ojas-gameplay · 2 years
Part 2 - Saving the fairy from Bowser; Super Mario 3D world
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khapaleaf · 1 year
A compilation of puzzle solutions for the Relics of the Lost Age series 
Relics of the Lost Age
Chapter 1 — The Oracle of God
1. The very first puzzle
First seal: South then North
Second seal: East then West
Third seal: West then South
Fourth seal: West then East
Chapter 2 — Shambala
Chapter 3 — Devil Music
1. The Objection! achievement
What did you learn at the museum that contradicts the theory making Elliot out as the robber?
It was something related to the Satanic imagery in the gallery --> a. it was the written message “Hail Satan”
What did you learn at the precinct that contradicts this evidence?
It was something we saw at the precinct. --> b. it was the register of detainees on the front desk
2. Strange box puzzle
Open the drawer depicting the man with his finger to his lips.
Chapter 4 — The River
Chapter 5 — The Eye of Kali
1. The clock puzzle
7 : 44
Chapter 6 — Hong Kong Crazy
Chapter 7 — Endgame
1. The relics puzzle
First podium: King Manuel’s amulet from the Congo
Second podium: The Stone of Shambala from Tibet
Third podium: The Eye of Kali from London
Fourth podium: The dragon figurine from Hong Kong
Fifth podium: The high priest’s breastplate from Palestine
Sixth podium: Chantelle LaValle’s amulet from New Orleans
2. The tree puzzle
Acorn / patch of earth / sun / raindrop
Relics 2: The Crusader’s Tomb
Chapter 1 — The Quest
Chapter 2 — A Canterbury Tale
1. The organ puzzle
D - E - A - F
C - A - G - E - D
D - E - C - A - D - E
D - E - F - A - C - E - D
Chapter 3 — City of Light
1. The map puzzle
Direction from Paris: Southeast
Associated saint: St. Mark
Associated animal: Lion
Chapter 4 — La Serenissima
1. The tome puzzle
The Life of St. Esther of Bingen: the saint’s name
The Life of St. Benedict: the saint’s revival of the dead child
The Life of St. Scholastica: the saint’s relation to Benedict
The Life of St. Jerome: the story about the tame lion
The Life of St. Matthias of Westphalia: the death of the lion
Note: the sequence of Benedict / Scholastica / Esther / Jerome / Matthias also grants the achievement for solving the puzzle.
Chapter 5 — Pilgrims in an Unholy Land
1. The coat of arms
Deer / stag
A lion
Chapter 6 — Blood of Dracul
1. The altar puzzle
The tree / the scorpion / the boat / the peacock
Chapter 7 — The World’s Desire
1. The chalice puzzle 
Turn the third cylinder left.
Turn the middle cylinder left.
Turn the first cylinder left.
Turn the first cylinder left.
Turn the middle cylinder left.
Turn the third cylinder left.
Turn the middle cylinder right.
Note: a shorter solution should also be possible, but I lost it.
2. The column puzzle
4th column and 7th column
Chapter 8 — Endgame
1. Geometric shape puzzle
Circle / triangle / square / pentagon / cross
Relics 3: Ashes for Gold
Chapter 1 — Showdown at Rattlesnake Gulch
1. Geometric shape puzzle
Single line / two parallel lines / the triangle / the upper-case M / the pentagram
Chapter 2 — The Temple of the Sands
1. Safe combination
Find the concealed note in Baillard’s office (“Behind the Sphinx. The answer is in the Good Book.”). Return to the guest bedroom and consult the bible to find the safe combination (Mark 10:43).
2. First temple puzzle
Press Jamanu, meaning “Amun”.
Press hotep, meaning “satisfied”.
Press the empty cartouche name-ring.
3. Second temple puzzle
Khonsu symbols: moon, crook and bandage.
Mut symbols: mother, water and crown.
Amun symbols: farmer, ram-headed sphinx and two vertical plumes.
Chapter 3 — The Doctor’s Demons
1. The alchemy puzzle  
The scythe-bearing angel: an offering of earth.
The torch-bearing angel: an offering of fire.
The trident-bearing angel: an offering of water.
The trumpet-bearing angel: an offering of air.
Note: follow the given order otherwise it will become bugged (on dash, at least)
2. The code puzzle
Fill in a letter for the symbol ' = T
Fill in a letter for the symbol < = H
Fill in a letter for the symbol - = R
Fill in a letter for the symbol > = O
Fill in a letter for the symbol ~ = D
Fill in a letter for the symbol : = C
Fill in a letter for the symbol " = F
3. The identity of the traitor
Solution 1
What was the key piece of information about?
It was about me.
And what was it that Becker said about you that gives Winter’s identity away?
That your cover story involved working for the Smithsonian.
Solution 2
Winter’s gender: uses traditionally male pronouns
Winter’s title and position at the university: is an academic with the rank of full professor
Winter’s employment at Magdalen: has been involved with the college for a long time
Chapter 4 — Dead Man’s Chest
1. The museum puzzle
The three ships that called into Barros’s harbor (The Jocasta out of New Orleans, a French ship carrying sugar and tobacco, and an English ship bound for Portsmouth).
2. The ship voyage puzzle
1. New Orleans, Louisiana / St. John’s, Antigua / Bridgetown, Barbados
2. Veracruz, Mexico / Saint Augustine, Florida / Cartagena, Colombia / Le Havre, France.
3. Havana, Cuba / Santo Domingo, Hispaniola / Portsmouth, England
3. The bomb puzzle
The yellow wire / the blue wire / the green wire / the indigo wire / the red wire
Chapter 5 — Path of the Condor
1. The three worlds puzzle
Set the first lever to the down position.
Set the second lever to the up position.
Set the fourth lever to the down position.
2. The Inca society puzzle
The tile showing the woman with the stretched earlobes: in the second slot down.
The tile showing the man planting maize: in the bottom slot.
The tile showing the man with the silver shoes and headdress: in the top slot.
The tile showing the man holding the knotted cords: in the third slot down.
Chapter 6 — The Sapporo Archive
Chapter 7 — Endgame
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archiminibricks · 2 years
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Hi My name is Arek(legomiki on Insta) i'm form Poland and I'm an 80 kid and be 40 years old sooner then later I work in tele-company. My interest in photography reach 20 years back and it's hobby and way to show how I see the world but, I never really found that kind of photography that suits me best and find pleasure in shooting little yellow minifigures. I shot with Nikon z6II and before that with Nikon d300 and before that with Nikon D80 soo Nikon rulez :)   I have two kids Miki and Ada and that's how re-love to lego starts.
I start LEGO photography in 2021 after watching polish lego masters with my son. I'm not a fan-  actually antyfan of Star wars, Harry potter, marvel, Lord of the rings etc. theme sets - but really appreciate good theme photos. On the way here I found @fourbricktall YT channel  and @brickcentral gathering people, with the same lego-vibe-photo-crazynes and it all boost my photo skills a lot - well I hope so :)

Due to the lack of place on the shelfs, i find big fun in collecting lego minifigures series and have 158 by now and my photography are mostly with them. I pay a to much attention to the lighting, mood, vibe and general "perfect photo" scenery, that 70 photo of same scenery is sometimes not enough - but i fight with it :)
In my introvert mind possibility, to go on a bike ride with bag full of photo gear, lego parts and take photos alone in the middle of nowhere is just perfect kind of photography.
Thanks, enjoy the photos

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crazynancy1989 · 1 year
Crazynancy is still alive...
Hi, all together! Very much has happened since I've been her the last time. Very very much. I'm just going through one of the darkest and hardest times of my life. But I'm still alive and - thanks to a very special person, a very special kind of man - I think, I'll even be able to go on writing. One day. In the meantime, he helps me to at least keep my imagination and my (day)dreams alive. I'll be back one day - sooner or later. Meanwhile I'll be a silent reader here, looking for some more inspirations. Kind regards, Crazynancy
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shuxiii · 8 months
crazyn endgame!
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trumpnewsdeutschland · 10 months
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Die Bundesministerien #Justiz & #Inneres sind korrupt, unterwandert und werden vom totalitären #Ampelregime zur Verfolgung politischer Gegner missbraucht.
Das wurden sie übeigens auch zuvor vom totalitären #MerkelRegime.
So wehren Sie sich:
#Unrechtsstaat #Bananenrepublik #corruptBMJ #purgeBMI #corruptBMI #purgeBMJ #impeachBuschmann #crazyNancy #impeachFaeser
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hrrmgrrg · 4 months
sorry small amounts kf mutuals (i am not on my main) i think im going crazyn over willy winna
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jaysoldboog · 2 years
ive been watching a lot of movies in the last couple of weeks like 2-3 a day. my favorites are action star girl and girl going crazyn because she's italian.
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colonelcrazynator · 3 years
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The Wolfeimblut part2
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meumarlon · 6 years
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fyshomauno · 6 years
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Countdown to Shoma’s 20th birthday [D-2] : Shoma’s ABCs
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newslink7com · 4 years
Jim Cramer called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi “Crazy Nancy” to her face during an interview Read More
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Read the full article
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I know we are only 2 episodes into Loki series but I want him to fuck shit up, i want him to make a mess, cause some chaos. I don't want the brooding emo smart guy. I want mischief and crazynes and revolution and a bit of anarchy.
I want him to finally BE the trickster.
I want Monkey King in Jade Palace like disaster, I want Prometheus and Anansi like acts of love of humanity and stubbornes, I want Hermes like hijinks.
Gimme the good stuff.
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crazynancy1989 · 4 months
Crazynancy is still alive...
...struggling with Robyn and Johanson - - and also with an idea for a second story: Peter, Max and Pavel, best friends since their school days, had made it: they were successful and internationally recognised: Handsome, kind-hearted and thoughtful Peter as an actor, witty, likeable (and cardiac) Max as an artist and deep and quiet Pavel as a sought-after composer. They were therefore not surprised that they were immediately given a passage on a rescue ship after rumours of an impending disaster. Peter had even managed to get a ship's ticket for his girlfriend Agnes as well and Pavel somehow smuggled his wife Lucie on board. But the exciting adventure suddenly turns into a cruel reality: disaster strucks - with far greater, more apocalyptic proportions than ever feared. During the hasty departure, Peter and Agnes are separated and loose sight of each other. The three friends find themselves on a ship of horrors, having nothing more left than the clothes they wear - and the captain runs a regiment of terror and forces his passengers into slave labour. Brutality, cruelty, poverty and hunger are the order of the day, the slightest offence is severely punished - and that is only the beginning… The three friends have to face a completely different life as they've had before - Peter, as the eldest, worries about Agnes - which seems to be vanished into thin air - and all the same tries to protect his both younger friends. And then there is still Pavel's beloved Lucie, hidden on the ship as a blind passenger, who needs to be provided as well... Do you think it would be worth to write some whump about this?
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31st of December 2020 (published at 12.00 EST)
Now the news. Mishapocalypse was raging, spn trending.
Misha posted that "due to covid he's gonna make a recap of 2020 in 2022" and spn hivemind began to theoretise that that'll be the moment when NDA's will expire.
What will happen tomorrow?
And now weather
From the writers:
May the coming year be kinder to you all. If there won't be constant general crazynes in the year 2021 we will change format and publish SPNews once a week.
In the last day of 2020 number of people following this blog (that was started kind of as a personal diary of that crazyness) exceeded 500. A surprise to be sure. But a welcome one. Thank you people
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trumpnewsdeutschland · 4 months
Liebe #Polizei, ohne #Bauern kein Pfeffer(!)-Spray! 😜
Es ist Zeit, sich zu verbrüdern und den #Staatsstreich des #Ampelregime|s gemeinsam zu beenden! 🤝
#Biberach #Pfefferspray #Bauernaufstand #FreedomConvoy2024 #crazyNancy #Ampelabschalten #GruenerMist #DeutschlandStehtAuf
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