#coti pod
loorain · 2 months
Sims 4 Fontenot Legacy - Playdate
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As promised, Sigrid gets the girls (and Juno!) ready for a day of fun in the sun! She meets Coty and Milo at the rec center, the kids immediately head to the play area while the two parents get a moment to greet each other.
Sigrid: Always good to see you, Coty!
Coty: Same here! How's married life treatin' ya?
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Sigrid: Well it's only been about 24 hours, but so far so good! Of course, our wedding night consisted of bedtime stories and late-night potty trips, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Coty: I can only imagine. Milo was a cranky mess after a full day of partying. He had fun though. We both did.
Sigrid: We're so glad you were able to make it last minute. Having more parent friends is always nice!
Coty: Yeah. Well, I'm glad Milo has some friends to grow up with. I'm surprised you came alone with all three kids, though. Just getting Milo to put his shoes on the right feet is a struggle.
Sigrid: Well Robin and Sabrina helped with that part. Sabrina had to go into the restaurant today, and Robin needed to run a few errands. He'll come a little later though.
Coty: Ah, so I'll get to see the Grinning Groom after all. Awesome.
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Coty: They really are a good bunch.
Sigrid: That they are.
Coty: It's just a shame we live so far away... Milo being an only child and all, I worry about him. He doesn't have cousins or siblings to play with. I'm especially worried when he ages into a kid. Will he feel lonely?
Sigrid: Being a single parent must be hard. I'm lucky I have the help I do, but I also had to grow up fast. I lost both of my parents young. Then it was just me and my sisters and brother.
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Coty: That must have been very hard. How did you and your siblings manage?
Sigrid: Honestly, I don't know. I think my mind blanked out a lot of that stuff. I wasn't the oldest, so I was able to do that a little more easily. But we definitely went through our hardships. We lost Virginia, and Yolanda took over caring for three of her four kids, and my brother Harley went off on his own the moment he could... we don't hear from him much. It's complicated. There's love there. Just looks a little different. But I wanted different for my kids. That's why I make so much effort for them to spend time together with all their cousins, and Milo too.
Coty: I admire that. You're a strong woman, Sigrid. I just want to be strong for Milo.
Sigrid: You already are. I see it. Milo sees it too. He'll appreciate it when he's older.
Coty: Thanks. Guess I needed to hear that.
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Sigrid: Parenting is hard, no matter how many kids and how many hands are on deck! Give yourself some grace.
Coty: You're right, you're right. Just... it is hard. All alone.
Sigrid: ...Well, could you ever get in touch with Milo's mom? Is there any hope of that?
Coty: No. None.
Sigrid: And your parents?
Coty: Dad's already passed. My mom is definitely supportive, but she can only do so much from where she is. I moved to Sulani to try and understand myself more and give Milo a change of environment. Just thought the islands would be a good place for him to grow into himself. My mom always said my dad would return to the waters, something about them being "healing".
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Sigrid: Well no matter what, you've always got the Lay bunch to keep you company! And Juno, too. And the good thing about Rabbithole Elementary is that all are welcome!
Coty: That's true, I suppose.
Sigrid: You and Milo will never truly be alone. We'll look out for each other. I'll always help in any way I can, and I know Robin will second that, too. But for now, why don't we just start with school plans? I've got some pictures of the facilities, state-of-the-art!
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Sigrid continues her chat with Coty while the kids play together. Little Audrey, being the absolute sweetheart she is, is so ecstatic to see her bestie Milo. These two are two little peas in a pod.
Alma and Juno have a great time as well! It's evident to both adults that the four little tykes will be friends for life, and they'll obviously have to meet up again. Luckily for everyone involved, the wedding season is quickly changing into birthday season, so everyone will be back together very soon.
Eventually, as Sigrid promised, another familiar face shows up at the rec center after his errands are complete. Robin, having had to run around all morning, is still energized and excited to see his girls, Juno, and Coty and Milo.
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Robin: Ah, there you all are! Looks like everyone's having fun out here!
Sigrid: Hi, honey!
Robin: I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves. Hi, I'm Robin.
Coty: Coty, so great to finally meet you officially. Great to have you join the fun.
Robin: It definitely looks like a lot of fun is being had!
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Sigrid: Audrey and Milo have been attached at the hip for most of the day.
Robin: Oh, is that so? Shouldn't be surprised with those two. Audrey never stops talking about him. Has she been sharing him with Alma and Juno?
Sigrid: Oh yes, they've all been chasing each other around all day.
Coty: Milo asks about his friends too. Won't shut up about them. Good to know the feelings are mutual.
Sigrid: Well Alma's more of a girl of few words, but she shows her care in her own way.
Robin: They're twins, but very different. They'll keep you on your toes. Anyway, thanks for keeping my wife company with all the kiddos while I was gone.
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Robin turns to Sigrid, greeting her properly.
Robin: I hope the kids haven't been too much to juggle today.
Sigrid: Oh they're fine, having fun chasing each other and splashing around. We've had a very relaxed day overall.
With Sigrid and Robin getting lost in their own world for a moment, it seems Coty has quickly become the third wheel. He is less than amused but manages to fix his expression before either can notice it.
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But at any rate, the playdate continues on without a hitch! The kids have a great time and the adults plan out when they'll see each other again, which will be very soon since the twins will be aging up in a matter of days! A new phase of life is set to begin!
The Fontenot Legacy is back! After a much-needed break, your favorite group of sims is finally returning! Expect more updates coming soon!
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organisationskoval · 1 year
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431) Croix-de-Feu, Cross of Fire, Ognisty Krzyż - francuska skrajnie prawicowa i nacjonalistyczna organizacja (tzw. liga antyparlamentarna) działająca w latach 1927–1936. Croix-de-Feu było początkowo stowarzyszeniem weteranów I wojny światowej, którzy byli odznaczeni medalem Croix de guerre. Zostało ono założone 26 listopada 1927 r. przez pisarza Maurice'a Hanota pod nazwą Association Nationale des Combattants de l’Avant et de Blessés de Guerre Cité pour Action d’Éclat. Funkcję honorowego przewodniczącego pełnił literat i dziennikarz Jacques Péricard. Od 1929 roku wydawano własne pismo "Le Flambeau". Liczyło wówczas kilkuset członków. Stowarzyszenie było wspierane finansowo przez milionera z branży perfumiarskiej François Coty, który miał powiązania z włoskim przywódcą Benito Mussolinim. Z Croix-de-Feu sympatyzowała część francuskiego duchowieństwa; wielu konserwatywnych katolików zostało jego członkami, np. Jean Mermoz, czy młody François Mitterrand. Organizacja posiadała swoje stowarzyszenia filialne: Fils et Filles de Croix de Feu (założone w 1932 r.) i Regroupement National autour de Croix de Feu (założone w 1933 r., przekształcone w tym samym roku w Lique des Volontaires Nationaux). Symbolem ugrupowania był płonący krzyż z trupią czaszką pośrodku. Jego członkowie nosili berety i trójkolorowe opaski na lewym ramieniu. Organizacja miała strukturę wojskową, a na jej wyposażeniu znajdowała się broń. W 1930 r. przywództwo Croix-de-Feu objął b. wojskowy płk François de La Rocque. Zerwał on z finansowaniem ugrupowania przez F. Coty. Pod jego kierownictwem nastąpiło silne upolitycznienie organizacji. Zaczęto występować przeciwko rządom Frontu Ludowego, biorąc udział w ulicznych demonstracjach. Eskalacja nastąpiła 6 lutego 1934 r., kiedy w Paryżu doszło do masowej demonstracji prawicowych i nacjonalistycznych ugrupowań, w tym Croix-de-Feu, zakończonej walką z policją i komunistycznymi bojówkami. W I połowie lat. 30. rosła skokowo liczebność organizacji i jej przybudówek, od ok. 60 tys. w 1932 r. do ok. 400-450 tys. w 1935 r. Croix-de-Feu była uważana przez francuskie władze za najbardziej niebezpieczną spośród paramilitarnych i antyparlamentarnych lig, a także upatrywano w niej naśladowczyni włoskich faszystów i niemieckich nazistów. W rezultacie rząd Frontu Ludowego rozwiązał ją 18 czerwca 1936 r. Pułkownik F. de la Rocque jeszcze w tym samym roku założył Francuską Partię Społeczną (Parti Social Français) jako sukcesorkę Croix-de-Feu. W okresie istnienia Francji Vichy w latach 1940–1944 wielu b. członków Croix-de-Feu poparło kolaboracyjną politykę marszałka Philippe’a Petaina. Głównymi celami ugrupowania, zawartymi w programie ogłoszonym w 1935 r., były: 
walka z obcymi wpływami gospodarczymi oraz dążenie do samowystarczalności gospodarczej państwa
wprowadzenie systemu korporacyjnego i reorganizacja związków zawodowych
wzmocnienie władzy wykonawczej (reformy polityczne)
dozbrojenie państwa w celu obrony przed "niemieckim niebezpieczeństwem”
przeciwstawianie się komunizmowi.
Przywódca Croix-de-Feu głosił alians kapitału i pracy. W przeciwieństwie do hasła monarchistycznej Akcji Francuskiej (Action Française) Po pierwsze polityka! (Politique d'abord!) wymyślił własny slogan Po pierwsze sprawy społeczne! (Social d'abord!). Opowiadał się m.in. za prawem kobiet do głosu w wyborach parlamentarnych. Krzyż Ognia (Croix-de-Feu), stowarzyszenie weteranów, założone w 1927 r. kierowane przez François de La Rocque, zorganizowało pokojowy wiec 6 lutego 1934 r. i nie brało udziału w zamieszkach. Stopniowo stawała się umiarkowana, ostatecznie przekształcając się w demokratyczną centroprawicową partię Parti Social Français (1936–40). Podczas II wojny światowej, La Rocque wykorzystywał swoją partię jako wywiadowczą siatkę oporu powiązaną z brytyjskim wywiadem. To utorowało drogę do gaullizmu.
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Things are happening in VCTV world and we’re back because the Twitter character limit wasn't gonna cut it!!! We discuss wonky rumors that probably aren't true and speculate how problematic VC tropes will look on TV. Yikes on bikes!
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thefordartgallery · 3 years
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This is Joanie Krug’s 3rd rotation with us!! We are so lucky to have her. For this rotation Joanie brings us “Three in a pod” #artistsonrotation #pdxart #fordgallery #contemporaryart #femaleartist #originalartforsale #artforoffices #lobbydesign #walldecorcustom #artadvisors #artforinteriordesigners #hospitalart #newbuilddecor #workspaces #letartin #artinteriors #originalartforsale #artconsulting (at The Ford Art Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/COTi-IRBMnA/?igshid=azhodnaegatg
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herbstvintage · 4 years
Staré a nové na toaletnom stolíku alebo o dobovej kozmetike v súčasnosti
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V rámci výskumu dejín odievania, spôsobu života či každodennosti je pre mňa zaujímavá i otázka ohľadne kozmetiky, pretože tá je neoddeliteľnou súčasťou životného štýlu ženy a je zaujímavé, ako veľmi prepája ženu medzivojnovej doby so ženou dneška. Ako sa žena medzivojnového obdobia o seba starala, akú kozmetiku používala, aké kozmetické postupy existovali? Podobala sa jej starostlivosť na tú dnešnú? Ktoré značky existovali v danom období a existujú ešte aj dnes?  Dá sa vintage kozmetika stále používať? Tomu všetkému sa budem venovať v dnešnom, o čosi rozsiahlejšom blogu.
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Mojim záujmom je priblížiť autentický obraz kozmetickej starostlivosti a preto sa snažím čo najviac spojiť s minulosťou, snažím sa hľadať v súčasných produktoch a značkách tie, ktoré mohla vtedajšia žena používať. Dodnes existuje na trhu veľa známych značiek, ktoré sa používali už v danom období, napr. Elizabeth Arden, Max Factor, Pond’s, Camay, Palmolive, Schwarzkopf, Bourjois, Maybelline, Nivea... dokonca aj Shiseido. Z československých značiek dodnes používame napr. Alpu.
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Popri týchto značkách existovali iné, v tej dobe veľmi obľúbené, priam ikonické, ktoré už dnes nepoznáme. Asi najznámejšou bola kozmetická značka Coty. Tá síce stále existuje, ale je skôr neviditeľná, jej výrobky už nemajú taký cveng. Najvýraznejším produktom bol jemne mletý púder Airspun Coty, ktorý sa predával v krabičke s kultovým dizajnom od René Laliquea. Dnes Coty vyrába jeho repliku, ktorú musíte mať!
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Neexistujúcou slávnu značkou bola Elise Bock alebo Marinello, z tuzemských hlavne Elida, ktorá mala široké portfólio produktov. Najznámejším kozmetickým mydlom bola Hellada.
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Na mojom toaletnom stolíku sa preto stretávajú nové značky so starými. Čo sa týka používania originálnych produktov, som obozretná a radšej ich nepoužívam, snažím sa však získať také súčasné výrobky, ktoré vychádzajú z tradície alebo používajú originálne postupy či receptúry, avšak sú nové a neškodia zdraviu. Takýmito novými značkami sú produkty lokálnych kozmetických firiem, ktoré sú založené hlavne na prírodnej báze. Najznámejšou takouto novou značkou je slávna Bésame Cosmetics https://besamecosmetics.com/.  Špeciálnou značkou, ktorá bola populárna v minulosti je značka Tangee vyrábajúca prevažne púdre, no hlavne špeciálny nezmazateľný rúž, ktorý sa prispôsobil farbe pier. Bolo ho dostať aj u nás, no jeho súčasná verzia je dostupná iba v Amerike, ešte som sa k nej nedostala, ale pracujem na tom. https://www.vermontcountrystore.com/original-tangee-lipstick/product/61436.
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Kozmetické produkty mali na svoju dobu veľmi dobrú marketingovú prezentáciu. Elise Bock, Elizabeth Arden či tunajšia Elida mali naozaj prepracované reklamné prezentácie. Zahanbiť sa nedala ani veľmi populárna univerzálna Alpa.
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Starostlivosť o pokožku
V medzivojnovom období sa už žena neuspokojí iba s mydlom, vodou a ružovou vodou. Má k dispozícii mnoho produktov a postupov starostlivosti o pleť. Každá spoločnosť vyvíja revolučné spôsoby ošetrenia pleti, v salónoch sa prevádzajú masáže, veľmi populárne boli skrášľujúce zábaly tváre, čo bolo asi horúcim trendom, lebo v dobových reklamách sa často objavuje dámska hlava zabalená v obväzoch.
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Esenciálna starostlivosť spočívala v používaní základných krémov – mastnom (cold cream - najznámejším cold creamom je dodnes Pond‘s), nemastnom, alebo tzv. krémom každej hodiny. Dnes ich poznáme ako mastné, výživujúce a hydratujúce. Z krémov bola populárna dodnes obľúbená Nivea. Tiež sa používali rôzne aromatické pomády.
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Ja obľubujem krémy od Elizabeth Arden, používam podkladovú bázu pod make-up Flawless Start, ďalej veľmi mastný Eight Hour Cream a hydratačný krém Visible Difference. V jednom románe na pokračovanie som ohľadom tejto kozmetiky našla takúto chutnú stať:
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Svoj prvý kozmetický salón otvorila Elizabeth Arden na newyorskej 5th Avenue. Bolo to v čase, keď ešte nebolo bežné, aby ženy podnikali, či nosili make-up. Legendárna inovátorka a podnikateľka tak pred viac než storočím položila základy amerického kozmetického priemyslu.
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Elizabeth Arden patrila medzi prvých, kto v kozmetike uplatňoval vedecké inovácie a ku kráse zastávala holistický prístup. Ženám radila, aby svoju pleť hydratovali, vyhýbali sa priamemu slnku a každý deň cvičili jogu. Kozmetika Elizabeth Arden sa preto vždy snažila pleti predovšetkým prospievať, nie ju maskovať. Vo svojej vízii bola Elizabeth Arden nekompromisná. Jej produkty ženám skutočne pomáhali a mnohé z nich sa rýchlo stali kultovými.
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Obľúbená Elida vyrábala všetky základné krémy.
Používam tiež kozmetickú sadu Cosmetica, založenú v roku 1958 Ústavom lekárskej kozmetiky. Produkty sú vyrobené na báze norkového oleja, ktorý má veľmi dobré vyživujúce vlastnosti hlboko v pokožke. Používala ich moja babka, majú krásnu starosvetskú vôňu a tak sa mi to nejako spája s medzivojnovým obdobím.
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Čo sa týka vazelín, dlho so hľadala takú, ktorá by zložením a výzorom bola najbližšie originálu. Našla som ju u španielskeho výrobcu vintage kozmetiky. Má fialkovú arómu, podobne ako pôvodné vazelíny kvetinových vôní https://www.spanishoponline.com/store/p3893/Perfumeria_Gal_Madrid_Vintage_Violet_Vaselina_Fragranced_Balm.html#.
Okrem už neexistujúcej kolínskej vody od Coty sa dnes môžeme stretnúť s mnohými slávnymi vôňami, ktoré obľubovali aj ženy medzivojnovej doby. V prvom rade je to klasická kolínska voda 4711 Original. Je to starodávna vôňa, ktorá nesmie chýbať na žiadnom toaletnom stolíku. Vznikla v roku 1792 a odvtedy ju poznáme v jej originálnom obale.
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Ďalšie moje obľúbené svetoznáme vône sú tie od Chanel a tiež Shalimar od Guerlain. Slovo Shalimar v názve vône v sanskrte znamená vášnivý milostný príbeh. Ten sa pred štyrmi storočiami odohral medzi cisárom a princeznou, pre ktorú dal vládca postaviť Šalimarské záhrady.Tečúcimi vodami v týchto slávnych záhradách sa v roku 1925 inšpiroval Raymond Guerlain pri tvorbe nádherného flakónika k tejto vôni. Niet divu, že získal prvé miesto na Medzinárodnej výstave modernej umeleckopriemyselnej výroby v Paríži. V dvadsiatych rokoch minulého stročia „frčalo“ všetko orientálne a preto je parfum Shalimar veľmi typickou vôňou 20. rokov.
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Z produktov, ktoré sú nové, ale vychádzajú z dobových receptúr mám rada fialkovú voňavku podľa vône mydla z 20. rokov od LittleBits https://www.etsy.com/listing/238858957/vegan-friendly-historically-inspired?ref=shop_home_active_6&crt=1. Táto kozmetická firma vyrába naozaj zaujímavé dobové produkty.
Ďalším vzrušujúcim parfumom, ktorý pre mňa predstavuje typickú vôňu 30. rokov je rozkošný parfumček od Nadine Cosmetics  https://www.etsy.com/shop/NadineCosmetics?ref=simple-shop-header-name&listing_id=775860308.  Jeho autorka je veľmi sympatická a oddaná vintage vôňam. Obal tohto parfumu je krásny a originálny. Bakelitový uzáver je milým detailom.
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Dekoratívna kozmetika
Pri líčení žena medzivojnového obdobia sledovala tento základný postup: krém, púder, mascara, rúž a lícenka. Pri večernom líčení použila očné tiene. V 20. rokoch si oči zvýrazňovala hrubou kajalovou linkou podľa líčenia starovekých egyptských žien. V 30. rokoch zas očný výraz doplnila o umelé riasy. O obočí vytrhanom do tenkej linky či úplne vyholenom asi nie je ani potreba sa zmieňovať.
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Najväčším vynálezom v dekoratívnej kozmetike bol make-up. Keď sa v 30. rokoch začali hollywoodske hviezdy sťažovať na to, že sa im ťažké a mastné divadelné šminky v žiari reflektorov počas scén priam roztápajú na tvári, prišiel poľský vizážista Maximilian Faktorowicz s prevratnou novinkou. Zmiešal olej, vosk a vodu do masy, ktorú potom vysušil pridaním púdru a tak vznikol matný make-up, ktorý tvarom a farbou pripomínal palacinku a tak ho dodnes poznáme pod názvom pan-cake. Jeho vynález mu priniesol milióny a so skráteným menom na Max Factor zaznamenal v 40. rokoch skutočný rozkvet svojho podnikania  a inšpiroval iných výrobcov dekoratívnej kozmetiky. Dnes si bez make-upu nevieme líčenie predstaviť. Ja používam korektor Pan-Stik v tyčinke.
Púdre sa predávali väčšinou sypké. Buď v originálnych krabičkách, alebo sa zmiešavali rovno v salóne a dámy ho doma skladovali v sklenených púdrových dózach. Do svojej púdrenky si vždy z neho kúsok odsypali, prikryli jemnou mriežkou a zavreli zvláštnym pláštikom. Mnohé značky však predávali aj hotové kompaktné púdre. Najznámejší je už zmieňovaný hebučký Airspun Coty ale aj Tangee alebo Three Flowers. Dnes Coty ponúka repliku tohto púdru, čo je úžasný počin, a spoločnost LittleBits vyrába vlastné púdre podľa dobových receptúr https://www.etsy.com/listing/538901290/1936-velour-setting-powder-matte-face?ref=shop_home_active_2&crt=1, takže sa dajú používať na docielenie perfektného dobového výzoru. Bésame Cosmetics vyrába nádherný, jemnučký ružovo-vanilkový púder, ktorý robí pokožku hebkou a delikátne naružovelou. Pozerám, že na stránke ho momentálne nemajú, ale určite sa tam čochvíľa objaví.
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Farba na riasy sa vyrábala v podobe stvrdnutého koláča. Keď sa farba navlhčila, nanášala sa na riasy malou kefkou. Bésame Cosmetics takúto mascaru má vo svojej ponuke https://besamecosmetics.com/products/black-cake-mascara, ale ja som ju našla aj u slovenskej bioproducentky pod značkou Hiling za veľmi nízku cenu https://www.sashe.sk/HilingZdravaKrasa/detail/riasenka-sen.
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Obľúbené lícenky mali rôzne odtiene – karmínové, oranžové, červené. Ja mám originálne lícenky od Coty a Three Flowers, zo súčasných dobových replík, ktoré používam je to lícenka Myrurgia od španielskeho výrobcu https://www.spanishoponline.com/store/p4393/MYRURGIA_Un_Rubor_Blush.html, či lícenka (pôvodne tieň na oči) značky Hiling od už zmieňovanej slovenskej bioproducentky https://www.sashe.sk/HilingZdravaKrasa/detail/ocny-tien-echinacea-purpurova.
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Rúž bol najdôležitejším prvkom líčenia, nesmel chýbať, bol výrazom ženského rebelstva 20. rokov a ženskej elegancie 30. rokov.
Mám rôzne odtiene rúžov, hlavne od Bésame Cosmetics, ktorí svoje rúže doviedli do dokonalosti, sú hutné, matné, dobre sedia a majú nádherné dobové farby, napr. American Beauty je jeden z mojich naj https://besamecosmetics.com/products/american-beauty-lipstick. Táto farba ma zaujala aj preto, lebo mi po babičke ostal rúž výraznej karmínovej farby, ktorej som sa pri svojom líčení chcela priblížiť. Podobný odtieň má aj rúž Cherries in the Snow ďalšej originálnej značky Revlon, založenej v roku 1932 bratmi Revsonovcami a Charlesom Lachmanom, ktorý do názvu značky so základom Revson pridal zo svojho priezviska písmeno L. Prvým výrobkom firmy bol lak na nechty, a vďaka jeho úspechu sa sortiment značky Revlon začal veľmi rýchlo rozrastať o ďalšie kozmetické produkty.
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Telová kozmetika
Jemné mydlá značky Hellada či  Yardley Lavender. Telo sa po kúpeli zjemňovalo olivovým alebo mandľovým olejom. Veľmi často sa hlavne z hygienických dôvodov a proti poteniu používali telové púdre. Ja používam orginálny konvalinkový púder klasickej značky Yardley Lavedner, ktorá dodnes vyrába produkty tak ako v medzivojnovej dobe. Takéto púdre vyrábala aj firma Coty. Ako telový píling sa používal napr. mandľový olej s najemno pomletými mandľovými škrupinkami.
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Po už zmieňovanom revolučnom laku na nechty sa veľký dôraz kládol na manikúru. Lak sa na pestované nechty nanášal na celú plochu nechtu, alebo tzv. half-moon spôsobom, keď sa vynechalo miesto nechtového mesiačika. Niekedy sa nefarbil ani vrchný povrch vyrasteného nechtu. Manikúrové sety sa vyrábali v prepychových kazetách, ktoré sa dedili z generácie na generáciu. Okrem známych pomôcok na manikúru obsahujú tieto boxy vždy aj tzv. polissoir, teda leštičku na nechty a dve tajomné nádobky. V nádobkách boli pasty, ktoré sa naniesli na nechty a leštičkou sa nimi nechty vyleštli. Prednedávnom som objavila set na japonskú manikúru, ktorý ma zaujal práve dvoma nádobkami s leštiacou pastou a práškom, okrem nich má dva polissoiry a pilníky. Podstatou manikúry je leštením dosiahnuť na nechtoch efekt ružovej japonskej perly. Interesantné.
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Vlasy sa väčšinou umývali raz týždenne, aj to väčšinou u kaderníka, ktorý vytvoril vlny a tie si majiteľka udržovala počas celého týždňa. Používalo sa mnoho šampónov, napr. ten od značky Schwarzkopf, brezové vody proti mastným vlasom alebo na dezinfekciu. Niekedy sa do vlasov vtierala aj Alpa. Na spevnenie účesu tu boli tužidlá a aj laky na vlasy. Fenoménom tejto doby bola trvalá ondulácia, ktorá permanentne skučeravila vlasy, ktoré sa potom ľahšie upravovali do vĺn pomocou vodovej ondulácie. V 20. rokoch boli účesy divoké, strapaté alebo rovné, uhladené brilantínou, v 30. rokoch museli však byť bezchybne uhladené, čo sa dosahovalo kvalitným vyčesaním a použitím vlasového oleja alebo pomády. Ja si vlasy upravujem tzv. vodovou onduláciou za pomoci rôznych pomôcok a rôznymi spôsobmi. Na docielenie uhladeného efektu používam ružovú pomádu od LittleBits https://www.etsy.com/listing/514971768/1930s-rose-pomade-shine-pomade-vintage?ref=shop_home_active_41&crt=1.
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Ružová, brezová, cukrová
Áno, vody. Používali sa veľmi často. Aj dnes si ich môžeme dopriať za prijateľné ceny a zaradiť do nášho kozmetického rituálu. Ja ich nakupujem v DM, kde sú veľmi lacné. Hlavne tá cukrová mi robí radosť, používam ju ako tužidlo. Ich dizajn nie je príliš vintage, ale nič nebráni tomu si všetky vody, aj pleťovú, púdre, mydlá a iné súčasné produkty premiestniť do starožitných nádobiek.
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Kultovým kozmeticko-liečebným produktom, ktorý používame dodnes je francovka značky Alpa. V medzivojnovom období bola Alpa všeliek, veľa sa ňou masírovalo, používala sa na inhaláciu pri infekciách dýchacích ciest alebo proti únave. Príliš mastné vlasy alebo mastná pleť sa ňou ošetrovali tiež. Tomáš Garique Masaryk dostal set produktov Alpa v darčekovej kazete pri príležitosti svojich 80. narodenín.
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Na záver
Z dobových reklám sa dozvedáme, že žena medzivojnovej doby mala k dispozícii aj také vymoženosti ako depilačný krém, zlupovaciu či bahennú tvárovú masku, horské slnko, či deodoranty, dokonca repelenty.  Dámam boli k dispozícii moderne vybavené kozmetické salóny, v Bratislave napríklad salón v Paláci Zemskej banky na Laurinskej ulici.
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A aby ilúzia hygieny ženy medzivojnovej doby bola úplná, používam krásne damaškové uteráky po mojej babke Šarlote a prababkách Gizele a Margite s ich monogramami.
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A ešte dve fotografie, jedna pred nanesením dobového líčenia, druhá po. Preferujem jemné, elegantné líčenie s výrazným rúžom.
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Foto: Barbora Šlosarová
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hluchymuz · 4 years
Lacuna Coil - Black Anima (Century, 2019)
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(19. 1. 2020)
Itálie, plodná to země. Třeba před 25 lety - zplodila gothic metalovou bandu Lacuna Coil, která dnes patří mezi to nejlepší, co jih Evropy na hudebním poli nabízí. Na konci roku 2019 pak dala poznat světu sílu italského metalu v podobě alba LC nazvaného Black Anima.
Black Anima, černá duše. Album hluboké a tmavé právě tak, jak hluboká a tmavá může být třeba duše metalová. Členové LC v mnoha rozhovorech předem avizovali, že do alba otisknou své temné zážitky a zkušenosti, kterými si v posledních letech nedobrovolně prošli, a z alba je to cítit až do morku kosti. Už na předposlední fošně s názvem Delirium si fanoušek italské party všiml, že Marco Coti Zelati svoji hudební tvorbu přitvrdil a zatímco Cristina Scabbia drží svoji úžasnou pěveckou linku jako dřív, Andrea Ferro si svůj zdařilý growl užívá mnohem častěji. Na Black Anima jde ale Lacuna Coil zase o kus dál. Všechny skladby na desce jsou hodně rychlé, jakoby vedené určitým neklidem – neklidem v duši. Album sice začíná a (ve verzi) bez bonusů končí atmosférickými Anima Nera (černá duše italsky) a Black Anima, které jakoby ani nepatřily do konceptu alba; opak je ale pravdou. Svojí atmosférou posluchače vytrhnou z reality, resp. do reality vrací a bez nich by album nebylo kompletní. Mezi nimi se pak odehrává celý příběh – příběh duší plných temnoty.
Každá píseň alba splňuje přesně to, co od Lacuna Coil očekáváme; to, proč je LC tak úspěšná. Tentokrát ale k obvyklé vysoké kvalitě hudby, vokální linky či zdařilých textů jako bonus dostáváme i něco navíc, něco nového. Tvrdší, plnější zvuk, atmosféru, díky které se album Black Anima dostává hluboko pod kůži.
Nejsilnější je „Černá duše“ ve své první polovině. Cristina a Andrea odpálí největší pecky hned po intru Anima Nera druhou skladbou „Sword of Anger“. Našlapaná riffová masáž od začátku tlačená Andreovým growlem přechází do melodické pasáže, kde si Cristina přitáhne posluchače jako pověstná siréna na moři. Že si Lacuna vystřílela náboje hned na začátku? Ale kdeže!
Následuje lehce pomalejší „Reckless“, která potvrzuje, že model „zlej growlující polda – hodná zpívající policajtka“ prostě funguje. Atmosféra tajemna, „něco bublá pod povrchem“ a napětí nakonec uvolňuje perfektně načasovaný jednoduchý refrén. Tak se nám to líbí! A pak už přichází asi nejlepší vál celého alba – „Layers of Time“. Dalo by se říct sestřička „Sword of Anger“, jen ještě tvrdší, nabušenější, emocemi sršící. Andreův growl se tlačí do každého póru, pak přichází Cristina. Jako nějaký Deus ex Machina vstupuje do děje a naprosto otáčí poměry. Všechen ten tlak, emoce, rachot a inferno najednou končí a přichází harmonie a klid, samozřejmě doprovázen ostrými metalovými riffy v pozadí. Až z toho mrazí.
Pak mírně zvolníme – tempem, ovšem rozhodně ne kvalitou. „Apokalypsou“ se LC vrací ke starým dobrým časům a albům, na takovém Broken Crown Halo by se vyjímala, ovšem tady se rozhodně taky neztratí – právě naopak. Zklidnění po „Layers of Time“ přesně zapadá do konceptu emotivního popisu černé duše. A jedeme dál. Jak už jsem naznačil, druhá část alba už není tak dramatická, jako ta první. Kvalita zůstává, tvrdost a určitá hloubka ale lehce mizí. „Now or never“ je vlastně takový most mezi Lacunou jak ji známe o dvě, tři alba dříve, a tou novou, tvrdší, nesmlouvavější. Pak přichází „Under the Surface“, která jde svým rytmem a neodbytností opravdu pod povrch; prostě najednou zjistíte, že pokyvujete nebo si podupáváte a ta věc vás prostě baví!
A zpátky ke gotickým kořenům, což zajistí epická, klidná „Venificium“. Žádný spěch, všechno pěkně plyne a spěje v emocích a neodbytností k harmonickému refrénu. V podobně klidném duchu následuje „The End is All I Can See“, a pak už přichází třetí vrchol celé fošny – skvělá „Save me“, která prostě chytne a nepustí. Poslední Black Anima pak navazuje na první Anima Nera a vyprovodí posluchače zpátky do reality. Škoda, pár songů by to ještě chtělo! A taky že jo; pokud jste šťastní majitelé bonusové verze Black Anima, máte ještě možnost pokračovat v párty s emocemi, kde si s námi pohrají Black Feathers, Through the Flames a Black Dried Up. Upřímně nechápu, proč se jedná jen o bonusy, které na svých albech nenajdou fandové LC vždy. Hlavně u Black Feathers jde totiž, podle mě, o čtvrtou albovou topovku.
Inu, Black Anima je z velké části stará dobrá Lacuna. Kvalita, emoce, tempo, hloubka, na kterou jsme zvyklí. A k tomu navíc možná až nečekaná tvrdost a hodně tmavá šedá. Tihle Italové nejen že mají po pětadvaceti letech pořád co nabídnout; oni jdou pořád dál a to nás neuvěřitelně baví. Jasně, Black Anima možná mohla být lépe vyvážená, mohla se vyhnout pár lehce hluchým místům, bonusy měly být plnohodnoté písničky playlistu. Celkově ale jde o hodně povedené album.  Za to čtrvtstoletí Lacuna Coil je určitě jedno z nejpovedenějších a příslib dalších hodně povedených (pětadvaceti?) let.
U mě dobrý. Moc dobrý. Vlastně jedna z nejlepších desek roku 2019. Takže 9 z 10? Nakonec proč ne… 
Angry Bird
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From air fryers to cargo pants, this is what everyone is buying at Walmart right now
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Shop 15 of the best-selling products at Walmart during February. (Photo: Walmart, Art: Yahoo Lifestyle photo-illustration)
Have you ever wondered what customers are really buying from Walmart? As one of the biggest retailers in the the world, Walmart shoppers are savvy when it comes to sleuthing the store for the best products at the best prices. Among those that topped the bestseller list in February include Vizio’s 55″ Class 4K TV ($379, was $478), KitchenAid’s Artisan Series 5-Quart Tilt-Head Stand Mixer ($220, was $500) and Time and Tru’s Sculpted Ankle Jeggings ($12, was $18).
Keep scrolling to shop 15 best-selling products at Walmart with top reviews and some with big discounts.
Sharp 40” Class FHD 1080P LED TV
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Sharp 40” Class FHD 1080P LED TV. (Photo: Walmart)
5-star review: “Bought this for $160 and it has been worth every penny so far. Perfect for my studio apartment. I connected my Fire TV and an indoor HD antenna and I am all set. Picture quality is great and I couldn’t increase the volume beyond 50 percent its capacity. People who are complaining about not having smart features built-in, you are perhaps expecting a bit too much from a $160 TV. You can add a Fire Stick or Chromecast or Roku for about $40 and that should solve the problem. If you want to spend less, you can probably find a used streaming device for $15-$20 on [Craigslist]. Anyway, great TV for the price. Does what it needs to and does it really well.”
Shop it: $160 (was $230), walmart.com
Sceptre 50” Class FHD 1080P LED TV
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Sceptre 50” Class FHD 1080P LED TV. (Photo: Walmart)
5-star review: “The picture is crisp, sharp, and the sound is good. It arrived right on time and was easy to set up. After 11 years, our Samsung died and we wanted something inexpensive but still good. My friend has this model for her bedroom TV for three years and loves it. I highly recommend it.”
Shop it: $200 (was $350), walmart.com
Vizio 50” Class 4K Ultra HD 2160P HDR Smart LED TV
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Vizio 50” Class 4K Ultra HD 2160P HDR Smart LED TV. (Photo: Walmart)
5-star review: “Simply gorgeous color, and the resolution is unbelievable! It was easy to set up, is light in weight so moving it is a breeze. We already had the Vizio sound system (bar plus base and 2 side speakers) which, to my amazement, was the hardest thing to set up. But we did get it set up using the AUX instead of the HDMI, and it’s fabulous. The price was the best part, we got a 55″ Smart 4K TV for under $400? Oh yeah, definitely in love with it.”
Shop it: $298, walmart.com
Vizio 55” Class 4K Ultra HD 2160P HDR Smart LED TV
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Vizio 55” Class 4K Ultra HD 2160P HDR Smart LED TV. (Photo: Walmart)
5-star review: “Great quality, picture and sound for the price. Easy to set up. If I needed another TV, I’d get another one.”
Shop it: $379 (was $478), walmart.com
KitchenAid Artisan Series 5-Quart Tilt-Head Stand Mixer
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KitchenAid Artisan Series 5-Quart Tilt-Head Stand Mixer. (Photo: Walmart)
5-star review: “I’m 70+ and have baked and cooked most of those years without a good mixer. Don’t ask me why! This year I decided to give myself an early Christmas gift and get a KA Artisan. Love the quality, heftiness and control. My family is appreciative as well! The kitchen smells terrific!“
Shop it: $220 (was $500), walmart.com
Ninja 4-Quart Air Fryer
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Ninja 4-Quart Air Fryer. (Photo: Walmart)
5-star review: “I love this air fryer! This air fryer has a better design as far as cleaning compared to other brands. There is not a separate fry basket to clean, it [has] a simple raised tray that slides down into the base so the air can flow underneath. Chicken wings come out amazing! Crisp and juicy wings without the added fat!”
Shop it: $90, walmart.com
Keurig K-Compact Single Serve K-Cup Pod Coffeemaker
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Keurig K-Compact Single Serve K-Cup Pod Coffeemaker. (Photo: Walmart)
5-star review: “If you’re a coffee drinker, you need a Keurig in your life. My husband and I are avid coffee drinkers and never thought that a Keurig would be economical for the amount of coffee we consume. To our surprise, it fits right in. It’s a huge time saver and allows us to take something off our list in the morning. We don’t have to worry about measuring the water and grains or storing the extra for later. Just push power, choose your size, and put in the k-cup. Simple and quick!”
Shop it: $59, walmart.com
White Stag Women’s Front Back Elastic Denim Pants
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White Stag Women’s Front Back Elastic Denim Pants. (Photo: Walmart)
5-star review: “I have paid $70 for pants as nice as these! Only these fit much better. Has a nice slim pants look without being as tight fitting as a legging or jegging. White Stag has a softer material but still has that “jeans” feel and look. I am 50 plus years old, 5’4″ and weigh 150 lbs. Bought M Average. Fit like they were made just for me.”
Shop it: $15, walmart.com
Time and Tru Women’s Sculpted Ankle Jegging
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Time and Tru Women’s Sculpted Ankle Jegging. (Photo: Walmart)
5-star review: “These jeans fit sooo well! I typically wear a size 8 but sized up to a 10 and they were perfect. They hit right above my ankle bone (I am 5’8) and have a nice, high rise. The blue washes have whiskering in the front which makes them look more expensive. They have the perfect amount of stretch to be comfortable but not saggy. Highly recommend!”
Shop it: $12, (was $18), walmart.com
Athletic Works Women’s Drive More Core Relaxed-Fit Yoga Pant
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Athletic Works Women’s Drive More Core Relaxed-Fit Yoga Pant. (Photo: Walmart)
5-star review: “I bought a pair of these pants a year ago for lounging around the house. Then I got a job where I needed black pants to wear to work. They fit the bill perfectly. They are not dress pants, but they provide the give I need, since I’m constantly moving at my job. They’re way more stain resistant than the expensive pants I bought, but rather thin. You might need an inner layer if you want to wear them outside in the winter. They also seem to run a tiny bit big, so if you’re ordering them without trying them on try a size smaller than you normally wear. They come to a perfect length for a 31-inch inseam, so if you’re taller you might want to look elsewhere. I’m buying a new pair today, so I’ll have two of these wonderful pants.”
Shop it: $12 (was $16), walmart.com
Wrangler Men’s Comfort Solution Series Cargo Pant
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Wrangler Men’s Comfort Solution Series Cargo Pant. (Photo: Walmart)
5-star review: “My husband loves these pants! They are not always available to buy, so when I see them, I buy them. The gray and green are nice colors and the hidden stretchy waist is a lifesaver.”
Shop it: $23, walmart.com
Wrangler Men’s Regular-Fit Jean with Comfort Flex Waistband
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Wrangler Men’s Regular-Fit Jean With Comfort Flex Waistband. (Photo: Walmart)
5-star review: “Perfect fit. True to size (even a little long, but nothing wrong with that). Comfort waistband is nice when tucking in a shirt. Denim is a little lighter weight than some other Wrangler styles, but feels good and hangs well. A great addition to my jeans wardrobe.”
Shop it: $23, walmart.com
George Men’s Regular-Fit Jean
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George Men’s Regular-Fit Jean. (Photo: Walmart)
5-star review: “These are such good-looking and comfortable classic jeans and I had to get them on the site because I couldn’t for the life of me find the size and length I wanted at the store! Fortunately the site has me covered and for the same price too! I got two pairs exactly alike so I can put rips in one and keep the other whole.”
Shop it: $11, walmart.com
Coty Airspun Loose Face Powder Translucent Extra Coverage
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Coty Airspun Loose Face Powder Translucent Extra Coverage. (Photo: Walmart)
5-star review: “I have used this powder for years and love it. The [local] stores do not carry it as they used to so have started ordering online from Walmart. The Honey Beige [is] especially hard to find. It looks good and blends in with my other makeup and smells delightfully. If you have never tried Coty powder, give it a try, I am sure you will be hooked.”
Shop it: $6, walmart.com
RapidLash Eyelash and Eyebrow Renewal Growth Serum Twin Pack
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RapidLash Eyelash and Eyebrow Renewal Growth Serum Twin Pack. (Photo: Walmart)
5-star review: “This serum is a favorite for me. It can be used with eyelashes and eyebrows. Like most, good things come to those who wait! Much less expensive online. Success with continued use.”
Shop it: $53 (was $100), walmart.com
The editors at Yahoo Lifestyle are committed to finding you the best products at the best prices. At times, we may receive a share from purchases made via links on this page.
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jedimolivolicom · 4 years
Proizvođač kozmetike Coty u čijem je vlasništvu poznata linija Max Factor kupuje petinu udjela u kozmetičkoj liniji Kim Kardashian West pod nazivom KKW za 200 miliona dolara.
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celebritylive · 4 years
When it comes to their safety, the Kardashian-Jenner family takes security very seriously.
During a discussion with her fellow contestants on a recent episode of the British reality series I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!, Caitlyn Jenner said that the Keeping Up with the Kardashians brood has a security team with them “everywhere” they go.
“Do you guys have to have security everywhere you go?” asked actor Cliff Parisi.
“Everywhere,” said Caitlyn, 70.
She also estimated that her youngest daughter, 22-year-old Kylie Jenner — who recently sold a 51 percent stake in her Kylie Cosmetics brand to beauty conglomerate Coty for $600 million — spends hundreds of thousands of dollars per month in protection.
“I bet you Kylie will spend anywhere between and $400,000 a month,” said Caitlyn. “A ton of money.”
Caitlyn, who also shares daughter 24-year-old Kendall Jenner with ex Kris Jenner, confirmed that security follows Kylie “everywhere.”
While the former Olympian admitted “it’s sad” that her children always have a team following them, she explained that they’ve grown accustomed to it over time.
“They’re used to it. They’ve been doing it forever,” said Caitlyn. “They like the security guys there.”
RELATED: Kim Kardashian’s Security Team ‘Tackles’ Kris Jenner in KUWTK Sneak Peek — ‘This Is So Crazy’
Caitlyn’s comments come more than two years after Kris, 64, said in June 2017 she and her children made security their first priority after Kim Kardashian West was robbed at gunpoint in Paris in the fall of 2016.
“It really changed all of our lives and the way that we live,” the famous momager admitted during The Hollywood Reporter’s reality TV roundtable.
Kardashian West, 39, was alone in her No Address Hotel room during Paris Fashion week when multiple masked men broke in and bound, gagged and robbed the KUWTK star of millions of dollars worth of jewels. Immediately following the heist, Kardashian West retreated from the public eye for three months, and her husband, Kanye West, increased the amount of security surrounding the family.
Not only did the terrifying incident change the way that Kardashian West lived — her family also followed suit.
“Not only do we now have an enormous amount of security — everyone is armed and licensed; it’s legit companies that protect all of us — but also the way that we deal with our lives on social media took a huge turn: what we show, what we don’t show,” said Kris. “If we go to Disneyland, we’re not snapping pictures with Dumbo; we’ll wait until we leave and then share something we want to share. But it also gave us great pause about what to share.”
Of the items that were stolen from Kardashian West was a 20-carat, emerald cut Lorraine Schwartz ring that West gave her, which she flaunted on social media prior to the break-in. Since the theft, Kris and her family drastically (and intentionally) changed what they decide to reveal to their social media audiences.
RELATED: Kim Kardashian Has a Manned Security Pod in Her Garage, Plus More Details Inside Her $60M Home
“There is nothing wrong with working hard and getting something wonderful for yourself if you want to or that’s what you’re into, but I think the way that we share it with other people really changed,” said Kris. “You think five times about what you’re going to put out there on social media.”
In addition to having security when they are out and about, Kardashian West has made her home a (very) safe haven.
Earlier this year, in Vogue’s May cover story, writer Jonathan Van Meter visited the Kardashian-West estate in Hidden Hills, California, and reported on some surprising details about the couple’s $60 million home.
“I had to pass through layers of Pentagon-level security and hesitated at their forbidding front door, which looks like it might be lowered over a moat, before deciding to walk around the side and enter through the garage like a normal person,” Van Meter wrote of the entrance to their massive abode.
In the garage, he said, there is a “security pod, manned 24 hours a day” along with a wall of shelves to hold boxes of Adidas Yeezy sneakers and another wall with black suitcases.
from PEOPLE.com https://ift.tt/2XY6l2u
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abstractfurnishings · 5 years
Where to Buy Abstract Phone Cases Online
Recently, I had decided that the case for my iPhone 6s was a little boring, and needed some flair. It was just a simple black case, a Bodyguardz or something like that; one of those tough, hard rubber cases that wraps around the back.
Now the case has worked well enough – I’ve dropped the phone a few times on the back or the corners, and it’s lasted thus far.
Although, this case, unlike the OtterBox is used to have years ago, doesn’t cover the screen, so I do have a few “bullet holes” in the glass screen protector on the front.
I digress.
Now, due to my love of all things abstract, I wasn’t in the mood a normal phone case. No no no. I wanted something with a little pizzazz if you will.
What did I do?
I searched for abstract phone cases of course.
In this article, I’m going to share with you the results of my search. I found 9 decent places to get a new phone case, regardless of whether you use iOS or Android. I haven’t used all of these sites, I’m merely sharing the ones that I found here.
The list below is a combination of these TYPES OF SITES. This includes:
Print on Demand
Phone Case specific
While I did include large marketplaces in this list like Amazon, I did NOT include out of the country direct importing sites like:
My reason for this is that it takes a really long time to receive these items, and these websites tend to be more for reselling, meaning you have to buy a bunch to get better prices. Also, since they are usually B2B and not B2C, the user experience is not nearly as good.
Best of luck and I hope you find one that’s right for you.
Etsy (My Recommended Choice)
Type: Marketplace
Etsy is a marketplace where people can sell their own handmade or vintage items. The phone cases here generally made or at least designed, by a regular person.
What’s nice about Etsy is the vast selection they have, due to how many people use the platform.
The reason I like Etsy is that most of the time, when you buy something on here, you’re supporting a person, not a large company.
The only “issue” I see with finding these cases on Etsy, is that you may be limited on finding a style you like in your specific phone model. While the style range may be wider, the types of cases you can get may be narrower than a site that specializes in phone cases. (see below)
Here’s an advantage though: If you find a style there that you like, but it’s not available for your phone type, the best thing you can do is message the artist directly, to see if there’s any way they could make one to your specifications.
Etsy has a lot of talented artists around, and many of the cases are very cool looking. That’s why I recommend them.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on Etsy
Type: Marketplace
I shouldn’t really have to say much about the biggest retailer on the internet. Obviously, Amazon has almost everything you could ask for, and abstract designed phone accessories are no different.
While Amazon has the biggest selection of everything online in one place, and low shipping, it’s hard to go anywhere else.
The only reason I don’t recommend Amazon is because they’re already big. I like suggesting other places to help other sites get recognized.
Also, while they have everything, that doesn’t mean they’re the best choice. They just have a lot of stuff.
But if you’re just looking for rock bottom prices, this is the place to go.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on Amazon (affiliate link)
Type: Print on Demand
Society6 is a “print on demand” site, meaning that a person will upload their designs, and Society6 (s6) will take those designs, print them on objects, and then ship it out to you.
From what I’ve seen, Society6 has quite a few cases available with abstract designs, and many are pretty darn cool. Usually the prices on a site like this tend to run a little higher than a marketplace site like Amazon or eBay, since the artist is the one creating the designs, but they only get a small sliver of the actual sale.
But again, if you want to support an artist, this is a great way to do it.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on Society6
RedBubble (2nd Recommendation)
Type: Print on Demand
RedBubble is very similar to Society6, but it has more available listings. Not only for phone cases, but home furnishings as well.
They also have designs available for many, many different types of phones. Even iPhone 4’s. Talk about retro. (lol)
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on RedBubble
Fine Art America
Type: Print on Demand
Fine Art America is the largest print on demand site that I know of. They have thousands and thousands of designs available from a wide array of artists.
I’ve even sold items on FAA.
My biggest complaint about Fine Art America is their actual site. It’s not always intuitive, and sometimes isn’t the easiest to use to find items, but if you can find what you’re looking for in a design, you can customize quite a bit before buying.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on FineArtAmerica
Design By Humans
Type: Print on Demand
I like this site, but I didn’t see a whole lot on here. I’d check this after the three aforementioned PoD sites first.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on Design by Humans
Type: Print on Demand
Similar results as above, but one thing that I like about Zazzle’s case selection is that they have OtterBox cases – something I didn’t see on the other sites (I may have missed it).
I flippin love OtterBox cases – I use to abuse the heck out of mine, and it stood up to everything I threw at it. Pretty decent selection here.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on Zazzle
Type: Print on Demand
Like the others listed above, this site started off as t-shirts only (I believe).
Honestly, I didn’t see many results for these types of phone cases, so I’d check here as a last resort. That’s not a slight to the company – there just aren’t a lot of results here. I basically added this to give you another option for looking.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on TeeSpring
Type: Item Specific
Casetify is a case website that also has covers for computers, tablets and watches. Their selection for phone cases is decent, with a lot of “hip” and “bright” designs available. They even have wallet cases, which is pretty dope.
It looks like they have cases for Android phones, but their specialty is Apple products.
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on Casetify
SkinIt (3rd Recommendation)
Type: item Specific
SkinIt is a pretty cool site that does what Casetify does – but better. Not only do they have phone cases for Samsung and iPhone, they also have abstract phone cases for Google’s Pixel phone.
They also have “skins” available for game consoles, laptops, and tablets.
And if all that wasn’t cool enough, you can simply upload your own design to be printed, and have something you uploaded become a skin or case that you can use.
Talk about customization!
Click here to see Abstract Phone Cases on SkinIt
All the best,
Coty S.
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2RpqNt0 via IFTTT
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The creation of a perfume is often treated as a bespoke art. The French pride themselves on centuries in the olfactory business, and professional scent masters — often referred to as “noses” — spend decades learning the craft, apprenticing under masters. Giant cosmetic companies such as Coty and Estée Lauder write huge checks to storied fragrance agencies, which will employ meticulous perfume chemists, scrupulous in the art of aromachology.
A common theme here is that the skill of developing a fragrance is extremely valuable — and extremely human. Scent is, after all, the sense that science says has the strongest ability to evoke memories, or trigger emotions and moods.
Now IBM is attempting to turn the traditional model on its head by harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to develop scents.
Symrise, a major global fragrance company based in Germany with clients including Estée Lauder, Avon, Coty, and Donna Karan, recently tapped the tech giant to study how machine learning can be applied in the world of fragrance.
IBM developed an algorithm that studies existing fragrance formulas and then compares the ingredients to other data sets, like geography and customer age. This algorithm, which was created in IBM’s Thomas J. Watson Research Center and which the company has named Philyra, can now develop new perfumes that will target very specific market segments.
Achim Daub, a Symrise executive, says the company has already sold two AI-developed perfumes to O Boticário, Brazil’s second-largest beauty store. The two scents, whose names were not shared with Vox, will start selling inside O Boticário’s 4,000 locations next year.
It all sounds a bit futuristic. How exactly does the process work? And how can an algorithm understand the sensual, transformative, and personal components of choosing fragrances?
Symrise has 1.7 million fragrance formulas that it’s collected over the years. These include scents that were sold to companies like Estée Lauder and Coty, which then market and package them as fancy perfumes, as well as flavors and concoctions used for things like toothpaste, pet food, detergent, candles, snack foods, and soda.
Symrise shared this list of fragrance formulas, along with information on how they performed sales-wise, with IBM. Philyra added these to a database and compared them to additional customer data provided by Symrise, like which scents were best-sellers and where, who was buying them, and which age demographic prefers which scents the most. Philyra can then use that information to create new formulas targeted to specific demographics.
A Symrise perfumer plays with fragrances created by IBM AI, Philyra. Symrise
Richard Goodwin, a research scientist at IBM who is part of the team that developed Philyra, describes this artificial fragrance developer as “a system whose learned to create a fragrance like a human apprentice.”
“Just like an apprentice would learn from a master what combinations of ingredients would work well, like what would be a good substitute for orange oil and when, or when to add rose oil instead of lemon, machine learning will create a fragrance based off which formula worked best,” he says.
In the case of the perfumes Philyra made for Boticário, the brand asked for scents that would target millennials living in Brazil. Philyra compared formulas against scents that were popular in that area and age range and came up with two. The first, according to Symrise senior perfumer David Apel, smells like “things I only can associate with exotic cuisine … fenugreek seeds, green cardamom pods, carrot seed, all wrapped with a milky, buttery, rich base note.” The other fragrance is a fruity, floral scent — seemingly aimed at girls — and has scents of Osmanthus tea with lychee and patchouli, which Apel calls “innocent, sparkling, effervescent.”
Daub says both fragrances received stellar responses from focus groups, and came out on top even when tested against other perfumes popular with Brazilian millennials.
Goodwin believes Philyra is an example of how “computers can be creative.” It can quickly create a new perfume by sifting through 1.7 million data sets with ease. This is similar to other AI creations, like how a data scientist created the Meow Generator by adding thousands of photos of cats into a generative adversarial network.
Daub says Symrise decided to hire IBM after reading about Chef Watson, IBM’s AI cooking app. The same supercomputer that dominated Jeopardy in 2011 made headlines for its ability to concoct new recipes in a partnership with Bon Appétit.
Daub felt the mixing, brewing, and smelling components of the food world was similar to the development of commercial fragrances, and thought AI could help the company innovate. Symrise also recently invested $6 million into Phlur, the fragrance startup that sells its perfumes to customers online by pairing scents with music and photography. Daub believes AI will ultimately help the fragrance market make money by targeting “missed opportunity” in fragrance sales.
He’s careful to say that Philyra won’t replace humans in the fragrance development process — not yet anyway. In the case of the two perfumes that will be sold at O Boticário, a machine developed the fragrances but a master perfumer at Symrise tweaked the product “to emphasize a certain note and improve how long it lasted on the skin,” according to Goodwin.
“It’s a very human reaction to be concerned about technology replacing a human, and we’re not talking about replacing perfumers tomorrow,” says Daub. “This isn’t something to necessarily market to customers, but the internal capability is that can increase efficiency and speed.”
Instead, he says Philyra will function like “an apprentice that the master perfumer will be able to work with” — which sounds a whole lot like replacing apprentice perfumers to me, but details! Symrise plans to roll out the use of Philyra into its perfume school soon.
It makes sense for Symrise to want to increase its speed and efficiency in developing fragrances: There’s plenty of money to be made. The global fragrance market is worth $48 billion, per Euromonitor. Perfumes are cash cows for fashion brands because they are an accessible purchase. Most can’t afford a Chanel handbag, let alone Chanel clothing, but a bottle of Chanel No. 5 is far more attainable.
Britney Spears promoting her fragrance, “Curious” in 2004 at a Macy’s in New York City. Kevin Mazur/Getty Images
Fragrances are also huge business opportunities for celebrities; stars like Elizabeth Taylor, Jennifer Lopez, and Britney Spears have made millions by attaching their name and image to perfumes.
And algorithms now drive fashion brands big and small, from Stitch Fix to Choosy. They’ve even piqued the curiosity of huge retail giants like H&M, which wants to learn how to better predict what it will sell so that it doesn’t end up sitting on $4.3 billion worth of unsold clothes again. Skin care startups are also keen on using AI to perfect and develop personalized beauty products.
The idea with all these companies is that data sets can work just as well as and often even better than people, in gathering information and developing products.
Applying machine learning to the fragrance industry, for instance, could help companies dupe highly coveted scents without violating trade secrets by using an algorithm to simply tweak the formula slightly.
“The outcome of this is still quite open,” Goodwin says. “Will this be used to develop fragrance formulas faster? Will we understand market successes in different parts of the world, and better be able to learn about customer preferences? Will leaner formulas be designed? We’re still halfway through exploring.”
The pushback, of course, is that something as personal as beauty, fragrance, and style, served as an algorithm, can feel sterile.
As Chandler Burr, a former New York Times perfume critic turned scent master, said in 2014, “perfume transforms from a merely artisanal craft to a true art because it lies. The point of art is to make people feel things, to manipulate people. The stronger and deeper the emotional and intellectual reaction is, the more successful that work of art is.”
Burr describes fragrance as something that gives people “an emotional and intellectual response.” A computer can generate the formula for a best-selling perfume among a certain demographic, but does it understand why those formulas are so popular — like why perfumes that are sweet and flowery are marketed to teen girls, and why some actually prefer to push against this stereotype?
There are those on the smaller business end of the fragrance industry who think Philyra can actually benefit perfumers. Julia Zangrilli, the founder of the customer fragrance company Nova, sees this type of AI technology as a boon to the fragrance industry. It might get rid of midlevel perfumers, but it could smaller perfumers make a wider variety of products, since the costs of labor and development would decrease.
“The technology does what could be considered by some as ‘busywork’ — the building the skeleton and main body of a fragrance,” she says. “Maybe not romantic in a classic creation sense, but this is super useful technology that both identifies new pathways and saves time and labor.”
Symrise doesn’t yet know whether tech like Philyra will affect the cost of perfumes, and it’s too early to tell if this type of AI can be rolled out on a large scale, to the point that everyone can get their own personalized fragrance with the press of a button. So for now, AI’s effect on customers is probably small.
There will no doubt be the purists who will only want to buy fragrances that are handmade and “authentic,” but Zangrilli compares IBM’s take on perfumes to buying premade pizza and adding toppings. Perhaps it’s not the same as artisanal, bougie pizza, but it can still be delicious.
Original Source -> Is AI the future of perfume? IBM is betting on it.
via The Conservative Brief
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organisationskoval · 1 year
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430) Le Faisceau – pierwsze francuskie ugrupowanie faszystowskie istniejące w latach 20. XX wieku. Powstało 11 listopada 1925 r. z inicjatywy Jacques'a Arthuysa i  Georges'a Valois, b. członków Action Française, którzy od 26 lutego wydawali pismo "Le Nouveau Siècle". Wśród czołowych działaczy byli m.in. Philippe Barrès, Serge André (przemysłowiec), płk André d'Humières (kierujący bojówkami paramilitarnymi), Marcel Bucard (przyszły przywódca faszystowskiej Parti Franciste), Hubert Bourgin (intelektualista, b. członek Ligue des Patriotes), dr Thierry de Martel. Nazwa pochodziła od włoskiego fasci. Ugrupowanie wzorowało się na Narodowej Partii Faszystowskiej Benito Mussoliniego, przejmując jej paramilitarny styl – mundury, wojskowe ceremonie i parady. Utworzono też bojówki pod nazwą Légions, ale ich akcje ograniczały się jedynie do obrony przed atakami Camelots du Roi. Faisceau szybko stało się obiektem krytyki ze strony Action Française, która postrzegała je jako potencjalną konkurencję. Finansowali je tacy przemysłowcy francuscy, jak Eugène Mathon i François Coty. Faisceau głosiło radykalne hasła, ale jej działalność miała ograniczony charakter. Głównymi formami działania były mityngi partyjne (największy 27 czerwca 1926 r. w Reims) i demonstracje uliczne. Pod koniec 1926 r. liczebność ugrupowania, mającego w szczytowym okresie ok. 25 tys. członków, zaczęła mocno spadać. Ostatecznie doszło do jego rozwiązania w 1928 r. Georges Valois założył wkrótce nowe ugrupowanie pod nazwą Parti Républicain Syndicaliste. Le Faisceau opowiadało się za państwem "narodowym", które będzie zaspokajało potrzeby wszystkich klas społecznych. Na jego czele powinien stać silny, autorytarny przywódca. Jednakże nie było wyznaczonego kandydata; Georges Valois nie zamierzał obejmować tej funkcji (część działaczy zgłaszała osobę Maxime’a Weyganda). Zamierzano tego dokonać poprzez zamach stanu i wprowadzenie dyktatury. Podstawą państwa miał być system korporacyjny, ale było to różnie rozumiane wśród głównych działaczy Le Faisceau. Georges Valois opowiadał się za formą produceryzmu, gdzie gospodarka opiera się na producentach. Natomiast np. E. Mathon chciał wprowadzenia kapitalizmu leseferystycznego, bez interwencjonizmu państwowego. Przywódca Le Faisceau rozumiał faszyzm jako rewoltę przeciwko "rządom burżuazji". Nie kwestionował istnienia prywatnej własności. Le Faisceau, partia faszystowska założona w 1925 roku przez Georgesa Valois. Silnie zainspirowany faszyzmem Mussoliniego, Faisceau twierdził, że dokonał syntezy socjalizmu i nacjonalizmu, która leży u podstaw ideologii narodowo-socjalistycznej. Osiągnął swój szczyt w 1926 roku, z 25 000 członków „Niebieskich Koszul” (wzorowanych na Czarnych Koszulach we Włoszech), zanim rozwiązał się z powodu wewnętrznych sporów.
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That’s right, fledglings, Ashley and Raph are back with some answers to some of your most pressing questions! This time we talk about VC locations and discuss whether we think vampires celebrate holidays or not! We apologize for the wait on this one, but go ahead and give it a listen; we promise it won’t disappoint!
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dani-qrt · 6 years
Starbucks deal gives Nestle more punch in fight with JAB
LONDON/ZURICH/LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Nestle’s (NESN.S) $7 billion licensing deal for Starbucks’ (SBUX.O) retail business gives it a much-needed boost in its battle against JAB, the privately owned investment firm stirring up the coffee industry with a string of deals. JAB, the family office of Europe’s billionaire Reimann clan, has built up the world’s second-largest coffee business over the past five years.
FILE PHOTO: The Nestle logo is seen during the opening of the 151st Annual General Meeting of Nestle in Lausanne, Switzerland April 12, 2018. REUTERS/Pierre Albouy/File Photo
It controls packaged brands such as Kenco and Douwe Egberts; retail chains like Peet’s and Espresso House; and Keurig, the leading at-home single-serve brewer system in the United States.
JAB is unlikely to make another major move right away, analysts say, as it is still busy with a giant deal to buy soft-drink maker Dr Pepper Snapple, turning its coffee fortress into a wider drinks empire.
This may help blunt the blow of Nestle’s incursion onto its home U.S. turf. But JAB is expected to keep growing, especially now that Starbucks will get super-charged by Nestle.
“There is no other brand like Starbucks so we would expect JAB to respond by continuing to innovate and acquire businesses to increase the breadth of their offering and their resources for innovation,” said Christopher Rossbach, chief investment officer at London-based private investment office J. Stern, a long-term Nestle shareholder.
Coffee is one of the few bright spots in a drab packaged food landscape. Because it is still fragmented, analysts and bankers expect more deals to come in a category fueled by young consumers. How Nestle and JAB position themselves against growing competition will determine their future success.
“It’s two players in an arms race, each looking for ways to reinforce their positions,” said Will Hayllar, partner at OC&C Strategy Consultants.
Nestle, the world leader by far, has risen to the challenges as its flagship instant Nescafe has been overtaken by fancier brews, with new products such as barista-style Nescafe Azera coffee and its mass-market Nescafe Dolce Gusto brewer system.
Slideshow (2 Images)
It has also launched Nespresso Vertuoline, catering to American tastes for big servings, and relaunched the Nescafe brand globally.
But the licensing deal with Starbucks is its boldest step yet.
It bolsters Nestle in the United States where it was weak, and gives it a presence in “roast and ground” coffee, big in grocery stores and food-service outlets.
“Both of these areas are JAB territory so it carries the competitive fight there,” said Kepler Cheuvreux analyst Jon Cox.
A spokesman for JAB in New York played down the impact.
“Starbucks has always had a well-run consumer goods business, and we are sure after this deal under Nestle it will continue to be a well-run business,” the spokesman said. “It has no impact on JAB.”
With more than 10 acquisitions, JAB has sought a presence anywhere coffee is drunk – at home, in restaurants or on the go. It has taken big gulps, like the Dutch coffee business spun off from Sara Lee, and small sips, like high-end U.S. roaster Intelligentsia.
Thanks to Dr Pepper’s distribution network, it will be able to flood grocery stores, convenience stores and restaurants with its coffee. This could help boost margins at the U.S.-focused Dr Pepper business, as many Americans cut back on sugary sodas.
“JAB is now moving into a broader drinks business. It’s interesting because the strategies are diverging a bit,” said Stanislas Duquesnoy, senior credit officer at Moody’s and lead analyst for JAB, comparing JAB to Nestle. He doubts JAB will do another sizeable deal in the near term, given the Dr Pepper one. He estimated JAB’s net debt to be about 20 percent of the overall market value of its portfolio, “a pretty healthy level … in line with a pretty high rating”. Moody’s rates JAB Baa1 with a stable outlook, while S&P gives it a BBB+ with a “watch positive” outlook. The Reimann fortune comes from Germany’s Benckiser chemicals company that merged with Britain’s Reckitt & Colman in 1999 to form Reckitt Benckiser (RB.L). Reckitt’s former CEO Bart Becht is one of the three principals running JAB’s investments on behalf of the family. The other two are Olivier Goudet, chairman of Anheuser-Busch InBev (ABI) (ABI.BR) and former finance chief of Mars, and Peter Harf, previously chairman of ABI and deputy chairman of Reckitt. JAB is also the biggest shareholder of beauty company Coty (COTY.N), controlling more than a third of its shares, and the second-largest shareholder of Reckitt. It has been offloading luxury brands as it scales up in drinks. BATTLE BREWING AT HOME
One uncertainty resulting from Nestle’s Starbucks deal is in the area of Starbucks single-serve coffee pods used for JAB’s Keurig at-home brewers.
The agreement between Nestle and Starbucks calls for Keurig to continue manufacturing Starbucks coffee K-cups in the United States, where the bulk of Keurig sales are, and for Nestle to market and distribute them. Starbucks and Nestle will jointly determine any future K-cup products.
Jefferies analyst Martin Deboo likened the arrangement to a potential Trojan horse, but said JAB was unlikely to retaliate with harmful measures, since both parties would get bruised.
JAB said Starbucks was “an important brand and valued partner” with a multi-year agreement.
“We view this as business as usual for us and look forward to Starbucks continuing to be available in the Keurig system,” the spokesman said.
Writing by by Martinne Geller; Editing by Mark Potter
The post Starbucks deal gives Nestle more punch in fight with JAB appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2FXGCg9 via Online News
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dragnews · 6 years
Starbucks deal gives Nestle more punch in fight with JAB
LONDON/ZURICH/LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Nestle’s (NESN.S) $7 billion licensing deal for Starbucks’ (SBUX.O) retail business gives it a much-needed boost in its battle against JAB, the privately owned investment firm stirring up the coffee industry with a string of deals. JAB, the family office of Europe’s billionaire Reimann clan, has built up the world’s second-largest coffee business over the past five years.
FILE PHOTO: The Nestle logo is seen during the opening of the 151st Annual General Meeting of Nestle in Lausanne, Switzerland April 12, 2018. REUTERS/Pierre Albouy/File Photo
It controls packaged brands such as Kenco and Douwe Egberts; retail chains like Peet’s and Espresso House; and Keurig, the leading at-home single-serve brewer system in the United States.
JAB is unlikely to make another major move right away, analysts say, as it is still busy with a giant deal to buy soft-drink maker Dr Pepper Snapple, turning its coffee fortress into a wider drinks empire.
This may help blunt the blow of Nestle’s incursion onto its home U.S. turf. But JAB is expected to keep growing, especially now that Starbucks will get super-charged by Nestle.
“There is no other brand like Starbucks so we would expect JAB to respond by continuing to innovate and acquire businesses to increase the breadth of their offering and their resources for innovation,” said Christopher Rossbach, chief investment officer at London-based private investment office J. Stern, a long-term Nestle shareholder.
Coffee is one of the few bright spots in a drab packaged food landscape. Because it is still fragmented, analysts and bankers expect more deals to come in a category fueled by young consumers. How Nestle and JAB position themselves against growing competition will determine their future success.
“It’s two players in an arms race, each looking for ways to reinforce their positions,” said Will Hayllar, partner at OC&C Strategy Consultants.
Nestle, the world leader by far, has risen to the challenges as its flagship instant Nescafe has been overtaken by fancier brews, with new products such as barista-style Nescafe Azera coffee and its mass-market Nescafe Dolce Gusto brewer system.
Slideshow (2 Images)
It has also launched Nespresso Vertuoline, catering to American tastes for big servings, and relaunched the Nescafe brand globally.
But the licensing deal with Starbucks is its boldest step yet.
It bolsters Nestle in the United States where it was weak, and gives it a presence in “roast and ground” coffee, big in grocery stores and food-service outlets.
“Both of these areas are JAB territory so it carries the competitive fight there,” said Kepler Cheuvreux analyst Jon Cox.
A spokesman for JAB in New York played down the impact.
“Starbucks has always had a well-run consumer goods business, and we are sure after this deal under Nestle it will continue to be a well-run business,” the spokesman said. “It has no impact on JAB.”
With more than 10 acquisitions, JAB has sought a presence anywhere coffee is drunk – at home, in restaurants or on the go. It has taken big gulps, like the Dutch coffee business spun off from Sara Lee, and small sips, like high-end U.S. roaster Intelligentsia.
Thanks to Dr Pepper’s distribution network, it will be able to flood grocery stores, convenience stores and restaurants with its coffee. This could help boost margins at the U.S.-focused Dr Pepper business, as many Americans cut back on sugary sodas.
“JAB is now moving into a broader drinks business. It’s interesting because the strategies are diverging a bit,” said Stanislas Duquesnoy, senior credit officer at Moody’s and lead analyst for JAB, comparing JAB to Nestle. He doubts JAB will do another sizeable deal in the near term, given the Dr Pepper one. He estimated JAB’s net debt to be about 20 percent of the overall market value of its portfolio, “a pretty healthy level … in line with a pretty high rating”. Moody’s rates JAB Baa1 with a stable outlook, while S&P gives it a BBB+ with a “watch positive” outlook. The Reimann fortune comes from Germany’s Benckiser chemicals company that merged with Britain’s Reckitt & Colman in 1999 to form Reckitt Benckiser (RB.L). Reckitt’s former CEO Bart Becht is one of the three principals running JAB’s investments on behalf of the family. The other two are Olivier Goudet, chairman of Anheuser-Busch InBev (ABI) (ABI.BR) and former finance chief of Mars, and Peter Harf, previously chairman of ABI and deputy chairman of Reckitt. JAB is also the biggest shareholder of beauty company Coty (COTY.N), controlling more than a third of its shares, and the second-largest shareholder of Reckitt. It has been offloading luxury brands as it scales up in drinks. BATTLE BREWING AT HOME
One uncertainty resulting from Nestle’s Starbucks deal is in the area of Starbucks single-serve coffee pods used for JAB’s Keurig at-home brewers.
The agreement between Nestle and Starbucks calls for Keurig to continue manufacturing Starbucks coffee K-cups in the United States, where the bulk of Keurig sales are, and for Nestle to market and distribute them. Starbucks and Nestle will jointly determine any future K-cup products.
Jefferies analyst Martin Deboo likened the arrangement to a potential Trojan horse, but said JAB was unlikely to retaliate with harmful measures, since both parties would get bruised.
JAB said Starbucks was “an important brand and valued partner” with a multi-year agreement.
“We view this as business as usual for us and look forward to Starbucks continuing to be available in the Keurig system,” the spokesman said.
Writing by by Martinne Geller; Editing by Mark Potter
The post Starbucks deal gives Nestle more punch in fight with JAB appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2FXGCg9 via Today News
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cleopatrarps · 6 years
Starbucks deal gives Nestle more punch in fight with JAB
LONDON/ZURICH/LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Nestle’s (NESN.S) $7 billion licensing deal for Starbucks’ (SBUX.O) retail business gives it a much-needed boost in its battle against JAB, the privately owned investment firm stirring up the coffee industry with a string of deals. JAB, the family office of Europe’s billionaire Reimann clan, has built up the world’s second-largest coffee business over the past five years.
FILE PHOTO: The Nestle logo is seen during the opening of the 151st Annual General Meeting of Nestle in Lausanne, Switzerland April 12, 2018. REUTERS/Pierre Albouy/File Photo
It controls packaged brands such as Kenco and Douwe Egberts; retail chains like Peet’s and Espresso House; and Keurig, the leading at-home single-serve brewer system in the United States.
JAB is unlikely to make another major move right away, analysts say, as it is still busy with a giant deal to buy soft-drink maker Dr Pepper Snapple, turning its coffee fortress into a wider drinks empire.
This may help blunt the blow of Nestle’s incursion onto its home U.S. turf. But JAB is expected to keep growing, especially now that Starbucks will get super-charged by Nestle.
“There is no other brand like Starbucks so we would expect JAB to respond by continuing to innovate and acquire businesses to increase the breadth of their offering and their resources for innovation,” said Christopher Rossbach, chief investment officer at London-based private investment office J. Stern, a long-term Nestle shareholder.
Coffee is one of the few bright spots in a drab packaged food landscape. Because it is still fragmented, analysts and bankers expect more deals to come in a category fueled by young consumers. How Nestle and JAB position themselves against growing competition will determine their future success.
“It’s two players in an arms race, each looking for ways to reinforce their positions,” said Will Hayllar, partner at OC&C Strategy Consultants.
Nestle, the world leader by far, has risen to the challenges as its flagship instant Nescafe has been overtaken by fancier brews, with new products such as barista-style Nescafe Azera coffee and its mass-market Nescafe Dolce Gusto brewer system.
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It has also launched Nespresso Vertuoline, catering to American tastes for big servings, and relaunched the Nescafe brand globally.
But the licensing deal with Starbucks is its boldest step yet.
It bolsters Nestle in the United States where it was weak, and gives it a presence in “roast and ground” coffee, big in grocery stores and food-service outlets.
“Both of these areas are JAB territory so it carries the competitive fight there,” said Kepler Cheuvreux analyst Jon Cox.
A spokesman for JAB in New York played down the impact.
“Starbucks has always had a well-run consumer goods business, and we are sure after this deal under Nestle it will continue to be a well-run business,” the spokesman said. “It has no impact on JAB.”
With more than 10 acquisitions, JAB has sought a presence anywhere coffee is drunk – at home, in restaurants or on the go. It has taken big gulps, like the Dutch coffee business spun off from Sara Lee, and small sips, like high-end U.S. roaster Intelligentsia.
Thanks to Dr Pepper’s distribution network, it will be able to flood grocery stores, convenience stores and restaurants with its coffee. This could help boost margins at the U.S.-focused Dr Pepper business, as many Americans cut back on sugary sodas.
“JAB is now moving into a broader drinks business. It’s interesting because the strategies are diverging a bit,” said Stanislas Duquesnoy, senior credit officer at Moody’s and lead analyst for JAB, comparing JAB to Nestle. He doubts JAB will do another sizeable deal in the near term, given the Dr Pepper one. He estimated JAB’s net debt to be about 20 percent of the overall market value of its portfolio, “a pretty healthy level … in line with a pretty high rating”. Moody’s rates JAB Baa1 with a stable outlook, while S&P gives it a BBB+ with a “watch positive” outlook. The Reimann fortune comes from Germany’s Benckiser chemicals company that merged with Britain’s Reckitt & Colman in 1999 to form Reckitt Benckiser (RB.L). Reckitt’s former CEO Bart Becht is one of the three principals running JAB’s investments on behalf of the family. The other two are Olivier Goudet, chairman of Anheuser-Busch InBev (ABI) (ABI.BR) and former finance chief of Mars, and Peter Harf, previously chairman of ABI and deputy chairman of Reckitt. JAB is also the biggest shareholder of beauty company Coty (COTY.N), controlling more than a third of its shares, and the second-largest shareholder of Reckitt. It has been offloading luxury brands as it scales up in drinks. BATTLE BREWING AT HOME
One uncertainty resulting from Nestle’s Starbucks deal is in the area of Starbucks single-serve coffee pods used for JAB’s Keurig at-home brewers.
The agreement between Nestle and Starbucks calls for Keurig to continue manufacturing Starbucks coffee K-cups in the United States, where the bulk of Keurig sales are, and for Nestle to market and distribute them. Starbucks and Nestle will jointly determine any future K-cup products.
Jefferies analyst Martin Deboo likened the arrangement to a potential Trojan horse, but said JAB was unlikely to retaliate with harmful measures, since both parties would get bruised.
JAB said Starbucks was “an important brand and valued partner” with a multi-year agreement.
“We view this as business as usual for us and look forward to Starbucks continuing to be available in the Keurig system,” the spokesman said.
Writing by by Martinne Geller; Editing by Mark Potter
The post Starbucks deal gives Nestle more punch in fight with JAB appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2FXGCg9 via News of World
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