theretirementstory · 5 months
Good morning, it’s Christmas Eve and it’s a cloudy 7c here this morning. Who cares? It will soon be Christmas Day when you can eat your body weight in chocolates before breakfast (with any luck 😂😂).
The amount of baking that has been done in this house lately, you would think I was going to be feeding the five thousand, but no, I have been preparing to give homemade food gifts to friends and neighbours this year.
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After the open invitation I received last week, to visit a friend in a nearby village, I received a message from the friend in town where I spent “Réveillon” four years ago. She said that her daughter was coming from Nancy to spend time this Christmas and that there would be 11 at the table she was sorry that she couldn’t invite me. She did say that when her daughter leaves (27 December) I can go to eat with her and her sister. I did reply saying that as I still have low immunity I am wearing my mask and being very careful and avoiding large groups. I guess going to her home with just two people there could be ok but of course they will have been with nine other people themselves. Well we will wait and see.
It has been mince pie making, date stuffing, peppermint cream making, cake decorating, meringue making, baking other cakes and a first attempt at making sage and onion stuffing balls. I am still not finished, I need to marinate goats cheese to have with endives, pears and walnuts as my starter tomorrow. Monday I will be making another “first attempt” this time it will be bread sauce, I can but try these items which in the UK are readily available in a packet and only require the addition of water or milk in the case of bread sauce.
Monique came to visit and forgot the glycerine! She brought it down the following morning, unfortunately I was out shopping so she left the bottle on my kitchen window sill. In the afternoon I went to meet Claudine at the stained glass workshop to collect the bottle of glycerine she had bought at a pharmacy. One thing is certain I have plenty of glycerine I will probably be making Xmas cakes regularly to use it all up!
I went to the cinema with Pauline again, we saw “La Tresse” (The Braid), what a moving story, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Pauline is leaving this morning to go to Lille to spend Christmas with friends. We will meet up after Christmas. She has been visiting McDo in the afternoons (it’s quiet then) and she said they have been selling two macarons and a coffee for €2,90.
I went to see my friends Marlene and Manu on Friday taking foodie gifts for them. I came back with a beautiful Christmas card and a homemade gift with chocolates. I also received the most heartwarming message when I got home, not just thanking me for the gifts.
The cleaner was ill on Monday so didn’t come to work she was better for Thursday and I had a present for her. She asked if she could open it and was so moved by the gift that she hugged and kissed me. Well I didn’t see that coming!
Had a video call on Thursday evening with a friend in America. We have both been receiving treatment for cancer, she is still receiving the treatment so most of our conversation was around treatments however as her home is actually in Bar-sur-Aube she likes to catch up on activities in town.
I messaged Josette, a lady from the old knitting group. She had moved from Urville to Troyes a few years ago as her husband was on dialysis and they moved nearer to the hospital. Sadly she lost her husband back in May. She said she is finding it hard to adjust and will be spending her Christmas with her children.
It is so funny that when I was coming to France one of my criteria was to be in a town with few English people as I wanted to integrate with French people. When I arrived I believed I was the only English person in the town, I have since heard that there is an English man married to a French lady who has lived here for a lot of years, however, I have never come into contact with him. What a surprise though to now have among my friends, Portuguese , Finnish, American, Dutch, Afghan, Romanian, Turks, Georgians, Nigerians and Syrians, as well as French! The doctor I had when I first arrived was Equadorian now that was a first for me 😂.
I have decided that my taste in music is quite eclectic, so let’s have a look at my choices this week. The first one is back to 1971, it is “Tap Turns On The Water” by C.C.S. It always brings to mind my Godmothers house that I had known from being a very young girl.
The second song is “Trapped” by Colonel Abrams which dates back to 1985. Memories of this song are from dancing the night away in “La Grotte” disco in Sousse Tunisia.
“The Photographer” messaged me last night saying the bar he was in had a bottle of champagne which came from very close to me. The champagne was £64 per bottle in the bar. Turns out it was a bottle of Drappier Champagne. the champagne house is 4.5 miles from where I live, situated in the village of Urville. I wonder how much that bottle would cost here?
“The Trainee Solicitor” has finished work for a break over the Xmas period, he said he will be “popping in” to catch up on things. Well I hope he is going to take some time to rest up as he has been feeling “not too good”.
“The Ex-Graduate” has been working her socks off and the work doesn’t ease off over Xmas for her. She has the Bank holidays off but then is working 5 days/nights in a row including New Years Eve! Roll on a start date for the full-time job in her chosen profession.
I imagine that my gorgeous grandchildren are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus. They are celebrating their Xmas Day with Daddy on the 26th December. What fun, two Xmas Days 😁, hopefully there will be time for a video call with Grand-mere in France not on their Xmas Day but one day that they are with Daddy.
So now, when Pauline is preparing to travel to Lille for Xmas, Anie is safely ensconced in Indonesia, Darcy is ready to enjoy Christmas in Florida, I am ready to enjoy my Christmas here in my home. I have chosen a bottle of champagne, it is a rose and is my last bottle of Cudel. There won’t be anymore of that for me as the champagne house was sold a few years ago. Never mind I may have a bottle of Drappier another year, who knows!
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, hopefully catch you again before the New Year.
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theretirementstory · 5 years
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Frosty Sunday morning It’s a crisp, frosty morning here this morning but I think not since I was a child have I looked out onto a frosty field with mist rising from a body of water, onto the glorious hues of the trees in their autumn foliage and marvelled at the beauty of nature. The views from my home are amazing to behold. When I lived in the town, I loved looking out onto the 12th century church and being surrounded by amazing houses some of which are almost 500 years old, however, it is being close to nature which really appeals to me. Just from the most simple things like watching the birds in my garden and appreciating the sky and clouds from my armchair. Last night as I was about to close the bedroom shutter I was rewarded with an amazing view of the moon and stars. Monday saw me at the Armistice Day service and it was quite a lovely day with sunshine, not like last year when it poured down. I first met Gilles (the husband of one of my knitting friends), then I spotted a man from the bar, after that it was a couple who had lived near me in town and of course the Maire came over and shook hands with everyone waiting at the Hotel de Ville before the service started. I have been three times to this service and each time have said I will go and have a drink in the town hall afterwards but have never done it, oh well next year..... I was up early on Tuesday as I had understood that the doctor was going to ring me on the morning, as to why had caused a few restless nights sleep but I was waiting within earshot of both mobile and landline. As you will have guessed no call came so at 2pm I was in the doctors surgery saying that no call had arrived. It appeared that I should have called to make an appointment, anyway an appointment was duly made. In the afternoon I was at physio and of course when I arrived home I fell asleep! The doctors appointment was Wednesday and I came away with two lots of cream, tablets (I hate taking tablets) and a letter for an appointment with a dermatologist. I had asked Marlene to come for coffee and cake this afternoon and she arrived not only with a bag of vegetables but also a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates and a jar of honey (straight from the hive). We had a lovely time, of course she wanted to see some photos of my gorgeous granddaughter and she said how adorable she is. Well I am the proud Grand-Mere so I would think that too. Just thinking about it Marlene, Monique and Marie-Therese although having children themselves none of them are grandmothers. Thursday I decided to ring and make the appointment with the dermatologist myself, last time I needed an appointment Monique rang and arranged it all for me. Well it really was quite simple although the dermatologist is based in Reims he does a surgery in town on a Tuesday. The earliest appointment is 24 March so it is booked. Then I started to prepare soup, I had an abundance of oranges so made carrot, orange and ginger soup. Now the thought of this mix has never really appealed to me but I was amazed at just how delicious it was, plus it is packed with vitamins which help to boost a low immune system. I had also taken the time to ring through (my weekly call) to find out when I could expect my driving licence. Yet again I was told to be patient……….I really think that I have been patient I would just like re-assurance that someone is doing something. It was just after 13.30 when my doorbell rang……..could it be the postman with the licence? No, it was Marie-Therese bearing the most gorgeous Poinsettia, I felt really awful as I was unable to make coffee for her as I had to be at the dentist at 14.00. I had told her last week that I was unavailable this week but I think that at 83 years some things do slip her mind. Then I was in the dentist chair and Dr Brown was working on my poor tooth, yes it needs a crown, did I want metal or ceramic? Well years ago I had a gold crown on a back tooth and apart from the fact that if I ate a toffee it always managed to pull the crown off, I also managed to wear through the gold on the top (I grind my teeth at night), consequently, I said ceramic. Well the quote for the ceramic crown is maybe not as eye-watering as it might have been but it does seem that purchasing furniture for my bedroom will have to go on the back burner! Date set for the crown 2 December. Then it was time for physio again, I am hoping that next week maybe my last week. Well I won’t be able to go the following week as I am in Alsace. I had a sleep in on Friday, so when the doorbell rang, I was not really dressed to answer, but answer I did and there was the postman with, yes you have guessed, my driving licence. I wanted to kiss him, he could not have made me happier. Then I was busy doing washing and getting ready to go to teach knitting to some of the women refugees. One lady turned up with her son (about 3 years) and a baby, then the Afghan lady and the Pakistani lady arrived then later an Iranian lady arrived with a little girl of about 2 years.. Well it had been difficult to keep the 3 year old occupied but now with a 2 year old as well. All was quiet for a while as they were using felt pens to colour……...not on the paper provided but on the laminate flooring. We quickly got a mop and hopefully it was totally removed. It was difficult for them to master casting on but one lady did manage it and another made a video of me casting on so that she could watch that. The next step was to start the knitting. I smiled as I remembered learning to knit with my mum, how it was so easy to drop a stitch then trying really hard to pick it up again. I also remember ending with more loops than I started with, how did that happen? Anyway, we persevered until 3.30pm and then I headed off to the bar. While I was out I received a message from the decorator, he will come to do the work starting 2 December, I must go and drop a check off for him as a deposit. Arriving home, my trousers felt a tight around my middle so I undid them. The doorbell rang and I was hanging onto my trousers whie I unlocked the door. There were two Sapeur Pompiers there and one spoke so quickly I had to get him to repeat it. They were delivering their calendar, I went to get my purse and realised that I didn't have much money. Anyway I gave them a load of change and they gave me the calendar but not before I flashed them some tummy flesh. Goodness only knows what they thought. Then it was Saturday and although I had wanted to do washing I missed cheap electricity time as I was out shopping. I had called into town to post a letter, then decided to “promenade” down the main street to the bar. I met an old neighbour, Colette, and she introduced me to her son. He heads a PR firm in Paris and spoke very good English. We had a lovely conversation and then I bid them farewell. I arrived at the bar just as my neighbour was leaving, he is a real gentleman, removed his hat, shook my hand and asked how I was. Then after ordering my coffee and picking up the paper, another friend Yves came to speak to me, telling me he had wished me good morning at Carrefour but my head was in the clouds. I never saw him at all! Then I went home and decided to cook yet more soup for the freezer with the remaining vegetables. I had just sat down and was considering looking to see if Poirot was on, when my telephone rang, it was Anie she was going to Carrefour could she call and say hello. Sure enough she did, arriving with a little bunch of flowers from her garden, we had coffee, cake and a good chat. She looked out of the window and noticed my alstroemeria and suggested that I brought them into the garage. Now the thing with the garage is....I get the car in but there is not a huge amount of space either side and as I have the lawnmower, oil filled radiator, storage box etc etc at the bottom there is not a lot of space for anything else. Well as it was freezing cold when she was leaving I did go round and bring them into the garage. I am now reading up on how to overwinter them. This week has left me feeling very happy, knowing I have such good friends and that this move has been beneficial to my health and well-being. I would say to anyone, especially if you are on your own, make your dream a reality, whether it is learning a language, or giving up your old life to start a new one, you are never too old. Bon dimanche
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theretirementstory · 5 years
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It is plain to see that we are into the season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, I have woken up a couple of mornings this week with the colline totally obliterated! This morning however, the colline is visible as are the grey clouds, but as the song goes “Grey skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face. So with my “happy face” firmly in place, I will continue. Well after my wonderful weekend at the Foire, it was back to a “normal” week. I had to visit the garage to pick up the facture. I had seen the owner and his wife on Saturday when I was promenading and she was telling me all about her month old baby. What a surprise to see her back at work on Monday! She said that her sister was babysitting so maybe she was not going to be at work all day. I was at physiotherapy again twice this week, the first time was with the “replacement” and on Friday my normal physio was back again. Now she did do some different exercises on my arm and then she did a massage from my head, neck and down my arm – the way she was tugging I honestly thought that I would have one arm significantly longer than the other, however, I have enjoyed a lot more movement with less “cracking” at the shoulder. Just need to work on relaxing the muscle in my upper arm and I reckon it will be fixed. My friend Josette (from the knitting group) has also been going to physio, she is however in the process of moving from a small village into Troyes. She is having to do this as her husband is ill and attending the hospital there regularly. This means with the driving times, waiting for the appointment plus the cost of the travelling, a move was the best option. I don’t know if she will still come and visit us at the knitting group. It will be quite sad if one of our group leaves as we are a bit thin on the ground and it would be a shame to see it fold. It has been a week for clearing “stuff” out, yes I know I did that in June, September and now October but hey sometimes it just seems to be the best option. The trouble is that I get it all ready to take away then forget to put it in the car! Note to self: give yourself a shake!! I also sent text messages to the plumber (about the bidet) a decorator (I would like the hall decorated) an electrician (put up light fittings in the remaining areas). The message to the plumber received an immediate response he rang and arranged to come out on the 7th. The decorator rang to say he could come out straight away to give a price, unfortunately, I was not at home so he said he would come the next day. The electrician………..well I am still waiting. Wednesday, was the day for the man to come out and prune the cherry tree. Now in my last home I had a sycamore and the electricity board (old school I am afraid) sent out a man to re-pollard the tree (don’t think he was called Zacchaeus) so that was my expectation this time. True, it is very similar, but I just cannot believe how much light is (or would be if it wasn’t such a grey sky) coming in to my lounge now. If it would stop raining for a few days/weeks it would also give the mossy areas of the lawn time to dry out too. Although the birds were a bit stumped that their leafy cover had gone, they are now happily swooping about in the dead conifers, although that wont last long as they are next for the chop. The decorator arrived, now I expected a man in his forties (don’t know why) so I was surprised when I opened the door to a man around mid twenties! However, he was very thorough and I had prepared a sheet listing all that I would like to have done (translated from Google of course). He drew a diagram in his notepad, took measurements, advised the number of rolls I would need and then said he would put the “devis” in my letter box. I went with Monique to Gedimat to show her the paper I had seen, she asked the price and I got the three rolls at a reduced price, including tax paid. It was off to French class on Wednesday afternoon, what a time! Monique and I were exhausted when we left as, if it wasn’t children squabbling, getting up and interrupting other children then it was adults talking in their own language. To be honest, I did enjoy the classes when it was just the adults, it was easier to manage them. Now these children, whose voices are so piercing, just succeed in giving me a headache and a wish that I was anywhere but there! It has now been decided that we will go to Alsace in November (probably towards the end) as the Xmas markets will just be starting and it will be lovely to go and see one. I am just praying that we don’t get a load of the “white stuff” dumped on us at that time. By Thursday, I was almost running on empty, it was taking me ages to get myself going. So having put a load of washing in the machine, I headed out for lunch at a restaurant. It was about 1pm when I got there and the place was heaving. I ordered my lunch and did quite enjoy it although not as much as I had previously done. I headed into town to post some letters off and then stopped off a Carrefour to do some shopping. I only wanted a small amount but came back with some “offers” which I really should have done without. As my French Driving Licence has failed to appear (it is one month since I received the “Gone into Production” email) I decided to send an email to ask where it was. As yet I have had no response to that email! I think it will be a case of “watch this space”. Please do not ask me about the “Titre de Sejour”, I am just hoping that this request is actioned quicker than the year that they had the previous application and then said “as I had not provided the translated documents requested they were no longer proceeding with my application”. I finally heard from Marie-Therese, she was well and had just been busy, plus our get together on Thursday would have to be postponed as she had another appointment. So with any luck I will see he this coming week. I have met up with Robert “The Flying Dutchman”, a couple of times this week and to be honest I really think that I will be knocking it on the head. He does not want to go to the Pomme d’Or after a spat with the owner and so I end up either going to McDonalds or to another cafe in town where the clientele are a bit “suspect” and I do not mean Robert and I. Plus at our meeting last evening something occurred which in the cold light of this morning has really ruffled my feathers and to be honest I had to stop myself ringing him and giving him a piece of my mind. Anyway, I really do think that from now on I will be back at the Pomme d’Or with all of my friends. I went into town for the market yesterday and then headed to the Pomme d’Or for coffee and a read of the paper. My neighbour (two doors up) called in for his coffee and proceeded to speak to me about having the cherry tree pruned, told me my neighbours have gone on holiday and explained that it would be better to have my laurel bushes cut lower and also thinned out. I was amazed at how much I understood as he was talking so very quickly, the guy obviously thinks that my French is very good otherwise he would not have had such a long conversation with me. Today, I am going to continue with my efforts of clearing stuff out, putting summer clothes away and getting ready for the plumber arriving tomorrow. I am toying with the idea of asking for a price to replace the toilet and wash-hand basin downstairs. Then another voice keeps saying “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” however, as that toilet is just normal height, I would prefer to have one fitted which is higher and I really do not think that I need a wash-hand basin which could accommodate a small baby for a bath either. Oh well it doesn’t cost for the devis. Well, onward and upward, as they say! Enjoy the rest of the weekend.
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theretirementstory · 5 years
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1. Dog and Geese on the Canal in Troyes 2. Traditional Champenoise architecture Good morning, it is a cloudy morning this morning and according to the forecast we are due some showers this afternoon, it is Sunday though and a restful day for a lot of people. For me? I am heading out with friends this afternoon visiting a chateau which was a residence for Voltaire from 1734 – 1749. I think that it will be an interesting visit. Now back to what the past week had in store for me. Sunday saw me heading to Troyes with Marie-Therese to visit the exhibition ArkeAube, well it turns out it was the same exhibition that I visited with Anie last year! I never mentioned this to Marie-Therese and I was so pleased as she was very interested in all of the exhibits and the information about the Champagne Region. We left there to go and visit the tiny weeny street which is called “The street of cats” (?) although now it should be called the street of pigeons!! Strangely I remembered Christopher and I walking down this little street in 2015. We then sat at a cafe near the Cathedral and had a coffee before making our way home. I do so love going out with Marie-Therese as she always surprises me. We walked along a street of medieval houses and she said that when she arrived in Troyes to train as a nurse aged 17 she had lived in an apartment in one of the houses. According to my diary, Monday was a free day, I know that soon these free days will be taken up and as I decided to return a call from Anie and ask her to my home for tea and cake. Well her son, wife and grandchild from Indonesia were due back that evening from Marseille so she asked me to her home for tea and brioche. At this stage I must admit that I am not a lover of brioche, I always find it dry. I made a small cake and took that with me. After a piece of brioche and many cups of tea, I left. It has been arranged that Anie will come to my home and will pin up the hem of the dress I made earlier in the year. Tuesday was not a red letter day for me, quite the opposite! I received a letter from the Prefecture in Troyes advising that my request for a Titre de Sejour would be filed as I had failed to provide the translated documents related to my income. If they had mentioned on their emails that they would not proceed without them then I would have taken the appropriate action, but as the emails said it was being dealt with, well …… I have now passed this onto the French equivalent of the Citizens Advice Bureau, let us hope that she can work her magic with them. Monique came to visit me on Wednesday afternoon, we sat and talked, had a cup of tea and a homemade cheese scone (I sent one for Jean-Claude too). I was showing her a leaflet which had arrived in my letter box which showed a “desserte” small table to serve snacks. I knew it would be perfect for my kitchen and had seen that the shop was in Troyes. Monique advised that the price in the shop in Troyes was only until 5 August but at the shop in Chaumont it was available now. So we headed off. She had only been to Chaumont twice, I had been 3 times but had no idea where the shop was! Anyway following the directions on the store website we found it and came away with the said “desserte” and six cushions for Monique’s dining chairs. She did laugh about “our little adventure”. On Thursday, I was preparing for the arrival of Marie-Therese for coffee and a chat before she went to take the French class. She is heading off to St Flour tomorrow to stay with her son for a little holiday. She said she expects the journey to take her about 6 hours. She had told me on Sunday that her new dog “Oba” does not travel well, that should be a heck of a journey for him and her I think! Then I was meeting an English couple in town for a coffee. They live in a village just before Bar-sur-Aube and have had their home there for 16 years although only living full time for the last 5 years. They were a very pleasant couple, although as I tend to find, they do not really interact with a lot of French people…..oh the Maire and his adjoint. They said they go to a luncheon for “old age pensioners” (French of course) but they did not know the names of the people. They live in a village with 200 inhabitant not 2000! Well as I say they were pleasant enough, we may meet up again, or perhaps I was not their “cup of tea” either (especially when I waved and passed the time of day with a couple of my “refugee” friends. When I arrived home on Thursday evening, I saw that a note had been left on my doorstep. Now who would be leaving me a note? Turns out it was the plumber and he wanted to know if he could come and do the work at my home on Friday instead of next Wednesday. I rang him and it was agreed that he would come on Friday afternoon. Now my eldest son has bought me an early birthday present: a clock which provides a light which steadily intensifies (resembling daybreak) I had set it up and to be honest I am now ready to get out of bed at 7.30am instead of pulling the duvet over my head and sleeping on. So Friday saw me up and dressed before heading downstairs for my breakfast. Imagine my surprise when the plumber arrived….. oh my goodness rearranging my day flashed before my eyes…… however, he had just arrived to set up some equipment which would mean he spent less time in the afternoon. What an interesting afternoon it was too, as he wrote out my bill he told me that he had been to England and Scotland but of all the places he had visited the one place he loved was YORK!! He then asked if I had friends here and was that why I had chosen Bar-sur-Aube to live, he was surprised when I told him how I had chosen this region and how BSA had just stolen my heart. He is such a lovely man and I am really pleased to have him as my plumber. It was French class at 10am and I had prepared some work so did not carry with me all of the other papers I normally take Now what a numpty I turned out to be, as we had new people and I decided to get them familiar with the alphabet. Now that should be easy although I still find difficulty with pronouncing some of the letters. I knew that in my bag at home I have a sheet which gives the pronunciation in French and also phonetic pronunciation. Anyway, we then moved on to writing numbers from 1 to 20 in words. I am going to prepare the days of the week, months of the year etc for next week and I will be looking through my bags and organising the work. I not expect it to be so difficult to do this volunteering, although the children and adults will only get out what I put into it. I also went to the bar in the evening to meet Robert “The Flying Dutchman”. I had sent a message earlier and he had phoned so we arranged to meet at an earlier time so that he could get to the cinema at 18.45. We chatted about nothing in particular and I then walked up to the bank for some money before returning home. Saturday, Market Day, it was a cooler day so I decided to walk into town for the Market. Well it is holiday time so there were not many market stalls but of course there was the fruit and vegetables. Now these are always pricier than the supermarket and although some would say better quality, I would disagree as I have had some fruit which has not survived even the short walk home. Now yesterday, I went the second stall I visited had a new girl on it. I got the items I required but when she gave me my change I noticed that it was 2 euro short. Now put it this way, I may not be able to speak good French but there is nothing wrong with my maths. She seemed put out that I had picked her up and the owner appeared and put her right on the amount of change required. Obviously, it was on the right side for them! I walked home via the bar, not having the car meant I had a cool refreshing beer while I read the paper. Then I had a little snooze pm and when I woke up the cramp in my leg was so severe I ended up walking around the house with my walking stick!! Anyway a 1.5 litre bottle of fizzy water soon sorted the cramp and I then decided to bake the ham and courgette scones as seen in the Bero book. I know I needed more seasoning but I think I will just eat them with soup (as suggested), they are all now in the freezer until required. And now we have arrived at Sunday……. I would like to make a quiche today, and I am being picked up at 3pm so looks like I will have to get a move on. It definitely, looks as though it is going to rain, I had better wear something to keep me dry. My eldest son is on holiday with his family and the other son is working very hard today, both of you enjoy the next few days. Have a good day, wherever you are. A bientot
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theretirementstory · 5 years
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Yippee, this is the week I have been waiting for……...the week when my son arrives for a holiday, however, it turned into a much busier week than I had expected. I think my name should be “Last Minute Annie” as I always manage to leave things until the last minute and with the clock ticking down to my son’s arrival, I kept putting off preparing his bedroom mainly because that is where I have been storing the unpacked boxes of books and where I moved things from my room when it was decorated. I eventually managed to get the bed made up, wash the shutters and the two windows, started sorting stuff for the charity shop (again) and emptied two boxes of books (the third is almost empty) of course I looked at the books and thought “should I send those to the charity shop?” so it ended up with a pile of books on the floor. On Tuesday, I received an email from the MP’s “underling”, we arranged an appointment to meet at the office in town on Thursday morning. I was preparing a timeline which advised of the 10 month wait (and continued waiting time) for me to receive my Carte de Sejour. As I had volunteered to make cakes for the knitting group this week I also made a pineapple upside down cake on Tuesday evening. Wednesday morning saw me making an orange drizzle cake to take knitting and then it was the group on the afternoon. Now I think I may have said before that I am still not too confident speaking French but when I am with these ladies I tend to enjoy myself and I find myself cracking jokes in French. The poor lady who sits next to me was treated to my “on form self” and she was crying with laughing. Having explained about the “no show handyman” and the fact that he had not replied to the numerous texts or calls I had made to his phone. Now the guy’s surname is WOLFE and after I had mentioned it, just so that there was no misunderstanding of the name, I let my top teeth protrude over my lower lip and repeated the name WOLFE, this set her off laughing, however, not content with that, I looked at her and said in all seriousness that maybe I should have worn a RED HOOD! Boy did she start laughing then (I think it is the way I deliver the punchline that works in English or French). I really did want to laugh at one of the other ladies though who had taken the first part of the conversation extremely seriously and was preaching about not allowing someone who just turns up with a van to do work for me, asking me did he have a business card, did I know his SIRET number…………….. Then before I knew it, Thursday had arrived! I was in the town early for my appointment, the lady messaged that she would be late as the roadworks into town were causing a problem for her. After she had made me a cup of coffee we got down to business. She tried phoning the Prefecture……...no answer, she send off an e-mail and after a short while she got a reply, although it was just the standard response which said they would deal with the request within 5 days. She then said she would try them again after lunch and I left, feeling a little bit happier that I had been able to offload some of my worries onto someone who may be in a position to help. She also gave me an email address for a lady who may be able to pursue my driving licence application too. Robert (the Flying Dutchman) is a very kind person but you have to be so careful what you say to him as he tends to jump in with both feet. I had mentioned that the “handyman” hadn’t shown up and lo and behold he was ringing me up saying he could get a drill and come and put up the pictures, mirror, assemble the furniture etc. Now, fortunately, I had had him help me make up the composter and I am aware of his “that will do “ attitude. I really don’t mean to sound too harsh but if I wanted a lopsided cupboard I could very easily make it up myself. As for putting holes in the walls, I think I would leave that to the professionals. Friday morning, I was awake at 03:05 and could I get back to sleep! I got myself ready and arrived at the station with a good 20 mins to wait. Just doing a mental check on what was in my bag I remembered I had forgotten to bring the application for the railcard which would mean half price travel for my son, I had remembered the picnic though! My thought was should I drive back for it or just see if I could get another form in Paris. Well I didn’t want to miss the train did I so I did not go home. I arrived in Paris before 10am, had been into M&S at the station and got my provisions, been in the queue at the ticket office and managed to get a new form. I took a slow walk to where I had taken the bus from last year, only to find that due to “extensive road works” in Paris the bus went from somewhere else. I decided to go to Gare du Nord and get the train. I was very lucky and managed to get the fast train and found myself in the Arrivals Hall at CDG before 12 noon. My son had also arrived at his airport 4 hours early!! I was checking the departures on my phone as I was dreading the airline cancelling the flight (it was the same airline that did that to me last year) however, when I looked and the details of that flight had disappeared from the information following the time it was due to depart I assumed it had left on time. Well no! It departed 45 minutes late, which meant that when he arrived and we got on a train it was the slow train and by the time we arrived at the station to buy his ticket etc we were just too late for the train at 18:42 and had to sit for a further 2 hours waiting for the last train home. Anyway, our train arrived on time and we jumped in the car to head home. Spotting that the bar was still open we went in for a quick drink and introduction to my friends, before we dived into our beds for a well deserved sleep. Saturday morning I was up early preparing food for the BBQ. Richard had been going to be up at 7am and go for a walk into town. Well it was a couple of hours later but he did go into town and we met up at the supermarket and made our way to the BBQ. What an amazing time we had, lots of food, lots of drink, Richard meeting all of my friends and then about 4pm the Mayor and his Deputy arrived and shook hands with everyone. I couldn’t wait for the tombola, I had bought tickets and had my eye on an amazing cushion. Well I won two prizes but not the cushion. They are lovely though and I am was very pleased. We had lots of laughs and Richard enjoyed himself too. We walked down to the bar, a coffee for me and a cider for Richard and then we headed home. We are just trying to have a leisurely breakfast and then we will get dressed and ready to head off to Monique and Jean-Claude’s for another BBQ. I am sure we will get ourselves settled here tomorrow although Richard is enjoying having walks. Like me he loves the fact that the town is so flat (not like where he lives at the moment) you can do a lot of walking. Oh, just to say, Richard has moved his lounger from the garage into the garden and is, at this moment, sunbathing and reading his kindle. Until next week………...have a good one!
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theretirementstory · 5 years
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I love to see the “candles” on the horse chestnut trees, memories flood back of my home when I was 7 years old, the driveway full of horse chestnut trees in all their glory. I do think that there were just a couple which bore red candles, although it is such a long time since I saw them. It was a lovely surprise to see that here, near one of the churches in town, there were two of those trees. What a busy week it has been. I have booked my car in for the French equivalent of an MOT and had a “handyman” put up light fittings and change switches and sockets in my newly decorated bedroom. I have finally started stitching up the dress I cut out last year. Now I want it finished for 15 June but whether it will be ready remains to be seen. At my Tuesday Art Class, I had two people arrive, it was a wet day and we headed to the train station to do some drawing. However, rain stopped play! We went into a shelter and then just sat and talked. It was my knitting group on Wednesday, we were a bit thin on the ground as people were on holiday. I am working on a little surprise for my granddaughter. I cannot say too much in case she reads this! (well she is a year old). Thursday saw me meeting up with Marie-Therese at the flower festival at a village 10 kms away. I took the FREE bus from town and Marie-Therese drove. We had a bit of difficulty finding one another, but once we did we wandered the main streets. I was looking for a couple of plants, Marie-Therese bought herbs and I bought two alstroemerias, an agapanthus, an aquilegia, marigolds and a Livingstone Daisy. It was just as well Marie-Therese had the car. My little salad garden is coming on, flowers on the tomato and pepper plants. I have planted some rocket for when my son comes to stay. It won’t be long and we are both super excited. I had to take the French Class on my own on Friday morning and I was there bright and early to copy pages to work on. 5 people arrived so that was fairly good. I was tired when I had finished. Just in case my chum Ian is reading this: that fold up stool that you carried around Paris on the final day of the Tour de France last year has really come into it’s own. I was sat on it to weed the alleyway at my home. So easy getting the dandelions out of the gravel when I am sitting down. Well, got to dash! Handyman coming to give me a quote for more work before I head off to have lunch with Monique and Jean-Claude in their orchard. A bientot.
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theretirementstory · 5 years
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Photo: The front of the house where I live, sketched by an American soldier in March 1919 “Grey skies are gonna clear up, Put on a happy face” yes after the stress of last week, the end of this week has provided me with a shining light, big enough to put a huge smile on my face. The reason for that will become clearer in the next couple of weeks. Quite honestly, I feel as if I have been chasing my tail this week, running about but not achieving my goals, so in the end I just gave up and let the week unfold. I try to keep in touch with as many people in England as possible, I received a message from one friend who was feeling a bit low, then I got a message from another friend in the same circle and then I rang another one. Things never happen in dribs and drabs do they? I also keep in touch with my Godmother who will be 96 in June, she cannot get out and some days has no visitors other than the carers, so she does enjoy a chat with me. I had planned to go and see “Green Book” at the cinema and was pleased to find that it was showing at 18:10 on Tuesday. As luck would have it I saw that Robert “The Flying Dutchman” had parked his car opposite the Cinema and sure enough he was at the ticket office (do they still call them that?) when I went in. We sat in the same row and arranged to meet at the bar after the film. I did enjoy that film, and am not ashamed to say that I shed a tear at the end. Robert does not seem to be too good, he has a cough, which is not good for him. He is due to go back to the hospital for another operation in a few weeks. Wednesday saw me heading off to Tricot, the “secret” I am knitting for my gorgeous granddaughter is from a French knitting pattern. I had managed to understand quite a lot but I was totally stuck when it came to the decreasing. So I asked one of the ladies and with the help of a pen and paper I managed to understand where I was going wrong and how to do it correctly. So it is onward and upward now. On Thursday I really think that I did just a little bit too much, as I felt a little unwell in the evening. However, I had my friend Marie-Therese round for coffee and I had bought us a small cake each. She told me that it was her birthday and she was 83, I joked and said the cakes were “birthday cakes”. After she left I wrote a birthday card, popped up into town and bought a cyclamen planted in a watering can, plus some chocolates. I saw her car was parked near to my home but I did not want to run the risk of missing her before she left for home, so I went to where she was taking a French class and asked her to come to the door. She was totally amazed with the card and gifts and said that it was too much. She messaged me later to say how touched she was by the message in the birthday card and the gifts. She is a very private person and only has a son, who lives in Paris, so I was pleased to have spent a short time with her on her birthday. Friday saw the French Class in the morning for the first time, Monique felt certain that we would not have many if any people there. We got a surprise when we went in and found 4 men waiting for the class. They were the only 4 that came but that meant that we could have conversation and also get them to participate with written work on the whiteboard. As Monique and I are going out for lunch next Friday we told the men that the lesson would be off. They were very disappointed and I said that I was free on Wednesday. Monique however is going to the dentist. She asked if the men would turn up if I was to do the lesson on my own and they said that they would. So there it is, I will be busy preparing for this later today. I had noticed that the shutters on the house, of the lady who was throwing the “soiree” for me, have been closed this week. I know that her husband is not well and I was a little worried. She has phoned me this morning to say that her husband is ill and therefore the “soiree” will not be on. She was so apologetic and I told her, in my best French, that her husband was more important. We can have a “soiree” when her husband is feeling better. At the moment the weather is dry and I think I may well head out for a little walk. I have looked at the weather for tomorrow and snow is forecast, now that I can really do without! Have a wonderful week, until next week……..
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theretirementstory · 5 years
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A painting showing goldfinches in amongst dandelions A pair of goldfinches in my garden, eating the seeds from the dandelions. We had a really heavy frost overnight Saturday to Sunday and by Sunday lunchtime my gorgeous blue hydrangea was covered in horrible brown flowers, Jack Frost had “nipped” him and I was just so upset. Hopefully he did not get to the rootball and we can save it, although it wont flower again this year. Oh am I the one with the sparkling motor car? Well put it this way it is a whole lot cleaner, sorry to say it hadn’t been washed since I bought it in July 2017!! Robert and I nipped into McDonalds for coffee and then I went to the cinema. Just me and one other guy in to see the movie. I was enjoying it (even though I couldn’t really understand it). Then as usual, I had a big blink and woke up about 10 minutes before the film ended. Do hope I wasn’t snoring!! Monique called and we headed off to collect my table and chairs from the shop. The chairs look good and I am hoping to get them out for the Easter weekend. It was my knitting group this week and so I wanted to be knitting something different. I finished all the components of my previous knitting, don’t want to say what it is as it is for my granddaughter and although she is just coming up a year old, I know that she reads my blog!! Anyway I have started on another item for my gorgeous granddaughter. I was going to see the doctor after knitting (well 1.5 hours after knitting) so I thought I would have a coffee in the bar. Can you believe the bar had been closed in the afternoon, the sign said open at 5pm and so I stood waiting for it to open! All that for a cup of coffee!! Then I headed off to see my doctor, who seemed rather shocked at the infection in my nose and has prescribed some very strong antibiotics. I am now running the gamut of side effects from these tablets. Never mind all finished by Tuesday and hopefully the “infection” will have left my body for good. Of course, even taking antibiotics I had to go and get shopping, with a blinding headache, then I decided to make soup, and I was sweating profusely. Had a sit down and then went to tidy the garage after which I was shattered and just reclined in my chair. As always I had a list of jobs to be done and as I went outside to wash the shutters, I realised that I was not feeling 100% as after two shutters I was completely worn out. Monique messaged to say that she would come down on Wednesday to wash the shutters, I said don’t worry I will get a pressure washer and do them later, well she has a pressure washer and is bringing it on Wednesday to wash them down for me. Good news though, the Supervisor had been to look at the work I needed doing in the garden and he will be bringing his team on Tuesday at 10am. Then hopefully I can sort out for a painter and an electrician. I knew that Monique and Jean-Claude were doing something this weekend with their family, but I got such a surprise on Saturday evening when she messaged to say that they had been walking on the Adriatic coast in ALBANIA!! I knew her daughter was married to an Albanian man, but hadn't realised that they are all spending Easter with his family. I had arranged to meet Robert this weekend at the bar, however, I messaged him to say that I would not be going as I was feeling so “yuk”. There is a movie on at 18.30 on Sunday and again at 14.00 on Monday, I would really like to see it and am going to try to go on Sunday evening. Robert may well be going to see that too. I have not heard from Marie-Therese and I had messaged her last week. I am hoping that she is well and perhaps has just been spending as much time with her dog “Oba” as she can. Although my granddaughters Easter present is going to be late arriving at least I managed to get it at the shop so I am just going to write her a letter to put in the package and will get it posted off on Tuesday when, apart from “Ground Force” turning up, I also have a hair appointment. Even though I feel pretty awful, my life here is still amazing and I would not change it for all the tea in China! So on this Easter Sunday, may I wish you all a very happy Easter and may I take the opportunity of wishing Her Majesty the Queen a very happy 93rd birthday. A bientot
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theretirementstory · 5 years
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Week 8! Where have those weeks gone? Although we have seen unseasonably good weather and I love to see a blue sky and sunshine. Once again I had no French classes three mornings this week. The children are still on school holiday and it has meant that I can have a little longer in bed. Which seems a good idea as I have taken to waking rather early feeling wide awake only to fall off to sleep again after a couple of hours. This morning I was awake at 03:29 and it was probably about 06:30 when I nodded off again. I do know that I have rather a lot on my mind but all will be revealed in a few weeks. My neighbours have moved apartment……..to one just half a corridor away. They took me in to see it. It is lovely and has windows to three sides of this lovely building. They also have french doors leading into a small garden area, where they hope to take breakfast or have barbecues. The kitchen units are gorgeous and they have asked for the walls in the “salle a manger” to be painted a very deep green. Also in that room they have had a radiator installed from/on/ the ceiling……. There is loads of cupboard space (something I love) and I am sure I could have very easily filled all of those cupboards for them (although they too seem to have rather a lot of “stuff”). It was my knitting group this week, I really love observing all the people there. We all have a chat when we first arrive and then most of us settle down to get on with out knitting, crochet or whatever. One lady (she is 89 this year) always seems to want to take the chair and this week was no exception…….she started spouting forth and I noticed that a lot of the ladies were not taking a bit of interest, obviously the lady noticed this too and gave a long pause, when she saw heads being raised and eyes looking in her direction she continued with her story. Claudine had made the gateaux this week and as always they were really lovely. After that it was the cinema for me. I had arranged to meet some of the refugees to go into the cinema and as I was hurrying down the road I saw three of them waiting for me. At the same time Robert had pulled up in the car, however, he hung back when the refugees greeted me. We went into the cinema and I was explaining where to go to pay (they don’t pay, they just have to show their identity papers). Then we were into the plush seats and awaiting the start of the film. It was interesting for them to see people coming in greeting each other with kisses and getting themselves ready for the screening. I saw Robert come in but he did not acknowledge me. As it was a documentary type film, there was an introduction to what we were about to see, then the film, then a debate (which the men seemed to enjoy although now fully understanding what people were saying and then at the end there was an apero…….nibbles and drink (cidre or juice). By this time it was 23:15. One of the men, known for only appearing when food is to be served, went and had some of the nibbles and a drink but I was just so tired all I wanted to do was go home. So the men escorted me home and they continued on their way. I seem to think that one man in particular did get a lot from the evening and perhaps we will all head off next week to see Clint Eastwood in The Mule at least it starts at 18:10! Then I had my visit from Marie-Therese, she did not bring puppy Oba with her but we had a coffee and a lovely chat. I have found out that the honey she brought for me when I was ill was from the bees that the director of the Maison Pour Tous keeps. She had found out about him keeping bees and is keen to support any small producer so she buys the honey from him. She had brought her iPad with her and was keen to let me read the summary of the book from the book club. However, I asked if I could forward the email to myself to read in full later. She said next time I must show her what to do! She was hoping to go to Paris for the weekend to see her son, but he had phoned while she was sleeping and had missed the call. Friday afternoon was the French class for the refugees with Monique. What a surprise when we discovered that our afternoon class is going to clash with a football session in future. We were astounded when we had 12 men in our class this week, that was a lot of bodies in a small room! We asked how many men would want to take part in the football session and almost all raised their hands. Monique was then trying to work out how many people would come for a lesson on a morning. When she asked she seemed to think that too many would still be in bed. However, I asked for a show of hands and we have agreed to our class being from 10:30 until noon every Friday. She did say however, that as she does not live in the town and has to drive here, it is no good her turning up for a class with only one person attending! So fingers crossed that we will have a good turn out next Friday morning. The weekend is upon us again, and here I am thinking that I have not done very much with my weekend. Although I am sure that a lot of what I have done is brain work, especially as Monique insists on ringing me and I have to speak in French. I know that she understands that my replies to her messages are via google translate and really I am pleased that she calls me as I have to think on my feet and respond in French. Sometimes little phrases stick in my mind and when the call is finished I google those, so I am picking up more and more little phrases. I had written to a friend in England who is ill and awaiting treatment, it was such a lovely surprise to receive a reply, and I am hoping that although it will be a long journey for her, that a positive outcome will be achieved. Bon dimanche
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theretirementstory · 5 years
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Invitation to a Neighbourhood Barbecue. I have decided to call today “Naughty Sunday”. I have just eaten bacon, egg and mushrooms for breakfast with a small amount of baguette! Yes, if my doctor was reading this he would have a fit, as I am not supposed to have bacon or bread. However, as I have been really good for over 6 months I thought a treat was acceptable. Now back to the unpacking and the adventures that I have pursued this week. Glad to report that 3 boxes have been fully unpacked and two have been half unpacked, the reason for the latter is that I have nowhere to display/store/hide(!) the remaining items so for the time being they are being left in the boxes. So Monday saw me heading to the Tax Office to try and get this “magical number” which would enable me to change the address on my “log book”. Success, a lovely man told me he would email me and I had to click on the link and set up an account and “Bob’s your Uncle”. True to his word the email was waiting when I returned home and although it did take a bit of negotiating I finally managed to let them know I wanted to change address. I also had to scan in confirmation of address, ID and my “log book”. It was a lot easier to change my address at the doctors! While I was in the Tax Office I saw the lady who was an old neighbour of mine from the apartments. Her and her husband moved out quite a while ago and he was particularly scathing of Century 21, the immobilier. I proceeded in my “best” French to tell her that I had moved out of the apartment into a house, she asked if I was renting or had bought, had I bought through Century 21? we talked for quite sometime which I was pleased about as previously my conversation with her has been “Bonjour Madame, ca va? Anyway on my way home, who should I see but her husband, I was in the car so could only wave but it was lovely to see them both again. Tuesday I set too and started on getting the big bathroom into some semblance of order. I have bought a unit to go in there and I need the “man” to come and put it together. I messaged my contact who said he would let me know if the guy could come (today) Sunday however I have not had any call and as much as I want it all assembled I can do without them calling today. Isn’t it funny, when I was getting the bathroom sorted, I thought, oh I am sure I could paint this room. Problem is I still think that I am 21 but the reality is 1) I cannot get down to do the lower part of the wall and skirting boards and 2) even using a pole it would be too difficult for me to do the ceiling and top of the walls plus being a Virgo I am a perfectionist and if it wasn’t done “perfectly” I would notice those areas everytime I entered the room. One thing I am good at though is measuring and now arranging for pieces of plywood to be cut to size at my local Gedimat (other DIY shops are available). As I don’t have a worktop other than the piece of plywood which was previously home to my mini oven, I had two pieces of ply cut one for the tumble dryer and one for the freezer. The microwave is now on top of the freezer and the oven on the tumble dryer. That leaves room on the original ply for my two ring hob, slow cooker (when I want to use it) and the kettle. I know this probably sounds very basic to you all but until I decide how I want my kitchen to look I am making do and I love it. It was knitting group on Wednesday and I had also booked an appointment for a “pedicure” as they like to call it here. To be honest the visit to the podiatrist is a necessity rather than just to have “gorgeous” feet (something I do not believe I have ever had!) I see the young male podiatrist but he told me that he is leaving and his last day at work at this practice will be June 19th so I will have to get an appointment booked before then. My friends at knitting group were all excited to hear about my new home and I happened to notice that the date for the barbecue was on the blackboard. The barbecue was at the end of May last year but this year is on the 15 June, my son arrives from England on the 14 June and so he can go with me. How exciting, everyone is so looking forward to seeing him and at 6 feet 8 inches you cannot miss him! Thursday was a stay at home day and an attempt was made to sort out more boxes, as I mentioned earlier, it was a time to relax a bit and think about what I would like to do (if I won the Premium Bonds). I am still awaiting the invoice for the new toilet etc fitted upstairs as always I am worried that I don’t have enough money in my bank here to pay the bill when it comes in. I am sure it will be fine, but I did get him to do little extra things so the “devis” he provided will not be the total price I am sure. Monique picked me up on Friday and we went to French class. Only one person arrived at 10.30 and he is one who speaks good French anyway. Well, I had prepared special lessons for him previously so we sat together and he did the paper and I also completed it. It was very interesting as two of the exercises involved putting phrases into order to provide the conversation between two or three people. On one of these exercises we differed with the phrases but both ways made the conversation sound correct. I really think he enjoyed having to read in French, answer true or false questions and also the other exercises. I know I did! A couple of other men arrived later so it meant that Monique could spend more time with them. After class Monique and I headed to the supermarket to buy some compost specially for hydrangeas, 2 + 1 free. They were 40 litre bags and Monique (who suffers with asthma) wouldn’t let me try and put the bags into the trolley or the car. I was shocked to see her having to use her inhaler! Anyway she also re-potted the beautiful hydrangea she had bought for me and it now has pride of place in my front garden. I had also seen a small glass topped table for the garden along with a couple of chairs (at a reasonable price) and so we called at the shop. They didn’t have any in stock but would arrange to get them from another store. I would like to put them at the front too so that I can have breakfast there on a morning in the summer (it will be cooler) and then at night I can sit and have a drink when the sun has moved round to the west. Friday also saw me going to another musical evening “From the Harp to Dvorak” was the title. It was another amazing concert by the Orchestra of the Aube along with a harpist (not Mary O’Hara, for those of you old enough to remember her). It was amazing the number of people that came and kissed me and were asking about 1) the upcoming barbecue and 2) the house move. I also saw again an American(?) lady I had met at the Book Club, she was with her husband and we talked for some time during the interval. Anyway he has invited me to their home for a meal and has offered to come and pick me up (they live in a village about 25 kms away). If I so wish, they will be at the Cinema this evening (Sunday), I can join them plus any other friends that they bring along. I really cannot believe what a busy week it has been and on Friday afternoon I made a small cake as I was having my friend Anie over for tea and cake on Saturday. When she didn’t arrive at the appointed time I thought I must have misunderstood, but no she was just late. She had been to her garden to get some tulips for me and also brought along the plants she had potted, thyme, chives, a lovely white Christmas Rose, a miniature rose and some snowdrops. We “surveyed” my land (ha ha) and it was lovely to discover that there are two peony plants, three small rose bushes, a primrose and a cowslip. I was surprised by the cowslip as when I moved into my last home in England a friend had given me a cowslip for the garden. I had to leave it behind so to find one in this garden was just amazing. So far next week appears to be a quiet week but you never know what could crop up! Finally just on a sombre note, I heard on Friday about a young man who passed away on the 1st April from cancer. I had met this person on only a handful of occasions, all of which are memorable to me, coming with my sister to the hotel I was staying in at Witney for my 34th birthday is just one of the memories, but I know that he played a large part in the life of my younger sister and death at 48 years old is a terrible thing and having had cancer myself I know what a terrible illness it is. RIP Jon.
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theretirementstory · 5 years
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A walk by the river and the opportunity to take some photos. It was a cold day but the photo towards the town shows a blue sky and a bright day, a quick turn around to look towards the sun provides this second photo which I think is quite atmospheric. I told Monique, the other day, that I am so happy with my life here in France, some people would say that they were blessed, but for me it is all about happiness, making someone else smile and suddenly realising I have rather a large circle of friends. Marie-Therese said that I am now a BARALBIN, an inhabitant of Bar-sur-Aube, and that made me feel very proud. My diary is quickly filling up for next week as I have a new friend, Catherine, calling for tea and a chat on Thursday, just after Marie-Therese has left. Think I will make a cake to go with the tea, last week I "whipped up" a batch of cheese scones and gave Marie-Therese two to take home. She e-mailed to say she has now experienced another British delight, after mince pies, and Xmas Cake. Sunday was a wonderful day, I attended the Fete sans Frontiere and it was fantastic. So much food to eat, good company to enjoy plus meeting existing friends and making new ones too. I found it difficult walking back home as my tummy was so full! It has been “naughty week” for me this week, I only attended class once! I was all ready to go on Tuesday morning when my son rang me. Well, I must admit, my big grown up men do take priority over my French class (which had been so boring the day before). Then on Thursday when I should have been there for 10am, I slept in, waking up at 9.46!! I think “must do better” should be on my report. Ever one to try and alter my routines, especially here where all of my days are “fluid”, I have taken to visiting the bar after class (11.30) and sitting down to read the journal and have a cup of coffee. It makes a lovely change to walk out somewhere instead of hurrying home, making lunch and then (pretending) to do other jobs. It gets me out and about in the “warmer” part of the day and I also think it has been very good for me as I am really doing rather a lot of things in the apartment when I get back. Can we have three cheers please? The green jumper which has been on the needles for almost a year is ………….finished, all stitched up and ready to be worn, well after I have taken it to “show and tell” at Tricot on Wednesday. Having done that I am now pushing on with the waistcoat I began about 7 months ago. Wednesday evening saw me heading to a neighbours house for 6pm carrying a coconut confection and a little parcel of stuffed dates. She had asked me round and I thought it may just be a drink and some nibbles. I arrived and then two other couples (neighbours) whom I had met before. We had champagne, nibbles and then we had a gorgeous tomato, goats cheese and olive tart, followed by a marzipan galette and then my coconut “cake” and stuffed dates. We all left at 9pm. It was such a wonderful time, me trying to speak some good French phrases and everyone else chatting. I am finding it easier now to understand what is being said, it is just dragging the words from my brain to my lips to speak that is the problem. This week I have been awaiting either a telephone call from the man at the Sous-Prefecture in town or letters from the Prefecture in Troyes and Nantes. No such luck I would add. However, I did receive a letter from the Tax Man in town, unfortunately, this was something I could have done without as he was asking for more money a month than originally requested. So of course, off I went to “chat” to him to find out why, long story short, it is what I have to pay no “ifs or buts”, as my dad would have said, so payment will be taken directly from my bank account. I do think money will be flowing rather freely from my bank account over the next few months and I it is probably just as well I decided against new glasses as I am having a problem with the tooth that was filled in September. The dentist did say at the time that it may have to be a crown next time. Well I have made an appointment to see him and have requested an estimate for the crown as I have heard that they cost between 200 and 500 euros! I might ask if he would do a gold one and take a ring to be melted down (I think I have a spare one somewhere) then it might not be as expensive. My task for Friday was to prepare the lesson for my afternoon class, before we began the lesson there were a couple of notices to pass onto the refugees, namely, that someone was coming to discuss tuberculosis next Tuesday. Then for 3 weeks from 30 January to 13 February there will be someone talking to them about sexual health. Monique, who has been a nurse, really got into that one and of course I was having to translate, I have never seen so many embarrassed faces. After that we settled down to do the exercises I had prepared and had rather a good lesson, although a few of the “old timers” have not returned after the Christmas break, the people that were there are eager to learn. Robert “The Flying Dutchman” has been rather elusive and I rang him to arrange to see him at the bar on Friday evening. He is not his usual self at the moment and he appears reluctant to talk about it. I know he has been clearing a lot of stuff out of his house so maybe he is just feeling a little sad about that. My plans for Saturday evening were scuppered after checking my phone and seeing the prospect of SNOW! I was in the bar at the time and prepared to head home before the imminent arrival, however, the snow arrived 15 minutes earlier than expected and I was still in town. I did get home before the flakes got bigger and the white stuff was on the ground. Bon dimanche.
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theretirementstory · 5 years
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What should have been a very exciting week for me turned into rather a stressful time, but that is life isn’t it? I will reveal more on that in the next few weeks, fingers crossed. The end of February saw the end of the rather lovely warm weather, well it is still warm but we have cloudy skies and have even had some rain. I have just spoken to a friend who lives in Spain and she said it is 19 degrees and the sun is shining. Well to be honest she is a long way further south than me……. No class for me this week again, I have been skipping the lessons as I have bigger fish to fry at the moment. Monday saw me visiting Monique and Jean-Claude at their home again, Monique and I were going out shopping, unfortunately the shops we needed were all closed and so it was arranged that I went for lunch on Saturday and then we did the shopping expedition. It was not a week for the knitting group and so it looked as if I had rather a relaxing week, however, I can always manage to find something to fill in the days and nights. I went to see Clint Eastwood in “The Mule” which I really enjoyed. It was shown in the original language so that was good for me. Green Book is also on so I will go and see that before 5 March (the date the showings change). One of my neighbours from the “soiree” earlier in the year, has said that she is going to throw a soiree and will let me know the date. I met her on Saturday and the date is lined up for 15 March at 6pm. Well I am looking forward to that however on the same day I am at a meal at the catering school in Troyes at lunchtime. Guess I will just be Billy Bunter for the day! The church near my home is being renovated and they have managed to get a new roof on part of it, done some fantastic work to the fabric of the building and have had three huge windows made and installed. There is an awful lot of work still to be done but it is really lovely to see this building coming back to life. I was unable to meet Marie-Therese on Thursday as I was busy doing “something else”. We did message each other, me to find out how she was and of course “Oba” the new puppy. Apparently, he had been a bit lonely when she had left him on Thursday and when she returned, tired from her day, he was just being a puppy and wanting to go walks, play, getting highly excitable and of course it took her a while to settle him. Once settled though he had been ok again. It is hard for her as Thursday is the day she does gym, shopping, calls at the mediatheque, takes a French class and usually pops in for coffee with me, so it was a long day for him to be left. She said that he will just have to get used to it! Then before I knew it, it was Saturday and I knew that Monique and Jean-Claude are trying to diet, so I headed off to the market and bought strawberries, grapes, satsumas and made up a tray of these goodies. The guy on the stall gave me a bunch of parsley so I took that along with a bag of walnuts. I had also made a vegetable quiche, without pastry, and we had that along with little quiches Monique had made for “apero”. We then had, prawns, avocado, and the most delicious carrot salad with some gorgeous bread too. Main course was veal with a light mushroom cream sauce and cauliflower. When asked if I would like some cheese I had to decline as I had eaten quite sufficient. We decided to have dessert and coffee after the shopping expedition. We visited one place, which did not do much for Monique (or myself) so we left and then we went to the “factory outlet”. Oh my! I was like a kid in a candy store and I think I should have been wearing a pair of reins as I scooted from one display to another. What was supposed to be a scouting expedition turnout into me buying one item and possibly a second one (we will find out about that on Tuesday). The stuff was loaded into Monique’s car and is now in their garage awaiting delivery to me later in the month. When I am going to buy something, I usually like to check with my sons first, however, the signal on the phone was not good and I had to make the decision myself. What the heck, I thought, the price is right and I will have it. Now, I have just had a lazy morning and will start on my “to do” list very soon. I really must send a big kiss to my gorgeous granddaughter, hoping that her, Mummy and Daddy all feel better very soon. Also big hugs to the other big man in my life who is working his socks off (and they are big socks let me tell you) as he is in his final year at University. Have a great day.
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theretirementstory · 5 years
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Photo: A surprise visit by the Angels? Well at least it wasn’t Gabriel on his own! A New Year ………………...what a way to start it too! Monday saw me making mince pies and stuffing dates to go in the “foodie” gift I was taking for Monique and Jean-Claude on New Years Day. The weather was kind as I headed off for lunch on Tuesday. I knew I was in for a foodie surprise, we started with smoked salmon and prawns, then we had escargots (first time for me) not what I had expected and in a good way too. Another first was guinea fowl. My goodness how delicious was that! I really loved it so much I am going to cook some myself. After a quick cheese course it was time for dessert which consisted of oranges with cinnamon, a gorgeous Buche (coffee flavoured) and we all had a piece of the Christmas cake I had taken. We drank champagne and coffee. It was 7:40pm when I set away home, still glowing from the wonderful day I had spent with friends. I had a couple of quiet days after that, you know just the mundane things, paying the rent, getting the shopping, cooking meals, washing etc etc. Friday was going to be a busy day as my friend Marie-Therese was calling about 13.15 and Monique was picking me up at 14.15 to go to class. I was preparing food, typing out letters and preparing the lesson for class. Marie-Therese did not arrive, she messaged to say she would come at 17.00. Monique arrived earlier and we went off to class. Afterwards Monique came back to my home for a cup and tea and we were awaiting the arrival of Marie-Therese. Monique left and by 17.40 I was concerned because Marie-Therese had still not arrived. She did arrive at 18.15 she had been busy as she is getting a puppy at the beginning of February and had been talking to the owner and arranging a time to view etc. When she left I headed off to the bar to meet Robert, The Flying Dutchman. We had a couple of coffee’s and then Robert made his way to the Cinema and I headed home. I was minding my own business walking home when I suddenly heard a lot of voices and coming towards me were a group of about 8 men, this is not something I usually encounter on the way home. What a surprise, after greetings of Bonsoir, ca va and lots of handshaking it turned out they were a group of the refugee/immigrants that come to class. It is amazing for me to think that I can walk these streets, no matter what time of evening/night and I feel safe. I have only had a couple of times when I have walked along a street which has been deserted and I have noticed a person loitering in another street. On those occasions I have continued home via an alternative route to avoid putting myself into a possible situation. There is a young homeless man in town who likes his alcohol and drugs. I do not like meeting him in daylight so I would do everything I could to avoid him at night, however, he is only 1 person in a town of 5000+ inhabitants. Saturday morning saw me heading off to the bar at the Pomme d’Or to meet another friend. We had coffee and eau de vie (very nice) and a good long chat. She is a Dutch lady of advancing years, I really think she enjoys a quick break away from her husband, and having no family living near seems to have adopted me. I am hoping against hope that I am getting nearer to obtaining my Carte de Sejour. I have now composed a letter to send to the Prefecture with various documents, not least of which are the documents relating to my application as an EU citizen and not, as I fear this lady thinks, a person from Outer Mongolia! I am also going to complete a “duplicate copy” of my application to exchange my driving licence so that the man at the Sous-Prefecture in town can try and chase up this application. This was sent on the 24th April 2018 and I have heard nothing in the meantime. Apparently there is a backlog! A couple of bits of good news: the people who currently live in the flat above appear to be moving into the upstairs flat opposite. Why? I have no idea. What I do know is that at least I may be able to watch my tv without having to listen to them running up and downstairs or listen to their tumble dryer on its cycle. Perhaps for them it means that they don’t have to put up with my singing! Finally, on Friday, Monique asked me if I would like to go to stay in a gite in Alsace with her and Jean-Claude in the Spring. It would be for a week, and of course I said yes. I am busy thinking of the things I can make to take with us…...cooking a chicken (or guinea fowl) and taking salad so that there is something to eat when we arrive, a couple of homemade cakes………….. Bonne annee one and all. A bientot
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theretirementstory · 5 years
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Oh my! We are almost at the end of another year and I have been living in France for 18 months now. 2018 saw me heading off to Metz to meet up with English friends, on a snowy March day. Then I had a week with English friends just outside of Carcassonne. I was eagerly awaiting the arrival of my first grandchild and she did keep us waiting: due the end of April she finally arrived on the 11th May, both her and Mummy were well so that was the most important thing. I then had a nightmare journey to England to see her and don’t even want to think about that again!! However, not only did I meet the delightful Daisy but I saw lots of friends and family too. On returning to France, I had a quick turnaround as it was time to head over to La Rochelle on the West Coast, for a holiday with other friends. A visit by my cousin and his wife were next on my list and they seemed to enjoy their sojourn to my new home. It was really lovely to see them again too. After that there was the most amazing day in Paris meeting up with more English friends. It was the last day of the Tour de France and did we cheer the Sky Team home! It had been an early start and a late return and I was still buzzing when I got in, it was a great day. My Syrian friend moved to Paris and although we have not lost touch, I miss my morning coffee with him and our chats. Then my life here really took off. The summer break from class saw me out and about with two of the class volunteers. We visited churches, Charles de Gaulle Memorial, had picnics, lunches together and coffee time at Chez Moi. My tricot group was still going strong, but I have also joined an English Book Club and am now in touch with other British people. I have had innumerable problems with my application for a titre de sejour – firstly they thought it was a renewal and asked me to jump through hoops, now (I think) the lady dealing with it is not treating me as an EU citizen. I am also still awaiting any correspondence regarding exchanging my driving licence, I think I have “befriended” the sous-prefecture and he is helping me with this too. I became a volunteer working with the immigrants (well I am one!) Monique and I take a class together and if anyone does not understand Monique (she speaks French and German) I can help out translating to English. What a great time that is, we have such fun and Monique and her husband Jean-Claude have become really good friends. My plans for Christmas day were: just me! Champagne, lovely dinner, chocolates etc etc. Well, I did have the champagne, however, after Robert "The Flying Dutchman" had phoned to wish me a Merry Christmas, I messaged him and asked him over for lunch. He was only going to open a tin of something, so we spent 3.5 hours, eating, talking and laughing. So there you have it, two happy people. Today I am going to the cinema with Monique and Jean-Claude, the cinema has also been a big part of my days here this year, so I am looking forward to the movie. I am praying for fine weather on Tuesday as Monique and Jean-Claude have invited me to their home for New Years Day lunch. I am busy preparing my gift to take to them and will be stuffing more dates and baking more mince pies. What will 2019 have in store for me? Well, I have some plans already in the making but for more information on these you will have to keep reading this blog. Bonne annee, wishing you all a healthy and peaceful time.
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theretirementstory · 5 years
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Wow, am I glad that week is over! It means “ We’re all going on a winter holiday, no more working for a week or two”. Well not actually a winter holiday just a break from class three mornings a week and another class on a Friday afternoon. That does not mean that I will be idle……….oh well ok if you insist. I have worked hard this week and have only been to the bar once!!! Now I know you will find that hard to believe but due to Robert’s financial circumstances and the cold nights I have decided to get into the big chair and just snuggle up. Ok, I did some knitting, yet again I have started something new before finishing the two other items. My plan is to get one of the other items all stitched up and ready for wearing, and continue with the other item. Both of these are for myself, but I could not resist starting on another blanket for my granddaughter. A package arrived for me yesterday, which contained a lovely Christmas Card and a zillion photos of my granddaughter. Well maybe a zillion is overdoing it a little but there were a lot. I also received another present this week. I haven’t opened it, it is for my stocking. I know that this is from a little furry guy that I am in love with. Good news and bad news have been in abundance this week, but the way I feel at the moment there is not a lot that can burst this little bubble. I have been stuffing dates, and making up my little gift bags for my French friends. Now last week I said I had to blanch almonds, well can I ask how many people have done that job? I never realised how sticky my fingers would get and how long it would take to do the blinking things. I have also made myself a mushroom and walnut pate for Christmas Day. I really hope it tastes good. Marie-Therese is not going to her son in Paris for Christmas, so I asked if she would like to come and share my meal. She declined, like me she is happy to be alone on Christmas Day (no-one eats your favourite chocolate or takes control of the remote control). She is going to Paris for New Year which will be lovely for her. I still have not been to try on any glasses to get my prescription made up. I have got rather a lot on my mind at the moment, so I may go and try some next week or the week after. I think that Monique and Jean-Claude are looking forward to me going to their home on New Year’s Day, I have put in a special request for it to be a lovely dry day, so that I can get there and back easily. I was very pleased for one of the immigrants, he has told me previously that he has family living in Birmingham and although he hadn’t mentioned it earlier he also has a brother who is now living in Normandy. He is getting the train over there and staying for a few days. I am so pleased for him, as this young man is not in good health and I am sure it will give him a real boost to see family. I went out at 17:00 today as there was something going on in town with balloons. Well I saw the children in the Market Hall with balloons but not a lot going on elsewhere (well it was pouring down). As the sun was over the yardarm (somewhere) I decided to have a vin rouge chaud. It was rather lovely, and what is even better is that it does not give me that stinking headache that mulled wine in England does. And on that note I think I had better wish you all a joyeaux noel.
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theretirementstory · 6 years
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Just before I start on this blog in earnest, as today is Remembrance Sunday in England, Armistice Day in France I would just like to take a minute to remember all those who gave their lives for us, no matter which conflict. Two young men, brothers of my grandparents, enlisted to fight in the First World War, lost their lives and remain forever in France. "Their Name Liveth for Evermore". Noticed that the Town Hall had all these gorgeous plants in the four beds that are at the entrance. It looks stunning (well really it always does), I felt as if I have been walking around the town with my eyes closed as when I turned away from the Town Hall I noticed that what had been an old Champagne House looked as if it was being renovated. A chat in the bar resulted in the fact that 4 investors had bought it but have now run out of cash so it is just going to be left for the time being. Such a shame, it is a gorgeous building. Monday saw me back at French lessons, this was something that I was not looking forward too, however, it proved to be not half as bad as I had thought. It was a very quiet class, only speak when it is your turn to repeat the phrase! A lot of the trees around town are still fully covered with leaves, these have taken on a really wonderful hue, before they shed them completely. I went to see "A Star is Born" at the cinema, unfortunately the 1976 movie with Streisand and Kristofferson is still an all time favourite and I could not help but compare this movie to it. Anyone who hasn't seen the 1976 movie will probably enjoy this version. On Thursday I met an Englishman who lives about 30 km away, he runs a business and also knows the lady I met at the Rally a couple of weeks ago. He was very friendly and I am going to give him a ring and arrange a drink with him and his wife at "my" bar. I then bumped into Marie-Therese as she was doing her shopping. She called at my home later for a cup of tea and a custard tart, she insists on bringing them, just as well I like them. All too soon it was Friday again and this week my session as a volunteer was in the morning and not the afternoon. Monique picked me up and we had a good time playing some games and getting everyone to contribute to the lesson in French. Only one young man was not too keen on the games but he did continue with them. Afterwards it had been arranged that Monique and I would go to a "brasserie" for lunch. We finally ended up in Le Montagnard, Monique saying we could just have the "plat du jour" at 10 euro. Well, when we got inside we decided on three courses, a glass of wine each and coffee. I went to pay for us both and was amazed that the bill came to 30.50 euro. That was a wonderful surprise and the meal was good too. The weather was wet and awful on Saturday and I didn't attempt to go outside at all until it was time for the bar. I didn't get a lot of knitting done either and before I know it, it will be back to French class again. Of course there is always the Remembrance Day parade to attend and I am also going to a concert on Sunday evening but more about that next week. Until then ..........
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