#Drappier champagne
theretirementstory · 5 months
Good morning, it’s Christmas Eve and it’s a cloudy 7c here this morning. Who cares? It will soon be Christmas Day when you can eat your body weight in chocolates before breakfast (with any luck 😂😂).
The amount of baking that has been done in this house lately, you would think I was going to be feeding the five thousand, but no, I have been preparing to give homemade food gifts to friends and neighbours this year.
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After the open invitation I received last week, to visit a friend in a nearby village, I received a message from the friend in town where I spent “Réveillon” four years ago. She said that her daughter was coming from Nancy to spend time this Christmas and that there would be 11 at the table she was sorry that she couldn’t invite me. She did say that when her daughter leaves (27 December) I can go to eat with her and her sister. I did reply saying that as I still have low immunity I am wearing my mask and being very careful and avoiding large groups. I guess going to her home with just two people there could be ok but of course they will have been with nine other people themselves. Well we will wait and see.
It has been mince pie making, date stuffing, peppermint cream making, cake decorating, meringue making, baking other cakes and a first attempt at making sage and onion stuffing balls. I am still not finished, I need to marinate goats cheese to have with endives, pears and walnuts as my starter tomorrow. Monday I will be making another “first attempt” this time it will be bread sauce, I can but try these items which in the UK are readily available in a packet and only require the addition of water or milk in the case of bread sauce.
Monique came to visit and forgot the glycerine! She brought it down the following morning, unfortunately I was out shopping so she left the bottle on my kitchen window sill. In the afternoon I went to meet Claudine at the stained glass workshop to collect the bottle of glycerine she had bought at a pharmacy. One thing is certain I have plenty of glycerine I will probably be making Xmas cakes regularly to use it all up!
I went to the cinema with Pauline again, we saw “La Tresse” (The Braid), what a moving story, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Pauline is leaving this morning to go to Lille to spend Christmas with friends. We will meet up after Christmas. She has been visiting McDo in the afternoons (it’s quiet then) and she said they have been selling two macarons and a coffee for €2,90.
I went to see my friends Marlene and Manu on Friday taking foodie gifts for them. I came back with a beautiful Christmas card and a homemade gift with chocolates. I also received the most heartwarming message when I got home, not just thanking me for the gifts.
The cleaner was ill on Monday so didn’t come to work she was better for Thursday and I had a present for her. She asked if she could open it and was so moved by the gift that she hugged and kissed me. Well I didn’t see that coming!
Had a video call on Thursday evening with a friend in America. We have both been receiving treatment for cancer, she is still receiving the treatment so most of our conversation was around treatments however as her home is actually in Bar-sur-Aube she likes to catch up on activities in town.
I messaged Josette, a lady from the old knitting group. She had moved from Urville to Troyes a few years ago as her husband was on dialysis and they moved nearer to the hospital. Sadly she lost her husband back in May. She said she is finding it hard to adjust and will be spending her Christmas with her children.
It is so funny that when I was coming to France one of my criteria was to be in a town with few English people as I wanted to integrate with French people. When I arrived I believed I was the only English person in the town, I have since heard that there is an English man married to a French lady who has lived here for a lot of years, however, I have never come into contact with him. What a surprise though to now have among my friends, Portuguese , Finnish, American, Dutch, Afghan, Romanian, Turks, Georgians, Nigerians and Syrians, as well as French! The doctor I had when I first arrived was Equadorian now that was a first for me 😂.
I have decided that my taste in music is quite eclectic, so let’s have a look at my choices this week. The first one is back to 1971, it is “Tap Turns On The Water” by C.C.S. It always brings to mind my Godmothers house that I had known from being a very young girl.
The second song is “Trapped” by Colonel Abrams which dates back to 1985. Memories of this song are from dancing the night away in “La Grotte” disco in Sousse Tunisia.
“The Photographer” messaged me last night saying the bar he was in had a bottle of champagne which came from very close to me. The champagne was £64 per bottle in the bar. Turns out it was a bottle of Drappier Champagne. the champagne house is 4.5 miles from where I live, situated in the village of Urville. I wonder how much that bottle would cost here?
“The Trainee Solicitor” has finished work for a break over the Xmas period, he said he will be “popping in” to catch up on things. Well I hope he is going to take some time to rest up as he has been feeling “not too good”.
“The Ex-Graduate” has been working her socks off and the work doesn’t ease off over Xmas for her. She has the Bank holidays off but then is working 5 days/nights in a row including New Years Eve! Roll on a start date for the full-time job in her chosen profession.
I imagine that my gorgeous grandchildren are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Santa Claus. They are celebrating their Xmas Day with Daddy on the 26th December. What fun, two Xmas Days 😁, hopefully there will be time for a video call with Grand-mere in France not on their Xmas Day but one day that they are with Daddy.
So now, when Pauline is preparing to travel to Lille for Xmas, Anie is safely ensconced in Indonesia, Darcy is ready to enjoy Christmas in Florida, I am ready to enjoy my Christmas here in my home. I have chosen a bottle of champagne, it is a rose and is my last bottle of Cudel. There won’t be anymore of that for me as the champagne house was sold a few years ago. Never mind I may have a bottle of Drappier another year, who knows!
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, hopefully catch you again before the New Year.
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monk-tsujido · 1 year
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12/24(土) ・ "War is over if you want it." クリスマスイブの本日は15:00〜24:00で営業しております🎄 ありがたいことに大変多くのお問い合わせをいただいてまして、本日はご予約で満席になっております。 お席空き次第(21:00頃が予想されます)わずかにご案内できますので、ご来店前にお電話でご確認ください 明日は臨時休業です。ご了承ください🙇‍♂️ ・ 【年末年始の営業とお席の状況】 12/24(土)15:00〜24:00 満席 12/25(日)臨時休業 12/26(月)13:00〜22:00 空きあり 12/27(火)13:00〜22:00 夜は満席 12/28(水)13:00〜22:00 夜は満席 12/29(木)13:00〜22:00 夜は満席 12/30〜1/3年末年始休暇 1/4(水)13:00〜22:00 かなり空きあり 1/5(木)13:00〜22:00 ガラガラ 1/6(金)18:00〜24:00 空きあり 1/7(土)15:00〜24:00 空きあり 1/8(日)13:00〜22:00 ガラガラ 1/9(月)13:00〜22:00 ガラガラ ・ ご予約、お問い合わせは0466-66-6409、またはinstagram、メッセンジャーまでお待ちしてます🎶 (Auto Reserveでのご予約は承っておりません) *ハヤシコウさんデザインのMONKの4周年ポスター、好評販売中です‼️ ・ お店の営業時間にかかる音楽をイメージして作ったプレイリストがApple music、Spotifyにてお聴きいただけます🎧 最新版の選曲はインストゥルメンタルのみ、バーバリックワークスのビールの名前の元ネタにもなっている"WHISTLE SONG"も収録です。 ぜひお楽しみくださいませ♬ ・ Apple music↓ https://music.apple.com/jp/playlist/instrumental-mood-13-00-22-00/pl.u-06oxDWAIWX3z8rG?l=en ・ Spotify↓ https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7cSS00XIJZ1N50TTpdzU9G?si=1qjyfyObQ1iwpAVvD2Nd2g ・ ・ ・ #monk #monktsujido #辻堂 #辻堂昼飲み #辻堂ディナー #辻堂ワインバー #辻堂イタリアン #ナチュラルワイン #vinnaturel #vinonaturale #naturalwine #craftbeer #finefood #apero #aperitivo #愛ある食卓 #drappier #brutnature #champagne #jimmysmith #christmascookin #warisoverifyouwantit #御酒vin帖 #お一人様歓迎 (MONK Tsujido) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmifHGNvoWj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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swirlwineconsulting · 3 months
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The Last Supper by Phillip Smeeton
Spring Forward to Wines for Easter and Passover
It is no wonder that Easter and Passover often occur so close together, even overlap in some years during the seven days Passover is observed in Israel and the eight days elsewhere among the Jewish diaspora.  After all, the Last Supper was, in fact, a Seder. Redemption and salvation are the central themes of the Judeo-Christian ties between these highest of holy days. I was blessed to experience the breadth of these themes growing up in a blended family of Catholics and Sephardic Jews, hearing the stories and eating the food. The relationship is reflected not just on the calendar; but in the meals partaken by observers at either or both tables. So much is shared in common, except of course, pork, leavened bread, shellfish and mixing dairy and meat; but that’s a different story. Wine was at the center of each meal, especially for early Christians for whom it was safer than the local water to drink.
Let’s design a list of wine pairings to bridge the gap-satisfy most palates without bending too many “kashrut” rules. For Passover you need Kosher wines, wines made by Sabbath-observant Jews with no non-kosher additives used in the process.  Kosher status is typically denoted by the letter U or K in a circle, with a P in superscript. “Mevushal” wines are flash-pasteurized so they can be handled by non-observant folks yet remain kosher. At Seder each adult will sip from four cups of wine, representing the redemption of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery. A fifth cup is left unconsumed and reserved for the prophet Elijah. I like to propose five or six wines, to keep things interesting. Those celebrating the Resurrection of Christ can pair one wine with each course; serve one white and one red or stick with Welch’s-no judgement here.
So feel free to pass on the Manischewitz, my suggestions, like champagne, go with everything and will pair well with carrot tzimmes for Passover as well as that ubiquitous spiral cut ham on Easter. For starters- Champagne Drappier-The Drappier family tree can be traced back to1604. Since 2016, the eighth generation of the Drappier family incorporates animals and nature preservation, ploughing parts of the organically-farmed vineyard by horse and earning “Carbon Neutral” accreditation.  Drappier estate creates a wide array of Pinot Noir based demi-sec to extra brut cuvees, including “sans soufre” or zero dosage (added sugar), zero sulphur added bottlings, all delicious.
For the meal-Psagot Rosé is a blend of red varietals harvested from vineyards in the Northern Jerusalem Mountains. It is a beautiful salmon colored, dry wine with aromas of pink grapefruit and lemon zest. Psagot Edom is a well-rounded proprietary Bordeaux blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, and Petit Verdot. Balanced and harmonious, it has a rich and wide structure with layered flavors and aromas.  Ditch the mint jelly and pair this with a garlicky roasted leg of lamb or braised lamb shanks for Seder or Easter dinner. Check Total Wine for the wines listed above, quickly as they sell out fast this time of year.
Not all kosher wines are made in Israel and not all wines made in Israel are kosher. Ask your local merchant for recommendations.  Other kosher producers that I like include Tulip, Flam and Teperberg…wineries that  make wonderful wines from Israel to round out your kosher friendly list.  For further biblical references, I turn to Palestine and Armenia for non-kosher but relevant selections. Cremisan Wine Estate sits on the West Bank of Palestine overlooking Bethlehem, in a monastery established in 1885 by Italian Monks making an array of wines using organically grown, auctochthonous, Palestinean grapes. Star of Bethlehem Dabouki is a super crisp white wine which smashed my misconceptions of winemaking in what I presumed was a day and night hot desert. This delightful wine has all the hallmarks of a moderate to cool climate - clean, stone fruit, tropical fruit notes and beautifully balanced minerality and acidity. Cremisan was the first winery to produce wines from local Palestinian grapes and to test their genetic analysis to confirm which are native to Palestine. The main varietals grown there are Dabouki, Hamdani, Jandali, Baladi, along with Cabernet Sauvignon, Viognier, Petit Verdot and Merlot. They created a unique distillery made of copper, from which Cremisan has produced a brandy now aged for 35 years in oak barrels. In 2020 Cremisan also started to make a unique traditional Arak from 53% Dabouki grapes.
The bible tells us that Noah’s Ark rested upon Mount Ararat, part of which lies in present day Armenia, where Noah planted grapes to celebrate the survival of humanity (my guess is that the animals were also grateful). Rich in historical and biblical references, Armenia is reviving its claim as one of the oldest wine growing regions in the world (Georgia and China argue otherwise; but again, that’s another story). Armenia was also home to one of the worst cases of genocide in the 20th century (please look it up, we should know these things).
My first encounter with Armenian wines took place in Montreux, Switzerland where I met winemaker Zorik of Zorah winery, who returned to Armenia after years in Italy to uncover the history and secrets of more than 6,000 years of winemaking that had been all but wiped out during Soviet rule. Zorik salvaged old vineyards, researched and collected amphora to recreate that rich history which now represents the pinnacle of his now highly prized and allocated wines.
American, Paul Hobbs journeyed from fame as a Napa Valley golden child in the ‘90’s to Argentina, then Cahors, France then further east to create Yacoubian-Hobbs, a collaboration with the Yacoubian brothers in 2008. Reviving such ancient varietals as: Voskehat -or "golden berry" the emblematic white variety of Armenia; Khatuni; Qrdi and Garan Demakor "sheep's tail". I adore the white blend and the red Yacoubian-Hobbs Sarpina of 100% Areni from the southern highlands. I felt like I’d encountered the burning bush in the desert that told me that I had found home. The flavors are like a Burgundian style Pinot blended with St. Joseph Syrah, satiny dark fruit aromas with muddled strawberries, blackberries, pomegranate, black cherries, black pepper, anise and bourbony vanilla.
There is so much to unpack here in the delta where Christianity and Judaism cross paths. So much history and so much yet to be discovered. What better place to start this discovery than at the table? Happy Easter and Chag Pesach Sameach!
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vintagewinevn · 1 year
Rượu Champagne Drappier Cuvee Charles de Gaulle - Vintage Wine Rượu Vang
Rượu Champagne Drappier Cuvee Charles de Gaulle - Vintage Wine Rượu Vang - Xuất xứ: Pháp Vùng: Champagne Thương hiệu: Drappier Giống nho: Pinot Noir, Chardonnay Nồng độ: 12% Vol Loại vang: Vang nổ Quy cách: 750ml - ltzdwl7wu5
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tasteletssee · 2 years
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Must be a Saignee 🍇 Champagne Drappier Rosé de Saignee NV Saignee means blood, this method of making Rose Champagne is made from bleeding off the grapes, the pink juice, made from 100% Pinot Noir grapes, in this instance, are what is fermented @wijnsteijn says the rabbit hole is really deep, with Champagne. It’s definitely wonderland, one lesson at a time #champagnedrappier #exanimo #tasteletssee (at Basalt at the Peech) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjjG_VsKPYb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pitbullruggero82 · 4 years
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yycwine · 4 years
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Celebrating our new cabin in the wilderness with @champagnedrappier and the sublime 2006 vintage of Grande Sendrée Brut. Thanks to @dustinlalonde5 and @ellenbearss for the drop and celebrating this new beginning. #champagne #drappier #grandesendree (at Sunset View, Turtle Lake, SK) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGKgqMDBhy6/?igshid=k6rayjwn2jgy
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chateau-aemkei · 2 years
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Il giovedì #2022 #bareuropaenoteca #piazzamatteotti #carrara #toscana #vinirossi #viniitaliani #chiantiriserva #castellodimonsanto #bollicine #champagne #millesimato #chardonnay #rosso #redwine #amici #aperitivo #tortelli #tordelli #drappier (presso Bar Europa Enoteca) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ca8NvoDsXIj/?utm_medium=tumblr
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theretirementstory · 20 days
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12/5/2024 Another week has passed and with it my granddaughters 6th birthday. The date today is also another memorable one for me as on this date, 40+ years ago, I started working in the job which now pays me a pension 😀.
Looking back through my photos, I remembered my day out in Paris, with Pauline, way back in 2022. We went to see an exhibition at the “institut du monde arabe” being keen on architecture and a lot of Arabic stuff too, it was wonderful to see this beautiful building. We had a lovely day, as at the time Pauline was living in Paris and so was my guide for the day. It was the 27th February and we sat outside “The Panthéon” in the sunshine. What a year of holidays that was! Apart from the day in Paris, I went to stay in Mulhouse for three nights, from there I visited my Turkish friends in Strasbourg, visited the “Cite du train” in Mulhouse and the following day visited “Musee de l’Impression sur etoffes” (Textile Museum) in Mulhouse. In May I had a trip to London and visited so much I needed a holiday to get over that one. Then in August/September I was in the UK again visiting my family. Unfortunately that was the last time I was there, as my trip last year was cancelled due to being in hospital. Reading all that I did, I really wondered how I managed it!
I think I have mentioned before about how not just the lyrics but the music speak to me on records that I love. This week, it’s a virtuoso guitarist, Gary Moore, and the first song is “Still Got The Blues For You” which is from April 1990.
The second song is really Gary Moore’s signature song, it’s from 1978 and it’s “Parisienne Walkways” either sung by Gary Moore or Thin Lizzy I just love this song and I think it fits in well with my current abode.
Pauline paid me a visit yesterday which was lovely. She stayed just short of three hours by which time I was really bushed. She is flying to Italy tomorrow to stay with a friend before returning to Barcelona to start a new job on the 21st of the month.
Thursday was the day of the 32nd fete des plantes at Bergères, a small village that comes alive once a year with stall holders plants, fabricated items for the garden and the chance to rub shoulders with the Mayor of Bar-sur-Aube and sometimes the Mayor of Troyes. This year Mme Marine Le Pen paid a visit, with her bodyguards. I saw photos from the local paper but everyone I spoke to who had been there seemed to have missed her!
My knitting group friends attended the “Champagne Party” at Urville, they had tables selling knitted, sewn, crocheted items, woodworked items and the stained glass items always take up more of the stall than anyone else! The market was over two days, I don’t think they will have sold much, they hadn’t on Friday!
For those in the know, the market was not in the famous Drappier Champagne House but in another champagne house in the village.
“The Photographer” was out photographing the aurora borealis on Friday evenng. Then had to be up early to take his son to a birthday party at a farm, while his sister had her birthday party with friends. It has been great to see my grandson climbing on hay bales. We even had a video call while he was there.
“The Trainee Solicitor” had a good four days at work. He is on the lookout for a cheap car as he starts his Uni course at the end of May and needs “wheels”. He had a good day yesterday, doing some relaxing.
“The Reconnect Navigator” was bushed with her 4 day week but had a lovely time visiting her family, watching football and just generally catching up.
“The Jetsetter” arrived in Vancouver not feeling great, she thinks she picked something up on the plane. However, it didn’t stop her popping over to Vancouver Island and down to Seattle (as you do). I am sure she will be having a fantastic time and more of her adventures will be discovered.
So as I am stuck in this hospital for not quite sure how much longer, it has been nice to share with you again what has been happening in the wider world.
I will be sticking my nose into another Ian Rankin “Rebus” book finding myself in “Auld Reekie” again.
Have a good week until next week.
The Pantheon in Paris.
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yamanori124 · 3 years
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Drappier Carte d'Or Brut NV The Drappier Carte d’Or expresses all the aromas of the noble grape variety Pinot Noir. This in fact constitutes at least 80% of the blend. A red grape producing white juice, it is sought after not only for its structure but also for its very characteristic fine notes of red fruits. #champagne #drappier #新橋 #鮨 #白身魚好きな人と繋がりたい #鮨好きな人と繋がりたい #銀座 #日本酒 #日本酒好きな人と繋がりたい #ワイン #ワイン好きな人と繋がりたい #東京グルメ #東京レストラン #グルメ男子 #グルメ女子 #ワイン女子 #ワイン男子 #カウンター寿司 #コースのみのお店 #鮨好き #隠れ家レストラン #予約困難店 #産地直送 #野菜好きな人と繋がりたい #鮪 #鮪好きと繋がりたい #ペアリング #PinotNoir #chardonnay (鮨折おり) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVx23GyPQya/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yolandashoshana · 4 years
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Currently at the last event of La Fête du Champagne, La Transmission Femmes en Champagne. The panel features women and their contemporary vision of Champagne: Anne Malassagne of AR Lenoble, Maggie Henriquez of Krug, Melanie Tarlant of Tarlant, and Charline Drappier of Drappier with panel moderated by Ariel Arce of of Air's Champagne Parlor. And as Maggie Henriquez just said "Good Champagne before anything is great wine" . 🥂👯‍♂️ Right on Maggie! #champagne #WitchOnWine #winemaker #sparklingwine #drappier #pompette #luxury #lifestyle (at Pressoir.wine Tasting Room & Clubhouse) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGxwW8jjKI4/?igshid=mzr1d2nctwuw
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cathy257 · 7 years
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Gift from old job - Champagne Drappier Carte d’Or Brut. Pinot Noir driven with typical tones of peach and red apples. Me like a lot 😊#champagne #drappier #capgemini
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sipwatchtravel · 2 years
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Cheers to the first #champagne of my 49th year on this planet. I’m sipping Drappier "Carte d'Or" Brut Champagne [grilled Honeycrisp apples, fresh biscuits and honey, Jordan almonds, pickled ginger and crushed pikake flowers]. I’m going to make the last year of my 40s count. The biggest goal on my list? More travel. Less work. What are your goals for 2022? #sipwatchtweet #sommelier #somm #tastingnotes #champagne #champs #farmerfizz #SaturdayVibes #SaturdaySips #BlackHistoryMonth #BlackSomm
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tasteletssee · 2 years
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Monday Champagne Mathematics 🍾✨🥂 Revisiting the @exanimowineco Champagne and Cap Classique Masterclass. @wijnsteijn introduced us to Champagne Drappier Brut Nature NV. What is Brut Nature? This means that there is less than 3g/l of residual sugar. It’s as dry as my jokes. On the sweetness scale: 🥂Brut nature, pas dosé, zéro dosage: 0-3 grams per litre, and no sugar added 🥂Extra brut: 0-6 g/l Brut: 0-12 g/l 🥂Extra dry: 12-17 g/l 🥂Sec / Dry: 17-32 g/l 🥂Demi-sec: 32-50 g/l 🥂Doux:> 50 g/l #TasteLetsSee #ExAnimo #ChampagneDrappier (at Basalt at the Peech) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjicPzhK4Z_/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yycwine · 6 years
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Oooh the 2005 @champagnedrappier Grand Cru Blanc De Blancs is showing so well. Initial aromas of creamy peach oatmeal coming through followed by baked apple. Beautiful acid core that carries this to a lengthy finish. Creamy mousse. Maturing nicely but drinking beautifully. Enjoying with the power couple @dustinlalonde5 and @ellenbearss #champagne #drappier #blancdeblancs #grandcru (at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
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