#conall. º ( berserker. )
caemthe · 3 months
me: i need to do valentine-related stuff for my muses what i end up doing instead:
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caemthe · 3 months
@corrchoigilt said.º
Conall, please quit cropping my boyfriend out of family photos
Conall has plenty of pictures of his little brother, nephew, and niece stored in his phone and even has a few pictures framed in his house. They're lovely and he will sometimes look at them while during his long road trips. But there was a little but very important detail in all of those photos.
He always cropped Ferdiad out of them.
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"They just resize like that when I change them to a square format," Conall had the audacity to say to Cú Chulainn with a straight face.
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caemthe · 1 month
@ardenssolis said.º
"Have you ever wondered if I ever held ulterior motives towards you, Conall? From day one, I might have held plans for you and merely manipulated things in my favor." He had done it to others in the past, held no issues with continuing to do so either of it meant he stayed one step ahead. Maybe that was due to his Corpo blood, or perhaps that was just the way things were in Night City. "Do not tell me you have always trusted me so readily even knowing what I am capable of?"
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It was a sudden and unexpected question that made the gang leader stop cleaning his gun for a moment and look up to glance at his lover. Ramses would sometimes ask these things that would throw him, but his responses tended to be just as bizarre, if not more. It wasn't a game of wits nor a way to 'test' each other, so what it was? A question that perhaps should bother Conall more. "I didn't wonder, I simply assumed that was the case from the very beginning. Always gotta be prepared for the worst to stay on the top. It has always been like that, hasn't it?" He placed his gun down and got up, walking up to the fixer as he talked. "One could argue that, after so many years, it's impossible to keep up the facade. And that's when I started trusting you, because the mask never cracked. But that's not the case at all."
One hand rested on the back of the sofa, body weight leaning on that side, while his free hand reached out to tilt his lover's head upwards. "Instead of asking if I ever suspected you, you should ask when I stopped caring." But the truth was that he had no idea when it happened. It just happened, at one point, and he became aware of such much later. "I realized that the risk of having you in my life is minimal compared to not having you in it." It was a messed up way of thinking, and perhaps it had to do with how little he actually had in this hellish city, but that was how he thought. Conall was no martyr tho. It didn't need to mentioned that, if he was ever crossed, he wouldn't hesitate to sink his fangs and bite until he couldn't feel any movement.
If the wolf was bitten, then he would bite ten times harder. That's how his blood operated. But that didn't mean he would love Ramses any less. "Now, you tell me, little sun, isn't it frightening?" The hand lifting the fixer's chin slid down to gently caress the main vein of their neck. "We've gotten too close, and there are no winners when it comes to love. Doesn't that frighten you?"
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caemthe · 3 months
@ardenssolis said.º
"Do you ever wish for anything more, Conall? Surely being a gang boss must be dull when you care less about power and money." It was idle talk as he dressed if only to fill the relative quiet. Other gangs sought something from their workings. However, one could not quite tell what Dripping Red was interested in aside from seemingly random bouts of chaos and violence. He had a basic idea what the purpose actually was, but such wasn't his business.
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The Dripping Red's boss stared at the ceiling, at the thousands of small mirrors that reflected his image, the bed, and the lover getting ready to leave the bed. It wasn't an uncommon sight for the man but it all felt different than usual when it came to Ramses. Conall always had the troublesome and dangerous need to convince them to stay a little longer. And while he often played it off as wanting to possess and ravage them for a little longer, the truth was that he wouldn't mind spending the rest of the day just talking, drawing invisible paths on their skin, murmuring secrets to the space between their neck and shoulder.
How dangerous it was. Men like him should never lower their guard.
But he did, he dropped his guard and his response was almost immediate. "What else is there to wish for in this city?" His voice lacked the usual cockiness and bite that characterized the man. It lacked everything that made one human yet, right then, Conall looked far too human. Too real, too fatigued, too hopeless, too different from the gang boss who would tell his targets to sing a full song if they wished to live as he slowly applied pressure onto their head and crushed the bones of their skull until his boot touched the ground. That was the Conall that the world knew, feared, and wanted but, for a moment, he wasn't that Conall.
It was just a moment.
Quickly, before the Fixer could react, the gang boss sat up and grabbed their hand to make them lose balance and have no option but to sit on his lap. One hand rested their waist so they didn't try and slip away. A cheeky yet somewhat tired smile and crimson eyes met one that looked like melted gold. "Or is this your way of asking if I wish for something this city can't offer?" He let go of Ozymandias' hand and slowly slid his fingers over their arm as he talked, passing by their waist and traveling all the way to their shoulders and neck to hold their lovely face.
"Something actual friends and people who really do give a damn about you. Or maybe something more delusional like forming a family and waking up every morning next to someone who won't leave and doesn't want you to leave. To find love, to grow old, to feel like the protagonist of your own story, to enjoy life in a way that doesn't make sense to this city. Are you talking about something like that?" These were all things Night City couldn't offer no matter how much money and power you had. As realistic or idealistic as illusions could be, they were just that: illusions. They could never be the real thing.
He didn't wait for an answer nor was he looking for one. Instead, he simply pulled them into a hug and allowed gravity to make him fall on his back once again. He turned them around and let scarred hands wander over Ozymandias' body before holding their wrists above their head. "But, right now, I wish to keep the sun to myself for a little longer. Think you can indulge this selfishness of mine for a while longer, little sun?"
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caemthe · 8 months
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Eyebrows rose slightly in amazement once he was presented with the bioweapon. First, he was surprised by how little there was in it. He would have to be extremely careful when fusing it with his bonded weapons. Second... Had she really been carrying it with herself all this time? For a tea house owner, Reina sure exceeded all expectations he could have. Next time he showed up, he would've to ask if she just happened to be carrying a weapon of mass destruction with her.
He was about to reach out for the vial but first waited for Reina to let go of it before doing anything. "That's not an issue. It'll be released in a sealed space that will later be sealed again with runes until the effects of the bioweapon cease." But, well, there was nothing wrong with taking extra precautions. "I'm guessing that means you're still working on the vaccine, right? That's fine, there's no rush." Finally, he carefully grabbed the vial and lifted it so he could see its content under the light. "It's beautiful." He was right in trusting her skill.
"Mind if I ask you a question? Well, two questions," he smiled as he handed the vial back to Reina. He would rather wait for the vaccine. "Why did you accept this commission? Usually alchemists and herbalists all look at me with disgust when I ask for stuff like this." Yes, even the ones from his clan draw the line when it comes to these types of weapons.
@unblume • cont.
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caemthe · 3 days
So a tiny hc i have is that everyone in cú's family (mother side) blush in a way that is just... doesn't matter that they're the most unhinged and bloodthirsty warriors from the most brutal family of Ulster (and from Irish mythology tbh), doesn't matter that getting on their wrong side essentially guarantees you a horrific and painful death... it's nearly impossible to not think 'cute...' when they blush. It's much easier to get Cú (and Naoise) to blush than the other cousins (like Cormac or Conall) but when they do blush, it's quite the spectacle as well tbh.
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caemthe · 9 months
@ardenssolis replied.º
teen ozy vc: cute
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"Here, you can have it." Unfortunately, he thought they were talking about the bow.
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caemthe · 3 months
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but are you really a hater if you're not burning the fields and killing a man of your enemy kingdom every day since you took up arms (weapons) and using their severed head to rest your knee on while you sleep? are you really a hater if you're not spending your last years telling your enemies how you killed their brothers, fathers, sons and lovers in explicit detail? if you're that much of a hater then why haven't you essentially cursed yourself so you don't die by the hand of a single man from the enemy kingdom you hate so much? but, overall...
can you really call yourself a hater if you're not cropping out your little brother's boyfriend out of family photos?
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caemthe · 3 months
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Post-coup and major losses of Arasaka.
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Her father with a high position in InfoComp, the company that provides scientific, technical and personal data on any subject to anyone. When it started a training program to make its own special netrunners, Emer was forced to participate. After all, it was a new, ground-breaking but dangerous project so, obviously, a poster child was needed to show the world that there was nothing to fear. After all, one of the managers was sending their own child, so of course it was safe.
The training was ruthless and half of the children flatlined and 2/3 of the remaining participants were let go. But not Emer, she persisted and learned many, many things. While the project wasn’t as successful as it was expected to be, the graduates who returned were welcomed with a great party. It was there that Emer saw her father again after being essentially sold to an inhuman training program, and it was there that she hacked and fried his brain. While she wasn’t imprisoned so to avoid word getting out, Emer was blacklisted from InfoComp. That's fine, she never wanted to be part of it anyway.
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Ferdiad didn’t have it easy growing up so, with his twin, he tried to do everything right to get out of the slums of Night City and become someone in life. And, for a while, he thought he was doing things right. He stood out for his physical abilities and became a soldier at a young age. He chromed up, excelled in missions, and tested new cyberware. Despite not really belonging to that side of the world, he was one of the youngest members of Lazarus, the corporation focused on private military contracting with operations across the globe.
And then, in the blink of an eye, his brother flatlined before his eyes simply due to the company’s negligence. He couldn’t recover from that so he retired. And so he was back to where he began, alone and more machine than man now. Like many other retired soldiers, Ferdiad became a mercenary and made his own group. He doesn’t ask many questions, knows which missions to accept, and always gets the job done. Still, he doesn’t have the attitude of a leader nor considers himself one. He’s just a man who deeply regrets his past as a corporate dog.
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Conall Cernach (The Victorious/The Crooked) is how most people know him in the worst corners of Night City. He's the leader of 'Dripping Red', a relatively new yet uprising gang that... is rather off for a gang. The members are ruthless and are known for painting the walls and ground red with the blood of their targets. But they rarely fight other gangs or terrorize small businesses. Instead, Dripping Red targets 'random' civilians or even entire buildings. But what few people know is that Conall didn't start as a streetkid who was lucky enough to make it big. In reality, he's a 'hidden' member of Conchobar’s family, the current CEO of Militech.
After the shitshow that was Faraday, Militech completely stopped relying on Fixers. But the company still needed someone to do the dirty work. And that's where Conall came in. From an early age, the man showed that he was better suited for killing and hunting down others rather than attending business meetings. So, instead of growing up as a corpo, he was raised as Militech's attack dog. Conall is tasked with taking care of all of Militech's darker businesses but likes 'doing his own thing' when it comes to making life difficult for other corporations.
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caemthe · 3 months
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your wish is my command
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Conall, with three severed heads tied to his belt: so did i ever tell you the tale of when i became friends with a bunch of roman soldiers that tried to capture me, traveled all the way down to jerusalem, and witnessed the crucifixion of jesus christ?
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caemthe · 8 months
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The sun was up in the sky but the weather wasn't hot enough to make today's task difficult. Conall had offered to help Reina move, clean, and rearrange her workshop. Partially because, surprisingly, he had nothing to do and it didn't hurt to help a friend. But, mostly, because he was curious about Reina's workshop. What kinds of materials did she keep around to be able to prepare all sorts of things, from benign potions to bioweapons that could easily kill all inhabitants of the city in a matter of hours? Conall wasn't subtle with his curiosity, sometimes pulling an object from a box and asking Reina what it was. But at least he still completed his task while talking.
Conall had already moved two of the largest boxes and was carrying some of the lighter ones now. "Where should I put this one?" He asked, lifting the old box in his arms a little higher. But then something caught his attention. He turned his head to follow whatever had barely escaped his sight, and then...
The hunter blinked. "Why didn't you say you have a cat? I could've harmed it while moving the heavier things." It was a black cat which, to tell the truth, seemed rather cliche for the hunter. It had a particularly shiny collar that- No, wait, that wasn't a collar. The cat was carrying a small marble-like crystal. The contents looked like the tiniest of supernovas were happening inside. In other words, it didn't look like the type of thing a cat should be carrying. "Uhh... Reina? You do have a cat, right? A black one with the most ominous-looking toy?"
@unblume • plotted starter !
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caemthe · 6 months
@lobiita said. º
❛ you’re not as bad as everyone says you are. ❜ conall
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The hunter stopped doing maintenance on his crossbow for a moment once he registered Loni's words. The side of his mouth twitched in amusement because oh how many times has he heard that line before. Opinions on the hunter tended to be polarized. Usually, the one who hired him, his clan, and mages who shared his views couldn't be more pleased with him. As for anyone else, mostly those who were in danger of ever becoming one of his targets... It made him happy to know he could ruin someone's day just by having his name mentioned. "Heh, that's the first time I'm told something like that. Care to share who is this 'everyone' we're talking about? I would love to hear what they have to say when I'm in front of them." The crossbow was lifted as if he had a target in sight.
But a second later he was putting it down again, laughing as if he just made a good joke. "Just kidding. It's pretty easy to tell when someone holds some type of disdain against me. As long as it's just words, I don't care. But if someone tries to take any action against me... Well, that's not going to happen so why think about unsavory things?"
&. 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬. • accepting!
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caemthe · 1 year
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     It was his ‘day off’. Usually, he would spend it driving his motorcycle in the outskirts of the city and walking by the forests to find corpses or bones of animals he could bring with himself to preserve and keep in a jar. But this time he was spending it sitting on his motorcycle, waiting outside a bakery shop. It was a relatively chilly day but he had his jacket in one hand and an extra helmet on the other one. How did he end up like this again?
     He didn’t have to think of the scene that had played out a couple days ago because he heard a door open and close, and then get locked. When he glanced over his shoulder, he saw what could only be described as the human embodiment of the first rays of sunshine in the morning walk towards him. Rather than say anything, he simply leaned closer and grazed his teeth over her cheek. He took that moment of surprise to place his jacket on her (though the correct term would’ve been ‘to bury her’) and help her adjust the helmet. “All good there, right?” He asked after small arms wrapped around his middle and he turned on the motorcycle. “I must admit I’m still surprised. I didn’t know you were a fan of snakes as well.”
@unmyeoung​ • starter for mochi !
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caemthe · 9 months
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"Foolish Naoise then," the Berserker laughed as if completely unaware of the bloodlust and desire for vengeance oozing from his cousin. Conall wasn't, but Naoise was just one man and, even if they started a fight in the hallways, he would blame his little cousin for throwing the first punch. He was a Berserker so he could always excuse his behavior behind the class he was summoned as (and because he was, well, Conall).
It sure was weird to see the guy who would spend his time singing and smiling like a dumbass look so... somber now. "Is that why you act like such a downer now? Didn't know you were capable of holding a grudge. But, well then, congrats on that I guess? Dunno if that means you're capable of critical thinking now but sure is better than nothing." Conall replied without a hint of malice or jabs at his cousin. It was just that becoming an Avenger for old man Conchobar of all people was funny as hell.
"They don't let me bring over any severed heads, which sucks but, other than that, this place isn't too bad. The pup is here as well. Well, more like a little hound now. You didn't get the chance to see him all grown up but... Nah, he's probably only a few centimeters taller than what you remember." So mean...
@ofglories • cont.
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caemthe · 9 months
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One would think that, due to his actions, Conall only dealt with supernatural beings when it was time to hunt them down. Surprisingly, he found himself among them more often than not. That didn't mean they got along, but there was a silent agreement to not go after each other's neck since that would be a waste of both sides' time and resources. He thought that the agreement had been set on fire and this would be the day in which they finally tried to kill him, but..."You know, I'm usually the one who asks for information and stuff here. Your guy Lucian has never offered me a job before."
Fate works in strange ways.
"But to ask for me... I'm guessing this is someone that even your best soldiers will have trouble dealing with. Well, let's check what we have here." Once he was handed over the files, he took a moment to stare at the first few pages... and then he looked up, perplexed. "You're joking, right?"
@shealfa • modern fantasy starter
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caemthe · 1 year
Post Nimhe Eire | Berserker of Victory
     During the Nimhe Eire Lostbelt, the spirit core of Conall Cernach from Proper Human History was shattered, erasing his existence from the Throne of Heroes. Therefore, there was a general shock among the people when Chaldea’s summoning system picked on a familiar yet distinct readings. And so once again the wolf rose.
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Height: 1.79m / 5′11ft Source: Celtic Mythology, Ulster Cycle Region: Midluachair Alignment: Chaotic Evil Gender: Female
     ‘She who is as strong as a wolf’      No one was a brave as Conall Cernach, who never went a day without beheading a Connacht warrior in battle. So terrible was her rage that each night she slept with a severed head under her knee. No land had not felt the fury of her slaughter. There was not a man of Connacht, whose son, brother or father she had not slain.
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     While her deeds, looks and personality are essentially the same as the Berserker that was previously summoned, the life and experiences led were heavily influenced by the fact that she was a woman in the Iron Age. She had the same ‘miraculous’ birth and prophecy of slaughter as her Proper Human History counterpart but, instead of almost being assassinated upon birth, her uncle Cet requested King Conchobar to marry her to a faraway land so she wouldn’t be able to fulfill the prophecy. King Conchobar agreed to keep the ‘peace’ between Connacht and Ulster and arranged a marriage between the Ulster princess and a Pictish king.
     The marriage didn’t last long as, years later, Conall would return with the severed head of her husband tied to her belt and her four infant sons. While usually that would mean that she would go back to being the property of a male family member, she insisted that she still followed her husband’s commands and answered only to him. If one wished to defy the word of the severed head man. they would’ve to talk on equal terms, which meant become a severed head themself or suffer the consequences of defying his authority.
     While a mercenary leader rather than an Ulster warrior, Conall often aided Ulster in war and, true to the prophecy, killed more than half of Connachta during her lifetime. And just like her Proper Human History counterpart, she had 6 wives (technically, they were married to the severed head tied to her belt) and her four sons became kings, earning her the title of Mother of Kings.
     Once in Chaldea, she was quickly asked to not walk around with the severed head of her husband tied to her belt as it was a grotesque sight.
tag:: au. º ( máthir. )
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