#cheap term paper writing services
life-in-the-garden · 6 months
A Spell Bottle for Big Al
This spell is dedicated to my boyfriend @mikk1n, who introduced me to the world of Walking with Dinosaurs and its various sub-series. The BBC walked with dinosaurs so that Prehistoric Planet could run.
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outdated illustration of an allosaurus from Dinosaur National Monument, by the United States' National Park Service
This spell calls upon the power of the Allosaurus jimmadseni specimen identified as MOR 693—however, this fossilized creature is more commonly known as “Big Al” thanks to an imagining of his life’s story being told via a BBC television program in the year 2000. (The Ballad of Big Al was a Christmas special for the popular Walking with Dinosaurs series, and it can be watched legally on the Internet Archive—part one is here and part two is here).
Big Al’s bones currently live in the Geological Museum of the University of Wyoming in the United States (see his exhibit here), but when re-watching his story with my boyfriend late at night I was struck by the depiction of his life. Although I’m not happy with a multitude of the narrative choices that the writers made—my ire is primarily directed at the massive time skips of multiple years and the overall rushed brevity of the story—what really stuck with me was how realistic it felt.
Now, I’m not talking about the depictions of the dinosaurs or the quality of the practical and special effects; science and technology have marched steadily onward since the year 2000, and what we know now puts our prehistoric knowledge from 20+ years ago to shame. That can’t be helped. What I’m really saying is that so much of Big Al’s depicted life was spent searching for food, failing to acquire it, and ultimately dying of starvation… because of a broken toe. Yes, he was an apex predator of his era, but the show is very careful to point out how much his life teetered on the knife’s edge of his physical prowess as a predator—although he healed from a variety of injuries and illnesses throughout his less than a decade of life, ultimately Big Al was brought down by a broken bone that developed a fatal infection and rendered him unable to hunt.
While Big Al failed to reached adulthood, that doesn’t mean you have to do the same thing. This spell is designed to create part of the spirit of Big Al into an animal ally (if you’re not from an indigenous culture that incorporate usage of totems or spirit animals, please don’t use those terms) to aid you in your own efforts toward continuing to survive whatever troubles currently plague you.
Now, the sky’s the limit for what you can ask Big Al’s spirit for help with. However, my own witchy intuition (aka UPG) says that an allosaurus isn’t going to understand a school/university assignment well enough to be able to help you with it. Their knowledge predates algebra. On the other hand, I’m sure theropod dinosaurs (Big Al among them) were incredibly smart in much the same way modern corvids are, so your own UPG might differ on this point…
In other words, make this spell your own! What follows is just one way that you can request aid from the spirit of Big Al; this one is designed for (since Big Al died with an infected fracture) remembering to take your pills.
You will potentially need…
1 empty pill bottle
Pebbles, beads, or crystals of some kind that are small enough to fit inside the pill bottle
Sealing wax (your choice of color) or liquid glue
writing supplies OR 1 carnivorous dinosaur toy, ideally a small & cheap one
Instructions, such as they are…
(This is the boring part.) Put the containers for the pills you plan to consume in a place where they are prominent enough that they won’t blend into the background. If you have a lot of different pills to take and want help remembering the instructions for them, keep a piece of paper nearby (or make a note on your phone) with notes for what pills you are supposed to take at what time + any additional helpful information.
Cleanse the empty pill bottle, the pebbles/beads/crystals, and (if using) the dinosaur toy. You can cleanse with whatever method seems best to you—personally, my favorite method is via candlelight.
(This is the less boring part.) If using the dinosaur toy, have the toy preside over your pill bottle(s) that actually have pills in them. This toy is the embodiment of your animal ally. You can set this up on your altar if you use an altar + want to keep your pills there, but it’s not necessary. If not using the toy, use the writing supplies to draw a picture of a carnivorous, bipedal dinosaur on a piece of paper—this will go under your cleansed (and soon to be filled) pill bottle as the embodiment of your animal ally.
Put some pebbles, crystals, and/or beads into the empty and cleansed pill bottle.* Put the cap on and shake it a few times—or more than a few times, if that’s what feels right to you. If you enjoy verbal incantations, you can say one here; it can be as complex as a full-length sonnet in iambic pentameter, or it can be as simple as “amen” or “so mote it be” or what have you.
* Note: as weird as it sounds, I don’t really care about crystal correspondences in my personal practice; they are just pretty rocks to me. Therefore, I’m not going to tell you what crystals work well in this spell. Follow your intuition!
Once you’re satisfied with the pill bottle, seal it with wax or glue and keep it in a place where it’s hard to ignore. Ideally, this place will be right next to the dinosaur toy, or if you’re not using the toy then atop the piece of paper with your hand-drawn dinosaur. Shake the pill bottle full of pebbles, crystals, and/or beads every time you need to take your meds; for me, the rattling sound is part of the ritual and helps me remember to go over to the medicine cabinet and take my pills with breakfast.
And that's it! I hope Big Al and this spell inspire you in some way. If you have helpful medication of any kind, please remember to take it!
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If you enjoyed this spell, please consider tossing some spare change toward my ko-fi. As a poor university student with an abusive home life, every little bit helps me get a few centimeters closer to moving out + pay for food and veterinary expenses for my cat.
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pretensesoup · 1 year
How to Publish a Book, pt 1
I told @tryxyhijinks I was gonna turn this into a shitpost, so here we go: how to publish an ebook in ten easy steps.
Write the book. This is, believe it or not, the fun part.
Edit the book. Slightly less easy, but you have to do this, no matter what anyone else has told you about "minimum viable product" or what have you. You can force your friends to read it, you can have a program read it aloud to you, you can read it backwards, you can hire someone to line edit your work, you can do some or most of the above, just get it edited. (Additional point: when hiring a professional, if you're happy with the plot, ask for line or copyediting; if you're not sure about plot points, ask for developmental editing; if you just need guidance, you may want to start with an editorial letter.)
Get a cover. You can make one yourself or pay someone to do it. You're going to want it to be about 1600x2500 pixels and 72 dpi. It's good to have a really nice cover, because covers sell books.
Typeset the book. I use Atticus to create an epub file. If you are also doing a print version or you are a control freak, I recommend it. Vellum and Reedsy are about the same, I think. If you have a lot of illustrations--big ones, I mean, not just an author photo--you should beg, borrow, or steal a copy of InDesign. You can use Calibre to compress your output epub file if you want to make sure you earn every available penny. However, my book is 6mb and it is about 8 cents to download. Also, if you're trying to do this on the cheap, you really can just do it in Word. The layout won't be as fancy, but you can do it. (Layout granularity, from least to most granular, is probably Word->Atticus->InDesign.)
If you want to publish under a press name that is not your name, you will need to start a business. Laws around taxes and registration may vary depending on where you are, but in general, you will want to register your name with your state or county registrar (for me, this cost $30 and I had to get a piece of paper notarized). Then you can get a business checking account (for me this part was free--I went through the bank I already have accounts with). In the US, sole proprietorships like this are taxed as pass-through entities, so you will pay personal income taxes on whatever money you make, but you don't have to pay corporate income taxes. If you are publishing books that could possibly get you sued (e.g., The Big Book of Welding While Juggling or Now You're Cooking with Napalm) you may want to form an LLC. Talk to a lawyer.
Open a KDP account. If you hate the Zon and want to only publish somewhere else (Apple Books, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, Smashwords, whatever), that's fine--the process is about the same. If you think you previously had a KDP account and then didn't use it, search your emails etc. to try to find out, because if they figure that out, they'll close both accounts and then you won't get paid.
Add your new title to the catalog (you will need to add metadata, like your name, series name if there is one, and a description of the book) and set the prices. Unless your book is super big, you'll probably earn more if you select the 70% option. For some reason, I changed a few of the prices. If you're planning to publish on several platforms, I don't recommend this--just set your price in one place and then let it convert those. Otherwise, you'll have to reinput everything over and over, because it's in the terms of service that you need to price things the same on Kobo as you do on Amazon (and so on).
Set the day of publication and tell people about it. Like your mom. Your weird aunt who's always so supportive. Your friend who has been listening to you bitch about how hard writing is for the past six months.
Q: Hey, I want my book in several online stores, not just Amazon.
A: You have a few options. Draft2Digital/Smashwords and IngramSpark both distribute digitally to various places so you only have to set things up once. But they take a cut of the profit for this service. You can also set up independent accounts with each store and upload your stuff.
Q: What happens in step 9?
A: You know. Meet other indie writers and try to gain their trust. Read a lot. Work on the sequel. Get some sleep, because deadlines are exhausting, even self-imposed ones. Learn about advertising. That sort of thing.
Next time, I'll do the paper side of things.
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robmillistw2 · 2 years
55 years young: the true masterpiece of psychedelia
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When I was 14 or 15 and had decided that the late 60s (at the time about twenty years previously) was the thing, but had exhausted all my Dad’s Stones & Cream albums and bought a few of my own from the same acts (and a couple of Hendrix LPs), I set out to discover more from the era. I can honestly say I wouldn’t be here writing this now if it wasn’t for a very, very cheap double LP compilation called ‘Back On The Road’ which I bought. It was a glorious sampler masterclass in almost everything: it had softer, folksy moments from Fairport, Roy Harper and Nick Drake. It had the heft of Sabbath, Deep Purple and Free. It had the familiarity of Cream and Hendrix. It was my first taste of Traffic & Spooky Tooth. But it was also ocean-spanning: it had the Velvet Underground, the Quicksilver Messenger Service - and Jefferson Airplane.
Despite my first taste of ‘Paranoid’ and ‘Black Night’, ‘White Rabbit’ transcended them both in terms of sheer power. I loved it: it was a bolero, reimagined by the acid rock generation. And so it was I set off to find out more about ‘the Airplane’ (as we will call them henceforth) and really began a love affair with the late sixties Bay Area arts and culture that, circa 32 years later, still rages on in my heart.
It didn’t start well. The liner notes to ‘Back On The Road’ made it clear that this band was at the very top of the family tree of what led to (then relatively recent) unavoidable atrocities ‘We Built This City’ and ‘Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now’. For a while, ‘White Rabbit’ was ruined - it was unmistakably that same, powerhouse voice: nobody sounds like Grace Slick. But I soon shrugged it off as nonsense and blamed the times, concluding that I couldn’t let ‘Valerie’ and ‘Higher Love’ put me off ‘Paper Sun’ either.
Sadly, it didn’t improve immediately: Jefferson Airplane actually reformed for one album in 1989 just as I set out to discover them for myself. It was of course this album that all the shops stocked, and I bought it. Aside from a couple of moments, it sounded way too much like Starship and not enough like 1960s San Francisco. I later learned that the couple of moments were basically Hot Tuna and the rest of it was a deluxe big-budget Starship-type operation. Jorma Kaukonen summed the reunion up almost word-for-word as I felt the album to be at age 15 in his excellent auto-bio ‘Been So Long’. Buy a copy.
I went to a better record shop the following week where - joy of joys - they actually had a Jefferson Airplane section. Kid in a toy shop moment: I held in my hands and gazed in wonder at copies of ‘Volunteers’, ‘Surrealistic Pillow’, ‘Crown of Creation’…marvelled at the flying toasters on ‘Thirty Seconds Over Winterland’….and then caught sight of ‘After Bathing At Baxters’ for the very first time.
All the others just vanished into the background. This was it: the iconic American stars and stripes bordering that great image: the old biplane made out of a typical wooden clad Victorian Haight-area house, soaring over a consumer-satire landscape. Now, this was 1989 and vinyl albums from the sixties had largely been robbed of their original gatefold sleeves - or in some cases only ever got them in their home country - and it would be another ten years before I got my hands on a USA original. In fact, it turns out that the (probably Dutch or German) pressing that I got brand new was better than the UK original sleeve which lacked the red, white and blue borders and was distinctly drab.
A brief history lesson: ‘After Bathing At Baxters’ was the third album by the Airplane, and the second with Grace Slick on vocals. The previous release ‘Surrealistic Pillow’ was the breakthrough, with the two bona-fide hits ‘White Rabbit’ and ‘Somebody To Love’ which set them apart from the rest of the freewheeling, often uncommercial (or rather, ‘unconcerned with being deliberately commercial’) San Francisco scene.
The rock and roll history books will tell you that ‘Pillow’ was a huge leap forward from the debut ‘Jefferson Airplane Takes Off’. Well, yes - the sound had a harder edge and not just in the vocals; it also had hits and was a true breakthrough for the band - but it was still an album of short, structured songs with a nominally folk-rock sound. For my money, the difference between ‘Pillow’ and ‘Baxters’ is immeasurably greater and possibly the most significant audible development of any one band from one album to the next that there has ever been. Even ‘Rubber Soul’ to ‘Sgt Pepper’ was a neatly calibrated climb (and that’s assuming you don’t believe ‘Revolver’ was the truly impressive one of the three; I do).
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Hits. That’s what happened - and so Jefferson Airplane were given virtual carte blanche by paymasters RCA Victor to make their next record. It took most of 1967 and I’m not sure that RCA were ever ready for the results!
I’m not going to go through it track-by-track; I want you to do that for yourself if you have a mind and thus won’t pepper this missive with spoilers. Let’s just say it is one of the most successful attempts to capture the psychedelic experience on vinyl (which was always a challenge for the artists who were playing freewheeling, stream-of-consciousness improvised concerts by the seat of their pants, then faced the auspices of the studio).
Look out for Jorma Kaukonen ‘inventing Sonic Youth’ in the fuzzed and multitracked guitar solo of his own ‘Last Wall Of The Castle’. Feel the mood as Paul Kantner’s Rickenbacker XII sets up an eastern-influenced mini raga to usher in ‘Wild Tyme’, which then explodes into a mass of joyous harmonies celebrating the times. Be spellbound at Grace’s icy wit and ‘take no prisoners’ attitudes on ‘Two Heads’ and ‘Rejoice’. But above all, don’t drop your bacon sandwich during ‘Spare Chaynge’ - a wild, improvised jam between Kaukonen, the greatest bass player on the planet Jack Casady and drummer Spencer Dryden.
No man is an island - he is a peninsular.
Happy 55th Birthday to my absolute favourite long-playing record; the one that made me want to be a musician and not just a record collector. Thanks for everything.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
There have been warnings that there may be periods this winter when the demand for electricity in Finland will exceed supply.
The economic and business daily Taloussanomat reports (siirryt toiseen palveluun) that the power grid operator Fingrid is adding features to its hourly price mobile phone app to provide warnings of electricity outages.
Fingrid's communications manager Marjaana Kivioja says that the new feature is currently being tested, with an app update scheduled to be made available to the public in a couple of weeks.
A three-tier scale is used for warnings. The lowest level cautions of potential spikes in demand a few hours in advance.
Kivioja says that electricity capacity can be strained, for example, during long periods of cold when temperatures suddenly drop even lower.
"An electricity shortage could threaten on a weekday morning when people wake up and turn on electrical devices and at the same time industries and other large users start up," she told the paper.
A second consumption peak of the day usually starts in the afternoon, when people come home from work and school, start cooking, doing laundry and perhaps taking a sauna.
The warning message app will offer an opportunity to participate in preventing electricity shortages. Savings come from small streams, writes Taloussanomat, so everyone's actions have an impact. If enough people curb their consumption, the threat of a blackout can be overcome. 
Not all warnings are likely to come hours in advance. For example, an interruption in the production at a power plant or a fault in transmission connections can quickly cause a power shortage.
However, as the paper points out, in such cases, back-up power plants would be brought online and industries might start to wind down some of their operations.
Better school lunches?
The food served in schools in the capital region is made on a small budget, and it shows, according to Helsingin Sanomat. (siirryt toiseen palveluun) Pupils have voted with their feet, and increasing numbers of them can be found at the local supermarket at lunchtime.
Schoolchildren are not allowed to nip into shops during school hours but many still do it because they don't like what is on offer in the school cafeteria. Especially on days when vegetarian meals are served, lots of the kids prefer to go to a convenience store to pick up snacks.
Vegetarian lunch day is the reason that the paper's reporter found 15-year-olds Aapo, Lenni and Jesse in a local supermarket. 
Aapo and Jesse are buying meat pies and energy drinks. Lenni is getting a baguette. According to the boys, the quality of school food often leaves much to be desired.
"Once we found a worm in the salad, and sometimes the potatoes have been moldy."
A similar message is heard from a group of girls in the market.
"Under-cooked meat, there are bugs in the salad and sometimes the fruit may be rotten."
Complaints about Vantaa's school food has made the headlines several times in recent years. Currently, the city-owned supplier Vantti delivers food to almost sixty schools and the Palmia catering service to another to ten. 
A few weeks ago, Vantaa's youth council published a statement on Instagram, in which it demanded that the city issue a call for tenders to provide school food services. Yle reported about the council's grievances nearly two weeks ago.
However, Helsingin Sanomat points out, the reason for complaints is not only the service providers. It's hard to do very well on the cheap. 
The upshot is that on Tuesday, (siirryt toiseen palveluun) the City of Vantaa decided to get serious about better lunches and included an addition 400,000 euros in the budget to improve school food services. 
Dealing with the dark
Iltalehti looks (siirryt toiseen palveluun) at what it describes as the "disappointing" long-term weather forecast for November and asks where winter is hiding.
Reviewing the Foreca monthly outlook, the paper notes that November is likely to be several degrees warmer than average. 
Foreca meteorologist Anna Latvala says that the thermal winter (when temperatures are below freezing round the clock) may be delayed this year.
"Thermal winter typically starts by the end of November in almost the entire country, with the exception of the southwest and in many parts of the south and west. Based on this monthly forecast, an early winter is not likely, rather the start of the thermal winter may be a little later than usual," Latvala stated.
Even though not as cold as usual, the hours of darkness proceed to lengthen as normal.
Ilta-Sanomat discusses (siirryt toiseen palveluun) the psychological impact of the long, dark winter months.
"This is a significant problem, because symptoms caused by the seasonal darkness affect a large part of the population and recur every year. These disorders tend to become more serious when experienced year after year," THL research professor Timo Partonen explained to the paper.
Age is also a factor. The older one becomes, the more severe symptoms may be and the longer they may last.
For part of the population, the effects of symptoms caused by winter darkness are so noticeable that it makes life difficult.
"25 percent of Finnish adults perceive winter darkness as a problem. The symptoms are so severe in more than 100,000 Finns that they can be compared to clinical depression," says Partonen.
However, most of the population notices milder effects as light lessens in the mornings.
"One's internal clock starts running slower. It can no longer keep to daily rhythms," Professor Partonen explains.
Turning on bright lights first thing in the morning is top of the list of advice for dealing with the dark. 
In addition to bright light, keeping normal rhythms in sync can be helped by sticking to regular meal times, exercising and getting enough sleep.
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The Fast and Cheap Essay Writing Service by Expert Writers – 2024
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In today’s fast-paced academic world, students often find themselves juggling multiple responsibilities, leaving little time for essay writing. This is where services like GradeSmiths come into play, offering a convenient solution for those seeking professional assistance with their writing assignments. GradeSmiths has quickly gained a reputation as a reliable and affordable essay writing service, catering to students from various educational levels and disciplines.
Background and Overview of GradeSmiths
GradeSmiths was founded in 2015 by a team of experienced writers and educators who recognized the growing demand for high-quality essay writing services among students. Their mission was to provide a platform where students could access professional writing assistance at affordable prices, without compromising on quality or originality. 
The Need for Essay Writing Services
The rise of online education and the increasing pressure on students to excel academically have contributed to the growing demand for essay writing services like GradeSmiths.
Rise of Online Education 
With the proliferation of online education programs, students from around the world now have access to top-tier institutions and courses. However, this increased accessibility has also brought about new challenges. Online learners often face time management issues, juggling their studies with personal and professional commitments. Essay writing services like GradeSmiths offer a valuable solution, enabling students to meet deadlines without sacrificing the quality of their work.
GradeSmiths Services and Features
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GradeSmiths offers a wide range of essay writing services to cater to the diverse needs of its clients. From research papers and dissertations to admission essays and coursework assignments, their team of professional writers is equipped to handle projects of varying complexity and scope. 
Types of Essays Offered
At GradeSmiths, clients can request assistance with a variety of essay types, including:
Research papers and term papers
Dissertations and thesis writing 
Admission essays (personal statements, statements of purpose)
Coursework assignments (case studies, book reviews, article critiques)
Essay editing and proofreading services
Professional Writers at GradeSmiths
One of the key strengths of GradeSmiths lies in its team of highly qualified and experienced writers. The company takes great pride in its stringent recruitment and selection process, ensuring that only the best writers are hired to work on client projects.
Recruitment and Selection Process
GradeSmiths employs a rigorous vetting process to ensure the quality of its writing team. Prospective writers must undergo a multi-step screening process that includes:
Evaluation of academic credentials and writing samples
Subject matter expertise assessment
English language proficiency testing
Background checks and reference verification
Only candidates who meet the company’s stringent criteria are invited to join the GradeSmiths writing team, ensuring that clients receive top-notch work from knowledgeable and skilled professionals.
Quality Control and Plagiarism Policies
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GradeSmiths takes quality control and plagiarism prevention extremely seriously. The company has implemented robust measures to ensure that all delivered work is original, well-researched, and meets the highest academic standards.
Ensuring Originality 
To maintain the integrity of its services, GradeSmiths employs the following measures to ensure originality:
All essays are written from scratch by the assigned writer, based on the client’s instructions and research materials.
Strict anti-plagiarism policies are enforced, with each essay undergoing rigorous plagiarism checks using advanced software. 
A dedicated quality assurance team meticulously reviews every completed essay, ensuring adherence to academic guidelines and client requirements.
Writers are regularly trained on academic integrity and the importance of producing original work.
Pricing and Payment Options
One of the key advantages of GradeSmiths is its commitment to providing affordable services without compromising on quality. The company’s transparent pricing structure and flexible payment options make it accessible to students from diverse financial backgrounds.
Affordability and Transparency
GradeSmiths offers competitive pricing for its essay writing services, with rates determined based on factors such as the academic level, deadline, and complexity of the assignment. Clients can easily access the pricing information on the company’s website, allowing them to make informed decisions before placing an order. 
The company also offers a range of payment options, including major credit cards, PayPal, and other secure online payment gateways, ensuring a convenient and secure transaction process for its clients.
Customer Support and Communication Channels
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Effective communication and support are crucial components of any successful essay writing service. GradeSmiths understands this and has implemented various channels to ensure seamless communication between clients and their assigned writers.
24/7 Availability
GradeSmiths’ customer support team is available around the clock, ensuring that clients can reach out for assistance or inquiries at any time. Whether it’s a question about the ordering process, a clarification on instructions, or an update on the progress of their essay, the support team is always ready to help.
In addition to traditional communication channels like email and phone support, GradeSmiths also offers live chat functionality on its website, allowing for real-time interaction and prompt resolution of any issues or concerns.
User Experience and Ordering Process 
GradeSmiths places a strong emphasis on providing a seamless and user-friendly experience for its clients. From the initial order placement to the final delivery of the completed essay, the company has streamlined its processes to ensure efficiency and convenience.
Simplicity and Efficiency
The ordering process at GradeSmiths is straightforward and intuitive. Clients can easily place their orders through the company’s secure online platform, providing detailed instructions, uploading any relevant materials, and specifying their desired deadline. 
Once an order is placed, clients are promptly assigned a dedicated writer who specializes in their subject area. Throughout the writing process, clients have the option to communicate directly with their writer, providing feedback or additional guidance as needed.
Case Studies and Client Testimonials
The success of GradeSmiths is best exemplified by the numerous positive testimonials and case studies from satisfied clients. These real-life experiences not only highlight the quality of the company’s services but also demonstrate the impact they have had on students’ academic journeys. 
Success Stories
One particularly noteworthy case study involves a graduate student who was struggling to balance her coursework and part-time job. By enlisting the services of GradeSmiths, she was able to submit a well-researched and expertly written dissertation, earning her a top grade and allowing her to graduate on time.
Another client, an international student, praised GradeSmiths for their assistance in crafting a compelling personal statement that helped him secure admission to his dream university.
These success stories, along with numerous positive reviews from clients across various academic levels and disciplines, serve as a testament to the reliability and effectiveness of GradeSmiths’ essay writing services.
Ethical Considerations in Essay Writing Services
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While essay writing services like GradeSmiths offer valuable assistance to students, they are not without ethical considerations. Academic integrity and the potential for misuse are valid concerns that must be addressed. 
Academic Integrity
GradeSmiths takes a firm stance on upholding academic integrity and promoting ethical practices among its clients. The company explicitly states that its services are intended solely for research and reference purposes, and that any form of plagiarism or misrepresentation of the delivered work is strictly prohibited.
Furthermore, GradeSmiths encourages its clients to use the provided essays as a learning resource, rather than submitting them as their own work. The company’s writers are instructed to include detailed citations and references, ensuring that clients understand the importance of proper attribution and can learn from the examples provided.
Future Trends in the Essay Writing Industry
As the demand for essay writing services continues to grow, it is essential to stay ahead of emerging trends and technological advancements that can shape the industry’s future. 
Technological Innovations
One area of potential growth is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies into the essay writing process. While human writers will likely remain essential for producing high-quality, original content, AI could potentially assist with tasks such as research, data analysis, and even content generation.
Additionally, the use of cloud-based platforms and collaborative writing tools could further streamline the writing process, enabling writers and clients to collaborate more effectively in real-time, regardless of their geographical locations.
In conclusion, GradeSmiths has established itself as a reputable and reliable essay writing service, catering to the diverse needs of students from various academic levels and disciplines. With its team of highly qualified writers, robust quality control measures, and commitment to affordability and customer satisfaction, the company has become a go-to resource for those seeking professional writing assistance. 
Summary of Key Findings
GradeSmiths offers a wide range of essay writing services, including research papers, dissertations, admission essays, and coursework assignments.
The company employs a rigorous recruitment and selection process to ensure that only the best writers with relevant expertise are hired.
GradeSmiths maintains strict quality control and plagiarism policies, with every essay undergoing thorough checks and reviews to ensure originality and adherence to academic standards. 
The company’s transparent pricing structure and flexible payment options make its services accessible to students from diverse financial backgrounds.
Effective communication channels, including 24/7 customer support, facilitate seamless interaction between clients and writers throughout the writing process.
The user-friendly ordering process and streamlined workflow contribute to a convenient and efficient experience for clients.
Numerous success stories and positive testimonials from satisfied clients highlight the impact and reliability of GradeSmiths’ services.
While acknowledging the potential ethical concerns surrounding essay writing services, GradeSmiths promotes academic integrity and encourages responsible use of its services for research and reference purposes.
The future of the essay writing industry may involve the integration of AI and machine learning technologies, as well as the adoption of cloud-based collaborative writing tools.
Overall, GradeSmiths has positioned itself as a trusted and competent partner for students seeking high-quality essay writing assistance. By continuously innovating and upholding its commitment to excellence, the company is poised to remain a valuable resource in the ever-evolving academic landscape.
As the demand for essay writing services continues to grow, it is crucial for companies like GradeSmiths to prioritize ethical practices, foster academic integrity, and leverage technological advancements to provide even better services to their clients. With its strong foundation and forward-thinking approach, GradeSmiths is well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in the essay writing industry.
Frequently Asked Questions About GradeSmiths
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What types of essays does GradeSmiths offer?
GradeSmiths provides a wide range of essay writing services, including research papers, term papers, dissertations, theses, admission essays (personal statements, statements of purpose), coursework assignments (case studies, book reviews, article critiques), and essay editing/proofreading.
Who are the writers at GradeSmiths?
GradeSmiths has a team of highly qualified and experienced writers who undergo a rigorous vetting process. Writers must demonstrate strong academic credentials, subject matter expertise, excellent English proficiency, and pass background checks.
How does GradeSmiths ensure originality and prevent plagiarism?
GradeSmiths has strict anti-plagiarism policies in place. All essays are written from scratch based on the client’s instructions and research materials. Each essay goes through plagiarism detection software and is carefully reviewed by a quality assurance team to ensure complete originality.
What is the pricing model at GradeSmiths?
GradeSmiths offers competitive and transparent pricing based on factors like academic level, deadline, and assignment complexity. Clients can view the pricing information on the website before placing an order.
What payment methods does GradeSmiths accept?
GradeSmiths accepts major credit cards, PayPal, and other secure online payment gateways for convenient and secure transactions.
How can I communicate with my writer during the process?
Once an order is placed, clients are assigned a dedicated writer whom they can communicate with directly. GradeSmiths also offers 24/7 customer support via email, phone, and live chat for any inquiries or updates.
How does the ordering process work?
The ordering process at GradeSmiths is simple and user-friendly. Clients can place orders through the secure online platform, provide detailed instructions, upload materials, and specify their desired deadline.
Are there any case studies or testimonials from satisfied clients?
Yes, GradeSmiths has numerous success stories and positive testimonials from clients across various academic levels and disciplines, highlighting the quality of their services and the impact on students’ academic journeys.
What is GradeSmiths’ stance on academic integrity?
GradeSmiths upholds academic integrity and promotes ethical practices. The company clearly states that its services are intended for research and reference purposes only, and any form of plagiarism or misrepresentation is strictly prohibited.
How does GradeSmiths plan to incorporate new technologies in the future?
GradeSmiths aims to stay ahead of industry trends by potentially integrating AI and machine learning technologies to assist with research, data analysis, and content generation. The company is also exploring cloud-based platforms and collaborative writing tools to streamline the writing process.
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essaygeekus · 1 month
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Balancing Cost and Quality: A Critical Examination of Budget-Friendly Dissertation Writing Services
Quality at Your Fingertips: The Emergence of Reasonably Priced Dissertation Writing Services In the world of academia, completing a dissertation is frequently the last step on the path to a higher degree. Meticulous study, critical thinking, and elegant writing are needed for this enormous endeavor. But for many students, the intimidating idea of writing a dissertation looms big, casting aside worries about time limits, academic rigor, and budgetary restraints. In this day and age of rapidly rising living costs and tuition, the affordability of basic academic services becomes a critical issue. With the rise of inexpensive dissertation writing services, which provide high-caliber support at reasonable costs, a paradigm shift in the field of "dissertation writing services cheap" is under way.
The Development of Scholarly Assistance
Historically, getting help with schoolwork—especially dissertations—was thought to be an affluent person's privilege. Students frequently had to rely on their own resources or ask friends or lecturers for assistance, which occasionally proved insufficient. Nonetheless, the range of services offered increased along with the need for academic support. The academic help industry has seen a radical change in the modern era due to the widespread availability of online platforms that provide specialist dissertation writing assistance. Shattering Obstacles: Reachable Magnitude The idea that quality comes at a high cost is significantly challenged by the rise of inexpensive dissertation writing services. These services use knowledge and technology to provide students with excellent support at affordable prices. These platforms have democratized access to academic help by streamlining procedures, making the most use of available resources, and connecting with a worldwide talent pool. This has enabled students from a variety of backgrounds to pursue their academic goals without having to break the bank. Keywords like "cheap research paper writing service" and "dissertation writing services cheap" are like beacons that point students in the direction of reliable companies that give high-quality services at reasonable prices. By including these terms in search queries, a wealth of possibilities become accessible, all of which guarantee to provide excellent dissertations at a price that won't break the bank.
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Getting Around: Selecting the Proper Service Provider Although there are many options available to students because to the abundance of reasonably priced dissertation writing services, choosing the best one might be difficult. It's critical to discern between quality service providers and bogus ones amid the plethora of possibilities. Students should do extensive research and carefully examine evaluations, testimonies, and sample works before entrusting a service with writing their dissertation in order to assess the caliber and dependability of the supplier. Transparency with relation to policies, revision processes, and pricing is also crucial. Open communication is a top priority for reputable service providers, who make sure that their clients are informed and in control of the collaboration process. These providers establish trust and confidence by promoting an environment of openness and responsibility, solidifying their standing as reliable allies in students' academic success. In conclusion, a new era of accessibility and affordability in academia is being ushered in by the emergence of inexpensive dissertation writing services. Through the act of bridging the quality-affordability gap, these services enable students to pursue their academic goals while maintaining their financial security. The market for dissertation writing services is expected to continue to grow as the need for academic help grows, driven by a dedication to quality and diversity. Adopting the philosophy of quality within reach, students may confidently start their academic path knowing that help at a reasonable price is only a click away.
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essay-online-help · 5 months
Does Buying Essays Online Help University Students?
Purchasing essays and other academic papers online has helped tons of students manage class workload while ensuring they get good grades. Cheap custom writing services write assignments giving students time to focus on other essential tasks in their hands.
Below are some of how custom writing services help students achieve their academic goals.
How custom essay writing services help university students
Speedwriters is a professional academic writing services that has helped over 10,000 students globally with writing term papers, research papers, admission essays, dissertations etc.
Meeting deadlines
If you cannot meet the deadline, you should hire a professional essay writer to help you. Most students get confused when they have an assignment due and have not been able to start it.'
Confusion and hurry can make several mistakes when writing your assignment, which can lead to poor grades or even zero marks in your homework. Most reliable essay writing companies can deliver quality papers in less than 6 hours.
Managing class workload
First-year students in university have problems managing workload because they are from high school. Another group of students who cannot handle a lot of homework is part-time students. Their job demands a lot of time, and it becomes tough to juggle between assignments and work related issues.
Also some courses like computer science, biology etc. have both theoretical and practical classes. Managing both theory work and valuable lessons can be very demanding, and that is where essay writing companies come into great help. You can purchase your essays online from reputable companies.
Secure better grades
Even though there are students who love to write essays, they cannot do better and achieve good grades more than a professional writer. Several years of experience writing academic essays make professional essay writers the best choice for students who want to improve their school grades.
Make up for students' poor writing skills.
Another primary reason students buy essays online is that they lack writing skills. Some students have a hard time writing essays because they don't know much about them. A professional essay writer can help you do your papers at an affordable price.
Help students learn how to write essays.
The perfect way to learn to write English essays is by reading papers that other professional writers have written. When students read well-written articles, they can understand how to write proper sentences with correct punctuation and the best grammar.
Active and passive voice rules can easily be understood when reading other essays written by experienced academic writers.
Academic writing has never been easy for any student. Several reasons compel students to buy essays online from reputable essay writing services. Students get a lot of help when they purchase essays online. They can better their grades, improve their writing skills etc.
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solutionlab · 6 months
Proofreading online, proof reading service, english proofreading and edi...
Proofreading online, proof reading service, english proofreading and editing, paper proofreader
📚 Welcome to our educational hub where precision meets perfection! In today's video, we're unraveling the art and importance of online proofreading services. 🖋️ Whether you're a student striving for that impeccable term paper or a professional looking to polish your documents, our comprehensive guide to proofreading is your go-to resource. Discover the nuances of English proofreading and editing that elevate your content to the next level, ensuring clarity, coherence, and correctness. 🔍 Our expert paper proofreaders delve into the intricacies of the process, sharing invaluable tips and tricks to refine your writing. From catching grammatical nuances to perfecting sentence structure, this video is your one-stop-shop for mastering the skill of proofreading. We understand that in the world of academia and business, precision matters, and that's exactly what our proofreading service aims to achieve. ✨ But wait, there's more! Don't forget to hit that like button if you find these tips helpful, and subscribe to our channel for a wealth of content dedicated to enhancing your writing prowess. 📝 Share this video with your peers, because let's face it – who doesn't want to craft documents that leave a lasting impression? Join our growing community of language enthusiasts, and let's embark on this journey of linguistic refinement together. Here's to clearer communication and polished prose! So with a commitment to excellence and a passion for creativity, our team of professionals is ready to collaborate with you to achieve your goals and we invite 🤝 you, to our world🏡where innovation, precision, and imagination converge. We, welcome 🤝 you to our services hub, where your vision becomes reality.
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Custom Term Papers UK How to Write a High-Quality Custom Term Paper You have found the right spot if you are in search of reliable UK custom term paper writing services. We offer a variety of services including editing and full custom term papers. Our writers will take the time to make sure that your work is in line with your requirements and requirements. Our skilled writers will give you individual attention and communicate with you throughout the process. We will impress you with the quality of our work. Continue reading to learn more about our offerings. Finding credible academic sources is the first step in creating a high-quality term paper. You'll need to limit your choices to the most recent publications. Sources that were published within the last 10 years are the best. However, some custom papers might require older sources in order to argue from a historical perspective. If this is the case, then make sure you select sources from the past. You can always make use of an online search engine to ensure the authenticity of a source. The next step is to write a plan for your custom term paper typer company papers. When writing a custom termpaper take a look at the subject that you've selected the most reliable and how relevant it is to your topic. It is also important to choose which sources to refer to. You should also think about the credibility of the sources that you have chosen to write your term paper for an English university. You should also review your notes with care to distinguish sub-parts of your work. You will receive a unique term paper UK that is free from plagiarism and will meet all your academic requirements. The term paper you purchase will be original and will include an exhaustive bibliography. This will ensure that all sources are properly cited and prevent accidental plagiarism. The costs of custom term papers UK are affordable, which makes them a value for money. It's affordable enough that you can afford it. It is a great option for a high-quality essay. Finding reliable academic sources is the most important step in writing a custom term paper. You must have access recent academic sources. The ideal is to have them published within the last ten years. However, some older works may be needed to support a historical or societal point-of-view. Review reviews are an excellent method to identify the best academic researcher for your project. You'll be glad you did! You'll be grateful you did. Writing a UK custom term paper is a great way to research and read. There are many sites which offer a range of services, however only a handful are trustworthy and provide high quality papers. You can only find out whether they're trustworthy by reading their reviews. You can read genuine reviews of their services. No matter what your topic we'll guarantee that you'll get a top-quality essay written on time. When you write a custom term paper UK, the first step is to write the first draft. This is the most important element of writing a custom term paper. You can make sure that each part of your paper follows the goal by making an outline. Once you've completed the outline then you can begin to create the final draft. Ensure that the thesis statement is specific and clearly explains your goal. Developing an impressive thesis statement is the first step in creating a custom term paper. The body of your paper should provide a thorough analysis of the subject matter and citations. The conclusion should summarise the entire essay and include a conclusion that connects everything. It is important to ensure that the term paper you purchase is written to meet your requirements. Citations are acceptable in the body, as well as in the conclusion. Another crucial step to take when writing a custom term paper is to select credible academic sources. Although there are many businesses that provide cheap papers, you should be cautious when selecting a firm. Some of them might just disappear after taking your credit card. You can always read reviews and testimonials to help you choose the best service. A reputable custom term paper UK writer will show the completed papers and allow you to easily identify the various subparts of the work. Read the full article
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beccasfashioncorner · 10 months
Second Hand Shopping Tip
Hello my beautiful
I used the Rebelle website for the first time some time ago and thought I'd share my experience with you here. Unfortunately, there is little to no experience on the net, house on YouTube or the like.
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#0 the basics
For those who don't know Rebelle, here is a small explanation of how the whole system works. Rebelle is a German company that has its headquarters in Hamburg. On the website/platform you can buy as well as sell already used designer items. If you want to sell something, the whole thing works as follows: The seller sends the product to Rebelle, they then check the product for its authenticity. If the desired product is genuine, it is sent directly and money is debited. If the desired product is a fake, you will be informed immediately and no money will be debited.
#1 the website
The website is super easy to use, well structured and you can quickly find the desired result with the very detailed search. So in terms of handling, a 5 out of 5. The website is well designed, but I'll be honest, I thought the banners with the sale recommendations felt a bit cheap at first. Nevertheless, the website works well. Also, you don't have to search long for important places like the customer service. I called them, by the way, because my package did not arrive in the regular time. since I was afraid to have become a victim of a bag, I had called there. However, the consultant was able to take away my fear and answer all my questions.
#2 the product range
Also in this category I have been fully convinced. you can find everything from Christian Dior to Chanel to Fula simply everything. The prices vary, as this depends on the condition of the product. In my case it has become a Prada handbag in "good condition". So if you have some time to spare, you can find designer treasures in a small budget.
#3 the ordering process
You can "remember" the product you want once you log in to the website. The registration process is super simple by the way. Then you put the product in the shopping cart and you can pay in all possible ways. You are notified of all transactions, which I find very commendable. You "pay" but you don't get charged until the product is on its way to you. The description says that it takes one to two weeks. However, it took longer for me. It always depends on how fast the seller sends the product to Rebelle. So it can take comparatively long. I received my order after about 3 weeks.
#4 the package arrival
So the package was delivered after three weeks. It came in a normal cardboard box. I had hoped that it would come in an individual packaging (since it is a secondhand store for luxury parts), but can understand that it is for the sake of the environment has come so. Inside the box, I found the bag wrapped in turquoise coloring paper. Since the seller had lost the dust bag, I got one sent from Rebelle. There was also the certificate of authenticity and a small note. So all in all, a solid buying experience.
#5 tips and tricks
If you want to give Rebelle a try, here are a few more tips: 1) You can place bids on your favorites and save even more. 2) You can also ask your favorite questions to the salesperson in the Q&A. 3) If you are registered, there is the so-called "Early Bird" advantage. Here you get to know earlier about new products.
If you want me to write another part, you can leave a comment :)
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c-40 · 11 months
A-T-3 228 Project Future - Ray-Gun-Omics
Ray-Gun-Omics by Project Future is probably best known in the UK for its appearance on Electro 1 the beloved Street Sounds compilation series
It was written and produced by the team behind George Clinton's Atomic Dog and Loopzilla, namely David Spradley, Ted Currier, and Rahni Harris, along with David and Debbie Sandridge of the Dayton funk group Dayton. Rahni Harris and Ted Currier had worked on Dayton's Hot Fun and Feel The Music albums and before Atomic Dog the Xavier project (Work That Sucker To Death) with Bootsy Collins and George Clinton
Sadly Ted Currier passed away the other day. Before was a writer, arranger, and producer Ted Currier had been an influential radio DJ in New York. His innovative mixes were the inspiration for Shep Pettibone's Mastermixes
Ray-Gun-Omics is a riff on Reaganomics, Ronald Reagan's disastrous economic policies of increased defence spending and reduced government spending as preached by Milton Friedman. Grand Master Flash And The Furious Five's global hit The Message had come out the year before, it wasn't the first conscious rap record but it was the first to sell well. From Gill Scott-Heron to The Last Poets overtly political tracks like Ray-Gun-Omics were well established
The other week I read Robert Lekachman's Capitalism For Beginners comic book, I've read the series since I was a kid and I was surprised I'd not read Capitalism, what interested me was it had been published in 1981 (and it only cost 50p) which was Margret Thatchers first term and the year Reagan becomes 40th president of the United States
Before I get into why I believe Capitalism For Beginners is still relevant (for beginners) I want to mention another book, albeit an unfinished one. In the 1920s and throughout the 30s at roughly the same time Fredrick Hayek is writing papers that will influence monetarism, the economic policy of Thatcher and Reagan, Walter Benjamin is working on his Arcades Project. Benjamin saw the Paris arcades, the city's first shopping malls built not long after the French Revolution in the early nineteenth century to serve the burgeoning middle-class and upper-class, as the origin of and a way of seeing the present (Benjamin was influential in the work of John Berger.) Benjamin identifies the heyday of the Paris arcades as birthplace of consumerism and ephemerality, the arcades sold fashions to service our dreams and seduce our momentary desires. What the people who walked the Paris arcades in the early nineteenth century wouldn't have known at the time was that most of the arcades would be demolished within fifty years, 24 of over 150 remain, this was just a fleeting moment necessary for capitalism, fashions become passé, the once highly fashionable arcades that were left soon became old fashioned. Historical enquiry can reveal something about ourselves. In the last two or three decades property developers have realised the two hundred year old Paris arcades can achieve premium rents. Nostalgia, uniqueness, and 19th century grandeur are all assets to tourism in an age of irresponsibly cheap flights and weekend get aways, when most cities look remarkably like each other (the arcades are featured in magazines and newspapers around the world.) The tarting up of the façades of the Paris arcades are also the result of financialisation that begun in the 1980s and the consequential deindustrialization of many European cities (especially France and the UK)
I write a blog about music from 40-years-ago I do this because I want to understand the present. The same can be said for why I enjoyed reading a super simple comic book on capitalism written over 42-years-ago. As I've mentioned Capitalism For Beginners was written as Thatcher was implementing monetarism in the UK to deal with stagflation, like today inflation was high, it had been rarely below 10% for a few years and was at 15% when Thatcher got in. The book tries to address the future of capitalism and it predicts what happened while Thatcher was PM pretty well, privatisation, corporate government partnerships, increased profits to investors, offshoring and exploitation of tax loopholes, new private monopolies, tax benefits and securities for corporations, the destruction of unions, rising unemployment, the bare minimum of welfare if you're not already rich or a corporation, redistribution of income away from labour towards property leading to abundant supply and inadequate purchasing power, the myth of trickle-down economics. Blair's reforms are also predicted as a hybrid form of monetarism and even Brexit and Trump and the immigrant shaped scapegoat. Lekachman didn't foresee the full damage of monetarism though, over a decade of austerity, short term planning and long term defunding; revolving doors between government, financial institutions, and the media; precarious job security, zero hours contracts, fire and rehire, and the gig economy; abandonment of unprofitable infrastructure maintenance; risks and costs paid for by the public and profits funnelled board members, shareholders, corporations and consortiums; a sluggish often hostile response to climate uncertainty. As a final caveat the writer comments that when capitalism can no longer satisfy the interests of working people they will become more politically engaged and demand for better. But Lekachman didn't count on news reporting becoming entertainment, serious mainstream journalism disappearing, and the public becoming increasingly politically illiterate. Monetarism is commonly associated with neoliberalism. It's astonishing to think we've had almost fifty years of neoliberalism, despite regular crises. Capitalism's golden era after WW2 didn't last much more than twenty years
Project Future
With a general election sometime in the next 17 months and inflation still high both the UK's main political parties are laying out economic visions for the country. These visions are weak and uncreative. It sounds to my ears that the leaders of our political parties are saying there is no alternative than make everyone poorer and the rich richer. There is an alternative though, tax the rich. Why has this been thrown out by both Sir Keir and billionheir Sunak? Talk of a wage-price spiral is convenient for a government faced with angry doctors, nurses, teachers and all the other professions who are now demanding wage increases inline with inflation after years of seeing their wages fall to the point where they are not covering the cost of living. The reality is the vicious circle is between prices and profits, to say that we are in a cost of living crisis is as helpful as Sunak saying the credit card has been maxed out, we are in a profit crisis, where's the fiscal responsibility in that Sir Keir?
Like the monetarists Sunak believes in market freedom (which isn't really free if you take in all the tax breaks and lobbying, offshoring, second jobs by members of parliament etc) he's not about to intervene and do the sensible thing by introducing price controls and enforcing regulatory action to curb monopoly power and financial speculation. I've heard people say maybe Labour will do this in their second term but that sounds suspicious
The City says we need to squeeze more out of the public. After thirteen years of austerity is there anything more to squeeze? Jeremy Hunt has admitted a recession is an acceptable price to pay to to bring inflation down and both the government and Bank of England have no qualms about deliberately putting peoples livelihoods at risk... that Sunak's approach to the economy is called Market Moralism is a sick joke
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papertrueworld · 1 year
Is Editing Your Thesis Too Expensive?
We see a culture of collaboration in academia. Even if you are a loner and prefer sitting quietly in a corner and working, having someone to work with has its benefits. You can solve problems more quickly, brainstorming sessions are fun and productive, and you are seldom rendered speechless.
A second pair of eyes helps you to get a fresh perspective on your thesis by refining your prose and helping structure it effectively. A good thesis editor will help you answer tricky questions regarding your thesis statement, and the content structure of your dissertation, and help you adhere to formatting guidelines.
Getting your dissertation edited professionally neutralizes bias. When you write your thesis, your brain automatically justifies your writing and tricks you into thinking that it is valid. When you look at it from someone else’s perspective, it is easier to find errors in grammar and punctuation. Professional thesis editing services also help you neutralize bias in terms of subject.
For example, let’s say you are doing a master’s degree in Psychology and are writing a paper on Freud’s methods vs Jean Piaget’s methods. Personally, you may tilt more towards Freud’s ideas, and that might cloud your rational, objective judgment in writing. Your editor will point out such bias and suggest points to develop much more rounded arguments.
Professional editing helps you become a stronger academic writer. When you give your thesis to your professor to edit, they will point out superficial errors and be done with it. An academic edit is a line-by-line review, with the “track changes” function on Microsoft Word. The corrections and edits that a thesis editor makes will be visible along with the original text so that you know how and where your text can be improved.
A good thesis should be like a smooth journey for the reader, with a definite destination in mind. Each paragraph should build on the previous one until the conclusion. A good editor ensures that your thesis builds up to a resounding crescendo and helps you build gradual momentum. The editor reviews each paragraph to ensure that it is necessary and adds value to your thesis.
A thesis editor ensures that your dissertation is free from any grammatical and punctuation errors. But these are just the superficial things that a thesis editor does. They help you perfect your thesis in terms of content and structure. They answer the following questions for you:
Is the thesis well-organized?
Is the thesis statement the right balance between specific and comprehensive?
Do the paragraphs follow the MEAL writing plan?
Is thesis editing expensive?
It is quite difficult to find a good thesis editor whose charges are affordable. While dissertation editing certainly isn’t cheap, it’s also completely worth the money.
A good thesis editor provides professional feedback and suggestions for you to strengthen your thesis and make it more impactful. Thesis editing is a long-term investment: It is an asset that will help you secure your future academically. You can save up through your course for this essential step.
Editing firms offer a variety of discounts to make the editing expense bearable for students. PaperTrue, for example, offers monthly discounts so you can get an impressive thesis at an affordable price!
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talenlee · 1 year
The Glimmering Spires of Visente
The Glimmering Spires of Visente
Cobrin’Seil is a place with culture, a place with languages, a place where people make books and exchange culture and share popular media just like in the real world. Places have their styles and preferences and they absolutely have their own trash. Trash novels, for example, cheaply made on pulpable paper, are traded around in bulk between different cities, and a surprising number of them, the really cheap ones about sleazy sex and dangerous romance? Chances are they deal in the stereotype of the glitzy and hedonistic lifestyles people imagine is common in one of the glimmering cities of Visente (pronounced vy-zent).
Art by Adam Paquette
This is going to be a nation write-up! If you want to read the structure, and how it’s to be used, here’s the link to the structure. I did use some resources to help me build this and get over the things I find the most difficult. Particularly, I punched ‘random city name generator’ into duckduckgo and got this link, and the art that informed the concept is from the Streets of New Capenna set from Magic: The Gathering.
Semi-coastal Urbanised Independent Nation, the Land of Three Cities
Most people in Visente live in the Three Cities (Araduin, Duinsiva, and Viduinta) which encourage a lot of travel to central locations along the canals. There’s plenty of work in the cities for a variety of different skillsets, and services for people with specialised needs. These cities, being large urban centres, have a huge variety of people, meaning that almost anyone of any heritage shows up in the cities. Outside of the three cities of Visente, things become more pastoral and communities are more likely to be composed of similar groupings of people, and out in the woods and other dangerous spaces, there are smaller communities of isolationists.
Common: Abilen, Goblins, Half-Elves, Half-Orcs, Halflings, Humans Uncommon: Eladrin, Elves, Kobolds, Orcs,Tieflings Rare: Dio Baragh, Drow, Shadar-Kai
Art by Olga Tereshchenko
The cities of Visente are its most well-known features, so much so that most people with any awareness of the country probably knows them by name. The way those cities are distinct in their archaeological styles and the way that they’re important to the country at large plays into this national reputation.
Visente is known for its cities so much so that people often think of the countryside villages and towns on the network of canals as being full of people living near Visente, rather than being part of the territory that makes up Visente itself. These towns are often extremely provincial in their cultural identity, and think of themselves in terms of their primary contributions to the nearest city, or cities, including the towns who are just distribution centres, warehouses and dockhouses, or the towns that are primarily residential housing for people who work in those cities.
Common Rumours
Most people have heard one of these basic ideas expressed about Visente:
“Visente are allergic to horses.”
“Visente are romantic idealists.”
“Visente druids are powerful.”
“Visente people are ambidextrous.”
The most common cultural experience of the locals of Visente is living in a society where everything is indirect. In the city, everyone has jobs or roles that require them to deliver things from one place to another, often things that you don’t necessarily even see or deal with. Dock workers move goods in crates they don’t see to be warehoused by merchants they don’t know for the purchase by businesses they don’t frequent. Even the rural farm life of Visente tends towards this, where people who grow their own food still send the majority of it ‘up’ the canals, towards the cities, and tend to rely on things sent from the same. Even the exchanges between adventurers and druids tend to be two other people’s business.
This tends to produce a profound feeling of cooperative interconnectedness in some and a feeling of profound alienation in others. The national character tends towards being extremely romantic, in the sense that Visente people are prone to assuming that feelings are the most important things, and that feeling very hard is enough of a reason to get to do something — a society of dreamers and ambitious hopefuls, all convinced they can make it big in the cities. This can often run headlong into problems of a lack of resources to make those dreams come true, meaning that everyone knows someone whose story ends in a complete downer, but maybe it won’t for me.
This is also why almost everyone who lives in one of the cities knows someone who is probably a criminal, or failing that definitely a criminal.
Visente City Character Concepts
Here are some common ideas for the kinds of characters that you might be able to make from Visente’s cities:
A dashing, dual-wielding swashbuckler
A chancy swindler with a dream
A criminal syndicate heavy hitter
A scholarly mage from one of the city’s universities
A detail-oriented clerk or fixer for a business
Outside of the cities, there is the rural and forested area of Visent. These forests are primarily evergreen, hardy and handle the snow and rain very well. Across the land there are small villages and townships, usually dedicated to a particular form of industry that they then deliver to the cities. This can mean a town where a shocking number of people bake bread, make shoes, grow a particular type of fruit, nut, or herb, and these villages are often extremely pastoral if not a little quaint in their reliance on the city industries.
Another element of the rural life is the importance of druidic culture. Growth of crops, maintenance of the canals and the calming of the weather is all done by druidic ritual, which also means that almost every town has some dedicated behaviour or local belief which is for the benefit of a local druid, who typically negotiate some long-term plan that they hope will make the area better for nature and to maintain balance with the city over time.
Visente Rural Character Concepts
Here are some common ideas for the kinds of characters that you might be able to make from Visente’s wilderness areas:
A village’s guardian ranger
A druid pursuing some obscure ends
A scholar seeking to understand ancient druidic traditions
Art by Matteo Bassini
Faith is important to the people of Visente but it’s much like a local sport team, where the more local an area is, the more specific their interest, and the more likely you are to be very invested in that specificity. Broadly speaking, there are three categories of faiths of Visente, presenting the City Gods, the Druidic Circle Gods, and the internationally represented Great Faiths.
Great Faiths are the churches represented worldwide that have some relationship to the society of Visente. The gods most represented in this category in a public, clearly known way are Palescai, Mror, Gwynnym and the Briarhorn, who each have representation enough in the society that people recognise their names and businesses or community groups that relate to them. Evil gods are most known by how people swear about them, which is how most people of Visente know the Fortuneseeker: Some common swears include ‘fortune’s teeth’ and ‘red hand take you,’ referencing that god.
The Druidic Circle Gods range from other internationally known gods like Acydea and the Briarhorn as typical divine fonts of nature worship, but the complicated druidic traditions of Visente mean that there is a veritable daily calendar of increasingly specific gods of different scopes that the this tradition ostensibly worships all equally; in any given day, there’s a single small deity’s festival, but also gods of larger scope are honored in that week, of a larger scope still that month, then with four nation-wide gods of seasons, and the years being marked as belonging to specific internationally-known nature Gods. This level of detail is in part assisted by the work of the Great Henge, which has enough room and detail on it to account for a sprawling ecosystem of gods, and the Druidic tradition’s vision of an interconnected nature means that if you worship this tradition, you probably know, or can intuit from week to week, where in that complex calendar you lie and who is being honoured by that week’s deeds.
Finally, there are the three gods of the cities, Aphaethen, Ciltroen, and Ettris. Myths about these gods present three generally recognised common origins for them:
They are the divinely exalted spirits of the city’s founders, hence their names
They are sibling deities who each adopted a city when Visente proved itself worthy
They are three aspects of one god that blessed the union of the cities and doesn’t know it’s known by three identities
Whatever your flavour of those beliefs you have, the actual presentation of them is highly flexible within the city: usually, cities represent them as individuals, with each one having something about their depiction that shows two identical things to represent the other two cities. This also plays into a coincidental historical note that a large number of Visente’s more known heroes tend towards wielding two weapons or sword-and-shield styles, making it something of an iconic image of the Visente cultural character.
The three cities are extremely open to travellers. They have services available for travellers, short-term lodgings for money, and even workplaces where you can stay that pay for your rest. Work is freely available, if at rates that exploit people’s lack of established roots. If you’re travelling on from the cities, you’ll usually be able to get jobs transporting, selling, or guarding canal boats, letting you move up the system. There’s also a lot of demand for entertainers in the cities, on the higher echelons of the cities — there’s almost always a masquerade or a ball happening every week, and there’s always work for people who know how to take orders. Of course, these can often introduce travellers to the kinds of security measures that these cities use to maintain their idyllic lifestyle.
A thing most travellers will notice is that Visente is a nation completely untouched by the typical norm of proximity to the Eresh Protectorate and its highway. It’s one of the only states which does not recognise legal authority of church knights, and does not have any element of the King’s Highway present in the borders. Travel across the country and throughout the cities is overwhelmingly done by canal boat, and the cities are designed to be largely about foot traffic. This is also the root of the rumour that Visente people are allergic to horses: The cities do not permit horses or wagons in travel routes, though there are horses pulling canal boats, powering walking pulleys, and doing other transport jobs down in the lower levels of the city.
Dal Raeda and the Eresh Protectorates do not have a particular position on Visente and its cities; some military types may believe the city lacks for a seriously powerful military force and therefore, it’s a non-factor in military engagements. By comparison, it’s pretty common for the Visente to take a ‘wait and see’ position there – there’s even been some claims about the idea that we can do war wholesale, but none of these ideas have been contested. The unknown factor in all of this is how the druidic circles of the country consider themselves and whether they care about defending the cities or not.
Art by Marc Simonetti
Trade is the blood that flows along those canals. Almost every major settlement in Visente is built around some form of trade, and even the criminal syndicates that operate in the city stylise themselves as business-oriented, not turf-oriented.
Note that there are some things that Visente doesn’t export, but do sell to exporters. This is a distinction without much difference – people bring transport to the city, buy huge quantities of a product at a marked up rate, then travel away with it and sell it on at other locations. This is usually tied to the rules of some druidic pact: A lot of the food that Visente produces is to be used for the people’s advantage, and this practice is maintained so that the businesspeople can claim to the druids that they’re keeping true to the deal.
This also plays into your normal everyday life: Poor and working class people in Visente have definitely had fresh fruit and vegetables, but only the things that are grown within the country, and almost no goods that are – for one reason or another – not permitted for production in the country. This means that chefs and food prep in the cities tend to consider things in terms of their methods, more than their ingredients.
Makes and Sells: Visente grows huge amounts of fruit and vegetables, but also lots of books, musical compositions, and also manufacture some of the best glass in the world. They also export fine weaponry and magical scholarship. Wants and Buys: Almost all fine goods that other cultures can make in bulk; refined materials like oil, and steel. Small-level consumable foodstuffs like cases of wine for an individual party rather than commercial import scale quantities. Also, to many people’s surprise, they tend to buy boats from the shipyards of Amenti, rather than build their own.
Important Sites
At the end of the Sendu river, Araduin is positioned between the clefts of two coastal cliffs, where the clouds famously tumble down the mountains and leave only the tops of the city’s skyscraper towers jut free from the mists. It’s coastal, and renowned for its high arch vaulted lifts that support the city over a vast dock that lets the canal boats and oceangoing vessels do trade with one another.
High up in the mountains at the headwaters of the Sendu river, Duinsiva is a cold city, renowned for its snowy landscapes and the beautiful architecture used to direct wind away from the wealthiest places. This has the effect of making the poorer districts colder and windier, while vast glass windows look out on swirling snowflakes in well-heated apartments.
Midway along the Sendu river, the city of Viduinta is renowned for its adventurers guild, who are famous for their recruiters and an organisation program that finds adventurers outside of the city to try and do the many tasks needed to best please the druids of Visente.
The Endless Henge
Druids do not necessarily view money as an inherent good. This means that there’s a real challenge in finding ways that the businesses of Visente can ‘pay’ for the services of the druids. One of the things that has happened, over the course of many years, is that the Visente business leaders have been spending money renovating and expanding and developing and contributing to the development of a henge in the middle of the woods. The endless henge is now over a kilometer across, with elaborately crafted reliefs and carefully cultivated plants and the finest development that money can buy. The result is that the henge is a very important site, visited by adventurers protecting travellers and tourists, and occasionally, the druids it was made for even show up.
The Endless Henge is still being built.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
A survey published on Monday by the farmers' union paper Maaseudun Tulevaisuus (siirryt toiseen palveluun) found that 60 percent of respondents say that they fear an increase in violent crime in public places.
According to the paper, the survey specifically asked interviewees about their fears of an increase in violent crime in general, not the fear of personally becoming a victim of violence.
Such violence-related fears were found to be greatest on average in densely populated municipalities, where 66 percent said they are worried about the issue.
Helsinki was the exception, where 54 percent said they are afraid of an increase in violent crime and 38 are not.
Markus Kaakinen, a researcher at the Academy of Finland told the paper that high profile coverage of violent crimes in the media has contributed to fears, especially among those relying on social or so-called alternative media.
"Fear is not necessarily related to the probability of ending up as a target of violence or robbery on the street, but to the perception of street violence as a serious and scary phenomenon," said Kaakinen.
The survey, commissioned by Maaseudun Tulevaisuus, was carried out by Kantar TNS Agri in December. A bit more than 1,000 residents of legal age responded to the questions posed.
Windpower worries
The fate of Finland's electrical power system this winter depends on the movements of air masses, writes Helsingin Sanomat (siirryt toiseen palveluun). On a calm, frosty day, Finland's electricity production capacity is about a third lower than on a windy one.
The paper notes that on average, according to statistics from the power grid operator Fingrid, wind power plants have produced electricity at 32 percent of nominal capacity this year. This corresponds to the long-term average, as wind production is inevitably variable.
On average, wind turbines produce up to 50 percent more electricity in the winter season as in the summer. In winter, it is windier and the air can also be denser.
However, statistically, winds are calmer during periods of intensely cold weather.
It is for this reason, HS points out, that the entire energy sector is now very tensely watching winds and temperatures.
The situation is being further strained by the fact that Teollisuuden Voima on Friday announced yet another delay in bringing its third reactor into full production at the Olkiluoto nuclear power plant.
HS writes that according to Fingrid, by 2025, there will be twice as much wind power capacity in Finland as there is now, altogether around 10,000 megawatts. This will be as much as all other electricity production capacity combined.
Cheap electricity from wind power is expected to attract a lot of hydrogen production.
When needed, hydrogen can be burned in existing power plants and thus produce supplementary electricity. The efficiency ratio is poor, but if there is plenty of wind power, generating electricity with hydrogen is profitable.
Helsingin Sanomat says that this winter, however, this is still a utopia. There is a shortage of electricity throughout Europe. There is nothing to be done but hope for windy weather.
Police evacuate, search train in Oulu
Oulu's Kaleva reports (siirryt toiseen palveluun) that police stopped Sunday evening's Rovaniemi to Helsinki express train at Oulu railway station, evacuated passengers and searched the train before it was allowed to continue on its way.
According to the Oulu police, the stop was made as a precaution due to a threat that came to the attention of the authorities. Information about the threat came a little after eight in the evening.
One person has been detained in Kemi in connection with the incident. Police there are continuing an investigation into the matter.
Government minister down with Covid
Ilta-Sanomat reports that Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services Krista Kiuru (SDP) has tested positive for coronavirus (siirryt toiseen palveluun).
Kiuru, who has been one of the government's key decision-makers in matters related to the coronavirus pandemic, made the announcement in a tweet late Sunday evening.
Among current tasks related to the pandemic, Kiuru has been heading a working group that is scheduled to turn in recommendations on treatment for long Covid by the end of this year.
Blizzard on the way
Iltalehti writes (siirryt toiseen palveluun) that high winds and heavy snows are expected to hit the south coast on Monday at around 5 pm.
According to FMI Meteorologist Petteri Pyykö, the first cities to feel the blizzard's blast will be Helsinki, Kotka and Hanko.
The storm is forecast to bring strong northeasterly winds and high gusts with temperatures of around -10 degrees.
Driving conditions in Uusimaa, Kymenlaakso and South Karelia will be very bad starting in the afternoon.
Commuter train services in the capital region will be cut back on Monday with A-trains and K-trains running at 20-minute intervals.
Local train services in Kotka have been canceled.
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