#competitive Pokémon
alddente · 2 months
In light of recent events
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twinkcombat · 7 days
Back in the day you used to be able to get rid of rocks with Landorus catboy but now you have to do it with genderless tusk, becuase of woke
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vallkary · 7 months
If anyone likes competitive Pokémon, please talk to me! I want to make a competitive Pokémon little community thing, but I want feedback!!
The main goal is for it to actually be fun, and the goal is not winning but rather having said fun. Only rule is that you must use at least one of your favorite Pokémon, and there may be gym leaders or something
This is all in concept so nothing is set in stone, so if anybody has ideas or suggestions if I do go through with making it, please feel free to send an ask or dm!
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smogonuniversity · 1 month
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i love cinema
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Gholdengo is the Minecraft Phantom of Pokemon, in that it is not in and of itself a problem, but instead reveals a problem in the way the game is designed and balanced (Minecraft sleep mechanics on multiplayer servers and flying enemy combat mechanics, setting and removing hazards in Pokémon).
However, rather than blaming the broken mechanic, the playerbase blames the creature, whose reception is only a symptom, and whose removal does not fix the problem.
I like the phantoms and I like Gholdengo. I think they are conceptually awesome, and I want their respective games to be fixed so that they don’t break it.
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aromaticdisaster · 2 years
so gen nine just dropped and the pokémon online simulators are trying to adapt it. let’s just say we’ve had some funny results
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connorbarritos · 1 year
Tournament Report. Riley's Retro #8 (PRC-EV0) 1st/17
Hey y'all, yesterday I played in an online tournament hosted by one of my favorite twitch streamers, RileyWrenTCG, and ended up winning with Volcanion! I had a lot of fun in this tournament, and I want to talk about the deck and what lead me to play it. But first, we need to discuss the format. I will also provide links for cards and decks.
The Format (PRC-EVO)
This particular format took place after the 2016 World Championships, containing the sets Primal Clash and everything up to Evolutions (the last XY set). The most notable tournament using this format was the 2016 European International Championships where Yveltal/Garbodor ran through the competition, and the last tournament being Fortaleza Regionals in Brazil, Feb. 2017, where Darkrai Dragons took the win with Volcanion taking 3 out of the top 4 spots. Other decks that were prominent in this era are Vespiquen/Zebstrika, Mega Gardevoir STS, and Mega Mewtwo. Now, let's take a look at the deck that I played and the following matchups throughout the tournament.
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I ended up playing Volcanion as a last minute decision more than anything. I was actually going to play a Mega Altaria deck, but after some playtesting I decided not to. I ended up going with something I never had the opportunity to play within the era this tournament was set in. Now, I do have experience playing Volcanion, it just came a bit later when Gardevoir GX was out and about. Anyways, Volcanion the deck is another one of these fast and aggressive decks that populate this format. Volcanion EX has an amazing ability in Steam Up, which allows you to discard a Fire energy from your hand so your BASIC Fire type Pokemon do 30 more damage. This ability stacks, which means you can use the ability per Volcanion EX you have in play. You can power Volcanion EX up easily with both Max Elixir, look at the top 6 cards in your deck and attack a basic energy you find to one of your benched basic Pokemon, and with baby Volcanion with the Power heater attack, choose two bench Pokémon and attach one Fire energy to both of those Pokémon. Eventually, you will have Volcanion EX dealing lots of damage while also having a hefty 180 HP. However, this list is not optimal. I'd personally cut two Float Stone to add two Fighting Fury Belt, which gives you 40 more HP AND lets you deal 10 more damage. I'd also cut Pokémon Catcher entirely and add a second Lysandre and three Escape Rope. Overall, the deck worked phenomenally regardless of what I think was missing as stated just earlier. I mean, I literally won the tournament with it. Anyways, time for matchups!
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R1: Mega Ray W. Should've lost this one, but my opponent threw away all of their Sky Fields, which lets them do more damage, and their Float Stones, so I literally used Lysandre to stall until I know I could take the win late game.
R2: Raikou/Electrode W. This matchup is tricky since they also played a Jolteon EX, but I was able to get rid of it early and just ko everything afterword.
R3: Turbo Dark W. They couldn't hit Max Elixirs or set up any relevant attackers, so it just a landslide victory.
R4: Yveltal/Garb ID. We decided to intentionally draw so we could guarantee a top 4 berth for the both of us since we were both 3-0 going into this round. We did not play and took a needed break.
Top 4: Vespiquen/Zebstrika LWW. This was definitely the toughest matchup of the night. Without Fighting Fury Belt, I didn't have the health to keep the bees from one-shotting everything. It was very apperent in game 1. Games 2 and 3, however, my opponent couldn't keep up with the prize trade; whether it be them not being able to find the pieces to keep up, or me being able to knock out a Shaymin EX to further my lead. On to finals.
Finals: Raikou/Electrode LWW. Game one I started Hoopa EX and couldn't really find ways to knock anything out, so I scooped it up early and went to game 2. During game 2, I was able to knock out Jolteon EX by flipping heads on Pokemon Catcher twice in a row, the first one taking it out of the active to reset its effect, and the second one to bring it back to the active. They couldn't recover after that, so on to game 3! In the last game of the series, I start with a rough Sycamore discarding 3 out my 4 Max Elixir, but I find a Volcanion and an energy to start building up a Volcanion EX. Towards the end of the game, my opponent made the mistake to break their Jolteon EX lock they had going, while I had ZERO cards in hand, to use Shaymin EX's Sky Return attack to put itself back into the hand so I wouldn't be able to Lysandre it and knock it out. During my turn I top decked a VS Seeker, which allowed me to grab a supporter card from my discard pile and put it into my hand. I, of course, grabbed Sycamore to draw 7 seven cards and found a Pokémon Catcher. On their turn they promoted Raikou instead of Jolteon EX after Sky Return, I'm assuming to prevent Jolteon EX from getting knocked out. All I needed to do was to flip heads on Pokemon Catcher to win. I shook the card in game, as a way to find luck, and played the Catcher. And to my surprise, I flipped heads! I immediatly brought up Jolteon EX, used Volcanion EX's Steam Up ability, and took the knock out to go to one last prize card! My opponent then just passed the turn back to me, and it was all over--I had won.
After the tournament was over, I was so happy. I jumped from my desk chair and did a silent pop-off in my room. Even though it was a small event compared to others, I'm still really proud of myself! I had an amazing time playing, and I'm really excited for the next Riley's Retro event! Also, thank y'all for reading. If you want to see me in action from this tournament, my games were streamed on Riley's twitch channel here (please check her out she's cool). Huge shout out to Alex Wilson for providing the list I used tonight from PTCG Legends, his website has a ton of decks from throughout the ages of Pokémon TCG, even with streams of past World Championships. Please check it out! You can play in tournaments like the one I played in HERE on PlayLimitless, a website the hosts online Pokémon TCG, Pokémon VGC, and Digimon TCG tournaments every day of the week!
Thank y'all so much for reading,
-Connor B.
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summerf0x · 3 months
I’ve reached the level of terminal brainrot where if I get really bored and nothing else I’ve tried entertains me I’ll start imagining Gen 9 Randombattles Singles in my head.
Boring car ride? Congrads, you’ve just been gifted a wide-lens Frostlass that has Tripleaxel and you’re fighting against a Tropius.
Long line? Oof, looks like you’ve got a Choice Scarf Slacking and your opponent has one last unrevealed pokemon, so you’ve got to decide between the powerful Giga Impact which is unable to hit ghost types or the less powerful but immensely useful Knock Off.
Train delay? You’ve got to predict if your opponent will switch out to a ground-type that will completely resist your Thunderbolt or if you should hit them with a not-very-effective Ice Beam if they stay in.
This is either a last-ditch cry for help from my brain or a sign of my accession to a higher plane.
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queen0funova · 4 months
Shout out to Raihan. He would have loved Gen 5 VGC
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ramblingaro · 7 months
the universal Pokémon randomizer adding a double battle mode is still one of my favorite things
fighting for my LIFE in randomized doubles nuzlockes but I think it’s really been improving both my nuzlocking skills and my competitive doubles skills
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alddente · 3 months
The enemy soldiers in the great Kalos war watching my 252+ Modest Life Orb Mega Xerneas turn their beloved partner into a fine red mist with a +2 Moonblast (It can Mega Evolve with a key item, leaving its held item slot open)
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roaringthunder115 · 8 months
As someone who knows little to nothing about competitive Pokémon, I love watching competitive Pokémon videos because the creator will say “(insert Pokémon I like here) is terrible” and I feel rage but then realize it’s just about competitive.
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moonlit-ripples · 8 months
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vallkary · 7 months
For the Pokémon thing, would it be fine to host it in Discord first?
I am planning on maybe making a blog for it, but it’s much easier to discuss and plan in what is essentially a big group chat first!!
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I watched a random video on my timeline and now I'm destroying Karen's reputation
"Strong Pokémon. Week Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled trainers should try to win with the Pokémon they love best." ... Yeah I'm going to destroy this quote now! I know controversial. I was inspired by a video in my timeline that showed a team of legendary Pokémon being destroyed by a Raichu and a Emolga. I unfortunately don't know how to make a link to the video, but there are some things I want to address. 1, the trainer with the legendary Pokémon was clearly a kid. You can tell, they had weird moves, picked Pokémon that look cool, and clearly didn't seem to know what they were actually doing. 2, the trainer with the Raichu and Emolga knew what they were doing. They perhaps were one of those casual troll players, you know those types of players who go into matches to steamroll new players. Not accusing of them being bad, the video is very old anyways so it doesn't really matter. 3, the battle is a isolated scenario in casual unranked battles, and does not prove that week Pokémon are subtly better than the strong Pokémon. All the battle proves is that a player who knows what they're doing can beat a component who doesn't. Even though the video is funny because is a bunch of legendary Pokémon losing to low tier Pokémon. Doesn't change the fact that the Pokémon used by the incompetent trainer were still better anyways. Because if the competent trainer was using them instead they would've steamrolled the poor Raichu and Emolga instead. Simply put Pokémon is a game of math and numbers, good Pokémon have bigger numbers meaning they can resist damage, move first or do heavy damage. While other Pokémon have good move pools instead, allowing them to be more supportive. Raichu was used as a support Pokémon in the winning team of 2016 championship, so it's even bad in the first place. Of course there is the Pachirisu of 2014 championship, But that was clearly a one trick pony that worked during that championship, that was only used for super fang and nuzzle, its role was to cripple and help Pokémon with significantly better stats in its team. So as cool as it may be to think that a week Pokémon can be good regardless of their stats, reality is a week Pokémon is always going to just be that week, And that's okay. The game isn't exactly design with competitive in mine, but people out of love boiled down the game's mechanics. So much to the point that certain mechanics are frowned upon and banned, like you know double-team, one hit ko moves, though the one shot moves might be banned because they're not exactly practical we use, too low of accuracy to be useful without skill swapping shenanigans. But of course some people don't like that their favorite Pokémon has crummy stats, I mean fair few of my favorite Pokémon don't have good stats. But I don't play competitive because I don't find it fun. Other people do and that's fine. And it's okay to have your favorite Pokémon to have really good stats too. It's just sometimes people get on their high horse over Karen's quote. You know a boss fight uses Umbreon with double-team and confuse ray, you know abuse RNG against the player. Yeah I couldn't help but point that out that Karen in the games she does show up in, uses double-team. You know frowned upon tactic among players throughout the community. So yeah if you want to jump into competitive Pokémon battles then you're going to be using some of the strongest Pokémon, and spending so much time IV breeding, and then EV training, looking at guides, researching strategies, you know put in the time and effort into a team. Perhaps a little too much effort and time to see results in my opinion. But if you're playing single player Pokémon it really doesn't matter, you could be having a team that comprise of Luvdisc, Unown, Delibird, Combee(male), Farfetch'd(Kanto), and Ultra Necrozma, and I don't think anyone will actually judge you, and if they do judge you for having a legendary Pokémon in your team or even a full team of legendarys, Just remember that this is a children's game where you can put Gods into balls and then call them your friends... Pokémon's really weird.
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rebestie · 7 months
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I made this for my Pokémon draft discord
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