vancitycleaning · 3 months
Common Myths About Professional Cleaning Services Debunked
Explore the truth behind common misconceptions about professional cleaning services in Surrey. From cost to quality, get the facts on house cleaning services and why they're a valuable investment for your home
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gogonano · 4 months
Top 6 Myths About Microfiber Cloths Busted
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This article is originally published on GoGoNano’s official blog.
Microfiber cloths have conquered the cleaning world, lauded for their versatility, efficiency, and eco-friendliness. Yet, amidst their reign, misconceptions and myths persist, hindering their true potential. Let’s dispel the most common myths and unlock the real cleaning magic of these microfiber marvels!
Myth 1: One Size (and Density) Fits All
Nope! Just like snowflakes, microfiber cloths differ in density and blend. Aim for high-density cloths (80/20 blend). The 80% polyester offers durability, while the 20% polyamide boosts static cling for superior dust-trapping. Avoid low-density cloths that scratch delicate surfaces like glass or electronics.
Myth 2: Water, Their Holy Grail (Sometimes)
While they excel at capturing dust and light grime with just water, some situations demand reinforcements. Fact: Choose ph-neutral cleaners for greasy messes or disinfecting. Water alone might not tackle bacteria effectively. Use appropriate cleaners to ensure a holistic clean. Consider gentle dish soap for greasy surfaces, vinegar solutions for disinfecting, or glass cleaner for streak-free windows.
While water excels for dust and light grime, explore advanced cleaning techniques and diverse applications in our comprehensive guide: The Ultimate Cleaning Guide: The Benefits of Microfiber Cloths.
Myth 3: Replacing the Cleaning Arsenal (Not Quite)
Microfiber cloths are workhorses, but even they have limitations. For heavy-duty scrubbing, tackling grime buildup in ovens or grills, or disinfecting specific surfaces like toilets, you might need sponges, specialized cleaners, or disinfectants. Think of microfiber cloths as your eco-friendly first line of defense, with other tools available for backup, depending on the cleaning task.
Myth 4: Washing? Never Heard of Her!
Imagine a cloth teeming with trapped dirt and bacteria. Shudder-worthy, right? Wash your microfiber cloths regularly! Follow the manufacturer’s instructions, typically after every few uses. Use warm water (around 140°F) and gentle detergent for both cleaning and disinfection. Remember, clean cloths clean effectively! Avoid fabric softener as it weakens the static cling and reduces their cleaning power.
Want to learn more about the proper way to wash microfiber cloths and extend their lifespan? Check out our Essential Guide to Washing Microfiber Cloths & Towels.
Myth 5: Fabric Softener Makes Microfiber Cloths Softer and Better (Wrong!)
This is a major cleaning no-no! Fabric softener coats the fibers, weakening their static cling and hindering their dust-trapping power. Fact: Stick to detergent only when washing microfiber cloths. Skip the fabric softener and allow them to air dry completely. Heat drying weakens the fibers, reducing their lifespan. Consider hanging them on drying racks or lines for optimal air circulation.
Myth 6: Eternal Life for Your Cloths (Wishful Thinking)
Like any tool, microfiber cloths have a lifespan. With proper care, they can last several months to a year. Watch for signs of wear like fraying, reduced cleaning power, and difficulty absorbing water. Replacing worn-out cloths ensures maximum effectiveness and prevents spreading bacteria. Don’t be tempted to hold onto damaged cloths — invest in fresh ones for optimal cleaning results.
Bonus Myth: A Sea of Specialized Cloths for Every Surface
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Master Microfiber, Clean Smarter, Live Greener
Unleash the cleaning power of microfiber and discover how it can transform your home into a sparkling haven of sustainability and wellness.
Organization & Hygiene in Harmony
Ditch confusion and cross-contamination with a colorful solution! Assign different colored cloths to specific areas like bathroom (blue), kitchen (green), and general dusting (yellow). It’s organized, hygienic, and adds a fun splash to your routine!
Ditch Paper, Embrace Crystal Clarity
Say goodbye to wasteful paper towels! Achieve sparkling windows with just two eco-friendly heroes: microfiber cloths and vinegar. The static cling traps dust and grime, while the vinegar cuts through streaks. Sparkling windows, lighter footprint? We love it!
Tackle Tough Messes, Naturally
Forget harsh chemicals and embrace the dream cleaning team: microfiber cloths and steam cleaners! This dynamic duo conquers greasy stovetops, grimy oven doors, and even shower grime. Steam loosens tough messes, while microfiber effortlessly traps and removes them, leaving surfaces clean without chemicals.
Master Specific Challenges:
Appliance Expertise: Learn dedicated methods and solutions for each appliance.
Pet Hair Removal: Banish pesky fur with damp or dry cloths, paired with gloves or a lint roller for maximum results.
Delicate Surface Care: Clean with confidence using dry or damp cloths and gentle solutions. Always test first!
Microfiber is more than just clean surfaces, it’s a green choice
Reduced Chemical Reliance: Breathe easy and ditch harsh chemicals that harm your health and the environment. Microfiber tackles dirt effectively with just water or mild solutions.
Reusable & Durable: Say goodbye to wasteful paper towels! Microfiber cloths are reusable for months, significantly reducing landfill waste and minimizing your environmental footprint.
Water Conservation: Every drop counts! Microfiber requires less water for cleaning and washing, conserving this precious resource.
To learn more about our commitment to sustainability and OEKO-TEX certification, head over to our informative guide OEKO-TEX: Your Guide to Safe and Sustainable Textiles. This certification ensures our microfiber cloths meet strict safety and environmental standards, providing peace of mind for you and the planet.
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Learn how many common commercial cleaning myths can be debunked here!
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hellocleaneroo-blog · 4 years
3 Commercial cleaningMyths You May Have Heard by People
Commercial cleaningIn our experience as a professional commercial cleaning services in Cleaneroo, we have heard many business owners believe in cleaning facts which are actually false in real life. The worst thing about is that, these myths keep them away from promoting a hygienic work environment, thereby making them lose business in a long run.
So, if you are an entrepreneur or a business owner, make sure not to fall for these following myths:
1. Workplace hygiene comes secondary in business
Yes we know the importance of growing a strong client base and increasing sales and revenue. Regardless of how much time you spend of fulfilling this business’s objective, you should never put commercial cleaning in the backburner. There is nothing more damaging that having a dirty and messy workplace. An uninvited workplace may drive away your potential clients framing a wrong image about your organization. On top of that, it can also lead to unproductiveness among employees.
2. It’s expensive
In most cases, regular cleaning and maintenance is indeed a costly affair. However, with proper research, you can hire a cleaning service, whichwon’t cost you a fortune. Our cleaning services as customized and tailor-made as per the requirement of each companies. Unlike most companies, we have a flexible pricing scheme. You can hire our commercial cleaning services for short, long-term and hourly basis.
3. In-house cleaners can do it at a cheaper price
Although an in-house cleaning team is best for any business, but it will surely cost you a lot as you have to invest time as well as money for hiring, training, maintenance, benefits, and many more. Plus, you also have to pay for right tools and equipment. Consequently, maintaining in-house cleaners are actually a lot of hassle.
Meanwhile, with a professional commercial cleaning service, all you have to is hire them and you have nothing to worry about anymore.
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dirt2tidyuk · 4 years
Practising for good hand hygiene is important for reducing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in this pandemic situation, maintaining a clean and healthy environment at home. Cleaning and disinfecting your home on a regular basis will help to reduce your risk of becoming sick.
#Coronavirus #covid19 #cleaning #pandamic #hygiene #homecleaning #housecleaning #myths #facts #cleaningmyths #cleaningfacts
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9 Cleaning Myths That Could Be Wrecking Your House
Put aside the bleach. Step away from the coffee grounds. And read on to uncover some of the biggest cleaning myths that could be doing more harm than good in your house.
#cleaningmyths #homeowners #homeimprovement
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homedecomalaysia · 6 years
5 Cleaning Myths You Should Stop Believing Right Now!
Give this a look-through before you damage your belongings! Visit Homedecomalaysia.com on Wednesdays for more household tips! #HomeDecoMalaysia #HomeDeco #HomeLifestyle #LiveItRight #HouseholdTips #Wednesday #CleaningMyths #BakingSoda #Vinegar
If you’ve tried many of the natural cleaning remedies, you’ll realize most of it are just plain BAD ideas! One of the most popular cleaning solutions to unclog a sink is to use baking soda and vinegar which is a terrible idea as proven by Bren Did and many other people who have tried it.
Here are the other 5 cleaning myths you should stop believing!
MYTH 1: Bleach cleans everything and anything!
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