#check the caller id and suddenly remember the application so i check my email
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jungkookienoona · 7 years
The Meme and His Tutor
Part 30: The Day The Surprise Was Revealed
Co-written with @tragicshadows
Recommended Song: DNA by BTS
|All Chapters|Masterlist|
The wait is finally over.
Genre: Fluff, comedy
Pairing: Jungkook X Reader (Y/N)
Warnings: Swearing
Word Count:  3579
Length: 30/?
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You woke with a yawn and languidly stretched before rubbing your eyes and sitting up. Once again you had woken up feeling refreshed after Jungkook had sang you to sleep. Getting out of bed, you stumbled into the kitchen while trying not to trip over the mess that was the floor. Since being accepted into university, you'd began packing for real. Boxes and bags were everywhere you looked.
Jungkook had suddenly gained some extra free time. Something about your surprise being ready so he no longer has to suck up to Bang PD-nim. Excitement had been bubbling up inside you for days after you found out. You thought you were going to burst! Yet, you still didn't have a damn clue what he had planned. You hoped to god it was a visit. Scenarios of him turning up outside your door had replaced your nightmares. It was cruel of fate to put such distance between you when your relationship had just begun.
You took a seat at your kitchen table, resting your head in your hands as you waited for a mug of milk to heat up in the microwave and a slice of toast to pop out of the toaster.
The words 'I miss you' couldn't even describe how you felt towards Jungkook any more. It was more than that. Skype calls were no longer enough to satisfy your need to see him. You wanted to hold him again. To hug him, kiss him, share a bed and watch anime with him. You wanted cute outings and coffee shop dates. But you couldn't have that while you were in different countries.
It hurt.
The ding of the microwave almost made you fall out of your seat in shock. Taking a deep breath to calm your racing heart, you went over and took out your milk. Once the toast was complete, and you'd buttered it, you went back to your bedroom and took a seat at your desk. You were waiting for an email from the accommodations team about where you would be spending a year of your life. You really hoped you got a room on campus with good housemates. And an en-suite.
You tucked into your breakfast as your laptop booted up. The whirling of the fans had steadily been growing louder over the past few days and was making you worry. You really couldn't afford a new one at the moment. And your laptop was your precious baby, it was full of your memories. You urged it on, tapping the keyboard gently and let out a cry of joy when it finally showed your sign-in screen.
After logging in, you navigated to your emails. Since results day you were regularly receiving news from different companies and services. If your university wasn't trying to update you on progress, some clothing brand was trying to convince you to 'stock up on uni essentials'! But living by yourself meant you already had all the essentials.
Refreshing the page, since it didn't do it automatically sometimes, you were met with an email entitled ‘Congratulations’... from a Korean university. What? You opened the email, mouth falling open in shock at it the header that greeted you.
'Congratulations on your acceptance to Seoul National University! Here's what to do next...'
Again, what? That couldn't have been right. You double checked your name. Yep, there it was clear as day. But you didn't apply to any Korean universities. You couldn't afford the move or living costs- Suddenly, something Jungkook said after his fashion show echoed through your thoughts.
'Cause you always get mad at me when I spend a lot of money on you.'
'I promise a lot more love went into this surprise than money.'
Your lips quirked into a smile as you chuckled in disbelief. Ha! What did that mean? That he applied for a Korean university on your behalf and now you had been accepted? He wouldn't...would he? Then again even when you first started giving him tutoring sessions he was on about you studying in Korea. After that, he brought it up on both occasions you visited the country...
You scrolled down the page and skim read the advertisements for events happening at the university before the term started.
There was a link, the text above it reading 'View My Profile'. You clicked it and were taken to a log in page. Fuck. You needed to call the little shit of your boyfriend and find out if what you were assuming was correct or if this was some strange prank. You opened up the Skype app on your phone and immediately entered into a call with him. It took a couple of rings before he answered. His hair was messy and forehead kind of sweaty. You could see gym equipment in the background. He had been working out.
"Am I being pranked?" He frowned, confused, so you continued, "I have an email from Seoul National University saying I've been accepted-"
"You got in? Fuck yeah!"
His whole face lit up while yours stayed serious.
"Jeon Jungkook. Am I being pranked or did you actually apply to fucking university on my behalf?!"
"I promise it's not a prank." He ducked his head, his free hand going to the back of his neck. "It's just... I know how much you want this job, Jagi. And even you said studying over here would speed up the process. There would be so many more opportunities available to you and the university would probably have connections...and we get to be together..."
You couldn't hold on to any of the anger that had initially built up. He was just trying to help and close the distance between the two of you. But there was still one thing.
"How am I going to afford it? I doubt the government will pay my student loan internationally. And then there's the visa and finding somewhere to live. Not to mention the living costs..."
He smirked, "I'm way ahead of you Jagi."
You gestured for him to explain.
"The way this will work is kind of a two way deal and it's completely up to you if you want to go through with this, okay? There's no pressure." He paused and you nodded in understanding. "I spoke to Bang PD-nim a few months back and came up with the idea that BigHit would fun your university course and accommodation costs, if you would tutor the other members and the trainees English."
Was that why he had been so busy sucking up to Bang PD-nim? To get him to agree to basically sponsoring you?
"That sounds fair... but what about daily living?"
"I'm giving up a percentage of my earnings so that it can go towards you as an allowance instead.”
You pressed your lips into a firm line and shook your head. "Kookie...that's your money. I can't let you give up some of your earnings-"
"Noona, I hate saying this, but I have too much money. I don't need it. I don't need the expensive clothes and shoes and accessories..." You watched as he tilted his head slightly with a smile. "But I need you. I love you and I want to do this for you."
You couldn't help smiling back. "I love you too. I can't believe you've done all this for me. I'm not that special."
He huffed. "Not true. You're very special. You're my Noona, my tutor, my friend and nae sarang (my love)."
"Thank you," you mumbled around the lump forming in your throat. Fuck. He always made you so emotional. "Really, thank you so much Jungkook."
"So...that's a yes?"
You sniffled as your eyes became teary.
"Of course, pabo."
He smiled brightly, jumping up and down on the spot. "I'll finally be able to hold you again! I'll be able to see you whenever I want! Ah, I can't wait! So don't cry Noona."
Another sniffle.
"I'm crying because I'm happy."
He giggled, throwing his head back for a moment before looking back to you with a grin so wide it looked comical.
"Good. That's the only time I ever want to see you cry, when you're happy."
"But they're gonna get puffy and I still have to tell my family and Chubs," You said while wiping your eyes.
He nodded. "Call me back once you've done that. I'm sure the members will want to know."
"Will do. And thank you...again."
He blew you a kiss with a wink. "Anything for you. Enjoy your day, Noona."
You blew a kiss back and waved, "See you later, then."
With that you ended the call, leaning back in your chair and staring at your laptop screen. A part of you was still processing the day's turn of events and it wasn't even the afternoon yet.
Placing your phone aside, you turned your gaze back to the email that started it all. A grin slowly took over your features as you read it again. You'd have to ask Jungkook for the log in details later on so you could review your application and learn more about studying there.
Who would you call first? Your mum or Chubs? You pondered on it for a little while before deciding that your mum deserved to know you would be leaving the country first.
You opened your contacts, thumb hovering over the call button beside her name. How did you word it? Barely an hour ago you were going to the uni you'd dreamed of attending, and now you were flying thousands of miles away to study.
Fuck it. There was no way of describing it in a way that didn't make it seem surreal. You'd just have to come out and say it straight. Tapping the call button, you brought your phone up to your ear and waited patiently for your mother to pick up.
"Hey, it's me."
There was a pause. "Oh! Y/N! Sorry, I didn't recognise your voice for a second."
You scowled. "Didn't you check the caller ID before answering?"
"...No... but you hardly ever call. What's the occasion?"
You ran a hand through your hair and sat back in your seat. Here went nothing.
"I'm moving-"
"Well, obviously-"
"To Korea. I'm moving to Korea."
There was a beat of silence. Then she spoke.
"What? What about uni? Are you giving it up for that boy?"
"No. Of course not. I'm going to uni there."
She hummed in understanding. "I don't remember you applying for a Korean university."
"That's because I didn't. Jungkook applied on my behalf as a surprise."
Another bout of silence.
"That's... that's strange."
You glanced down at your lap where you fiddled with a thread on your pyjama top.
"I think it's sweet..." You explained how BigHit would pay for everything if you would let them hire you as a tutor.
"That's not the point, Y/N. You've only known this Jungkook for 6 months and he's already making you move to the other side of the world! That's not right!"
"He gave me a choice!" You said raising your voice. "I'm not doing it for him. I'm doing it for me, my education, my future career!"
"But... it's so far away... what about your family."
You sighed. "I need to make my own way through life. Do you know how hard it is to escape the shadows of 4 older siblings? I'll do whatever it takes to make my life in this family worth noticing."
The past anger from your childhood raised it's ugly head. The jealousy towards your older siblings who were always celebrated while you were forgotten.
"Don't. It's too late for whatever you're about to say. I forgave you because I wanted a relationship with the little ones, to make sure you weren't treating them like you were treating me. At least I can say thank you for being decent to them."
More silence. You hated the silence.
"I'll Skype after I leave, I don't want them missing me too much. And I'll try to stay in touch with Daniella and James. The other two will remain out of my life but you don't care since those two aren't your kids."
"And what about me?"
You shrugged despite her not being able to see. "Someone has to set up Skype for the children. Please don't fuck them up. They deserve better."
"... Okay... Just please... Make sure this is what you want and be safe."
"I will. Bye Ma."
With that you hung up. Was it really that hard for her to be happy for you for once?
You groaned loudly, taking off your glasses and pressing the heels of your palms into your eye sockets. You stayed like that for a minute to let all your emotions disperse until you were ready to call Chubs. You already knew she wouldn't give you a hard time; she wasn't like that. Taking a deep breath, you once again went through your contacts and tapped on Chubs. The phone barely rang once before she picked up.
"Hey...everything okay? You never usually ring."
"You'll never believe what Jungkook's surprise turned out to be."
You swore you heard her squeal in anticipation. "What did he do?!"
"He only went and applied to a Korean uni without me knowing and set up living arrangements for me in Korea. And, I got into the fucking uni!"
A beat of silence passed. "Are you fucking serious?!"
You nearly threw your phone when she screamed, practically deafening you.
"Yah! I like my hearing thank you!"
"I'm sorry!" She yelled. "I just can't believe- no, I take that back. I can believe it."
You chuckled. "I don't know what I'm going to do with him."
"First things first, explain everything to me."
"So apparently after my last visit Jungkook has been working his ass off to convince BigHit to pay for my tuition and accommodation. He managed to strike up a deal where they would as long as I tutored their idols in English. And he's also giving up part of his pay so I'll have a living allowance!"
She gasped. "Woah~ That's insanely generous of both Jungkook and BigHit. I bet you didn't quite know what to say."
"I teared up a bit. The idiot always makes me cry...in a good way."
"Any ideas on how you'll thank him yet?"
You took a moment to try and think of something. But your mind kept coming up blank. It was such a big gesture on his behalf that you couldn't match.
"Uuuh... not really..."
"I have a suggestion."
"Uhm, okay..."
There was a second of silence before she yelled, "SUCK HIS DICK!"
You chuckled awkwardly. "It's too soon for something like that... And stop suggesting that I suck his dick. That's your answer to everything."
"Only because it's a guy's answer to everything." You could almost hear her smirking down the line. "I'm just saying..."
"I don't think so, Chubs. If you'd spent the first few months of your relationship thousands of miles apart from your boyfriend would you suddenly suck his dick when you meet him again?"
"Oh my god! Seriously?!"
You could practically hear her shrug. "You've been together for two months. I'd say that's been a long enough wait."
You groaned. "You're impossible."
"You love it. You'll miss me when you're gone."
Tears began to form in your eyes as you were reminded of the friends you'd be leaving behind.
"I'll still message you over KKT. And I'll Skype you at least once a week!"
You hoped she couldn't hear how strained your voice was.
"Don't cry or you'll set me off!" She sniffed. So much for hiding it. "I'll miss dodging your attacks when you try to hit me for calling you cute."
"Now I'm going to have to deal with a muscle pig calling me cute!"
She chuckled, sniffing some more. "But you also get to cuddle your precious BunBun whenever you want. Instead of being thirteen hours away via plane, he'll be a short car drive or walk away."
"Oh god, I'm gonna end up being suffocated aren't I? He was very cuddly before we were even dating so I can only imagine how much more so he'll be..."
She awed loudly down the phone.
"He'll probably want to make up for the past two months. You make sure you give him cuddles. I don't want him messaging me saying he's deprived or something."
You shifted slightly in your seat. "I don't know if I'll be able to share a bed with him again now that I know that he knows I write stuff that isn't innocent."
She sighed. "All sucking dick jokes aside, I'm sure you'll find your own pace. It's not like you'll be living together."
Living together? Well he hadn't exactly said you'd be living separately...
"But what if we will be?!"
Chubs hummed in thought. "You said they would pay for accommodation, and I'm sure that doesn't mean in the dorm. And I highly doubt Jungkook would move out. So maybe you'll be in a university dorm. Or maybe have your own apartment!"
That was something. Though you had to admit, the thought of staying in a dorm where there was a high likelihood that no one spoke your first language terrified you. You were still learning Korean after all. You secretly prayed to have an apartment in that moment.
"Anyway," Chubs continued, noticing you'd gone quiet. "Don't worry too much. I'm sure he'll reveal all the details to you soon enough."
"He better because I'm not going to Korea unprepared."
She chuckled. "That's the last thing you need. I'm sure he'll tell you, one surprise is enough."
"I'm wondering how he comes up with these elaborate plans."
"Hmm, maybe the members help him out. To be honest, I didn't expect him to be so romantic when you told me all he's done for you.”
You chuckled because honestly, neither had you... but then again you didn't think he loved you until he kissed you in the airport.
"I'll ask him tonight about my accommodation. I want to know everything before I go. Although I doubt he'll tell me everything since he likes surprises and all."
It was her turn to chuckle, "True. I have to go now, I need to go to work."
You sighed, "You're always working."
"I know. But at least now I have a reason to save up so I can come visit you."
"Save up for uni instead! I'll see you later okay? I won't be leaving the country just yet."
"We'll have to do something before you go."
You agreed then hurriedly said goodbye as she desperately had to leave.
Hanging up, you got up and flopped onto your bed, feeling exhausted. Rolling your head to the side you eyed the cardboard box on your nightstand that you had been packing books into to take to university. You'd probably have to go through almost everything you already organised again since you weren't sure what you could even take to Korea with you. But then again, if you got your own apartment you could pretty much take everything with you. Not like you were in the position to leave much behind in the first place. You'd have to ask him. There was too much you didn't know to make any decisions yet.
You led there beside your shark plushie from the aquarium, staring at the ceiling and wondering how the fuck Jungkook had managed to keep the surprise from you for so long. You were still trying to process it. You might have told some people the news already but that didn't mean it had sunk in.
Jesus fuck, you were going to Korea. Finally close to Jungkook.
How would it change the dynamic of your relationship…? Maybe that's why you had the sex talk a month ago... maybe he was planning to take the next step when you arrived. Oh god. You weren't ready for that. A squeal slipped through your lips as you rolled over and pressed your face into the shark's belly.
Flashbacks to your time in Korea filled your head and made your chest clench in excitement. Being friends had come so naturally to the two of you, even when the distinct line of platonic love blurred and you'd wake up cuddled up together with only a cushion separating your bodies. Being in a relationship and together shouldn't be any different.
Your fingers ghosted over your lips as you tried to remember the sensation of being kissed by him. That was definitely one thing that would be different, no doubt about that. And with your elbow all healed he wouldn't have to help you change. Or feed you. God, you hated being spoon-fed. Though you let him, knowing that he was only trying to look after you and treat you as a Princess or a Queen...and now you were a Goddess. That's how you suggested he'd treat his girlfriend if you, a friend at the time, were royalty. You hoped he'd forgotten and didn't start calling you it. Kitten was enough. Well, Kitten, Jagiya and Noona was enough. You hoped he would stick to those three nicknames.
You sighed as anxiety and excitement battled it out in your tummy. You got the feeling their little war would last until you were finally reunited with Jungkook again.
A/N: So we’ll be taking a two week break as I need to focus on my uni work for a bit and @tragicshadows will be going on vacation with her family. We’ll be back as usual on the 1st November!
This work of fiction is copyright © JungkookieNoona and protected under UK and international law. All rights reserved. Any unauthorised broadcasting, copying or reposting will constitute an infringement of copyright.
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