#crystal tower questline
theimperialnuisance · 9 months
FFXIV Write 2023 || FFXIV Write info\\Prompt list\\Character info \\Master post ||
Prompt 3: Free day! (Memory)
something remembered from the past; a recollection.
Character(s): Kien Eilath (aged 19/20) G'raha Tia Cw: mentions of past abuse if you squint Word count: 2393 Notes:  I love free days cause either I’ll revisit an old unfinished prompt or I’ll ask my friends to give me a word! Today I decided to revisit an old prompt that I meant to do for a free day last year but never got around to it. Readmore for length as again, I had time to work on this one so it’s long but I am rather proud of it. It’s basically the first of G’raha and Kien’s many meetings that formed their friendship. Takes place immediately after Syrcus Tower in the CT questline.
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Kien woke up slowly, the top of the tent blurring into focus as he blinked open his eyes. For a moment, he tried to recall the reason as to why he was sleeping in a tent rather than back at Rising Stones but the memory of when he actually went to sleep was lost on him. What happened yesterday? The only thing he could clearly recall was spending the evening with G’raha Tia talking about the Allagan Empire while flipping through various tomes they had found during their excursions in the Crystal Tower that morning. Beyond that, however, Kien didn’t know when he had actually fallen asleep or how he had gotten to the cot in the first place.
He sat up and stretched, wincing a bit as his arms were still a bit sore from yesterday before glancing around to see the cot across from him had been slept in but its occupant was already awake. With a yawn, Kien decided to leave the tent for some fresh air, not surprised to see the horizon was just beginning to show signs of the sunrise. The rest of the Find was still asleep, save for G’raha Tia who was crouching by the long extinguished fire, mindlessly poking the ashen logs with a stick. Kien quietly approached him hoping the other would hear him as his ears twitched at the sound of his approach but he still jolted, nearly dropping the stick as Kien got closer. 
“Ah, apologies, I was hoping you’d hear my footsteps.” Kien sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck as G’raha visibly relaxed once he knew who it was.
“Kien—ah, no, I was lost in thought,” G’raha muttered, his cheeks turning slightly pink. He cleared his throat and tossed the stick to the side before straightening back up to his full height. “I couldn’t sleep so I came out here for some fresh air…I hope I didn’t wake you when I left the tent?”
Kien shook his head. “I used to be on my tribe’s day watch so early mornings come naturally for me.” He explained, shrugging his shoulders. “Even if I’m exhausted, I cannot seem to sleep past the sunrise.”
“And exhausted you were,” G’raha chuckled. “If I remember correctly, you were still insisting to help even as Cid dragged you off to the tent—and then you were telling him you had to return to the Rising Stones and not stay here too late or the others will get suspicious?” His eyes sparkled in amusement as Kien blinked at him in confusion, his ears flattening slightly.
“Seven hells,” Kien groaned as he felt his cheeks beginning to flush. “Did I really say all of that?” When the red-haired Miqo’te nodded, Kien felt as if he could melt on the spot despite the cool morning air. “I apologise to you for having to witness that.” Kien couldn’t bring himself to look the other in the eye, too embarrassed for letting his guard drop that much. 
G’raha let out a laugh. “It’s quite alright…I thought it was cute.” 
Kien snapped his gaze up, his cheeks heating up again for an entirely different reason as he watched G’raha grin, his tail swishing playfully. He quickly turned his gaze away to fake a cough, attempting to bring down his heart rate, unaware the other was just as flustered as he was. 
A moment of silence passed as they tried to gather themselves before G’raha cleared his throat and continue to speak. “Though, I’m full glad Rammbores had a spare cot for you…with how out of it you were, I was almost sure you wouldn’t have even made it back to the Rising Stones before collapsing again…tis good to see you had a good rest.”
“Oh, I meant to thank you for yesterday,” Kien suddenly said, the memory of G’raha’s timely arrow protecting him when he was down because of the vision flashing through his mind. G’raha had asked him about it later that evening and Kien explained to him what had happened and the two were so caught up in discussing the vision that he never got a chance to thank him. “…the echo can sometimes occur during the most critical moments and leave me in a vulnerable state…had it not been for you, I’m sure I would have been shot down by one of those clones yesterday so…thank you for saving me.”
G’raha took a moment to soak in his words, a small but genuine smile playing across his face, his cheeks turning slightly pink. “Oh, ‘tis nothing,” he began humbly, gaining a sudden interest in his boots. “I saw the clone approaching you from behind as soon as you collapsed and just acted on impulse…I’m glad you did not come to any harm.” He then looked back up, his tone full of playfulness. “I did tell you I was quite skilled with the bow, didn’t I? I’m full glad I had the chance to prove it, even if the circumstances were not the best.” He smiled a bit sadly, the reality of the situation sinking in again. “We’ll save them yet…” He muttered. “We have to.”
“I know we will.” Kien reassured and G’raha nodded. A sudden thought struck him. “What about you then?”
“Hmm? What about me?” G’raha asked as he titled his head.
“Your eye seemed to be giving you a lot of trouble yesterday…” Kien began slowly, watching as the other became a little tense. “Is it still bothering you?”
“Ah, right…” he fidgeted slightly, as if embarrassed. “Mayhap we could go for a walk? It seems the others have yet to wake and it may help us better prepare for the day ahead.”
Kien blinked, the sudden shift of topic was not what he was expecting but still nodded all the same. “Sure, I’d like that.”
G’raha smiled and swept his arm out to the side in an ‘after you’ gesture, and the two took off down the path. The first half of the walk was silent—the two automatically made for the Eight Sentinels and did not speak again until they were climbing up the steps to the platforms; both seemed to have a great deal on their mind with no idea on how to address it. 
Finally, G’raha spoke as they came to the edge of the platform that granted a perfect view of the Crystal Tower and sat down. “Forgive me for my sudden change of topic,” G’raha began quietly. “I didn't mean to brush off your concern but your question caught me off guard and I was unsure on how to respond at that moment.”
“Why would you say something like that?” Kien asked as he glanced at other who kept his gaze fixed on the Crystal Tower shining in the distance.
“I guess it’s because I’m not used to it?” G’raha shrugged sheepishly. He sighed, taking a moment to gather his thoughts before explaining. “Being born with one red eye, I did not have the most pleasant of childhoods…” He glanced over at Kien, his expression grim. “You know what they say: children can be cruel...My father would always tell me that our eye was important and I should be proud of it but…the other children in my tribe did not seem to agree and they treated me as an outcast which resulted in my relationship with my tribe as a whole to become strained.”
“All because of something you had no control being born with,” Kien said quietly, knowing full well what that was like. “That must have been difficult.”
G’raha hummed as he nodded his head, bringing a hand up to touch his red eye. “I’ll admit, it was difficult at first but the stories my father told me drove me forward to study all I could about the Allag and I started to worry less about what my tribe thought and more about uncovering the truth of our eye…and the day I was accepted to study in Sharlayan to become an Archon, oh how happy I was.” He smiled fondly, bringing his gaze to the tower again. “Full glad I am to be here now, mayhap I’ll return to my tribe to tell them all that I achieved…but…that day will have to wait, there are more important things to do and I know I’m close to uncovering the truth.”
“You should be proud,” Kien smiled after a moment of silence. “You’re one of the greatest scholars on the Allagan Empire that I know, and that’s coming from someone who’s from Meracydia.” He watched as G’raha’s eyes grew wide before softening into admiration, unable to form a verbal reply as he nodded his head in thanks. Kien smiled as he continued to speak. “I wish I could be proud of my past but I still think I have a long way to go—I still hide my eye away in fear of what others may think even though I’ve met far greater people than those in my tribe…” He trailed away, his gaze falling to his lap.
 “You do not give yourself enough credit, my friend.” G’raha said quietly, as he glanced over at Kien who kept his gaze away. “If I may ask, is that how you got that scar?” His eyes flicked briefly to the thin scar that traced Kien’s right amber eye, hidden well behind his dark hair. His expression softened when the other tensed slightly.
Kien inhaled a breath, curling his hands softly on top of his knees as he carefully nodded, releasing some of the tension in his shoulders. “Like you, my eye was the reason why I was shunned by my tribe…it served as a sign that I was a result of a broken tradition—that I was born of mixed blood.” He paused, a sigh escaping him. “I was told my mother and I should have been banished but she died before that could happen and one of my older sister’s took pity on me and raised me.” He paused,leaning back a bit on his hands. “I guess when my mother was still alive, she highly favored me over my older brother for some reason and he got jealous.”
“So your brother was the one who…?” G’raha trailed off, unable to finish his question, shock and anger burning his throat when Kien nodded grimly.
“My older sister who looked out for me was away on a hunting trip, and that was the day he decided to take his years of built of resentment out on me.” He brought a hand to his eye to trace the scar, the memory still painfully clear. “I tired to run away after that but when you live in an unforgiving wasteland, it’s not easy to survive on your own.” 
“So then…you went back?” 
“I had to,” Kien nodded as he let out a breath. “I told myself I would bide my time, endure the sneers and taunts just until I was able to fend for myself and leave. But then suddenly, my tribe elder allowed me to join the nightly hunts and leaving became the last thing on my mind.” he laughed, albeit bitterly. “I was so blinded with eagerness to finally prove my worth to them–to my brother, dispute everything he ever did to me. It was then I started to experience the Echo—though I did not know what it was at the time and I dared not say anything to my tribe for fear of being shunned again...and then one day, I received a vision that caused me to collapse and when I came to, I found out I ruined an entire hunt and it put me right back where I started without being able to prove anything more apart from what I already was to them—a burden.”
 “You cannot blame yourself for that,” G’raha said gently. “Especially if it was because of something you had no control over.”
 “I know, and it took a long time for me to come to terms with that but if anything, I’m grateful that the Echo occurred at that time.” Kien said as he brought his gaze to the sky above. “If not for that, I would have blindly stayed longer with my tribe until the next mistake, and even then, would I have been lucky to find someone so willing to accept my exchange and allow me passage to Eorzea like Ranald was?”
G’raha closed his eyes as he brought his gaze back to his lap. “Along with all the stories he told me, my father also told me that certain things happen for a reason…” he smiled softly, leaning back to gaze up at the tower again. “So, in a strange way, I’m glad the Echo was gifted to you at that time, otherwise I wouldn’t have had the chance to meet you and hear all the stories of your adventures.” Kien brought his gaze to G’raha, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.
 “And, though I’m sure it won’t make much of a difference coming from me, as I too have an odd eye and might be a bit biased,” he turned to meet Kien’s gaze with a smile, “but, your amber eye is a gift, and you should be proud of it too. Mayhap one day there will be a day I can see it without it being covered by your hair, but take all the time you need.” He bumped into Kien’s shoulder gently, smiling when their eyes met but just as quickly, they both turned away, G’raha clearing his throat and Kien faking a cough in order to hide their blushing faces.
 “Well now, I think it’s time we head back, don’t you?” G’raha looked up as the sun began to creep higher into the morning sky. He stood up and brushed himself off, offering a hand for Kien to take. “If we stay here any longer, I think your friends will get suspicious when they arrive back at camp.” He winked.
Kien rolled his eyes but still grinned all the same. “Very funny, G’raha.” he said as he accepted G’raha’s hand and was hoisted to his feet. They both paused, sharing a smile with each other before making their way back to the Find, energies renewed and ready to take on the next task within the Crystal Tower. 
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otherworldseekers · 2 years
Severia x Nero Timeline: ARR edition
I don’t know how long it’s going to take me to actually finish my fic so here’s the timeline in detail as the next best thing. 
HW timeline | StB timeline
*Links lead to relevant writing or gposes for those parts of the story.*
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Year 5 since the Calamity
Severia is 24
~Severia first encounters Nero in the Praetorium. She believes he has died in the ensuing destruction. 
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~Severia runs into the Outlandish Man in Revenant’s Toll and as a result joins the Crystal Tower expedition with the Sons of Saint Coinach and Cid and the Ironworks. 
~About 2 weeks later the doors to Syrcus Tower are opened and Nero shows up to insinuate himself into the group. 
(Something’s Gotta Give chapter 1)
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~A few days later, Cid sends Severia to escort Nero to Ul’dah to obtain machinery the expedition needs. They take the land route to Ul’dah as Nero cannot teleport and Cid doesn’t trust him near the Enterprise.
~Nero does his best to warm Severia to him over the course of their journey and though she resists, he makes a bet that by the time they return to Mor Dhona she will have changed her mind. 
(Something’s Gotta Give chapter 2)
~They reach their destination, and Severia finds it increasingly difficult to ignore her growing attraction. 
(Something’s Gotta Give chapter 3)
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~With their order put in to the Goldsmiths and nothing to do but wait, Severia takes Nero to the Gold Saucer to kill time. Toward the end of the day just as they are leaving, Godbert Manderville recognizes her and coerces her into attending the charity gala he is holding at the Saucer that night for the benefit of the widows and orphans of the Garlean invasion.
(Something’s Gotta Give chapter 4)
~Severia and Nero are provided with formal attire by the Saucer to attend the gala. But Severia finds the event too overwhelming and Nero takes her in hand, encouraging her to ignore everyone but him.
~Severia is beginning to enjoy herself when Godbert Manderville announces to the attendees that he will auction off a dance with the Warrior of Light. This comes as a surprise to Severia who panics. Nero leads her out of the ball room and looks for a place they can escape to for a little while.
(Something’s Gotta Give Chapter 5)
~While they hide from Godbert, their relationship takes a rapid leap forward. But it’s not long before they are found.
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~Nero comes tp Severia’s defense but Severia comes up with a plan to appease Godbert without sacrificing her own comfort. After the auction dance has been resolved, Severia refuses to leave Nero’s side. They manage to enjoy the rest of the Gala together.
Something’s Gotta Give chapter 6
~Nero escorts Severia to her guest room after the gala is over, but before they say goodnight, he suggests that they spend the night together. Severia turns him down. 
~The following morning, Severia is determined to pretend the previous evening didn’t happen. They return to Ul’dah to pick up the machinery parts and leave immediately to return to Mor Dhona.
~On their way north through Thanalan, they are surprised by an unexpectedly fierce thunderstorm. Severia has another panic attack and ends up falling unconscious, forcing Nero to find a cave they can shelter in until the storm is over. 
~In the morning Severia, embarrassed, tells Nero a sparse account of the childhood trauma that causes her fear of storms but makes him promise not to tell anyone else. 
~They arrive at Saint Coinach’s Find and Cid and Nero immediately begin work on the device they need to crack the final obstacles to the Tower. 
~Cid asks Severia if something happened between her and Nero. He convinces her that Nero has only been manipulating her the whole time. 
~The night before Severia is supposed to enter the Tower, Nero finds her stargazing on the terrace past the Sentinels. They talk and Nero tries to kiss her again, but Severia pushes him away and says that she simply can’t trust him and that it would probably be best if, after the expedition is finished, they never see each other again. 
~The following morning Severia strides into the Tower and begins clearing it. 
~That evening the expedition climbs to the top of the Tower together. Events proceed as in game. Nero is sucked into the World of Darkness. Severia blames herself. 
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~While Cid and the others are working on a way to open the portal to the WoD, Severia is called away to investigate the Keeper of the Lake and is sidetracked by the attack of Nabriales. Having been unable to save Moenbryda, Severia’s fears for Nero grow stronger. 
~About a week after the portal was first opened, Cid and co. manage to gain access to the WoD again and send Severia through. Events proceed much as in game. 
~But as they are escaping back toward the portal and Nero begins to fall behind, Severia refuses to leave his side. They argue but she is determined to get him back at any cost. Finally Nero uses the last of his strength to pick her up and throw her into the portal. The rest happens as in game. 
~At first Nero seems to be fine, but as the group makes its way back to the Find he suddenly collapses and soon drifts into a coma from all the void damage he had taken. 
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~Nero is watched over at the Find by Rammbroes and Severia spends as much time sitting with him as she can manage, but he shows no signs of improvement. 
~Severia is called away to Ul’dah for the infamous banquet and as a result is never able to return to Saint Coinach’s Find.
~Nero eventually awakens after Severia is in Ishgard. Rammbroes hands Nero the brief note Severia left for him. It says simply: You win.
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sebille · 1 month
i'm like ............... so few quests away from getting to the part where the story is supposed to get good i can smell it i can T A S T E it
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schluesselschwert · 2 months
Small info for my mutuals who play Final Fantasy XIV: I now know enough about the game to understand (some) spoilers when I see them, so I'm now blocking the tags (with a very heavy heart bc I love this game and I love seeing fanworks for it)
If anyone thinks something isn't a spoiler and I should see it / might like it you can tag it as 'dia look' and I'll do exactly that! ... You can also do that for stuff that isn't FF14 actually if you want to :')
Love you all, thanks for filling my days with all the wonderful stuff you share! <3
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toastsnaffler · 3 months
3.5 hours left at work 1 hour to get home 45 mins to work out 30 mins to cook & eat 15 mins to shower and then ELDEN RINGGG <3
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hallowed-nebulae · 1 year
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this has been my experience ever since the start of the crystal tower questline. it's been nothing but G'raha Tia Syndrome ever since the first of february. help
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mosthuggableffxiv · 11 months
As Promised: The G'raha Essay
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Full text below
While initially pretty annoying in his debut questline of the Crystal Tower raids, G'raha Tia has proved himself to be the person in all 14 shards most devoted to the Warrior of Light. Not only was he willing to throw away his life in the present to protect the world from misuse of the Crystal Tower, but he then spent 100 years slowly and PAINFULLY turning into crystal and fusing with the Tower just to yank the Warrior of Light across dimensions to save both their life and the future of both the Source and the First.
We know from patch 5.3 that the crystallisation process is incredibly painful and draining on G'raha's body, and the poor thing is literally crying out in pain during some of those cutscenes. When we first encounter him at the start of 5.0 his entire right arm has already crystallised. Moreover, I'd like to draw attention to the fact that the crystallisation by this point is already encroaching into his face, and one can only imagine that the pain from that must have been unbearable. We can therefore deduce that G'raha Tia has spent a hundred years slowly and periodically experiencing the pure agony of his body literally turning to crystal while he attempted to transport the Warrior of Light across the Rift. Furthermore, as we have seen in the MSQ, drawing upon the aether of the Tower guarantees a burst of the crystallisation process, which means that every time he pulled a scion across the rift, including the WoL, he experienced indescribable pain.
Not only can we reflect upon the physical pain he has undergone for us, but he must have also gone through incredible emotional pain. Firstly, the horror of waking up in a world post eighth calamity, where everyone he knew is dead, but also discovering the horrific fate that had taken the WoL. That alone would be enough to break most people, but not G'raha Tia. This man then went on to survive in this post-apocalyptic hellscape, which we know was a world akin to the nightmarish landscape of the Fallout series, which can only have added to his trauma, but also managed to discover a way to change history and prevent those horrors from ever happening.
Moreso, upon arriving in the First, he not only survived another nightmare-fuel world full of sin eaters, but managed to build an entire city and community, all while spending A HUNDRED YEARS preparing for his own death just to save the WoL's life. How many people would be capable of doing that? Especially when they knew their plan did not even have a guarantee of success?
This man must have lost countless friends and loved ones spending an entire century building and leading the Crystarium. We know from how he took in Lyna that he did not isolate himself, and made himself beloved by the city's people. The emotional toll that each death and loss over a century must have taken is incredible. And if his plan had gone as intended, he would have done all this without his name or true identity being known or remembered for it, even by the person he was trying most of all to save.
And then, when his true name was called at the end, and his identity revealed, he cried. He has shown time and again that he allows himself to show emotional vulnerability; even after spending a century working in secret and suffering so much, he still was not afraid to cry. And not just then, but at the end of 5.0 and 6.0 as well. He bravely shows the WoL his whole self, rather than hide anymore.
After returning to the Source, we see a change in G'raha Tia that has only convinced me even more that he is the most huggable character in FFXIV. With a new, and unexpected, life ahead of him, we see a playfulness in G'raha that had been dampened before. We see adorable ear wiggles, and him allowing himself to fanboy and get excitable. We see him has cheeseburger... and it is glorious. It is so unabashedly cute, that even if we discounted all of the above he would still be the most huggable character in all of FFXIV. His little arm rub when he's nervous or embarrassed is too freaking cute.
In conclusion, G'raha Tia has faced unimaginable emotion and physical pain for over a century to save the future and the Warrior of Light. He survived immense trauma and still remains able to show his vulnerability and emotions, and look damn cute while at it too. Plus, fluffy ears and tail. I rest my case.
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haurchesnaps · 2 months
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Crystal Tower questline
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chaobunnyarts · 9 months
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Some lore on Grimm's parents and siblings below the cut!
Originally in my lore Grimm became an adventurer/postman because his family threw him out for being bad at everything BUT I have retconned that and now he has alive parents and many siblings and a great relationship with all of them! They're a perfectly normal family except for the whole "giant crabs constantly attack their town" situation. Papa M’arven flips crabs with gravity magic and Mama Grimm combos them with her axe. Grimm’s older siblings run a crab cake bar. This cat family is the only thing standing between the town and the crabs.
I've shoved Grimm's original backstory onto his parents instead. His mom reconnects with her family sometime pre-ARR, and his dad reconnects with his family after Stormblood when it's safe for him to travel to Gyr Abania. Papa M'arven is cousins with M'rahz, which makes M'naago and Grimm second cousins.
The Middle Brother comes from the Crystal Tower questline, because when I was playing through it my husband leaned over and said "hey that guy waaay in the background looks kind of like your guy. They should be brothers."
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voidsentprinces · 1 month
...still can't believe Ishikawa waited nearly 10 years to pay off a simple and enigmatic morse code heard at the end of the Crystal Tower questline.
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highpriestyt · 2 months
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This week well be moving onto the black mage quest, and hopefully doing the crystal tower questline. With a link to the past we should be clearing a good chunk of the dark world by the weeks end
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violet-stormbringer · 19 hours
Template from here!!
Stolen from @kuroimarzipan!
Violet Stormbringer as a Recruitable NPC
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Name: Mystic Knight Violet Silverlake, Bringer of Storms Alternate Name or Alias?: Violet Stormbringer / Queen Behemoth (Arena/Tournament) Race & Job: Half-Giantess, Mystic Knight Nickname(s): Vio, Queen B. Default Tarot Card: Knight of Cups
Do they have the Echo? If so, how did they discover it?: No. Violet isn't from Etheirys, so no Echo. She's also pure Dynamis, no Aether to speak of.
How/where does the WoL meet them?: If WoL ever takes up Culinarian, during that questline, Violet can be seen in the background, and eventually she becomes an NPC to whom the WoL has to report to for a task. Outside of that, she's one of the adventurers hired for the Crystal Tower Raids, and meets the WoL there!
How are they recruited into the Scions?: Violet's true loyalty being to an entirely different star makes her an ideal candidate to the Scions, seeing as she has no allegiance here to sway her opinion in a neutral organization like the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.
Unfortunately, she refuses to join them until the end of Stormblood, where she gets pulled to The First during The Crystal Exarch's Gacha Rolling. She becomes a Scion strictly to return to The Source, but during the course of Shadowbringers, she warms up to the idea and starts to consider herself as part of the team.
Romanceable?: Yes, monogamous lesbian romance only. (Will not enter into a poly relationship, and will explicitly turn down men.)
Where they are in the open world:
Culinarian's Guild.
The Quicksands.
Her restaurant in Ul'dah.
Final Prayer.
Browsing the Hunt Bills at Maelstrom Command.
(Heavensward only) Lightfeather Proving Grounds, participating in any public matches.
(Post Endwalker only) Maker's Meet in Old Sharlyan, cooking.
Default saying: (when you want to talk to them in open world, how do they respond?)
(At Culinarian's Guild) “Well well, if it ain't my favorite problem! Apologies, but I'm a tad busy, catch y'later!"
(At The Quicksands) “Don't let her adorable look fool 'ya, Momodi is a monster at Triple Triad. If I drank alcohol and played Triple Triad, she'd have me under her thumb like she does the rest o'this lot."
(At her restaurant) “[WoL]! Was wondering when you'd drop in! You want the regular stuff, aye, or are you thinkin' about changing it up on me?"
(At Final Prayer) "You know, back home, there's a giant tree in the center of the central continent. Looking up at the Burning Wall makes me feel the same way as staring at that tree does. It's nice. [Pause.] ...Sorry, can I be alone? I'll catch up, promise."
(Browsing the Hunt Bills) "[WoL]! You lookin' to brush up by goin' after some nasty beasties? We can make a competition of it!"
(At Lightfeather Proving Grounds) She can't be talked to here, but you can watch her fights and she'll pick from a list of her unique battle cries.
(When cooking at Maker's Meet) “Spices make the world go round! At least, that's what th'Guildmaster told me. And y'know what? He were right!"
What do they typically do off-screen?: If she's not cooking, she's probably brushing up on her fighting skills by hunting or participating in various duels/tournaments whenever they show up.
Things they Generally Approve of:
standing up for the little guy
not suffering insults
offering to spar
having fun
mutual friendly teasing
negotiating for more money, but not so much that it would render someone destitute.
easing any suffering, regardless of standing or alignment.
being asked to do paperwork
Things they Generally Disapprove of:
bullying of any kind
referring to tribe races (kobold, sahagin, etc) in a derogatory manner
being too serious
looking down on anybody with disabilities/prosthetics.
not taking her seriously because of her prosthetic.
being too greedy
adding more suffering to the world, regardless of standing or alignment.
lying to her about her cooking. if it sucks, tell her.
picking violence as a first resort.
Are they in a Grand Company? Which one?: She is in the Maelstrom solely so she could participate in The Hunt. When she's given the okay to keep hunting without military status, she resigns. She never made it past Second Storm Lieutenant.
Nanamo ul Namo (wife)
Alisaie Leveilleur (scion)
Alphinaud Leveilleur (scion)
Thancred (scion)
G'raha Tia (scion, "Red", man who yoinked her to Etheirys and then to The First)
Meteion (met her instead of the WoL, constantly thinks about her)
Small side mission(s):
Violet needs help recalling exactly what it is her Rolanberry Cheesecake is missing. It's important for her first date with Nanamo. Unfortunately, she can't go out and buy a slice because she spent all her gil on the ingredients! So it's up to you to procure a Rolanberry Cheescake (HQ) and bring it back to Violet Stormbringer!
She's also present during the Culinarian Questline, and as such, doing this helps towards her approval.
Doing B and A Rank hunts with her is also always an option.
At some point during Shadowbringers, Violet leaves the party as she begins to succumb to the Excess of Light that's being stored within her. Defeating her will return her status as a party member and max out her approval(if not done so already)
Potential tarot card changes:
During Shadowbringers side questline: Ten of Cups Reversed.
After Shadowbringers side questline (and romanced by the WoL): Queen of Cups.
After Shadowbringers side questline (and not romanced by the WoL): Knight of Cups.
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old-hunter-henryk · 10 months
This post aims to strictly serve as a collection of canon information about the Bloodhound Knights. This primarily means where they can all be found in the game, and any relevant item descriptions. Please let me know if you find anything I've missed. A bit of a long post, so I'm putting everything beyond this point under the cut.
Bloodhound Knights are a enemy found in only a few places in the Lands Between. They come in the form of bosses, Spirit Ashes, regular enemies, and summoned by Rennala during her second phase. As follows there are
In the Forlorn Hound's Evergaol in Limgrave, where the boss Bloodhound Knight Darriwil can be found. He is one of the two Bloodhound Knights given a name, drops the Bloodhound's Fang curved greatsword upon defeat, and is a part of Blaidd the Half-Wolf's questline.
In the Lakeside Crystal Cave in Liurnia, where the boss simply called a Bloodhound Knight can be found. It drops the Cerulean Amber Medallion.
The Bloodhound Knight Floh Ashes are dropped by the Red Wolf of the Champion upon defeat in the Gelmir Hero's Grave. He is the other of two Bloodhound Knights given a name.
One can be found in Raya Lucaria in Liurnia, clinging onto the gate beyond the Isolated Merchant, near a Celestial Dew.
In the Swamp Lookout Tower in Caelid, where the Eternal Darkness sorcery can be found.
In front of the Gelmir Knight Set in the Gelmir Hero's Grave. It also drops the entire Bloodhound Knight Set upon defeat.
Behind a hidden wall in the Volcano Manor in Mt. Gelmir. It drops the Bloodhound Claws upon defeat.
Rennala, Queen of the Full Moon can summon a Bloodhound Knight in her second phase. She does not have dialogue for this summon.
Various item descriptions related to Bloodhound Knights.
The Bloodhound's Fang curved greatsword, dropped by Bloodhound Knight Darriwil:
"Curved greatsword with a gently undulating blade wielded by Bloodhound Knights. A fearsome blade capable of brutal airborne attacks."
The Bloodhound Knight Floh Ashes, dropped by the Red Wolf of the Champion:
"Ashen remains in which spirits yet dwell. Use to summon the spirit of Floh, the Bloodhound Knight. Spirit of a Bloodhound Knight they called the Rabid Stray. Will attack without pause immediately after being summoned. Floh vowed that there was only one lord he would ever serve: a true king. And so, the Rabid Stray never found a master."
The Bloodhound Knight Set, dropped by a Bloodhound Knight in the Gelmir Hero's Grave:
"Metal [helm with a pointed beak/armor with a jutting breastplate/gauntlets of the Bloodhound Knights/greaves of the Bloodhound Knights]. [Worn by the Bloodhound Knights. (only in helm and armor's descriptions)] The Bloodhound Knights are trained as hunters and known to be unshakable trackers. Without the use of language, each knight chooses his own master. Once the decision has been made, the knight stays loyal for life."
The Bloodhound Claws, dropped by the Bloodhound Knight in Volcano Manor:
"Large curved claws used by Bloodhound Knights. The curve allows the weapon to slip through an enemy's guard."
The Bloodhound's Step Ash of War, dropped by the Night's Cavalry near Lenne's Rise in Dragonbarrow:
"This Ash of War grants an armament the Keen affinity and the following skill: "Bloodhound's Step: Skill that allows the user to become temporarily invisible while dodging at high speed. Moves faster and travels farther than a regular quickstep. This skill can be used to circle around lock-on targets." Usable on all melee armaments."
The boss Bloodhound Knight Darriwil is part of Blaidd the Half-Wolf's questline, and through this, we get some dialogue about him.
Upon first talking to him:
"I'm looking for a man who goes by "Darriwil." He fled somewhere nearby. Or so I've heard. Come tell me if you find him before I do. I can offer you ample reward.  Darriwil is nothing but a traitor. And in need of a fitting end to his tale."
Upon summoning Blaidd for the fight against Darriwil:
"Darriwil… Rotting in a cell is no true justice. No, this is where it ends for you."
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hollowtones · 2 years
who's your top favorite FFXIV npcs? I feel like Giott was made for you.
I love Giott a lot but I feel like that's kind of a given because I like dwarves in fantasy stuff LOL
The game has a lot of really good characters and my memory is not very good so there's no way I'm going to remember the names of all of them. The Leveilleur twins are like my little siblings. Tataru is my best friend. I love Y'shtola when the writers let her be a character. The cat boy from the Crystal Tower questline is fun. I Love Every Roegadyn. I love what the game does with Omega as a character. Gilgamesh is great but that's a given.
A lot of people have special soft spots in their hearts for characters from "Heavensward" & I agree that it's a very strong and compelling storyline that I loved a lot with very memorable characters, but also I think "isolationist xenophobic French nation with giant cathedrals and Catholic guilt and significant class divide" felt less novel to me &... stuck with me less(? probably not wording this part correctly) because I live in Quebec. This has been my life for the past 28 years. Less dragons, though.
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otherworldseekers · 1 year
Something’s Gotta Give Masterpost
Tumblr media
Pairing: Female Warrior of Light x Nero tol Scaeva
Setting: A Realm Reborn, Crystal Tower questline
Rating: Mature (for some content in later chapters which will be tagged)
Wordcount: 28,596
Chapters: 7/?
Summary:  Severia Zetsuen, adventurer and Warrior of Light, is not at all prepared when Nero tol Scaeva suddenly appears and invites himself to join NOAH, the group expedition to the Crystal Tower. When circumstances lead to Severia escorting Nero across Eorzea on business for the expedition, one thing leads to another and she ends up getting much closer to him than she ever intended.
Note: Welcome to the main canon timeline story for Severia and Nero. I hope you enjoy!
Read it on AO3
Read it on tumblr:
Chapter 1 Scene 1
Chapter 1 Scene 2
Chapter 1 Scenes 3&4
Chapter 2 Scene 1
Chapter 2 Scene 2
Chapter 2 Scene 3&4
Chapter 3 Scenes 1, 2 & 3
Chapter 3 Scene 4
Chapter 4 Scenes 1, 2, 3
Chapter 4 Scene 4
Chapter 5 part 1 
Chapter 5 part 2 
Chapter 6 part 1 
Chapter 6 Part 2 
Chapter 7 part 1 
Chapter 7 part 2 (NEW)
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remma-demma · 5 months
Writing a silly “Crystal tower sent EW N’ephele to the wrong time and he ends up in the raid questline” thing and him accidentally calling G’raha Raha and him being like 🤯😳🫨😵‍💫🫣
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