#cold therapy Chennai
cryo2india · 4 months
Unveiling the Chill: Cryo Body Cool Therapy in Chennai
In a bustling metropolis like Chennai, where the heat can sometimes feel relentless, a refreshing chill is always welcome. But what if that chill could do more than just provide a momentary respite from the sweltering weather? Enter Cryo2 India cool sculpting fat removal, a cutting-edge treatment that’s making waves in the world of wellness and beauty.
Cryo Body Cool Therapy, also known as Cryo Slim Treatment or Cryo2, involves exposing the body to extremely low temperatures for a short duration. This innovative approach harnesses the power of cold therapy to stimulate various physiological responses that can lead to a range of benefits, from slimming and sculpting the body to reducing inflammation and boosting overall well-being.
In Chennai, where the pursuit of health and beauty is a way of life, Cryo Body Cool Therapy has quickly gained popularity as a non-invasive and effective solution for those looking to achieve their desired physique. With its promise of quick results and minimal downtime, it’s no wonder that Cryo2 centers are cropping up across the city, offering residents access to this advanced treatment.
So, how exactly does Cryo Body Cool Therapy work its magic? During a typical session, the client steps into a cryotherapy chamber or targeted applicator, where liquid nitrogen or refrigerated air is used to rapidly cool the air surrounding the body. This exposure to extreme cold triggers a process called vasoconstriction, causing the blood vessels to constrict and redirect blood flow to vital organs. Once the session ends and the body warms up again, vasodilation occurs, leading to increased circulation and the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel-good hormones.
But the benefits of full body cryotherapy extend beyond just a temporary mood boost. Many clients report noticeable improvements in their body composition, with regular sessions leading to reductions in stubborn fat deposits and cellulite. Additionally, the metabolic boost induced by cryotherapy can help enhance calorie burn, making it a valuable adjunct to any fitness or weight loss regimen.
In Chennai, where wellness is a holistic endeavor, Cryo Body Cool Therapy is often incorporated into comprehensive body sculpting programs that may include dietary guidance, exercise routines, and other complementary treatments. This integrative approach ensures that clients can achieve their desired results safely and sustainably, with the support of experienced professionals who understand the unique needs of each individual.
If you’re curious about trying Cryo Body Cool Therapy in Chennai, you’ll be pleased to know that there are several reputable centers offering this innovative treatment. Whether you’re looking to slim down for a special occasion or simply want to experience the invigorating effects of cold therapy, Cryo2 centers in Chennai are ready to help you chill out and sculpt your way to a healthier, happier you.
In conclusion, Cryo Body Cool Therapy represents a fusion of cutting-edge technology and age-old wisdom, harnessing the power of cold to unlock a host of benefits for both body and mind. In a city like Chennai, where the pursuit of wellness is deeply ingrained in the culture, Cryo2 is poised to become an integral part of the holistic approach to health and beauty. So why not embrace the chill and discover what Cryo Body Cool Therapy can do for you?
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ortho doctor in Chennai
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Get Relief from Joint Pain: Essential Tips from Chennai Orthopaedics
Discover the best ways to alleviate joint pain with Chennai Orthopaedics. Our latest infographic offers practical tips that are easy to incorporate into your daily routine:
Stay Hydrated - Proper hydration helps maintain joint lubrication and function.
Balanced Diet - Nutrient-rich foods support joint health and reduce inflammation.
Regular Exercise - Strengthen your muscles and improve flexibility to relieve pressure on joints.
Hot and Cold Therapy - Use temperature treatments to ease pain and aid muscle recovery.
Follow Chennai Orthopaedics for more health tips and updates. Stay active, stay healthy!
Dr. Bharani Kumar Dayanandam-Chennai Orthopaedics
Visit : www.chennaiorthopaedics.com
 Apollo Specialty Hospitals No. 64, Vanagaram to Ambattur Main Road, Vanagaram, Kil Ayanambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600095, India
Mob : +91 9342802249, +91 8825881253
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Neck Pain Treatment and Therapy Chennai - Shri Bone Joint Clinic
Neck Pain: An Introduction
Neck pain is a condition that can range from mild discomfort up to severe and debilitating pain. Neck pain is usually caused by muscle strains, poor posture, injuries or underlying conditions.
Neck pain can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor posture, muscle strains, whiplash injuries, herniated disks, osteoarthritis and spinal stenosis.
Neck pain is treated with a combination therapy that includes rest, heat or ice therapy, pain medication, physical therapy, and in some cases corticosteroid or surgical injections.
Preventive strategies include practicing neck exercises with proper ergonomics, maintaining a good posture and avoiding overstretching the neck muscles.
Anatomy of Neck
The cervical spine (also known as the neck) is a complex, multi-layered structure that allows the head to be supported and has a large range of movement. The cervical spine is supported and stabilized by muscles, tendons and ligaments.
The sternocleidomastoid muscle, the trapezius and the scalene are the major neck muscles. These muscles control head movements and aid in breathing and swallowing. The seven vertebrae of the neck are labelled C1-C7 and separated by intervertebral disks, which act as cushions.
The cervical spine is a bundle of vital nerves that transmits signals from the brain to the body. The neural foramina are vertebral openings that allow nerve roots to extend from the spinal chord. These nerve roots provide sensation and movement in the arms, shoulders, and neck.
Neck pain symptoms
Pain in the neck, which may get worse with movement.
Turning or rotating the head from side to the other is difficult.
Neck muscles are tight or knotted.
Headaches can be caused by neck pain, particularly at the base.
Radiating pain in the upper back, shoulders or arms.
You may feel tingling or numbness in your hands or arms.
The grip strength can be affected by weakness in the hands or arms.
Neck pain, in its most severe form, can cause balance and coordination problems.
Swallowing or breathing can cause neck pain, which requires immediate medical attention.
Neck pain causes
Muscle Strains
Muscle strains can be caused by excessive use of mobile phones, computers, and other electronic devices. The neck muscles can be stiffened by reading in bed.
This condition can lead to wear and tear on the neck and bones.
Nerve Compressions
Neck pain can be caused by herniated discs or bone spurs.
Neck pain is often caused by accidents or falls.
Neck pain can be caused by conditions such as cancer, meningitis or rheumatoid arthritis.
Neck pain is diagnosed by a combination medical history, physical exam and imaging tests. The healthcare provider may ask you about the symptoms, duration, and onset of your pain. They will also inquire as to what factors worsen or relieve it.
A physical exam will be performed to determine the range of movement, muscle strength, and reflexes. Imaging tests such as X rays, MRIs or CT scans may be ordered in order to visualize the spine.
Blood tests or nerve studies can be performed to rule out certain conditions.
Treatment Options
Acetaminophen, an over-the-counter pain reliever, can reduce inflammation and pain. Muscle relaxants may be prescribed for muscle spasms.
Physical Therapy
Exercise programs that are structured can help improve flexibility, posture, and strength. They also relieve pain and prevent future episodes.
Heat and Cool Treatment
Heat or cold packs can be applied to the affected area to help reduce pain and inflammation.
Massage Therapy
Massage helps to relax muscles and improves blood flow in the affected area.
Spinal Manipulation
Chiropractic adjustments and osteopathic manipulations can reduce spinal pain by improving spinal alignment.
The traditional Chinese medicine technique of acupuncture involves the insertion of thin needles at specific points to relieve pain and promote healing.
Lifestyle Changes
Keeping a healthy body weight, maintaining a good posture, and lifting with proper mechanics can reduce or prevent lower back pain.
The following are some of the most effective ways to reduce your risk.
Surgery may be recommended in severe cases when conservative treatment has failed. The surgery may be performed to remove a disc herniation, stabilize the spine, or relieve nerve pressure.
Prevention Tips
Maintaining a proper posture
Take brakes
Use supportive pillows
Stay Active
Avoid tension
Lifting techniques should be used correctly
Limiting screen-time
Stay hydrated
Specialized Treatments
Epidural steroid injections
Facet joint injections
Radiofrequency Ablation
Cervical traction
Botulinum toxin injections
Platelet-rich Plasma Therapy
The following are some of the most effective ways to reduce your risk.
Best Neck Pain Treatment Hospitals in Chennai
Shri Bone & Joint Clinic is the best and most reliable hospital in Chennai for neck pain treatments. We have the best orthopedic specialist who has over ten year's experience in this field.
Shri Bone & Joint Clinic is located in two different locations, Adyar and Amjinkari. Call us at any time to make an appointment or visit our clinic. All emergency walk-ins will be accepted. We are open 24 hours a day.
Shri Bone & Joint Clinic offers affordable treatment for knee problems.
The Best Neck Pain Doctor/Surgeon in Chennai
Dr Shriram Krishnamoorthy, the best doctor at Shri Bone & Joint Clinic in Chennai for neck pain treatment. He is a board-certified orthopedic. He has more than 10 years' experience in the field.
Shri Bone & Joint Clinic offers top-notch neck pain treatment at a low medical cost.
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shinymagazinearcade · 1 month
Best Company in Chennai exporting pharmaceutical drugs
Medopharm Private Limited
this company specialises in maufacturing drugs related to antibiotics cardio vascular and central nervous system.
Medopharm Private Limited stands at the forefront of pharmaceutical innovation and excellence, dedicated to manufacturing and exporting a comprehensive range of life-saving medications worldwide. With a commitment to quality, efficacy, and affordability, we harness cutting-edge research and advanced manufacturing processes to produce a diverse portfolio of pharmaceuticals catering to various therapeutic areas.
From essential antibiotics combating infectious diseases to specialized oncology drugs offering hope in the fight against cancer, our product line spans across a spectrum of healthcare needs. We prioritize stringent quality control measures at every stage of production, adhering to international regulatory standards to ensure the safety and efficacy of our medications.
Our extensive range includes generic formulations of essential medicines, cardiovascular drugs promoting heart health, diabetic medications aiding in glycemic control, and neurology drugs addressing diverse neurological disorders. Additionally, we offer a wide array of over-the-counter (OTC) medications, including pain relievers, antacids, and cold remedies, providing accessible healthcare solutions to individuals globally.
At Medopharm, we recognize the critical importance of access to affordable healthcare, and our mission is to make high-quality medications accessible to all, irrespective of geographical or socioeconomic barriers. Through strategic partnerships and collaborations, we extend our reach to underserved populations, fulfilling our commitment to improving global health outcomes.
With a relentless focus on innovation, integrity, and patient-centricity, Medopharm Private Limited continues to redefine standards in the pharmaceutical industry, empowering healthcare professionals and patients alike with innovative therapies and life-saving medications. Contact us today to explore our comprehensive product offerings and discover how we can partner in advancing healthcare worldwide
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sunmarketing · 8 months
90 Days Around the World Part 2
Special Edition of Dr. Travelbest Podcast: Part  2 
   Responses to Your Questions….. About the Around the Globe adventure that I recently took. 
  7. What did you learn about yourself?
  I learned that making decisions is probably the best skill to have when traveling solo. Unless I made a decision, I was not going anywhere. I also learned that I could do a lot more than I had expected of myself. 
Resiliency was one of my takeaways from this adventure.
  8. Often, when we are courageous, it builds up the muscles and makes you crave to do it repeatedly. Does that ring true for you?
  The courageous muscle has been working hard. I read Ryan Berman’s book, Courageous, and that also inspired me to make this journey.
  An example of this is that by the end of the trip, I was getting really good at navigating using the many tools on my smart phone. I was excited to use them, instead of dreading it.
  9. If you could go back and tell yourself something just before you boarded that first plane, what would it have been?
  Great question. Bring an ATM card for just in case! I had plenty of cash, so I thought. It would have been so helpful if I had brought the plastic. I did not use cash much at all after leaving Asia, but it would have been helpful, instead of currency exchanges.
  10. Did you have any doubts or fear during the journey?
  Yes, especially in India and Italy. In India, I was challenged in ways you would expect. In Italy, I was caught on a public bus without payment, because I downloaded the app, signed up for the service, but I could not activate my payment because of my lack of texting back in the US. I had to pay a steep fine, which I understood was the penalty for not having payment. Due to the language and other barriers, I was disappointed.
  11. Best food? Best place you stayed? Best weather?
  Food? I’m not a foodie, but I did enjoy the pizza in Florence. Thin crust with just the right ingredients. The butter and creams in Ireland and Scotland were really tasty, too.
Best stay? Cochin, India. The family sent their driver to pick me up at the airport. They had many servants, who were able to help me adjust to the different food tastes. They had separate meals without chilis for me.
Best Weather? Iceland. The rest of the trip was very hot, so the final stop was cool, but not cold. It was pleasant every day, even a bit rainy, which was refreshing.
  12. Worst food? Worst place you stayed? Worst weather?
  Worst food? Chennai, India. It was like a fire in my mouth, even when I asked for not spicy. The chili’s were too hot. I ate from a jar of peanut butter here for two days.
Worst place I stayed? Manila Hotel, which was really a hostel trying to upgrade. I should have paid more and booked outside of the city.  The “kitchen” was a broken tiny refrigerator and sink—nothing more than that, which was dishonest. A repairman walked into my room without knocking. I complained for days and got little response.
Worst weather? Cambodia, because it was just really humid and sticky all the time. 
  13. Can you tell me any words of inspiration for others thinking about pushing themselves into something courageous?
  If you have a goal, break it into pieces so you can take it one step at a time. 
  Reward yourself for mini-milestones. I had a few massages on my trip, not only for the physical therapy but also as a mental reward for staying the course. They were really cheap in Asia, but not so much after that.
  Thank you for listening to this. Please follow and share comments. What questions did I not answer? I may do another special edition if you ask for it.
  Check out this Dr Travelbest episode!
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etherealdental0 · 9 months
Sensitive Teeth Pain Relief: Finding Comfort and Smiles
Dealing with sensitive teeth can be an uncomfortable and sometimes painful experience. However, you're not alone, and there are ways to find relief. In this article, we'll explore the common causes of sensitive teeth, tips for managing the discomfort, and how to regain the joy of a pain-free smile.
Understanding Sensitive Teeth
Sensitive teeth, or dentin hypersensitivity, is a condition where you experience discomfort or pain when your teeth come into contact with hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and drinks. This condition typically occurs when the protective enamel on your teeth is worn down or your gum line recedes, exposing the sensitive dentin beneath.
Common Causes of Tooth Sensitivity
Several factors can contribute to sensitive teeth:
Enamel Erosion: Consuming highly acidic foods and beverages or aggressive brushing can wear down tooth enamel.
Gum Recession: Gum disease or vigorous brushing can cause your gums to recede, exposing the dentin.
Cavities: Tooth decay can create tiny openings in your teeth that allow sensations to reach the nerve.
Cracked Teeth: Small cracks in your teeth can expose the dentin and lead to sensitivity.
Tooth Grinding: Clenching or grinding your teeth can wear down enamel and cause sensitivity.
Tips for Managing Tooth Sensitivity
Desensitizing Toothpaste: Use toothpaste specifically designed for sensitive teeth. These toothpaste varieties contain compounds that help block sensations from reaching the nerve.
Soft-Bristle Toothbrush: Switch to a soft-bristle toothbrush to reduce the risk of further enamel erosion.
Gentle Brushing: Be gentle while brushing your teeth to avoid further damage. Use a light touch and brush in a circular motion.
Fluoride Mouthwash: Rinse with fluoride mouthwash to strengthen tooth enamel and reduce sensitivity.
Avoid Acidic Foods: Limit the consumption of highly acidic foods and drinks like citrus fruits and soda.
Limit Whitening Products: Overusing teeth-whitening products can lead to sensitivity. Follow product instructions carefully.
Wear a Night Guard: If you grind your teeth at night, wearing a night guard can help protect your enamel.
Regular Dental Check-ups: Schedule regular dental visits to identify and address the root causes of sensitivity.
When to Seek Professional Help
If your tooth sensitivity persists or worsens despite trying these home remedies, it's essential to consult a dentist. They can determine the underlying cause and recommend appropriate treatments, such as:
Fluoride Treatments: In-office fluoride treatments can strengthen enamel and reduce sensitivity.
Dental Bonding: Dental bonding can seal exposed dentin and reduce sensitivity.
Gum Grafting: If gum recession is the issue, a gum graft can help cover exposed tooth roots.
Root Canal Therapy: In severe cases of sensitivity due to nerve exposure, a root canal may be necessary.
Sensitive teeth don't have to steal the joy from your favorite foods or drinks. By understanding the causes and following these tips for managing sensitivity, you can find relief and enjoy a pain-free smile once again. Remember, if sensitivity persists, consult a dentist to address the underlying issue and regain your comfort and confidence.
Other Services Provided by us
Article Published by Ethereal Dental Hub
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Root Canal Treatment In Anna Nagar
Advanced Root Canal Treatment Procedure
People are provided with different kinds of teeth such as incisors, canines, premolars, and molars and those teeth help in chewing, biting, tearing, and ripping meal items. In addition, they provide very good looks and also are vital for talking clearly. If you lose teeth, there are several functions associated with teeth that won’t be performed effectively. There are several types of advanced dental procedures and root canal treatment is one of them. Contact the best dental clinic to perform the root canal treatment in Anna Nagar Chennai.
Root Canal Treatment
The root canal treatment is also called RCT Root Canal or Root Canal Therapy or Endodontic treatment. Endodontic has come from two Greek words – Endo means Inside or Odont means tooth. That means Endodontic is the treatment inside of the tooth.
Root canal therapy or endodontic therapy is a dental treatment procedure to remove an infection from the inside of the teeth. It protects the teeth from future infections. This procedure is performed in the pulp of the tooth which is the root canal. Root canal treatment is one of the increasingly popular dental restoration systems today. This has replaced the old practice of tooth extraction that was being practiced for decaying of the tooth or for other dental diseases. The key points of the Root Canal Treatment are:
Root canal therapy involves the process of removing the nerves from the pulp of the teeth.
Many feel it is a painful procedure. But it is a pain-relieving procedure.
The root canal treatment is also referred to as endodontic therapy.
The cost of root canal treatment varies person to person, but it is less costly than the teeth removal or replacement with a crown or bridge.
The root canal isn’t a treatment. It is a part of the teeth. It is the hollow part of the teeth that carry the nerve tissues, blood vessels, and the pulps.
The tooth is composed of the crown and the roots. The crown is present above the gum and the roots are below the gum. The roots help the teeth to stay attached to the jawbone.
There is the presence of the pulp inside the crown and root that nourishes the teeth and keeps the teeth moisturized and the adjacent materials. The nerves present inside the pulp bring hot and cold temperatures as pain.
Root Canal Procedure
The root canal specialist or an endodontist will perform the root canal procedure. To keep the tooth free from the saliva and dry, a rubber dam is placed so that saliva won’t come out. Bacteria, nerve tissues, and pulps will be removed through an access port created on the top of the tooth. To remove this material, a root canal file is attached to the opening. Caries or tooth decay will be removed with the use of special dental instruments.
 As the teeth have been cleaned, now permanent cleaning can be done. Then, there is the possibility of temporary filling. The specialized dental substances can be used to seal and fill the tooth`s roots and cavity and the outlet at the tooth's top surface.
𝗘𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘆 provides the best root canal treatment in Anna Nagar Chennai offering the most sustainable and advanced dental treatments affordable way.
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riversalondayspa2 · 1 year
Head Massage Chennai - River Salon Day Spa
We carry you back in time to a moment when this procedure was employed to relieve stress and provide the basic improvements to the skin and hair as you lay in our spa receiving the Aroma based treatment rub from our knowledgeable specialists. It does more than only calm a racing heart or a throbbing painful muscle. Additionally, it acts as an appeal to the feelings of the person receiving the back rub. To relax the body and frontal cortex, we use the fragrant, centuries-old Vedic performance. It aids in rebuilding the resources, and the aroma sends the person's frontal cortex and soul searching for a fragrance-based treatment close to a relaxing control.
The skin absorbs the trying to establish moisturizing ingredients used, providing the sparkle and trying to satisfy the dermal layer. Standard painkillers are used in the oils. They go deeply into the skin and relax the muscles and nerves there. You can receive a head-to-toe massage at River Day Spa, which heals the body and makes one feel vivacious and fit. According to legend, fragrance-based therapy works wonders for people who are suffering from sleeplessness, anxiety, sadness, and stress-related problems. According to legend, scrambling for the toe handle triggers a person's regular sleep cycle and ends their ferocious life. head massage chennai
Oil from Clinical Flavor Back rubs will relieve stress and energise. There is some oil that can treat the parasite illness. Clove oil, lemongrass oil, and peppermint oil are all beneficial ointments that can be used to treat parasite growth. Clove oil, out of the three oils, should be the most effective in treating various skin conditions in addition to an irresistible illness. However, it is a genuine treatment to look for the treatment done via sustaining natural oils through a sweet-smelling recovery. Various types of anti-irresistible lotions are available. If you're in Chennai and you realise that you really need to unwind, stop by our top back centre in the entire city for a back rub. Sweet-smelling oils are used in a delicate back rub at River Salon and Day Spa.
The nose nerves function better thanks to the scent of sweet-smelling oils. Unfathomable, especially for people who are dealing with blockage or a bad cold. Additionally, it will typically have an effect on the brain, which helps to calm down the body's nerves and keep them remarkably motionless. The oils are reported to contain antimicrobial and antioxidative properties that are beneficial to the health. A few drops of oil in washing water or a back rub with the oil will typically have different effects on how a person views things. head massage chennai
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deekshith89 · 2 years
Importance of Paediatric Care
Paediatric care is focused medical treatment for children with severe illness. Paediatric care focuses on growth and development, nutrition, prevention of diseases and treatment of illnesses in children. The objective is to enhance the quality of life for both the youngster and the family.
Paediatric care is provided by a panel of physicians, nurses and other experienced caregivers who work together to offer medical treatment to children below 18 years of age. paediatric doctor in chennai
Paediatric care deals not only with medical diseases which encompasses abnormalities of many systems of the body, hereditary conditions and malignancies but also specialised care of pre-term new borns and adolescent children. It treats the symptoms of various disorders, such as discomfort, shortness of breath, exhaustion, constipation, nausea, lack of appetite and difficulties in sleeping. In summary, it helps the kid and the family find the strength to go on with everyday life.
Paediatric treatment is family-focused. The care not only alleviates the pain but guides the parents and care providers to be able to look after the welfare of the kid in a better manner.
With the intimate communication that paediatric care offers, families are better equipped to choose choices appropriate with their traits, traditions and culture. This increases the quality of life for the whole family. paediatric doctor in chennai
Paediatric care begins from the time of birth and one should address the many issues so that the kid is offered the best possible care. The problems that may emerge should be handled by the specialists. Working closely with your main doctor.
The paediatric care team at Shens hospital gives additional layer of support through:
● Specialist advice for any concerns
● Guidance for day to day care of the new born and the developing infants
● Emotional support for you and your child.
● It is crucial to bear in mind that mixing paediatric care with curative therapy is necessary in supporting your kid and family with full medical care.
Childhood Illnesses: 8 Most Common Conditions in Children
Common Cold.
Bronchitis and Bronchiolitis.
Stomach Flu (Gastroenteritis)
Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD)
Febrile Seizures.
The basic purpose of paediatric treatment is to enable your youngster to grow and develop to be a benefit to the society rather than a problem. paediatric doctor in chennai
Children’s health and well-being         
As your kid gets older, he or she will still need to see a paediatrician. Health care for children includes a wide range of services to treat and prevent illness, as well as preventative measures. As part of your child’s health care, he or she gets regular vaccines and physicals and examinations.
This is also a good opportunity to review your child’s diet, milestones, learning, and social habits with your doctor. In order to ensure that your kid continues to grow and develop properly, you should follow the recommendations of your child’s physician when it comes to nutrition for children.
Anything from your child’s sleep habits to potential allergens might be the subject of a conversation with your paediatrician.
Treatment of a severe sickness that has suddenly struck
Of course, if your kid is unwell, their doctor should be your first visit and your primary source of information. When it comes to treating diseases that affect babies, children, and adolescents, your physician is well-versed in all of them. paediatric doctor in chennai
A variety of juvenile ailments, such as infections of the ears, nose, throat, and eyes, may strike while your child’s immune system is still maturing. Whooping cough and the flu are two of the most common acute infections in children. If you suspect your kid is ill, don’t wait to bring him or her in.
Taking care of a long-term sickness
Some children have long-term health issues that must be addressed in order for them to grow and thrive.
Your physician consults with medical professionals as necessary and works closely with you to ensure that your kid gets the best possible treatment, whether your child has Type 1 diabetes (previously known as juvenile diabetes), ADHD, or epilepsy.
Paediatric treatment of the highest calibre
It is the goal of the Shens Clinic staff to provide the best possible paediatric treatment by the paediatric doctor in chennai. In order to help you keep your kid healthy and happy, we place a high value on building close relationships with families. Visit us: https://shens.in/Contact us: +91-9750269815
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drkarunaspine · 2 years
Coccydynia: Overview, Causes, and Treatment
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Composed of three to five fused vertebrae, coccyx lies below the sacrum connecting tendons, ligaments and muscles. Coccyx along with ischial tuberosities of the two bones that form bottom of pelvis, bear the body weight when one is seated. While mostly the coccyx is curved, few have curve too far, thus causing pain. Women, adults and obsese people are more prone to coccydynia, especially those who lose weight too quickly. Causes of coccydynia Coccydynia or tailbone pain occurs due to bruised and dislocated coccyx due to fall or accident, difficult childbirth or prolonged sitting in a narrow and hard surface and infections or tumors. Instances where one falls backward, repetitive strain injury due to leaning back and forth in sports like cycling and rowing, pregnancy, underweight and lack of fat that protects coccyx from rubbing against muscles, sitting on hard surfaces cause coccydynia. Symptoms of coccydynia Women, adults and obese are more suceptible to tailbone pain whose symptoms include aching pain, severe pain while changing positions or during bowel movements. Other conditions like depression, poor sleep and pain in buttocks also signal tailbone pain disorder. Apart from signaling pregnancy, coccydynia also occurs due to menstruation and may cause rectal pain. Diagnosis of coccydynia Fractures in the coccyx can be diagnosed through X ray and CT scan while presence of inflammation and tumour could be deciphered through MRI and bone scan. coccydynia Treatment in chennai Coccydynia could be treated at home through non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that reduce pain, hot bath to relax muscles, wedge shaped cushion to sit on, stool softeners to reduce pain during bowel movements, cold packs, stretching and strengthening muscles. One could seek medical assistance to block nerve supply in the area, massage therapy, acupuncture, chiropractic and TENS therapy. Rare surgical treatments like either partial or complete removal of coccyx are also conducted. For pregnant women, therapists recommend sleeping on sides or sitting on wedge shaped pillows. To know more about coccydynia Treatment in chennai, feel free to contact us. Read the full article
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Advanced Root Canal Treatment Procedure
People are provided with different kinds of teeth such as incisors, canines, premolars, and molars and those teeth help in chewing, biting, tearing, and ripping meal items. In addition, they provide very good looks and also are vital for talking clearly. If you lose teeth, there are several functions associated with teeth that won’t be performed effectively. There are several types of advanced dental procedures and root canal treatment is one of them. Contact the best dental clinic to perform the root canal treatment in Anna Nagar Chennai.
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Root Canal Treatment
The root canal treatment is also called RCT Root Canal or Root Canal Therapy or Endodontic treatment. Endodontic has come from two Greek words – Endo means Inside or Odont means tooth. That means Endodontic is the treatment inside of the tooth.
Root canal therapy or endodontic therapy is a dental treatment procedure to remove an infection from the inside of the teeth. It protects the teeth from future infections. This procedure is performed in the pulp of the tooth which is the root canal. Root canal treatment is one of the increasingly popular dental restoration systems today. This has replaced the old practice of tooth extraction that was being practiced for decaying of the tooth or for other dental diseases. The key points of the Root Canal Treatment are:
·         Root canal therapy involves the process of removing the nerves from the pulp of the teeth.
·         Many feel it is a painful procedure. But it is a pain-relieving procedure.
·         The root canal treatment is also referred to as endodontic therapy.
·         The cost of root canal treatment varies person to person, but it is less costly than the teeth removal or replacement with a crown or bridge.
The root canal isn’t a treatment. It is a part of the teeth. It is the hollow part of the teeth that carry the nerve tissues, blood vessels, and the pulps.
The tooth is composed of the crown and the roots. The crown is present above the gum and the roots are below the gum. The roots help the teeth to stay attached to the jawbone.
There is the presence of the pulp inside the crown and root that nourishes the teeth and keeps the teeth moisturized and the adjacent materials. The nerves present inside the pulp bring hot and cold temperatures as pain.
Root Canal Procedure
The root canal specialist or an endodontist will perform the root canal procedure. To keep the tooth free from the saliva and dry, a rubber dam is placed so that saliva won’t come out. Bacteria, nerve tissues, and pulps will be removed through an access port created on the top of the tooth. To remove this material, a root canal file is attached to the opening. Caries or tooth decay will be removed with the use of special dental instruments.
As the teeth have been cleaned, now permanent cleaning can be done. Then, there is the possibility of temporary filling. The specialized dental substances can be used to seal and fill the tooth`s roots and cavity and the outlet at the tooth's top surface.
𝗘𝗹𝗶𝘁𝗲𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘆 provides the best root canal treatment in Anna Nagar Chennai offering the most sustainable and advanced dental treatments affordable way.
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punarjanis · 3 years
Chennai has the maximum number of diabetics who have more than 60 percent of carbohydrates on their meal plates. The city also has the highest number of diabetics with uncontrolled blood sugar at 87 percent. Ayurveda is a natural way to restore your health from diabetic problems.
Ayurveda can have positive effects when used as complementary therapy in combination with standard, conventional medical care.
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Ayurveda treatment for Back Pain in TamilNadu-India
What causes Diabetes?
Wrong Diet
Diabetes can be described as carbohydrate toxicity or intolerance to carbs. This can happen when we feed the body with simple carbs alone all the time. When you do this your body pumps insulin to digest and you are hungry again very soon and you will end up eating more carbs. Very soon you are taking care your body to the breaking point where the body is in a state of carbohydrate toxicity. Obesity could be a result of a wrong diet or excess calories or hormone related. But obesity is a risk factor.
Sedentary Lifestyle
Any lifestyle with little or no physical activity weakens the immune system. With body’s stress management system not being activated, body is in a state of inflammation.
Type 1 Diabetes
Doctors used to think type 1 diabetes was wholly genetic. Newer studies have shown, however, that children develop type 1 diabetes 3 percent of the time if their mother has the condition, 5 percent of the time if their father has it, or 8 percent if a sibling has type 1 diabetes. Consequently, researchers now believe that something in the environment has to trigger type 1 diabetes. Some risk factors include:
§  Cold Weather
§  Viruses
Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetic is at least partially hereditary. People with a family history of the disorder are more likely to develop diabetes. Type 2  diabetes is also linked to a number of lifestyle factors, including obesity. In one study, researchers found that 73 percent of people with type 2 diabetes had moderate to high family risk factors, while just 40 percent were obese. Overall, people who reported obesity and had a family history of of diabetes had a 40 percent risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Body in a state of prolonged inflammation of any kind is bad for the body. Even acidity where the food is getting fermented in the stomach is also one simple example.
Chronic stress can lead to insulin resistance, which in turn elevates blood sugar levels. With regular exercise, meditation or yoga, the levels of stress hormones on our body decrease, resulting in better blood sugar control.
Whatever goes into the body be it food or medicine the body converts it into an absorbable form and what cannot be absorbed by the body remains in the body as toxin till such time it gets eliminated. This produces AMA as per Ayurveda is a cause for diseases.
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etherealdental0 · 1 year
Sensitive Teeth Pain Relief Centre: Finding Relief for Sensitive Teeth
Do you experience pain or discomfort when you consume hot or cold foods and drinks? If so, you may be one of the many people who suffer from sensitive teeth. Sensitive teeth can be caused by a variety of factors, including tooth decay, gum disease, enamel erosion, and more. Fortunately, the sensitive teeth pain relief center at Ethereal Dental can help you find the relief you need. In this article, we will discuss some of the causes of sensitive teeth and the treatments available at our dental practice.
Causes of Sensitive Teeth
Sensitive teeth can be caused by a number of factors, including:
Tooth Decay: When the protective enamel on your teeth is worn away, it can expose the sensitive inner layer of your teeth (dentin), making them more sensitive to hot and cold temperatures.
Gum Disease: Receding gums can expose the roots of your teeth, which are more sensitive than the crown.
Brushing Too Hard: Brushing your teeth too hard or using a hard-bristled toothbrush can wear down your tooth enamel, making your teeth more sensitive.
Teeth Grinding: Grinding your teeth can cause micro-fractures and wear down the enamel, making your teeth more sensitive.
Treatments for Sensitive Teeth
At Ethereal Dental, we offer a variety of treatments to help relieve the pain and discomfort of sensitive teeth, including:
Fluoride Treatments: Fluoride can help strengthen your tooth enamel and reduce sensitivity.
Desensitizing Toothpaste: We can recommend a special toothpaste that contains desensitizing agents to help reduce tooth sensitivity.
Bonding: We can use dental bonding to cover exposed tooth roots and reduce sensitivity.
Gum Grafts: If your gums have receded, we can perform a gum graft to cover the exposed root and reduce sensitivity.
Root Canal Therapy: If your tooth sensitivity is caused by an infection or deep decay, we may recommend root canal therapy to remove the damaged or infected pulp and restore your tooth.
Sensitive teeth can be a frustrating and painful condition, but with the help of the sensitive teeth pain relief center at Ethereal Dental, you can find the relief you need. Our experienced dental professionals can help you identify the cause of your sensitive teeth and recommend the best treatment options to meet your needs. If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity, don't suffer in silence. Contact Ethereal Dental today to schedule a consultation and start on the path towards relief.
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Article Published by Ethereal Dental Hub
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vshospitals · 3 years
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VS Hospitals, 50 years of legacy in health care. We provide advanced and affordable cancer care in Chennai.
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Our cancer experts are just a call away. Reach us on +91 9021123000 or visit www.vshospitals.com
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londonortho · 4 years
Best physiotherapist in Chennai
Get advance physiotherapy treatment with best physiotherapist in Chennai:
A physiotherapist is a health care professional who helps patients achieve maximum range of movement and physical ability, either by developing it in the first place or restoring it after loss of physical ability due to illness, injury or aging. If you are facing trouble in your daily work and suffering from pain then choosing best physiotherapist in Chennai is the best option. They are highly trained health professionals who strive to improve a person's quality of life by using a variety of treatments to alleviate pain and restore function or, in the case of permanent injury or disease, to lessen the effects of any dysfunction.
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Treatment offered by physiotherapist:
·        Massage to ease soft tissue pain
·        Mobilization or manipulation of joints
·        Exercises to strengthen weak areas
·        Cold to reduce inflammation
·        Heat to increase circulation
·        Ultrasound therapy to ease muscle spasms
·        Electrical stimulation to help muscles contract that cannot do so effectively on their own
Why choose us?                  
London spine sports and ortho center is the number one clinic which offers
best physiotherapist in Chennai and assess the physical condition of a patient in order to diagnose problems and provide the tailor made solution to its clients. All the physiotherapist of this clinic are highly trained to diagnose your problem and implement a treatment plan or alternatively they could also be re-training patients to walk, or helping others to cope with crutches, walking frames, or wheelchairs. They also educate their patients and their families to prevent injuries and to help those people lead healthy lifestyles. With best physiotherapist in Chennai this clinic bring all up dated equipment to provide a smart service and meet the advance expectation of clients.
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healthlogin74-blog · 5 years
Ten Ways To Quit Smoking
How to quit smoking?
Smoking is injurious to health, and that is an absolute truth. Many people who smoke know this, but a very few think about quitting, and even few decided to quit. However, deciding to quit smoking only means that you won half the battle.
Tobacco use and exposure to second-hand smoke, on an average, accounts to every one in five deaths.
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Most people are aware of this and yet tobacco use continues to be the leading case of preventable death and disease in the majority part of the world.
Quitting smoking is a tough task that requires a lot of commitment. It is not a single event that happens on one day. It is a journey. By quitting, you will not only improve your health and the quality of your life but also the lives of those around you.
To quit smoking, one needs to alter his or her habits as well as cope with the withdrawal symptoms that come with the shortage of nicotine.
With enough determination and a good plan, you can break free from nicotine addiction and say goodbye to this habit for good. And to assist you in this journey, we have put together some effective ways for you to stop smoking:
Prepare in advance
People who decide to quit smoking, usually make the mistake of quitting it on the very same day without any kind of preparations. This usually results in them failing to change their habit which can be very demotivating. You should select a day which gives you enough time to prepare but is also not that far away. So that you won't end up changing your mind. This day is called quit day.
You can prepare for the quit day by telling your friends and family about it. By throwing away all cigarettes and ashtrays. By deciding whether you are planning to go "cold turkey" or use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) like nicotine chewing gums. Before the quit date, you can stock up on oral substitutes that will keep your mouth busy.  You can also talk with friends and family who smoke to ask them to not smoke around you.
Nicotine replacement therapy
Nicotine replacement therapy is a treatment to help people stop smoking and the goal of therapy is to cut down on longings for nicotine and alleviate the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.
Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) gives you nicotine in the form of products including nicotine gum, nicotine inhaler, nicotine nasal spray, nicotine lozenges, and nicotine patch.  These products do not contain many of the other harmful chemicals found in smoke.  NRT can help alleviate some of the physical withdrawal symptoms. So that person who wants to quit smoking can focus on the psychological aspects of quitting.  
Stay away from triggers
Urges to smoke are more likely to overpower you in the situations where you smoked or chewed tobacco most often. These places include parties or bars. The urge could also be triggered by certain feelings or actions such as feeling stressed or sipping coffee. Identify your trigger situations and develop a plan to avoid them entirely.
Hold it
If you feel like you're going to give in to your craving, You easily beat it by telling yourself that you must first wait ten more minutes. This works because according to the research the urge to use tobacco in most cases only last for ten minutes.
Distract yourself
Distract your mouth and mind to fight a tobacco craving. Chew on sugarless gum or hard candy. Munch on raw carrots, nuts, celery, or something crunchy and satisfying. Don't set yourself up for relapses. If you usually smoke while talking on the phone, keep a pen and paper nearby. This help to occupy yourself with doodling rather than smoking.
Even one cigarette is bad
People who are trying to quit smoking are often tempted to have just one cigarette to satisfy their tobacco craving. But don't end up believing that you can stop with one cigarette. This is because having just one cigarette leads to another. If you followed this, you may end up using tobacco again.
Physical activities like yoga and walking can help distract you from tobacco cravings. Even a short burst of physical activity can make a tobacco craving go away. Try walking or jogging. You can also try squats, pushups, running in the same spot, or walking up and down a set of stairs. If physical activity isn't for you, then try doing other chores.
People usually start smoking due to stress. Because of this, ignoring a tobacco craving can be stressful. You can manage stress by practicing relaxation techniques like deep-breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, yoga, massage or listening to calming music.
Seek online support
You can join an online stop-smoking program or can go through blogs. You can also post encouraging thoughts for someone else who might be struggling to quit smoking. The best way to quit smoking is to learn from how others handled it.
Look at the bright side
Always remind yourself of the benefits of quitting smoking. These benefits can be feeling better, getting healthier, sparing your loved ones from secondhand smoke, saving money (Cigarettes are expensive habits).
Quitting smoking requires careful planning and serious commitment. It cannot be achieved using luck.
According to Apollo Hospital in Chennai, which specializes in Drug Addiction treatments among other things, treatment for any drug withdrawal can be divided into:
1.      Chemical dependence treatment programmes which include:
a.      Individual, group or family therapy sessions
b.      Levels of care and settings that vary depending on your needs
c.       Understanding the nature of addiction and preventing relapse
2.      Detoxification
3.      Counselling
4.      Self-help groups
Apollo Hospital in Chennai is the flagship hospital of the Apollo Group and was established in the year 1983. Apollo Hospital Chennai is now one of the most respected hospitals in the world and is also amongst the most favored destinations for medical tourism in India and medical value travel for patients from several parts of India. Apollo Hospital in Chennai is not only NABH accredited but is also the country's first ISO certified healthcare provider with state-of-the-art amenities for various health ailments and disorders.
To consult a de-addiction specialist at Apollo Chennai Hospital, please click here.
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