#charonte is upset because he thinks he should have been the one to take them actually
ladynicte · 1 year
Bianca and Nico being stillborns, because no matter how badly Hades wanted to actually be there for their birth, he just couldn't make it, so instead, the second they are born their souls get picked up by Thanatos, so Hades can see them.
It's only for a minute at most, where Maria cradles her children to her chest, and they don't cry or breathe, they are cold, and their hearts don't beat.
And then, just as quickly, their souls are returned to the world of the living, and they give their first cry of life.
Afterwards, when Maria is introducing her children to their father directly for the first time, and giving Hades the scolding of his inmortal life simultaneously, for scaring her like that, Hades doesn't really have anything to say on his defense, except that he just couldn't wait to meet his children.
And well, Nico takes after his father, Hazel learns that better than ever before, when her own child is a stillborn, and Nico's only defense is that he was way too excited to meet his little nephew, he just couldn't wait.
Hazel swears that if she didn't love her brother so much, she would kill him herself, just for scaring her like that.
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