#cockwarming wearing a bell and they tell you off when it rings because you're not still enough :(((
wri0thesley · 1 year
i shamelessly want to be cat hybrid maid for the genshin men... so cute and helpful all the time maybe a lil clumsy but thats okay!! Outfit can be whatever they want, as revealing as they want, collar with a bell and maybe even a bell for their tail so it rings from any movement <33 all to themselves, and of course theyll be sure to thank their adorable helper for all the hard work <333
and you are so valid for this want, anon. oh to be told you're doing a good job and receive some ear scritches for it, to have them play with your little bell and praise you for doing a good job even when you've accidentally knocked over a glass of water on their desk for the fifth time this week . . . sigh
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borathae · 5 months
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"An unexpected rainstorm forces you to seek refuge at your best friend's house. Hoseok just so happens to also be your boyfriend's best friend, who till this day gushes about the night he and Hoseok shared. Soon you can't take the curiousity about his skills anymore. Especially when he looks so goddamn hot and the clothes you borrowed from him smell just like his cologne."
Pairing: Vampire!Hoseok x Witch!Reader
Genre: Best Friends with Benefits!AU, Polyamory!AU, Smut, some domestic sweetness
Warnings: minimal Yoongi x f.Reader, Domish switch!Hoseok, Switch!Reader, there's not really a D/s dynamic though just two people having sex where one just happens to take the lead more & then they change it up, *whispers* if you're new to the Sanguis Universe everyone fucks everyone here lmaoo, Hoseok is a whole boyfriend i said what i said, he gives her his clothes to wear, they smell like him <3, Hobi is a lil nervous hehehe, lap sitting, making out, oral (f. & m.receiving), mattress & thigh humping, handjob, she spits on his cock, he spits on her pussy, passionate missionary, hair pulling (m.receiving), nipple play (m.receiving), clit & pussy spanking with his cock, he shows off his vampire face, dirty talk, praise, he calls her good girl & babygirl, he's into making her beg, multiple orgasms for both, creampies, cockwarming for aftercare, cuddly aftercare, Hoseok's so whipped for her
Wordcount: 12.6k
a/n: you guys, i'm scared he is so hot fjadsfja also, if anyone dares to call me out on my oral fixation i will lick your nostril JFJADJF istfg i can't even deny that i have it hahahah have fun besties because a bitch might cum 💗
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The rain surprised you today. You were at the university’s library for most of your afternoon after having spent your lunch and morning hours in lectures and classes. You want to finish your education. This is what your current plan is. A little bit of normalcy and the feeling of achieving one of your life long goals. 
You are the only one who went back to university after everything which happened. The others had no reason to do so and you didn’t blame them. You really liked being back at university, spending your days studying and your evenings practicing magic or cuddling with your  boys. You are living the best fucking life.
The rain surprised you today. You were on your way back home when a sudden rain shower took control of the sky. You could have easily called one of your boys and they could have picked you up, but you didn’t feel like it. Seokjin’s – aka Hoseok’s – house was just in reach and you are sure that you can find refuge there. 
You increase your steps, fighting against the storm. Hopefully Hoseok is home. Seokjin and Emma are back in Gordes for a few months, so Hoseok has been taking care of the house. He spends most of his weekends at the estate however, if he isn’t busy with his dance school that is. 
You hurry up the few steps and slam your finger on the doorbell. 
No answer for a few moments too long. The rain is wet and cold, the harsh storm brings down the temperature even more. You are shivering like crazy. Your clothes are soaked entirely.
You ring the bell a second time in sync with Hoseok opening the door. It results in you being able to hear the shrill ringing. 
“Hey”, you say, slipping your finger from the bell to give him a little wave.
“Hey there hey, come in. Quick, come in”, he greets you, waving you inside as he steps out of the way, “the weather’s crazy all of a sudden. Shit, look at you. You’re soaked.”
“I’m freezing my ass off. The rain surprised me”, you tell him, “can I put my stuff on the mat?”
“Yeah sure.”
Hoseok locks the door while you shrug off your soaked outdoor clothes and backpack.
“You’re lucky I have increased hearing. I was wearing headphones.”
“Yeah? Did you practice dance?” you ask, taking off your shoes.
Hoseok is already busy spreading your wet jacket on the radiator in order for it to dry quicker. 
“Nope, just making music.”
“That’s cool. You keep talking about it. I wanna listen to your stuff, seriously.”
Hoseok dismisses you with a nonchalant tilt of his head, “soon. It’s not finished yet.”
“You’re a perfectionist. I’m sure it’s already good.”
“Yeah I am, but at least it means that once it’s done, it’s amazing.”
“I can’t argue what that”, say and feel shivers run through you, “brrrr, I’m so cold. And wet. Urgh, I hate the rain.”
“You love rain.”
You laugh, “yeah, I do. I just don’t like it right now.”
Hoseok smiles and chuckles. He nods his head into the direction of the stairs. 
“You know where the bathroom is. You can take a hot shower if you want.”
“This would literally save my life. Thank you”, you say and turn to hurry upstairs, “can I borrow clothes?” 
“Yeah sure. What’s your size again?”
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Spending time at Hoseok’s place feels familiar and safe. You know every nook and cranny, find everything blindly and feel at home in the rooms. It is not only because you spent months in the guestroom during the time Namjoon was still a threat and you hated Yoongi. But it is also because next to the estate, the former Sanguis frat house feels like a second home. You and the others are always welcome here, you are allowed to act at home and the company is always amazing. There are many days where you take a short rest stop at Hoseok’s place before going home. And there are also many days where the others, especially Jungkook, leave the estate to spend time at Hoseok’s instead. In a sense, the cozy townhouse has become an extension of the estate where all of you are always welcome. 
You are in the middle of drying your hair with Hoseok’s dryer when he knocks on the door.
“I’ve put the clothes in front of the door”, he calls out.
“Yes. Thanks”, you call back. 
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Hoseok picked out one of his comfiest sweat suit. He is currently in a phase where he enjoys wearing matching sweat suits sets in the most colourful of combinations and with many accessories bringing the look together. He always looks to die for in them. He picked out a grey coloured sweat suit with neon green accents for you. You saw him wear it before and he looked amazing in it. 
He also laid out a pair of boxers for you and some socks. They are freshly washed because if there is one thing Hoseok is, it is clean. 
The clothes smell just like him and the cologne he always wears. Masculine and clean with a hint of sandalwood at the end. You catch yourself smelling the collar of his hoodie way too vividly, cringing at yourself afterwards because of how embarrassing that was. You couldn’t help yourself. He smells so good. 
Now wrapped in his soft clothes and with your body warmed up, you decide to look for him. Knowing Hoseok, he was back in his home studio. 
It is located on the second floor just past his bedroom and the guestroom Yoongi stayed in all those years ago. The door is closed and you know that knocking is fruitless. You still do, entering his room at the same time. 
He doesn’t answer you.
Just like you had thought, Hoseok was lost in his music, nodding his head to the beat of it. You can hear snippets of it escaping his headphones. It sounds as if he was rapping "burn" over and over again. The beat sounds aggressive and perfectly rhythmical.
“Hobi?” you repeat yourself and tap his shoulder. 
He presses pause and takes off his headphones, turning with his chair afterwards.
“Hey there ___”, he says and grins, tilting his head to the side.
“Sorry to disturb you.”
“You’re not”, he assures you and studies you from head to toe, “cute. My clothes fit you well.”
“Thanks”, you say, smoothing over the front, “they smell like you.” 
He grins, “and that means?”
“Nothing”, you mumble and look away. Shit, why did you say that? So embarrassing.
He chuckles and turns back to his desktop. He is wearing a brown sweat suit today, combining some rings and an expensive watch with it. Knowing Hoseok, he would wear some funky glasses and chunky sneakers with it if he were to leave the house. But alas, only a pair of white socks adorns his feet. The latter he currently taps to a silent beat. The song must still be stuck in his head even now that he isn’t playing it.
You take a step closer and point at the screen. Hoseok sneaks a glance up at you. You aren’t aware of it, but like this, your body is touching his upper arm. Your warmth seeps right through your clothes.
“I heard glimpses of the song. It sounded really good”, you say.
Hoseok turns back to you again. Like this, you are between his legs.
“You think so?” he asks, resting his head back against the chair in order to look up at you. His elegant fingers are folded on his stomach.
“Yeah. You sang about burning stuff?” 
“Yeah”, he laughs, “you could say it like that. I still haven’t finished the verses yet. It’s just a guide version for now.”
“It already sounds good.”
“Thanks”, he says and stands up with his eyes running over your face. He steps closer to you, placing his hand on the table beside you, “why are you here?”
“I, I uhm”, you clear your throat, “Hobi, don’t be like that”, you complain and push at his chest.
“Like what?”
“A flirt.”
He laughs, “I’m not flirting. I genuinely wanna know why you’re here.”
“I was on my way home from uni and the rain surprised me. This was closest.” 
“So I wasn’t a reason?”
“You’re always a reason”, you say and nudge him, “silly.”
He laughs and steps back, “are you hungry?”
“Starving actually.”
“Wanna cook together?”
“Yeah, I’d love that.”
“Funky. Let me just save this and then I’m ready.”
“Yeah, take your time. I’m calling Yoongi to let him know that I’ll stay the night here”, you say with your back already turned to him as you leave the room. You can’t see the surprised look Hoseok sends you at the mention of you sleeping over or the faint smile which follows. 
“Sure, tell him”, he says and looks back at his song.
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You walk downstairs as you talk to Yoongi. The latter picks up after the third ring.
“Hey, my princess.”
“Hey, my prince.”
“Are you okay?”
“I am, don’t worry. The rain surprised me.”
“I know, I noticed. I was worried already”, he confesses, making you smile.
“Of course you were. Don’t worry about me, love. I managed to get to Hoseok’s just in time.”
“Thank god, phew”, he exhales loudly, “I can relax now.” 
“Yeah”, you giggle. He’s so cute.
“Are you staying the night? I don’t think the weather’s gonna get any better.” 
“Yeah right? I’ll stay the night if that’s okay.”
“Of course it is. You don’t gotta ask”, he assures you and suddenly you can hear the smirk in his voice, “maybe you’ll end up watching his stuff too, mhm?”
Your heart fluttered in your chest. 
“Yoongi”, you gasp. 
He chuckles deeply, “I’m messing with you.”
“Wah, so mean. I feel hot now.”
“Sorry”, he laughs.
“You’re not.”
“Mhm, no I’m not.”
“So mean”, you mumble and snicker. Yoongi does the same. 
Silence follows, which Yoongi breaks.
“Where are you right now?”
“Kitchen. I’m waiting for Hobi to come down. He’s working on his mixtape.” 
“Mhm, the songs are really good.”
“You heard them?”
“Yeah. He showed me and asked for my input.”
“That’s so unfair. He doesn’t want to show them to me”, you whine.
Yoongi chuckles, “poor woman. You’ll love them once he does.”
“Mhm, I’m sure I will”, you say as your eyes shift to the doorway. Hoseok is finally here, “hey love? Hobi just came. I’m gonna hang up now if that’s okay.”
“Yeah, okay. Tell him hi.”
“Yoongi says hi.”
Hoseok smiles, “thanks Yoongi. I say hi back.” 
“He says hi back.”
“Thanks”, the smile is obvious in Yoongi’s voice, “have fun, love. Yeah?”
Your heart flutters. You know exactly how he meant that.
“So mean”, you mumble, making him laugh, “I’ll have fun”, you add in a chuckle.
“Good. Sweet dreams, princess.” 
“You too, Boongie. I’ll come home for lunch tomorrow.”
“Okay, I’ll have something prepared.”
“Ooh, now I can’t wait. I love you, Boongie.”
“I love you too, princess.”
“And Yoongi! Before I forget!”
“Can you tell the others where I am? So they don’t worry.”
“Of course, I’ll tell them.”
“Thank you, love. Okay, bye then.”
“Bye, love.”
You hang up and place the phone aside, smiling to yourself. 
Hoseok, who watched you talk to Yoongi on the phone, sends you a teasing look.
“You’re so whipped for this man”, he coos and nudges your upper arm.
“Yes I am. What about it?” you throw back with a pout.
“Nothing. It’s cute”, he says and points at his fridge, “what you wanna eat? I gotta warn you, I don’t have lots of groceries because I haven’t really eaten lots of human food lately.”
“Really? But you love human food. Are you okay?”
“Very. Just way too preoccupied with the mixtape. I just crack open a blood bag and I’m good. It takes less time.”
“You guys are so lucky that you can choose if you want to eat food or not. I miss out on food once and feel shitty.”
“Yeah right, I guess we are lucky”, he says and sticks his head into the fridge, “what do you wanna eat?”
You close the distance and try to look inside the fridge as well, “what do you have? Oh pesto. We could make pasta with pesto.”
“That sounds good. I think I still have your favourite pasta.”
Hoseok opens the kitchen cabinet and pulls out a package of your favourite pasta.
“Yup”, he says, shaking it.
“Wah Hobi, I love you. This is the best pasta shape ever.”
“Yeah, it’s good. It holds the sauces well.”
“Agreed and it’s the perfect size for my mouth.”
Hoseok snorts, “that’s what she said”, he says, earning himself a nudge to the chest.
“Perv”, you say, but chuckle.
Hoseok snickers and busies himself with getting out the pot and filling it with water. He puts it on the stove and turns the heat on.
“What should we do now that the water needs to boil?” he asks.
“You could show me your songs.”
Hoseok smiles, “why are you so persistent?”
“Because”, you nudge his chest, “I talked to Yoongi and he told me that you show him your songs.”
“Yeah? And?” Hoseok is giggling, which means he’s being playful. 
“Hobi, come on”, you whine, chasing him to grab his waist and squeeze it.
He flees you with minimal effort, letting out squeaky giggles while his hands hold yours in place.
“I’m so curious. Come on, show me”, you whine.
“Fine okay”, he squeaks, “okay, I’ll show you. Just stop tickling me”, he says and pulls you out of the kitchen.
You skip next to him happily, swinging your hands back and forth. Hoseok studies you.
“Why are you so happy?”
“Because I’m gonna hear your music.”
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Hoseok sits you down on his studio chair while he busies himself with turning on the big speakers and subwoofer. You pull your legs up on the chair so you can sit cross-legged and watch him squat down in front of the desk. He rests his chin on it as he clicks away on his computer. 
You place your hands on his shoulders and give him a gentle massage. Hoseok reacts by leaning into you slightly and letting out a deep purr. 
“Okay, this song’s called More. I really like it”, Hoseok explains.
“Is it the one I could hear?” you ask, running your fingertips through the fluffy hair at the nape of his neck.
“No that one’s gonna be called Burn. It’s not done yet.”
“I see. Well then, play it. I’m so excited.”
“Right”, he says and presses play. He gets up and stands next to you with his arms crossed in front of his chest and a stern, almost angry, expression on his face. You glance at him at first, but then concentrate on the song instead. It’s an amazing song. It is not all how you imagined Hoseok’s music to be and you feel terrible that you thought so because as you listened to the hard beat and aggressive guitar riffs between his passionate rapping, you realise just how Hoseok this song is. It is in Korean, which makes understanding the lyrics difficult for you, but you don’t have to understand every word to know that this song means a lot to him.
The song ends. 
You cheer and clap instantly, bouncing in the chair. Hoseok doesn’t react to your cheers. He merely tilts his head to the side in a twitch and clicks his tongue, looking displeased.
“Ah I could add more reverb at one sixty”, he says and leans on the table as he works with a stern expression.
“This was amazing, Hobi. Look, I’ve got goosebumps”, you say, showing off your arm.
“You think so?”
“Yes. It was amazing. It had me totally captured and I wanna listen to the song whenever I do something I need motivation for.”
Hoseok turns and sits down on the edge of the desk. He still has his arms crossed.
“Thanks ___, that means a lot.”
“I’m serious. You’re so talented.”
“Thank you”, his features soften as if he finally starts to like the song as well, “yeah, I’m proud of it”, he says and smiles, “it took me a long time to get there, but it’s a good song. You know, I need my stuff to be perfect and I can’t rest till I’m satisfied.” 
“I know. You’re a perfectionist”, you tease, nudging him in the thigh.
“Yeah true”, he agrees and pushes himself off the table, “we should check on the noodle water.”
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The water is boiling when you enter the kitchen so Hoseok pours in some pasta while you prepare the pesto and a plate for later. You set a timer on your phone, showing it to Hoseok.
“We’ve got around eight minutes to spare. Any more songs you can show me?” 
“No, but I’ve got a living room we can chill in."
You chuckle, “you’re so secretive with your songs.”
“Hey, they have to be perfect. I already stressed out ‘cause you listened to More.”
“Okay, okay I’m not saying anything. For what it’s worth, I genuinely think it’s an amazing song.”
“Yeah? Thanks, uhm”, he flusters and giggles, “shit, you got me giggling. Hah, thanks.”
You chuckle fondly, “you’re cute, Hobi.”
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You eat your pasta in the living room, chatting about everything and anything while outside it storms. You and he clean the kitchen after you finished dinner and then return to the living room for dessert and more chatting. 
You and he share the sofa. Hoseok is sipping on a glass of blood while you opted for hot cocoa. 
“Are you okay?”Hoseok asks, interrupting your monologue about your library experience today. 
“Why are you asking?”
“Cause you’ve been rubbing your shoulders since we sat down.”
“Oh yeah. I guess I’m just a little tense. My backbag was really heavy today and it fucked my shoulders. It hurts.”
“I can massage you.”
Hoseok nods his head.
“Yes please. Oh my god, my saviour”, you say and get off the couch to sit down in front of him. Hoseok hands you a blanket so you can cover your lower body and then he turns so you were between his legs and he could reach your shoulders. 
He rubs his hands together to warm them.
“Should I take off the hoodie?” you ask.
“No it’s fine. I’m starting. Is that okay for you?”
“Yes, it’s okay.”
With your consent, Hoseok places his hands on your shoulders. He begins his massage by rubbing the flat of his palms up and down your shoulders and arms.
“What did you wanna tell me before I interrupted you?” he asks.
“Mhm? Oh yeah! As I was saying, I tried to use the computer to look for the book and it didn’t show me anything.”
“Oh no. How did you find it then?”
Hoseok begins rubbing circles into your shoulders, looking for the tighter areas so he could relax them. 
“That’s when it gets cool because I used magic to find it.” 
“Yo, really?”
“Yes, really. I concentrated really hard and thought of the words Yoongi taught me and then suddenly, I heard a small bell sound.”
“A bell sound?” Hoseok gasps. He is putting pressure into his touches, relaxing the tense areas. They are hard under his fingertips, no wonder you were in pain.
“Yeah seriously, a bell sound. And it became louder the closer I got to the book and then bam.”
Hoseok gasps.
“The book was right there. In front of my eyes.”
“Okay that’s so funky. What the hell?”
You snicker, nodding your head.
“I felt like a real witch then. I almost yelled until I realised I was at the library.”
Hoseok chuckles, “you’re seriously so cool. I know who to call if I ever lose something again.”
“Yes please do. Ah”, you tense up, “ah geez, it hurts.”
“Relax. You’re too tense”, Hoseok says.
“It hurts a lot, you know?”
“I know. You’re really tight in this area”, he says, digging his thumbs into the area.
“I know, ah geez”, you hiss, writhing in discomfort, “no need to break my shoulders, ah.”
“I’m not even using a lot of my strength”, he defends himself and lessens the pressure, “how’s that?”
“Yeah, it’s better. Sorry, I’m a little wimp when it comes to getting massaged.”
“It’s chill. I can be gentle”, he says, rubbing circles into your neck.
You feel yourself shiver. Not only because of the relaxing touches, but also because of his words. You are very well aware that he didn’t mean them in a sexy way, but it’s difficult not to understand them in such a way when Yoongi’s words still run through your mind. You ogle the TV, then the armchair next to it. Yoongi told you what Hoseok did to him on that chair. You fumble with your own fingers, feeling your heart speed up in your chest. Would it be weird to bring it up right now? He is being such a good friend and you don’t want to make him uncomfortable by being a horny slut. You are aware that Hoseok is a very down to fuck kind of guy, but just because he is, doesn’t mean that he always has to be in the mood to be a horndog. He’s just a person after all and a person you love so very dearly.
“What’s wrong?” Hoseok asks, placing his delicate hands on your upper arms, “am I being too rough?”
“W-why do you ask?” you stutter.
“Your heart’s racing”, he says and rubs your arms, “I can stop if you don’t want to anymore.”
“No, I uhm, no. Hah”, you laugh breathily, “sorry, I was just thinking.”
“Okay? Do you wanna tell me?”
“It’s okay. I don’t wanna make you feel weird.”
“Dude, now you gotta tell me. You can’t just say that. I’m a nosy bastard”, he says, pushing you gently. He laughs.
You laugh, swaying back and forth.
“Yeah I guess”, you say.
“So? Tell me”, he encourages you.
You turn and lift your head so you can look up at him. Hoseok switches between looking into your right and left eye, letting his hands tangle between his legs.
“You gotta pinky promise not to be weird”, you say, lifting your hand.
Hoseok hooks his pinky finger with yours, “promise”, he says and seals it by pressing his thumb against yours, “now open your mouth and talk. You’re making me nervous.”
You lower your hand and take a deep breath, “I’d be down to watch your movies”, you say.
Hoseok gawks at you. His mouth falls open. The silence is intense. His eyes are almost round from how widely he opens them. His reaction is understandable and adorable.
“If you’d be down that is”, you add, giving him a little lopsided smile afterwards.
“I uh”, he lets out and blinks quickly. His air leaves him in a breathy laugh, his right hand comes to touch his chest, “a-are, are you sure?”
You nod your head, “I’m curious what all the talk is about”, you say and scoot closer to nudge his chest, “you’ve got Yoongi still talking about what you guys did that night.”
Hoseok exhales in a laugh and turns his head to the side. His hand shoots up to rub the side of his neck, coyness washes over his features.
“He does?”
“Yeah, totally. You know what he told me on the phone today?”
Hoseok shakes his head. He still isn’t looking at you, fumbling with his own ear nervously.
“That maybe you’ll show me your stuff and that I should have fun. You’ve seriously messed him up back then.”
“Yo dude that’s just- yo”, Hoseok says and stumbles off the couch, running his hands through his fluffy hair. He laughs, but it sounds nervous and so not at all like Hoseok.
“What’s wrong?” you ask him, following him with your eyes. He is prancing up and down, rubbing the nape of his neck.
“You’re messing with me, that’s what up. You?” he looks at you with widened eyes.
“What about me?”
“Outta all the people coming here begging for a fuck, you’d be last I expected this from.”
“Why?” you ask in a chuckle, “you’ve got Yoongi talking about it and Kook mentioning it when I fuck him dumb. I wanna see what the deal is about. Besides, I was just asking if we could watch your stuff, I never mentioned sex.”
Hoseok scoffs, “sure ___.”
You cross your arms in front of your chest and pout, “we don’t have to do it you know? Wow, I feel so attacked right now.”
Hoseok studies you for a moment.
“Yeah uhm, give me a moment”, he says and then leaves the room.
You boil in your loneliness, feeling like dying would be less awkward than what just happened. Out of all the reactions you expected Hoseok to have, pure shock and the need to flee wasn’t one of them. You expected gloating, pride, happiness and cocky teasing, but not for him to run away. You touch your own chest because the embarrassment you feel sits heavy in your chest. This was the most humiliating shit you ever pulled. Fuck, you want to dissolve into thin air.
You pull out your phone to text Yoongi and ask him if he could come pick you up, but before you can, Hoseok is back in the room. He is carrying a translucent hard plastic box filled with cassettes and DVDs.
“Sorry it took me a while, I had to make sure the collection’s complete”, he says and puts the box on the coffee table in front of you, “I still got a box upstairs. Let me get it”, he says and disappears again.
You have never felt lighter before. All the embarrassment from before is gone from your chest. He didn’t quit on you, he just got his stuff. You sit down on the edge of the sofa and begin looking through the box. The movies seem to be from the nineties and two thousands. He’s on a few covers. Naked and with a hard-on. You try not to look at it even if you were literally moments away from watching him fuck on TV.
“Okay, I think this should be everything now. I’ve also got my Only Fans, but you have to subscribe to see that stuff”, Hoseok says and places the second box next to the first one. The box was filled with DVDs and hard drives. He sits down next to you, close enough that your legs were touching, “see anything you like?” he asks, placing his arm around you. He doesn’t let it touch you, instead he just makes you hyperaware of its presence behind you. You feel yourself fluster because Hoseok has never been that close to you with an underlying sexual intention. Of course you and he hug and cuddle as friends, but initiating touch with the near future of fucking is new to you.
You turn your head to him. Hoseok meets your eyes. You and he are just inches away from kissing. The close proximity makes you feel giddy. He’s got really pretty eyes.
“What’s wrong?” he asks, studying your eyes and then your lips.
You look away, “shut up.”
“Wah look at you”, Hoseok coos and bumps his chest into you playfully, “moments ago you wanted to watch my stuff and now you’re nervous about it.”
“Dude, shut up”, you complain.
Hoseok giggles and pulls you into him with a strong arm just so he can shake you around a little.
“Look at you being nervous.”
“Shut up”, you whine, “I’ll punch you in the balls, I’m serious.”
“Hey, hey don’t ruin what’ll benefit you later. My balls are precious cargo, ___.”
You roll your eyes, shoving him off of you, “you’re annoying.”
“Why? I’m just saying.”
“Urgh whatever”, you say and look back into the boxes.
Hoseok scoots closer and reaches into the first box. He pulls out a DVD. He is on the cover, oiled up and with his dick in his hands. You are looking right at it if you wanted to or not. It’s well-shaped, an impressive length and just girthy enough that you have to do a double take. It almost looks – to put it frankly – just a little bit out of place on him. He is a very petite guy, slender and fit, and his cock looks almost massive on his body. His elegant fingers look so small around it.
“Your dick’s huge, dude. What the hell?”
Hoseok laughs, “right? It’s my vampire cock though. People never noticed, but it comes in handy when you can grow your dick.”
“I can imagine. For porn it’s practical”, you say and glance at his face. 
He meets your eyes.
“I hope you know that this is really fucking awkward for me.”
He chuckles, “it’s not awkward for me.”
“I know. You’re an exhibitionist.”
“Right”, he nudges you gently, “don’t be awkward. It’s just me naked and very hard.”
He makes you laugh which lessens the awkwardness. 
“Yeah, right that’s the issue here. You’re my best friend and now I’m looking at your boner. I really didn’t think this through. Dude, that’s what happens when you massage me, I say stuff.”
“I’m your best friend?” he sounds moved. 
“Yeah. Well. Technically Yoongi’s like my bestest friend, but you’re my best friend. You know?”
“This just got really emotional right now. Thank you, ___”, he says and drapes his arm over you to pull you into a soft temple kiss. 
You lean into it, feeling good about it.
“You’re one of my best friends too”, he says and gives you a little squeeze, “we don’t have to do this, you know? It’s okay if you changed your mind.”
“No, it’s fine. I don’t wanna stop. I just have to live with the fact that now I know how huge your dick is.”
He laughs and lifts the DVD into your vision, “wanna know why I picked this?” 
“Cause your cock’s huge?”
He laughs, “no it’s because this is the movie I watched with Yoongi that got him all horny”, he says and flips the cover. His co-star is on the back, showing off his oiled-up hole. You do another double take not for cock reasons, but because the actor looks way too similar to Yoongi. Hoseok, who saw your eyes flit back for a second glimpse, grins, “you’re seeing it too, aren’t you?”
“I do. What the hell?” you gasp, grabbing the cover to get a closer look, “are sure that that’s not Yoongi and he just erased your memories back then?”
Hoseok laughs, “it could be a theory. But no, that’s Niragi. We did a few films together, but then lost contact.”
“It’s crazy how similar they look. Except for maybe their holes.”
Hoseok snort laughs, “___”, he gasps and nudges you.
You snicker, glancing at him, “I’m just saying. Yoongi’s not that loose.”
“I know. I felt it”, Hoseok says and looks at your lips.
You feel it, just as you feel your heart speed up because of it.
“We could watch that if you want”, he whispers.
“Intriguing, but I wanna see you act with a woman. Got something that looks like me?”
He chuckles, “babygirl, no one’s ever come close to your beauty”, he partially jokes.
You roll your eyes and nudge his chest, “sweet talker.”
He smirks and shrugs his shoulders. He gives your lips one last hungry gaze then finally looks back into the boxes, “I’ve got something you could like. You like female gaze stuff, don’t you?”
“Do I give off those vibes?”
“With the men you date? Yeah.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you ask in a laugh.
“They’re at your feet worshipping your every step. I’d be surprised if they even as much as called you bad girl in bed.”
You snort, “you’d be surprised then.”
“Mhm, surprise me”, Hoseok purrs and pulls out a black hard drive, “that’s where the good shit is”, he says and stands up, “get ready for a good show ‘cause I fucked like rent’s due in this movie.”
“I’m expecting great things, you know that don’t you?”
Hoseok squats down in front of his TV.
“Yeah, I do”, he glances at you over his shoulder. He lifts it after a second and giggles, “shit, I’m nervous now. You’re gonna watch my shit.”
You study him. He is so attractive to you right now. Shit, you’re getting horny. It’s so easy to get you turned on.
“Or, I don’t know, we could skip the movie and make out instead?”
Hoseok hesitates. Hoseok takes a deep breath. Hoseok looks at your lips. And Hoseok places the hard drive aside just to stand up and hurry to you. He falls to his knees in front of you, placing his hands on your knees. Like this, you are almost face to face, sharing intense silence and even more intense eye contact.
“Is this a yes?” you ask him.
He nods his head, looking at your lips.
You move in, but Hoseok moves back.
“Mhm?” you are confused.
“I just need to know that this isn’t gonna ruin what we have”, he says. You never heard him with such seriousness in his voice before, “I like you so much and I don’t wanna lose you just ‘cause of one night. If tonight’s gonna fuck us up, I don’t wanna continue.”
“It’s not gonna ruin it for me. You?”
“It’s not gonna ruin it, no fuck”, he laughs breathily, “fuck, I wanted to make out with you for ages. Not that I’m one of those desperate dudes thinking they’re friendzoned, it’s just that I kiss my friends if they’re into it. Or fuck them. And show them my porn.”
You laugh, “I know, Hobi. We’re not traditional. None of us.”
“Yeah, it’s the fucking best”, he says and moves in, cupping your cheek with both hands. His nose brushes yours, your heart skips a beat. He is looking at your lips as he talks, caressing your cheeks, “one last chance.”
“Shut up, Hobi”, you whisper and pull him in with your hand at the nape of his neck.
Hoseok stumbles into you, moaning against your lips as he scrambles to find your rhythm. You didn’t give him a difficult rhythm to follow, no, Hoseok is just simply overwhelmed by the sensation of feeling your lips on his’.
You pull back. Hoseok is looking at your lips with half-lidded eyes and a faint smile.
“Did you brush your teeth?” you ask him.
“Yeah”, he says and pulls you back into the kiss. His hand comes in contact with the side of your face before naturally gliding down to hold the side of your neck. His fingers are long enough that you can feel them brush against the nape of your neck. The touch sends the biggest shivers down your spine.
You moan into the kiss and hook your arms behind his head, tangling your fingers deep in his hair. It’s softer than you imagined it to be and that means a lot because you imagined it to be soft. Hoseok also kisses so much better than you imagined him to kiss. He knows just when to give your lips a little suck, when to involve his teeth and when to let you do your thing. His tongue also knows exactly when to trace your lips to make you crave more.
“Shit, you’re so good”, Hoseok murmurs between kissing you, standing up with his arms hooked under your legs. He lifts you off the couch easily, purring deeply when you press yourself closer and bite his lower lip. You are squirming in his arms. Just as Hoseok had thought. You’re into getting carried.
He bounces you in his arms and finally allows his tongue to stay involved for longer than a small trace. You moan, meeting his kisses with eagerness. His lips are so soft, he tastes so good and whenever he bounces you there is friction against your pussy. 
Hoseok purrs, walking with a dizzy head. He is so happy for his vampire senses right now, because you are stealing his sanity. This isn’t the first kiss you and he shared, but it feels like it to him. The night at the masquerade ball is a memory in his mind these days. It happened so many years ago and is tainted by the fun influence of alcohol. But this isn’t the result of alcohol, this is untainted and real. Hoseok almost stumbles up the stairs because he’s so excited.
He stops once he is upstairs, pressing you against the wall to break the kiss.
“Shit baby. Can I call you baby for tonight?” he rasps and begins kissing neck.
You roll your head back, revealing your vulnerable spots to him.
“Yeah, you can”, you sigh, playing with his hair and sending shivers down his spine in the process.
“You’re so fucking hot, baby. Fuck”, Hoseok moans. His breath tickles your skin, his lips follow. It feels so good that you can’t stop gasping and squirming in his arms.
There was another occasion where you and he shared a kiss. Back when Alpha was still evil and you still hated Yoongi, you came to Hoseok’s room to comfort him after a fight with Yoongi. You and Hoseok talked and somehow the conversation shifted into you giving him a kiss. Back then, Hoseok was high after smoking too much weed and the kiss felt blurry to him.
Tonight feels like fucking ecstasy to him. He is clear in the head and gets to kiss you so fucking passionately. He growls, letting his fangs grace your skin. This is turning him on so fucking bad. He sucks needily.
“Ah, Hobi”, you gasp, arching your back.
The contact breaks because he pulled back.
“Sorry, fuck”, he apologises, kissing the tender spot. He got too excited and sucked a hickey onto your skin. Now the spot is pulsating in sensitivity, “fuck, I can’t believe this is real. You’re so fucking sexy. Fuck, baby”, he growls and rolls his hips into you. His clothed cock grinds against your clothed pussy, sending electric tingles through your bodies.
You and he moan at the same time. You pull him closer while he chases you with another thrust.
You tug his head up by his hair and give him a second of droopy eye contact before you push him onto your lips. He finds your rhythm instantly, sharing the sloppiest tongue kisses with you. He growls into you, breaking away from the wall to carry you to his room. It’s not far anymore and he needs you under him.
He doesn’t bother closing the door because it’s just you and him in this big house. Nobody can run in on you and it doesn’t matter if the door is closed or not, he’ll have you screaming for him either way. No door will keep the noises out.
He places you on top his bed and steps back to take off his shirt. He throws it onto the ground, looking at you with lowered eyes.
“Couldn’t you have turned the lights on?” you ask in a chuckle.
“Ah yeah, sorry I forgot you can’t see in the dark”, he says and turns on his bedside lamp, "better?" 
You look at him instantly, letting your eyes run up and down his torso. Hoseok falls into a pose instantly, taking off his sweats as he does. He keeps his briefs on. They’re the bikini cut type, dark blue and bulging in the front. He is very obviously hard, forcing your eyes to stay on his crotch.
“You’re so hot”, you say, writhing needily.
“Thanks”, he says and climbs onto bed. He takes the spot above you, claiming your lips in a kiss. He keeps his left hand rested beside your head while his right hand dances down your body to play with the hem of your sweats. Your lips tremble against his’, your hands touch his chest. He breaks the kiss but keeps close, “is that okay for me to do?”
“Yeah” you allow him, lifting your hips.
“Thank you. You can always stop this”, he says and takes off your pants.
“I know. You too”, you tell him, writhing needily.
Hoseok wastes no time and takes off your boxers as well, throwing them on the bed beside him. The hoodie he borrowed you is long enough that it covers your pussy. You squirm on the sheets, pressing your thighs together as best as possible. 
“Nervous?” he asks.
“A little. You?”
“Yeah, dude”, he laughs breathily, “I’m so fucking nervous. I could shit myself.”
You laugh, “please don’t.”
He snickers, “mhm no, I won’t”, he whispers and kisses your neck. 
You close your eyes, rolling your head to the side as a happy sigh slips past your lips. 
Hoseok pushes your legs apart with his knees, running his right hand down your torso while his left is propped up beside your head. He listens to your heartbeat for any kind of change. It is racing and increases in speed the further down his hand dances. 
Hoseok nudges your head so it rolls to the other side and he can kiss your neck there. You purr softly, squirming under him. Your pulse is fluttering. Hoseok moves closer to your pussy. Your heart skips a beat. He swerves past your heat and feels up your inner thighs instead.
Up and down. Up and down. Hoseok traces your soft skin with just his fingertips. He comes close enough to your pussy that you know his touch is there and yet never close enough that you can feel it. It’s making you squirm more and more. 
You reach up, placing your hands on his chest.
“Hobi”, you sigh, sliding your fingers to his nipples. You rub them gently, eliciting a deep purr from him.
“Mhm keep going. I like it”, he rasps and bites your earlobe softly, “is it okay for me to touch your pussy?”
“Yes, is okay. You fucking tease”, you allow him, rolling your hips up.
“Mhm yeah”, he agrees and dances his fingers up your inner thigh.
You shiver. The thought that soon you will feel his touch is making his fingers feel so much better on your skin. 
Hoseok touches you.
“Ah”, you let out, feeling his chest vibrate in a deep purr. His fingers part you for him, starting off at your entrance and painting a path up to your clit. He does a swirl when he’s reached her, then dances his fingers down to your entrance again. It is a gentle touch, barely any pressure is involved. You have to keep squirming because these kinds of touches always feel so much more intense. 
Hoseok puts distance between your neck and his lips. He studies your face and how you have it scrunched in pleasure. He takes a shaky breath, bundling the sheets next to your head. He’s so into this.
“I wanna taste you”, he confesses, “is it ok-” 
“Yeah…” you interrupt him in a breathy voice and your body writhing sensually.
“Shit, you’re hot”, he rasps and abandons you for the sake of shimmying down. He kneels by the bed and wraps his arms around your thighs, pulling you closer to his face.
He looks up. Your eyes are focused on the ceiling, you are breathing heavily. Pretty. He thinks you’re so pretty. 
He switches his gaze to your pussy. Your sweetened scent is taking up his senses. He lowers his eyes halfway, running them over your exposed heat. Kissing made you wet. It sticks to you and waits to be devoured. 
“So fucking pretty”, Hoseok growls deeply and connects his mouth with your pussy. 
He drags his tongue through your folds, starting on your entrance until he reaches your clit. You gasp, hold your breath and release it in a quiet whimper. 
Hoseok purrs, pressing his tongue against you. He shakes his head, grinding on you this way. This is still a warm up. He’s barely began. You’re so sweet and he needs all of it on his tongue. No wonder your boys are obsessed. Hoseok feels himself get addicted as well. 
He stops shaking his head and moves it so his tongue dances up your pussy. He flicks it against your clit, feeling your thighs twitch in reaction. So he does it again. He flicks his tongue against your clit quickly, holding your thighs as they begin trembling. 
“Oh god”, you whisper and reach for his hair. You stop yourself. You drop your hand. 
“It’s okay. Hold on if you need it”, he allows you and uses the moment to also praise you, “your pussy tastes so good. Fuck, I wanna devour you.” 
“O-oh god”, you stutter out and writhe. 
“Mhm, so sweet”, Hoseok purrs, burying his face back in your heat. His nose is grinding against you as he sucks on your clit. He keeps you pinned with his strong arms around your thighs, making you take every single second of the hungry feast. 
You whimper and reach for his hair to grab it desperately. Your other arm lies itself over your own eyes. 
“Fuck. Hoseok….”
Hoseok closes his eyes and moans into you. He releases your clit, slurping up his drool running down your folds. You tug and twist his hair, trembling in his hold. 
“Hold onto me, that’s it. Good girl”, he lulls his words because you’ve got him pussy drunk. It’s only been a few moments, Hoseok is aware, but he fucking loves eating pussy. Especially when that pussy belongs to his pretty best friend with her pretty moans and prettier taste. 
Hoseok lowers himself for the sake of burying his tongue in your pussy. His long fingers grip your hips and tilt them for easier access. His nose is pressed against you, grinding into you each time he fucks his tongue deep. 
“Hoseok oh god”, you get out and choke out a moan, arching your back because it’s impossible to stay still when he is filling you up like this. 
He breaks away, letting his spit connect himself with you. 
“So fucking sweet, baby. You’ve got such a heavenly pussy”, he praises and spits on her for contrast.
“Ah”, you flinch at the feeling, writhing seconds later when Hoseok slurps up the sinful mess, “Hobi please.”
Hoseok moans, looking up at you again. You’re begging. You’re that type of person. He slips his hand into his briefs to get his cock out because the revelation makes his cock ache. He jerks it off desperately, fucking his tongue deep into your sweet pussy. Those people are his favourites. Oh so ruined by pleasure they start begging without knowing what they’re even begging for. He fucking loves them. 
Fuck, he wants to drag every single plea from your tongue. Hoseok furrows his brows and growls against you, speeding up his tongue as he presses himself as close as possible. 
“Oh god, please”, you keen, twisting his hair. Your thighs close around his head. You have to grab more of him or otherwise you are losing yourself. He is so fast and sloppy. And so chillingly cool. Because he only consumed blood bags lately, his skin is cold to the touch and yet his mouth carries enough warmth to give you a constant change of temperature. One second his cold nose is grinding against your clit and in the next, his hot tongue follows. The contrast is keeping you on edge and desperate for more. 
“Please ah”, you beg and grab his wrist. 
Hoseok untangles his left hand from your thigh, sliding it together with your hand. You squeeze him instantly. Your palm is damp and hot.
You writhe and shake, pressing out another plea.
Hoseok growls, looking up at you with darkened eyes. You’re so fucking precious. Look at you needing to hold his hand. You are squeezing him oh so desperately that he wonders if you want to never let go again. He brushes his thumb over your knuckles in soothing and begins concentrating his licks on your clit. 
No more playing around. He needs you shaking. 
He switches between licking your clit and sucking on it, combining the two sensations until they become this electric blend of never ending pleasure.
“This is gonna make me cum”, you get out and whimper, writhing on the sheets. 
Good. Hoseok wants you to climax. This is all he is working towards right now. Your sweet, sweet orgasm on the tip of his tongue. Hoseok dreamed about it for years. He hate fucks his own fist in desperation, making love to your pussy in contrast. 
“Hobi this is- ah”, you press out and shudder. You tug at his hair, closing your thighs tighter around his head. 
He can hear your blood rush deep inside your muscles. It is rushing and pulsating oh so fucking quickly. He squeezes his eyes shut and sucks your clit between his lips to keep it there and swirl his tongue over it.
“Ah”, you get out and grow silent. You tense up before growing slack within the blink of an eye. Your pussy begins throbbing under his tongue. He’s got you. 
“Oh god, ah”, you mewl, filling the air with squeaky moans afterwards. This feels so good. Your legs feel like jello, the heat in your pussy is unbearable. He’s got you climaxing so fucking hard that you actually feel too ruined to keep breathing.
You grab his hair and fuck your hips up against his face, needing it to last so much fucking longer. 
Hoseok lets you hump his face with desperate moans leaving him. He keeps his tongue stuck out, basking in every new layer of sweetness you cover his nose with. Shit, he won’t get rid of your scent for days. It’s so deeply burned into him. Hoseok’s in fucking heaven, soiling his hand in his excitement. He isn’t orgasming, he is just very leaky. 
“Oh go-god”, you soon drop into the sheets, shuddering in the aftermaths of your high. Your fingers fall from his hair and let go of his hand, “holy fuck.” 
Hoseok purrs and gives your clit a kiss. He sucks on her one last time even if you flinch in overstimulation. You had to take it, Hoseok needed one last reminder of your sweet taste. 
“Good girl”, he rasps and smiles, “you’re such a good girl, babygirl.”
You mewl quietly, squirming from the praise. 
Hoseok drops your thighs for the sake of feeling up your sides as he kisses a path up to your face. His hard cock keeps leaking onto you as he goes. He can’t help it, he’s so fucking needy for more.
He kisses your neck. You press into him instantly, rolling your head to the side until your nose brushes against his cheek. 
Hoseok lifts his head, meeting your droopy gaze. You smile and giggle. Hoseok feels his tummy flutter. He gives you his prettiest heart-shaped smile and a little giggle with a nose scrunch. 
“We just did that”, you say.
“Yeah right. I loved it”, he says.
“Me too”, you confess and touch his mouth.
Hoseok lets you with bated breath and parted lips. You are so mesmerised by his lips, looking so utterly enchanted by them.
“Your lips are pretty”, you whisper and trace one specific spot repeatedly, “you’ve got a mole there. It’s pretty.”
“Uhm”, Hoseok lets out and lowers his head because he’s actually flustered.
You snicker and drop your hand to instead touch his wrist.
“Can I suck your cock?” 
Hoseok lifts his head again in shock, “sorry?”
“Can I suck your cock? I promise I won’t bite it off.”
He laughs, feeling his entire body tingle in butterflies. You snicker, gazing up at him with sparkly, yet lustful eyes. 
“Can I?” you ask, tracing his pecs with your nails. His nipples harden instantly, throbbing oh so needily when you brush your fingers over them.
“Fuck, I’m fucked what the fuck”, he lets out and rolls off of you.
“Why?” you ask, straddling his lap.
Hoseok sits up, gripping your hips. Your wet pussy is dripping onto his thigh, your weight is like heaven on his lap. He gazes up at you, drinking in every fucking inch of your face.
“I’m so fucking into you that it’s giving me butterflies”, he whispers.
“Good”, you say and push him down by his chest. He falls, letting out a breathy moan as his back hits the sheets. His hair is ruffled, his hands fall on each side of his head and stay there.
“Stay”, you order and crawl off of him. You run your hands down his body and take off his briefs as you go, eliciting goosebumps to the surface of his skin. He moans quietly, chasing your touch with squirms.
“Feels good”, he whispers and rolls his hips up in synch with your hands parting his legs by rubbing his inner thighs, “ah, yeah feels really good. Hah”, he lets out and laughs breathily.
Hoseok’s bed is low enough that you can kneel comfortably and reach his cock. You do so, dragging him to the edge as you fall to your knees. Hoseok mewls in reaction, gasping for fucking air. His body is burning up. You are fucking messing with him. Your knees hit the floor. The fluffy rug under you gives extra cushioning.
You reach the end of his inner thighs, rubbing circles into the spot where his groin blends into them. Hoseok parts his legs further. His cock twitches needily. You can also watch how his chest begins heaving up and down as his breathing speeds up in excitement.
You glide your right hand to his cock, placing your palm against the upper side of it while your fingers stay stretched. You don’t want to give him too many touches yet. You want your tongue to be the first thing he feels.
Hoseok sucks in air.
You move in and connect your tongue with his base, licking up a thick, wet stripe along the underside of his cock until ending it with a quick flick on his tip.
“Shit”, Hoseok releases his air in a breathy moan, closing his fingers around the sheets right next to his head. He can barely grip them, but it has to be enough. Your tongue feels like fucking heaven on his cock and he’s already burning up.
You hum and drag your tongue down his cock again, swirling it over his balls to get a good feel of them. His skin is soft and cool against your tongue. He throbs at the first contact, making you want more because it was so delicious to have him throb for you. You suck the sensitive skin of his balls between your lips just long enough that it stings a little.
Hoseok reacts in a throaty moan and his hips squirming restlessly. You release him again, guiding your wet tongue up his cock in repeated small, yet terribly sloppy licks. It results in his shaft getting all slickened with your spit. You use it to finally wrap your fingers around him and jerk him off, taking his cockhead between your lips at the same time.
“A-ah”, Hoseok moans, reaching down to grab the back of your head. His hips buck up, forcing his cock to glide over your tongue, and drops his hips again, which almost makes his cock flop out of your greedy mouth.
You let him hold your head. He clearly needs it. You force down the cocky smirk and instead hum around him as you begin bopping your head up and down his cock. You jerk off what you decide not to fit inside right now and dance your left hand up his torso until you can play with his nipples.
Hoseok is moaning so much. He tries not to be too loud, but he genuinely can’t stop his voice from working. He gasps for air and each time he exhales, it happens naturally that he makes the neediest of sounds.
You like what he does. You find great enjoyment in making men noisy for you. There is something very satisfying about using your mouth or hands to turn an otherwise well-spoken man into a moaning mess. Somehow making Hoseok moan feels even more satisfying to you. It is as if you want to prove something to him and show off with what you can do, so hearing him be so incredibly noisy feels as if you are being very successful.
You slip off of him for a moment, spitting on his cock just to pick it up with your hand and spread it in quick movements.
“Holy shit”, Hoseok whispers and arches off the sheets, “ah, a-ah what the fuck?”
His legs are shaking and he can’t do anything against it. Not many people manage to do that to him. Hoseok drops his hand from your head to instead grip the sheets and twist them. His cock twitches and throbs so nicely between your fingers, leaking translucent desperation which aches to be tasted.
“What the actual fuck?” he gets out and squeaks in a moan.
You purr and take him back inside, sucking off his wetness until he writhes under you. Now with his tip incredibly sensitive, you finally take him inside as deep as you can.
Hoseok moans your name and throws his head back, resulting in the sheets to crinkle and his chest to stick up into the air. Your fingers can’t reach his nipples this way, but you don’t mind. You take his balls between your fingers instead, fondling them as your throat jerks off his cock.
“You’re making me cum”, he gets out and groans. His right foot meets your thigh as somehow in his shakes, he manages to step on you. He doesn’t slip off, instead he uses the leverage to arch his back. He gasps, throbbing deep inside your mouth, “I’ll cum in your mouth, it’s gon-gonna happen, ah fuck.”
You moan around him, sending vibrations through his cock.
“Now, ah ___”, Hoseok moans and drops in the sheets as his orgasm takes a hold of him. He twitches and throbs inside you, covering your throat with his warm cum until it gets too much to hold and it trickles out of you. You slurp and suck hungrily, using the excess cum to jerk his cock.
Hoseok is quiet for eight seconds and then his voice finally comes back to him in a guttural growl, “holy fuuuck. What the fuuuck? Shiiit.”
He rolls his hips up needily, riding out the electric waves until the fire takes a hold of him.
“Fuck, okay. Stop”, he says, flinching in overstimulation.
You suck and suck on his tip even if it’s burning up.
“Stop please”, he begs, touching your head with trembling fingers, “hurts. Stop. Please.”
You slide off of him with a delicious moan and swallow, licking your lips just to get the droplets he left outside as well. He tastes so sweet. It’s insane how yummy vampires are. It’s like they are begging to be feasted upon. How paradisically ironic.
“Holy shit, ___. What the fuck was that?” Hoseok gets out as his legs twitch in the aftershocks.
“What do you mean? I sucked your cock”, you act oblivious on purpose, kissing paths up his thighs.
“You made my legs shake.”
Hoseok sits up and cups your face just to pull you to your feet and therefore into a kiss. He uses his powers to get you on top of the bed and under him again. His knee is between your legs, his hands are restless on your body. He is moaning greedily, licking into your mouth as if he wanted to taste himself on you. You let him, tangling your fingers in his soft hair as your hips naturally begin squirming on his thigh. Shit, sucking his cock made you so wet. You can feel it sticking to his skin. You squirm harder, chasing the sensations. It feels so good to grind on him.
“What the fuck”, Hoseok breaks the kiss to instead very sloppily suck on your neck, “what the fuck? I’m done. That’s how you suck cock?”
“Yeah. Why?”
“Dude, no wonder you’ve got your men wrapped around your fingers. Holy shit”, he babbles and shivers, “you’ve got me shivering in the aftershock. My legs never shake like this.”
“Mhm good”, you purr and squirm sensually.
“You’re fucking insane”, he rasps and reaches between your bodies. He can feel how wet you are and he is still hard as ever. You’ve also messed with his mind enough that he can’t think clearly anymore. All he wants is to fuck your pussy. The proper, respectful Hoseok is gone. You’ve turned him feral with your tongue. He shifts so his hips were between your legs and then drags his heavy cock through your folds. They feel so wet and puffy around his tip, moving right around him as he guides his cock against you.
“Oh? Ah”, you gasp and open your eyes, meeting his gaze, “Hobi…” you get out, scratching down the back of his neck just to grab his shoulders in the end.
His eyes are glowing red. His ivory cheeks are covered in black veins. You rarely see him in his vampiric state, so this is properly messing you up.
“I wanna take you”, he says and slaps his cockhead against your clit repeatedly. It sounds wet, makes you flinch and moan softly with each impact, “do you want me to?”
You nod your head, “yes.”
Hoseok gives your clit one last spank, then drags his cock down to your soaked entrance. He applies pressure and slips in without resistance.
“Holy fuck”, you and he get out at the same time, resulting in your eyes to meet knowingly.
“Jinx”, you joke and laugh softly.
Hoseok’s lips curl into a fond smile. He chuckles and tilts his head to the side, using the movement to lower himself to your face.
“Kidding, you can talk”, you say, making him laugh just as much as he moans. It results in those really deep, sexy chuckles, the kind which really messes with your sanity.
“You’re too much”, he rasps and bottoms out. He stays like this for a moment, closing his eyes to really enjoy how your walls pulsate and throb around him. He can also feel your heartbeat in them. It’s a vampire thing and means that it takes everything inside of Hoseok not to let his cock grow. He doesn’t know if your boys give you their vampire cocks and just in case they don’t, he doesn’t want to overwhelm you. Oh how sweetly naïve he is.
He furrows his brows and purrs deeply, nodding his head as if he agreed with what is happening right now.
“Yeah, you’re definitely fucking incredible”, he says and peels his eyes open halfway, “can I move?”
“Yeah. Move.”
With your consent, Hoseok finally picks up a rhythm. He really drags out his strokes, including a skilled roll of his hips each time he bottoms out. He knows that he doesn’t need to go fast to make you gasp.
And it works. Two strokes in and you release your first gasp, closing your eyes instinctively as his cock fucks the hottest electricity to the surface.
“How’s that, baby?” he asks in a whisper as his hand caresses the top of your head gently.
You nod your head, giving him a little mewl.
“Mhm, it’s fucking amazing for me too”, he says and closes his eyes, “shit, you feel so good.”
He straightens up, pressing his right hand into the pillow and grabbing a bundle of it. His muscles tense and shift under his ivory skin. The red neon lights really accentuate how strong he was despite his lean frame. He meets your eyes, feeling his stomach tighten in excitement. You look so blissed out, staring up at him with heavy, half-lidded eyes. He gives you a smile, overwhelming you with it to the point where your eyes roll back and close and you let out a needy whimper. You writhe under him, reaching up to grab his wrist.
“You’re so fucking pretty, holy shit”, Hoseok rasps and tenses his jaw.
“Harder”, you breathe.
You nod your head, wiggling your hips.
“Fuck baby, that’s hot”, Hoseok moans and gets to his knees. He lifts your legs and wraps them around his waist. You mewl under him, gawking up at him with foggy eyes. The stretch follows seconds later when Hoseok buries his girthy cock in your puffy pussy, bottoming out with a sensual roll of his hips and a deep purr rumbling in his chest.
“That’s it, take me”, he speaks in a deep voice, keeping you pinned with his ruby eyes, “take a deep breath for me, babygirl.”
You follow, feeling your mind scramble when Hoseok smiles proudly.
“Good job, babygirl. Keep breathing”, he praises and rewards you with deep strokes.
Your breath shudders, your senses blur. He is so rough in his movements and yet they are still so gentle. It is difficult to describe other than that Hoseok knows how to move his fucking hips and he is currently making sure you know that he can.
“That’s it, babygirl. That’s it, keep breathing”, he rasps, sliding his hand to your lower tummy so he can apply gentle pressure.
You writhe and mewl loudly, squeezing your eyes shut. You can feel his cock reshape your insides. He is so fucking deep. Oh god, you are so sensitive inside that every time he bottoms out, you feel fiery pleasure in your entire stomach.
“Fuck, your pussy’s so fucking tight like this. Gotta stretch it all out with my fat cock, mhm?” he taunts, making you whine in both embarrassment and pleasure. He’s got the dirtiest tongue. You feel yourself soaking his cock in reaction.
Hoseok pulls out to the tip, dragging it through your swollen folds. Once, twice, a third time to really mess with your mind. He pushes back inside and gives you his whole length with a harsh thrust. The kind of thrust which knocks a sound out of you and produces the most sinful of slapping sound. You could even feel his heavy balls hit your ass.
He moans in bliss from hearing you beg, showing you just how good he can reshape you by pulling out to his tip and fucking into you again. Harshly, just like before. He doesn’t stop after one thrust, keeping the rhythm going as his long fingers slip to your clit to begin circling her.
“Ah! Oh god! Hob-ah a-ah.”
“Feels good, babygirl?”
“Ye-yeah, yeah, yeah”, he fucks the words out of you. You try to nod your head, but you just end up shaking it around on the sheets rather clumsily. It gives your hair such a sexy messiness to it, “yes. Yes, yes, yes please don’t stop”, you chant, clenching around him.
“I won’t. I can do this for hours”, he rasps and fills you with his cock oh so deep.
Hoseok drinks up the view like an obsessed connoisseur. Fuck, you’re the sweetest artwork he ever looked at. He’s got you, doesn’t he? After years and years of imagining how it might be to fuck you, he’s finally got you. And it’s fucking better than any fantasy he could have ever thought up.
“It feels so goo-good”, you sob, spilling tears from the corners of your eyes.
“‘Feels good for me too. Fuck”, Hoseok spits the last word, falling to his hand so he was right above you. Your hips tilt up, allowing his cock to pound you in a better angle. His right hand is still playing with your clit, keeping her throbbing and sensitive. His weight is on you, keeping you where he needs you to be. Wrapped around him and stuffed with cock.
“Hobi”, you mewl, spilling new tears because everything just feels too good.
“Do you like it?”
“Yes, yes ah yes.”
“Fuck, I love hearing that”, he moans, “you’re driving me insane”, he adds and kisses you. He can’t take it anymore. He needs to taste your moans, your sobs and gasps for air. His fangs clash with your teeth messily, but you have enough practice with kissing vampires that you find the right rhythm soon. Sloppy, wet tongue kisses. Desperate sucks and nibbles on each other’s lips. Moments where moans are mixing and breaths intertwine. Your fingers bury themselves deep in his soft hair, his fingers increase the pressure on your clit.
You can’t grasp the passage of time when he’s got you fucked so good. Hoseok doesn’t care about it either, basking in the blissful time vacuum with you as your bodies connect in harsh strokes. Outside the storm calms down. Outside the night arrives with dark skies and quiet streets. While inside, the red lights keep you illuminated and your bodies get ruined in the sweetest way. 
“Holy fuck, Hobi ah”, you whimper, writhing under him. He’s fucked you long enough that you’re almost there.
“Yeah, that’s good mhm? So fucking good”, he lulls, dragging his lips up your neck, “fuck, you’re so fucking wet. Keep creaming my cock baby, I love it.” 
“You’re making me cum soon.”
“Yeah?” he moans against your lips, “fuck that’s hot. Don’t hold back, babygirl. I’ve got you.”
“Hobi, I have to- ah, I have to, to...I have…”
“It’s okay, everything’s okay. Don’t be scared, I’ve got you. I’m right here.”
His words are like the most wonderful hug to you. You feel so safe. He fills you with so much warmth and tingles that you fall over the edge with a whimper of his name and your legs pulling him closer.
Hoseok slows down his thrusts, keeping his cock buried deep and giving you sensual circles so your favourite spots would experience the fire as well. He presses his fingers against your clit, letting her experience warmth and pressure. This feels so good. There are no words for how good he makes you feel.
“That’s it, you’re doing such a good job. Good girl, you’re doing such a good job”, he talks you through it, making it even better with every sweet word he speaks.
You drop the back you didn’t even know you were arching and grab the nape of his neck.
“Hobi, holy fuck”, you choke out and pull his face into the crook of your neck.
“Ah, hey”, he falls with a chuckle and his right hand slamming into the pillow beside your head. It closes around the pillow desperately when seconds later, you are rutting up into him. Your legs are locked around his hips, keeping them from fleeing (not that he wanted to), your pussy is so tight around him.
Hoseok’s voice pitches, his body shudders uncontrollably.
“What are you doing?” he squeaks out, twisting the pillow, “a-ah holy fuck please slow, I’ll cum. Slow, you’re making me cum, s-slow ah.”
“Fill me up, please. Hobi please wanna be creamed”, you beg and twist his hair. You are cockdrunk. There is no denying that. He made you cum so fucking hard that all you want right now is for him to paint your walls white.
“Shit, ah”, he trembles, “shit, holy shit, ah fuck”, he pants and chases your hips in quick ruts. Four strokes it takes him, four strokes and then it gets all too much for him. He climaxes with a pitched moan of your name and his left arm pulling you against his chest.
“Yes, ah Hobi. Thank you”, you mewl, holding him close as his cock fills you with his hottest orgasm.
“You feel so good”, he gets out and drops on top of you. He shudders, exhaling against your neck with a defeated sound leaving him, “holy fuck.”
“Yeah”, you agree, snuggling your cheek against his head. You run your fingers up and down his spine, lingering on his head for some hair play each time you meet it.
“What the actual fuck”, he murmurs.
“Liked it?”
“I’m dead. What the fuck.”
You snicker, sighing happily afterwards.
It takes the two of you a few minutes of silence to really come down. Hoseok keeps lying on top of you, stealing some of your body heat as his cock slowly softens inside you. He’s got you so messy. It is seeping out of you even with his cock inside. You wanted to get up and clean, but he just told you to relax and that he will clean the sheets later.
It was a lull of his words before he grew silent again.
You like the silence. It’s relaxing and helps your brain to reboot. You need that because he really fucked you dumb.
Hoseok lifts his head when his mood lights switch to pink. Silence. His eyes race between yours. He is propped on his elbows, keeping your head caged in safely.
“What?” you ask him.
“Nothing just…” he kisses your lips. It is a sweet kiss. The kind of kiss a lover gives his precious counterpart. It leaves flutters in your chest once he lifts his head again.
Eyes race between each other.
The light switches back to red.
He runs the back of his hand down your cheek.
“You’re so beautiful”, he whispers, making your heart flutter.
“You’re beautiful too, Hobi”, you breathe, reaching up to caress his cheek.
His eyes lower just a little bit, a shy smile curls his lips.
“Shit ___, you’ve got me feeling romantic. What have you done to me?” he says and snickers.
“Is that bad?” you ask.
“No, it’s just”, he shudders, “giving me the shivers. Mhm fuck”, he says and nuzzles his face into your neck as he lets out a cute sound. He smooches you just once before the nuzzling continues.
You giggle, wrapping your arms around him in a hug.
“You’re still staying the night, yeah?”
“Of course. Why shouldn’t I?”
“The storm stopped.”
“Right. I didn’t even notice”, you say and giggle when he tickles your ear with his breath.
He chuckles softly, giving you a tender kiss on your ear.
“Fuck, you really did it to me”, he whispers with a smile on his lips and his nose nuzzling into the side of your head.
“The feeling’s mutual, Hobi”, you snicker, ruffling his hair.
“Mhm good, yeah that’s good”, Hoseok says and pulls you closer, “so like, why did it take us years to do that?”
“Our lives have been busy, haven’t they? I feel like it’s only slowly been beginning to calm down.”
“Yeah, right. Shit”, he giggles again, “I’m giddy like a little boy. You’re amazing.” 
“You’re cute, Hobi”, you whisper fondly.
It isn’t necessary to mention that Hoseok will be the one to break the news to Yoongi the next day. Hoseok will drive you to class after shared breakfast and he will pick you up again, he will drive you to the estate and then greet Yoongi with a “she just changed my life.” To which Yoongi lets a small smile escape followed by a kiss to your cheek and a teasing “I thought you wanted to change all our lives, Hoba. What happened?”
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