#cus imma cry aggressively now
purpleguysimp · 5 months
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Rrrrrrgggghgghhhhhh bones man
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oliviamillss · 3 years
moon signs
based on the people i know
ARIES-  they can be really funny. if manifested well, can be quite open and down to earth about emotions, don’t really think about how someone may take their emotions, they just express it. manifested badly, they may just constantly show annoyance and if you try and ask if they’re okay they just get pissed at you and insult you. they do notice when somethings off, and do aim to comfort you. they’re not the best at comforting but they do really try.
TAURUS- doesn’t open up, and very good at diverting the conversation off them onto you, without you getting suspicious. if you’re close may tell you some things, but is very wary and doesn’t want you to know everything. usually doesn’t really care about their reputation (obvs that may change with other placements), and laughs when something messes up, not in a rude way though. actually likes comfort but doesnt show it (i have a guy friend w a taurus moon and whenever i tried to hug him at first he’d always tell me to fuck off, but a few mins later would say ‘go on then, but i wont hug back’ and now probs after 1 month of that he now hugs back)
GEMINI- doesn’t open up, like ever (unless water influences elsewhere). always acts like everything’s fine, makes humour out of their problems, and laughs it off. lovely person though, there for you and will always listen and try to help. may blow the problem up in their head.
CANCER- emotions are a new level. seek comfort and nurture, and depending on other placements, it could be a range of people. they’d do a lot to fit in, and i think basically the tiktok sound ‘i just wanna be appreciated’ sums them up. my friend has a crush on a guy with this placement and he didn’t want to be a ‘simp’ so he unfollowed her and stuff, but he is always looking at her, and seems to actually care. i feel like they have to have a hard shell to protect their emotions. 
LEO- so so so so funny. HATES loosing arguments. also can be super petty. loves attention, may try and get it through emotions. needs to be liked by everyone. also loves arguments, and may start them just to spice everything up. the type of person to leave a groupchat cus its ‘boring’ but gets added back soon after.
VIRGO- idk the accuracy but i think they are quite emotional people. they don’t like people seeing them cry, but they are open about it. sometimes they can be attention seeking through it and sigh a lot until someone asks what’s up, and can be passive aggressive, but actually quite okay people.
LIBRA- they’re really sweet people. from what i’ve seen, guys with this placement are VERY respectful, and all round lovely. everyone i know with a libra moon are really sweet and sacrifice theirselves for other people. they’re honestly so sweet and will comfort you well, they also give very good advice. 
SCORPIO- i only know one person with this placement, and even then idk if its libra or scorpio but imma go ahead. they seem to hide emotions a lot. like always have the same straight face with the people they’re comfortable with, then be all full of life for anyone else. they are very pretty and magnetic. very mysterious. also AMAZING at listening in to conversations without looking like they are so be very wary
SAGITTARIUS- really doesn’t like feelings, pushes them down further and further. uses an alternate reality as an escape technique. when they do let out feelings it comes out very quickly, and it can be too much and make people quite uncomfortable and speechless. they sort of loose control of what they’re saying about their emotions. they always regret opening up. they love being complimented and treated nice and lovingly, they just don’t always know how to respond to that.
CAPRICORN- (ive only found this placement with guys) they feel the need to be masculine, and HATES coming across as feminine, but they all seem to give off a gay vibe. like the sort of guy who still wears a football kit to school in freshman year (year 10). likes the attention they get from people. usually pretty funny too. if they want to speak to you, they sometimes don’t want to seem like they care about you, so they tease you to start a conversation (if you have a water moon i rlly don’t recommend hanging around with them). they also seem pretty magnetic to each other and have long friendships.
AQUARIUS- very logical about emotion, doesn’t really show it. you will very rarely see these people cry. also they might be good with coding and stuff like that.
PISCES- very sensitive. sort of need everything to go as they visioned it. very sweet and caring, may never want to say anything bad about anyone. understands everyone is going through their own problems. puts others before themselves. goes quiet when sad. may be upset for attention at times. mostly sees the good in people.
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HC Corner: Teruteru’s Siblings
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Whitney (aggressively) requested that I would make a Headcanon post about Teruteru’s siblings, so I guess here I go! These are just miscellaneous HC’s because there aren’t that many of them so..!
Basics. 1 boy and 1 girl, these kids are Teruteru’s step-siblings. They are not related to Mama Hanamura, as Teruteru states that they are from different mothers. This means that they look nothing like Teruteru or his ma.
As I probably have said before, I personally headcanon Teruteru’s mother as lesbian. These other mothers are in my specific headcanons past lovers. This does not particulary change much even if there was a father involved though, because he is never mentioned even once. He is obviously not in Teruteru’s life, for whatever reason. I don’t really care. Mamamura for #1 lesbian.
These other mothers are assholes. They are the worst? Because they left these two children, both of them, with a woman who was very sickly and was obviously struggling with money. Her and Teruteru worked their asses off every single day to just keep the restaurant, that was pretty much their home and only income, going. And you leave those kids completely in this woman and little kid’s hands? Fuck you. And if there was a dad? Double fuck you to you. Unless you are dead. Cus in that case don’t sweat it bro. Imma just side-eye these women a bit more thank you very much.
Teruteru’s siblings make a lot of money doing what they are doing. Teruteru mentions often how they are doing really well, and he is quite visibly very bitter about it. Could it be jealousy? Suuure, but that would be a pretty silly thing to be jealous of, if they were helping him and Mamamura out with saving the restaurant and paying her medical bills. This strongly hints towards them not doing that. These two siblings most likely are keeping all that money to themselves, while Mamamura and Teruteru keep struggling with their restaurant.
But there is something else about it too. When Hinata talks to Teruteru about his siblings, and this subject arises, he can’t tell if he is jealous, or if he is worried about them. Teruteru have taken care of these little ones his whole life, he is a big brother and he is very nurturing, this is very obvious in pretty much any comic you ever pick up about Teruteru. Yes. I recommend you take those into account with Teruteru, as the comics care more about Teruteru’s character than the game and anime did lmaooo.. But anyway, because of this, knowing that his siblings take on work that can lead to such skeevy and dangerous business, straight up scares him. I personally headcanon that they have not gotten involved in anything like that yet, and purely work with being hosts and hostesses for now... But who knows what the future holds?
Bonus headcanon:
Teruteru’s siblings were mini-devils, and he was constantly 110% done with their shit. He is very huffy and stern when speaking to them, but he is also very quick to consoling someone who is crying, and he gives the best hugs.
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