#constable wormwood
camotherogue · 6 months
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felt like experimenting with shading and my new favorite pencil and paint tools, lot of layered shading on this one and my favorite type of lighting angles
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constablewormwood · 6 months
Afternoon Constable, lovely day for it. How’s the job going so far?
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"Hm? Oh, hullo! Lovely day for it indeed."
The man turns to face the viewer.
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He chuckles, examining his torn coat with disdain before returning his gaze up. "Job is going as it always does, bit more exciting than usual though! Do hope your day's been right as rain, of course."
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artistjojo1228 · 5 years
Rock and Roll Storytime #6: The Rolling Stones Against the Establishment (i.e. Drug Trials)
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Let’s face it, I think most of us are prone to that moment or two where we can’t help but think about how lucky we are to be alive right now. Most rock stars in particular probably aren’t nearly as worried about the potential of being arrested for drug possession (nowadays, I’m hearing about more rockers being arrested for far more serious crimes). Yes, even with the somewhat-accepted notion that rock stars are prone to doing drugs (”sex, drugs, and rock and roll,” after all), it still happens, but in the 1960′s, there was an even greater chance of that, especially since rock and roll was still fairly new, and some moral guardians were in an uproar about it.  Because *of course*, anything new and exciting must be “corrupting” the youths, right?
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Enter Sgt. Norman Pilcher (or, as John Lennon called him “Semolina Pilchard”), one of the ass-hats I partially blame for Brian Jones’ downfall (even if Brian, himself, set the ball rolling). He was a detective in his 30′s and was just about dead-set on sending a bunch of rockers to prison for something as *awful* as drug abuse (throughout, I’m just going to start using asterisks to denote my sarcasm). Even though, of course, these guys were often doing drugs in the privacy of their own homes and not harming anyone. Among the list of those he arrested were John Lennon, George Harrison, Mick Jagger, Brian Jones, and Keith Richards. He almost nabbed Eric Clapton, but Eric bolted out the back door once he realized Sgt. Pilcher was at his doorstep. 
This article is, primarily, about the Rolling Stones, and how the ensuing drug trials may have led to one being found motionless at the bottom of a pool just two years later. 
So, in 1967, it was practically a sport to see if someone in the Establishment could get a rock star busted for using drugs. In January, the tabloid, News of the World (defunct since 2011, thanks to a phone-hacking scandal), published a three-part story entitled "Pop Stars and Drugs: Facts That Will Shock You". In it, there were many allegations against pop stars supposedly using drugs and hosting drug parties at their residences, including Donovan, Pete Townshend and Ginger Baker. Part Two was all about the Rolling Stones. At one point in the article, it was alleged that Mick Jagger had taken several Benzedrine tablets, displayed a bit of hashish, and invited his companions over to his flat for a smoke (one of whom happened to be an undercover reporter). Turns out, that was just Brian Jones being a little careless about who he was talking to about drug use. Mick tried to sue the paper over that one. 
Quick aside, how the hell do they mess up Brian Jones and Mick Jagger?! Like, Brian’s blond and baby-faced and Mick has brunette hair and big-ass lips!
Either way, this attracted the attentions of Semolina Pilchard, News of the World was more than a little eager to discredit Mick and avoid a huge lawsuit, and on February 12, 1967, eighteen police officers raided Keith Richards’ home, Redlands. Mick was charged with drug possession after four amphetamines were found in his possession (he and Marianne had bought them in Italy, where they were perfectly legal). Robert Fraser, an art dealer who was friends with the Stones, was charged with having heroin in his possession. And Keith was charged with allowing his premises to be used for the smoking of cannabis. 
Stupid 1965 Dangerous Drugs Act...
Their manager, Andrew Loog Oldham, was supposed to help them figure out what to do, but instead, the slimy bastard fled to the United States of America and his role fell to Allen Klein. Lawyers told Mick, Keith, and Brian that it’d probably be best if they got out of the country for a while, so, Mick, Keith, Brian, and Brian’s girlfriend, Anita Pallenberg, all made their way down to Morocco. It was there that Brian and Anita’s relationship came to a messy end when she left him for Keith, and Brian was left stranded in Morocco for two days, which is all a story I’d *love* to tell in more detail some other time. 
On May 10, 1967, Mick, Keith, and Robert were formally charged with various drug possession charges. At the exact same time, Brian’s flat on Courtfield Road (since demolished) was raided by police. Reportedly, Brian had cleaned up his flat in preparation for police arrival, but the police still managed to find a purple Moroccan-style wallet with cannabis in it. Brian and Prince Stanislaus “Stash”  Klossowski (the latter of whom was later acquitted) were formally charged with cannabis possession on June 2, 1967 and elected to undergo trial by jury,
Mick, Robert, and Keith decided to undergo jury trials. Of course it went pear-shaped, I mean, this is the Establishment we’re talking about. If you don’t believe me, just take into account that the judge, Leslie Kenneth Allen Block, was unforgiving, and he practically reveled in the thought of sending a member or two of the Rolling Stones to prison. He even told the jury to dispel any reasonable doubt the defense had injected into the case, which, to me, seems pretty damn unethical, whether we’re talking about US courts or UK courts. Robert plead guilty, but Mick and Keith plead not guilty. On June 27 1967, Mick was found guilty of Benzedrine possession. He and Robert spent the night at Lewes Prison. 
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Two days later, Keith was found guilty of allowing his home to be used for cannabis smoking. It was then that he, Mick, and Robert (the latter two had been held in confinement until Keith’s trial was over) were sentenced. Mick got three months in prison, Robert got six months, and Keith got a year. In addition, all three were fined. In case it wasn’t obvious enough, the sentences were extraordinarily harsh (and you can probably see why this whole affair pisses me off). Mick and Robert were to serve their sentences in Lewes, while Keith was sent to the notorious Wormwood Scrubs. 
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Now, for some of you, it may be obvious that Mick and Keith didn’t serve their full sentences, but what may surprise you is that national newspapers, once all too happy to pounce on the opportunity to make fun of the Rolling Stones, now sprang to Mick and Keith’s defense. In particular, conservative William Rees-Mogg wrote an editorial, Who Breaks a Butterfly Upon a Wheel?, in which he criticized Mick’s sentence in particular. Soon after, Mick and Keith were released, awaiting appeal, and on July 31, 1967, Keith’s conviction was overturned entirely, citing circumstantial evidence, whilst Mick’s sentence was downgraded to a year’s probation.
So, that’s one part of the story that ends well, but what about Brian? Well, first and foremost, he didn’t take the whole affair as seriously as he could have, and was even the one Stone to plead guilty, against the advice of his lawyer and friends alike, and as a result from the proceedings as a whole (thanks a *bunch* Allen Klein), Brian became more isolated from the Rolling Stones than ever before. And keep in mind, just five years before, he was the one who put the ad in the papers and brought the guys together in the first place. On October 30, 1967, he went on trial, was found guilty, and was fined and sentenced to nine months for allowing his premises to be used for smoking cannabis and a further three months for cannabis possession to be served concurrently (though for some reason, some sources only list nine months). 
Also, as a fan of Brian, I must leave photos/video from around this time because, he just looks so... broken after being sentenced to a year in prison.
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Compare that with pictures of him earlier the same year: 
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Need I say more?
The next day, Brian was released on bail, awaiting appeal. Helping his case was when Judge Block was caught lamenting the fact that the Stones had won appeal/were waiting appeal. Though he claimed his remarks had been sarcastic, it must have seemed to the public (if only the anti-establishment kids) that there truly were ulterior motives for the trials. On December 12, 1967, Brian went back to court for appeal. His defense argued that he had become suicidal and wouldn’t fare well in prison. The judge tossed out Brian’s prison sentence in lieu of three years’ probation, but upheld the fine and ordered that Brian get professional help. 
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The next day, he was found unconscious in his apartment after apparent drug and alcohol overuse and was driven to the hospital. He subsequently went to the Priory Clinic. 
Sadly, this would not be the last time Brian wound up in court on drug charges. On May 21, 1968, Brian was arrested for the second time after his home was raided and police, led by Sgt. Robin Constable, found a ball of wool that contained cannabis resin. According to some accounts, Brian had been trying to get clean, and when police found the ball of wool, he became distraught. Given that the media had already been alerted, there is almost no doubt in my mind that the evidence had been planted. This time though, Brian fought back, if only by pleading not guilty. The trial took place on September 26, 1968. Although Brian’s case was built on circumstantial evidence at best, he was still found guilty, by a court system that seemed out for his blood (especially since he seemed the most vulnerable of the Stones). However, the judge, Reginald Seaton, was much more fair than Block, and he said, “I am going to treat you as I would any other young man before this court. I am going to fine you, and I will fine you relative to your means:  £50 with 100 guinea costs... but you really must watch your step and stay clear of this stuff. For goodness’ sake do not get into trouble again.”
In my very loose style of paraphrasing: “Look, it’s obvious that you’re innocent, but the jury really wants to see you found guilty, so I’m just going to fine you, but for the love of God, don’t end up in court again. It won’t end well.”
Even so, the trials had very clearly taken their effect on Brian: 
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The rest, as they say, is history. In June 1969, Brian was fired because his convictions left him unable to get a work visa in the US, and less than a month later, Brian drowned under mysterious circumstances. 
I did say earlier that I essentially believed that Brian’s drug trials led to his early demise in a way. Well, I guess it’s high time I explained that. See, I’ve read the toxicology report, which stated that Brian had 1720 micro-gms of an “amphetamine-like substance” in his system, which the coroner speculated was Mandrax, which had been prescribed to Brian in the months leading up to his death. Mandrax was the brand name for methaqualone, aka quaaludes, and once upon a time, before people realized that they were addictive, they were prescribed for anxiety and insomnia. According to some stories, Brian had been trying to get clean around the time of his death, but it is my honest belief that Brian relapsed the night he drowned, and may have had too many sleeping pills, the effects of which would not have been helped by the fact he’d been drinking that night (approx. 3.5 pints of beer). 
All of which I should probably explain in more detail another day. 
As for Sgt. Pilcher? He was eventually found guilty of perjury (unrelated to possibly planting dope on rock stars) and sentenced to four years in prison. 
Thank God for that. 
Sources: https://groovyhistory.com/sgt-pilcher-stories-narc-arrested-mick-jagger-john-lennon-keith-richards-george-harrison Brian Jones: The Making of the Rolling Stones by Paul Trynka Stone Alone: The Story of a Rock’n’Roll Band by Bill Wyman http://timeisonourside.com/chron1967.html https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/inside-allen-kleins-role-in-1967-jagger-richards-drug-bust-43267/ http://www.timeisonourside.com/chron1968.html https://www.nme.com/photos/the-great-rolling-stones-drug-bust-1402298 https://dangerousminds.net/comments/simon_wells_the_great_rolling_stones_drugs_bust https://www.theguardian.com/theguardian/2010/may/11/archive-rolling-stones-on-drug-charges-1967
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camotherogue · 7 months
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"Don't forget to make your day a Joyful one, yeah?"
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constablewormwood · 6 months
mr wormwood may i please have a little kithy or perhaps a smoochie instead i understand if not though.......
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"Oh? Aw, how sweet. You flatter me. Unfortunately I ought not do that on the job...but I'll keep it in mind, how's 'at?"
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camotherogue · 7 months
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back with this FUCK gave him the massive rack he deserves. arguably more shredded than half the other constables
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camotherogue · 6 months
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quick while the constabulary's not looking post slutty dress wormwood
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constablewormwood · 6 months
Hello, hello...this is on, yes? Good, good! Cracking, if you will.
Before we proceed, I've got to lay out a few...rules. Keep the folks from gettin' too wild, hah!
One: While not safe for work (NSFW) is allowed, it shouldn't be too explicit! Keep it toned down to a...presentable level. This is to prevent making people uncomfortable, though I will keep a tag on all NSFW content (block the tag #constable after dark if you'd not like to see that sort of thing)
Two: Interaction by both watchers and citizens is encouraged, I do love a good chit chat with my fellow Wellies! (Read: Roleplay is encouraged! Do abide by standard roleplay rules however, no godmodding, story changing to a grand extent, etc etc)
Three: Enjoy yourself! I do aim to make Wellington Wells a comfortable and cheery place, as my job dictates I do! Have fun, but don't have too much fun, else someone may suspect you're a Downer.
Last but not least, let's all remember to take our Joy! Keeps everything running smoothly, and makes sure everything around stays right as rain, right as rain.
That'll be all! I cannot wait to get some inquiries and communications in. I'll answer your questions about my work, about the town I protect, about myself, my coworkers (though not too scandalous, I do care about their reputations), anything you've got curiosities about I'll endeavor to answer!
The mun behind this blog (Nikolai) uses he/him and it/its pronouns, and cannot wait to hear from you guys! The main blog for this askblog is @camotherogue , I post artwork and such there from time to time and would love if you checked it out!
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constablewormwood · 6 months
how are ya doing, constable? do you like your job? :3
The Constable's eyes twinkle seeing the new correspondence on the blower, eyes narrowing in the slightest to show how pleased he is.
"Well, hullo to our first! Thank you so much for asking, I've been well. I 'ad a very pleasant patrol this morning, and finished it off with a cup of "coffee" at the Constabulary. Always a pleasure to be there."
He chuckles, folding his hands on the desk in front of him.
"As for my job, well, how could I not? I get to talk with the citizens of Wellington Wells, ensure peace and good will through the country with my fellow bobbies...what's not to like, my friend? I always find the night patrols to be my favorite, but daytime patrols are lovely when I can say hullo to the old ladies on their way to church or to the young men headed to the office for the day! A lovely job indeed."
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camotherogue · 6 months
should i go ahead and make a constable wormwood askblog i miss running one and it seems fun
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constablewormwood · 5 months
What was that, sir? Care to speak up a notch, sir?
He turned to face the speaker, eyes briefly widening in surprise. He hadn't expected anyone to be standing at his office door, but he decided to quickly deflect.
"Hm? Oh, 'pologies. Jus' talking to myself, you know 'ow it is." Constable Wormwood chuckled dryly, narrowing his eyes at the one speaking to him. He put that cheery facade back on over his voice, that little trick he'd learned from the evening radio the host used to make it all sound right.
"Everyone chatters to themselves sometimes, of course. Frankly, my mutterings are 'ardly any business of anyone else's, if I 'ave anything to say about it. Carry on with whatever you were doing, Constable."
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constablewormwood · 6 months
After chucking the can at the wall and letting his frustrations out, Wormwood took a deep breath and picked up said can to drop on his desk. On the exhale, he sat down in his desk chair and pinched the bridge of his nose through his mask.
"I work with a bunch of bloody idiots."
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constablewormwood · 6 months
Did you know that wormwood was used in alcohol
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"If I 'ad a sovereign for every time somebody said that to me, I'd be a rich man. Very rich."
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constablewormwood · 6 months
greetings mr wormwood. do you have a favourite animal
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"Animals? Hm, odd. Not much variety in animals these days, mostly you see the same ol' rats and crows. I do like the crows, they're very friendly once you give em a treat or two. The rats are well-fed if anything."
He tilts his head in thought, turning briefly to gaze out of the window with a hum.
"Reckon my favorite has to be cats. They got very scarce after the war, but there were still a few strays when I was a youngin. I always had a fondness for the creatures, all legs and claws they are. They getcha with those sweet faces, really. Only cat I ever got to know well certainly managed to, even if she was a mangy thing. All skin, bones, and teeth she was, but she captured my little heart. Loved that cat to pieces, I did. I'm sure she's got all the 'nip and mice she wants now."
A chuckle comes from behind his mask, wistful at the memory. "To answer your question succinctly and precisely, I think cats are my favorite animal. Crows are second, though, hard to say otherwise when they butt their little 'eads into my 'ands the way they do."
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constablewormwood · 5 months
*fading steps*
He tracked the steps away, muttering to himself.
"Nosy bastard..."
It's not as though he was concerned for his reputation among these fools, but he didn't really need them poking around like he was some Downer if he showed discontent with his coworkers.
Constable Wormwood picked the displaced can from the floor and looked it over, before dropping it in his rubbish bin and taking in a deep breath. He could hold his tongue a while longer.
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constablewormwood · 6 months
Wormwood storms into his office, slamming his fist against the button to shut the door behind him. The man hurls the empty grapefruit juice can in his hand at the nearest wall and letting out an angry "GAH". His shoulders heave as he lets out an audible snarl.
He stands up straight, taking a deep, long breath in and exhaling sharply, muttering something to himself.
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