#cliff smedley
JACK: *laying awake at 12 am* If a guy is named Otto, and he writes a story about his life, is that his Ottobiography?
BILLY: *sits up in bed* I will pay you to stop talking.
CLIFF: If a lady named Mim writes one, is it her Mim-oir?
BILLY: *throws his pillow across the room* SHUT THE FUCK-
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Glitch in the System Chapter 1 is available!
A sequel to The BOSS, Glitch in the System puts you back in Jack’s shoes (figuratively, for a while, as he’s barefoot when you start out) as he’s thrown back in Wireland. Anti’s up to something, and with people disappearing and games glitching out, it’s up to the old team of Billy, Jenny, Cliff, and him to figure out what’s really going on and put the computer back to normal.
This game will be released in 4 parts and Chapter 1 is available now on GameJolt. We’ll be reblogging this post with a link, since links don’t turn up in search results.
Appearances from all the major egos (canon and fan)
Fully original soundtrack
A brand new ego named Maintenance Jack (Mack), who runs things in Wireland
Secrets galore!
Poster by @ayyy-imma-ninja and MrDinosaurous
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haddock-family · 3 years
Cliff: Are we still on for tomorrow?
Taryn: … You mean our wedding?
Cliff: Just to be sure
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shenanigans-central · 4 years
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Pastel and mythical hoodies :)
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sharp-studios-games · 6 years
House Demo is now out
The House Demo is finally out go to https://gamejolt.com/games/Cliffsmedley/337385 to download. If you're worried about spoilers, don't worry, this demo contains no spoilers at all. However our Story Demo we release later will.
Thanks to @sarcastic-pasta-games for the support and get the word out their about this game it means alot to us.
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celestialsushi · 6 years
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Easing back into drawing again, this time with some Possepticeye Draw the Squad stuff :3 (original Draw the Squad base by @croxovergoddess can be found here: http://croxovergoddess.tumblr.com/post/164529887690/draw-the-squad-from-my-folder-cutie-refs-feel) Saw a friend had reblogged this base and I thought it would be perfect for these three X3
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criimsonrat · 6 years
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First ever fan art of the amazing game known as The Boss created by @sarcastic-pasta-games It’s a quick sketch so it’s not the best I just wanted to draw them before I go to sleep :)
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d-structive · 6 years
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I was actually trying to doodle this character already, when I heard he needed a new shirt....
Aaaand I wasn’t planning to sleep anyway. I had fun in doodling this while watching/listening Jack playing the last part of The Boss. Great game btw. Thanks to @sarcastic-pasta-games for it. MOAR GAMES LIKE THAT, I SAY.
Not sure if I’m even still in time for this thing, but I tried...
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silent-violet-echos · 6 years
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Since @sarcastic-pasta-games is having a contest for what Cliff Smedley’s shirt in the next game will be and I know that not everyone is gonna be happy with the results, I thought “You know what, why not brighten everyone’s day by drawing everyone’s submissions?” and so I did, and a majority of it was done during @aquilacalvitium‘s JSEvening livestream! Some were easy, some were difficult, but it’s worth making people smile in the end. I can’t wait for both the results tomorrow and the game to come out! I absolutely loved the game.
(Edit: Congratz to thetwin125 & kenmarlenn! Honestly I didn’t think that they’d combine yours, but it looks so cool!)
From left to right, everyone who submitted:
Row 1: (My first submission!), @thetwin125,(Edit: TY for confirmation.) (UNKNOWN ATM)
Row 2: @d-structive, @polk-a-dop, (Me again!)
Row 3: @pollyanna94, @glo-stickz, @splish-splash-im-trash
Row 4: (UNKNOWN ATM), (UNKNOWN ATM), @kenmarlenn
Row 5: (The game’s shirt! Dunno who designed it.) @the-kit-kate(Twice!)
Row 6: @geekygirl0816, @purrsiacat, @emymodaboss
Row 7: @jennylagar, @pkvandy,(Edited so the eye is green like you asked!) @glitchytealatte​(I’M SO SORRY FOR NOT ADDING YOU IN THE ORIGINAL POST I NEVER SAW YOUR SUBMISSION UNTIL THE RESULTS!)
If you see yours in here and it’s tagged as unknown, please DM me!!!! I really want to give credit but due to the page’s theme, I can’t see your name! Signatures don’t help much cuz I can’t see the small writing well.
It’s recommended that you don’t reblog this(unless you’re @sarcastic-pasta-games) until all the names have been added! Otherwise you’ll have to reblog again!
(Edit: Hands? Torso? What are those?)
Comments on each of the submissions below the cut! Please read if you’re one of the submitters!
My submissions: For my first one, I wanted to have a pun, but I lack the ability to make puns. So I decided to just have sam on it. The original was kinda bright and hurting my eyes, so I turned down the green a bit and it looks much better. Sad it didn’t win, though. In my second one, I wanted something with a bit more PMA, so I added PMA in different colors, four times. The original idea was three times, with a septic sam below, but it didn’t work. I had a feeling the second one wasn’t gonna win, but I submitted it just to be sure.
thetwin125: Yours is bright. Pretty bright. I kinda like it though, it’s like it’s glowing in the dark kinda!  Congratz on winning! I actually drew yours second, right after mine. Thank you for confirming it was yours, the name was vague in mind forgetful mind.
Unknown Row 1 Submission: Yours is pretty cool! It’s the only sweater in the bunch of T-Shirts and Hoodies, making it the most unique! I like the smile with sam as an eye, but I kinda had a feeling it would be too hard to turn into a sprite, sadly. But remember what the sweater says, PMA! Your submission still gonna be in the gallery, just like mine! Also please, give me your tumblr url so I can edit this with credit.
d-structive: Yours is pretty interesting! I didn’t think it would be something Cliff would wear, though. The black outline for the PMA and the stripes are so frustrating to do in MS Paint, but I did it! If that hoodie were to actually exist, I might wear it!
polk-a-dop: I like yours, with the big sam and the 3d-ish PMA! It was really frustrating to do the PMA part, but it worked in the end! I wish I had more to say about yours, except better luck next time. At least we’re in the gallery!
pollyanna94: I really like the use of Sam as the P in PMA! Other than that, it’s a little bland, no offense. I also like the color you chose for the shirt, but I believe the mods said nothing mostly blue, as it’s Jack’s color, so I believe that prevented it from being chosen.
glo-stickz: Yours is pretty interesting! I like the sam on the shoulder, and the way you did the hoodie strings. The way you draw hoodie pockets is cool too! But I think you could use at least a few drawing lessons, maybe sometime I can give you some tips? I don’t mean that in a mean way! It’s still great!
splish-splash-im-trash: Yours is pretty unique! It’s a little too complicated for a sprite, though. Also, Cliff is kinda a laid-back ish character, I don’t think he’d wear something like that. And it took me so many tries to draw the jack on the shirt that I just gave up and decided to Ctrl + c and Ctrl + v. It’s still cool tho!
Unknown Row 4 Submission 1: Yours is pretty cool! I like the way you wrote PMA, and how Sam is the A! I really wish you’d give me your url so I can add your name here! Also, I like the shade of green you chose!
Unknown Row 4 Submission 2: WAPOOSH! This one is really awesome! The PMA on the shoulder, the sam on the back, this one might’ve worked really well! I assure you, this one did better than mine because of how awesome it is. I’d definitely wear that hoodie!! I wish you’d give me your URL so I can give you credit!
kenmarlenn: Congratz on tie-ing for first place!! I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t think i’d be able to draw the design so I just copy - pasted it. It’s still really good tho!!! ALSO, I know who you are on YT!! I can’t stop watching all those WKM MAPs you’ve done, especially Nightmare, it’s so good!!!! As soon as I saw your name, I wanted to flip!! I actually was watching it while writing this, what do ya know? :)
the-kit-kate: Hey! I really like the designs you did! I think they would’ve looked better with a few tweaks, though. The green w/ red letters would look better as a hoodie, and I think if you tweaked the shade of green a bit it would look AWESOME! As for the gray one, I think it would just look better as a hoodie. But otherwise, yours are really cool!
geekygirl0816: SO. AWESOME. I reeeeeaaaally like the shiny, puffy PMA! I think this would’ve looked cooler as a hoodie, if i’m to be honest. I would’ve drawn it that way, but I wanted to keep it as a shirt because that’s how you did it, not me. This one is definitely up high on the results list despite it not being shown!
purrsiacat: I like the way Sam is next to the M! I realize now that Sam’s tail isn’t drawn right, but thats ok rite? I had to improvise on color because the fact that you didn’t take a good picture of it, so the color picker didn’t work out.
emymodaboss: Yours is interesting! Too bad I couldn’t make it look exactly like the image, because I *think* it has a gradient to it. It’s still really nice!
jennylagar: Congratz on runner-up! To be honest, I really thought yours would win, seriously! That’s DEFINITELY something Cliff would wear, too bad he won’t be in the majority of the game. If I knew how to mod games, i’d make your design the sprite for the game!
pkvandy: Thank you for letting me know it was you, and what color changes to make! I hope I got it right! I already told you this I think, but it was so frustrating to draw it! It took SO MANY TRIES. I’m not trying to be mean, but I didn’t think yours would win, because of how complicated it is. I have a feeling it at least did better than mine, though.
glitchytealatte: I AM SO FUCKING SORRY FOR FORGETTING TO DRAW YOURS! I SERIOUSLY DID NOT SEE YOUR SUBMISSION TIL IT WAS SHOWN IN THE RUNNER-UPS! SOOOO SORRY! I really like how sam is in the teacup! I’m a bit sad my submission won’t get a sprite, though.
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mikiayam · 6 years
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I thought about doing one for our sweet optimistic boi Cliff a sweatshirt, the design I thought of is pretty simple. But I’d be glad to see Cliff wearing it. :D
For the @sarcastic-pasta-games contest. 
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mangofritter · 7 years
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Some fanart for The Boss that I finished last night! @sarcastic-pasta-games
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Happy birthday, Cliff!
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haddock-family · 3 years
Cliff: I told you not the take me to the aquarium- I'll get distracted and stare at the fish for hours.
Taryn: Yes, but I think it's cute how focused you are. I'm falling in love with you more and more just by watching you.
Finn: I had to punch a wall to feel manly again.
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guerrerense · 3 years
Nuneaton Warwickshire 31st March 1963 por loose_grip_99 Por Flickr: Photo by Neil Smedley posted with permission. More of Neil's photos here www.flickr.com/groups/14774027@N21/ A visit to 2B Nuneaton. Stanier Mogul 5MT 2-6-0 42970 and an unidentified BR Standard 4MT 4-6-0 simmer in the yard between duties. Neil recorded 6 Standard 4s on shed that day but only 75011, 75035 & 75036 were written close to 42970 in his spotters notebook so is probably one of these. This ex-LNWR shed was located in the fork of the WCML and the Coventry branch with a mineral line behind the site forming a triangle which I would imagine made it a tricky place to bunk. The shed duties were mainly freight and local passenger but for a short period Nuneaton was the change-over point for electric to steam on WCML trains. Cliff, one of the ex-BR men at the GCR, was a fireman at Nuneaton and told us that on one very rare occasion he got to fire a Duchess south to London Euston - the highlight of his career. The shed closed on 6th June 1966.
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sharp-studios-games · 6 years
First Update
It’s almost been a week since I started this project and so far the support has been overwhelming and so I decided to give you guys a little update on our progress. We’ve finished a basic plotline for the story and we have got our first cliff sprite. That’s basically it so far but it’s only the first week and we’ve still got a long way to go.
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The Cliffs at Nahant, North Shore, Massachusetts, William Thomas Smedley, 1892, American Paintings and Sculpture
Bequest of Susan Dwight Bliss, 1966 Size: 10 1/4 x 13 1/4 in. (26 x 33.7 cm) Medium: Watercolor, gouache, and graphite on gray-green wove paper
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