larmegliamori · 8 months
Grande giorno davvero, l'otto settembre: è nato il mio autore preferito, la regina ha tirato l'ala, ed ho evocato unə kpoppinə sul mio profilo
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unearthitaly · 5 months
Neapolitan Street Food: 6 Snacks You Should Try
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Back in the days, having a meal “on the go” in Naples had little to do with hurry, but rather with poverty. Eating street food was cheap and, at the beginning of the 20th century, you could actually buy a portion of pizza for just one soldo.
Nowadays, even though the love for a table laden with food and conviviality is undeniable, street food is a common habit very ingrained in the local culture.
Here following, you will find a list of some of the street food you should try while in Naples. The amount of this kind of food is quite consistent, but here I’m listing only some of the most common specialties, easier to access for tourists.
Pizza a portafoglio
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Pizza a portafoglio ( literally "pizza wallet-style") is a lighter version of the most popular pizza: it is smaller, it has less topping, and it is easier to carry around, since it is basically a “folded small pizza”. The classic version, with few ingredients, usually costs around 1,5/2 €.
Pizza fritta
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Pizza fritta (“fried pizza”) was invented after WWII in order to face the crisis, given that even the classic pizza, a traditionally cheap food, had become a luxury, due to the difficulty to find and pay for ingredients like tomato and mozzarella.
The dough, during the frying process, inflates and the empty space is filled with ricotta cheese, salami and mozzarella. At the time, preparation and selling happened on the streets: the dough, previously prepared by the pizzaiolo, was fried and sold by his wife in a stall located along the alley.
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The Neapolitan cuoppo is a cone of vax paper filled with fried goodies. The traditional cuoppo (“cuoppo fritto” or “cuoppo di terra”) is usually composed by zeppoline salate, panzarotti (called also crocchè) made with potatoes, cheese and ham, Neapolitan arancini, mozzarella in carrozza  and scagliuozz (small triangles of fried polenta). A more recent invention is the “cuoppo di mare”, made with fried fish and fried vegetables.
Tarallo sugna e pepe
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This is quite an old recipe, which is the result of the resourcefulness of 1700’s bakers who were located in the fondaci, a very poor area near the port. Instead of throwing away the leftovers of the dough used to make the bread, they opted for re-using them, giving them a ring shape and adding pepper and lard. At the beginning of 1800, almonds were also added to the recipe, giving birth to the a snack, which was sold by peddlers and that represented a nourishing yet cheap food for the poor Neapolitan workers.
Nowadays you can find taralli in the osterie (inns), served with wine, beer or even sea water, and they are sold in the tarallerie (specialized shops) and bakeries.
Frittatina di pasta
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Frittatine di pasta are often consumed in pizzerias as an appetizer before pizza, or as street food. A frittatina is a disc of dough of 10 cm, filled with bucatini pasta, white sauce, peas, ham and provola cheese, covered with batter and fried. Some varieties also contain ragù (see pic).
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One of the most common street desserts is the famous sfogliatella, invented in the 18th century, by the nuns of the ancient St.Rosa Cloister located in the Amalfi coast. For this reason, the sweet was called “Sfogliatella Santarosa”.
At the beginning of the following century, one of the nuns passed the recipe to her nephew P. Pintauro, who had a patisserie in via Toledo in Naples and the rest is history: he modified the recipe and invented the typical Neapolitan sfogliatella. There are two versions of it, the sfogliatella frolla and the sfogliatella riccia (see pic). The filling is equal for both: it is made with semolina, ricotta cheese, eggs, sugar, candied fruits, orange blossom’s water, vanilla and cinnamon and it is very aromatic.
In Naples you usually find these two typologies, whereas in the rest of the region Campania, you can still find the original Santarosa and its spinoff version called coda d’aragosta (“lobster’s tail”), with a filling made of cream and chocolate or with chantilly cream.
If you want to read the complete version of this article, check my blog. Enjoy your next trip to Naples! 😜
Sara-Unearth Italy. Find me on WordPress, Instagram, X.
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squadrah · 1 year
From My CuriousCat
"What are La Squadra's fave things when they need some treat-yo-self? Like when they are sick or kinda bummed out? Stuff like comfort food, guilty pleasures, fave activities and such?"
Risotto: Stress-eats scaccia like nobody's business, but any other household staple will do. Will sometimes make himself invisible but sit in a common area, just observing others, being unavailable but not quite. Most of the time though he will either take a long walk, or hole himself up in his room and watch videos he normally thinks it is a weakness to indulge in (kittens and puppies, cute kids).
Formaggio: Emergency "lazy" tiramisu is a thing, though if he's feeling very miserable, he might ask Risotto to make him ragú and then just have a bowl of that with bread and nothing else. Sometimes drowns his sorrows in his favorite pinup magazines, and other times goes out to the street, finds himself some cats or other targets, and messes with them until he feels better.
Prosciutto: Ice cubes, or other beverage of choice frozen into small cubes by White Album; other times it's sliced steak or deli meat just by itself, savoring every bite. Hour long showers, then lounging around in a house robe with nothing underneath and his hair down. Sometimes visits high-end clothes stores, tries on clothes he cannot afford, and takes pictures of himself in them.
Pesci: Loves some cuoppo fresh from a favorite vendor, and will never say no to good ice cream (fruit flavors are his favorite). Rolls up some blankets until the result is about the size of a person, then wraps himself around the roll and spoons it like his life depends on it. Goes to the local comic shop to browse, and just as they are getting tired of him, he buys a comic book or two.
Ghiaccio: Hates himself for it, but he really loves chocolate, and will suck on a single piece for ages not to eat too much of it. Changes into his work out gear and improvises with his punching bag (he calls it interpretive training), like writing an angry letter to someone expect with your fists and feet. If it doesn't work, he skates out to some abandoned place and howls himself hoarse.
Melone: Splurges on something his body doesn't want him to have, and doesn't give a damn about the consequences (though sometimes he takes his Lactaid beforehand). Wraps himself in blankets and watches bad porn on Baby Face until his mood improves. If he's feeling well enough, he takes his motorcycle for a ride around town and browses his favorite shops for anything new.
Illuso: Makes a microwave mug cake or several, but sometimes, only someone else's leftovers will do, heated up in the common area microwave. Binges soap operas until dawn, sometimes switching over to the language they are speaking to vent his frustrations. Picks one of his many stashes and meticulously reorganizes it, admiring his belongings and dwelling on associated memories.
Sorbet: Rice pudding with his favorite spices, with or without a drink on the side, but he sometimes "peels" bread or other baked goods and eats only the crust. Puts on a nice dress, sits in front of his vanity, and applies the most flamboyant make-up possible, then washes it all off. Watches old black and white movies and acts out the most memorable parts to himself.
Gelato: Nothing quite like a steaming bowl of incredibly spicy pasta to soothe his nerves, and some quality bitters to wash it down. Sometimes goes on a small vandalism trip, carving his favorite slogans into public buildings or benches. Has often climbed onto the rooftop to stare at the bustling city below, and if that doesn't help, he'll drink himself silly at a bar while playing darts.
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batatoooooo · 10 months
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Cuoppo ! Napoli food 😋
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voglio il cuoppo 😭
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Forcella tra storia, tradizione e riscatto nel cuore di Napoli
Forcella, un nome che risuona nell'immaginario collettivo come sinonimo di storia, tradizione e riscatto. Ma dietro questa immagine spesso stereotipata, si nasconde un quartiere vivo, pulsante e ricco di autenticità, che negli ultimi anni sta vivendo un profondo riscatto. Situato nel cuore del centro storico di Napoli, a ridosso di Spaccanapoli e Via Duomo, Forcella si snoda tra vicoli stretti, bassi dal fascino antico e murales colorati. Le sue origini risalgono all'epoca greca e romana, e il suo nome deriva dalla caratteristica forma a "Y" di uno dei suoi incroci principali. Un quartiere con un passato complesso Forcella ha vissuto una storia travagliata, segnata da povertà, degrado e criminalità organizzata. Negli anni '70 e '80, in particolare, il quartiere era diventato una roccaforte della camorra, con il clan Giuliano che seminava terrore e violenza. Un riscatto in atto Tuttavia, negli ultimi anni, Forcella ha intrapreso un percorso di rinnovamento e riscatto. Grazie all'impegno di associazioni, cittadini e istituzioni, il quartiere si sta trasformando. La criminalità è in calo, nuovi progetti di legalità e sviluppo sociale prendono vita, e l'anima autentica di Forcella riemerge con forza. Cosa vedere a Forcella - Il Cippo a Forcella: un'antica colonna romana che segnava il confine della Neapolis greca, oggi simbolo del quartiere. - La Basilica di San Lorenzo Maggiore: un complesso monumentale che conserva resti archeologici di epoca romana e greca. - La Chiesa di Santa Maria Maggiore ai Forcella: un gioiello del barocco napoletano. - Il Teatro Trianon: un teatro storico dove debuttò Eduardo Scarpetta. Oltre la pizza: street food e artigianato Forcella è un paradiso per gli amanti del cibo di strada. Tra le specialità da provare, la pizza fritta, i "cuoppo" di mare, i "arancini di riso" e la pastiera napoletana. Il quartiere è inoltre rinomato per le sue botteghe artigiane, dove è possibile trovare manufatti in ceramica, cuoio e corallo. Un quartiere da vivere Forcella non è solo un luogo da visitare, ma un quartiere da vivere. Passeggiare tra i suoi vicoli, immergersi nella sua atmosfera vivace e autentica, significa scoprire il vero cuore di Napoli. Un cuore che, nonostante le ferite del passato, pulsa di vita e speranza per un futuro migliore. Forcella è un quartiere che non ti lascia indifferente. Un luogo che sfida i pregiudizi e conquista con la sua bellezza ruvida e la sua anima genuina. Se hai la possibilità, non perdere l'occasione di visitarlo. Foto di copertina: DepositPhots Read the full article
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voracita · 8 months
A volte i tuoi piedi sono odorosi?
Io almeno ho dei piedi. Tu, nientità a forma di cuoppo, puoi solo crepare di invidia.
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umichenginabroad · 11 months
Sorrento Week 1: Visiting Herculaneum and the Amalfi Coast
I’m just finishing up my first week in Italy and I’ve already crossed some spots off my bucket list.  Specifically, I got the chance to visit Herculaneum and the Amalfi Coast which were both amazing! 
Because I didn’t have any classes on Wednesday, I went to Herculaneum with fellow IPE blogger Satwika. As a huge childhood fan of the Percy Jackson series, I loved getting the chance to explore actual Roman ruins, especially ones that are so well preserved. Getting to Herculaneum was easy as we just walked to the train station, bought two tickets (one for the ride there and one back) for 6 Euros total, and walked right onto an express train for the hour long train ride to Ercolano Scavi (the stop for Herculaneum) and made the short walk to the site. Admission was only 13 Euros which seemed like a great deal for how well preserved the ruins are and everything you get to see. 
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A photo of me at the entrance to the site.
The photos seriously can’t do justice to the murals and colors. I highly recommend visiting Herculaneum if you are at all interested in Ancient Roman history and culture as there was so much to see. From exquisite villas and courtyards to artisan shops and the roman equivalent of fast food stalls, it was a fascinating glimpse into the lives of people in the Roman Empire. I’m excited to see Pompeii as part of my Archaeology class next semester as there are even more things like amphitheaters that have been preserved. 
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Various photos from my trip to Herculaneum including some of the breathtaking murals and mosaics as well as an extremely well preserved roman bathhouse.
Saturday, CIS Abroad did a private boat tour of the Amalfi Coast. We boarded buses at 8:15am and got to the tiny port city of Massa Lubrense from which we boarded a boat and visited the towns of Amalfi and Positano. We landed in Amalfi at 11am and had until 2 to explore the various shops and streets of the city. The first thing I did with some girls I met here was tour Duomo di Amalfi which is a pretty church in Amalfi where entrance was only 4 euros. Our group then stopped and grabbed a Cuoppo, a traditional Italian street food where a paper cone is filled with various fried foods, which was delicious. We then explored the various stores and relaxed at the beach before getting back on the boat to go to Positano.
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Photos from Amalfi of the Duomo (left) and the coastline and city.
Unfortunately, when we arrived in Positano it was raining so we spent a while trying to find a place to stay out of the rain. After the rain let up a bit, we then decided to explore along the main road and got some amazing views of the Mediterranean sea and of the town itself. After grabbing drinks and sharing pizzas, we boarded the boat for the trip back to Massa Lubrense and caught buses back to Sorrento. 
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Photos from Positano and the boat trip there.
It was really cool to visit all these places this week. The beauty of the Amalfi Coast was incredible while the history of Herculaneum was so fascinating. I love how in Italy you can find high end resorts and thousands of years of history so close to each other. Stay tuned for my blog post next week as my actual classes start and CIS Abroad has planned a wine and cheese tasting. 
Reganne Watts
Aerospace Engineering
Engineering in Sorrento, Italy
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silfideoli · 1 year
L'anno in cui avevo deciso di smettere d'essere scaramantica, il Napoli perde contro il Milan 4-0, quando ormai la città si sente di tenerselo praticamente già nel cuoppo.
Io non festeggio mai prima del tempo, non sono così faccia di cazzo, però solo per il fatto d'essermi aperta un po' nella condivisione delle cose belle che vengono, sento d'esser diventata una bieca tracotante.
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lamilanomagazine · 1 year
Da venerdì 10 a domenica 12 marzo l’ottava edizione di “Milano in vino”
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Da venerdì 10 a domenica 12 marzo l’ottava edizione di “Milano in vino”. Da venerdì 10 a domenica 12 marzo, in Piazza Città di Lombardia, torna "Milano in Vino", la mostra-mercato dedicata al vino di qualità. Organizzata da Arte del Vino e giunta all'ottava edizione, la Fiera Nazionale "Milano in Vino" accoglie etichette e produttori da tutta Italia e dà ai wine lovers la possibilità di conoscere piccole e grandi realtà della vitivinicoltura nostrana, senza muoversi da Milano. Oltre 60 aziende, per un totale di più di 300 etichette da tutta la penisola, saranno a disposizione degli appassionati conoscitori così come dei semplici curiosi. Un'occasione unica per scoprire i profumi, i sapori e le sfumature del grande "vigneto Italia", raccontato in prima persona dai vignaioli. Ad arricchire l'offerta dell'evento, un ricco programma di masterclass tenute da professionisti ONAV guiderà il pubblico alla scoperta del patrimonio enologico italiano spaziando tra regioni e territori di tutta la penisola. Gli appuntamenti diurni avranno diversi cappelli tematici: nord e sud a confronto, bollicine italiane, rossi italiani, bianchi italiani. Nelle serate di venerdì e sabato (tra le 19:15 e le 21:15) saranno oggetto di approfondimento e degustazione alcune delle realtà che hanno fatto e fanno la storia del vino: da Antinori e Masi per i grandi rossi, a Donnafugata e Argiolas per i bianchi, fino a Bellavista e Ferrari per le bollicine. Le masterclass sono a numero chiuso, hanno una durata di mezz'ora ciascuna ed è obbligatoria la prenotazione. Anche quest'anno sarà possibile acquistare le proprie bottiglie preferite direttamente dal produttore e, per la prima volta, sarà disponibile anche un servizio di delivery reso possibile da KiPoint, partner ufficiale dell'evento: grazie alla sua fitta rete di franchising, infatti, KiPoint, del Gruppo Poste Italiane, gestisce ogni tipo di spedizione sia in Italia, sia all'estero.  Ad accompagnare le degustazioni di Milano in Vino, alcune specialità selezionate da Love Gargano: salumi, formaggi, focacce, taralli, e altre prelibatezze pugliesi. Non mancherà lo street food mediterraneo preparato in loco, dal tipico "cuoppo" campano alla pizza, dagli arrosticini abruzzesi alle immancabili patatine fritte. Last but not least, la musica: venerdì 10 e sabato 11 marzo a partire dalle 21:30 degustazione musicale del vino grazie alla raffinata esibizione dal vivo di un violinista che amplificherà emozioni, ricordi e atmosfere. In qualità di sponsor dell'evento sarà presente con uno stand anche 20 Hours Club, fitness club con tredici centri in Lombardia, che in occasione dei vent'anni di attività riserverà a tutti i visitatori di Milano in Vino una speciale offerta: venti giorni di abbonamento a soli 20 euro, oltre a tre sedute di personal trainer.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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camoscio · 1 year
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Primo torneo dell’anno, e come l’anno scorso (sul mare col puttino) un uomo solo al comando, il suo nome è Scottie: ha sempre i piedi pazzerelli, e nonostante abbia cambiato club di appartenenza anche questa volta i suoi compagni stanno ammorbati dalla sua carenza di carisma e lo abbandonano a dover far tutto da solo; interrogato della questione, lo Scheffler ha dichiarato laconico: “E io pago!”. Ad appesantire ulteriormente l’aria nello spogliatoio dei Baroni delle sabbie contribuisce la polemica fatta detonare dall’intero Commonwealth relegato in panchina che sta risentito con i titolari a stelle e strisce alquanto deficitari in campo. Buona prestazione corale dei Ferri 77, con tutti i titolari provenienti da 3 continenti diversi che con gioia di facciata cantano il remake di “We are di world” rigorosamente in salsa sanremese mentre passano il taglio, ma l’entusiasmo per il secondo posto è alquanto sciapo in quanto nessuno è mai parso davvero in contesa per la vittoria (nemmeno per il premio della critica) se non quello incautamente lasciato ad incitare gli altri dalla club house fin dal primo giro. Il Pig & Sushi Country Club ancora inebriato dalla vittoria (ma che dico vittoria, vero e proprio annichilimento della concorrenza) schiera una formazione champagne “à la Alvini” e vince sì di misura la giornata ma dimentica un cuoppo di punti a marcire come cozze al vibrione al sole di Pozzuoli. Il primo torneo non fa né vinti né vincitori ma permette a tutti di togliere le ragnatele dalla sacche da golf, ora che stiamo già caldi si continua con il fine settimana al Genesis: formazioni entro le 11.59 del mattino di giovedì. Buon gioco!
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squadrah · 2 years
From My CuriousCat
"I’d absolutely love to hear your take on La Squadra's favorite foods or drinks!"
The original question included some very kind words and I want to thank the Anon, whoever it was, for being so nice to me in the past!
Risotto: His absolute favorite is gnocchi; he even has a traditonal wooden gnocchi shaper in the common kitchen for the purpose. Will have it with any topping, but prefers either something light (basil, tomato, etc.) or a thick ragú. Drinks mulled tea, as he won't touch alcohol.
Formaggio: He adores his mother's cooking, especially her goulash. He once snuck back home just to grab her recipe for it, but when Risotto finally made it for him, Formaggio claimed it just wasn't the same. Loves a good mojito, it cheers him up instantly no matter what.
Prosciutto: His number one spot is shared by beef tartare and osso buco, one for the raw, perfectly seasoned tenderloin and the other specifically for the marrow. If he could, he would order one or the other at any given restaurant, followed by a cafè corretto alla sambuca.
Pesci: He could probably subsist on fried calamari if they let him, he relishes sea food and the warm crunch of the batter, with or without a splash of lemon. Loves cuoppo in general, but fried calamari is his favorite. Also milkshakes: he has never met a flavor combination he didn't like.
Ghiaccio: He hates himself for it, but he loves chocolate anything, and the fudgier and richer it is, the more he will crave it. Also learned to love tofu when well seasoned and prepared; if the texture hits right, he's in heaven. The only one who actually enjoys flavored mineral water.
Melone: All he wants in life is a gluten-free margherita pizza that tastes good and has excellent texture; Risotto has been experimenting, so they're getting there. Can't really have alcohol because of all his medication, so he learned to embrace virgin piña coladas.
Illuso: Has grown extremely fond of his own microwave cuisine, but also got very addicted to ragú the way Risotto makes it, and could eat it straight out of the pot with some ciabatta well before it ever finished cooking. Loves horchatas, but has to go out of his way to get them so it's a rare treat.
Sorbet: He's absolutely pining for a good cevapi; it used to be a special treat in his youth, something that signalled brighter days coming, so now he is very nostalgic for it. Enjoys most hot beverages, but especially likes a rich hot chocolate with a splash of cognac.
Gelato: For him, nothing beats a great stew with homemade noodles, and by that I mean a huge pot of the stuff with chunks of meat, plenty of fatty bits, and as much chili as humanly possible. They think he's crying in pain, but those are tears of joy. His favorite is any kind of bitters: medicinal booze, baby!
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alyssinmymind · 5 years
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Non poteva mancare #cuoppo #lunch #napoli #seafood (presso Il Cuoppo Friggitori Napoletani) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2_jP1qIL6A/?igshid=74ys45rapas5
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zinicaviaggi · 2 years
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La “pizza a portafoglio” è tra le specialità dell’incredibile tradizione culinaria dello street food napoletano. La cucina da strada del capoluogo campano trasmette una cultura gastronomica tra le più ricche dell’Italia influenzata da tutte le dominazioni che nel corso dei secoli si sono succedute a Napoli. Lo Street Food a Napoli è caratterizzato anche da tantissime friggitorie che regalano agli avventori tantissime specialità come pizze, fritture di vario genere, croccè, zeppole e anche il particolarissimo “cuoppo”. #cuoppo #fritto #pizza #food #napoli #cuopponapoletano #frittomisto #pizzanapoletana #italy #pizzeria #igfood #good #amolapizza #frittura #streetfood #foodlover #foodphotography #travel #igtravel #travelphotography #zinicaviaggi #italy2021 #naples2021 #foodinnaples #streetfoodnapoli #viaggiaconzinica https://www.instagram.com/p/CWqHD7zKeHp/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yescarlatommasone · 3 years
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giorginodj69 · 3 years
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Reposted from @la_cuopperia 💥 Cestino Pollon 💥 • Straccetti di Pollo impanati nei Cornflakes • Alette di Pollo Aromatizzate • Patate Duchessa • Petali Croccanti 💣 ESPLOSIVO 💣 ⚒ APERTI ⚒ ⏰ 18.30 - 24.00 ⏰ 📍 Via Roma 138 Frattamaggiore ( Na ) ☎️ 3773762987 ☎️ ✔ Sala Interna con Tavoli Snack ✔ Sedute Esterne ✔ Take-Away ✔ Consegne a Domicilio #lacuopperia #cuopperia #italyfoodporn #italyfoodpornnapoli #napolifoodporn #napoli #napl #frattamaggiore #frattamaggiorefoodporn #cuoppo #zingaraischitana #zingara #napolifoodtag #napolimania #napolinelcuore #napolifoodpork #napolifoodblog #napolifoodtour #napolidavivere #campaniafoodporn #campaniadascoprire https://www.instagram.com/p/CS4fhGMMG6i/?utm_medium=tumblr
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