#cooking is probably the hardest for him- he gets impatient and ends up burning or undercooking his food
plutonicbees · 1 year
bart just picking up the most random skills every other week when he happens to be bored (a frequent occurance).
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not even a headcanon- he's probably checked out hundreds of "[insert skill here] for dummies!" and he does what he can with them until he defaults to playing video games
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bakaaruo · 4 years
          @sasukhiha​   sent,   ‘  a  hoarse  whisper,   kiss  me.  ’
uchiha  sasuke  was  immortal  to  the  mind  of  uzumaki  naruto.   it  was  a  childish  thought  for  any  shinobi  to  have;   if  anything,   naruto’s  entire   life  experience  has  only  further  validated  that  nothing  is  permanent.   but  the  more  they  evaded  death,   the  more  they  overcame  the  impossible,   the  more  naruto  entertained  the  idea  that  they  were  fated  to  survive.   he  knew  sasuke  wasn’t  invincible,   but  the  hokage  never  thought  he  would  ever  have  to  watch  him  die. 
how   can   a   guy   who   can’t    even   save   one   friend...    become    hokage   ?
naruto’s  curse  was  he  would  always  survive  his  loved  ones.   hyuga  neji  is  survived  by...   lord  third  is  survived  by...   jiraiya  is  survived  by...   life  clung  to  naruto  like  clothes,   and  the  more  he  survived,   the  more  those  clothes  began  to  feel  like  chains.   it’s  why  he  couldn’t  stop  reaching  for  sasuke,   it’s  why  he  needed  his  life  to  be  worth  all  those  sacrificed  for  it.   and  even  if  he  failed,   they  would  both  fail.   naruto  watched  so  many  die  quick,   unceremonious  deaths  in  battle,   and  the  thought  of  crossing  into  the  next  life  with  his  best  friend  seemed  like  a  better  end  than  he  could  hope  for. 
naruto  couldn’t  fathom  even  death  parting  him  and  sasuke. 
even  with  no  medical  skill,   himself—   and  four  of  his  clones—   were  all  trying  their  hardest  they  to  keep  all  of  sasuke’s  blood  in  his  body.   they  pressed  into  his  once  porcelain  skin  until  the  dark  fabric  beneath  their  hands  became  damp,   warm,   and  sticky.   each  of  the  clones  exchanged  expressions  of  worry  and  skepticism,   differentiating  from  the  main  body,   whose  eyes  would  not  lift  from  the  sight  of  his  own  hands.   and  that’s  when  he  heard  it.
there  was  a  chance  naruto  would  have  missed  it;   it’s  hard  to  speak  when  blood  is  spilling  into  your  lungs.   a  bittersweet  taste  filled  his  mouth  while  every  muscle  in  his  body  became  taut.   in  any  other  circumstance,   there  would  be  an  aura  of  excitement  to  the  raven’s  request—   even  in  a  normal  circumstance,   it  was  more  than  an  unusual  request  to  come  from  sasuke’s  lips. 
kiss   me.
not  a  single  person,   not  even  the  creatures  that  dwelled  inside  him,   understood  the  how  badly  naruto  had  wanted  to  hear  those  two  words.   kiss  me,   hold  me,   touch  me—   no  matter  how  sasuke  phrased  it,   for  him  to  want  naruto  badly  enough  to  ask  for  him  was  a  dream  that  every  fiber  of  naruto’s  body  craved.   and  yet  the  idea  of  kissing  sasuke  now  tasted  like  bile  in  his  mouth,   and  he  clenched  his  eyes  shut  and  turned  away  from  his  voice.
❛   now...   now  you  want  me  to  kiss  you?   ❜   his  voice  was  strangled,   sounding  as  if  it  was  stuck  in  his  throat,   or  like  he  couldn’t  breathe.   he  wanted  to  die.    ❛   i’ve  been  trying  to  get  you  to  come  home...   to  just  learn  to  stay  and  forgive  yourself.   i’ve  been  trying  to  kiss  you  for  months—   and  you...   ❜   a  vaguely  familiar  burn  ran  through  the  jinchuriki’s  body,   an  inferno  that  naruto  had  previously  quelled. 
anger  like  this  was  unending,  unsatisfied;   it  consumed  him  until  he  felt  the  heat  reach  even  his  eyes,   turning  clear  blue  hues  a  crimson  that  rivaled  sasuke’s  sharingan  in  brilliance.   they  looked  even  brighter  behind  the  downpour  of  the  jinchuriki’s  tears,   glaring  down  at  sasuke  as  low  growls  rumbled  in  his  throat.    ❛   YOU  TOLD  ME  YOU  COULD  HANDLE  IT  !    ❜   he  snarled  down  at  the  dying  man,   tears  rolling  off  his  lips  (  and  fangs  )  onto  sasuke's  tattered  clothes.   of  course  he  was  angry  at  sasuke;   he  was  supposed  to  be  the  smart  one.   years  of  calling  naruto  useless,   loser,   idiot   because  naruto  was  impatient,   stubborn,   and  reckless  in  a  fight   only  to  end  up  being  held  together  by  the  usuratonkachi.   
the  deaths  of  geniuses  are  so  pitiful.
when  the  fading  light  of  hyuga  neji  died  in  front  of  him,   naruto  remembered  the  same  taste  of  copper  in  his  mouth  while  his  brain  screamed.   WHY   WHY   WHY,   IF  YOU  CAN'T,   HOW  CAN  I?   naruto  was  a  sloppy  fighter,   even  now,   and  he  was  an  average  strategist  at  best;   sasuke  and  neji  outperformed  him  in  more  ways  than  the  village  would  ever  know,   and  yet  naruto  had  to  watch  them  both  die  in  the  end.   sasuke  didn't  like  politics,   but  maybe  that  would  have  made  him  a  better  hokage  than  the  current,   and  he  wouldn't  be  bleeding  out  in  a  deserted  cavern.   it  sent  another  jolt  of  anger  shooting  through  naruto,   a  sob  pushing  its  way  past  his  clenched  teeth.
he's   dying,   naruto.                            shut  up,   stupid  old  fox.
the  idea  of  a  last  kiss  with  sasuke  had  his  spine  bending  with  grief,   hands  pressing  harder  into  his  chest.    ❛   just  wait...   til  sakura  sees  this...   after  she  gets  you  okay,   you'll  be  lucky  to  live  one  more  day...   ❜   even  as  a  child,   naruto  would  find  ways  to  avoid  reality,   often  with  a  flash  of  his  toothy,   dopey  grin.   no  matter  how  bad  it  would  seem,   he  clung  to  reasons  to  smile  to  survive  the  worst,   but  his  mouth  wouldn't  rise  even  if  he  tried.   nothing  about  this  was  enjoyable.   it  was  pain  in  physical  form,   and  naruto  was  wrist-deep  in  it,   soaking  it  in  until  it  stained  his  fingernails.   his  new  biggest  fear.   there  wasn't  supposed  to  be  a  last  kiss  because  sasuke  was  supposed  to  be  untouchable  to  anyone  except  the  gods  and  buddha.
why  are  you  giving  up?   don't  you  want  to  stay  with  me  longer?
❛   baka...   ❜    his  voice  is  hardly  there.
he's  trying  to  say  goodbye,   boy.                you  never  even  liked  him.                                                but  you  did.
naruto  didn't  like  sasuke,   he  coveted  him,   craved  him  like  a  lifesource;   does  a  plant  like  water?    naruto  spent  so  much  of  his  adolescence  breaking  chunks  off  of  himself  for  sasuke,   trying  to  lace  their  lives  in  a  closely  woven  pattern  in  the  hopes  that  sasuke  would  be  forced  to  acknowledge  him.   if  sasuke  expressed  admiration,   naruto  wanted  it;   if  sasuke  expressed  hate,   naruto  wanted  it;   if  sasuke  expressed  love,   naruto  wanted  it.   even  as  boys,   the  uchiha  was  the  center  of  naruto's  focus,   until  he  became  the  fox's  life.   without  sasuke,   there  were  a  lot  of  gaps  in  his  world;   even  then,   when  sasuke  would  leave  for  months  at  a  time,   naruto  would  feel  the  spaces  he  would  leave.   they  were  excruciatingly  loud.
it  used  to  be  the  empty  space  that  existed  in  a  random  inn  on  boring  missions,   the  silence  that  hung  in  the  air  that  would  usually  be  filled  with  petty  banter,   the  chill  of  training  alone.   even  if  sasuke  were  to  hate  him,   naruto  still  couldn't  stand  being  away  from  the  only  constant  he's  ever  had.   now,   it  was  much  worse—   it  was  the  cold  indent  in  the  mattress,   it  was  the  ghost  of  his  scent  on  naruto's  clothes,   the  fucking  cats  that  would  show  up  on  the  back  porch  and  scream  for  hours.   naruto  wanted  to  scream  too.
listen   to   the   last   wishes   of   a   dying   man.                      why  are  you  so  bent  on  this,   kurama?      i   know   all   too   well   the   regrets  caused   by   anger.                    if   he   dies,   will   you   be   able   to   live   with               how   your   anger   kept   you   from   saying   goodbye?
it  was  like  ice  pouring  over  his  entire  body,   and  he  felt  the  color  drain  from  his  eyes  as  all  the  anger  fell  out  of  him,   replaced  with  a  suffocating  anguish.   he's  dying,   he  knows  he's  dying.   his  body  sagged,   his  head  falling  down  against  his  own  chest,   blond  locks  cascading  over  his  drying  eyes.   one  after  another,   the  clones  disappeared,   and  soon  naruto  was  leaning  back,   hands   lifting  from  sasuke's  chest.   silently,   he  moved  to  lift  sasuke's  upper  body  up,   moving  to  support  the  raven's  body  with  his  chest,   arms  trembling  as  they  wrapped  around  his  bloody  torso.
with  two  fingers,   naruto  gripped  sasuke's  chin,   tipping  his  head  back  until  naruto  could  comfortably  lean  down  and  press  his  lips  against  his  rival's.   kissing  was  a  strange  thing;   even  in  moments  of  intensity,   it  was  a  rather  delicate  form  of  intimacy.   the  idea  of  kissing  was  more  daunting  than  anything  else  for  naruto,   and  kisses  from  sasuke  usually  left  him  a  shade  of  scarlet.   with  their  mutual  disinterest  in  physical  affection,   it  wasn't  a  common  act  between  them,   but  naruto  couldn't  help  but  wish  it  had  been  as  the  taste  of  sasuke's  mouth  blended  with  blood.   this  kiss  wouldn't  be  like  the  others—   tender,   slow  even,   as  if  they  had  all  of  the  time  in  the  world.   if  they  weren't  shinobi,   and  they  met  in  a  different  life,   naruto  imagined  this  is  how  they'd  kiss  all  the  time;   they  would  come  home  from  work,   and  naruto  would  watch  sasuke  cook,   and  naruto  would  complain  about  the  cats,   and  they  would  kiss  all  the  time.
  ❛   i  know  a  part  of  you  thinks  you're  lucky  to  have  made  it  this  far.   ❜   his  voice  was  still  uneven  as  his  lips  parted  from  sasuke’s,   but  he  held  firm,   pushing  back  the  swelling  in  his  throat.   ❛   but  i  wanted  to  chase  after  you  for  another  thirty  years.   i  was  prepared  to,   'ttebayo.   ❜   his  voice  became  clearer,   his  arms  clutching  sasuke  against  him,   head  pressed  against  his.   ❛   i've  made  you  do  a  lot  more  than  you  probably  ever  wanted  to,   huh?   (  something  scratches  at  his  throat,   a  laugh?   )   but  in  the  next  life,   don't  think  you're  getting  a  break,   cause  you're  gonna  be  chasing  ME  for  once.   believe  it.   ❜   the  jinchuriki  pressed  his  face  into  sasuke's  hair,   hiding  both  the  grin  that  split  his  face  and  the  downpour  of  tears  that  begun  again.   
there  would  never  be  another  uchiha  sasuke  again,   and  it  was  both  a  promise   and  a  tragedy.
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ijustwanttoexist · 4 years
Olli Maatta #1
Pairing(s): Olli Maatta/Gender Ambiguous Reader
You’re sitting on the couch in your underwear, watching some documentary on Netflix and steadily working your way through your secret chip stash when you hear the deadbolt scraping in the lock. You press pause on the documentary–you think it might be something about space, but could just as easily be about the ocean for all that you were paying attention–and make your way to the front door.
Olli has already kicked off his dress shoes, and is in the process of taking off his coat when you get there. His suitcase and hockey bag are in their usual spots, and you barely glance at them. Instead, you take him in as you impatiently wait for him to finish hanging up his coat.
His travel suit is slightly rumpled from hours of travel sitting. His hair is slightly mussed from what must have been a several hour nap, probably during the flight. He looks tired from a long week of away games, and will likely take a nap at some point. You’ll gladly join him, when he finally decides to lie down.
You’ve missed him. Not just in the obvious way that you’re the only person in the apartment, but in the little, subtle ways that perhaps hit the hardest. You’ve missed cuddling with him on the couch while you watch awful horror movies; missed eating eggs and toast for breakfast in the mornings before he takes off for practice; missed cooking his game day dinner with him, bumping into each other both accidentally and on purpose; missed getting ready for bed together in the evenings, and him making fun of you having toothpaste on the corner of your mouth; missed the little kisses that you both give and get throughout the day, on the lips, the cheek, the shoulder, the nose, the forehead, just as gentle reminders that you love each other.
You’ve even missed the less glamorous parts of dating a hockey player. You’d much rather help him ice a new bruise than watch him take a bad hit and know he’s hundreds of miles away. And rather than only being able to talk on the phone after a bad loss until one of you falls asleep, you much prefer cuddling in your bed together, either you in his arms or he in yours, talking about nothing much at all so he doesn’t beat himself up about what he feels like he could have done better. It’s just better all around when he’s here.
“Hello, my love,” you say as he turns to you. You wrap your arms around him as he comes to you, and feel his hands settle on your lower back. He gives you a lingering kiss on the lips, just as a hello and I missed you and I’m so glad I’m home. 
Then he sags in your arms a little, rests his head on your shoulder, and you both rock gently back and forth for a few moments. One of your hands has moved to his hair, and you brush your fingers through it. He lets out a deep sigh of contentment, and you can’t help the smile that comes to your face. That nap is probably going to happen sooner rather than later at this rate, as you feel him sag further into you.
“Shower first?” you ask, “Or do you just want to sleep for a little bit?”
He’s silent for a moment, maybe giving the question some serious thought, maybe just too tired to make a decision quickly.
“Shower,” he finally says, “want to wash the airplane off me.” He doesn’t move though, stays snuggled up as close to you as he can get.
“Want me to join you?” He hums, and nuzzles closer to your neck. “Okay, come on.” You gently lead him to the bathroom, around any stray furniture or random objects on the floor, all without making him move from his place wrapped around you.
You sit him on the toilet when you get there, and smile fondly at his grumbles as you move away from him. You turn on the water for the shower, making sure it’s nice and hot like he likes, but not so hot that it burns you.
When you turn to face him, he hasn’t moved at all to remove his suit. Your heart aches for how tired he is, and you move to help him. You grab the spare hanger you keep in the bathroom for situations like this then pull the jacket from his shoulders.
The movement seems to have kicked him into motion, and clumsy fingers begin undoing the buttons of his shirt. You help him stand when it becomes obvious the last button is tucked into his pants.
The shirt goes into the laundry basket, along with the undershirt. The pants end up on the hanger with the jacket, the underwear and socks into the basket. Then you guide him into the spray of the shower.
His sigh of contentment makes your heart sing. He opens his arms for you once you join him in the shower, and you tuck yourself into them. In a few minutes, you’ll help him wash off. Neither of you will bother to dry off properly, simply crawl into the middle of the bed and cuddle up until you both fall asleep.
You know he’ll sleep long before you do, with how exhausted he is. And you’ll play with his hair, and make it stand in all sorts of weird directions because of it. And then at some point you’ll join him in slumber, and you’ll both sleep so much better in each other’s arms.
But for now, the two of you hold each other, and gently rock back and forth under the hot spray of water. Olli starts to hum something, a song you don’t recognize but that feels soothing coming from him. And the two of you bask in him being home.
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motleycrueroadie · 4 years
Along for the Ride (pt. 2)
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I don’t think anyone is reading this series besides me, but I am enjoying writing this so that’s okay!
Arguably, one of the best parts about living in California is the weather. Sunshine dominates the climate for a better part of the year, and while this could be overwhelming come the summer, the spring sun makes for excellent running conditions. Running has never been my favourite activity, in fact I had absolutely resented it with a burning passion until I had reached high school. My childhood had never even had a semblance of normalcy or stability to it, my parents and I were constantly on the move. It wasn’t until I entered high school that I had begun to enter a state of stability and routine. I had not signed up for cross country on my own accord, given my hatred towards running, but the coach happened to be my favourite Biology teacher, Mrs. Jeanette, who I could be easily persuaded by. Did I have a change of heart towards running after joining the team? Absolutely not. Every single workout was hellish, miles upon miles of long distance training and workouts that made you vomit, but it was the people that made me stay. 
The team, led by Mrs. Jeannette, was one of the first examples of unconditional support I had ever encountered. The race times or mile splits had never held significance in their eyes, or led them to judge me harshly, they simply looked at me as a person. I had 40 people looking out for me and giving me support at all times, and that’s what I became hooked on. The running came second to the people. Over the course of high school I became successful in both cross country and track and field, but it was never the accomplishments that carried me through it, it was always the team that I had right behind me. Leaving behind this familial system was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, I cried for days after each final milestone, but all good things must come to an end. At least that’s what they say. No longer do I have the team to look out for me, but I have the memories that come alive when I’m running. The Sunset Strip is nothing like the parks we did workouts at, or the track buzzing with athletes on a meet day, but it would have to do. The one thing that was interesting about the Strip was the sense of familiarity while at the same time being completely unpredictable. Paradoxical in nature, there was always the constants - the nightclubs would remain in the same location, the heart of the Strip - while there was the variables - whose name would be adorning the marquee this week, who would be roaming the streets looking for any chance they could get to have their name up there?
Despite all the changes since high school ended, running remained constant. Everyday at 4:30, feet hit the pavement whether I wanted to or not. The route stayed the same, the pace stayed around the same and it happened everyday no matter what, rain or shine.
One of the things about these runs was the fact that I could always spot Nikki leaving work. His appearance at my workplace had taken me by surprise, and he only continued to surprise me as he stayed for a conversation on a dull Thursday night. I knew Nikki Sixx, but for whatever reason, be it that he was caught in his own personal bubble or just did not care to pay attention, he hadn’t the foggiest clue who I was. This was quite ironic, considering that we lived in the same apartment building. Chalk it up to the schedule conflicts that we had not met. Sixx kept his own in the conversation, but had let me take the reins when it came to talking, which I had found incredibly surprising. Given the eccentric aesthetic that resembled “in your face rock and roll” I had fully expected him to overpower the conversation, but he had surprised me. I could only hope to continue learning about Sixx, he seemed to garner a certain friendship material about him. Coming up upon the Starwood, like clockwork I spotted Nikki outside the venue having a cigarette. Weaving in between the pedestrians of the sidewalk, I tried to keep up pace and catch the traffic light before it turned so I wouldn’t lose momentum. From my knowledge, I was one of the few people out on the street running around 4:30 in the afternoon, mostly because the majority of the population was on their way home from work, yet I could hear an off-kilter gait gaining behind me. 
“Do you think you could fucking slow down a little?” Smiling to myself, I knew this wasn’t a runner behind me. 
“Do you think you could fucking speed up here Sixx? I’m trying to keep pace” This was mostly meant to be a joke, but sure enough I heard the off-kilter gait find some sort of rhythm and a black figure appeared in my peripheral vision. Letting off some speed, I slowed down until I was level with Nikki. 
“You know I’ve seen this girl running across the street everyday when I get off work, but I never knew it was you” He seemed completely out of breath and quite out of his element.
“Funny how that works” Confirming my suspicion that Nikki did not know who I was. Between the two of us, I was the senior - living in the apartment building for roughly a year before he showed up. He had moved in with practically nothing with him and slowly but surely dragged raggedy furniture up the stairs to his apartment, to assemble what I can assume to only be the epitome of minimalist rock star living. I was not entirely sure if the man even ate food, since I had only ever seen him bring groceries to the apartment on a handful of occasions. 
“Since I didn’t have the chance to take you home the other day, can I make it up to you now?” Glancing at him to read the motive off his face, I was met with nothing but a face of general inquiry. He seemed innocent enough in his intentions, so I figured I would indulge the request, but not without giving him a hard time.
“How do I know you aren’t going to murder me once you find out where I live?” His eyebrows raised in surprise at the nature of the question, but he held a smirk. 
“I would be the easiest suspect in a lineup to pick out. Nobody else around here looks like me, so it’s not worth killing you if I’m going to be caught now is it?” Just like in the diner, he was able to dish it out as much as he could take it. During the time we had spent talking Nikki and I had shared just the bare details with one another about our lives, I knew enough surface information to strike up a mundane conversation. Nikki had explained to me how he spent his days on shift at the Starwood to do general cleaning, stocking and other labour tasks that people hired young men for, while at night he was a bass player for a band called London. I admitted to seeing their name on the marquee outside the Starwood. He continued to explain to me that was how he had been able to secure their first playing at the venue, by bugging the shit out of the manager with his cassettes. Though he had described this as a sort of “day and night” juxtaposition, his story didn’t strike me as that - everything he did, he did for the music.  
“You would like being caught, any press is good press for the band you would be leaving behind”
“Those assholes don’t deserve the press” Throughout this exchange, Nikki had managed to keep the slower pace that I had adjusted for him, but as we approached a traffic light that teetered on the edge of turning I began to slow to a walk. He looked over at me and almost seemed impatient, “Come on now, I’m liking the pace so you can’t quit on me” grabbing my hand he pulled me into a sprint to make it across the street, but not without a car honking at us as he flipped them off. Laughing, I pulled back on his arm and insisted we slowed down. Pointing up at the large white building, “I live here, and from what I understand so do you.” Again, he raised his eyebrows in surprise though this time he did not hold the smirk. 
“Now I’m worried about you murdering me” he spoke with just a slight tinge of humour to his voice. Continually, he amazed me with the fact that he really truly did not recognize me. 
“Sixx, answer me honestly. I have been living above you since you moved into the building and you really haven’t put two and two together since coming into the diner?” As we walked up toward the building, he shrugged his shoulders while rummaging in his pockets for what I assumed to be keys.
“You work night shift at a diner and I try and inhabit that apartment as little as possible, I have not exactly made it all that homely you know” He was blunt when he spoke, and I can presume there is a reason for that bluntness, which probably correlated to the “un-homely” state of the apartment. We continued walking up the stairs, shifting into a comfortable silence. He started to slow down as we came to his floor, and I could see the hesitancy in his face as he looked down at the floor, so I spoke first. 
“If you give me about an hour to have a shower, you can come up to my apartment and have some lasagna with me. It’s hard to cook for one, so I always have lots of food” His facial features lightened a little but he still looked a little tense, maybe he wasn’t used to the kind gesture. “Rock star lifestyle makes you look a little skinny so I think I need to fatten you up.”  I jokingly nudged him in the ribs with my elbow, and finally he eased up. 
“Makes it easier to murder me if I can’t run away from you doesn’t it?” Laughing at his quick wit, I flipped him off while making my way to the stairs. 
“One hour!” I called back to him, “I’m the apartment right above you with the plants in the window!”
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