#crowley is a gardener/plant monger
marisferasiop · 4 years
Can I just say that I have downloaded (as in, kept personally for offline use) exactly 3 fanfiction EVER, in 15+ years of reading FF across various fandoms.
If you havent read Clementine by Mussimm on ao3 yet, please go do so. It's a lovely little retired/ older- human seaside AU of the ineffable idiots and it's oure magic.
Two are BBC Sherlocks, one is a GO that I have now reread so many times it's like a comfy old place to relax for me when nothing else is catching my eye, or quite soothing my angst.
Here's a link, and I hope it works (posting on mobile).
MUSSIMM doesnt seem to have a blog here, at least not by the same name, but if you're out there friend, thank you.
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