#consignment australia
luxuryshopper · 5 days
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PH Luxury Shopper offers a bespoke personal shopping service, specializing in sourcing exclusive, hard-to-find luxury items from renowned brands such as Hermes, Chanel, Christian Dior, Bottega Veneta, Cartier, Audemars Piguet, Patek Phillipe, and Richard Mille. Their global network of agents ensures access to the most sought-after pieces. Additionally, they provide a curated consignment service for buying and selling select items and offer bespoke homeware, including custom marble sculptures, to enhance any living or working space. 
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scotianostra · 3 months
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March 2nd 1838, an advert was placed for a new joint stock banking firm in Glasgow: marking the founding of the Clydesdale Banking Company.
Two months later, the Clydesdale Banking Company opened for business in Glasgow - and Edinburgh - in May 1838. The history of the bank recalls that it was to be ‘chiefly a local bank - having few branches - but correspondents everywhere’. The bank was initially viewed as the brainchild of a collective of Glasgow businessmen, described as ‘liberal radicals … who were active in the government and charities of the city’. James Lumsden was the lynchpin behind the bank’s formation, a councillor who would later hold the role of Lord Provost of Glasgow.
Throughout the 19th century, Clydesdale hoovered up smaller banks, and was purchased by the Midland Bank in 1920, before merging with the North of Scotland Bank in 1950.
Mergers across the banking industry reduced the number of Scottish banks and by 1969, Clydesdale was the smallest after the Bank of Scotland and the Royal Bank of Scotland.
The bank were the first of our banks to start issuing a “polymer” notes in March 2015, and saw them immediately being put on auction site Ebay fetching up yo £100!! Since then the novelty has worn off.
It was eventually sold to the National Bank of Australia in 1987 but has now been separated again and was sold off last year again becoming an independent. In 2018 it was announced that Clydesdale Bank’s holding company CYBG would acquire Virgin money for £1.7 billion in an all-stock deal, and that the Clydesdale Bank will be getting phased out as a brand with Virgin Money being the new name of all the brands they own.
As more and more banks are disappearing from the High Streets, Clydesdale/ Virgin have recently closed 31 branches in locations across the UK, Airdrie, Banchory, Broughty Ferry, Cumbernauld, East Kilbride, Galashiels, Milngavie, Musselburgh, Oban, Portree, Stenhousemuir and Wick have all been lost in the last 6 moths.
While Clydesdale are still issuing notes the brand's owner, is retreating from its contracts to supply cash machines run by rival lenders. No longer will you get a crisp Clydesdale polymer note when drawing cash out of other ATM’s on the link system, the contract to supply them is being taken over by the other issuers of notes, Royal Bank of Scotland and Bank of Scotland. The move to infection-free contactless card payments during the Covid crisis has accelerated the reduced use of readies. With Clydesdale Bank no longer being a trading brand the name will continue to appear on the notes you get out of Virgin Money cash machines, but not any others.
The idea of issuing a Virgin Money banknote must have appealed to Richard Branson, particularly if his cheerful physog appeared on it with an airliner or balloon. But that's not happening. Virgin Money is not saying how much cash it's retiring as notes are returned, but it will be a big reduction from the £2.3bn which I'm understand is now in circulation - around 47% of the Scottish banknote total.
You wouldn't bet on it continuing indefinitely, because it's an odd and expensive advertising and marketing tool to support a brand being consigned to history, so in my opinion the notes will be gone from the Scottish scene before to long so anyone out there who still might have the old paper ones hang onto them, they might just be worth a bob or two in the not too distant future
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pansyfemme · 2 months
I LOVE your style as another colors and patterns lover do u have any shops you recommend besides like etsy and such
UMH so like. depends on pricepoint and what you’re looking for. in terms of rlly nice but really expensive stuff theres fashion brand company, big bud press, lucy and yak- but those are kind of exceptions in weirdo and colorful fashion since most brands don’t really have the audience to price that high, the decora and colorful fashion community is rlly small 😭 I also look a lot at pinup and modern fashion type places like modcloth and unique vintage, not so much for most of their stuff but they sometimes have collabs with things like care bears or strawberry shortcake, which works. but in general im a bit fan of kei collective, they’re a collective of USA based artists, mostly in the jfashion circle, and a good portion is colorful and cutesy. (one of their house brands, good fortune, has made some of my favorite peices in my closet.) After that, you’re really looking into individual artists or brands. Candytrap is run by great people and def the best for plus sizes, my only complaint is some of their fabrics are kinda cheap. Clammy Heart! has a lot of really nice stuff, Pretty Sour is like. really small but i’m really excited about their future releases. I really love Ocean in space, she mostly makes shirts but they are damn good shirts. Kirakirakarakasa is really reliable, i love their plush purses sm. I’ve never bought from egglien creations, but a cardigan from them is on my bucket list lol.
something you’ll notice is there are quite a few pastel focused brands but not many for neons and bright colors.. but you can kiiinda work with it. usually i just try and buy a few more pastel items to style with other peices and it works out ok. Thrifting and stuff is of course never out of the question, it’s just a matter of knowing that theres about a .0000001% chance you will be able to find a peice to base an outfit around at a goodwill, usually i just get plain color stuff if it’s vibrant enough and use it as an accent. Vintage or consignment stores can be good but as a fat person I don’t tend to have a whole lot of luck with those.
as always i reccomend you watch cybr.grl’s two part series on decora brands, it’s really helpful. I’m listing mostly USA based brands here but she has reccomendations for Canada, the UK, Australia and Japan as well.
Finding colorful fashion is easier than it’s ever been, but you are gonna have to be creative from time to time. I ended up finding out that brands focused on raves or clubbing actually has a lot of stuff that can work. Just be smart. Theres a lot of knockoffs on shein and stuff of some brands as well as some very low quality stuff out there (i still regret buying from in control although i still wear the stuff i have from them.) so it’s just a matter of trying to see where other people are buying from and realizing what you’re looking for and not looking for.
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ultrainfinitepit · 1 year
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Hello Tumblr followers, I have lots of news for you this month!
First up, a picture of my booth from Friend Fest 2023!
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I had so much fun vending and it was a joy to meet those of you who stopped by, I truly appreciate your support and I hope to see you again at future events!
Now for news on the March Etsy shop update. Lots of new items are available, including new prints, stickers, and keychains; as well as the return of greeting cards.
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This month's vault pins are the Cat Angel pins and Shrimpin' Cat; and the monthly seconds pins are some familiar faces, Guard and Emperor back by popular demand.
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As the new arrives, we must say goodbye to the old. Sadly I have run out of storage space so it's time for some items to depart. You'll notice many listings now have "Departing Soon!" in their titles, and a deadline has been added to their descriptions. Any items marked as such will be removed from the shop April 2 2023. That is your last day to purchase them, so if you've been waiting to buy, it's best to purchase now. To help sweeten the deal, most of these items will be on sale until April 2 as well.
A few of these items may return if space frees up, but no guarantees. I will be giving most of them to my stockists or selling them wholesale, so they may be gone forever from my Etsy shop. For those of you who are new, my stockists are other retailers who sell my items on consignment. You can find them here. My older designs and merch from other creators are available through my stockists so I definitely recommend checking them out.
Speaking of my stockists, I'm happy to share that my Mushroomy storefront is now open! They're based in Melbourne, Australia - so if you're in the land down under, you can purchase from them and save on shipping.
Finally, some news on Kickstarter campaigns. Cowboys of the Apocalypse is on hold for now, so in the meantime I'll be running Eldritch Saints, a smaller pin campaign featuring designs inspired by eldritch and saintly imagery. You can follow the pre-launch page here, and keep an eye on my social media for previews of the designs.
That's all for this update, enjoy the rest of your week!
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eelhound · 1 year
"If your mental world is already one of extreme (and delusional) fear, mass shooters do not seem like an aberration. They are just another threat among many. The natural state of life, in much conservative literature, is 'nasty, brutish, and short,' and the forces of order and civilization only just barely keep the forces of evil chaos at bay. Conservatism is characterized by an extreme pessimism about our ability to improve the world; the standard argument is that progressives are naive and hubristic in their desire to effect change through social policy and whatever they do will 'hurt the very people they are trying to help.' The view of human nature that underpins right-wing thought is false, but it’s a compelling story.
If you view the world as a place full of virtually uncontrollable menacing evil, it’s easy to see why gun control doesn’t make sense. Under a conservative framework, it’s hard to understand why gun control would ever work. After all, we’re up against the forces of Pure Evil. Surely Pure Evil would not let mere laws stand in its way. If it was determined to kill, it would find a way to get a gun. As Arjun Byju noted for this magazine in a piece on the normalization of 'active shooter drills' in schools, 'we cannot legislate away evil' is a common GOP refrain, with shootings treated 'like the fates and furies of Greek mythology, something horrible that may strike us from without, and to which we are all but consigned.' But as Ryan Cooper notes, in reality, it turns out that a lot of gun violence is spur of the moment, and can be disrupted just by putting inconvenient obstacles between would-be perpetrators and access to a gun: 'If you can get a gun in a day or even a few minutes, then it’s easy for a stupid argument or moment of despair to end in a shooting death…But if you make it an expensive, annoying, and time-consuming process to get a gun, then this process is disrupted.'
This view sees perpetrators as fundamentally human, and reduces the distinction between the Bad People and the Good People. Gun control cannot work in the conservative view because, to use a favorite NRA slogan, 'if you outlaw guns, only outlaws will have guns.' The idea being that 'outlaws' are a class of people to whom the law will be no obstacle. But as the U.K. and Australia show, it turns out that many would-be 'outlaws' can in fact be deterred by extreme inconvenience.
For many people on the right, I don’t think it’s possible to change their position on gun control without changing their entire ideological worldview. Their fear and pessimism are not grounded in reality. To support gun control, they would have to believe in a very different kind of world, one where many of our problems were solvable through policy, perpetrators were human beings subject to ordinary human incentives rather than just Forces Of Evil, and where it is conceivable to not be afraid all the time. But for the American right, the world is teeming with antifa terrorists and BLM rioters, and there’s no choice but to arm yourself to the teeth (and possibly shoot anyone who rings your doorbell).
I am generally a proponent of trying to have constructive political conversations with people and find common ground. I believe in trying to argue and persuade. (I have previously been called 'the left’s debate bro.') I’m actually teaching a class this weekend (come join us!) on how to effectively respond to right-wing arguments and change minds. But one of the things I’ll be emphasizing is that often, dialogue is in fact quite hopeless, because a person’s ideology is very deep rooted, and you’re not going to change their mind on one issue without getting them to radically alter their entire worldview. I think gun control is an issue like that for many on the right. They don’t think mass shootings can be stopped, and it’s not because they are misreading the statistics, it’s because they don’t see how the forces of evil could be kept at bay by something as trivial as a regulation. Just as they’re skeptical of diplomacy with China and rehabilitation in the criminal punishment system (How can you negotiate with evil? How can you reform it?), they think that the only thing you can do to stop violence is kill the perpetrators. The right’s world is a world of menace, where all we can rely on is Good Guys using violence to stop the violence of the Bad Guys. (This is why many on the right see the murder of Jordan Neely as the act of a Good Samaritan. For them, Neely was, in part for racist reasons, coded as one of the Bad Guys, and white ex-Marine Daniel Penny is coded as a Good Guy.)
In situations where it’s hopeless to persuade people, and they’re doing harm, the only choice you have is to restrain their power. This is why the only hope for ending mass shootings involves reducing Republican political power. They are never going to change. If they changed, they would cease to be Republicans. They must be thrown out of office if we are ever going to build a country where we can feel safe going about our daily lives."
- Nathan J. Robinson, from "Why The Right Will Never, Ever Support Gun Control." Current Affairs, 8 May 2023.
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handeaux · 2 years
How Did A Court Jester From The Ottoman Empire End Up Buried In Cincinnati?
It almost goes without saying that any given cemetery contains a lot of history. That is most certainly true of Cincinnati’s Judah Touro Cemetery in Price Hill. But Judah Touro, unlike any other cemetery in Cincinnati, can boast the grave of an actual court jester.
There must be a story, and indeed there is. The long journey of Hayeti Hassid begins in Thessaloniki, today the second-largest city in Greece but in 1852 part of the Ottoman Empire. It was in that year that Hayeti was born to David and Esther Hassid. Always small, the boy stopped growing altogether when he was around five years old. For the rest of his life, he stood only around 30 inches tall.
It appears that Hayeti early on developed a talent for making people laugh through a repertoire of dancing, singing and sleight-of-hand tricks. He had a remarkable skill for languages, eventually gaining fluency in Arabic, French, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish and Turkish.
At the age of 20, Hayeti’s reputation caught the attention of the Ottoman Sultan, Abdul Hamid II, who brought him to the royal palace in Istanbul, where he entertained the court for some years. The Sultan’s troubled reign was disrupted by wars, revolutions, intrigue and plots. He consequently developed a well-earned paranoia and maintained a high turnover among those with access to the court. Hayeti was consigned to the harem, where he entertained the Sultan’s many children, becoming, as it were, a sort of Ottoman Uncle Al.
Tiring of the kiddie fare, Hayeti made his way to Paris and joined the troupe of the Folies Bergère, where he was discovered by British entertainment impresario, Lloyd Forsyth and promptly named mayor of Forsyth’s “Tiny Town” revue. Whether as mayor of Tiny Town, or ringmaster of the “Lilliputian Circus,” Hayeti traveled the world. He was billed as the Turkish Tom Thumb, or Pasha Hayati Hassid, “pasha” being an Ottoman rough equivalent to a knighthood.
(The promoters and newspapers had a tough time transliterating his name from the Ottoman, so he appears as Hayeti, Hayati and even Chayatim. Although his tombstone reads Hayeti, most publicity materials show his name as Hayati.)
On a 1908 tour of Liverpool, Hayeti earned accolades from the local Birkenhead News:
“A truly wonderful little man is the Turkish Tom Thumb. His height is only 30 inches, his age being 56 years, and he knows no fewer than seven languages. He went through a smart conjuring performance, and also sang a French song, for which he was loudly applauded.”
The Folkestone Express [20 May 1908] devoted most of their coverage of the revue’s visit to this Kentish seaport on the English Channel to Hayeti’s act:
“Pasha Hayati Hassid, the Turkish Tom Thumb, is creating quite a sensation at the Pavilion this week. He styles himself the continental comedian and cuts a quaint figure as he struts up and down the stage. He talks in a very childish voice and is only able to sing with the power of a child of four or five years.”
Hayeti and his revue performed in Australia and New Zealand as well as in most European countries. The ensemble toured Canada and the United States, but ran into an unusual obstacle at the U.S. border. According to the Cincinnati Post [10 August 1910]:
“Fifty midgets came to Cincinnati Friday morning to entertain Cincinnati and her guests during the Ohio Valley Exposition. The half hundred Lilliputians are connected with the Tiny Town Circus and they have just come from Europe. They are so small that the U.S. immigration officials declared they were deformed and wanted to exclude them from the country. After thinking the matter over for a day, however, they were permitted to land in New York and came to Cincinnati on special cars.”
Eventually, the years of performing with a large group paled, and Hayeti went solo. There wasn’t much to his act. He was usually booked as a sideshow oddity and did little more than sit and be stared at. The 15 January 1908 edition of Punch, a British humor magazine, carried the report of a correspondent who found Hayeti ensconced in the “Mammoth Fun City,” a sort of ongoing freak show staged in the London borough of Islington:
“They are mostly school-children, and are staring at the ‘Turkish Tom Thumb,’ as he sits in a tiny wicker chair, selling photographs of himself on postcards. Whenever his attention is called away the children look at one another and suppress a giggle. Then, as he turns round, they resume their preternatural solemnity with extraordinary suddenness. There is no charge for seeing him. I gaze at him, too but (I hope) without rudeness. The T. T. T. takes no notice of any of us. He merely hands the postcards and pockets the pennies for them with silent and impassive dignity.”
Hayeti’s travels eventually brought him to Cincinnati’s Chester Park. He made $42 a week pretty much just sitting in his chair selling postcards. He never asked for a raise, explaining:
“What does a fellow with a little stomach need a lot of money for?”
While in Cincinnati, Hayeti was reunited with a friend from childhood, Leon Ben Mayor. According to the Cincinnati Post [29 April 1919], Ben Mayor said:
“I had known him at Saloniki [today’s Thessaloniki] when I was a boy, and so I was glad to keep him for nothing. It was just like taking a little child into the house. But he insisted on paying $5 a week for board and lodging.”
Hayeti slept in a crib outgrown by one of Ben Mayor’s children. As his health worsened, Ben Mayor sometimes had to lift Hayeti into the crib. The Turkish Tom Thumb died, aged 67, on 27 April 1919. Ben Mayor and another compatriot, Vita Habib, arranged the funeral, purchasing a child-sized coffin for his burial.
It may surprise some that a citizen of the very Islamic Ottoman Empire is buried in a Jewish cemetery, but Thessaloniki was for many years a majority Jewish city. The Sephardic community there was protected by the Ottomans after thousands of Sephardic Jews were banished from Spain after the Catholic conquest in 1492. In the Spanish-based dialect of the Sephardic community, Thessaloniki was known as “The Mother of Israel.”
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asbestosremovalist · 4 days
Why Professional Asbestos Removal in Melbourne is Essential for Buildings and Houses?
Before it was banned, asbestos roofing was rather widespread in Melbourne; as a result, many older buildings still retain asbestos roofs. Professionals with the necessary training, and equipment do asbestos removal in Melbourne and are generally put in charge of the task. In Australia, asbestos was widely used in building and construction materials until it was discovered that breathing in asbestos particles might lead to serious health issues such asbestosis, mesothelioma, and lung cancer. While asbestos is still present in older buildings, its use has been outlawed in Australia since 2003; hence, experts are needed to safely remove asbestos from older buildings.
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Because asbestos removalists are equipped to perform asbestos house demolition properly and dispose of asbestos in a safe manner, and hence people need their aid. The possibility that any building being repaired or demolished that was built before asbestos was prohibited may contain asbestos is what makes asbestos testing necessary. In order to determine the kind of asbestos contained in the structure and to confirm its existence, providers of asbestos removal services might carry out laboratory testing. Making the decision to hire licenced asbestos removalists is essential for the safe removal and disposal of items containing asbestos.
Why Should You Hire Asbestos Removalists to Remove Asbestos from Home?
Safety Measures: Licensed asbestos removalists follow strict safety guidelines and protocols to ensure the safe removal and disposal of items containing asbestos. They make use of protective clothes and specialised equipment to lessen the risk of asbestos exposure.
Appropriate Disposal: Trained asbestos removal experts dispose of goods containing asbestos in a safe and sustainable manner. When it comes to the packaging, labelling, and delivery of asbestos waste to approved disposal locations, they follow strict guidelines. Asbestos removalists also give their clients a complete copy of the environmental waste consignment note, which includes information on how to transport and dispose of asbestos safely.
Legal Requirements: Asbestos removal is governed by government regulations, and licenced asbestos removalists follow all applicable asbestos removal and disposal legislation.
Indeed, prior to restoring an older house, asbestos testing and surveying must be completed. If you have any cause to suspect that your property contains asbestos, have it tested by a licenced asbestos testing company.  
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luxuryconsignmentt · 11 days
Luxury Handbag Shopping in Australia with PH Luxury Consignment
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In the realm of high fashion, few items hold as much allure and prestige as the iconic Chanel and Lady Dior handbags. These timeless accessories are not just fashion statements; they are symbols of elegance, sophistication, and enduring style. For fashion-forward individuals in Australia seeking to add a touch of luxury to their wardrobe, PH Luxury Consignment offers an unparalleled shopping experience that combines convenience, authenticity, and unbeatable prices.
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At PH Luxury Consignment, we understand the allure of luxury handbags and the desire to make a statement with every accessory. That's why we've curated an exclusive collection of Chanel and Lady Dior bags, meticulously sourced and authenticated to ensure the highest quality and value for our customers.
For those enamored with the timeless allure of Chanel, our selection boasts an array of classic and contemporary styles, from the iconic Chanel 2.55 to the chic Boy Bag. Each piece in our collection exudes the unmistakable charm and sophistication that have made Chanel handbags a coveted staple in every fashionista's wardrobe. Whether you're drawn to the timeless elegance of quilted leather or the edgy allure of metallic hardware, there's a Chanel bag to suit every style and occasion.
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Similarly, our collection of Lady Dior bags captures the essence of Dior's unparalleled craftsmanship and timeless design. From the signature cannage quilting to the iconic 'D.I.O.R.' charms, each Lady Dior bag is a masterpiece of luxury and refinement. Whether you prefer the structured silhouette of the classic Lady Dior or the modern appeal of the Mini Lady Dior, our collection offers an array of options to elevate your ensemble with effortless sophistication.
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One of the distinct advantages of shopping with PH Luxury Consignment is our commitment to transparency and authenticity. Every handbag in our collection undergoes a rigorous authentication process conducted by our expert team to ensure that our customers receive only genuine, high-quality products. Additionally, our competitive pricing ensures that luxury is accessible to all, allowing fashion enthusiasts to indulge in their sartorial desires without breaking the bank.
But our dedication to customer satisfaction doesn't end with the sale. At PH Luxury Consignment, we strive to provide an unparalleled shopping experience that goes above and beyond traditional retail. From our user-friendly website to our knowledgeable customer service team, we're here to guide you through every step of your luxury handbag journey, ensuring that your shopping experience is seamless, enjoyable, and ultimately rewarding.
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So whether you're a seasoned collector looking to expand your repertoire or a fashion enthusiast embarking on your first luxury handbag purchase, PH Luxury Consignment is your trusted partner in luxury fashion. Explore our collection online or visit our retail store to discover the timeless elegance and unparalleled craftsmanship of Chanel and Lady Dior handbags. With PH Luxury Consignment, luxury is not just a purchase; it's an experience.
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harderpetersen71 · 19 days
Navigating Compliance: The Role of Regulatory Consultants in Australia
In eu compliant cosmetics of business and industry, compliance with regulations is a paramount concern, and also the assistance of regulatory consultants is now increasingly crucial. In Australia, a country having a robust regulatory framework across various sectors, regulatory consultants play a vital role to help businesses understand, navigate, and adhere to the complex web of rules and standards. In this article, we explore the value of regulatory consultants in Australia and the value they provide businesses wanting to thrive in a very compliant environment. Understanding Australia's Regulatory Landscape: Australia boasts a comprehensive regulatory environment covering diverse sectors, including healthcare, finance, environmental protection, and much more. Navigating this intricate web of regulations uses a deep idea of the area legal landscape, industry-specific guidelines, and evolving compliance standards. Regulatory consultants function as invaluable partners for businesses seeking to interpret and implement these regulations effectively. Expertise Across Industries: One in the key benefits of engaging regulatory consultants in Australia is expertise across various industries. Whether an enterprise operates in pharmaceuticals, finance, food and beverages, or other sector, regulatory consultants bring specialized knowledge to the table. This expertise makes sure that businesses receive tailored advice that aligns with all the specific regulations governing their industry, mitigating the potential risk of non-compliance. Navigating Regulatory Changes: Regulations are certainly not static; they evolve to address emerging challenges and industry advancements. Staying abreast of these changes can be a daunting part of businesses, but regulatory consultants specialize in monitoring regulatory updates. By keeping their customers informed about changes in laws and standards, consultants enable businesses to adapt proactively and maintain compliance in the face of regulatory evolution. Risk Management and Compliance Strategies: A core function of regulatory consultants is always to assist businesses in developing robust risk management and compliance strategies. By conducting thorough assessments of existing processes, these consultants identify potential regions of risk and work collaboratively with businesses to implement effective mitigation measures. This proactive approach not just safeguards businesses from legal consequences but also enhances their overall operational resilience. Customized Compliance Solutions: Each company is unique, having its own list of challenges, objectives, and regulatory requirements. Regulatory consultants in Australia see the need for tailoring compliance solutions for the specific needs of their potential customers. Whether it's ensuring data privacy compliance, meeting quality standards, or sticking to occupational safe practices regulations, consultants develop customized strategies that align while using business's goals. Enhancing Stakeholder Confidence: Compliance is not just about meeting legal obligations; it is also about developing trust among stakeholders. Engaging regulatory consultants demonstrates a consignment to ethical business practices, transparency, and responsibility. This commitment, therefore, enhances stakeholder confidence, which is invaluable in maintaining a confident reputation available. Conclusion: In the multifaceted regulatory landscape of Australia, regulatory consultants function as indispensable allies for businesses planning to navigate complex compliance requirements. By offering industry-specific expertise, monitoring regulatory changes, and developing tailored compliance strategies, these consultants contribute significantly on the success and sustainability of businesses across various sectors. As regulations always evolve, the partnership between businesses and regulatory consultants remains a cornerstone for achieving tweaking regulatory compliance inside Australian business environment.
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qnewslgbtiqa · 23 days
Can Eurovision survive outing? Eurovision 2024. SPOILERS!
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/can-eurovision-survive-outing-eurovision-2024-spoilers/
Can Eurovision survive outing? Eurovision 2024. SPOILERS!
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Some of the magic seemed to leave Eurovision 2024. After flirting with coming out since the 1990s when it allowed its first openly queer contestants, Eurovision finally burst out the closet doors.
“We’re here. We’re camp. Get used to us.”
Ah! But there in lay the problem.
Eurovision brought us an annual giant concoction of frothy camp. But in the years since the 1990s, queer took over. It consigned camp to history.
Not that we disliked it. We just didn’t need it any more. We had rights. So, we no longer looked to our quick wit to protect us from the slings and arrows of outrageous heterosexuality.
We here. We’re queer. Get used to it.
But Eurovision thought they were buying the camp.
Witness their year’s winner.
Nemo, the non-binary singer from Switzerland balanced on a tipping metal disc as they sang the opera-dance track The Code.
Exactly the sort of vocal and visual gymnastics combined with edgy fashion and sexual identity that made Eurovision such an international TV success.
However, according to many on social media, organizers banned the non-binary flag from the Eurovision 2024 arena.
Nemo taking the non-binary flag on to the stage after it has reportedly been banned in the arena, that’s monarch!#Eurovision #Eurovision2024 pic.twitter.com/B4wIvfh7J1
— ꠹ꪮꪀꪖᦓ ✬ (@cinnamongerru) May 11, 2024
  More on Eurovision:
Courtney Act has a big plan for her trip to Eurovision 2024
Brendan Maclean’s surprise Eurovision news for Australia
Electric Fields in Sweden for first Eurovision rehearsals
UK’s Olly Alexander reveals “dirty” Eurovision rehearsal
ABBA rules out reunion on 50th anniversary of Eurovision win
For the latest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) news in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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palmoilnews · 25 days
Export Summary-USDA confirms corn sales to Mexico, Egypt buys vegoils May 9 (Reuters) - Snapshot of the global export markets for grains, oilseeds and edible oils as reported by government and private sources as of the end of business on Thursday: CORN SALE: The U.S. Department of Agriculture confirmed private sales of 132,080 metric tons of U.S. corn to Mexico including 60,960 tons for delivery in the 2023/24 marketing year that began Sept. 1, 2023, and the remaining 71,120 tons for 2024/25 delivery. CORN PURCHASE: The Korea Feed Association (KFA) purchased an estimated 65,000 metric tons of animal feed corn in an international tender on Thursday seeking up to 69,000 tons, European traders said. It was bought in one consignment for arrival around Aug. 10 and was expected to be sourced optionally from the United States, South America or South Africa. The purchase was made at the estimated outright price of $250.67 a ton c&f plus a $1.25 a ton surcharge for additional port unloading. Seller was believed to be trading house Dreyfus. VEGETABLE OILS PURCHASE: Egypt's state grains buyer, the General Authority for Supply Commodities, said it bought 102,000 metric tons of vegetable oils in an international tender. The purchase comprised 73,000 tons of sunflower oil and 29,000 tons of soyoil, GASC said. WHEAT PURCHASE: Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) bought 114,077 metric tons of food-quality wheat from the United States, Canada and Australia in a regular tender that closed on Thursday. PENDING TENDERS: WHEAT TENDER: Jordan's state grain buyer issued an international tender to buy up to 120,000 metric tons of milling wheat which can be sourced from optional origins, European traders said. The deadline for submission of price offers in the tender is May 14. FEED WHEAT AND BARLEY TENDER: Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) said it will seek 65,000 metric tons of feed wheat and 25,000 tons of feed barley to be loaded by Aug. 31 and arrive in Japan by Oct. 31, via a simultaneous buy and sell (SBS) auction that will be held on May 15.
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frontporchconsign · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Nookie Estella Mini Dress Bright Fuchsia Sleeveless Gold Chain Strap Sz XL NWD.
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gayathri-02 · 2 months
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For the past six years, Pharmayush has concentrated on shipping medications and ayurvedic items to numerous nations, including the USA, Canada, Germany, UAE, Singapore, Australia, UK, and Saudi Arabia.
Providing NRIs and consumers of Ayurvedic medication with exclusive courier services. A purchase bill plus a prescription from a doctor are all you need. Pharmayush has established partnerships with top courier services, including FED X, DHL, and others, to ensure prompt and economical delivery.
Also assist with tracking the door-to-door shipment procedure whether sending personal parcels, commercial consignments, documents, or gifts to your loved ones.
When shipping medications from India to the USA, Canada, UAE, Australia, or any other country in the world, Pharmayush provides assistance with customs clearance. Pharmayush, which prioritizes authenticity and quality, can be a dependable resource for finding the greatest Ayurvedic healthcare goods online and for mailing any medications from India to other countries at a reasonable price.
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luxuryconsignmentt · 27 days
A Look at Dior Saddle Bag Consignment and More in Australia
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In the realm of luxury fashion, owning iconic pieces like the Dior saddle bag or the timeless Lady Dior bag is a dream for many fashion enthusiasts. However, as tastes evolve and styles change, there often comes a time when parting ways with these cherished items becomes a consideration. This is where the world of consignment steps in, offering a lucrative avenue for both sellers and buyers alike. In Australia, PH Luxury Consignment emerges as a reliable partner in navigating this vibrant market.
Dior Saddle Bag Consignment: Balancing Style and Profit
The Dior saddle bag has become an emblem of sophistication and style since its inception. However, as fashion cycles shift, owners may find themselves ready to part ways with this iconic accessory. Herein lies the beauty of consignment with PH Luxury Consignment. Sellers have the opportunity to entrust their Dior saddle bag to a platform that understands the nuances of luxury fashion resale.
Consignment with PH Luxury Consignment means more than just selling a bag; it’s about maximizing profit while ensuring the item finds a new home where it will be cherished just as it once was. With a commitment to transparency and integrity, sellers can trust that their Dior saddle bag will be handled with care and sold to the right buyer.
Lady Dior Bag Australia: A Timeless Classic
In Australia, the allure of the Lady Dior bag knows no bounds. Its timeless elegance and impeccable craftsmanship make it a coveted piece in any collection. However, for those considering parting with their Lady Dior bag, PH Luxury Consignment provides a seamless solution.
By choosing to consign with PH Luxury Consignment, sellers unlock the potential to reach a broader audience of buyers who share a passion for luxury fashion. Whether it's a classic black Lady Dior or a limited edition release, every bag has its buyer, and PH Luxury Consignment knows how to connect the two.
Hermes Birkin Australia: Luxury Redefined
No discussion of luxury handbags is complete without mentioning the iconic Hermes Birkin. In Australia, where luxury fashion is celebrated, the demand for this symbol of prestige is ever-present. For sellers looking to part ways with their Hermes Birkin, PH Luxury Consignment offers a platform where exclusivity meets opportunity.
Consignment with PH Luxury Consignment ensures that every Hermes Birkin finds its rightful place in the hands of a discerning buyer. With a focus on fast sales and maximizing profits, sellers can trust that their prized possession is in capable hands.
Conclusion: Navigating the Luxury Fashion Landscape with PH Luxury Consignment
In the dynamic world of luxury fashion, PH Luxury Consignment emerges as a trusted partner for sellers looking to part ways with their cherished designer pieces. Whether it's a Dior saddle bag, a Lady Dior bag, or an Hermes Birkin, PH Luxury Consignment offers a platform where style meets profitability.
With a commitment to transparency, integrity, and maximizing profits for sellers, PH Luxury Consignment stands as a beacon in the Australian luxury fashion market. By choosing consignment with PH Luxury Consignment, sellers can rest assured that their designer clothes and accessories will find new homes where they will be cherished once again.
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harderpetersen71 · 19 days
Navigating Compliance: The Role of Regulatory Consultants in Australia
In the dynamic landscape of business and industry, compliance with regulations is often a paramount concern, and also the assistance of regulatory consultants has grown to be increasingly crucial. In Australia, a country which has a robust regulatory framework across various sectors, regulatory consultants play an important role in aiding businesses understand, navigate, and go through the complex web of rules and standards. In this article, we explore the need for regulatory consultants in Australia and also the value they give businesses planning to thrive in a compliant environment. Understanding Australia's Regulatory Landscape: Australia boasts a comprehensive regulatory environment covering diverse sectors, including healthcare, finance, environmental protection, plus more. Navigating this intricate web of regulations needs a deep understanding of a nearby legal landscape, industry-specific guidelines, and evolving compliance standards. Regulatory consultants be invaluable partners for businesses trying to interpret and implement these regulations effectively. Expertise Across Industries: One of the key advantages of engaging regulatory consultants in Australia is the expertise across various industries. Whether a business operates in pharmaceuticals, finance, food and beverages, or other sector, regulatory consultants bring specialized knowledge for the table. This expertise means that businesses receive tailored advice that aligns using the specific regulations governing their industry, mitigating the chance of non-compliance. Navigating Regulatory Changes: Regulations are not static; they evolve to deal with emerging challenges and industry advancements. Staying up to date with these changes is a daunting job for businesses, but regulatory consultants focus on monitoring regulatory updates. By keeping their potential customers informed about alterations in laws and standards, consultants enable businesses to adapt proactively and look after compliance when confronted with regulatory evolution. Risk Management and Compliance Strategies: A core function of regulatory consultants is always to assist businesses in developing robust risk management and compliance strategies. By conducting thorough assessments of existing processes, these consultants identify potential parts of risk and work collaboratively with businesses to implement effective mitigation measures. This proactive approach not merely safeguards businesses from legal consequences but additionally enhances their overall operational resilience. Customized Compliance Solutions: Each business is unique, having its own group of challenges, objectives, and regulatory requirements. Regulatory consultants in Australia see the significance about tailoring compliance solutions to the specific needs of their customers. Whether it's ensuring data privacy compliance, meeting quality standards, or sticking with occupational safe practices regulations, consultants develop customized strategies that align with all the business's goals. Enhancing Stakeholder Confidence: Compliance is not only just about meeting legal obligations; it's also about creating trust among stakeholders. Engaging regulatory consultants demonstrates a consignment to ethical business practices, transparency, and responsibility. This commitment, in turn, enhances stakeholder confidence, which is invaluable in maintaining a good reputation available on the market. Conclusion: In the multifaceted regulatory landscape of Australia, regulatory consultants work as indispensable allies for businesses wanting to navigate complex compliance requirements. By offering industry-specific expertise, monitoring regulatory changes, and developing tailored compliance strategies, these consultants contribute significantly to the success and sustainability of businesses across various sectors. As https://files.fm/f/r99upq7jne carry on and evolve, the partnership between businesses and regulatory consultants remains a cornerstone for achieving and maintaining regulatory compliance inside Australian business environment.
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qnewslgbtiqa · 3 months
'Trojan horse': Greens' warning on rebooted religion bill
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/trojan-horse-greens-warning-on-rebooted-religion-bill/
'Trojan horse': Greens' warning on rebooted religion bill
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A long-awaited religious discrimination report will finally hit parliament this week but the Greens are worried the debate will get ugly as the Albanese government prepares to unveil its own Religious Discrimination Bill.
The federal government will table Australian Law Reform Commission’s review of anti-discrimination laws and religious exemptions for faith schools on Thursday.
The Greens and the Coalition also anticipate Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus will introduce the Religious Discrimination Bill soon too.
Scott Morrison’s religious discrimination bill famously fell apart ahead of the 2022 election. Several Liberal MPs crossed the floor to vote it down.
Today, Greens LGBTIQA+ spokesperson Stephen Bates said his party will carefully consider the report and Labor’s promised new bill.
But Stephen’s worried the rebooted religious discrimination debate will be “a Trojan horse for anti-LGBTIQA+ hate” all over again.
“We’ve been through this already in 2018 when Scott Morrison’s bill unleashed a torrent of LGBTIQA+ hate in our political system, our media and our community,” he said.
“Anti-discrimination laws can’t be a Trojan horse for other kinds of discrimination.
“Right now, religious institutions running schools, aged care, disability services, social housing and hospitals [are denying] people of their rights to be themselves or access to services.
“Last time, Labor stopped short of extending protections to LGBTIQA+ staff. The LGBTIQA+ community should not have to wait their turn when it comes to anti-discrimination laws.
Stephen Bates said the debate can’t “act as cover for more hate and division in our community.”
“We want to work with Labor to get the laws right to make sure people are free to practise their faith without discrimination and that people who rely on religious institutions for employment, social services or community aren’t discriminated against either.”
Michaelia Cash argues for religious freedom for schools
At the weekend, shadow attorney-general Michaelia Cash told Sky News she wants faith schools to “be able to conduct themselves in accordance with their values.”
“What they’re saying to me is, ‘Michaelia, we just want to educate. Under [Attorney-General] Mark Dreyfus and Anthony Albanese, we’re going to wind up litigating,’” the Liberal MP said.
“This affects tens of thousands of families. I would say to the government, be open and transparent in the way you deal with [the consultation].
“I just want religious schools to be able to operate in accordance with their values, their doctrines and beliefs.
“This is all about families and the choices they make to send their children to these schools.”
Greens education spokesperson Senator Penny Allman-Payne said private schools received billions in government funding.
“Why should private religious institutions subsidised from the public purse get exemptions from the rules that apply to public schools?” she asked.
“Our kids deserve an enriching school experience that exposes them to the full diversity of Australian life.
“Allowing some of the most privileged schools in the country to discriminate against staff on the grounds of their gender or sexual orientation perpetuates prejudice and division and must be consigned to the dustbin of history.”
Read more:
NSW school St Ursula’s backflips after lesbian couple banned from formal
Anglicare Sydney reject same-sex carers in ‘alarming’ case
Gay author invited to Catholic school told not to say gay
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