#chrstopher lee
thealmightyemprex · 2 years
Which Christopher Lee audiobook should I listen to in october
Chrstopher Lee is renowned for his magnificent voice and to surprise of no one has read a few spooky stories .Now the temptation is to listen to his reading of Dracula .....But I wanna listen to a book I havent read before so the choices are
1.The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson (Abriged)
2.The Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux (Abriged )
3.The Fall of the Hose of Usher /The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe
4.The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty (Abriged)
@ariel-seagull-wings @amalthea9 @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark @the-blue-fairie @princesssarisa @angelixgutz @themousefromfantasyland
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darklingichor · 7 months
Start of the 2023 Birthday Book Haul
Okay, so I cheated a little bit and used the last of my birthday money on some Kindle books as these books were interesting, but either not keeping within my goal of spending no more than $10 per book or Thriftbooks didn't have them.
1. Mrs. Tim Carries On, by D.E. Stevenson
I got the first one in this series from the library after reading about them on a list. It's told in diary entries written by a wife of a soldier before WWII. So the first one is funny so far so I decided to get this one.
2. Anyway the Wind Blows, by Rainbow Rowell
It's about time I finish this series!
3. The Last Adventure of Constence Varity, by A. Lee Martinez
This author comes up a lot when I read Chrstopher Moore, so I thought I'd give him a go. This one and the next one both sound interesting. This one seems to be about a chosen one who is sick of being the chosen one. Sort of like if Percy Jackson and Kim Possible decided to retire?
4. Helen and Troy's Epic Road Quest, by A. Lee Martinez
This one is about a road trip across a mythical US. You had me at road trip.
5. Joan, by Kathrine J. Chen
A novel about Joan of Arc. I had to.
6. The Helios Syndrome, by Vivian Shaw
Same author that wrote Greta Helsing, I'll be honest, I didn't even read the description.
Once More from the Beginning, by Wendy Bertsch
This retells the Old Testament from the female perspective. It just sounds like fun.
The rest will trickle over the next few weeks, but I'm happy with the start of my haul!
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365days365movies · 3 years
March 2, 2021: The Last Unicorn  (Part 2)
Ready to get back to The Last Land Narwhal!
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Forgot to mention narwhals in my last post. For the record, that’s a tooth, not a horn, and nobody knows for sure what it’s for. It seems to have functions in defense against predators, communication, environmental analysis, and of course, sexual selection. That last one is the leadng theory for purpose of the tusk.
But yeah, these guys are the unicorns of the sea, so I should’ve mentioned them. OK, back to The Last Unicorn! Part 1 of the Recap is right here!
Recap (2/2)
The journey continues anew, in the right direction this time, and the three head to King Haggard’s castle to find the Red Bull and the other Unicorns. And they find it soon enough, as a bright red light envelops the castle that night. And that light is, of course, the Red Bull.
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Well, it’s out of my system...I think. I think. But OK, the real Red Bull, then.
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Yeah, this thing is a scarlet MONSTER, and it really does quite monstrous. Molly asks the doubting Schmendrick to do something, and tells him that he has the ability to use magic,, even though he doubts it. With the Bull chasing the Unicorn, Schmendrick tries to do something to stop the chase. And, uh...he succeeds.
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Yeah, whoops. Looks like Schmednrick turned her into the worst thing in the world: a human girl! NOOOOOOOOOO! Yeah, everybody (except for Schmendrick) freaks out about this, ESPECIALLY the Unicorn. Now in a mortal body, she’s starting to lose it. However, Schmendrick is right in that this is a pretty decent body.
But yeah, no, the Unicorn is NOT HAPPY about this development. However, Schmendrick does convince her that this is the best way to get into the kingdom of Haggard to find the other Unicorns. They give her the name “Lady Amalthea”, and they indeed get access to the castle.
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They go to meet King Haggard (Christopher Lee), whom it turns out is an old, shriveled man who seeks only happiness. He only keeps things around him that make him happy. Molly, clever as she is, convinces Haggard that he has need of a new magician, as his current one clearly does not make him happy.
Seems that Haggard agrees, and pretty much immediately fires his current magician, Mabruk (Paul Frees), who’s none too pleased by this development. He begins to exact his vengeance, until stopped by the magic still within the Unicorn. Mabruk tells Haggard that he has “invited doom through his front door”, and leaves without another word.
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The Unicorn, now as “Amalthea”, also quickly unnerves Haggard, as he can’t see his reflection in her eyes, which understandably freaks him out. However, with the help of his son Prince Lir (Jeff Bridges), he quickly calms down and tells the three that they can come and go as they please. And the group settles in, as Lir and “Amalthea” bond.
Lir’s pretty quickly smitten with her, and tries very hard to prove himself a worthy escort and partner, through slaying monsters and becoming a hero. However, she never even speaks to him, seeming cruel to him. He tells this to Molly, and Molly goes to speak with “Amalthea”. However...Amalthea appears to be losing her memory and identity as a Unicorn. Well, fuck.
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This is revealed through the song “Now That I’m a Woman”, sing by Mia Farrow herself. And...yeah, she’s not a great singer. Honestly, she’s a pretty poor singer, and it definitely shows. Hell, in the soundtrack, they actually replaced her voice with someone else. And...yeah, that doesn’t surprise me at all.
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Molly assures Amalthea that Schmendrick will find a way to speak with the Red Bull, but Amalthea pretty heartlessly writes him off and mocks him as the King’s clown, which Molly rightfully tells her off for. Yeah, Molly’s the best character. The cat named...The Cat (Paul Frees) agrees!
Oh, yeah, there’s a cat with a peg-leg and an eyepatch that speaks with a pirate accent. What? You’ve never seen a pirate cat before? Come on, they’re super-common...I guess. Anyway, the cat tells Molly that soon the Unicorn will become Amalthea, a human woman. Oh, yeah, cats see through magic and lies, including the fact that Amalthea is the Unicorn. It’s common knowledge.
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Amalthea, meanwhile, is having dreams of her life as a Unicorn from earlier in the movie. She wakes up, and Lir comes to speak with her. She is quite tired, and is always dreaming of this life, asleep or awake. Lit wants to help her, and she asks for a way to wipe away these dreams. As Amalthea becomes more human, she also grows to love Lir.
Lir serenades her with a song, called “That’s All I’ve Got to Say”. And Jeff Bridges...is also not a singer. Yeah, he’s not the worst, but he’s DEFINITELY not great. Sorry, Jeff, I love ya, but this definitely isn’t your strong point. Fun fact, though, Art Garfunkel apparently covered this song. And it’s...A LOT FUCKING BETTER. Seriously, check it out right here, it’s not bad! And actually, Leighton Meester and Scott Grimes also did a pretty great cover, which is right here, if you’re curious! Sorry, Jeff. You just aren’t my favorite singer.
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Anyway, as the two fall in love, Schmendrick tries to solve a riddle passed down by the cat, regarding a clock with the answers. At the same time, Haggard speaks to Amalthea on the parapet, as he reveals that only one thing has ever made him happy. But before he reveals it, he states that he knows who Amalthea actually is.
And that’s when he shows her the one thing that makes him happy: unicorns. The Red Bull, a fire elemental, drove them into the sea so that the King could always see them from this castle on the shore. He commanded the Red Bull to catch them for him, as he had never been as happy as the first time he saw them in the woods. So, in other words...he turned them into NARWHALS, THE UNICORNS OF THE SEEEEEEEEA!
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However, it would seem that Amalthea is a little bit too far gone at this point. Haggard notices this when he can see his reflection in her eyes this time, and she believes him mad. Yeah, Amalthea’s taking over, and the Unicorn is starting to fade. Well, shit, now what?
Schmendrick may have an answer to that, as he’s started to solve the riddle, which involves getting a skull to talk or some such thing. I think I missed some of the specifics, because this movie has...a LOT of talking. Like, fuck me, dude, it’s not a long movie, but the amount of talking makes it feel that way. Anyway, the Skull, called...the Skull (René Auberjonois), guards the Red Bull’s lair, and they have to convince the Skull to let them in. Schmendrick does so by bribing the Skull with wine, because apparently he’s a recovering alcoholic. And they trick him with literally an empty bottle. Powerful placebo effect, baby.
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As they get to the clock, the Skull realizes that Amalthea is a The Last Unicorn, and raises the alarm to Haggard as they make their way through the clock to the Red Bull’s lair. They make it through, and Lir is also there at the same time. Weird. On the outside, Haggard destroys the clock, trapping the four within.
While in there, Amalthea confesses her love for Lir, and wishes to remain a human, rather than turn back into a Unicorn. However, Lir understands the truth of who and what she is, even if he does still love her. Molly believes she should stay as a human, for the sake of her love, while Schmendrick notes that she must become a unicorn again. However, that’s all made pretty goddamn moot when the Red Bull shows up.
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Schmendrick finally gets his shit together, and the magic speaks through him to turn Amalthea back into the Unicorn. The Bull still chases after them, and begins to drive the Unicorn into the sea. Lit attempts to save her, and is nearly killed by the Null in the process.
At the last second, the Last Unicorn rallies against the Red Bull, attacking and driving it into the sea...with the rest of the Land Narwhals.
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And with that, the rest of the Unicorns return to the land, and Amalthea is no longer the Last Unicorn. With their stampede, Haggard’s castle by the sea crumbles, and Haggard himself plummets to his death.
As they run off, Amalthea returns, and revives Lir from the dead. Amalthea says that she remembers Lir, and then...fucks off to the woods, I guess. Lir says goodbye to Schmendrick and Molly, who pledge their love for each other in the process. Schmendrick says goodbye to Amalthea, who asks if it makes him happy to be a true wizard now.
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Amalthea notes that she’s afraid to go back, as she is the only Unicorn to ever know regret. Schmendrick apologizes for this, but she asks for no apologies. She rides off into the moonset, and into the credits.
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And that’s The Last Unicorn! And it was...interesting. I say that a lot, I know, but I’m gonna have to percolate on this one. See you tomorrow for the Review!
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"You'll not only lose your mind, but you'll lose your soul" | Christopher Lee on the occult
Published on 10 Nov 2011
Sir Christopher Lee at University College Dublin, discusses rumours of his extensive occult library and black magic.
Legendary British horror actor, Sir Christopher Lee who portrayed the blood-sucking vampire Dracula in the 1958 Hammer Horror Film was awarded Honorary Life Membership by the UCD Law Society.
"We are honoured to present Sir Christopher Lee with Honorary Life Membership of the UCD Law Society. His corpus of work is truly legendary," says Francis McNamara, Auditor of the UCD Law Society.
"His dedication to his craft for more than half a century should serve as an inspiration to each and every one of us."
"His portrayal of the blood-sucking vampire Dracula in the 1958 Hammer Horror production terrified audiences throughout the world, and as a result Christopher Lee, who stands at 6 foot 5 inches tall, became one of the most recognisable faces and figures of cinema."
Previous recipients of Honorary Life Membership of the UCD Law Society include: Jessie Jackson, Bill Clinton, Jeremy Irons, and Seamus Heaney.
But it was not until the early 2000s that his career reached even higher heights from his appearances in two blockbuster film franchises: as Saruman the White in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy (2001-2003), and as Count Dooku in Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones (2002).
Born in 1922 in London, England, Christopher Lee is of noble Italian ancestry on his mother's side (Carandini). His mother, Contessa Estelle Marie Carandini di Sarzano, was a noted Edwardian beauty and was painted by John Lavery, Oswald Birley and Olive Snell and sculpted by Clare Sheridan, a cousin of Winston Churchill.
The Carandini family is one of the oldest in Europe and traces itself back to the first century AD. It is believed to have been connected with the Emperor Charlemagne, and as such was granted the right to bear the coat of arms of the Holy Roman Empire by Emperor Frederick Barbarossa.
In 2009, Lee (89) was knighted by Prince Charles in recognition of his lifetime contribution to the film and television industries. And this year (2011), he received a BAFTA Fellowship.
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Why Must I be Horny for Fictional Characters?! A biography by me.
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penelopecat · 6 years
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I’m not necessarily going to talk about each issue of this series, but the second issue of Tales From Vader’s Castle is particularly noteworthy for me because it features art by one of my favorites, Kelley Jones, on this week’s story-within-the-story. Jones is a fantastic artist (and writer!) no matter what he does, but he particularly excels in moody horror.
This week, our plucky band of rebels tell the story of Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Count Dooku on a planet infested by (I guess) were-mynocks. Appropriately enough for a story featuring a character played by Hammer Horror stalwart Chrstopher Lee, it feels very much like a Hammer homage. There’s a little bit of Dracula, a little bit of werewolves, and a whole lot of Star Wars. It’s a shame that writer Cavan Scott couldn’t somehow work Tarkin into the story, just so we’d have Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee both in the story. But that would have been a bit nerdy, I suppose.
With yesterday’s news that writer Chuck Wendig was fired from Marvel’s Star Wars comics because his strident opposition of fascists, bigots, intolerance and cruelty is offensive, I’ve been feeling a bit down about Star Wars comics, at least the ones from Marvel. Star Wars is literally about standing up to oppression; if the editorial office overseeing those comics are against their writers doing that, then what do they think the message that they should be sending should be? I’m glad IDW is still publishing these comics, because there may come the point where I feel that Marvel’s Star Wars comics are too tainted for me to read in good conscience. 
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