vishalblogger · 1 year
Best Penny Cryptocurrency to Invest In 2023
Cryptocurrencies have been gaining widespread acceptance as an investment and payment option. With the increasing popularity of digital currencies, it has become more important than ever to stay up-to-date with the latest news and trends in the cryptocurrency world. There are many websites that provide news and analysis on cryptocurrency markets, but choosing the best one can be a daunting task. In this article, we will take a closer look at the best websites for cryptocurrency news.
CoinDesk is one of the most popular websites for cryptocurrency news and analysis. The site provides comprehensive coverage of the cryptocurrency industry, including news, features, and analysis on the latest trends in the market. CoinDesk is also known for its data and research tools, which provide valuable insights into the performance of different cryptocurrencies.
CryptoSlate is another excellent source of cryptocurrency news and analysis. The site provides up-to-date information on the latest happenings in the crypto world, as well as in-depth analysis of different coins and tokens. CryptoSlate is also known for its comprehensive directory of cryptocurrency projects and companies, which makes it a valuable resource for investors and traders.
CryptoBriefing is a comprehensive source of news, analysis, and research on the cryptocurrency market. The site provides in-depth coverage of different cryptocurrencies, as well as analysis of the latest trends in the market. CryptoBriefing is also known for its thorough reviews of different ICOs and projects, which can help investors make informed decisions.
Coindoo is a great source of news and analysis for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. The site provides up-to-date information on the latest trends in the market, as well as in-depth analysis of different cryptocurrencies. Coindoo is also known for its tutorials and guides, which can be useful for new investors and traders.
Cointelegraph is one of the oldest and most respected sources of cryptocurrency news and analysis. The site provides comprehensive coverage of the industry, including news, features, and analysis of different coins and tokens. Cointelegraph is also known for its market data and research tools, which can be useful for investors and traders.
Bitcoin Magazine
Bitcoin Magazine is a popular source of news and analysis for the Bitcoin community. The site provides in-depth coverage of Bitcoin-related news and events, as well as analysis of the latest trends in the market. Bitcoin Magazine is also known for its thorough reviews of different Bitcoin wallets and services, which can be useful for Bitcoin users.
NewsBTC is a comprehensive source of news and analysis on the cryptocurrency market. The site provides up-to-date information on the latest trends in the market, as well as in-depth analysis of different coins and tokens. NewsBTC is also known for its market data and research tools, which can be useful for investors and traders.
CCN is a popular source of news and analysis on the cryptocurrency market. The site provides comprehensive coverage of the industry, including news, features, and analysis of different coins and tokens. CCN is also known for its market data and research tools, which can be useful for investors and traders.
In conclusion, there are many great websites that provide cryptocurrency news and analysis. The ones mentioned above are some of the best in the industry and are highly recommended for anyone who wants to stay up-to-date with the latest trends in the crypto world. Whether you are a seasoned investor or just getting started, these websites can be a valuable resource for your cryptocurrency research.
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renanbatista-silva · 1 year
Mantenha seus investimentos em criptomoedas seguros! O mercado de moedas digitais oferece oportunidades, mas também riscos e fraudes. Informação e precaução são essenciais para proteger seu patrimônio.
Evite pirâmides financeiras e golpes envolvendo moedas virtuais! Consequências podem ser desastrosas e causar grandes perdas. Renan Batista, especialista em segurança cibernética e criptomoedas, compartilha dicas valiosas para prevenir fraudes.
Aprenda a identificar sinais de golpes e se proteger! Reconheça falsas exchanges e outras armadilhas que resultam em perdas irreparáveis. Conheça práticas e medidas de proteção para investir com sucesso.
Confira 5 sites confiáveis sobre o mercado financeiro de criptomoedas:
CoinDesk: notícias e análises do mercado de criptomoedas. https://www.coindesk.com/
CryptoSlate: recursos para investidores, incluindo notícias e informações sobre ICOs. https://cryptoslate.com/
Cointelegraph: foco em notícias do mercado de criptomoedas. https://cointelegraph.com/
CryptoBriefing: notícias, análises e informações sobre blockchain. https://cryptobriefing.com/
NewsBTC: notícias e análises do mercado de criptomoedas. https://www.newsbtc.com/
Fique atualizado com informações confiáveis sobre criptomoedas para tomar decisões informadas e seguras. Acompanhe as notícias e evite fraudes. Renan Batista aconselha a consultar fontes confiáveis e se manter atualizado para proteger seus investimentos. acesse também www.renanbatistasilva.com
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blockchainwelt · 5 years
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hodldrgn-blog · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://cryptomoonity.com/cz-ha-affermato-che-la-svolta-nel-listing-con-binance-charity-ha-richiesto-solo-3-giorni/
CZ ha affermato che la svolta nel listing con Binance Charity ha richiesto solo 3 giorni
CZ ha affermato che la svolta nel listing con Binance Charity ha richiesto solo 3 giorni
Secondo il fondatore dell’exchange di criptovalute più grande del mondo: “Non pianifichiamo troppo in anticipo”.
Fonte: Cryptobriefing.com
Quanto tempo ci impiega l’exchange di criptovaluta Binance per prendere una decisione da un milione di dollari? Un paio di mesi? Poche settimane? Secondo il suo fondatore, Changpeng Zhao (meglio conosciuto come CZ), il processo di decisione del più grande exchange del mondo dura … un paio di giorni.
Binance ha fatto un annuncio a sorpresa oggi sul suo blog ufficiale sulla modifica della sua politica tariffaria. Con effetto immediato, Binance non addebiterà più le commissioni per i progetti che desiderano quotare i loro token sui propri server. Ora, i team dei token effettueranno una donazione obbligatoria a una delle iniziative benefiche di Binance, il cui l’importo che sarà deciso a loro discrezione.
In uno scambio di e-mail con Crypto Briefing, CZ ha spiegato che l’idea gli è venuta in mente all’inizio di settembre, ma l’aveva tenuta per sé. “Ho avuto questa semplice idea nella mia testa per circa un mese, ma non ci ho pensato troppo seriamente o ufficialmente, soprattutto perché ci sono sempre altre distrazioni”, ha scritto CZ. “Dopo aver incontrato il presidente di Malta, dove ci sono state discussioni sulle iniziative di beneficenza, ho iniziato a pensarci un po ‘più formalmente. Ho proposto l’idea al nostro gruppo dirigente 3 giorni fa (nel fine settimana, come al solito), e ho ottenuto un sostegno unanime “.
“Oggi abbiamo pubblicato l’annuncio”, ha aggiunto.
CZ: “Non pianifichiamo troppo in anticipo”
Binance ha attirato alcune critiche durante l’estate quando i mezzi di comunicazione hanno suggerito che lo scambio richiedesse che a volte i progetti pagassero milioni per essere quotati sui propri server. Una fonte citata da Bitcoinist ha affermato che il dipartimento finanziario dell’exchange gli ha addebitato 400 BTC (equivalenti a $ 2,6 milioni al tasso di mercato contemporaneo); qualcosa che Binance ha strenuamente negato.
CZ ha dichiarato nella sua email che la nuova politica di quotazione contribuirebbe in parte a fornire chiarezza agli utenti dell’exchange e alla più ampia comunità di criptovalute. “C’erano così tanti dati errati, voci e FUD [paura, incertezza, dubbi] sulle tariffe di quotazione”, ha detto. “Ci preoccupiamo per la nostra comunità e vogliamo affrontare [ciò] una volta per tutte”.
CZ ha detto che attualmente non ci sono piani per l’exchange di donare una percentuale delle sue commissioni di negoziazione in beneficenza. Ha considerato il fatto che ci possa essere un parziale calo delle commissioni di negoziazione, ma non ha escluso nulla per il futuro. Sebbene esistessero piani a lungo termine, era necessario anche un rapido processo decisionale. “Come puoi vedere, non pianifichiamo troppo in anticipo”, ha detto. “Abbiamo visioni a lungo termine, ma non piani dettagliati. Le cose cambiano troppo velocemente “.
Binance a Malta
L’incontro di CZ con Marie-Louise Coleiro (Presidente di Malta) venerdì pomeriggio, ha coinciso con il Delta Summit,una conferenza su criptovalute e blockchain, tenutasi nella città balneare di San Julian’s tra mercoledì e venerdì la scorsa settimana. La residenza presidenziale, St. Anton’s Palace, è a circa 15 minuti di macchina dal sito della conferenza.
Binance è l’exchange di criptovalute più grande del mondo, con un volume di trading stabile. Oltre $ 900 milioni sono passati attraverso i suoi server nelle ultime 24 ore. Il maggiore concorrente,il collega OKEx con sede ad Hong Kong, ha avuto un volume di scambi di poco superiore a $ 500 milioni.
Binance è stato lanciato poco più di un anno fa. I suoi primi giorni di vita hanno coinciso con la corsa al rialzo che ha portato il valore totale del mercato delle cripto di ben oltre $ 800 miliardi. L’exchange ha subito un improvviso afflusso di utenti. CZ ha ammesso a Bloomberg lo scorso gennaio di aver aggiunto 240.000 utenti in un solo giorno. La vera dimensione del suo successo è stata rivelata quando Binance ha registrato un totale di $ 200 milioni di profitti durante il suo secondo trimestre di attività.
L’aggiornamento sul listing di Binance dimostra che il grande exchange è ancora agile.
Il mondo delle crypto è ancora agli esordi; è si evolve rapidamente. La comunità era ancora seriamente interessata alle offerte di monete iniziali (ICO) per quest’anno, ma le cose sono cambiate: le offerte sui security token (STO) sono ora di moda.
Concepire un’idea di venerdì, lanciarla durante il fine settimana ed eseguirla di lunedì, sarebbe un punto di svolta notevole per la startup più piccola; figuriamoci per una società che, al suo ultimo conteggio, aveva poco meno di 500 dipendenti in tutto il mondo.
Parte della storia di successo di Binance è dovuta allla capacità di entrare e prosperare rapidamente in nuovi mercati. Un processo rapido e deliberativo è essenziale, qualcosa mostrato nelle notizie odierne.
Il rovescio della medaglia? Rivolgi un pensiero a tutti i contabili di Binance. Devono aver avuto un grande fine settimana per sistemare tutto …
Dichiarazione di non responsabilità: l’autore non è coinvolto in alcuna criptovaluta o token menzionato in questo articolo, ma detiene investimenti in altri digital assets.
CZ ha affermato che la svolta nel listing con Binance Charity ha richiesto solo 3 giorni was originally published in Binance Italia on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.
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Top 10 Cryptocurrency Press Release Websites in 2022
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Many people get their news about cryptocurrency by searching for it and clicking the first site that pops up, assuming the news doesn’t find them first. While there are generally some good options available at the highest of the search engine results, here are Top 10 Cryptocurrency Press Release Websites in 2022 that you can hunt down once you want to be sure you're reading a high-quality trusted cryptocurrency news site. (1). CryptoCoin PR CryptoCoin PR covers crypto news, as well as opinions and educational articles about New Crypto Coin and blockchain technology. They need a multinational team that's dedicated to introducing newcomers to cryptocurrency and blockchain with high-quality and relevant content. (2). CoinDesk CoinDesk provides news and articles, also as videos, educational materials, newsletters, and events coverage. CoinDesk is recognized as a leader in blockchain and cryptocurrency news. This reputation is bolstered by the fact that it hosts the Annual Consensus Summit in May of every year. (3). CoinTelegraph CoinTelegraph is a highly regarded site. The site offers news on cryptocurrency, blockchain, business, technology, and regulatory issues. market analysis and expert opinion also are provided. the location also offers a substantial section of educational articles.  (4).  NewsBTC NewsBTC provides Bitcoin news, technical analysis, and market forecasts for Bitcoin and altcoins. The location started out educating readers about Bitcoin and its possible effects on the traditional financial system but has grown to include a whole array of digital media coverage of altcoins, crowdfunding,  (5).  AMBCrypto AMBCrypto is an independent news publishing platform that specialises in blockchain and cryptocurrency news. The AMBCrypto team takes pride in being independent and unbiased in its coverage. the site covers Bitcoin and altcoins with price analysis, forecasts, and outlooks. the site also has an events section that lists all the cryptocurrency events happening for the coming year. (6). CryptoSlate CryptoSlate provides data, news, and analysis to support the cryptocurrency community. the site delivers real-time price and data information for thousands of cryptocurrencies and delivers localised news and data to 26 different regions the location calls blockchain hubs.  (7). Bitcoinist Bitcoinist reaches 2 million readers each month and offers countless insights through its coverage of Bitcoin, digital currency, and blockchain technology. the site provides everything from news, technical analysis, and coverage of community events. (8). Bitcoin Magazine Bitcoin Magazine is one of the oldest sources of Bitcoin news and information. Founded by Mihai Alise and future Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin, the location has long provided analysis, research, educational materials, and thought leadership that intersects the spheres of technology and finance. (9). Inside Bitcoins Inside Bitcoins began with the goal of offering the foremost reliable and informative news about finance, along with the best how-to guides and reviews. Their site produces content that appeals to both cryptocurrency newbies and professional investors. (10). CryptoBriefing CryptoBriefing was founded in 2017. the first goal consisted of “highlighting the builders and calling out the scammers.” the site has now expanded to report on cryptocurrency trends and innovators. This growth has not dimmed the site’s passion for providing information to assist distinguish legitimate products from scams. What Makes These Sites Better? These websites have a history of providing trustworthy information to its readers. Its articles and information are high-quality and exhibit high journalistic integrity. These sites are held in high regard by members of the cryptocurrency community. Many of them return to the early 10s and some, like Bitcoin Magazine, were founded by cryptocurrency luminaries. These websites provide not only news, but also give us company directories, reviews, and event calendars that assist you to help support the Bitcoin community. In an industry where things change so rapidly, it’s important to believe news sites that are around and have seen the ups and downs of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. this is a list of the 12 most seasoned Bitcoin sites to give you the depth of coverage and insight that you got to make sense of Bitcoin, whether as an investment or a transactional currency. CryptoCoin PR is a fasten growing best crypto news site. We publish content on a daily basis to help both crypto fans and crypto investors understand the landscape better and make a more informed buying/investment decision. If you have any news, which you want to be published and distributed among the cryptocurrency’s community, you are welcome to submit it by sending your text to [email protected] Read the full article
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cointmr · 2 years
新加坡女網紅自拍照製成NFT 5日成交逾半億
早年有不少少女都喜歡在網上販賣自己的自拍照,而新加坡有位女網紅Irene Zhao在上周五更將自拍照製成NFT「IreneDAO」出售,價格更一路飆升,交易量目前已突破2,100枚以太幣(約5,000萬港元),地板價約1 ETH。目前其NFT系列約有500個持有人。 據《CryptoBriefing》報道,現年28歲的Irene Zhao是新加坡一名Instagram模特兒、加密貨幣網紅。最近她辭去商品經紀商的工作,轉而投入加密貨幣產業,上周五更將自拍照製成NFT,並推出名為「IreneDAO」的DAO後,於加密貨幣市場引起熱潮。 IreneDAO起初只是個為展示Irene Zhao各種火辣照片的群組,每張照片都附上一些文字,包括「WAGMI」等加密貨幣memes,後來這些照片被代幣化,分成1,107個NFT分發出去,作為進入IreneDAO社群「創世部落」(Genesis…
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giaitritonghop123 · 3 years
'Cha đẻ' Ethereum có thêm 7 tỷ USD nhờ tiền số Shiba
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Vitalik Buterin, người sáng lập tiền số Ethereum (ETH), có thêm 7,2 tỷ USD trong tài sản nhờ vào giá của đồng Shiba Inu (SHIB) tăng mạnh.
Vitalik Buterin không liên quan đến đồng SHIB. Tuy nhiên, theo sách trắng của SHIB, các nhà phát triển ẩn danh của đồng tiền số này mặc định sẽ gửi khoảng 50% tổng cung SHIB đến địa chỉ ví của Buterin. Hành động này được gọi là "coin burn" - hình thức giúp các đồng tiền kỹ thuật số giảm lạm phát và tăng giá trị.
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Vitalik Buterin là tỷ phú tiền điện tử trẻ nhất thế giới, với khối tài sản hơn 1 tỷ USD.
Shiba Inu là tiền số "ăn theo" Dogecoin, có biệt danh "Dogecoin Killer" và cũng dùng hình ảnh chó Shiba làm biểu tượng. Tương tự Dogecoin - đồng tiền được ví là trò đùa của giới tiền số, Shiba token ít có có mục tiêu kỹ thuật. Thay vào đó, nó chủ yếu được tạo ra để tận dụng các xu hướng thị trường để tăng giá.
Trong tuần qua, SHIB đã tăng 1.500% giá trị. Mức tăng giá mạnh giúp vốn hóa thị trường đạt hơn 5,5 tỷ USD, trở thành đồng coin lớn thứ 33 thị trường. Tuy nhiên, nếu tính thêm số SHIB mà Buterin đang nắm giữ (hiện hơn 505 tỷ token), vốn hóa của đồng tiền này có thể lên 12,7 tỷ USD - lớn thứ 17 thị trường.
Tuy vậy, do mô hình kinh tế bất thường của SHIB, vốn hóa thị trường lưu hành thực tế của đồng tiền số này rất khó tính toán. Theo CoinMarketCap, vốn hóa thị trường SHIB từ 10 tỷ đến 25 tỷ USD. Hiện SHIB đã được liệt kê trên các sàn giao dịch tiền điện tử lớn, gồm Binance, Huobi Global, KuCoin và Poloniex.
Buterin chưa bình luận về khoản tiền từ "trên trời rơi xuống này". Các chuyên gia tiền số cho rằng nếu người đồng sáng lập Ethereum bán số SHIB trên, giá trị của đồng tiền này sẽ giảm mạnh.
Vitalik Buterin, 27 tuổi, là người tạo ra ETH - tiền số lớn thứ hai thế giới sau Bitcoin xét trên giá trị vốn hóa. Ông cũng là tỷ phú tiền điện tử trẻ nhất thế giới, hiện nắm giữ khoảng 333.500 đồng ETH. Dựa theo mức 4.000 USD mỗi đồng tính đến ngày 11/5, Buterin đang nắm khối tài sản trị giá 1,34 tỷ USD.
Bảo Lâm (theo CryptoBriefing)
from Tin mới nhất - VnExpress RSS https://ift.tt/33AhcU1 via IFTTT
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bitball · 4 years
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Are you up for the challange @cz_binance @binance @bitfinex @krakenfx @hitbtc @BittrexUS @BittrexExchange @BittrexIntl @Poloniex @CoinBene @kucoincom
@bitFlyer @upbitglobal @ZB_Group @BitZ_Group @Bitstamp @bitbank_inc @Gemini @hitbtc @coinbase @CoinbasePro @BitMax_Official @BitMEXdotcom @BitMartExchange @BithumbOfficial @BithumbSG @BithumbGlobal @livecoin_net
@ProBit_Exchange @ProBit_Exchange @Liquid_Global @CoinoneOfficial @Exmo_Com @lunomoney @cex_io @BTCMarkets @LBank_Exchange @BigONEexchange @coinsbit2 @XTexchange @Hotbit_news @gate_io @BitBay @Bilaxy_exchange @DigiFinex @PoloniDEX @idexio @b2bx_exchange @OKEx @MXC_Exchange @DSX_uk @C2CXExchange @BitrueOfficial @LakeBTC @p2pb2b
Potential sponsors for this big event- @coindesk @BTCTN @UTodayNL @CCNMarkets @Cointelegraph @todayonchain @ethereum @nulltxnews @newsbtc @bitocinist @BitcoinMagazine @crypto_slate @reddit @Alltop @btc_manager @CoinMarketCap @coingecko @tokenhell @CPOfficialtx @blockonomi @TheDailyHodl @BitocoinAmerica @CryptoBriefing @APompliano @officialmcafee @aantonop
More info on Medium: https://link.medium.com/CYsmaEDUc3
Tweet: https://twitter.com/BitBall_Erc20/status/1216596063626285057
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blockchain-hero · 5 years
Wird Bitcoin (BTC) durch die Steuerbehörden uninteressant?
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Die fehlende Akzeptanz von Bitcoin durch den Handel und die Nutzung durch den Käufer ist nicht nur auf die wahrgenommenen technologischen Barrieren und ein unzureichendes Ökosystem zurückzuführen. Steuerliche Komplikationen plagen auch mögliche BTC-Ausgaben.
Warum der Bitcoin heute noch nicht fortgeschritten ist
Die Entwicklung von Bitcoin basiert auf drei populären Aussagen, die zeigen, weshalb Bitcoin nicht häufiger zum Kauf und Verkauf von Waren und Dienstleistungen verwendet wird. Zum einen sei hier die relativ geringe Anzahl von Geschäften, sowohl online als auch offline, die Bitcoin und andere Kryptowährungen als Zahlungsmittel akzeptieren. Der Grund dafür ist ein Mangel an Infrastruktur und die Komplexität der Abfahrt von Krypto zu Fiat. Zweiter Punkt ist, dass die Preisvolatilität von Kryptowährungen in der Öffentlichkeit als sehr hoch angesehen wird, was die Akzeptanz digitaler Assets für Händler erschwert. Zum anderen verzichten viele Bitcoin-Inhaber darauf, ihre Bitcoins vor der Kurssteigerung ausgeben zu müssen. Ein weiteres Hindernis liegt aber auch darin, die Verwendung von Bitcoin im Einzelhandel zu verhindern, nämlich die Versteuerung. Der Umgang der Steuerbehörden mit Kryptowährungen variiert von Land zu Land stark: Immobilien, Vermögenswerte, Rohstoffe und in seltenen Fällen auch Währungen. In der Regel gilt ein Verkauf einer Kryptowährung jedoch als steuerpflichtiges Einkommen. So haben die Steuerbehörden schnell Kryptowährungen eingestuft und Rahmenbedingungen geschaffen, damit ihre Verwendung nicht von der Steuer befreit wird. So müssen beispielsweise in den USA und Japan die Benutzer jede ihrer Krypo-Transaktionen genau protokollieren, wenn sie die Vorschriften vollständig einhalten wollen. Es gibt nur wenige Krypto-Oasen Laut Berichten von Coin Central existieren weltweit nur sehr wenige Krypto-"Steueroasen". Die Länder Portugal, Weißrussland, Malta und Singapur sind die einzigen, die Kryptogewinne zu Null Prozent besteuern. Auch Gewinne durch Krypto sind keine steuerpflichtigen Ereignisse in Ländern, die illegal oder nicht anerkannt sind, aber das entspricht einem steuerfreien Szenario. Länder wie Deutschland unterliegen anderen steuerbegünstigten Ländern, die Kapitalgewinne aus Krypto nicht besteuern, wenn diese länger als ein Jahr gehalten werden. Die Steuern in Peru liegen bei Kapitalgewinnen durch Krypto bei fünf Prozent. Quellenangaben: Cryptobriefing Bildquelle: depositphotos / Talaj Read the full article
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novatorio · 5 years
New Balance задействует блокчейн Cardano для проверки подлинности обуви
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Стоящая за криптовалюто�� Cardano блокчейн-компания IOHK анонсировала партнерство с известным американским брендом спортивной обуви и одежды New Balance. Об этом заявил глава IOHK Чарльз Хоскинсон, сообщает Cryptobriefing.
В рамках сотрудничества New Balance задействует блокчейн Cardano для проверки подлинности продукции. Токен ADA использовать не планируется.
С помощью решения IOHK пользователи смогут сверять информацию о паре кроссовок с данными в блокчейне.
Пилотный проект стартует в октябре, в дальнейшем проект распространят на мировой уровень.
Вероятно, для New Balance проверка подлинности продукции является важной частью общей стратегии бренда. Компания уже высказывала недовольство большим количеством «паразитирующих» на ее известности фирм. В 2017 году она отсудила $1,5 млрд у компании, копирующей модели New Balance.
Ранее Чарльз Хоскинсон сообщил, что с ноября текущего года пользователи сети Cardano получат возможность зарабатывать на стейкинге ADA.
Источник: NOVATOR
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financemarkets · 5 years
Blockchain company Dispatch Labs is incurring considerable losses despite extensive investment and a recovering cryptocurrency market, technology-focused news outlet Cryptobriefing reported on June 14.
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thecryptoreport · 5 years
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Blockchain Developer Dispatch Labs Suffers Losses Despite Market Recovery Blockchain company Dispatch Labs is incurring considerable losses despite extensive investment and a recovering cryptocurrency market, technology-focused news outlet Cryptobriefing…
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cryptobitnews · 5 years
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Blockchain Developer Dispatch Labs Suffers Losses Despite Market Recovery Blockchain company Dispatch Labs is incurring considerable losses despite extensive investment and a recovering cryptocurrency market, technology-focused news outlet Cryptobriefing…
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New Post has been published here https://is.gd/Wy2nxK
Blockchain Developer Dispatch Labs Suffers Losses Despite Market Recovery
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This post was originally published here
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Blockchain company Dispatch Labs is incurring considerable losses despite extensive investment and a recovering cryptocurrency market, technology-focused news outlet Cryptobriefing reported on June 14.
Initially, Dispatch Labs received funding from its executive team, subsequently raising over $13 million in a series of private rounds from other investors such as China-based capital firm Fenbushi Capital during the first half of 2018. However, the value of the raised capital slumped considerably following the market drop in the first quarter of the year.
The company’s CEO Matt McGraw reportedly said that the team had indicated the threat driven by the market downturn, however the company did not have sufficient over the counter (OTC) availability at the moment to liquidate millions of dollars’ worth of digital currency.
Dispatch Labs’ total remaining investment has dropped by more than half — from $13 million to around $6.5 million. Nevertheless, McGraw reportedly stated that the company has enough working capital to operate for the last of the year, especially taking into consideration that the market is purportedly beginning to recover.
Dispatch Labs is not the first company to suffer in the aftermath of crypto winter. Ethereum Classic (ETC) developer ETCDEV closed its doors in December of 2018 following an extensive rough patch in ETC’s price.
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New Post has been published here https://is.gd/Wy2nxK
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Bitcoin Surges Higher To Flirt With $8,600, Analysts Await $10,000
Bitcoin (BTC) has just broken out of a short-term consolidation pattern, moving past key short-term resistance at $8,300 to $8,400. As of the time of writing this piece, BTC sits at $8,540 after touching $8,580 just minutes earlier. Many are sure that this is a sign of continued bullish momentum, meaning that a continuation to the upside may just be possible.
Bitcoin Closing Above $8,400
According to a number of analysts, Bitcoin closing above and around $8,400 on the daily or weekly resolution would be absolutely monumental for bulls. Josh Rager, a team member at Level and a popular analyst, recently noted that if Bitcoin closes above $8,300 in the coming hours, he would fully expect for a move to $9,600 to come to fruition. And interestingly, he isn’t the only one in this boat.
In a recent tweet, prolific analyst Crypto Rand remarked that he sees a clear pattern playing out for Bitcoin. As depicted below, Rand expects for the leading cryptocurrency to trade within a triangle for the coming month, then break to the upside to potentially push the auspicious $10,000 level. As shown below, the only key resistance holding BTC back from accomplishing such a feat is the $8,300 to $8,400 band.
#Bitcoin heating up for $10K pic.twitter.com/34jIuCocJY
— Crypto Rand (@crypto_rand) May 19, 2019
Even a key industry executive has joined in on calling for Bitcoin to hit $10,000.
Speaking to industry publication CryptoBriefing, Alex Mashinsky, an early developer of Voice Over Internet Protocol and founder of the cryptocurrency startup Celsius Network, divulged that he expects for BTC to soon tap $10,000. He looked to the fact that the long-to-short ratio on certain platforms is still short-heavy, meaning that there are those on the short-side that have yet to cover their positions. Thus, he concluded:
“So I think we’re going to go above ten thousand before we see a correction. Because these guys are going to be squeezed out. We haven’t seen the pain yet. We have not seen them cover. They have to cover, and when they cover, they buy bitcoin.”
Bitcoin’s upward momentum on the very short term has begun to slow, but we have to wait for the daily and weekly close in the coming hours to determine the momentum of this market.
Featured Image from Shutterstock
The post Bitcoin Surges Higher To Flirt With $8,600, Analysts Await $10,000 appeared first on NewsBTC.
from Cryptocracken WP http://bit.ly/2W1MBxn via IFTTT
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brettzjacksonblog · 5 years
Bitcoin Surges Higher To Flirt With $8,600, Analysts Await $10,000
Bitcoin (BTC) has just broken out of a short-term consolidation pattern, moving past key short-term resistance at $8,300 to $8,400. As of the time of writing this piece, BTC sits at $8,540 after touching $8,580 just minutes earlier. Many are sure that this is a sign of continued bullish momentum, meaning that a continuation to the upside may just be possible.
Bitcoin Closing Above $8,400
According to a number of analysts, Bitcoin closing above and around $8,400 on the daily or weekly resolution would be absolutely monumental for bulls. Josh Rager, a team member at Level and a popular analyst, recently noted that if Bitcoin closes above $8,300 in the coming hours, he would fully expect for a move to $9,600 to come to fruition. And interestingly, he isn’t the only one in this boat.
In a recent tweet, prolific analyst Crypto Rand remarked that he sees a clear pattern playing out for Bitcoin. As depicted below, Rand expects for the leading cryptocurrency to trade within a triangle for the coming month, then break to the upside to potentially push the auspicious $10,000 level. As shown below, the only key resistance holding BTC back from accomplishing such a feat is the $8,300 to $8,400 band.
#Bitcoin heating up for $10K pic.twitter.com/34jIuCocJY
— Crypto Rand (@crypto_rand) May 19, 2019
Even a key industry executive has joined in on calling for Bitcoin to hit $10,000.
Speaking to industry publication CryptoBriefing, Alex Mashinsky, an early developer of Voice Over Internet Protocol and founder of the cryptocurrency startup Celsius Network, divulged that he expects for BTC to soon tap $10,000. He looked to the fact that the long-to-short ratio on certain platforms is still short-heavy, meaning that there are those on the short-side that have yet to cover their positions. Thus, he concluded:
“So I think we’re going to go above ten thousand before we see a correction. Because these guys are going to be squeezed out. We haven’t seen the pain yet. We have not seen them cover. They have to cover, and when they cover, they buy bitcoin.”
Bitcoin’s upward momentum on the very short term has begun to slow, but we have to wait for the daily and weekly close in the coming hours to determine the momentum of this market.
Featured Image from Shutterstock
The post Bitcoin Surges Higher To Flirt With $8,600, Analysts Await $10,000 appeared first on NewsBTC.
from CryptoCracken SMFeed http://bit.ly/2W1MBxn via IFTTT
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