stood slightly breathlessly as EJ and Taehyung made their respective ways to you.
           “Why haven’t you eaten?” EJ demanded, staring at you with confusion in her eyes. “Weren’t you done like an hour ago?”
           “I had to stop at the store to get dinner stuff.”
           “Couldn’t your moms do that?” She asked.
           “Moms?” Taehyung repeated as he finally made his way to you.
           “I have two moms. They’re chill,” you explained.
           “Oh,” Taehyung said.
           “Taehyung, this is EJ.”
           “Hi, nice to me-
           “Aish! What are you doing?” Namjoon’s voice came booming from the dock across from yours. Wasn’t he supposed to be working today?
           “Ya, why are you touching our sister?” Came Seokjin’s voice from the porch of their house. He met Namjoon halfway and came walking together towards the trio you had formed.
           “Calm down jerks,” you said. “This is Taehyung, he lives next door, and we work together. I invited him, and his siblings to come and swim this afternoon. Chill,” you said.
           “No, we won’t chill,” Namjoon said as he laughed and elbowed his twin. “So, you’re Taehyung.”
           “Uh, yes?”
           “The newest Kims,” Seokjin said taking in the sight of Taehyung.
           “I guess? Are you guys’ Kim’s too?”
           “We are, the original Kim’s on Lake Augusta,” Namjoon answered.
           “Oh, well that’s super cool!” Taehyung said with a shy smile.
           “So where do you live?”
           “Yeah, you local?”
           “No, we came here because my mom used to as a kid, and she wanted us to experience it.”
           “Why weren’t you here all summer?” Jin wanted to know.
           “My mom saves her PTO and some sick days to take most of a month off and it’s always August,” Taehyung explained.
           “That’s fair,” Namjoon and Seokjin agreed.
           “What are your thoughts on Glee?” Jin asked.
           “Or P!nk?”
           “Why?” Taehyung asked.
           “Enough go away!” EJ declared pushing her brothers away. “You can do your weird protective spying from the dock. Leave us alone.”
           “Just one last question,” they said, stopping and maneuvering out of EJ’s weak grasp.
           “What?” You groaned.
           “What are your intentions with our sister and sister from another mister?” Namjoon asked. Seokjin laughed, high pitched and squeaky before EJ charged at them and they ran back to their posts on the dock.
           “Those are?” Taehyung started.
           “My older brothers. Sorry they’re incompetent jerks.”
           “Why were they asking about P!nk?”
           “We’re really obsessed with her.”
           “Did you siblings want to come and join us?” You asked Taehyung.
           “They’re eating and then they got in trouble, so they have chores to do. My parents are not happy.”
           “You don’t live around here, do you?” EJ asked him as she led you guys towards the dock. She sat dangling her feet off the edge while you finished your rushed sandwich.
           “No, we flew in and then drove.”
           “How old are your siblings?”
           “My sister is twelve and my brother is nine,” Taehyung said, then he did what he knew you and EJ weren’t expecting: he slid right off the dock and into the water, disappearing completely before his head came bobbing to the surface.
           “Oh my god!” EJ laughed. “You scared me!”
           You just stared at him, smiling, because somewhere you knew… this was going to be the first of many times Taehyung Kim surprised you.
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           The rest of summer passed in a haze of swims in the lake, mini golf tournaments that Taehyung always won, and enough ice cream scooping to turn you and Taehyung into pros. It was a perfect summer, your very own The Summer I Turned Pretty which is all you and EJ had wished and prayed for.
           Your final evening, you sat out on your dock, the Adirondack chairs your moms bought perfectly placed on the edge just so your legs dangled barely above the water, Taehyung in the chair next to you. You'd spent a lot of days, and nights, sitting with bug repellent on and Taehyung by your side, EJ on the other Adirondack. But she’d gone home yesterday because her brothers had clubs and coursework to begin for their senior years, not to mention SATs to finish studying for and college applications to perfect. Your moms sat in the screened in, air-conditioned porch, watching your and Taehyung’s shadows as you gazed up at the stars, totally unaware of what you talked about.
           “I’m kind of scared,” you said, gazing up at the big dipper.
           “I am too.”
           “What if I can’t find my classes? Or am late?”
           “I think everyone has those concerns,” Taehyung said.
           “I hope so. Orientation is going to be so weird. But I’m kind of, excited?”
           “I am too. I don’t know if I’ll know anyone, though.” He said.
           “Really? Because you moved?” You asked.
           “Yeah, and whatever my friends were before we moved to Seoul and then back have probably all moved on and don’t care about me anymore.” Taehyung explained.
           “Can we promise something?” You hoped, eyes pulling from the stars to look at his profile.
           “Yeah,” Taehyung said, mimicking your posture.
           A crush was what he had on you, little and quiet, something brewing in his chest. You’d spent nearly every day working together at The Confectioners Corner, and afternoons and evenings together too. He’d become your second-best friend after EJ, and somehow… he’d started finding your company a little dizzying. His heart racing whenever you smiled at him, excitement when you started listening to a song he recommended. It was exciting, and he… he was going to miss you and EJ when you left for home.
           “Can we promise that on August 1st, next summer, we’ll meet here at 9PM?”
           “So specific,” Taehyung teased.
           “Well, I’m not getting a phone until my birthday, and neither are you, so it’s not like we can text. You’ll just have to promise.”
           “Pinky promise?” Taehyung said.
           “Yes,” you stuck your thumb towards him.
           “Okay, Y/N, I promise.”
Next: August {2}
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skilevents · 6 months
Mumbai's Corporate Offsite Escape: Where Work Meets Bliss
Today’s corporate space has undergone a paradigm shift in the sense that work is no longer deemed commonplace and unrewarding. Now, the emphasis is more on creating a healthy space intensifying optimism, ingenuity, and mindfulness. Organizations are all striving towards creating a prosperous and rejuvenating ambience for all their employees. Companies, these days, are trying to create a space where employees feel valued and motivated. As a result, corporate offsite has become the talk of the town for attaining the utmost productivity.
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Top Destinations for Corporate Offsite Listed by SKIL Events
1. Karjat
A subtle yet energetic weekend getaway near Mumbai is Karjat. This one is a trekking destination located at around 2 hour’s distance. If you have an enthusiastic team then Karjat is the ideal place for adventure activities like waterfall rappelling and flying fox. You have ample options to carry out offbeat corporate events by blending in the intrepid activities. There are plentiful places to visit in Karjat like Bhor Ghat, Ulhas Valley, Kondana Caves, and Peth Fort. SKIL Events always seek the best accommodation options in Karjat to experience immense luxury.
2. Khopoli
A very mesmerizing city is Khopoli — popularly known as the city of waterfalls. This city is about 70 km away from Mumbai and is home to plenty of waterfalls, lakes, and gardens. If you wish to arrange your corporate offsite in the midst of lush greenery, then this hill station will be the right choice. Moreover, with its seamless connectivity with both Mumbai and Pune, this place needs to be on your list.
3. Alibaug
Alibaug, or Mini Goa is a tiny coastal hamlet in the Konkan region. You will often come across Alibaug as the best destination for conducting corporate team building activities because it opens the door to water sports like boat rides, jet ski rides, parasailing, and more.
4. Lonavala
Quite a common name in the list of destinations for corporate offsite in Mumbai, Lonavala is a hub for trekking. Deep green valleys, historic forts and waterfalls, and charming hills are just some of the reasons why you should ditch the urban city’s hustling pace and find solace in this greenery. Bhaja Caves, Bhushi Dam, Tikona Fort, Karla Caves, and Rajmachi Fort are just some of the top-notch places you should arrange a visit to.
How Does SKIL Events Design Extraordinary Corporate Events?
SKIL Events stands out as a reputable organizer that specializes in crafting meaningful and unforgettable corporate offsite events in Mumbai, a city known for its abundance of options. SKIL Events is aware that business offsites are more than just traditional meetings — they’re chances for teams to reenergize, interact, and work together.
The organization’s dedication to inventiveness and flawless execution is the basis of its approach to business events. By adding thoughtfully chosen team-building exercises, engaging workshops, and exciting events that align with the company objectives, SKIL Events turns conventional offsite meetings into immersive experiences.
Utilising its knowledge, SKIL Events customises each corporate offsite to the unique requirements and goals of the customer. Every element of the event, whether it’s a team-building activity, strategy workshop, or leadership retreat, is coordinated with the client’s vision by SKIL Events. Their group is aware of how critical it is to cultivate an atmosphere that encourages individuality, discussion, and cooperation.
Corporate offsite planning, location selection, logistics coordination, and post-event evaluations are all handled by SKIL Events, from conception to implementation. While SKIL Events handles the minute details, its all-inclusive strategy frees up organisations to concentrate on the main objectives of their offsite.
Apart from its rigorous event coordination, SKIL Events offers a variety of captivating and transforming team-building exercises that are intended to liven up the routine of traditional business meetings. These exercises are designed to foster in participants a sense of success, leadership growth, and teamwork.
In conclusion, it can certainly be said that, if you are an organization looking forward to conducting a memorable corporate offsite event, escaping to the nearby locations of Mumbai is indeed the best option. And, you can simply leave the hassle of planning to SKIL Events as we are adept at achieving exceptional results. We, at SKIL Events, guarantee that every corporate offsite becomes a harmonious fusion of business and bliss — whether in the abundant greenery of Karjat or while relishing the thrilling activities of Alibaug.
Source URL : https://www.skilevents.com/insights/blogs/mumbais-corporate-offsite-escape-where-work-meets-bliss
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trusthire · 2 years
Sand suction dredge pump factories
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#Sand suction dredge pump factories portable
#Sand suction dredge pump factories series
We are looking for pump dealers all over the world. They are widely used in mining, metallurgy, coal washing, power plants, sewage water treatment and dredging in such industries as mine, chemical and petroleum.
#Sand suction dredge pump factories portable
Our main products include centrifugal portable sand pump, marine sand pump, slurry pump, gravel pump, submersible slurry pump, vertical sand pump, simple small sand pump dredger, submersible dredger, mini dredge for sale, small dredging equipment, small pond dredging equipment, sand suction dredger, suction dredging equipment, cutter suction dredger, sewage submersible pump, lake dredging equipment, mini dredges for sale, sand dredging machine, river dredging equipment and other parts like discharging sand pipe, floater, rubber hose. W e provide our customers with a complete set of sand, slurry, gravel pumping solutions and related parts. Specially designed for mining, with large flow. OCEAN Pump is the Certification of New Hi-tech Enterprises by the Government. Industrial Horizontal High Chrome Centrifugal Rriver Sand Suction Gravel Dredge Pump Machine for Mining. Product innovation and customer satisfaction are our continuous commitment to all our partners.
#Sand suction dredge pump factories series
More than 4 series 20 kinds of sand pumps, slurry pumps, sand dredgers and related parts had been manufactured to satisfy your pumping requirements. China 900m3/H Jet Suction Dredger for Sea & River, Find details about China Sand Ship, Jet Boat from 900m3/H Jet Suction Dredger for Sea & River - Qingzhou Yongsheng Dredging Equipment Co., Ltd. English Sourcing Solutions Services & Membership Help & Community Ready to Ship Trade Shows. Find high quality Sand Dredge Pump Suppliers on Alibaba. There are 1,056 OEM, 968 ODM, 356 Self Patent. dredger, equipped with high-pressure water jet and water pump, pumps sand and then. Alibaba offers 1,680 Sand Dredge Pump Suppliers, and Sand Dredge Pump Manufacturers, Distributors, Factories, Companies. We have more than 30 talented sand pump experts and 15,000 square meters factory. Manufacturer of Dredger & Other Marine Machine - Jet Suction Dredger. is the leading dredge pump and sand dredger solutions manufacturer, supplier and exporter in China. Over size bearings and shaft for longer life.Our main products include ship (tug boat, yacht, passenger boat, etc. is a multiple industrial chain enterprise with more than 10 years export experience. Knock out ring for easy impeller removal. Weifang Auspiciousness Economic Commerce Co., Ltd.Optional rotation – Right or left hand rotation.Easily adapted for submersible applications.Speed and power to suit your service conditions.Custom design and fabrication available.Most efficient volute and impeller designs.Capable of handling sand and slurry with maximum size and percentage of solids.Suction Dredge Pump is single stage single suction horizontal centrifugal dredging pump system consists of the pump head, reduction gear box, flexible couplings, gearing marine monitoring system, it has a good overall structure of marine dredging excellent performance, high rate of long-term life, seal, reliable, comprehensive and significant economic benefits etc., WN series dredge pump can fully meet all requirements for various dredgers.Dredge pump can create a vacuum that sucks the slurry from the bed up into a suction pipe and pushes it to the discharge pipeline.
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zorua-adorable · 3 years
The town has a name! Jubilife Village. But it looks kinda different than the one we saw in the first trailer… Are they different? (Theory about other settlement in first trailer.)
Different battle styles? That looks so cool! Attacks won’t be so one-dimensional anymore! They’ll have variety!
The research tasks looks so cool! They add more to do for completion, and it makes sense that you gotta catch/evolve these Pokémon a lot to make the first Pokédex.
We’re apparently getting a second outfit for free… character customization again?! 🥰
Oh, gosh… there was a brief scene of Buizel curled up like a cat; my heart can’t take it!
Okay, that catch animation is cool. It’s like a mini firework!
The new ride Pokemon mechanics. Dive jumping off a cliff to be caught in a Braviary wind glider, using Basculegion as a jet ski/motor boat (we can jump waterfalls?!), etc; do we have to tame them to ride them?
Oh something’s making the Pokémon go berserk; looks like we finna have to run like hell to a safe distance as to not get killed…
I think I’ll make a separate post about the characters (names, my thoughts, theories?)
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tahitianmangoes · 4 years
The story of Clementine Quinn
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I literally spent all morning just writing this. I usually can’t just sit down an write like this and it turned out more like a mini fic(?) than a biopage but I hope it’s ok!
@fangirl-ramblings​ I know you were interested in seeing it too so I’ll tag you here ^^;;;
Zhang Xiaomeng was nineteen when he came to America from Harbin in China looking for a better life. He had heard of the promise of the Golden Mountain and hoped to work enough to get his family out of the debt that his own father had put them in through his drink and gambling addictions.
Xiaomeng arrived at Angel Island after a long and treacherous  boat ride with many other Chinese, Japanese and Filipinos only to find that America wasn’t a land of freedom, nor was it paved with gold… At least not for him and other non whites.
Americans wanted cheap Chinese labour to do the jobs they would never dream of doing, so he began working just outside of Annesburg building a railway with other Asian immigrants.
The labour was backbreaking and many of his friends collapsed due to exhaustion and malnutrition. Some ran away but if caught, they would be beaten and not be permitted food or water as a punishment. Xiaomeng saw many of his friends die. It hardened him. He realised that the life he had chosen here had been a lie.
Determined to live, he took his opportunity to escape one night when the guards were drunk and ran away to Saint Denis. There had to be more to life here than building railroads. 
Xiaomeng hoped that Saint Denis would be different and in many ways it was. He was able to find lodgings with other Chinese people and made friends. But the fear, segregation and racism hadn’t gone away. With American swept away in an ocean of yellow peril, Xiaomeng would often find himself being chased or attacked in the street with no one batting an eyelid. Chinese people who owned businesses had them burnt down and it was common for someone to not return home and never be seen again. 
Xiaomeng had made friends with a young Chinese man who worked washing pots in a restaurant but one day, he stopped showing up for work. Xiomeng found that there was little use going to the police for help. They didn’t care about the likes of Xioming and other immigrants; they made fun of his broken English and thick Chinese accent and told him to get out before they threw him in a cell. 
Saint Denis is where Xiomeng met Clementine’s mother.
He was able to find work in a general store whose owner took pity on the poor immigrant boy. Xiaomeng promised he would work harder than any white person the owner had ever employed and he made good on his promise. Xiaomeng did everything from cleaning the store and the storefront, riding out to get supplies, making sure the shelves were always full and appealing  and delivering goods in and around Saint Denis to customers. 
Elizabeth Quinn, the daughter of a wealthy Irish-American family who owned properties in Saint Denis and Blackwater.
Elizabeth was sheltered and inexperienced, never having left Saint Denis. She grew up with a governess and was distant with her parents whom she didn’t see too often. By the time she was eighteen, her family had made an agreement with another family in Blackwater who had an unmarried son of thirty-three named Lewis Clark. The Clark family had made their money in the cotton trade but now owned a mining company in Annesburg.
Elizabeth had never met Lewis. She hated the idea that she wasn’t marrying for love and was marrying a man who was almost double her age. It was a transaction and she wasn’t an item to be sold.
The arrangement was purely monetary; Elizabeth’s father would allow Lewis to marry his only daughter in exchange for partnership in the mining business and other business ventures in Blackwater.
Elizabeth met Xiaomeng when he began delivering goods from the general store to her home a few times a week. 
She was struck by how handsome he was, he was lean from the manual labour. His jet black hair was worn long but tied back so that Elizabeth could see his face, his skin a golden brown and his eyes a shimmering amber. 
She had never really met anyone from outside the house before other than the people who were invited around for her parents parties but none of them looked like Xiaomeng .
Xiaomeng was also struck by Elizabeth’s beauty. Elizabeth had long red hair and bright blue eyes, she was slender and graceful - beauty without contrivity. 
Xiomeng was so enraptured by her that he dropped everything he was carrying when he first saw her in the gardens as he made his way to the back door where the kitchens were. Glass shattered and the contents spilled all over the floor causing a commotion. Elizabeth stepped in and took the blame, knowing that Xiaomeng would be punished harshly if she told the truth.
Xiaomeng had a kind smile and while he didn’t speak English well and Elizabeth didn’t know a word of Chinese, there was most definitely something between them that neither of them could explain, like the world was pushing them together.
Elizabeth made sure she was always in the garden for when Xiaomeng came with his delivery. 
The pair started a secret relationship, Xiaomeng would slip Elizabeth little notes that the wife of the general store owner would help him compose and Elizabeth would write letters in return that she spritzed with her perfume. Xiaomeng kept all of the letters, the only thing that had any value to him in this world.
On Xiaomeng notes, he would tell Elizabeth when he days off were and Elizabeth would meet him in town. Many places wouldn’t let Xiaomeng in, so they would walk to the edge of Saint Denis by the water and talk. Sometimes, they would go back to Xiomeng’s house which was usually empty during the day but sometimes, the other people he shared with were there and Elizabeth soon became friends with them. Neither Xiomeng or Elizabeth understood the other too well to begin with but with but love has its own language.
Soon, Elizabeth fell pregnant. The pair knew they didn’t have long to figure out what to do - the engagement to Lewis was to be announced soon. Xiaomeng wanted to run away with Elizabeth; he promised her he would always take care of her and their baby, no matter what: they’d get married and live happily. But both knew that with the exclusion act, they would never be allowed to marry or live any sort of normal life.
Maybe it had all just been a silly dream which was rapidly turning into a nightmare…
Elizabeth began to show, despite trying to cover her bump with baggier clothes but it was fruitless; one of the men who worked for Elizabeth’s father had seen Elizabeth with Xiaomeng in town one day. 
The word got to her father who flew into a rage. Still worried about his business plans, he tried to arrange for a doctor to “take care of things” but by this time, word had reached Lewis Clark and his family in Blackwater and the engagement was promptly called off.
Elizabeth pleaded with her father but he went to the store where Xiaomeng worked with some of his men, dragging him into the street by his hair and proceeded to beat him in front of everyone saying that this filthy chinaman, this filthy dog had defiled his daughter and ruined his business. Xiaomeng couldn’t fight back, he was outnumbered and no one would step in to help - he knew that.
They kept beating and beating until the dusty road turned crimson and Xiaomeng’s handsome face was no longer recognisable. He crumpled lifelessly to the floor where he lay motionless, Elizabeth’s father didn’t stop, he stamped on Xiaomeng’s head until there was a sickening crack and then silence.
The crowd quietened and soon dispersed, leaving only Elizabeth at the foul scene, howling and weeping for her one true love. 
Elizabeth knew she had to leave. She was terrified that when the baby came, her family would take it away from her - her last part of Xiaomeng.
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Clementine was born in 1873  somewhere in Tall Trees where she had a fairly happy childhood. She liked nature and animals, Elizabeth doted on her and they spent many happy days in their small homestead not too far from a dam where they would fish. Elizabeth would sell the fish in Strawberry, it didn’t pay a lot but it kept them clothed and fed. 
When Clementine was thirteen, Elizabeth became ill. Dysentery. She told Clementine to go to a woman she had met in Strawberry who would take care of her - when Elizabeth was better, Clementine could come back. Only Elizabeth didn’t get better and she knew she never would.
Clementine never saw her mother again.
Clementine went to Strawberry to find the woman whose name was Miss Burgess. Miss Burgess was in her sixties or so and was a mean woman. Clementine worked for her for a while cleaning houses owned by rich, fancy folk. It was hard work and Clementine barely saw a penny once Miss Burgess had taken her share.  Clementine shared a room with several other girls and boys around the same age who all worked for Miss Burgess. Clementine didn’t make any friends in that time and remembered crying herself to sleep many nights on the itchy bedroll she slept on on the cold floor of that room.
By the time she turned fourteen, Miss Burgess decided to sell Clementine to a wealthy man who was looking for a girl to live with him, take care of the house and such...
Elizabeth had raised Clementine to be vigilant and never to really trust anyone. Clementine knew what the man’s intentions were and when she arrived at his impressive house outside of Blackwater. He wasn’t all that old, perhaps thirty or so but his parents had died and left him the property and a lot of money. 
Clementine was to cook and clean for him. She felt uncomfortable in his presence, his eyes lingered too long on her and he would make excuses to touch her on the shoulder or small of the back.
It didn’t take long for him to call her to his study. He asked her to sit in his lap and although she didn’t want to, although she knew she shouldn’t, before she knew it, he was pulling her towards him and sitting her down on him.
He made advances on her, telling her that she was pretty and mature for her age and he could make her a woman, hands roaming her body while a prickly wave of sickness crashed over her. 
She felt his horrible, hot lips on her neck. As he did this, Clementine seemed to go into autopilot. She saw a glint of sliver on his desk, a letter opener. Before she could think, she had grabbed it and stabbed him in the neck, driving the blade to the hilt. She watched him clutch uselessly at his throat as he gasped for air. When he stopped breathing, Clementine looted the house of everything she could sell and left for Saint Denis, the place her mother hated so much.
She thought she would feel something by killing him: fear, excitement or disgust? She felt nothing. 
Clementine hoped to find herself in Saint Denis but all she found was crowded streets and people who didn’t care, especially for someone who looked like her; her curly red hair was enough at first glance for people to mistake her for white but her small mono-lidded eyes, tanned skin and flat nose gave her away as impure.
Too white for other Chinese people but too Chinese for white people - Clementine has never been  accepted anywhere.
She eventually fell in with a group of street kids who initially tried to pickpocket her but she had fought them off with relative ease, leaving one with a broken nose and a bruised ego. For some reason, they took a shine to her and taught her how to pickpocket, where to run and hide from the law and most importantly, how to make friends. 
She became close with an Irish boy named Oliver who joined the gang not too long before her. Clementine didn’t know love but knew that when she was with him, the world made sense and the anger that seethed inside of her settled. She was… happy, just like she’d been with her mother.
Oliver was a year older than her and a good hear or two taller. Lanky with a gap between his two front teeth and freckles across his nose. He probably cared more for Clementine than Clementine cared for him and he would be the first to admit that but that was ok. It was the innocent kind of love that only young teens were capable of having. 
Oliver flushed redder than the paint of a pillar box when Clementine allowed him to hold her hand as they walked the streets together. 
Oliver stole clothes and jewellery for her but Clementine has never cared about her appearance or expensive gifts. She liked having someone to talk before she went to sleep at night and she liked knowing that he would be there again in the morning. She found that sharing things was nice. She wanted to share everything with Oliver. 
The small amount of money she had went towards her horse, a gorgeous chestnut red Turkoman who she had spent months and months saving for and when she produced the right amount of notes at the stable, the stablemaster had all but fallen over in surprise. The horse was her most loyal friend. Clementine loved animals and often fed the stray cats and dogs of Saint Denis, much to the disdain of others. Clementine felt calm amongst the animals, almost as if they understood her better than any human ever could. Maybe one day, her and Oliver would own a farm or stables together. 
Clementine stayed with the gang until she was seventeen. 
Oliver hadn’t been seen for a few days, which wasn’t unusual if he had found work somewhere so Clementine didn’t worry too much. Oliver knew how to take care of himself; he was able to think on his feet and he was able to talk himself out of almost any situation. One afternoon when Clementine was wandering aimlessly through the overcrowded streets, she noticed a gathering at the park. As she edged closer to see what was happening, she saw that there was another public hanging.
Although Clementine had killed before, public hangings made her sick - to think that people came out to watch someone die was horrific. 
Her blood ran cold, however, as she recognised one of the men standing on the gallows, that befreckled skinny boy. Oliver. He’d been caught rustling cattle. She did her best to fight through the crowd towards him, pushing people out of her way and despite her strength, she was still small of stature and couldn’t reach the front.
She heard the door open, heard the rope unravel and heard Oliver choke out his last few breaths. When she reached the front, she saw that while his body was limp, his eyes were still open. She wondered if he had seen her.
In 1898, Clementine Quinn is now 25.  She left Saint Denis soon after Oliver was hung and now she travels from place to place, trying to make sense of the world.  She met a beautiful woman named Madam Nazar who buys trinkets and interesting objects that Clementine acquires on her journeys. She recently started helping an older woman named Maggie Fike with a moonshine business - it’s dangerous work with revenue agents at every corner but Clementine doesn’t mind. 
She hates this country; the country that looks on while others suffer or condemns people for the colour of their skin. Maybe one day she’ll leave and start  again somewhere new.
Since leaving Saint Denis, she’s been a loner and a wanderer. She’s found that other people can’t be trusted and will almost always use you in the end. And getting close to people only complicates things... She always leaves before it gets to that point. Maybe that makes her selfish but she doesn’t care. The world has never shown her any mercy so why should she show mercy to the world?
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jemch · 3 years
How It’s Made Index(S21~S30)
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How It’s Made是由 Discovery Channel 制作一款王牌节目,又被翻译为制造的原理或造物小百科, 本片从2001年推出至今,涵盖了几乎所有的制造技术 ,非常适合机械专业和对此感兴趣的同学。希望大家享受这趟制造的艺术之旅!
S21E01 Rubber Gloves; Soap Carvings; Aircraft Cabinets; Motorcycle Brake Locks 橡胶手套,肥皂雕刻,飞机木柜,摩托车制动锁
S21E02 Powder Horns; Handcrafted Molds; Perogies; Inner Tubes 粉角,手工模具,饺子,内胎
S21E03 Lace; Antique Frame Replicas; Orchids; Unicycle Wheel Hubs 蕾丝,古董架复制品,兰花,独轮车轮毂
S21E04 External Hard Drives; Frozen Shrimp; Thai Rice Boxes; Paper Towel 外置硬盘,冷冻虾,泰国米箱,纸巾
S21E05 Tea; Roof Finials; Artificial Flowers; Alloy Wheels 茶,屋顶饰物,人造花,合金轮毂
S21E06 Gel Caps; Playground Spring Riders; Frozen Pancakes; Natural Rubber 胶囊,摇摇玩具,冷冻煎饼,天然橡胶
S21E07 Paper Umbrellas; Coal; Aircraft Seats; Urns 纸伞,煤,飞机座椅,瓮
S21E08 Aluminum Canoes;Wood Bowls;Wheelchair Accessible Vans;Marimbas 铝独木舟,木碗,残疾人改装车,木琴
S21E09 Indy Car Seats; Paper Flowers; Stand-by Generators; 赛车座椅,纸花,备用发电机
S21E10 Knee Replacements; Leaf Springs; Lavender; Rivets and Rivet Tools 膝关节置换,钢板弹簧,薰衣草,铆钉和铆钉的工具
S21E11 Cast Iron Stoves; Ultralight Aircraft; Snow Groomers; Rubber Bands 铸铁炉具,超轻型飞机,推雪车,橡皮筋
S21E12 Barber Chairs; Sewage Pumps; Bimini Boat Tops; Diesel Filters 理发椅,污水泵,比米尼游乐船,柴油过滤器
S21E13 Car Tires; Silk; Art Conservation; Scuba Tanks 汽车轮胎,丝绸,艺术保护,潜水氧气瓶
S22E01 Electric Stand-Up Vehicles; Frozen Fruit; Beer Coasters; Forged Door Handles 电动站立车,冰冻水果,啤酒杯垫,锻造门把手
S22E02 Rock Crushers;Fabric Lampshades;Cake Sprinkles;Steam Irons 岩石破碎机,织物灯罩,蛋糕彩条,蒸汽熨斗
S22E03 Indy Steering Wheels;Mixed Salad;Wind Turbines 印地赛车方向盘,什锦沙拉,风力涡轮机
S22E04 Blast Doors; Lipstick; Artificial Palm Trees; Brass Plaques 防爆门,口红,人造棕榈树,黄铜牌匾
S22E05 Carbon Fiber; Antique Frame Restoration; Railcar Movers; Hood Ornaments 碳纤维,古董保存架,有轨机车,车头装饰品
S22E06 Sawhorses and Toolboxes;Sorbet Pops;School Buses 史丹利工具箱,便携汁冰糕,校车
S22E07 Sanders;Solid Terrain Models;Stucco;High-Speed Roll-up Doors 抛光机,固体地形模型,水泥,高速卷门
S22E08 Pressed Glass;Pickup Truck Caps;Alpaca Yarn;Utility Knives 压制玻璃,敞蓬小型载货卡车,羊驼纱线,工具刀
S22E09 Body Casting; Downdraft Stoves; Compression Garments; Electric Motorcycles 身体模型,气流炉灶,长袜,电动摩托车
S22E10 Sidecars;Frozen French Toast;Refrigerator Compressors;Superchargers 摩托侧箱,冷冻法式土司,冰箱压缩机,增压器
S22E11 Custom Knee Braces;Air Conditioners;Window Films;Motorcycle Exhaust 定制膝盖支撑,空调,窗户贴膜,摩托车排气管
S22E12 Solid State Drives;Eye Shadow;Limousines;Dead Blow Hammers 固态硬盘,眼影,豪华加长轿车,香槟锤
S22E13 Dragster Tires; Icing; Floating Docks; Spiral Pipes 赛车轮胎,冰淇淋,飘浮船坞,螺旋管
S23E01 Motion Sensors; Belt Loaders; Pheasant Breeding; Diving Helmets 运动传感器,带式装载机,野鸡养殖,潜水头盔
S23E02 Rawhide Lampshades; Chocolate Chip Cookies; MRI Scanners 皮灯罩,巧克力饼干,核磁共振成像扫描仪
S23E03 Noise Barrier Walls; Front-Load Washers; Bourbon; Flexible Circuit 声音屏障墙,滚筒洗衣机,威士忌,柔性电路板(FPC)
S23E04 Railway Bridge Ties; Membrane Filters; Hydraulic Post Drivers; Bi-Planes 铁路桥梁枕木,膜过滤器,桩机,四翼飞机
S23E05 Hospital Laundry; Brass Instrument Restoration; Horse Replicas; Excavation 医院洗衣,铜管乐器修复,马复制品,挖掘机挖斗
本集看点: 用玻璃纤维制作空心复制品;巨厚钢板的激光切割,折弯与焊接;
S23E06 Ceramic Fireplaces; Synthetic Corks; Parking Garage Floor Slabs 陶瓷壁炉,合成软木塞,车库楼板
本集看点: 多种塑胶粒子组合的连续注塑;
S23E07 Oil Pressure Sensors; Printing; Equipment Simulators; Head & Neck Restraints 油压传感器,大型印刷,设备模拟器,护颈
本集看点: 打金线制程;
S23E08 Mobile Concert Stages; Mascara; Continuous Miners; Wood Gift Boxes 移动音乐会舞台,睫毛膏,挖煤机,木制礼品盒
S23E09 NASCAR Car Bodies; Hurley Sticks; Tube Amplifiers; Thermal Coffee Pots 纳斯卡跑车车身,赫尔利球球棒,声音放大器,热咖啡壶
S23E10 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations; Grappa; Lunar Rover Replicas 电动汽车充电站; 格拉巴酒; 月球车复制品
S23E11 Slate Tiles; Hot Dog Carts; Garage Door Openers; Bicycle Seats 板岩瓷砖;热狗车; 车库门开启器; 自行车座椅
S23E12 Racing Leathers; Evaporative Cooling Towers; Rocking Chairs; Wire Wheels 赛车皮革;蒸发冷却塔; 摇椅; 钢丝轮
本集看点: 滚丝螺纹工艺;
S23E13 Mountain Bikes; Rice; Lever Action Rifles 山地自行车;大米;杠杆动作步枪
S23E14 Shark Week Edition: Surfboards; Diving Regulators; SCUBA Tanks; Water Skis 回收冲浪板; 潜水调节器; 潜水氧气瓶; 滑水板
S23E15 300th Episode - Shark Week Edition: Sails; Reef Aquariums; Oceanographic Buoys; Folding Kayaks 风帆; 珊瑚礁水族馆; 海洋浮标; 折叠皮划艇
S24E01 Saunas; Wheelchair Lifts; Dioramas 桑拿; 轮椅升降机; 立体模型
S24E02 Oil Lamps; Chocolate Mints; Underfloor Heating; Pillows 油灯; 巧克力薄荷糖; 地板采暖; 枕头
S24E03 Upright Pianos; Flags; Wet/Dry Vacuums; Medieval Axes 立式钢琴; 旗帜; 湿式/干式吸尘器; 中世纪斧头
S24E04 Skeletal Replicas; Ice Buckets; Dining Chairs; Inground Pools 骨骼复制品; 冰桶; 餐椅; 地下游泳池
S24E05 Automatic Sliding Doors; Gin; Firearms Restoration 自动推拉门; 杜松子酒; 枪械修复
S24E06 Scuba Lights; Sandals; Race Car Simulators; Fibreglass Doors 潜水灯;凉鞋;赛车模拟器; 玻璃钢门
S24E07 Wood Windows; Cashmere Fabric; Plastic Recycling; Architectural Glass 木窗; 羊绒面料; 塑料回收; 建筑玻璃
S24E08 Gas Barbecues; Mattress Pads; Ear Prostheses 燃气烧烤炉; 床垫; 耳假体
S24E09 Recycled Skateboards; Braided Pastry; Construction Trailers; Vises 回收滑板; 编织糕点; 施工拖车; 虎钳
S24E10 Plasma Gems; Special Effects Snow; Piano Restoration 等离子宝石; 特效雪; 钢琴修复
S24E11 3-Wheel Electric Bikes; Skin Cream; Patio Heaters; Wood Wheels 三轮电动自行车; 润肤霜; 天井取暖器; 木轮
S24E12 Old West Holsters; Underwater Video Housings; Soy Beverages; Pet Nail Trimmers 老西部皮套; 水下视频外壳; 大豆饮料; 宠物指甲修剪器
S24E13 Wood Garage Doors; Sand and Salt Spreaders; Animatronic Dinosaurs 木车库门; 沙子和盐撒布机; 电子动画恐龙
S25E01 Grammy Awards; Bicycle Lights; Above-Ground Pools; Foldable Solar Panels 格莱美奖; 自行车灯; 地上游泳池; 可折叠太阳能电池板
S25E02 Led Stage Lights; Apple Cider; Chemical Tank Trailers; Ornate Stone Floor LED舞台灯; 苹果酒; 化学品罐拖车; 华丽的石地板
S25E03 Fishing Line; Industrial Mixers; Natural Baking Soda; and Tow Trucks 钓鱼线; 工业搅拌机; 天然小苏打; 拖车
S25E04 Storage Sheds; Industrial Fans; Parchment Paper; and Climbing Walls 储藏棚; 工业风扇;羊皮纸;攀岩墙
S25E05 Precast Concrete Walls; 3D Printers; Telescopic Cranes; Kerosene Lamp Burners 预制混凝土墙; 3D 打印机; 伸缩式起重机; 煤油灯燃烧器
S25E06 Car Headlamps; Directional Drills; Pet Combs; and Stained Glass Restoration 汽车大灯; 定向钻; 宠物梳子; 彩色玻璃修复
S25E07 Handcrafted Skis; Septic Tanks; Hydroformed Chassis Parts; Aquarium Windows 手工制作的滑雪板; 化粪池; 液压成型底盘零件; 水族馆窗户
S25E08 Zip Line Brakes; Silk Fiber Lamps; Round Balers; Comfort Shoes 拉链线制动器; 丝纤维灯; 圆形打包机; 舒适鞋
S25E09 Armored Vehicles; Tension Fabric Buildings; Rowers; Sculpture Enlargements 装甲车; 张力织物建筑; 划船者; 雕塑放大
S25E10 Mountain Bike Suspensions; Surgical Sutures; Grain Dryers; and Frying Pans 山地自行车悬架; 手术缝合; 谷物烘干机; 煎锅
S25E11 Downhill Ski Bindings; Immersion Washers; Mining Ventilation; Pencil Sharpeners 速降滑雪绑定; 浸入式垫圈; 矿用通风; 卷笔刀
S25E12 Gingerbread Houses; Livestock Trailers; Hangar Doors; and Toy Figurines 姜饼屋; 牲畜拖车; 机库门; 玩具公仔
S25E13 Traffic Signal Poles; Coffee Filters; and Chainsaw Mining Machines; 交通信号杆; 咖啡过滤器; 链锯��矿机;
S26E01 Time-Delay Locks; Brownies; Pallet Dispensers; and Crystal Chandeliers 延时锁; 布朗尼; 托盘分配器; 水晶吊灯
S26E02 Bead Wire; Mini Pepperoni; Irrigation Sprinklers; and Leather Gloves 珠线; 迷你意大利辣香肠; 灌溉喷头; 皮手套
S26E03 Mouth-Blown Window Glass; Water Pumps; Sake; Tweezers 口吹窗玻璃; 水泵; 清酒; 镊子
S26E04 Statue Restoration; Tripods; Polish Sausages; Welding Guns 雕像修复; 三脚架; 波兰香肠; 焊枪
S26E05 Champagne; ATMs; Marine Turbochargers; 香槟酒; 自动取款机; 船用涡轮增压器;
S26E06 Sharpening Steels; Bladder Pumps; Ironing Boards; and Kayak Paddles 磨刀钢; 膀胱泵; 烫衣板; 皮划艇桨
S26E07 Champagne Hoods; Pneumatic Systems; Espresso Machines; Pizza Ovens 香槟罩; 气动系统; 浓缩咖啡机; 比萨烤箱
S26E08 Stile & Rail Doors, Steam Cleaners, Hand-Held Pizzas, and Power Brushes 轨道门;蒸汽清洁器;手持比萨饼;电动刷
S26E09 Industrial Casters; Wedding Cakes; THz Spectrometers; Racing Catamarans 工业脚轮; 婚礼蛋糕; 太赫兹光谱仪; 竞速双体船
S26E10 Ceramic Grills, Pneumatic Punchers, Water Jet Fountains, Wooden Surfboards 陶瓷烤架、气动打孔机、喷水喷泉、木制冲浪板
S26E11 Vibrating Mining Screens; Whoopie Pies; Utility Poles; Roller Conveyors 振动采矿筛; 百日咳派; 电线杆; 滚筒输送机
S26E12 Exercise Bikes; Cornish Pasties; Pasta Makers; Slate Products 健身车; 康沃尔馅饼; 面食制造商; 板岩产品
S26E13 Channel Signs, Wetsuits, and Aluminum Aircraft 航道标志;潜水服;铝制飞机
S27E01 CNC Assembly Machines; Lemon Tarts; Miniature War Figures 数控组装机; 柠檬馅饼; 微型战争人物
S27E02 Chemical Tank Pressure Vents; Candy Wafers; Food Trucks; Traditional Ropes 化学品罐压力通风口; 糖果晶圆; 食品卡车; 传统绳索
S27E03 Graphene; Worlds Smallest Car; Force Testers; Composite Cans 石墨烯; 世界上最小的汽车; 力测试仪; 复合罐
S27E04 LED tubes; chocolate peanut butter bars; robotic medication dispensers. LED灯管;巧克力花生酱棒;机器人配药器
S27E05 Commercial drones; aquarium fish; runway cleaners. 商用无人机; 观赏鱼; 跑道清洁工
S27E06 Wooden Matches, Tillage Machines, Telescopic Gangways 木火柴、耕地机、伸缩式舷梯
S27E07 Mosquito Coils, Solar-Assist Tricycles, Palm Oil, Fiberglass Chopper Guns 蚊香、太阳能辅助三轮车、棕榈油、玻璃纤维斩波枪
S27E08 Wood Toys, Retro Toasters, Laboratory Furnaces, Aerogel 木制玩具、复古烤面包机、实验室炉、气凝胶
S27E09 Combination Squares, Farmed Shrimp, Ball Valves and String Trimmers 组合方形、养殖虾、球阀和切线器
S27E10 Chinese-style Furniture, Electrical Switches, Thai Fish Sauce, Cappers 中式家具、电器开关、泰式鱼露、压盖机
S27E11 Mortars and pestles; bowling lane conditioners; crematories 研钵和研杵; 保龄球道调节器; 火葬场
S27E12 Race Car Oil Tanks; Plaster Mouldings; Lemongrass Oil 赛车油箱; 石膏线条; 柠檬草油
S27E13 Coconut Charcoal; Dial Indicators; Wet Downdraft Tables; Bassoon Reeds 椰子炭; 表盘指示器; 湿式下吸台; 巴松管簧片
S28E01 Classic Car Gauges; Chocolate Marble Cake; Ghillie Kettles 经典汽车仪表; 巧克力大理石蛋糕; 吉利水壶
S28E02 Pasta Dies; Blueberries; Composting Toilets; Surge Arresters 面食模具; 蓝莓; 堆肥厕所; 避雷器
S28E03 Angle Grinders; Berry Baskets; Omnidirectional Speakers 角磨机; 浆果篮; 全向扬声器
S28E04 Cartridge Blades; Chocolate Banana Loaves; Vending 墨盒刀片; 巧克力香蕉面包; 自动售货机
S28E05 Ultra-Thin Glass; Pallet Dismantlers; Cupcakes; Stainless Steel 超薄玻璃; 托盘拆卸器; 纸杯蛋糕; 不锈钢
本集看点: 溢流熔融法制作的柔性超薄玻璃(应该是康宁);
S28E06 Potash; Leather Bracelets; Wild Rice; Hex Key L Wrenches 钾肥; 皮革手链; 野米; 六角扳手 L
S28E07 Nail Files; Birch Canoes; Boat Hardtops; High Voltage Circuit 指甲锉; 桦木独木舟; 船硬顶; 高压电路
S28E08 Macarons; Pine Needle Baskets; Micrometers 马卡龙; 松针篮; 千分尺
S28E09 Endoscopes; Megaphones; Uranium 内窥镜; 扩音器; 铀
S28E10 Hollow Disk Pumps; Palm Sugar; Yachts 空心圆盘泵; 棕榈糖; 游艇
S28E11 Abalone Collagen; Digital-to-Analog Converters; Embosssed 鲍鱼胶原蛋白; 数模转换器; 压花
S28E12 Thai Barbecues; Diving Masks & Fins; Bassoons 泰式烧烤; 潜水面罩和脚蹼; 巴松管
S28E13 Wooden Utensils; Transport Refrigeration Units; Moccasins 木制餐具; 运输制冷装置; 莫卡辛鞋
S29E01 Skateboard Wheels; Baklava & Galaktoboureko; CO2 滑板轮;千层酥皮奶冻玉米糕 ;二氧化碳
S29E02 Nuno Felt; Drum Crushers; Kimchi; Parquet Floors 努诺毡;鼓式破碎机;泡菜;镶木地板
S29E03 Wood Watches; Steel Bicycles; Raw Pet Food; Replica Police 木表; 钢制自行车; 生宠物食品; 复制警察
S29E04 Thermoplastic Fire Helmets; Basketry Sculptures; Coffee 热塑性消防头盔; 篮子雕塑; 咖啡
S29E05 Office Chairs; Vinobrew; Reconditioned Sander Drums 办公椅; 酒酿; 翻新砂光鼓
S29E06 Fireplace Bellows; Calissons; Diving Watercraft 壁炉波纹管; 卡利松; 潜水艇
S29E07 Artist Brushes; DEF Tank Heaters; Game Tables; Art Glass 艺术家画笔; DEF 储罐加热器; 游戏桌; 艺术玻璃
S29E08 Flying Water Bikes; Throttle Position Sensors; Cinnamon 飞行水上自行车; 油门位置传感器; 肉桂
S29E09 Foosball Tables; Marseille Soap; Laguiole Pocket Knives 桌上足球桌; 马赛皂; 拉吉奥小折刀
S29E10 Berets; Pastis; Stationary Bikes 贝雷帽; 意大利面食; 固定自行车
S29E11 Bistro Sets; Letterpress Printing; Bamboo Lights; Asphalt 小酒馆套餐; 凸版印刷; 竹灯; 沥青压车
S29E12 Technological Corks; Zinc Gutters; Traditional Ham; Chisteras 技术软木塞; 锌天沟; 传统火腿; 奇斯特拉斯游戏手臂
S29E13 Pentanque Ball; Biologic Medicines; Asphalt Pavers; Basques 滚球; 生物药物; 沥青摊铺机; 巴斯克鞋
第三十季推出时间为 2017-09-11至2017-12-18
S30E01 Leather Basketballs; Flood Gates; Wood Panel Canvases; Shoelaces 皮革篮球; 防洪闸; 木板画布; 鞋带
S30E02 Power Steering Pumps; Asian Bowl Meals; Walking Canes 动力转向泵; 亚洲碗餐; 手杖
S30E03 Plant Oil Extractors; Custom Chandeliers; Power Trainers; Coffee Pods 植物油提取器; 定制吊灯; 力量训练器; 咖啡包
S30E04 Witness Samples; Pressure Washers; Bee Hives; Cast Iron Cookers 见证样品; 压力垫圈; 蜂箱; 铸铁炊具
S30E05 Leather Sculptures; Travel Hot Plates; Ochre; Hurdy Gurdies 皮革雕塑; 旅行热板; 赭石;赫迪·古尔迪斯
S30E06 Spiral Stairs; Pita Bread; Exhaust Headers; Molded Limestone Artwork 螺旋楼梯; 皮塔饼; 排气集管; 模压石灰石艺术品
S30E07 Recycled Skateboard Guitars; Solar Street Lights; Dolls 回收的滑板吉他; 太阳能路灯; 娃娃
S30E08 Glass Sculptures; Racing Pulley Systems; Inductors; Medicine Balls 玻璃雕塑; 赛车滑轮系统; 电感器; 药丸
S30E09 Fish Rubbings; Clay Shooting Machines; Almonds; High-End Motorcycles 鱼拓片; 粘土射击机; 杏仁; 高端摩托车
S30E10 Throttle Bodies; Limestone Fireplace Mantels; Candied Fruit & Fruit Jellies; Linen Ukulele 节气门体; 石灰石壁炉架; 蜜饯和果冻; 亚麻尤克里里
S30E11 Rubber Balls; Motion Chairs; Montreal Smoked Meat; Motorized Scooters 橡胶球; 运动椅; 蒙特利尔熏肉; 电动滑板车
S30E12 Aerospace Fasteners; Cactus Pear Puree; Lab Reactors 航空紧固件; 仙人掌梨泥; 实验室反应器
S30E13 Wall Beds; Sundae Cups; Digital Paintings; Badminton Rackets 壁床; 圣代杯; 数字绘画; 羽毛球拍
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lamaisongaga · 4 years
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Lady Gaga released a powerful voting PSA where the singer is seen re-visiting her past album eras and wearing iconic looks from each one!
Styling by Nicola Formichetti and Marta Del Rio. Hair by Frederic Aspiras, makeup by Sarah Tanno-Stewart and manicure by Miho Okawara.
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I think I speak for everyone when I say that I’ve heard the sound of jaws dropping globally as soon this look was presented to us.
Gaga went back to her ‘The Fame’ days and pulled out her bespoke Haus of Gaga electric-blue scuba and latex cut-out bodysuit with futuristic collar, constructed shoulders and backless design, the same one we saw her wear in her ‘Poker Face’ music video!
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She paired the look with her custom Giuseppe Zanotti black leather lace-up platform ankle boots with square toe.
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We’re moving on to her ‘The Fame Monster’ era.
Gaga pulled out her custom Armani Privé ‘The Monster Ball’ tour stage piece - a silver mirrored leather origami mini dress with exaggerated sharp shoulders and hips, matching cuff and platform stiletto boots.
The dress has multiple replicas and one was presented at her ‘ARTPOP’ pop-up shop back in 2013!
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Gagaloo truly pulled all the stops for this PSA and even went as far as having a second Matambre meat dress made by its original creator, Franc Fernandez.
Franc, who was assisted by Conrad Muscarella for this project, created the dress within two days and made an accompanying headpiece and boots, just like back in 2010!
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She also wore her original Swarovski crystal silver-colored galvanized bracelet signed by Giuseppe Zanotti!
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Next stop: the incomporable ‘ARTPOP’ era.
Here, the Italian-American songstress sports a simple red plaid Western button-up shirt, the aforementioned Giuseppe Zanotti booties and Percy Lau’s Cell blue round rimless sunglasses with silver metal arms and bridge.
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Time to shake things up by throwing in some goold ol’ ‘Cheek to Cheek’!
Gaga brought back her Italian curls and wore this beautiful archive Atelier Versace 1982 Haute Couture Oroton gold metal mesh toga style dress with boat neckline, short sleeves and cinched waist.
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She’s also wearing her gold brass alphabet rings (no brand identified). Our girl chose for her rings to spell “Lady Gaga”.
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chlThe shoes are the silver metallic leather Chaos sandals by Manolo Blahnik.
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The ‘Joanne’ era flashbacks hit us hard as Gaga’s standing there in her ‘Lady Gaga’ script crop top.
Both her white bra and blue denim frayed shorts were customized with crystals by her sister Natali Germanotta.
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The lewk was accessorized with her Gladys Tamez Millinery custom pink felt velour Lady Bianca hat,....
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...Linda Farrow 501 C4 metal aviator sunglasses...
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...and the Saint Laurent Fetish silver metallic ankle boots.
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Our trip down memory lane continues with the Super Bowl 2017 look. 
Gaga re-wore her original custom Versace strong-shouldered hologram bodysuit fully showered in iridescent sequins and jet crystals, with matching Penthouse boots made by Andre No. 1 and Al’s Handmade Boots.
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Her red crystal-embellished eye stickers are custom Face Lace.
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And last but definitely not least, we’re brought back into the current ‘Chromatica’ era, where Gaga rocks the album’s merchandise grey sweatshirt with embroidered logo on the chest, and her neon-pink sculpted rubber mask with crescent and airbrushed feather-like winged “ears” on top, a custom creation by LA-based latex label Venus Prototype.
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The last bespoke item are these purple vinyl Stack-301 platform boots by Demonia.
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expatimes · 3 years
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LEGO won't make modern war machines, but others are picking up the pieces This is a story about a multibillion-dollar international conglomerate, arms manufacturers, a German peace group and renegades who make miniaturized weapons systems out of small shops.Not that those tiny weapons could actually hurt anyone. Well, not unless you stepped on one.The conglomerate is LEGO, with worldwide revenues of $6.2 billion in 2019 from its toys, retail stores, theme parks and even movie rights. Its toy sets -- which are intended to "inspire the builders of tomorrow," according to the company's mission statement -- run the gamut, from skyscrapers to boats, police stations to castles. There's even a kit to make Rome's famous Colosseum. Nothing from the real world, it seems, is off limits. That is, except for anything modeled on today's military. "We have a long-standing policy of not creating sets which feature real military vehicles that are currently in use," Ryan Greenwood, a spokesman for the company, said in an email to CNN.But during the summer, the Danish company released a set for the V-22 Osprey, a tiltrotor aircraft manufactured by Boeing and Bell Helicopter Textron that is only used by the American and Japanese militaries.LEGO pulled its V-22 Osprey amid protests from a German anti-war group. Credit: LEGOThe kit, set to launch under LEGO's vehicle-focused Technic brand, depicted a search and rescue version of the Osprey. But it drew a quick, harsh protest from the German Peace Society -- United War Resisters (DFG-VK in German), an almost 130-year-old anti-war group.The V-22 Osprey, the group said, has been involved in conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Mali, Yemen and Syria. In a press release criticizing LEGO over the model, the DFG-VK then threw the toymaker's own words from a decade earlier right back at it:"The basic aim is to avoid realistic weapons and military equipment that children may recognize from hot spots around the world and to refrain from showing violent or frightening situations when communicating about LEGO products. At the same time, the purpose is for the LEGO brand not to be associated with issues that glorify conflicts and unethical or harmful behavior," the peace group quoted from a 2010 LEGO report.LEGO quickly pulled the motorized aircraft model from its inventory in late July. The few sets that had already hit store shelves made their way into the hands LEGO enthusiasts and onto internet trading sites at prices as high as $1,000 for a set that would've retailed at around $120.US Air Force V-22 Ospreys take off from a base in New Mexico. Credit: U.S. Air Force/Staff Sgt. Markus MaierThe V-22 Osprey LEGO set. Credit: LEGOGreenwood, the company spokesperson, refused to comment further on why LEGO changed its mind on the Osprey model or why it was produced in the first place.But LEGO canceling its Osprey set hasn't stopped fans from creating their own versions. In a video interview from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Dan Siskind pulled up a large model of the aircraft to the camera. Although built from LEGO pieces, this one is bigger and, arguably, even more elaborate and life-like. He spun its tiltrotor propellers in a hand-held simulated flight.Siskind is a former "master builder," the top LEGO designers who assemble the models you find displayed in stores. He is now part of a subculture that unites adult fans of LEGO (or AFOLs as they are known) and military buffs. Through his company, Brickmania Toyworks, the 51-year-old takes the iconic bricks and turns them into custom military building kits spanning eras and multiple wars. An arms bazaar for AFOLs, his inventory includes a US F-16 fighter ($425), a Russian T-80BVM main battle tank ($340) and even a Phalanx close-in weapon system, the rapid-fire Gatling gun the US Navy puts on its warships to knock out incoming threats like missiles or speedboats ($175).There are also historical options, such as a Vietnam War-era Soviet MiG-21 fighter, a World War II Japanese A6M2 Zero or British Spitfire Mk I fighter plane, a US M4A3 Sherman or German Panzer IV Ausf G tank, or a World War I British biplane, all priced around $200.For those with lower budgets, micro military vehicle sets are sold for around $20.The parts are almost all genuine, made with new-condition LEGO bricks. But while the Danish company does not endorse its products being used for these purposes, it tolerates the practice, Siskind said."They've given us some guidelines -- here's how to stay out of trouble."He's nonetheless blunt in describing his job. "It's just stuff we've taken that weren't supposed to be made into military things, (that) we've made into military things," Siskind explained. "Ordinary LEGO bricks just used in a way they were never intended to be used." Because he isn't allowed to purchase bricks directly from LEGO for his military sets, sourcing is "one big, continuous scavenger hunt" that requires his staff to comb through Walmarts, Targets and toy stores for discounts on original sets. The company also uses the website Bricklink, a kind of eBay for LEGO parts, where specific bricks can be bought and sold. The AC-130 Spooky II gunship model, made using LEGO bricks and other aftermarket parts, from Brickmania Toyworks in Minneapolis. Credit: Courtesy Brickmania ToyworksAll the parts are brought to Brickmania's Minneapolis headquarters, where they are broken down and reallocated to the new kits, including its most expensive design: a Lockheed Martin AC-130 "Spooky II" gunship that contains more than 5,200 pieces and sells for $3,755.In real life, an AC-130 gunship is one of the most terrifying aircraft imaginable. Armed with 40mm and 105mm cannons and a 25mm Gatling gun, it can devastate an area in seconds, earning it the nickname the "Angel of Death" in military circles. When the company made the first 25 models available, they sold out in five hours. A second batch then went in the same amount of time, Siskind said. "We have more demand than we can keep up with."While Siskind will sell you a military kit, his company also encourages AFOLs to produce their own creations, sponsoring regular contests at Brickmania's flagship store in Minneapolis. Among the rules: They must be military or war-themed, bear no Nazi symbols, display no excessive gore and are not of the sci-fi or fantasy genres. Global communityPeople entering the competitions should probably be thankful that Ralph Savelsberg lives thousands of miles away in the Netherlands -- because the 45-year-old Dutch builder's portfolio of LEGO-based military creations would likely be easy winners.There's a Vietnam-era US Navy patrol boat, a Cold War-era intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), an Iranian F-14 fighter, an M-21 reconnaissance jet and a massive and stunning recreation of a B-52 bomber, the mainstay of the US Air Force's bomber fleet for more than six decades.Dutch LEGO builder Ralph Savelsberg shows off a model he made of a US Air Force B-52 bomber with a 5-foot wingspan. Credit: Courtesy Ralph SavelsbergSavelsberg, a physicist and assistant professor, said he builds LEGO for love, not money."This is just a hobby. I do get a lot of requests, but I always disappoint them; I have no interest whatsoever in having to deal with customers."Furthermore, making plans or instructions is no fun, so I don't actually have any plans for most of my models," he said in an email.What he does enjoy is getting together with LEGO military builders from around the world at various conventions, where they share creations and even make custom ones to commemorate anniversaries.For this year's Brickfair Virginia, Savelsberg and a few dozen military builders planned a display themed on the Cold War, including his ICBM. The event was canceled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but Savelsberg plans to return next year.LEGO-style military models on display at Brickfest Japan 2019 in Kobe. Credit: Courtesy The Brothers Brick / Edwinder SinghIn 2019, he attended Japan Brickfest, Asia's largest AFOL gathering, which featured a section for military items by some of the 270 builders displaying their work.Those builders, who came from places like Hong Kong, Singapore and Taiwan as well as Japan, likely represent just a fraction of those pursuing the hobby, Savelsberg said."I suspect that the people who come to events represent the tip of the iceberg. For every builder who is willing and able to travel to events, there might be two dozen teenagers who rarely get out of their bedrooms and share their builds with a group of friends via social media," he said. Justin Chua, who runs LEGO aftermarket store Lioncity Mocs in Singapore, says this 1:100-scale model of a Singaporean littoral mission ship took him more than two months to plan, source parts and assemble. It has more than 2,000 pieces. Credit: Courtesy Justin ChuaA company for kidsIn a way, Savelsberg, Siskind and the other builders of LEGO-based military models are doing what LEGO has always encouraged -- "only the imagination sets the limit to what you can build," the company's profile says."There's nothing that stops me from using dark green elements I get from, say, a LEGO Mini Cooper for a US Navy patrol boat," like this one from the Vietnam era, Dutch builder Ralph Savelsberg said. Credit: Courtesy Ralph SavelsbergLEGO traces its roots back to Denmark in the 1930s, when carpenter Ole Kirk Kristiansen abbreviated the Danish words "Leg Godt," meaning "play well" in English, to brand the wooden toys he was producing. It turned to plastic bricks in 1949.In 1955, Kristiansen's son Godtfred launched LEGO bricks as a system, embracing the idea that the more you have, the more things you can make. "Our idea has been to create a toy that prepares the child for life -- appealing to its imagination and developing the creative urge and joy of creation that are the driving forces in every human being," he said.Over the years, wheels and human figures were introduced in 1962 and 1978 respectively. And in 1989, miniature human figures sporting more facial expressions than the usual slight smile also emerged.LEGO has also been determined to put smiles on the faces of children."As a family-owned company with a long-term mission, the LEGO Group is uniquely placed to deliver a positive impact on children, society and the planet," the company profile says. The 25-page company document mentions the words "child" or "children" nearly 100 times. Still, as LEGO grew over the years, so did the presence of weapons.A 2016 report analyzing the company's products, published on the peer-reviewed scientific investigation journal PLOS One, argues that LEGO sets "are not as innocent as they used to be" and have become increasingly violent over time. Since 1978, when the first weapon bricks -- a sword, a halberd and a lance -- were added to castle-themed LEGO sets, there the amount of weaponry has increased each year, according to the study. It found that by 2014, nearly 30% of sets contained at least one weapon brick.A LEGO James Bond Aston Martin set on the shelf of a Hong Kong store. Credit: Brad Lendon/CNNSome of this increase can be attributed to movie-themed sets. For example, the company's summer 2020 catalog features a model of the Aston Martin, the famous car driven by British spy James Bond. It comes complete with "a wealth of sophisticated details and 007 gadgetry, including rotating license plates, ejector seat, tire scythes and front-wing machine guns."There's also "Star Wars" X-wing fighters and Imperial star destroyers, and sets depicting "Minecraft" battles, with axes, bludgeons and cases of TNT.When it comes to the LEGO's ethical red lines, Siskind sees a disconnect in the company's logic. Is there really a difference between the Death Star or the violence of a galaxy far, far away and the machines that kill people here on Earth?"There's very direct historical connections between the 'Star Wars' world and World War II," he added. Following LEGO's rulesFrom his office in Atlanta, Andrew Roberts, co-owner of Battle Brick Customs, another aftermarket retailer, expresses what he sees as the LEGO dilemma."LEGO has always kind of struggled with filling boys' desires for action and adventure (while) staying true to themselves (by) not doing realistic military things," he said.For a long time, the company even went so far as to avoid gray-colored bricks (the obvious color choice for building military weapons and vehicles), Roberts claimed, saying early castle sets were made from yellow ones. (Siskind, too, recalled some rather colorful medieval builds, saying: "When I was a kid all my castles were red because I had the most of that color.") LEGO's avoidance of modern military themes provided an opening, Roberts added. He turned his college pastime -- messing with his old LEGO sets -- into a full-time job, churning out best-sellers like World War II M4 Sherman tanks and modern Gulf War M1 Abrahms tanks."I don't think they like what I do but at the same time ... They tolerate me because I obey the rules." A US Special Forces team in LEGO-style figures from Battle Brick Customs. Credit: Courtesy Battle Brick CustomsFor instance, Roberts buys minifigures from LEGO, strips them of their paint and markings, and turns them into soldiers, sailors and airmen to stand watch in the military-themed sets he sells. He likens it to how a custom car shop takes a showroom model and turns it into a street racer."If you're a shop selling custom Ford Mustangs, you can do that -- people have to know that this is a Ford Mustang, but it's not an official Ford product," Roberts said. "I took a Ford and I did a bunch of stuff to it."In the case of LEGO parts, he added, "It's a genuine LEGO minifigure that has had a bunch of aftermarket stuff done to it. I bought it, and it's mine. And I'm customizing it, and I'm not pretending they did it."A figure stylized as a US soldier from Battle Brick Customs. Credit: Courtesy Battle Brick CustomsFor much of the fanatic LEGO-building community, the "it's mine" mentality -- a personal stake in what they make -- is what's fun and what fills them with pride. And they're not going to let the company's ethos get in the way of their creations.After the company pulled the Osprey in the summer, The Brothers Brick, an independent, reader-funded website for LEGO enthusiasts, carried several posts about the set's demise. One showed a futuristic olive green vision of an Osprey with orange highlights, created by builder Simon Liu, using LEGO bricks.Brothers Brick contributor, Lino -- a Washington state-based artist and humorist, according to his biography -- drew inspiration from Liu's creation."The point of showing you this is, while LEGO occasionally makes doofus decisions, they provide the pieces so that you can build anything you want. Who needs directions and an official set?" Lino wrote."With LEGO bricks and a bit of imagination, the world is your oyster. Or Osprey."Top image caption: A figurine from Battle Brick Customs of a US soldier emerging from an armored personnel carrier. #lifestyle Read full article: https://expatimes.com/?p=15448&feed_id=22672
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annamariamule · 2 years
5 Tips How to Travel in Style in Hot Weather | Solo Trekker
5 Tips How to Travel in Style in Hot Weather: I have prowled through the Amazon rain forest and northern India during the monsoons.  I quickly saw how hard it can be to pack light and be in style in real heat and humidity. Add to the mix if you are on adventure travel. If you are not off to a spa but to trek the bush, you have to dress to dodge briers, insects and hornets’ nests.
Parasol from Beijing
The farther you travel the greater the challenge! It’s a real test of ingenuity to look fresh after a 12+ hour flight. Add jet lag and long lines, and it gets harder. You end your trip by dragging a roller bag. Don’t forget your one “personal item” that holds all your overweight items!  Then you get to the hotel where you room is not ready!
Here are our five tips to make it work on hot weather travel.
  5 Tips How to Travel in Style in Hot Weather-Tip One:
Plan to win the battle with hat-head so you don’t have to duck out of selfies!
You may not wear headgear at home. However, with searing heat and hours of sightseeing or trekking, you may need to avoid sunburns or heat stroke. What can you do?
The first rule is: Commit. When you start the day, combine a visor or hat with you hair style. If you keep taking the hat on and off, it will just get worse.
-For museum crawling and city treks-This is tough. Visors look like you are on the way to the tennis courts, and few people wear hats. A baseball cap may be sporty but not chic. I have tried buying a visor in many colors to match my outfit. That means you have to overload your suitcase and drag more items around the globe. A better thought? Stick with just one to two high end visors. Better yet, choose one from a great trip. I have one from a ski trip to Sun Valley and a foray to Dubai and the Mideast. They are good ice breakers.
-For boating: Know that hats can be very fickle. In a slight breeze, they can be off on their own trip! Try to buy one that is adjustable.
If you try to tie on a sunhat, you can look like Katherine Hepburn in African Queen. Cowboy hats often have draw strings and have broad brims. To avoid the (witty?) query “Where’s your horse?”, look for a modified, urban version.
-In the Amazon, I found that riding in canoes, the sun reflected from the water still caused a real burn.  Even with sunblock and a hat, it was hard.  A light scarf was suggested. They flap in the breeze, and don’t work well.  What did work? I had a light weight cotton neck warmer worn for spring skiing. It covered my neck and lower face.  Once out of the elements, the bright print looked more chic than survivalist!
A “Mini” Summer Cowboy Hat Fit for a Tiger!
5 Tips How to Travel in Style in Hot Weather-Tip Two:
Get ready to cover up even when only “mad dogs and Englishmen” are about?!
Here’s why:
If you get too much sun, your trip may be ruined. I found this out on a trip to Hawaii. I now have sworn off overdoing “catching a few rays”. Here is a tip I found from surfers. Get the brightly colored shirts they wear. They are known as “rash”guards!  Many come in colors that work well over a Speedo. If you are snorkeling  or floating near the surface, this can help you save your shoulders. One problem? They can be too hot for day time street wear.
Whether it’s the lunch spread or happy hour, too much air conditioning can send you ducking under the table cloth for refuge.
Local customs may require it. As I found in Thailand, this can apply to men as well. In SE Asia, to go in Buddhist temples and some royal palaces, shoulders and knees must be covered. On one visit, my guide said that even mid-calf Capri pants would not work for our trip to a royal palace. I quickly changed into pants that hit the ankle. They were just right. (More on that below.)
In a malaria zone, bare skin will provide a choice feast for mosquitoes.
Pashmina or a colorful silk scarf
5 Tips How to Travel in Style in Hot Weather-Tip Three:
Don’t just weigh your bag, “Weigh” how heavy each item of clothing is before you pop them in your bag!
Look at the fabrics are that you plan to pack.
This is not so key at home. However, in India in the monsoons, I saw how impractical jeans can be. After a day’s climb to a “fort too far” in Jaipur,  I saw the main problem. With each step, my knees felt like they were stuck in cement. In the humid climate, the cloth felt like a knee brace.  The best option? Buy a local pair of pants and shirt that work for the region.  In India, I came home with two 100% cotton pairs.  They work well after the trip for sports or even as lounge wear.
  Light weight bugs-away fabric at Jaipur’s Amber Fort
5 Tips How to Travel in Style in Hot Weather-Tip Four:
Pack hand washables where possible. Put all those little “gift” bottles of shampoo to work!
-Buy new no-wrinkle items. Be sure they are made to wash and wear in the sink. Do watch out for two things:
What will the fabric look like?
How does it look on you?!
If you have tried out the brand before, that works.  I found that one of my purchases did  look like pajamas. They were really comfortable though. The second such “treasure” was a pair of navy washable linen pants.  When I wore them, I found they were very hot and looked larger than life in photos!
-My best travel find was an Indian kurti tunic shirt I bought at a shop in Washington, DC. They come in a range from cotton to silk and silk-like synthetics for every budget as blouses and tunic tops.  They are great in many ways:
-The fabrics are light in hot climes.
-They are covered up enough for local customs in many lands and for blocking out the sun. Do you know: If you can see through the fabric, so can the sun! So remember this next time, when you float in the sea with a tee shirt to block the rays! I took my local version with me and had it copied in India in several colors.
Indian silk with contrasting colors
5 Tips How to Travel in Style in Hot Weather-Tip Five:
Expect the unexpected: Pack a fan (or two) and a poncho unless you are headed for the Kalahari.
Three types of fans can make the difference between a good day and a great day.  Tourist spots will almost always have vendors selling handheld “traditional” fans.
I have found a 21st century idea that works well. I bought two battery operated fans. One larger type has space for water for a cool spritz.  The other is small and fits in your palm. Do take extra batteries. I found out how fast they gave out one hot day. I was left with no way to catch a breeze on an all day trek.
Don’t bother with an umbrella. They are “space stealers” that gobble up room in your bag. In the heat, you may be glad for a light rain. If it is a huge downpour, a poncho needs to be light weight when you factor in the humidity.
Easy to pack poncho but leave your Best Friend home!
  See also our 5 tips for winter travel and weekly new TravelStyle Blogs.
    The post 5 Tips How to Travel in Style in Hot Weather | Solo Trekker appeared first on Solo Trekker.
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eyehill2 · 3 years
gulet charter turkey Things To Know Before You Buy
The Greek Orthodox monastery at the tip with the island is especially worthy of seeing. During the harbour there are several places to eat with regional culinary specialities and the nature from the south of the island delivers numerous prospects for climbing or biking. Quite a few barbecue spots invite you to spend a pleasing evening within the island. Should you are searching for a more tasteful calming voyage then Dolce Mare could be a wonderful option for you. Tastefully intended exterior matched with beautiful interior supplies ease and comfort for twelve friends onboard seeking probably the most relaxing holiday vacation of their daily life. Gulet Dolce Mare is forty meters prolonged and based in Bodrum, Turkey one among the most well-liked cruising places. Fantastically designed 6 spacious cabins. 2 big master cabins have king-size beds, sofa seating, and a work desk/dressing desk can certainly Look at with everything that hotel rooms can provide as well. Weekly or mini cruises on air-conditioned gullet boats with prices starting from two hundred / 270 Euro per person in double cabins; such as tax, accommodation on gullet boats, breakfast, lunch, dinner. Just click here for more information Soon after Gallipoli and about the west Coastline lies the ancient town of Troy in Canakkale is usually a UNESCO environment heritage sight. Multiple metropolis continues to be excavated and after Significantly debate one of these has become most connected to the Greek writer Homeros.
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All over city and particularly in Sultanahmet are many ottoman model tea residences for tourists to rest their weary ft and check out just a little Turkish tea even though observing the fountains as well as the whirling dervishes. For anyone who is the type who wants to be in Turkey if the motion is, you will need to stop by in yachting time between begining of May possibly and the top of September. The Mediterranean and Aegean coastal areas are acquiring complete with Countless guests coming everyday. turkish gulet is more than roomy and the stylish ensuite bogs are decorated with regional marble with a contemporary tasteful shower. Moving on the outside aspect, on deck, you’ll locate lounges, jacuzzi, drinking water toys, jet ski on ask for and sun cushions ideal for calming and savoring through the cruise. On the other hand, what can make cruising on this gulet extra Exclusive is her crew approach that will make your cruise extraordinary and memorable. It really is the most important with the so-known as Prince's Islands, which lie immediately opposite Istanbul in The ocean of Marmara. The nine small islands are really shut to one another and are ideal for per day journey from Istanbul. All the greater reason to hire a boat in Turkey and explore the region. Büyükada island is surrounded by sandy seashores, which invite you for a picnic in the sea. * You may request something about your blue cruise system, even preposterous thoughts, and you can be sure that they’ll reply and assist you to with the most effective service. Earning a living from maritime trade, Phaselis had an excellent placement in maritime trade as it's got three individual natural coves. It is known for being well-known for its perfume and cosmetics trade in ancient periods. The ancient metropolis on the coast with rich artifacts can be visited (admission is billed). Supper and overnight continue to be is going to be in this uniquely lovely bay. Cruising on this gulet genuinely looks like being inside of a 5-star hotel within the water exactly where The ocean is 0 meters out of your place. Kaptain Kadir also comes with thoughtful customized service onboard presented because of the Skilled crew of seven who will handle you. Because of their spacious inside and balance, catamarans are immediately becoming a popular option for luxurious yacht charter. Experience the romance of sailing in the ultimate comfort. You'll find 1000s of yachts for charter, and deciding on the one which best suits your team’s Choices, spending plan and style is difficult, especially if you're a 1st-time charterer. The lavish gulet Perla del mare originates from Antalya where she was after constructed. Now she signifies the best normal and supreme technological innovation able to provide twelve privileged friends which will enjoy 43 meters of pure Pleasure.
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customcraftminijets · 3 months
How to Track Innovations in Mini Jet Boat Design and Performance
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Mini jet boats are the adrenaline junkie’s dream, offering a thrilling ride through rivers, lakes, and rapids. With their compact size and powerful jet propulsion systems, these vessels have gained popularity among water sports enthusiasts and adventure seekers. 
However, staying ahead in the game requires keeping track of the latest innovations in design and performance. That’s why today, we'll dive into the evolving world of mini jet boat technology, exploring the advancements that drive these vessels to new heights of excitement.
Understanding Mini Jet Boat Design
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Mini jet boats are characterised by their compact size, typically ranging from 10 to 14 feet in length. Unlike traditional outboard motors, these boats utilise jet propulsion systems, which draw water into a pump and expel it at high velocity to propel the vessel forward. This design offers several advantages, including shallow draft capabilities and enhanced manoeuvrability in tight spaces.
One of the key innovations in mini jet boat design is hull construction. Manufacturers are constantly experimenting with materials and hull shapes to improve performance and durability. Advanced composite materials, such as fibreglass and carbon fibre, offer lightweight yet strong alternatives to traditional aluminium hulls. Additionally, hull designs are optimised for stability and handling, allowing for better control in rough water conditions.
Another area of innovation is the integration of technology into mini jet boats. Modern vessels often feature electronic throttle controls, GPS navigation systems, and digital instrumentation for monitoring engine performance. These technological advancements not only enhance the boating experience but also improve safety and efficiency on the water.
Performance Enhancements
In addition to design innovations, mini jet boat performance has seen significant advancements in recent years. Engine technology plays a crucial role in maximising power and efficiency. 
High-performance marine engines, equipped with advanced fuel injection systems and electronic engine management, deliver impressive speed and acceleration.
Propulsion systems have also undergone improvements to optimise thrust and manoeuvrability. Adjustable jet nozzles allow for fine-tuning of the boat's handling characteristics, while reverse thrust capabilities enable precise control when docking or navigating tight spaces. 
Furthermore, innovations in pump design have led to greater efficiency and reduced cavitation, resulting in smoother acceleration and improved fuel economy.
Safety Features
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Safety is paramount in the world of mini jet boating, and manufacturers are continually introducing new features to protect both passengers and the vessel itself. Buoyancy chambers and foam-filled hulls provide added flotation in the event of a collision or capsize, while impact-resistant materials help minimise damage from rocks and debris.
Many modern mini jet boats are also equipped with advanced safety systems, such as automatic engine shut-off devices and onboard fire suppression systems. These came about as a matter of safety since, as fun as mini jet boats are, they are still powerful machines.
Additionally, ergonomic seating designs and adjustable footrests ensure a comfortable and secure ride for occupants, even during high-speed manoeuvres. After all, there is no reason not to also prioritise comfort while enjoying high-speed rides.
Environmental Considerations
As concern for the environment grows, so too does the focus on sustainability in mini jet boat design. Manufacturers are exploring alternative fuel options, such as ethanol blends and biodiesel, to reduce emissions and minimise environmental impact. 
Additionally, efforts are underway to improve the efficiency of propulsion systems and minimise fuel consumption without sacrificing performance. This has been something of a sticking point for a lot of mini jet boat owners who want to keep the fun stuff while also being eco-friendly.
Innovations in hull design are also aimed at reducing drag and improving fuel efficiency. Hydrodynamic hull shapes and advanced hull coatings help to optimise performance while minimising the ecological footprint of mini jet boats. 
Furthermore, noise-reducing technologies are being implemented to mitigate the impact of recreational boating on marine ecosystems.
The world of mini jet boat design and performance is constantly evolving, driven by a passion for innovation and a thirst for adventure. From advanced hull materials to cutting-edge propulsion systems, manufacturers are pushing the boundaries of what's possible on the water. 
By staying informed about the latest developments and technologies, enthusiasts can ensure that their mini jet boats remain at the forefront of excitement and performance for years to come. So, buckle up, hold on tight, and get ready to ride the waves of innovation in mini jet boating.
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thelakesidelife · 3 years
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Our friend Rob Beckman, owner of @backwater_boats , has the exciting job of building these incredible mini jet boats that afford their owners the joy of being able to traverse and explore hard to reach shallow areas of lakes and rivers among many other more exciting uses. These boats are extremely fun, fast and versatile. There is interest all over the globe for this type of unique marine vessel! Be sure to FOLLOW their page to learn more. ❤️🥳 THANK YOU @backwater_boats for sponsoring the upcoming Smith Lake 60th Birthday Party 🎂🎉 <~~~for more info, see our Facebook event & JOIN US 9/25 @ Duncan Bridge! 〰️〰️🚤🔥〰️〰️ “Custom 2021 Yamaha build w/0 hours in a @liquidviolation 3900 kit from New Zealand. Fastest boat we've built yet with help from @deansteamracing in Orlando FL. Wrap & marine flooring coming next 👌 @racetechusa @long_range_culotta @vapor_trail_mini_jet @ruggedradios @minijetinc @longshorecyclecenter @punisher_mini_jetboats @metro_swt @yamahaboating 〰️〰️⚡️💦〰️〰️ #smithlakebiz #smithlakecoolpeople #smithlakedaredevil #boat #boating #minijetboat #boatlife #handmade #jetboat #jetski #alabama #alabamalakes #alabamalife #smithlakecommunity #smithlakesocial #lakeliving #lakeside #lewissmithlake #lifeonthelake #lifeonsmithlake #livinglakelife #visitsmithlake #smithlake #smithlakeal #smithlakealabama #smithlakepix #smithlakelife #smithlakemagazine #thelakesidelifemagazine #thelakesidelife (at Lewis Smith Lake) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT8Ez2Jrkva/?utm_medium=tumblr
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chronicbatfictioner · 6 years
Subtle - Chapter 9
"We're going where??"
"Washington. I've cleared it with BatDad and he just... I dunno, kinda smirked and said, 'have fun!' - which made me even more scared than this date itself. I mean, they're BFFs, right? It's not like I stole this jet. Penny-one even put something in that box... I think we're supposed to give some kind of gift for the host and--" Jason rattled on for nearly a minute before he caught Tim's blank glare. "Oh, hi, you there?"
"I think my brain jumped out of the plane somewhere between state lines."
They were on their way to Washington, DC, on a Saturday night because Princess Diana of Themiscyra had extended the invitation to Bruce Wayne to send his two sons, Jason Todd and Tim Drake, to join her for a dinner. Said invitation was sent by courier (i.e. The Flash because Diana has a sense of humor) - complete with receipt and everything, and was duly accepted by Alfred. Alfred promptly prepared two dress-suits for his two boys, and demanded that "Master Wayne shall loan you his jet, young masters, have fun."
Tim had not reacted obnoxiously, if at all, when Jason picked him up from his Crime Alley loft and drove him to the private jet airport near Wayne Manor. He'd only looked up quizzically once, as they drove past the Manor, and looked at the suit Jason told him to put on. But he did not ask any question, too busy with whatever crisis that was happening in his cellphone.
It was only when they finally boarded the jet, with Jason taking the pilot's seat, that he'd asked. Jason had replied, "we're going to dinner." and when Tim did not press, Jason had thought that he'd simply forgotten of the invitation. Until, well, until somewhere between takeoff and now. "We'll land in about five minutes." Jason said. It was excessive, all things considered, to take a jet. But Alfred insisted and said that it was 'improper for a gentleman to appear ruffled for a royal dinner,' - and somehow, Diana had approved and provided a landing zone.
Why, Jason didn't know, either. But hey, who was he to object to a princess? Or a loan of a private jet? Or a 30-minutes flight compared to a 3-4 hours drive?
The landing zone, true to Diana's nature, was in a military base; and they were picked up by some military people who insisted upon driving them back to 'Miss Prince' in a Hummer.
Good thing that they had listened to Alfred's advise and wore suits, not armors. It would be awkward to explain why Red Hood and Red Robin was there to meet Diana Prince; and less so in explaining why Tim Drake-Wayne would come to see Diana Prince. Tim's flustered, "she asked for us to come..." helped a lot.
At the front door, Tim still asked, "why are we here, again?"
To which Jason glibly replied, "the Princess demand our presence for dinner." Judging from a soft snicker given by one of the soldiers, it was the correct, un-suspicious answer. "Good thing we're trained on how to behave around royals." Another snicker - and Jason couldn't be assed to tell the snickerer that they, in fact, had been trained to behave around royals by the Almighty Alfred Pennyworth. Sir Alfred. Jason fleetingly thought that if Alfred hasn't been knighted by now, someone at the Buckingham Palace should have their head removed.
"Come on in, young men!" Diana greeted them. She, as per usual, looked radiant in a long, flowing gown. Silencing the little voice in his head that mentioned the fact that she could have been wearing a potato sack and would look incredible, anyway, Jason gently ushered Tim and they both kissed Diana's cheek gallantly. Alfred would have been proud. Gift was exchanged, and it turned out to be truffle chocolates. Hand-made by Alfred, to which Tim excellently presented because rich kids like him would know how to present a gift for a host. Jason would probably simply hand it over and say 'it's from Alfred.'
Dinner, as everything that was Diana, were magnificent, superb and not minuscule-sized like the food in Bruce's gala dinners. And Jason paid full attention at their taste, and how Tim reacted to them, fully taking a mental note to ask for the recipes of the ones Tim seemed to enjoy the most. The wild boar ribs might be a little tricky, but looked like it was worth catching a whole damn wild boar if Jason could find one.
"So, Timothy," Diana started.
"Yes?" Tim replied politely around the line of ribs.
"I believe just about everyone and their super-grandmothers have gone and fussed over you, yes?"
Tim chewed a little slower, and replied, "I have no idea what you mean by 'fussing'. But if you're referring to how they all have meddled and put my relationship with Jason under a microscope and proverbial and actual X-rays, yes they have. I presume you're going to do the same?"
Jason did not choke on his water, nope. He almost did, but then remembered that this was Tim, who did not fear even Superman and made Ra's Al Ghul rethinking his life choices.
Diana's smile was sweet, but laced with a little danger. "Well yes, only not for the same reason. You see, I've known Jason since he was... quite a young cub, I'd say."
"Yes, I know. I've also heard from Bruce that he's your favorite Robin," Tim grinned. "I'm just enjoying the idea that, after everyone went to Jason and put a permanent death warrant on him if he would ever hurt me, at least you're here to do the other way around."
"I am," Diana beamed. "Bruce warned me that you would be smart enough to call my bluff? But my dear Timothy, I should also remind you that I don't bluff."
"I know, I get it. He's..." Tim looked at Jason fondly, and Jason hid his blush behind a grilled rib. "I get it, though. People asked me if he's good enough for me, and no one asked if I think I'm good enough for him - and they all forgot that if evil didn't happen, he and I might have ended up like this a lot sooner. You know? I just... a lot of time I wondered if they would act the same if I'd been the Red Hood, and Jason was Red Robin, you know what I mean? If they would be so harsh on me like they are on him, forgetting everything he'd done way back then..." he shrugged. "I'm glad you're... on his side, Diana."
Diana smiled, less dangerously, this time. "A war is never won by just the soldiers, Timothy, they are won by the generals." she offered a non-sequitur. That is, non-sequitur if one's life doesn't generally revolve around wars big and small or inter-galactic like the three of them.
Jason turned a little to look at Diana, wary at the direction of the impending question.
"What are you, Timothy?"
Tim pondered the question for a moment, while Jason pretended he didn't care by stuffing his mouth with the broccoli.
"I'm sure everyone wants to be a general. I'm sure people think I'm a general... a mini-general, at least for the Titans. But what I am, really, is an experienced soldier." Tim replied, sounding a little subdued. "I don't want to be in the war, Diana. I wanted to help people. Just that. It's simple. It should be simple. But as it was, is, and will be, it's never simple. Not when help is seen as the proverbial fish, you know what I mean? --instead of the proverbial rod. What I am is a soldier. Maybe I'll eventually die in battle. Maybe - hopefully - I'll weather the war and come up on the other side, some day. But what I don't want to be is the general.
"I can think like one, sure. Like Batman. Like Luthor. Like Ra's Al Ghul. But their thoughts hurt... hurt me. There is no end of their visions. There is no happy ever after. And maybe, maybe I just want a happy ever after..."
Jason cleared his throat. "Okay, enough with the questioning, I think. The mood just turned the wine sour." he commented. He couldn't reach over the table and he wanted to, if only to wipe that solemn, forlorn look out of Tim's face.
Diana's smile was a little brighter. "I am not sure if I should give you wine or not, Jason, so that is grape juice in your glass." she remarked.
"Hey! I'm actually 21!" Jason protested.
"Ah, right. I keep seeing you as the 15-year-old boy I once knew..." she signaled someone, and a goblet and bottle of wine appeared next to Jason.
"Shouldn't you stay sober? I mean, we still gotta go back home, you know. And I don't think you can afford crashing Bruce's jet..." Tim commented.
"Live a little, Timber! Besides, you're the designated driver." Jason grinned impishly.
"That is so unfair..." Tim grumbled.
"You may have wine, too, just a sip, if you want." Diana offered. "I am amused at the American's insistence that their children should not be introduced to wine until a certain age, whilst they are not protected from violence in general. But," she shrugged. "'when in Rome...', I guess. Wine, Timothy?"
"Eh... no, thanks. I actually really rather stay sober." Tim refused politely. "Yes, Jay, I know the jet has autopilot. I just prefer to stay sober, thanks."
"One sip isn't gonna make you tipsy, Timmy. But you know what? Whatever float your boat."
The flight back home was quiet, save a few questions from Alfred in the comms of their ETA and some technical questions - like 'who was flying' and whether the pilot is sober. Diana had wondered out loud if she should let them go back home, since it was late - at 11.30-ish. They assured her that it's not late for them batkids. She'd hugged them both, whispering to Jason, "be happy, Jason."; and something else that Jason couldn't hear to Tim.
Curiosity won, and Jason decided to ask. "What did Diana tell you when she hugged you?"
Tim smirked. "What did she tell you?"
"For me to be happy. You?"
"The same, with added, 'I've been told that it is a custom to tell a young man: you hurt your lover, I'll break both your legs and arms.' - quote-unquote. Apparently, Green Arrow suggested that, thinking she would be saying that to you."
"I'm hurt. Right here. After all I've done with Roy and all..." Jason pointed to his chest mockingly. A thought suddenly crossed Jason's mind. "Hey Tim?"
"Hmm... we're ten minutes out. What?"
"We're actually a couple, aren't we?"
"If you're thinking of changing your mind now, nearly eight weeks after the first time you asked me out on a date, you're a little too late."
"I'm not gonna." Jason assured him.
Tim was quiet for a few moments as Jason adjusted the plane's instruments for landing. And then he asked, "you know, I never knew why you suddenly decided you want to date me and woo me with food..."
Jason's memories flew back to the alternate reality, and he looked at Tim. "Let's just say I was given the chance to see that being with you is a lot better option than not." he grinned toothily.
"That's really cheesy." Tim quipped.
"I should let you know that I'm the king of Cheese and I've read a lot of them Harlequin novels."
"That... ew. If you ever think of spreading rose petals on the bed for me, I should let you know right now that I'm allergic to blatant cheesiness." Tim chuckled, "Landing gear down."
"Weeell... there goes my Valentine plans!" Jason mock-gasped. "How about lining up a few blocks of Narrows with bad guys you can punch all the way to the Penthouse, and then have some big-bad in the Penthouse - also so you can punch? That be a good V-day for you?"
Tim's laughter was a little delayed as he landed the plane perfectly. But it still sounded like music to Jason. "Oh, Jay-bear, you sure know how to woo a vigilante!" Tim sing-songed.
Jason just grinned when Tim looped an arm across his waist, in his jacket, as they walked to their waiting car. The night was still young, for bats, but it was still quiet. He has Tim, laughing quietly in Jason's arms. And Jason thought of the rooftop frolicking he'd seen in the alternate universe some months ago.
Maybe someday he'll be able to show Tim what he'd wanted, and how he's working to get it. Maybe someday Tim would get the happy-ever-after he told Diana. Jason just hoped that he, too, would be in it - he knew that he would work hard, short of selling his soul to be there.
Maybe someday they won't have to put on so much armor to fight the bads of Gotham, or elsewhere. Tonight, Jason didn't know who started it, but a few hours later, he found himself chasing Spoiler, who was Chasing Black Bat, who was chasing Tim, while Jason was being chased by Nightwing. The night was filled with happy shrieks and indignant squawks when somebody got tagged. The shrill, child-like growl of "I shall decimate you, Nightwing!" followed with a red-yellow-and-green blur told Jason that even the grumpy new little Robin has been roped in into the game.
For the first time in a very, very long time, Jason's smile felt just right on his face.
Even if he was tagged next - mid-flight and made him nearly missed his landing - by Tim.
"I'll get you, Red!" he threatened, quickly following the happy cackle. Oooh, he'll get Tim, alright.
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3dprintingdxb · 3 years
Ready for a 3D Printed Flying suit?
Additive Manufacturing with its latest and amazing advancements, is making leap for tomorrow. Time to time 3D Printing is expanding its reach to different industries, moving ahead as it adopts flexible  manufacturing options. Recently, UK based Gravity Industries, a jet-suit company has announced its plan to develop a flying suit using additive manufacturing. This time it will be with an electrical propulsion system rather than a hydrocarbon burning (news courtesy:3dprinting.com) . This new product named the Gravity eSuit expected to do wonders!!
Along with the world, Inoventive 3D Printing also keeping up the pace to provide cutting-edge 3d printing solutions to Middle East and African region. We have recently opened our 6000sq.ft grand facility in Ras Al Khor, Dubai along with latest 3D Printing facilities where you can take your 3D Prints 30x faster and in affordable price.
As Dubai and UAE is getting ready for the World Expo 2020, Inoventive 3D is happy to announce that, we are ready to 3D Print any of your projects in any shapes and sizes from micro objects to giant sized sculptures, mini prototype to  real and working engineering machines or parts, 3D Printed jewelries to Full size home decors and custom designed furniture, from mini molds to huge molds for concrete facades and boat hulls, just name it, we can 3D print it in hours!!
Just visit our new facility with your amazing and creative ideas and dreams, drive back with your realized dream!! We have in-house 3D designers, experienced 3D Printing engineers and you can find friendly staff all around the place to assist you...!! Moreover, we have reserved parking place for our esteemed customers!! Have peace of mind and let us know your creative ideas, we will assist you to bring your dream to reality...
Inoventive 3D, leading facility in 3D Printing Dubai, UAE gained its esteemed customers all over the world, especially in Middle East and African region. We assure you the best 3D Printing services with unmatched quality. We can guaranty you affordable 3D Printing services.
Please feel free to contact us for any further assistance. Call / Whatsapp: +971 52 595 9616 | Email: [email protected] | https://inoventive3d.com/
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jemch · 3 years
How It’s Made Index(S11~S20)
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How It’s Made是由 Discovery Channel 制作一款王牌节目,又被翻译为制造的原理或造物小百科, 本片从2001年推出至今,涵盖了几乎所有的制造技术 ,非常适合机械专业和对此感兴趣的同学。希望大家享受这趟制造的艺术之旅!
S11E01 Binoculars; Sparklers; Rubber Boots; Circular Saw Blades 望远镜,焰火,长统水靴,圆锯锯片
S11E02 Anatomical Models; Jukeboxes; Tortilla Chips; Spark Plugs 解剖学模型,自动点唱机,墨西哥玉米片,火花塞
S11E03 Pencils; Metal Recycling; Coffee 铅笔,金属回收,咖啡
S11E04 Javelins; Cuckoo Clocks; Hearts of Palm; Windshield Wipers 标枪,布谷鸟钟,棕榈芯,雨刷
S11E05 Technical Glass; Washing Machines; Playing Cards; Crossbows 工业玻璃,洗衣机,扑克牌,弩
S11E06 Cine Cameras; Glass Christmas Ornaments; Giant Tires 电影摄影机,圣诞节玻璃装饰品,巨型轮胎
S11E07 Microphones; Hot Tubs; Artificial Turf; Beer Steins 麦克风,按摩缸,人工草坪,啤酒杯
S11E08 Hot Rods; Decorative Eggs; Fire Hose Nozzles; Baseballs 改装车,装饰蛋,灭火水龙带喷嘴,棒球
S11E09 Accordions; Pineapples; Artificial Joints 手风琴,菠萝,人工关节
S11E10 Giant Valves; Sardines; Barographs; Disposable Diapers 巨型阀门,沙丁鱼罐头,气压计,一次性尿片
S11E11 Heated Skate Blades; Gliders; Hand Bells; Fire Hoses 加热式冰靴,滑翔机,手摇铃铛,灭火水龙带
S11E12 Induction Cooktops; Truck Scales; Tetra Pak Containers; Harmonicas 电磁炉,车重地衡,利乐包装盒,口琴
S11E13 Baseball Gloves; Medical Electrodes; Stetson Hats 棒球手套,医疗电极,牛仔帽
S12E01 Pneumatic Impact Wrenches; Cultured Marble Sinks; Plantain Chips; NASCAR Stock Cars 气动扳手,人造大理石水池,炸香蕉片,纳斯卡赛车
S12E02 Jaws of Life; Artificial Christmas Trees; Soda Crackers; Ratchets 救生钳,人造圣诞树,苏打饼干,棘轮扳手
S12E03 Thermometers; Produce Scales; Aircraft Painting; Luxury Chocolates 温度计,挂秤,飞机机身彩绘,高档巧克力
S12E04 Carburetors; Air Conditioners; Sugar 气化器,空调机,糖
S12E05 Combination Wrenches; Deli Meats; Golf Carts; Airships 组合扳手,香肠,高尔夫球车,飞艇
S12E06 Carbon Fibre Car Parts; Hand Dryers; Recycled Polyester Yarn; Fleece 碳纤维汽车零件,手烘干机,回收聚酯制丝线,羊毛布料
S12E07 Police Badges; Muffins; Car Washes; Pressure Gauges 警徽,松饼,洗车房,压力表
S12E08 Metal Detectors; Rum; Tiffany Reproductions; Aircraft Engines 金属探测器,兰姆酒, 蒂凡尼灯具,飞机引擎
S12E09 Riding Mowers; Popcorn; Adjustable Beds; Cultured Diamonds 乘骑式割草机,爆米花,可调床垫,人造钻石
S12E10 Airstream Trailers; Horseradish; Industrial Steam Boilers; Deodorant 流线型拖车,辣根,工业蒸汽锅炉,防臭剂
S12E11 Screwdrivers; Compact Track Loaders; Physician Scales; Carbon Fibre Bats 螺丝刀,链带式装卸机,体重秤,碳纤维棒球棒
S12E12 Escalators; Kevlar Canoes; Goat Cheese; Disc Music Boxes 自动扶梯,凯夫拉尔独木舟,羊奶酪,碟式音乐盒
S12E13 Motorcycle Engines; Glass Enamel Sculptures; Hand-Made Paper; Vaulting Poles 摩托车引擎,玻璃搪瓷雕刻,手工纸,撑竿
S13E01 Hammers; Swiss Cheese; Roller Skates; Coloured Pencils 锤子,瑞士奶酪,旱冰鞋,彩色铅笔
S13E02 Carbon Fiber Bicycles; Blood Products; Forged Chandeliers; Ballpoint Pens 碳纤维自行车,血液制品,锻造吊灯,圆珠笔
S13E03 Swiss Army Knives; Player Piano Rolls; Oil Tankers; Racing Wheels 瑞士军刀,钢琴演奏器,油轮,赛车轮毂
S13E04 Bowling Balls; Barber Poles; Felt; Radar Guns 保龄球,旋转彩柱,毛毡,雷达测速枪
S13E05 Pipe Fittings; Music Boxes; Pepper Mills; Hot Rod Steering Columns 铜管件,圆柱音乐盒,胡椒磨,汽车方向柱
S13E06 Gears; Leather Watchbands; Vitrelle Dishes; Kitchen Shears 齿轮,真皮表带,抗摔玻璃碗碟,厨用剪刀
S13E07 Pressure Cookers; Mechanical Singing Birds; Oceanographic Buoys; Tank Trailers 高压锅,唱歌机械鸟,浮标,不锈钢罐拖车
S13E08 Aluminum Boats; Alpine Horns; Luxury Watches 铝壳船,高山牛角,豪华手表
S13E09 ATVs; Alpine Skis; Laser Cutters; Marble Sculptures 全地形车,高山滑雪板,激光切割机,大理石雕塑
S13E10 Socket Sets; Leather Shoes; Aluminum Water Bottles; Bike Chains 套筒扳手,皮鞋,铝制水瓶,自行车链条
S13E11 Carved Wood Sculptures; Flatware; Cow Bells; Fountain Pens 木雕,餐具,牛铃,钢笔
S13E12 Olive Oil; Lift Trucks; Seamless Rolled Rings; Ski Boots 橄榄油,叉车,无缝环件,滑雪靴
S13E13 Cookware; Inlaid Boxes; High-Efficiency Water Heaters; Vespa Scooters 专业炊具,豪华镶嵌盒,高效率热水器,电动车
S14E01 Mini GP Motorcycles; Fig Cookies; Tool Boxes; Pipe Bends 迷你锦标赛摩托车,无花果曲奇饼,工具箱,弯头
S14E02 Revolver Replicas; Arc Trainers; Oil Furnaces; Vegetable Peelers; Pizza Cutters 西部左轮手枪复制品,健身椭圆机,废油燃烧器,削皮器和薄饼切削刀
S14E03 Metal Golf Clubs; Waffles; Custom Wires and Cables Train Wheels; 金属高尔夫球杆,华夫烘饼,订制线缆,火车轮子
S14E04 Sails; Walnuts; Wheel Immobilizers; Honeycomb Structural Panels 风帆,核桃,轮胎防盗器,蜂窝结构板
S14E05 Surfboards; Stickers; Sandwich Cookies; Concrete Roofing Tiles 冲浪板,贴纸,夹芯饼干,混凝土瓦
S14E06 Ski Goggles; Tower Cranes; Porcelain Figurines; Diesel Engines 滑雪风镜,塔吊,瓷小雕像,柴油引擎
S14E07 Stuffed Olives; Astrolabes; Western Saddles 酿水榄,星盘,西部马鞍
S14E08 Custom Running Shoes; Axes; Racing Karts; Animatronics 订制跑鞋,斧头,卡丁车,电子动画
S14E09 Headphones; Diving Regulators; Reflector Light Bulbs 耳机,潜水呼吸调节器,聚光灯泡
S14E10 Fly Fishing Reels; House Paint; Weaving Looms; Ice Makers 飞钓卷筒,房屋涂料,编织机,制冰机
S14E11 Graphite Pencil Leads; Clarinets; Special Effects; 石墨铅笔芯,单簧管,特技效果
S14E12 Air Boats; Onions; 3D Metal Printing; Curved Cabinet Doors 空气船,洋葱,三维金属打印,弧形木柜门
S14E13 Retractable Ballpoint Pens; Solar Salt; Tubas; 圆珠笔,日晒盐,大号
S15E01 Kelp Caviar; Luxury Sailboats; Dental Crowns; High-Performance Engines 海带鱼子酱,豪华帆船,人造牙冠,发动机
S15E02 Leather Briefcases; Crop Dusters; Corn Whiskey; Drag Racing Clutches 真皮公文包,喷洒农药飞机,玉米威士忌,直线竞速赛车离合器
S15E03 Train Rails; Desalinated Water; Racing Wheelchairs; Parquetry 火车钢轨,淡化水,竞速轮椅,拼花木地板
S15E04 Flight Simulators; Bookbinding; Greenhouse Tomatoes; Hurricane-Proof Shutters 飞行模拟器,传统装订,温室西红柿,防风百叶窗
S15E05 Worcestershire Sauce; Lawn Bowls; Radio-Controlled Model Jets; 辣酱油,草地滚球,遥控模型喷气机
S15E06 Pipes; Rock Climbing Gear; Leather Bike Saddles; Luxury Sports Cars 烟斗,攀岩丝扣锁,自行车座,豪华跑车
S15E07 Replica Foods; Traffic Cone Dispensers; Rocking Horses; London Taxis 食品模型,交通安全锥,摇马,伦敦出租车
S15E08 Miniature Furniture; Garden Steam Locomotives; Hovercraft; Folding Bicycles 迷你家具,庭院蒸汽机车,气垫船,折迭自行车
S15E09 Crosscut Saws; Haggis; Collectible Firearms; 横割锯,肉馅羊肚,收藏枪支
S15E10 Alligator Bags; Lockers; Bench Planes; Deployable Flight Recorders 鳄鱼手袋,储物柜,木工台刨,飞行纪录仪
S15E11 Grapples; Flavorings; Dog Sleds; Athletic Shoes 抓斗,调味品,狗雪撬,运动鞋
S15E12 Retractile Cords; Wood Frame Sports Cars; Sushi 伸缩绳,木结构跑车,寿司
S15E13 Leather Wallets; French Horns; Soy Sauce; Children's Ride-On Cars 真皮钱包,圆号,酱油,儿童骑乘汽车
第十六季推出时间为2010-10-01至 2010-12-24
S16E01 Millefiori Glass Paperweights; Road Salt; Nutcrackers; Car Doors 千花玻璃纸镇,道路除冰盐,胡桃夹子,汽车门
S16E02 Straight Razors; Black Pudding; Steering Wheels; Inorganic Pigments 直剃须刀,黑香肠,方向盘,无机颜料
S16E03 Cast Iron Cookware; Biodiesel; Clothing Hangers; Stone Wool Insulation 铸铁炊具,生物柴油,衣架,石棉
S16E04 Needles & Pins; Architectural Mouldings; Locomotives; Clothespins 针,建筑木线条,机车,衣夹
S16E05 Filigree Glass; Fish Food; Motor Homes 掐丝玻璃,鱼饲料,房车
S16E06 Surgical Instruments; Ketchup; Double-Decker Buses; Walking Sticks 手术器械,番茄酱,手杖
S16E07 Audio Tubes; Light Bars; Model Aircraft; Snare Drums 音频真空管,灯条,木制模型飞机,金属小鼓
S16E08 Kitchen Accessories; Central Vacuums; Paper-Maché Animals; Hydraulic Cylinders 厨房配件,中央吸尘器,纸型动物,液压缸
S16E09 Liquor Jugs; Deli Meats; NASCAR Engines 粘土酒壶,家禽熟肉制品,NASCAR发动机
S16E10 Digital Dentistry; Nail Clippers; Poster Restoration; Canola Oil 数字牙科,海报恢复,菜籽油
S16E11 Dial Thermometers; Hummus; Spent Fuel Containers; Straw Sombreros 温度计,豆泥,燃料容器,秸秆宽边帽
S16E12 Tequila; Water Beds; Flip Flops; Silver 龙舌兰酒,水床,人字拖,银子
S16E13 Composite Propane Cylinders; Salsa; Water-pumping Windmills; Dragsters 复合丙烷缸,辣调味汁,抽水风车,高速赛车
第十七季推出时间为2011-04-08至 2011-06-24
S17E01 Decorative Sombreros; Salad Dressings; Cap Guns; Regenerative Medicine 装饰戴草帽,沙拉酱和腌泡汁,帽枪,再生医学
S17E02 Cheese Graters; Hot Sauce; Silver Jewelery; Traditional Mexican Chairs 芝士刨,辣酱,银首饰,传统墨西哥椅
S17E03 Game calls; Mayonnaise; Traditional Razor Blades; Butterfly Safety Razors 哨,蛋黄酱,传统剃须刀片,蝴蝶安全剃刀
S17E04 Corn Tortillas; Crankshafts & Camshafts; Bush Planes; Aluminum Bike Wheels 玉米饼,曲轴和凸轮轴,布什飞机,铝自行车轮
S17E05 Folding Kayaks; Pi?atas; Garbage Trucks; Ceramic Composite Brake Discs 折叠皮艇,彩罐,垃圾车,陶瓷复合刹车盘
S17E06 Rolled Wafers; Wood Pellets; Class & Championship Rings; 威化饼,木颗粒,总冠军戒指
S17E07 Speed skates; synthetic rubber; cocoa beans; and bulk chocolate 速度溜冰鞋,可可豆,散装巧克力
S17E08 Custom Steering Wheels; Aerospace Fuel Lines; Apple Pies; Household Radiators 定做方向盘,苹果馅饼,家用散热器
S17E09 Whips; automated pizza makers; incense cones; and scale turbine engines 鞭子,自动比萨饼机,香锥,喷气发动机模型
S17E10 Heather gems; instant film; beet sugar; electric roadsters 希瑟宝石,即时胶片,甜菜糖,电动跑车
S17E11 Underwater robots; lasagne; band saws; and ski trekking poles 水下机器人,烤宽面条,带锯床,登山杖
S17E12 Laminated Wood Beams; Sport Utility Vehicles; Veggie Burgers; Wood-boring Augers 木质横梁,运动型多功能车,素食汉堡,钻木螺旋钻
S17E13 Turbochargers; enchiladas; and watches; 涡轮增压器,辣酱玉米饼馅,手表
第十八季推出时间为2011-09-14至 2011-12-06
S18E01 Patterned Glass Panels; Road Cases; Stop-Frame Animation 压花玻璃面��,公路应急箱,定���动画
S18E02 Industrial Wire Ropes; Living Walls; Large Format Cameras; Gemstones 工业钢丝绳,生活墙,大画幅相机,宝石
S18E03 Chocolate Coins; Floor Heating System; Pedal Cars; Latex Swords 巧克力金币, 地板采暖系统,踏板汽车,乳胶剑
S18E04 Farmed Caviar; Intake Manifolds; Motorcycle Jackets; Forged Spades 养殖鱼子酱,进气管,机车夹克,铲子和铁锹
S18E05 Wax Figures; Awnings; Sandwich Crackers; Pewter Tankards 蜡像,遮阳篷,三明治饼干,锡制酒杯
S18E06 Cufflinks; Blueberry Turnovers; Dashboards; Pottery 袖扣, 蓝莓饼,仪表板,陶器
S18E07 Fish Replicas; Siren Systems; Pre-Packaged Sandwiches; Candlesticks 鱼模型,警报器系统,预包装三明治,烛台
S18E08 Pipe Cleaners; Blue Stilton Cheese; Smart Electric Meters; Telescopes 管道清洁剂,蓝斯蒂尔顿奶酪,智能电表,望远镜
S18E09 Rally Cars; Pork Pies; Floating Fountains; Artificial Stone Ornaments 拉力赛车,猪肉馅饼,浮动喷泉,人造石饰品
S18E10 Tapioca Pudding; Snow Plows; Paddle Boats; Fibre Cement Siding 木薯布丁,除雪车,桨船,纤维水泥墙板
S18E11 Pharmaceutical Blister Packs; Deli Slicers; Oysters; Weathervanes 药品泡罩包装,德利切片机,牡蛎,风向标
S18E12 Top & Bowler Hats; Solar Water Heaters; Sticky Buns; Electrostatic Speakers 圆顶礼帽,太阳能热水器,粘小奶油甜面包,静电式扬声器
S18E13 Turntables; Steam Engines; Playground Equipment; Teflon Pans 唱盘,蒸汽机,运动场设备,不粘锅
第十九季推出时间为2012-04-19至 2012-06-24
S19E01 Garden Forks; English Toffee; Paint Chip Cards; Bundt Pans 花园艺叉,英式太妃糖,油漆色卡,蛋糕模具
S19E02 Pewter Flasks; Potato Salad; Hydrogen Fuel Cells; Engineered Wood Siding 锡制酒瓶,马铃薯沙拉,氢燃料电池组,工程木板墙
S19E03 Canvas Wall Tents; Peace Pipes; Shredded Wheat Cereal; Cannons 帆布帐篷,印第安式烟斗,块状麦片,加农炮
S19E04 Robotic Hunting Decoys; Canned Tomatoes; Scoreboards; Lassos 捕猎诱饵,罐装番茄酱,电子计分板,捕牛套索
S19E05 Turf Grass; Beef Jerky; Wood Chippers; Bowling Pins 草坪,长条牛肉干,木片切削机,保龄球球瓶
S19E06 Multi-Tools; Jojoba Oil; Marionettes 多用途工具刀,荷荷芭油,提线木偶
S19E07 Fish Decoys; Film Digitization; Cylinder Stoves; Concrete Light Poles 鱼饵,影片数字化存储,筒形火炉,混凝土灯杆
S19E08 Bamboo Bicycles; Chainsaw Art; Breath Mints; Manual Motorcycle Transmissions 竹制自行车,木雕,薄荷糖,变速箱总成
S19E09 Dinnerware; Air Brake Tanks; Frosted Cereal; Fossils 陶瓷餐具,气刹储气罐,麦片,化石
S19E10 Clay; Pitted Prunes; Spurs; Polyurethane Tires 黏土,话梅,马靴,轮胎
S19E11 Tasers; Canned Soup; Jaw Harps; Diving Boards 泰瑟枪,汤品罐头,口弓,跳水板
S19E12 Space Pens; Reef Aquariums; Metal Caskets; Composite Bike Wheels 太空笔,水族馆,金属棺材,复合自行车轮子
S19E13 Navajo Rugs; Crude Oil; Kaleidoscopes; Titanium Dental Implants 纳瓦霍地毯,原油,万花筒,钛牙科植入物
第二十季推出时间为2012-10-25至 2013-01-10
S20E01 Native Healing Drums;Raisins;Stereoscopic Viewers;Ribbon Microphones 印地安疗愈鼓,葡萄干,立体图片观赏器,铝带式麦克风
S20E02 Horse Bits; Oat Cereal; Turquoise Jewelry; Electric Scooters 马衔,燕麦片,土耳其玉首饰,电动滑板车
S20E03 Stagecoaches;Road Reflectors;Fire Baked Pottery;Custom Motorcycle Tanks 驿马车,反光道钉,火烤陶器,订制摩托车油箱
S20E04 Replica Clay Pipes;Drinking Fountains;Orange Liqueur;Compound Bows 复刻陶瓷烟斗,饮水机,柳橙甜酒,复合弓
S20E05 Tissues;Travel Trailers;Slippers;Motorcycle Helmets 面纸,旅行拖车,拖鞋,摩托车安全帽
S20E06 U-Locks; Tepees; Croissants; Rolling Luggage U型锁,圆锥帐篷,可颂面包,滚轮行李箱
S20E07 Prams;Factory-Built Homes;Wood Flutes;Bicycle Tires 婴儿车,组合式房屋,木笛,单车轮胎
S20E08 Thinning Shears;Wagon Wheels;Toaster Pastries;Violin Bows 打薄剪,马车轮,果酱夹心饼,小提琴弓
S20E09 1000th Item: Cycling Shoes;Yurts;Marine Plywood;Oil & Encaustic Paint 自行车卡鞋地,蒙古包,船用合板,油彩和蜡彩
S20E10 Nail Nippers; Jade Putters; Ice Cider; Water Skis 指甲钳,玉石推杆,苹果冰酒,滑水板
S20E11 Paper Fans; Walnut Oil; Copper 纸扇,胡桃油,铜
S20E12 Cast Iron Tubs; Hopi Kachina Dolls; Mine Truck Engine; Memory Cards 铸铁浴缸,霍皮族娃娃,矿场卡车引擎重建,记忆卡
S20E13 Gut Strings;Absinthe;Belt Buckles;Lever Locks 肠弦,苦艾酒,皮带头,杆锁
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