lachesis-games · 2 years
If the Trouvaille cast had to date someone from another IF, who would they choose?
Oh good god that is an awesome question and I spent an absurd amount of time hemming and hawing over it. Note that this is who they'd pick themselves, not necessarily who would suit him the best.
Jackie: Marco from "Blood Moon" by @barbwritesstuff - Jackie appreciates someone who can find some levity in tough situations and it's good for them to have someone as fiercely loyal as they are. Also hot werewolf.
TV: D from "A Tale of Crowns" by @ataleofcrowns - They'd like how strong and stable they are. They’re generally unflappable where TV is extremely flappable so they'd admire them. Since they're both shy, the two of them would be a disaster to watch flirt (read: attempt to flirt).
Theo: Rylan from "When Twilight Strikes" by @evertidings - Another really hard one. They're both hot, love flirting, and fear commitment. It's a match made in heaven. Actually, it's a match that wouldn't work out well as a serious romantic relationship but it would be a strong friendship with benefits.
Dakota: Sydero from "Superstition" by @13leaguestories - Didn't even have to think about this one. He sees mean magic lady and he's gone, deceased, perished.
Antigone: Ambrose Kim from "Mind Blind" by @mindblindbard - Kim is objective, precise, and capable and Annie would be a total mess for him. Also he's 30 and that soothes her immortal heart since she normally gets hit on by younger adults and it's a little weird for her.
Check out all these stories! They're all amazingly written and I wish clear skin and a plump ass on all these authors.
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lachesis-games · 2 years
What's the dumbest thing the cast has done (for both casts)?
These asks are getting juicy omg
Jackie: Let their college roommate taser them in the ass while drunk. Then let them taser their nipples while sober. (Just two of many many many dumb things that are too plentiful to list)
TV: Told the Dominos guy "I love you" on the phone after ordering pizza. Has not gone back since.
Theo: Went to a fancy party and saw a stack of mints on a plate on the way out. They tried one only to find that the mint was, in fact, a tiny soap.
Jace: After a 36 hour workday, went to a drive thru so he could stuff his face with something before he passed out. But he was so out of it that when the dude taking his order asked what he wanted to drink, he said, "Barbecue." He corrected himself but then sat there for like a minute trying to remember the word "Pepsi."
Dakota: Tried to prove he could fit a whole egg in his mouth. Getting it in was the easy part.
Antigone: Got 20 minutes of sleep one night. Dumped her cereal into her plant and nearly drank Miracle-Gro.
Hell or High Water
Castor: Burnt the crap out of his hand making microwave mac and cheese. He didn't know he wasn't supposed to saran wrap it and when he took the plastic off - FWOOM. (This is his #2 dumbest thing actually)
Sabine: A guy blatantly insulted her (sort of on accident) but it was hilarious so she ended up obsessed with him for the next 4 years.
Jess: Snuck into a hangar on base and tried to take a prototype helicopter for a joyride. She'd have been arrested and court martialed if her dad didn't know her so well.
Mina: Is super allergic to peanut butter but needed to taste that creamy goodness one more time so she ate a spoonful from the jar then immediately epi penned herself.
Matthias: Accompanied his father for a business dinner. Introduced himself to his father's investor and his lovely daughter. Except that was his wife.
The Rival: A friend told them they were pregnant and they said, "Yikes, what are you gonna do?" Then realized that that friend was married and was actually trying to start a family.
The Shadow: Has been saying "human bean" instead of "human being" their whole life since mishearing it once when they were a kid. The logic of it has not occurred to them.
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lachesis-games · 2 years
What kind of huggers are the main characters? For both games please!
Crack-your-spine level squeezers
Jackie, Dakota, Jess
Soft, tender hugs
TV, Antigone
Throws their arms around your neck
Matthias, The Shadow
Tentatively hugs you back, somewhat surprised to be hugged
Theo, The Rival, Sabine
Cradles your head to their chest
Castor, Jace
Pats you on the back with a grabber tool
Mina (gets sick easily)
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lachesis-games · 2 years
between your two games, who would get along the least?
Ooohhhhh lord y'all are asking the hard questions lately. Neither of these groups are especially pugnacious so there would have to be some preexisting tension for any substantial arguments to come out.
Jackie would be too up in Mina's space for her tastes. She's social on her own terms and Jackie has some problems toning it down, but it's not as bad as some of these other pairs.
Matthias can sense that something's not right with TV. He wears a social mask every day, he can sense that how TV acts is not who they really are, except they don't seem aware of their underlying personality and it makes Matthias nervous.
Theo and Castor would have problems because Theo is technically a criminal and Castor doesn't play games with the law. Cas would also not get along with Jace because they're both usually in charge so they'd butt heads.
Dakota would think The Rival is a spineless jerk (for reasons that have to do with their identity and motivations in the story). Most of the ”Trouvaille” cast would, save for maybe Theo respecting the hustle but even that would be a stretch.
Antigone and The Shadow would hate hate hate each other. Shadow's behavior drives Annie nuts because she thinks they act like a willing pawn in someone else's game.
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lachesis-games · 2 years
to the whole cast (if thats ok) what are your guys' favorite animals and why?
The gang lounges in the Ipomoea living room. Jackie and Theo sit beside each other on the couch while TV and Antigone have taken up opposite armchairs. Dakota is perched atop the arm rest of Antigone's seat. Jackie leans forward eagerly.
Jackie: "Oh, that's easy. Wolves."
How come?
Jackie: "They're just the ultimate predator. They have all the evolutionary equipment to be killers and at the same time they're smart enough to hunt in packs and have a hierarchy and everything. It's badass! I'd pet one if I got the chance."
Theo: "You would be mauled."
Jackie shrugs.
Jackie: "You don't know that."
Theo shakes their head in disbelief.
Theo: "I'm fairly certain that--"
TV: "Anyway! My favorite animal is a deer. They're such gentle creatures. I went hiking with everyone last weekend and saw a doe and her fawn. They were so precious."
Is that the only reason?
TV: "I mean, I feel drawn to them. I think. I'm not sure why. Probably because they're cute?"
A crooked smile crosses Jackie's face.
Jackie: "TV, have you seen a movie called Bambi?"
Antigone: "Shut up, Romero."
TV: "I know it's a Disney movie. Is it any good?"
Jackie: "Yes!"
Antigone: "No."
Jackie just laughs and leans back in their chair while TV looks confused.
Theo: "I like wyverns. When I was in my twenties, I had the opportunity to see the British Wyvern Races in person. It was a sight to behold, for sure."
The BWR one of the largest betting events in Britain. Did you make any wagers?
Theo scoffs, insulted.
Theo: "I'd never make an agreement so foolish. The trick to the matter is to wait until someone else's recklessness outweighs their luck. Then I offer them a deal. That is my trade."
TV: "How ominous."
Theo just hums dismissively.
Dakota's eyes light up.
Dakota: "Obviously my--"
Antigone cuts him off.
Antigone: "Charmander is not an animal."
Dakota huffs indignantly.
Dakota: "If you knew me, you'd know I was going to say charizard, but fine. Um, a little after I started monster hunting, once I got really good, I took this job dealing with this town's disappearing cattle. Turns out there was a freakin' chimera living in a cave nearby. I ended up having to fight it and turns out the thing won't die unless you kill all the heads. I wish I knew that going in, but whatever. Anyway, those things are awesome-looking and are great opponents."
Antigone wrinkles her nose.
Antigone: "Is that what you took from that encounter?"
She looks toward the interviewer.
Antigone: "He got overconfident and got himself bit. Luckily, he only broke his arm because it was the goat's head that got him. If it were either of the other two, he'd be dead."
Jackie: "Out of the two other dangerous animals to get bit by, the goat's the one that got him?"
Dakota: "I was worried about the massive lion paws! Excuse me for putting the goat at the bottom of my priority list!"
Jackie: "I could take out a chimera without getting bit. I'm built different."
Dakota: "Oh yeah? Theo, could one of your weird contacts track down a chimera for us to fight?"
Theo already has their phone out.
Theo: "I can have a location in ten minutes."
Oh lord. What about you, Antigone?
The witch and TV share a grimace before the former refocuses on the topic at hand.
Antigone: "Dogs. I like dogs."
Care to elaborate?
Antigone: "No."
Jackie: "I know where that is!"
The three of them, TV not included, are hunched over Theo's phone looking at what seems like a map.
Dakota: "I'll drive!"
Dakota and Jackie trip over each other on their way out the door, Theo strolling leisurely behind them. TV gives the interviewer an embarrassed smile.
TV: "We'd better go after them."
Antigone: "Do we, though?"
TV: "Please, Annie?"
Antigone: "Fine."
The final two follow after the rest of their group. There are hurried footsteps back to the door, where Jackie pokes their head back in.
Jackie: "By the way, my brother's favorite animal is a phoenix. He's big into the concept of rebirth and all that crap blah blah blah okay I'm leaving bye!"
The door slams shut behind them.
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lachesis-games · 2 years
Trouvaille Game Snippet: (because Aya is impatient)
"This." Jackie gestures vaguely with his arm, "This is a public toilet."
"What an astute observation."
Hovering just outside the doorway, Theo pipes up, "As unsanitary as this is, I must agree that this is the only place possible. The next may be several states over."
Your mismatched group stands around a poorly-managed bathroom in an isolated building on the side of the rest stop. The mirror is unusable due to the load of graffiti etched into its surface. There's (hopefully) unused toilet paper on the ground and the smell keeps half of you at bay outside the door.
Dakota gestures towards Theo with his head. "If even that one agrees we gotta do it here, then we gotta do it here." He takes off his flannel and hands it to Antigone, who presses it against her nose.
"Fine." Her voice is nasally through the fabric. Before she enters the cramped bathroom, she waves her hand and a few stems of lavender sprout from the sewer grate.
It doesn't help.
"Get in here," she orders Theo. The mage reluctantly obliges and together they draw a series of sigils in the damp concrete around the porcelain bowl.
They dust their hands off once finished and you take that as your cue to hold both of them by the shoulder.
Your heart surges and the magic users close their eyes. When they open, their eyes glow in the color of their respective magics. Together, they chant in that whispering language that Theo once told you is the language of the Old World.
The feeling of them using your reserve magic feels something akin to getting blood drawn. Adrenaline flushes your veins and the heat in your chest burns hotter, then subsides as the power surging through your friends eases. In their place, the water inside the toilet glows brightly.
For all the magic that just took place, the bathroom still smells like a bathroom.
TV pats Theo, who is looking quite pale, on the arm. Antigone rocks on her feet beside you, but Dakota is quick to take his place behind her.
"You alright?" he asks quietly.
She waves him off, "I'll be better when we're out of this disgusting bathroom. I don't even want to know what that's for."
Your line of sight follows to a suspicious hole in the wall. You decide not to ask questions.
"So, what now?" Jackie asks.
"One of us has to go through first to maintain the transportation spell from that side," Theo says.
"Okay," Antigone nods. "Have fun with that."
"I meant you."
"Cute, but no."
"Well, I shouldn't--"
Jackie digs a quarter out of his pocket and flips it in the air.
"Heads," Theo calls.
After catching the coin and smacking it on his wrist, Jackie says, "It's tails."
"Thank god," Antigone mumbles.
Theo lets out a long-suffering sigh and the contrast of her stepping her designer shoe into a public toilet is not one you'll soon forget. She taps the handle and disappears with the sound of swirling water.
"I'm not doing that," Jackie grimaces.
"You have to," Antigone deadpans. You see both of their hackles raise and feel a headache coming on.
"You must be out of your damn mind if you--"
"I'll get in the toilet goddamn it!" you shout.
Jackie has the decency to look chastised but he's the only one. The light pulses gently and Antigone's eyes begin to glow once more.
"Hurry up. We can't maintain this forever and we don't want Theo waiting on that side alone for too long."
Taking a deep breath you put your foot in the bowl. Luckily, you don't feel any water seeping through your shoe. You reach down to tap the handle and the world disappears in a swirl of light.
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lachesis-games · 2 years
Trouvaille Cast Voice Claims:
Note that these are just the voices I listen to for reference while I try to get dialogue down. Feel free to imagine them however you like!
Male: Donald Glover
Female: Rosa Diaz
Male: Osamu Dazai from BSD (Mamoru Miyano)
(He's Japanese but TV's manner of speech and his tone is a lot softer and smoother than most English-speaking men, so that's why it's like that)
Also it's Dazai specifically, Mamoru Miyano's other roles don't sound quite right
Female: Amanda Seyfried
Male: Regé-Jean Page
Female: Estelle (god I love her)
Jace: Val Kilmer
Antigone: Sharon Stone
Dakota: Ryan McCartan
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lachesis-games · 2 years
“I could body your ass with my eyes closed! Tell ‘em, Art Kid!” Jackie calls over to you.
Not looking up from your book, you murmur, “Mhm, three pointers, home run, get the ball.”
Jackie squawks in indignation and Dakota takes the opportunity to drive past him and score another point.
You and the rest of your questionable group of friends are lounging in the living room of Ipomoea. Jackie had decided to make an impulse purchase while the two of you were wandering around the dollar store, one of those cheap plastic basketball hoops that you stick to the back of a door. The two of you had barely entered the building when your best friend challenged Dakota to a one-on-one match.
“You always did give me benchwarmer vibes, Romero.” Dakota tosses the little ball to Jackie with a smug look.
“We’re basically tied, dickwad!”
You and Antigone share a look over the top of your book. She just shakes her head in resignation and finishes cleaning some sort of powdered herb off of her workbench. She mentioned that it was originally a wet bar when the last owner had the place.
“Alright, well-” she brushes off her hands and says “-you two have fun with that.” The aging wood floor creaks under her feet as she makes her way up the stairs. “I’ll take a shower and head to bed.”
At that, Dakota’s head snaps around like an owl. Seeming to sense the danger, Antigone stops in her tracks and eyes him warily.
“What do you wa–”
“If I make this basket, lemme join you.” Dakota is so excited he’s just about vibrating.
His mischievous gaze is met with an exasperated one. Jackie once made the mistake of asking the pair what they were to each other. You remember it well because you were the one who had to apply antiseptic to his cheek when Antigone whipped a vine across it so hard it broke skin. Surface-level evidence suggests that Dakota has some degree of one-sided feelings, but if the attention really was unwanted, you have no doubts that Antigone would make that abundantly clear.
“Dude, we can just go to Mango's tomorrow night and find a girl for you there. This is a non-simping household,” Jackie says, straightening up from his defensive stance.
“As Michael Scott once said: you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take,” Dakota says matter-of-factly.
“Wayne Gretsky said that.”
Dakota turns back to his… girlfriend? Friend with benefits? Mistress? That last one is really weird to think about but you can’t be too sure. Honestly you don’t know. At least the current situation rules out them being related. He gives her puppy eyes that make you almost want to back him up.
After a long consideration, Antigone crosses her arms and leans against the banister.
“Alright, fine. Make it good.”
Dakota whoops and turns to his opponent. “Jackie, come through,” he begs.
It’s Jackie’s turn to wear the evil look. “Oh, no. After you were talking shit for the last hour? No way, your ass is getting cockblocked.”
It’s faint, but you think you hear Antigone mutter “men” under her breath. All things considered, you had to agree.
“We’re doing this the hard way, then. Count us down, sexy mama,” Dakota says, getting into a ready position, Jackie set to defend in front of him. Antigone scrunches her nose at the nickname.
TV’s legs shift in your lap. She covers her eyes with her hands.
“Please don’t hurt each other!” she begs.
Antigone snaps from above, “Be careful without your rivets! I am not fixing your nose a thirteenth time!”
This time it’s Theo’s turn to say something despite him having been blissfully disconnected from the conversation while he perused Antigone’s bookshelves.
“He’s broken his nose twelve times?” he asks in bewilderment.
Rubbing the bridge of her nose, she replies, “Yes, because he is an idiot. His studs aren’t a fashion choice, they keep his nose stable.” Under closer scrutiny, you realize that what you thought were piercings on the bridge of his nose were gone nor did they leave holes.
“It’s fine!” Dakota brings you all back to the matter at hand. ”This will be over quickly.”
“That what your last hookup said to you?” Jackie taunts him. TV claps a hand over her mouth beside you. Even she’s trying to hold in a laugh.
Antigone sighs and with the energy of a slug, begrudgingly counts them down. “Let’s get this over with. Three. Two. One. Go.”
The hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. TV shudders beside you and Dakota’s left eye flushes orange. You blink once and all of a sudden Jackie gets thrown into the wall hard enough to crack it, his head smacking loudly against it. The hoop and net are crushed on the floor while the little plastic ball rolls away. There’s a chance your eyes are still catching up with what happened, but you swear the ball is smoking.
“Goddamn,” Jackie groans, sliding down the wall.
Above you, you hear a quiet, “Shit.”
The next thing you know, you’ve been hit in the face with a wad of fabric while a shirtless Dakota bolts up the stairs. Antigone takes the opportunity to turn tail and run away with the larger boy hot on her heels. The door slams behind them and the four of you are draped in silence, save for Jackie’s groans of pain.
“I forgot that the power of boners is like having superpowers.” Jackie rubs his aching shoulder.
“I mean, he did have superpowers to begin with, sort of.” TV chimes in.
Theo lounges on the settee. “Is it odd that I sort of want what they have?”
“What even is it that they have?” Jackie asks.
You wish you knew.
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lachesis-games · 2 years
Hi, Aya! Hope you’re doing well! I wanted to ask what are the cast’s guilty pleasures?
Hello~ I'm doing, haha! Here ya go!
Jackie is an Olivia Rodrigo FANATIC. As in, almost slipped dancing dramatically to "Happier" whilst in the shower level of fanatic. They will take this secret to their grave.
Trouvaille would wear hoe clothes if they had the confidence lol. They're too shy and modest but the last time they had to go undercover, Jackie offered them leather pants/ a leather miniskirt and let's just say their resolve was tESTED.
Theo wouldn't be caught dead eating fast food but there's a place in Sac called Kiki's that serves Kiki's Fries, which is fat french fries topped with ranch, blue cheese, buffalo sauce, and chopped chicken strips. They'd NEVER eat that crap individually, but together, they can't resist.
Dakota feels very little shame in general so this isn't really a "guilty" pleasure, but he's totally into weird women. Like the Mother Spider Demon from Demon Slayer? Yeah, he totally thinks she's hot.
Antigone loves 80's music. Dakota's parents had a whole collection of cassettes that Dakota now plays daily. She has "It's All Coming Back to Me" by Céline Dion memorized.
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lachesis-games · 3 years
ROs as memes?
*cracks knuckles* Thank you! I’ve been waiting for this ask. Btw these are all memes I already had.
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Dakota and Antigone, respectively:
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lachesis-games · 3 years
MC: "If I run and leap at [RO], they will most certainly catch me in their arms."
Jackie: Sees you running, thinks you're running towards them, not at them. Turns and starts running too because they think something's chasing you.
"Trouvaille": Scoops you up into their arms and twirls you around (Even if you're bigger. They have super strength. Enjoy.)
Theo: Moves out of the way on instinct but helps you up afterwards. Will smooch any injuries you sustained.
Dakota: Catches you, then runs into an imaginary end zone and celebrates his glorious 'touchdown'.
Antigone: Moves out of the way but you land on a patch of soft grass you're pretty sure wasn't there before.
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lachesis-games · 3 years
In-Game Quotes from the RO's (& Ipomoea duo):
“Comin’ in!”
“Wait, I’m in the shower!” you cry.
Jackie throws the door open and grabs her toothbrush off the sink. Using your toothpaste, she shoves the brush in her mouth and scrubs away.
“Your showers take way too long. I have places to be.”
They pull a towel off the rack and stroll out into the living room without closing the bathroom door behind them. Fucker.
The quite naked, admittedly heavy person panics at your compromising position.
“I--I’m sorry, I’m not usually naked! Well, I am, but I’m also normally made of marble, so this is a new development pleasedon’tthinkI’mapervert!”
They get off of you and stand up, placing their hands to cover their more intimate parts.
The attractive stranger regards you with faint amusement. Your tangent comes to an abrupt stop as you reel in your excitement.
“Sorry, I just, uh, am really passionate about this project.”
They hum, “There’s nothing more enticing than someone who pours their heart and soul into their work.” Handing you a business card, they say, "Come visit me when you get the chance, darling." Their tongue darts out to wet their bottom lip. "You can show me a little more of that passion up close and personal."
Antigone & Dakota:
Dakota grabs one of the large mushrooms off the counter and sings into it like a microphone.
“Cut my life into pieces! This is my last resort!” He headbangs to his own tune. “Supplication! No breathin’!”
Antigone opens her mouth for the first time. “Isn’t the lyric ‘suffocation, no breathing’?” Her voice is a bit raspy, likely from the previous spell.
“What was that, Annie?” Dakota pauses his sideshow with a faint smile he tries to suppress.
Mortar and pestle forgotten, Antigone says, “If the next lyric is ‘no breathing’ then wouldn’t it make sense for the previous line to be--”
She cuts herself off at the mischievous grin splitting his face.
“I hate you.”
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lachesis-games · 3 years
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Send me more of these! Do it!
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lachesis-games · 2 years
Hi, Jackie! I saw that you went to UCLA that's where I went! What was your favorite spot on campus?
The gang is once again in the living room of Ipomoea, having crammed themselves onto one couch. Jackie and Dakota on the floor in front, while Theo perches on the arm rest. TV sits comfortably with Antigone on the seats.
Jackie: "At UCLA?"
They fiddle with their rings.
Jackie: "I like The Hill. It's-- Well, it's a hill with a long ass staircase. I like the outdoors, so it's a nice spot.
Theo tilts their head and stares down at Jackie. The others don't seem to notice until Theo says abruptly.
Theo: "You're lying."
Jackie blinks hard.
Jackie: "What do you mean?"
Theo: "Exactly what I said. I'm an empath, I can tell."
Jackie: "You're one of those people?"
Theo: "No, my magic is fueled by emotion. I can feel the guilt of lies radiating off of you. Why lie about something so trivial?"
TV: "Lay off them, Theo."
Theo: "I won't. I'm interested now."
Theo leans forward.
Theo: "Tell us."
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lachesis-games · 2 years
So uhh… How would that Chimera fight go? Not sure if I should be worried or grabbing popcorn… 👁👁
TV runs a hand through their curls and looks nervously at Dakota and Jackie, who are in the middle of a large clearing in the woods. After a short ride northeast, they arrived at the location sent by Theo's contact. The two of them are stretching and doing their warm up routines. Theo has situated themselves in a lawn chair, sipping a martini. No one else is quite sure where they got that.
TV: "You should be worried. Definitely worried. I am. You're going to talk them out of this, right?"
TV turns to face Antigone. She's set her own lawn chair at the edge of the clearing and is making Jiffy Pop on a camping stove. She looks up.
Antigone: "Sorry, what are we talking about?"
TV: "You have to be at least a little nervous about this fight!"
Seeing that the popcorn is done, she clicks the stove off.
Antigone: "Dakota beat one of those on his own when he was younger. It took forever and he broke pretty much all his bones, but he beat it. He should be better now. I think."
TV: "You think?!"
TV grows visibly stressed.
Antigone: "You can relax. I'm here, Theo's here. We'll step in if things take a turn for the worse."
She raises her voice.
Antigone: "Right, Theo?"
From their place a few meters away, Theo's only acknowledgement is them raising their martini in the air. TV eyes Antigone skeptically, a look that is ignored.
Antigone: "Dakota! Rivets!"
Dakota jogs over and bends at the waist so she could reach his face. Pushing her sunglasses to the top of her head, she tilts his chin up with a gentle touch of her fingers. She holds the two metal bits up to the bridge of his nose. The rivets pulse purple once, then fly up to secure themselves on opposite sides of his nose.
Antigone: "Feel okay?"
Dakota scrunches his nose a few times.
Dakota: "A little tight, but they're stable."
Antigone: "I can redo it."
Dakota: "Nah, it's probably for the best."
Antigone: "If you say so. Send Romero over here for me."
Dakota jogs back to Jackie, who does a double take. There's a short exchange between them before Jackie goes over.
Jackie: "What's up, Salem?"
Instead of answering, Antigone grips their jaw in one hand, uncaring about her sharp black nails. She waves a hand over their face and by the time they pull back, they're sporting two silver rivets identical to Dakota's.
Jackie: "Hey, what gives?"
Antigone: "If you break your nose, fixing it will become my problem. I'm just making less work for me. I don't need to hear your nasally whining anyhow."
Jackie rolls their eyes.
Jackie: "Uh huh. Well, thanks anyway, Salem."
Antigone: "Yeah, whatever. Just make sure you signal me before you get too overwhelmed. I don't have any of the battle magics, you need to give me time to help you."
Jackie: "You know, I'm not completely incompetent."
Antigone: "Just be careful. Before you give TV an aneurysm."
TV: "I'm getting there!"
Theo: "Are you all ready, yet? I want to see some screaming already!"
Jackie and Dakota: "Ready!"
Theo's eyes glaze over. They mumble something in the old language. TV, still looking harried, presses play on the portable speaker. The sounds of cattle carries through the clearing. This goes on for some time, long enough for the group to wonder if Theo's contact was to be trusted. Until the ground rumbled their feet and their audio was interrupted by a horrible cacophony of overlapping animal calls.
TV: "Oh god, here we go."
Theo: "This should be good."
The chimera breaks through the clearing, knocking down a row of threes as it crosses the treeline. All three heads roar, bleat, and hiss at once, and the battle begins.
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lachesis-games · 3 years
What would the main cast see in the Mirror of Erised? Would they look into the mirror if given the chance? (Around chapter 1 in-game. Answers would be way different later on)
Jackie: Family
Their parents, brothers, and the Curator wearing ugly Christmas sweaters. Christmas at the Romero household is loud, festive, and they get to come together as a family no matter how busy they all are. That’s all Jackie has ever wanted. Would definitely look in the mirror because they know what they’re going to see and are happy to see it.
[NOTE: This is the runner-up to what they'd see! What they'd actually see is a spoiley spoiler]
Trouvaille: Nothing
Due to their amnesia and the nature of it, they’d see nothing. Not even their own reflection. The mirror would just cloud over, just like their memories. They’d hesitate to look, worried that they might see nothing or they might see people they can’t recognize.
Theo: Their mother
Their mother, in her gingham apron with her hands on their shoulders. She’d have more crow’s feet than when they last saw her and her curly black hair would have more gray in it. They were short for their age as a kid, but they’d tower over her now. if given the chance, Theo would refuse to look at the mirror. They already know what they’re going to see and there’s no point ripping their own heart out for that.
~ Dakota: Family
His parents and grandparents, all looking older than when he last saw them, along with Antigone, who hasn’t really aged, and his dad would be carrying a kid that neither he, Annie, nor Granny Park recognize. He wouldn’t be able to resist looking.
Antigone: Dakota + One (1) Good Girl
Dakota’s kneeling in the floor with both hands rubbing the belly of an overjoyed golden retriever. Her name was Viola. Best not let her see it. she wouldn’t be able to handle the memory. If given the choice, she wouldn’t look. She’s not sure what she’ll see and has no desire to find out.
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