#ctf widefort
rhinequeen · 1 year
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Renovations in intel! Big basement changes underway and more to come. Finalizing the flanks up from sewers is coming along though I'm less sure about one side. For now though, a much more interesting push into intel.
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rhinequeen · 1 year
Meet thicc 2fort and the rough roadmap for the next steps of development.
And for the people who are here on tumblr, the most important social media website, I've included a special treat of some preview screenshots of the current working version.
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rhinequeen · 1 year
babe, wake up, working skybox just dropped
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rhinequeen · 1 year
I don't have any pictures tonight, but I'm close to the big day! This Wednesday I'm planning to drop the first widefort beta onto the steam workshop. I haven't actually done as much work directly on widefort the past few day because I've been putting a bit more effort into my videos. I didn't expect learning hammer to blossom into a second hobby but I'm finding making YouTube videos gives me an opportunity to take a break from hammer while still engaging with my hyper fixation. Plus I got to infodump to a couple hundred people.
More tweaks and changes in store once the feedback starts coming in on the workshop, though I have a pretty good feeling that a lengthened flank from top sewer, lowered water level and wide bridge will be contenders for the final version. The wide bridge especially will be good for a 5cp variant of widefort.
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rhinequeen · 1 year
Another widefort update. Gotta tidy up the props in the yard but for now this is what the center yard is gonna look like.
Next up is larger projects in the base interior. Ideas in my brain right now is a route from sewer room, under spawn to the lower courtyard; and a route from the top of sewer stairs to somewhere nearby intel. I also plan to open up the intel room, replacing the two small corner halls with a more open room and some cover.
There have been a few comments on YT suggesting that this may work as a 5CP map and I like the idea of that. Points would most likely be bridge, courtyards, intel rooms and it would give a purpose to the basement resupply room as a backspawn. Though in that case I'd open the backspawn up with another exit directly to intel room for that frantic final point defence.
Lots to consider as this project takes off! I have no excuse to be bored these days and thankfuly downloading Hammer++ has made working on this just that little bit smoother.
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rhinequeen · 1 year
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A peek at what I've been working on for widefort tonight. The canal is even and I'm thinking about a possible side crossing that allows for a bit of a jump. It's not exactly one way, but you gotta make the jump or get damp. Thought it was a fun way across that was a bit different from another bridge.
Lots of wind in my area and I am desperately hammering ctrl+s everytime the lights flicker.
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rhinequeen · 1 year
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Got the next video scheduled for upload tomorrow. The video work is done for the moment, getting back to the map by ironing out some cheeky sniper sight lines in the courtyard. Being able to stare right into the battlements spawn door from across the map is silly. Plus the health and ammo have a bit of cover now.
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rhinequeen · 1 year
Basically all the big work is done now! I am super relieved to be coming to the end of this project. I didn't expect widefort to be a month+ long project when I sat down and started hacking apart my favorite tf2 map. The response so far has been incredible and I'm already starting to plan some new maps I could make.
I figure for my first from scratch map I should do something smaller so I'm thinking a koth map. I really liked Megalo's moving point and have a decent concept I think.
After that I want to make a medieval mode map! But that's still very far off.
In the meantime I'll probably playtest widefort with some bots and friends to make sure everything is up to snuff.
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rhinequeen · 1 year
Another big widefort update! Progress has been good even with a busy personal life. But widefort makes it all better. Enjoy this proper update video while I work on sinking my teeth into the final stretch of widening this fort.
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rhinequeen · 1 year
More widefort updates tonight. Put some cover in the courtyard so that it's a bit more dynamic. Similarly, overhauled the intel room with cover for a push. More open, but not wide open.
You can also see a second exit from spawn that drops into the upcoming sewer flank. Lots of people have been saying a lot about the sewers. The higher water level is a point of contention, but I stand by it since I have made the sewer a more valuable flank since it has short routes to team yard on one side and a new route to intel from the top of the traditional sewers. Though I am considering making the health and ammo pack in the sewer smaller. Not sure yet.
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