#coco chihuahuas
juliedrawz · 2 years
Pico 🌼
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Feisty, ambitious, cheeky, affectionate and cunning is Pico, the oldest of the 4 siblings.
He's mad about food and will fight over it (often with Nacho) His siblings take on his colors every once in a while for fun and because of his boldness. Though, Doñita is the first to change back to her own.
As the most cunning, he's the one who does the most for Ernesto.
He also is the most trusting and loves attention.
@las-traigo-muertas 💙
Straight for the turkey-leg 🍗 es mio mio mio!
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professoractuality · 4 months
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deztryx · 6 months
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On Nov 29th, my dog passed away
Coco has been with me since almost my whole life including my family, he's always been there when I'm having a shitty day and he always comforted me, hes the best dog anyone could ask for and I'm glad he was my best friend. He passed away in his sleep, I feel so angry at myself for not being there, he was doing fine in the morning, I said I will see him soon when I left for school, after a stressful day, I came home and found out my best friend has passed, I couldn't stop crying I just broke down, I didnt want to let go of him, his body was cold except his stomach, few hours later he was completely frozen, I sobbed till I didnt have the energy to cry yet I wanted to cry more, Im currently still trying to recover so I may not post art for a while, I want to give Coco a special funeral because hes always been there for me and everything
I'm still trying to move on but I still feel so sad and angry and everything is becoming so stressful and jevshsvxhsgssjbsjshd
hopefully I'll recover soon
thank you for understanding
Rip Coco 💔
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barbwalken · 7 months
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Ahhh they grow up so fast 😭💕
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lost-sonador · 2 years
Surprise bath time Coco!
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bucketnewt · 8 months
my dogs sound like they're mauling eachother when they're playing but they're actually two overdramatic brats that scream and wail if they think they're in any sort of danger
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daegutowns · 8 months
seventeen as mean girls, a concept
i just think seventeen has enough flair and drama to be pulling off the entire cast of the mean girls movie
BSS as the plastics
seungkwan: regina george. he has all the flair and he wants all the drama. that’s HIS burn book! he fits the description perfectly, since he’s fabulous but evil.
“get in loser. we’re going shopping.”
also the idea that seungkwan would be the person to
“you can take that fake apology, and shove it right up your hairy—“ [gets hit by a bus]
it just fits
hoshi: gretchen. his dad invented toaster strudel. tiger flavor. doesn’t even have to make sense bc he’s so rich. hoshi’s hair is so big bc it’s full of secrets
“gretchen, stop trying to make horanghae fetch happen. it’s not going to happen!”
deekay: karen. who else would hold their boobs and tell the weather??? *holds* it’s sunny. and it works every time. it’s like he has espn or something
“do you wanna do something fun? do you wanna go to taco bell?”
honestly cady would probably be dino, but the possibly of vernon being cady is just too funny to pass up.
vernon: im from africa
deekay: so if ur from africa… then why are u white
hoshi: oh my god dk… u can’t just ask people why they’re white
vernon: cady. a very funny twist on the new girl from africa. like wdym you don’t wear a whole zombie bride costume to the slutty halloween party?
the only thing historically accurate about dino being cady would be the beef between her and regina (seungkwan), but that’s just semantics
(plus the comedic value of having vernon as cady far outweighs the realistic plot benefits of dino as cady)
jeonghan: regina’s mom. “you’re doing great sweetie!” like who else would encourage all of seungkwan’s bad habits so naturally? just one camcorder video at a time… also gets his tits chewed off by a chihuahua #rip
joshua: aaron samuels. absolutely heartthrob. aaron literally is just smart and sporty but also lives with his mom and spends most of his time helping her at home. this is literally just josh. our fav church oppa
jun: janis. just the chic cool vibes. just like a very cute and lovely janis. also lesbian
mingyu: damian. too gay to function? yeah, that’s him. he will never defeat the gay allegations. and he wants his pink shirt back!!! he wants his pink shirt back!!!!!!
seungcheol: glen coco. just received 4 candy canes from santa!damian (mingyu) for doing absolutely nothing. you go glen coco!
also seungcheol: ms. norbury — but only because he would probably escalate the situation instead of diffusing it.
woozi: mr. duvall (the principal) bc his main trait is having a crush on ms. norbury and being anti-slut/whore-shaming. also has carpal tunnel syndrome??? so on-brand
more but just for shits and giggles:
also mingyu: jason. bc ofc he and gretchen (hoshi) would have a rocky relationship
mingyu: is your muffin buttered?
vernon: what
mingyu: would u like us to assign someone that will butter your biscuit
vernon: my what.
seungkwan: is he bothering you? mingyu why are you such a skeez?
hoshi: you were supposed to call me last night
bc the mingyu x hoshi beef will still continue into the mean girls universe
minghao as the lady who tells regina (seungkwan) her dress doesn’t fit and she needs to go to a different store → “u should try sears☺️”
wonwoo as regina’s dad that comes out only once and it’s him crying at regina’s halloween costume
dino as the bus driver that hits regina george (seungkwan)
everything about this to me is so funny
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honeytoasts · 23 days
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how's it been over a year since I first drew coco! she's my chihuahua character!
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 3 months
Ooo, do you have any fluffy Colorado and/or New Mexico hcs? Thank you <3
Idk if ur asking for ship hc’s or not, but I do have some so i hope that’s okay! <3
New Mex is literally ALWAYS ticked off about something, but it all fades away instantly the moment that Coco enters the room <3
Coco just likes the snatch New Mex out of nowhere and NM just deals with it (NM is like- 5’5 and Coco is 5’8 lmao)
Coco likes to call New Mex his "Little Chihuahua" and NM just deals with it since it’s not even necessarily incorrect
A lot of their relationship is Coco getting away with stuff that New Mex would usually stab someone for.
New Mex is good at cooking and loves cooking + Coco getting the munchies since he likes to get high and not in the way of climbing tall mountains = ✨perfection✨
They both actually have a chihuahua and they named it Tito after the chihuahua from Oliver and Company.
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juliedrawz · 1 year
This sunday is the 3rd Advent 🕯🎄 and I am working on something special.
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Everyone knows this famous potrait right? And well, this is your clue! No it's not about Héctor and Imelda this time (🤭 as much as I love drawing those cutesies, there are 2 babes I love just as much 🥺 my besties know!) It's going to be something that happened at the very same time/day. If you look at the charro suit Héctor is wearing here, you see it is a creamy white one. Not the rusty pink one he wore on tour.
Now, if you're reading my book, you might remember that small convo Ernesto and Ceci had after he'd asked her for help with his iconic white and silver charro suit. Ceci instantly knows he is referrencing to a white charro he'd worn before! So 😗
And oh! Since I haven't done an UPDATE post in FOREVER! I am just throwing that in here as well!
I am working on a few chapters! Meaning I am jumping back and forth because my brain keeps storming me and I am like "ey, that's chapter 10, hold on, that's chapter 15! 17 ... oookay back to chapter 10. 11! Oh and now 12!"
And I am proud to say, Ernestos whole past will be broken down into a seperate book part "so to say" meaning it will be a Part 1 and Part 2 and each part will be more than just 1 chapter. The chapters however will not start with 1, 2, 3, they will continue normally. I tell you, piecing his past together was an emotional rollercoaster and a journey that isn't quite done yet!
And while I LOVED Héctor from second 1. I gratually fell in love with Ernesto too. I am dang proud of myself and I cannot tell you how grateful I am for everyone who's been loving my book so far!
Oh yeah and of course there will be a multiple part backstory thing for Héctor too! 😙 duh!
So far so good! Stay safe, stay healthy! And enjoy your christmas time! 🎄🕯✨️
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professoractuality · 4 months
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Coco enjoying the little heated blanket I passed on to him.
He now uses this bed almost exclusively when on the main floor
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ayz0 · 1 year
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my brother's chihuahua Coco is just Moon in dog form fr
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splashtail · 10 months
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i walked past this dog and out loud went "holy shit?" In shock. she's a chihuahua corgi mix (we think) and her name is coco .
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Familiar Fridays - Xoloitzcuintli
The first of these familiars to actually be a pet, and therefore probably someone’s real life, here is a Xolocuitzcuintli or ‘Xolo’ or ‘Mexican Hairless’ dog. As Frida Karlo explained in “Coco”, they are a significant breed in Mexico and act as guides for the dead in the underworld, hence why they would show up in Diego Rivera’s art from time to time. Between Xolos and Chihuahuas I think Mexico has the best dog breeds in the world--peak beauty and loyalty and compatibility. 
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lost-sonador · 2 years
King Coco
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