#ch: martino rossi
italiangothicwriteblr · 9 months
3 Pictures Tag
Tagged by @memento-morri-writes
Rules: Post three pictures that remind you of a character or a WIP
I’ll do Martino because I love him
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Tagging: @faithfire @rose-bookblood @tragicbackstoryenjoyer and @ink-fireplace-coffee
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circusfans-italia · 21 days
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TOURNEE: I CIRCHI A MAGGIO 2024 Vai al Circo con lo sconto di Circusfans! CIRCO ACQUATICO TORRES (Torregrossa) Mascalucia (CT) fino al 6 maggio Belpasso (CT) dall'11 al 15 maggio CIRCO ALEX MEDINI (A. e K. Medini) Dronero (CN) dal 3 al 5 maggio Pinerolo (TO) dal 10 al 12 maggio CIRCO ALTEA ORFEI (di Andrea Martini) vedi Paranormal Circus CIRCO AMEDEO ORFEI (di L. Orfei) Cirò Marina (KR) dal 4 al 12 maggio CIRCO ARBELL (Fam. Canestrelli) Colico (LC) dal 3 al 12 maggio CIRCO ARKAR (Fam. Caroli) Rufina (FI) dal 3 al 5 maggio CIRCO ARMANDO ORFEI REVOLUTION (A. Orfei)  Santa Maria Imbaro (CH) dal 1° al 12 maggio CIRCUS ATMOSPHERE (di F. Vassallo) BLACK AND WHITE CIRCUS (U. Takimiri) CIRCO BRAUM (Bucci) Cepagatti (PE) fino al 6 maggio CIRCO BUSNELLI (Busnelli) Mantova dal 2 al 6 maggio Bovolone (VR) dal 9 al 12 maggio CIRCO CASTELLUCCI con LARA ORFEI (di Castellucci-L. Orfei Nones) Martina Franca (TA) fino al 5 maggio CIRCO CESARE TOGNI (Fam. Elvio Togni) fine tournée CIRCO CITTA' DI ROMA (Bizzarro-Saylon) CIRCO DEI SALTIMBANCHI (R. Martino) Sasso Marconi (BO) fino al 5 maggio CIRCO DELLE FAVOLE (di Elio Casu) CIRCO DI BING (di Niemen) Varese fino al 5 maggio CIRCO DI PRAGA - JASON IL CLOWN (Caveagna-Cristiani) fine tournée CIRCO DI VIENNA (S. Vassallo) Maniago (PN) fino al 5 maggio CIRCO DONATO ORFEI (Darix Martini-Zavatta/Monti) Caltanissetta dall'1 al 13 maggio CIRCO DYLAN (Niemen) Signa (FI) fino al 1 maggio Rignano sull'Arno (FI) dal 4 al 19 maggio FAMILY CIRCUS SHOW (di Livio Medini) Santarcangelo di Romagna (RM) fino al 5 maggio Pesaro dal 10 al 25 maggio CIRCO FORSTNER (Loris Sgargi) Frossasco (TO) dal 3 al 5 maggio GRANDE CIRCO ORFEI (Aldo Martini) CIRCO GRAVITY (Rossante) Trento fino al 5 maggio Merano dal 9 al 13 maggio CIRCO GRECA ORFEI (Mavilla)  Savigliano (CN) fino al 5 maggio Carmagnola (TO) dal 9 al 19 maggio CIRCO GRIONI (di Marco Grioni) Cologne (BS) dal 3 al 12 maggio HAPPY CIRCUS DONNA ORFEI (F.lli Medini) Mesagne (BR) fino al 5 maggio CIRCO HARRYSON (Giannuzzi) Pozzoleone (VI) dal 3 al 12 maggio CIRCO HENRY NIUMAN (Intruglio) Amaseno (FR) fino al 1° maggio CIRCO INCANTO (Carbonari) Priverno (Loc. Ceriara, LT) fino al 6 maggio INFINITY CIRCUS (Niemen) Vedi Circo di Bing CIRCO KAROLY (Roberto Caroli) Palma di Montechiaro (AG) dal 2 al 6 maggio KINDER CIRCUS (S. Varesi) CIRCO KINO (Caveagna) Viggiù (VA) fino al 5 maggio Castelletto sopra Ticino (NO) dal 10 al 12 maggio CIRCO LIDIA TOGNI (Vinicio Togni) Bellizzi (SA) fino al 5 maggio Lauria (PZ) dal 10 al 12 maggio Rende (CS) dal 17 maggio al 2 giugno CIRCO LIDIA TOGNI (Davide Canestrelli Togni) chiuso Vedi Dinosauri in Città LIVE CIRCUS (Ciriello) Calvi Risorta (CE) fino al 5 maggio Telese Terme (BN) dal 10 al 20 maggio Pietrelcina (BN) dal 24 maggio al 2 giugno Ariano Irpino (AV) dal 7 al 16 giugno CIRCO MADAGASCAR "Maya Orfei" (Fam. Benito Nini Martini) Terni fino al 5 maggio Viterbo dal 10 al 19 maggio Ardea (RM) dal 24 maggio al 9 giugno CIRCO MARINA ORFEI (di Monti) Grumo Appula (BA) dal 9 al 12 maggio CIRCO MAURO ORFEI (Fam. Canestrelli) Vedi Circo Arbell CIRCO MEXICAN (Codanti) Bellinzago Novarese (NI) dal 3 al 12 maggio CIRCO MILLENNIUM "Mundial" (Fam. R. Coda Prin) fine tournée CIRCO MIRANDA ORFEI (Darix Martini) Lamezia Terme dal 1° al 12 maggio ITALIAN CIRCUS NIUMAN (K. Niemen) Trieste fino al 1° maggio Belluno dall'8 al 19 maggio CIRCUS ODEON (E. Casu) CIRCUS OLLIVER (Denji) in Grecia PARANORMAL CIRCUS (A. Martini) Pescara dal 28 aprile al 19 maggio Milano, Piazzale Cuoco dal 4 ottobre al 3 novembre CIRCO PEPPINO MEDINI (F. Medini) Santhià (VC) fino al 5 maggio PLAY CIRCUS PARK (D. Dell'Acqua) CIRCO RINALDO ORFEI (T. Martini) vedi Circo sull'Acqua CIRCO ROLANDO ORFEI (Coda Prin) Scurcola (AQ) fino al 5 maggio L'Aquila dal 10 al 26 maggio Montorio al Vomano (TE) dal 30 maggio al 2 giugno CIRCO RONY ROLLER (E. Vassallo) con Stefano Orfei Gualdo Tadino (PG) fino al 5 maggio Macerata dal 10 al 20 maggio CIRCO ROSSI (F.lli Rossi) Loreggia (PD) fino al 5 maggio CIRCO ROYAL "Imperial" (Fam. Rudi Dell'Acqua)  Formello (RM) fino al 5 maggio Civita Castellana (VT) dal 10 al 19 maggio CIRCO ROYAL "Loris" / "Africa" / Paolo Orfei (Fam Loris Dell'Acqua-Martino)  Torino fino al 5 maggio  Novara dal 10 maggio in poi CIRCO SANDRA ORFEI (C. Vassallo) Alcamo (TP) fino al 6 maggio CIRCO-TEATRO SOLUNA Frazioni di Perugia CIRCO STERZA (Fam. Sterza) CIRCO SULL'ACQUA (F.lli Martini) La Spezia fino al 5 maggio Chiavari (GE) dal 10 al 12 maggio CIRCO TROPICAL (Fam. S. Folloni) Collecchio (PR) fino al 5 maggio UNIVERSAL CIRCUS D'AMICO (F.lli D'Amico) CIRCO WEGLIAMS (Formisano) Montesarchio (BN) fino al 12 maggio CIRCO ZAVATTA HAUDIBERT (Fam. Zavatta-Monti) Vedi Circo Donato Orfei CIRCHI ITALIANI ALL'ESTERO CIRCO BELLUCCI (L. Bellucci) in Romania Arad dal 2 al 12 maggio Deva dal 17 al 26 maggio CIRCO ITALIANO FLAVIO E DANIELE TOGNI (Togni) CIRQUE CITTA' DI ROMA (A. Bizzarro-O. Saylon) in Algeria Algeri dal 16 marzo in poi CIRCO ORFEI (di M. Alessandrini) in Tunisia CIRCO ACQUATICO ITALIANO "Bonaccini" (J. Bonaccini) in Grecia Heraklion al 5 maggio al 9 giugno CIRCO ORFEI ("Bonaccini" & Denji) in Grecia Drama dal 5 al 12 maggio TERRA (Zoppis) in Spagna San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Tenerife) fino al 12 maggio CIRQUE AMAR "Florilegio" (M. e S. Togni) in Algeria ALTRI SPETTACOLI ED EVENTI ABRACADABRA MAGIC SHOW (Rocco Arcuri) DINOSAURI IN CITTA' (Davide Canestrelli) Cesena dal 4 al 12 maggio I GIGANTI DELLA PREISTORIA (Ivan Zoppis) JURASSIC EXPO IN TOUR (Giordy e Tayler Martini) Salerno fino al 5 maggio TERRAQUARIUM (Biasini) NICE FESTIVAL (BlucinQue / Cirko Vertigo) Settimo Torinese dal 13 al 19 maggio MOTOR SHOW EVOLUTION MOTOR SHOW (di Montemagno) Colleferro (RM) dal 3 al 7 maggio MOTOR MANIA SHOW (Fam. Alex Medini) in pausa STUNT MAN SHOW (Fam. Roby Rossi) Desio (MB) fino al 1° maggio Brescia dal 4 al 13 maggio Mantova dal 15 al 20 maggio MOTOR SHOW MARTINI (di A. Martini e Bizzarro) DIDI BIZZARRO ROLLER CARS BIG SHOW (di Didi Bizzarro) Molfetta (BA) dal 4 al 12 maggio DAVIDE BIZZARRO TEAM MOTOR SHOW (di Davide Bizzarro) X-TREME MOTOR SHOW (di Davide Rossi) EXTREME MOTOR SHOW (di Zoppis) Sant'Agata di Militello (ME) fino al 1° maggio MOTOR SHOW (Folco) in pausa In ricordo di Luciano Ricci "Mr. Tournée" Nella foto di copertina l'Italian Niuman Circus Per raggiungere il gruppo l'Impresario Circense su Facebook cliccate sull'immagine sottostante
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Non ricordi il nome dell' ultimo circo che hai visitato? Non ricordi quale circo sia passato nella tua città? Scoprilo consultando l'Archivio Tournée di Circusfans Italia raggiungibile CLICCANDO QUI In ARCHIVIO TOURNEE trovi le tournée di tutti i circhi a partire dal 2004 ISCRIVITI ALLA NOSTRA PAGINA FACEBOOK CIRCUSFANS.EU TOURNEE: I CIRCHI A MAGGIO 2024 Se questo articolo ti è piaciuto condividilo sui tuoi social utilizzando i bottoni che trovi qui sotto   Read the full article
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multieli · 5 years
Yasuko Kanno (Japan), Shape of the moment, brooch, silver, steel Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2019 Awarded Artist per l’assoluta autenticità nell’interpretazione del concetto di qualità, rappresentata in modo essenziale e delicato: una forza tanto determinata quanto di grande raffinatezza for the great authenticity in interpreting the concept of quality, here represented in an essential and delicate way: a force so determined as masterfully refined
    Gioielli in Fermento 2019 SEARCHING FOR QUALITY The exhibition shows quality in 49 works by art jewelers coming from 22 different countries.
ALLA RICERCA DELLA QUALITA’ L’esposizione rappresenta la qualità in 49 opere degli autori di gioielleria contemporanea internazionale, provenienti da 22 paesi del mondo.
    Inaugurazione e Premiazione | Award Ceremony and Exhibition Opening
thanks to Amministrazione Comunale Castel San Giovanni (Piacenza) Italy Assessorato alla Cultura e Settore Pubblica Istruzione Comune di Castel San Giovanni Biblioteca Comunale Villa Braghieri
Regione Emilia Romagna Assessorato alla Cultura Provincia di Piacenza Comuni di Alta Val Tidone, Borgonovo Val Tidone, Sarmato, Ziano Piacentino
Allied Group Le Arti Orafe Jewellery School Firenze JOYA Art Jewellery & Objects Klimt02 & Hannah Gallery Putti Art Gallery Ocana Barcelona
AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo Associazione Nazionale Le Donne del Vino – Delegazione Emilia Romagna Associazione La Valtidone Confluenze Festival DeA Associazione Culturale
Gaiamaya, Altrove I’m somewhere else, Spazio Esperienze Piacenza, Mossi 1558, Santa Giustina, Tenuta Pernice, Cantine Ceci, Palazzona di Maggio, Podere dell’Angelo, Almayer Bistrò , Dal Pane al Vino, La Soaza, SPV Srl, TEP Srl, Allied Group Castel San Giovanni warehouse, Agrirelais S.Uberto Grintorto, Il Giardino di Laura, Katia Hairstyle
  Giuria Jury members 2019
Renzo Pasquale artista e docente, Padova artist and teacher
Agita Putti gallerista e collezionista Art Gallery Putti, Riga (Lettonia) gallerist and collector
Julia Wild saggista e docente, Trier University of Applied Sciences, Department of Design (Germania) Faculty member, essayist
  Alba Polenghi Lisca, Maria Rosa Franzin e Eliana Negroni (in delega per LeArtiOrafe Jewellery School ) – Giuria studenti Jury for students section  
  #gallery-0-5 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-5 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-5 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
Yasuko Kanno JP, Shape of the moment, spilla/brooch, silver, steel – Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2019 Allied Award
Sara Shahak IL, Sometimes purple, spilla/brooch, iron, enamel, lacquer, rubber paint, velvet powder, glass paint, miniature glass balls, stainless steel, Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2019 #gallery
Mariantonietta Davoli IT, C2H5OH, collana/necklace, gros-grain ribbon, waxed cotton cord, polyester, Gioielli in Fermento 2019 Putti Art Gallery Special Mention
Corrado de Meo IT, Il Terroir, spilla/brooch, silver, wood, papier maché, acrylic paint, oxides, nitro paint, Gioielli in Fermento 2019 Jury Honourable Mention
Mineri Matsuura JP, Metamorphosis, spilla/brooch, oxidized silver, stainless steel, paint, Gioielli in Fermento 2019 AGC Special Mention, Klimt02 Special Mention
Michela Boschetto IT, IN-armonia, collana/necklace, papier maché, oxidized silver, Gioielli in Fermento #gallery special mention
Cristina Crescenzio IT, Premio Allied Group – Città di Castel San Giovanni – Sezione Studenti Liceo Artistico Pietro Selvatico 5°corso serale
Ognyana Teneva, Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Antwerpen BE – Student AGC Special Mention
    Segnalazioni della Giuria:
Miki Asai , Maura Biamonti , Martina Obid Mlakar 
  Segnalazioni di AGC:
Nahoko Fujimoto  per la raffinatezza compositiva e la precisione tecnica Chiara Lucato   per l’evoluzione nella ricerca personale Francesca Mo   per la sintesi compositiva e l’uso dei materiali Yiota Vogli  per la particolarità del lavoro, volto alla sua composizione formale
  Premio del pubblico:
Eriko Unno  21 voti Mariantonietta Davoli  21 voti
    catalogo | catalog
Miki Asai JP Sara Barbanti IT Maura Biamonti FR/IT Michela Boschetto IT Elisabetta Carozzi IT Sébastien Carré FR Lluís Comín CAT/ES Mariantonietta Davoli IT Corrado De Meo IT Ylenia Deriu IT Fabiana Gadano AR Juanjo García Martín ES Nataša Grandovec SI Susanne Hammer DE/AT Ildikó Juhász-Dora NZ/HU Yasuko Kanno JP Ji Young Kim KR Vanessa Kubach DE/IT Mia Kwon DE/KR Julie Lake US Ariel Lavian IL Ria Lins BE Ioli Livada CY/GR Chiara Lucato IT Lieta Marziali IT/UK Mineri Matsuura JP Francesca Mo IT Olivia Monti Arduini IT Viktoria Münzker SK/AT Sogand Nobahar IR/IT Martina Obid Mlakar CH/SI Liana Pattihis UK/CY Mabel Pena AR Rosanna Raljević Ceglar SI/HR Stefano Rossi IT Sara Shahak IL Gian Luca Staffolani IT Laura Stefani & Eva Franceschini IT Claudia Steiner AT Yoko Takirai & Pietro Pellitteri JP/IT Eva Tesarik AT Deniz Turan TR Barbara Uderzo IT Eriko Unno JP Federico Vianello IT Yiota Vogli GR Qiana Wang CN Laura Zecchini IT
          Sezione Studenti | Students section
Elena Carraro Scuola d’Arte e Mestieri CPV – Vicenza (Italy) Agostina Laurenzano Escola Massana – Barcelona (Spain) Mirella Mazzariol Academie des Beaux Arts d’Arlon Ognyana Teneva Royal Academy of Fine Arts – Anversa (Belgium) Menzione speciale AGC – sezione Studenti Melissa Tripi The Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) Federica Vecchi Scuola Orafa Ambrosiana (Italy) Premio Città di Castel San Giovanni 2019 LAO-sezione Allievi Maria Elena Abbate Istituti Vicenza (Italy) Xin Liao Lorenzo De’Medici Italian International Institute Firenze (Italy)
  EASD Valencia ES Department of Product Design, Jewellery and Object Design Jewellery project design Class (2^ level) Heidi Schechinger, Docente Teacher 
Cristina Alises Sheila Gadea Muñoz Clara Gil Gual Leticia Lorena Muñoz Cantón Agnieszka Nowicka Edwin Suconota
  IED Istituto Europeo di Design – Milano IT Giulia Savino, coordinatore – Arianna Caressa, assistente. assistant Giulia Savino, Federica Sala, Chiara Scarpitti, Loretta Baiocchi Docenti, teachers
Lina Al-Dzhazzar Premio Città di Castel San Giovanni 2019 LAO sezione Allievi Francesca Espinosa Francesca Locati Beatrice Marini Francesca Michelini  Premio Città di Castel San Giovanni 2019 LAO sezione Allievi Giada Pignedoli Giada Pirovano Matteo Riboni Francesca Zilli
  IED Istituto Europeo di Design – Torino IT 2^ anno Corso Design del Gioiello e accessori Jewellery and Accessories Design Class 2^ yr Daniela Bulgarelli, coordinatore, Dante Di Lilla, Lia Lenti Docenti, Teachers
Francesca Azais Gaia Cozzi Dajana Ferrara Elena Frigerio Marzia Gasparotto Yana Gavrylyuk Shuang Liang  Premio Città di Castel San Giovanni 2019 LAO sezione Allievi Marzia Marangon Giulia Milan Arianna Orla Delia Perna Ruggiero Premio Città di Castel San Giovanni 2019 LAO sezione Allievi Giorgia Pezzano Ilaria Zardo
L.A. P.Selvatico, Padova IT
Classe 4^ Diurno – Classe 5^ Serale   4th yr. Daytime Class – 5th yr. Evening Class Laboratorio Metalli, smalti  e oreficeria  Metals, enamelling and goldsmithing workshop Luisa Corasaniti, Giorgio Fiorenzato, Claudio Pastorello, Graziano Visintin, Docenti di laboratorio Workshop teacher Adelina Mummolo, Tecnico di laboratorio serale e diurno Daytime and evening workshop technician
Premio Città di Castel S.Giovanni 2019 Le Arti Orafe sezione Master: Cristina Crescenzio Matteo Fattore Aurora Filippi Matteo Martinis Leonardo Maurizio Giorgia Prandin Veronica Santello
  L.A. Vittoria, Trento IT Classe 4^ – 4th yr. class M.Brunelli, L.Sebastiani, F.Baldi Docenti, Teachers
Albamarialuisa De Bona
  L.A. G.Sello, Udine IT Classe 5^ – 5th yr. class Mariagiorgia Pacini Docente, Teacher
Leonardo Appio Joshua Aere
  TADS Tarì Design School – Caserta IT Jewellery design Course  Chiara Scarpitti, Docente Teacher 
Marzia Blasi Désirée Calabria Emanuele Casale Premio Città di Castel San Giovanni 2019 LAO sezione Allievi Davide Ciuffreda Anna Maria Fioretto Ilaria Forte Elisabetta Lotito Erica Magliano Fabio Malafronte Silvia Martino Ginevra Porzia
    Students Section 2018
L.A. B.Cassinari, Piacenza IT Maria Luisa Imperiali, Docente, Teacher Valeria Chiarelli – Premio Città di Castel San Giovanni 2018 – categoria Allievi
Lavori di gruppo | Workgroups
Istituto G.Marcora IT Campus Agroalimentare di Piacenza – I.P.A.A.S. Marcora di Castel San Giovanni
  Premio 2019 Award Yasuko Kanno (Japan), Shape of the moment, brooch, silver, steel Premio Gioielli in Fermento 2019 Awarded Artist…
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italiangothicwriteblr · 2 months
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CoM + Taylor Swift
Martino Rossi x Foolish One
And the voices say, you are not the exception. You will never learn your lesson
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italiangothicwriteblr · 6 months
25 for Spotify wrapped!
Oooh great pick.
Warnings for NSFW below the cut. This one got away from me a little
What Giacomo couldn't have predicted about crawling to his enemy in disgrace was the amount of sex he was having.
Right now, for example. He was up against the wall in an empty castle corridor, half-naked, hands buried in long hair. He could barely form a coherent thought with Martino's mouth forceful and biting on his neck and hands digging into his waist.
"Fuck, babe," his breath was warm on Giacomo's neck. "So fuckin' pretty like this."
"They're...gonna come looking for us." Giacomo breathed out. They had ducked out of a crowded room, and in about five minutes someone would notice and they would get caught.
"Then we'll be quick." The smirk, the darkening of his eyes, was enough for Giacomo to abandon his worries for a bit.
That proved to be a mistake when, just as they were getting their clothes back on, footsteps sounded near the entrance to the hall.
Shit. He pulled his pants on as fast as humanly possible. They couldn't get found out--it would be all around the court by morning. People would have questions that he didn't want to answer. Whatever it was they were doing would be shattered. --
He replayed the scene sitting in bed that night. He was letting himself get careless here, letting his guard down. Hooking up with his ex wasn't the best idea to start with, and now they were on the verge of getting caught.
"Hey," his thoughts were interrupted when the man he'd been thinking of slipped into his room.
He smiled back, knowing he must look like a besotted fool. This was why he couldn't just stop, end whatever this was for his own good.
He had set rules--they had to meet in his room, for one. He'd made something up about it being suspicious if he wandered around the palace at night, but it really just made things easier.
His chamber being far less comfortable seemed to be the opposite of a deterrent--Martino had spent every night with him since they had...started.
And gods, Giacomo loved it. The first few nights he'd pretended to be asleep after they had finished, in case Martino wanted to leave. But he stayed, and he kept staying.
This whole affair had his head spinning, and the fear of getting found out only added to it.
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italiangothicwriteblr · 11 months
Holii Joy!! I've missed you how have you been??? For Tiny Scene Sunday, Giacomo (my son) + relaxing?? (based on my need to live vicariously through someone who has the time to relax rip)
Have a good day/night!!!
Hey! Thanks for the prompt!
Set during TKATF. Somehow this became “Giacomo relaxes for five minutes and everything goes to shit”
But also! Meet Damocles, Martino’s brother, who gets introduced properly in this scene
"Take the day off,” Martino wrapped his arm around Giacomo’s waist, keeping him in bed, “you never get to relax anymore.”
Giacomo’s first thought was the protest—he was royal now, he had duties to attend to. Basilio was the king, but Giacomo handled the official side of staging a revolution and running a country.
“He is in diplomatic meetings all day,” Giacomo leaned back in bed, deeply relishing the idea of taking a break.
“Exactly. There’s nothing you need to do until the feast tonight.” If that didn’t convince him to stay in bed a bit longer, Martino’s arms around him and lips on his neck certainly did.
With a wave of his hand, Giacomo locked the door with magic. One of the recently discovered joys of being a prince—private rooms meant no one would bother you, or barge in.
“Still don’t want to get up,” Giacomo mumbled into Martino’s chest, when a servant came through and told him he should start getting ready.
“You’re exhausted. Want me to tell him you’re ill?”
“No. It’s a peace summit, I don’t want to insult the Magnian diplomats by not being there. Besides, he needs me there. Being polite isn’t one of Basilio’s strengths, and this is important. Besides, isn’t your brother in town?”
“Yep,” Martino sighed, and he didn’t look happy about the news, “in the decade or so since I saw him, he’s apparently risen through court ranks, took down one of our royal houses, and became a foreign minister. Not sure how the reunion’s going to go.”
“You have to at least say hello while he’s here, he’s your brother!” Martino acquiesced under the weight of Giacomo’s big, green eyes, and they both dragged themselves to get dressed.
When Giacomo made it downstairs, to a chorus of bowing heads, Basilio quickly caught sight of him and motioned him over.
He was talking to another man, dressed in impeccably tailored silver robes. His cloud of dark hair seemed to move on its own, and he gave more of a smirk than a smile, yet it still made Giacomo’s knees weak.
“I have someone to introduce you to,” Basilio gestured to the man, who seemed to be charm personified, "the Magnian ambassador to Circi, Damocles.”
“A pleasure, Your Highness.” Damocles swept a perfect bow, and reached out to shake Giacomo’s hand.
Martino hadn’t exaggerated when he described his brother’s meteoric ascent, and Giacomo could see how it happened.
After a few minutes, Basilio pulled Giacomo aside, and whispered: ”I’d like your opinion on something.”
“Over the course of this meeting, me and the ambassador have become friendly. We were talking today, and realized that an alliance between our nations could be beneficial to everyone.”
“You know I agree with that.” Giacomo had been pushing for a Magnian alliance over a Candemeran one for almost a year, and it seemed Basilio was starting to listen.
“Exactly. So, how do you think the country would react if I married again?”
“There is still that rumor floating around, saying you killed Ippolito.”
“Oh, people will say anything. But certainly a foreign alliance with a diplomat would read positively?"
"Wait," Giacomo interrupted, suddenly seeing with shocking clarity what Basilio was suggesting, "you don't mean Damocles?"
"As a matter of fact, I do." Basilio had a rare pleased smile on his face, like a wolf that had finished hunting its prey, as he turned his gaze back to the man in question. "The apple that fell very far from the tree."
"Watch it," Giacomo growled, hitting his friend's arm. He suspected that Basilio and Martino's rivalry was turning more playful and less serious with each passing day, but he couldn't let the jape stand.
"I was wrong." Martino said to him later that night, after "The King's Joyous News" had been announced. "Apparently you can't take a day off."
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unconsciously searching out each other’s hand while sleeping for any ship :)
Thanks for the prompt! Dug this one up because I have an idea.
Slight NSFW below
Giacomo was no stranger to bad choices.
He was aware that in coming to the Northern court, seeking pardon, he was giving away his dignity. Turning his life into a spectacle open to public comment.
Crawling away to the countryside, injured and alone, was his best option after leaving Basilio. He just wanted everything to be over, but he was never that lucky.
The Serpent of Mutina himself seemed to have developed some sort of savior instinct after hearing what happened to him. Predictably, Imperatore Enrico was not pleased, but he acquiesced when he realized he now had leverage and power over his great enemy.
At least he wasn't being nice. Then Giacomo would know he was being pitied.
His situation was bad enough--guarded day and night, watched by the court's eagle eyes--when he managed to make it worse for himself.
Jumping into bed with the man who had broken his heart, who was now a decorated general and friend of the king, was the worst thing he had done since shaking Basilio's hand that day twenty years ago.
It was humiliating, really, that after everything he still couldn't resist. But Martino had kissed him in a moment of passion, then pulled back and apologized with that fucking guilty puppy look. As if there was a universe where Giacomo would be angry.
If this got out, his standing would somehow fall even farther. He could hear it now: the sneers, the pitying looks, the accusations of enchantment.
Yet here he was, hands in Martino's hair, as he pressed soft, gentle kisses to Giacomo's neck.
"Sweetheart," Martino breathed, and Giacomo grabbed his face and kissed him hard to shut him up. He didn't want to think about what came next.
Eventually, he had to. When the moment was over, and Martino slept soundly next to him, he slipped out of bed and tried to figure out the path back to his room that wouldn't get him seen. They hadn't talked, but he would rather leave when Martino wanted him to stay then vice versa.
Before he could get all the way out, he felt a warm weight on his hand.
Martino seemed to have reached out in his sleep, grabbing onto him and lacing their fingers.
Giacomo sighed, and crawled back into the warmth of the bed. This way it wasn't his fault, if things looked worse in the morning
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“You know,” Basilio said, a smirk leaking in to his every word, “I tried to warn him off you. Stubborn dear wouldn’t listen to me then, insisted that it was true love, and that he trusted you.” “He can trust me,” Martino growled
“Evidently not, if you’re plotting with his enemies. They’ll mock him.  The only sorcerer to feel loyalty, but he couldn’t command it in return.”
“Talk about him like that again and I’ll gut you where you stand!”
“And how would you explain that? A traitor killing a king. I told him you were an unfeeling brute and it seems I wasn’t far off!”
Martino felt his heart sinking as the truth of Basilio’s words sunk in. Of course, if Giacomo heard a twisted version of the story through court gossip, he would take it as a betrayal. He would just have to find a way to explain himself.
At that moment, before anything else could be said, the man they were discussing appeared at the door.
“Hey,” Giacomo said, taking in the tense air in the room, “Is something going on here?” Before Basilio could respond, Martino cut in.
“No, babe. We were just talking.”
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A kind-of sequel to this, in which Martino finds out and has to pretend he’s not losing his mind with jealousy
TW for something that could be construed as a sex mention (I didn't mean it that way, but upon looking again that’s how it reads, and I think it’s funny so I’m leaving it in)
Martino could barely believe his luck. 
After two decades of thinking he ruined everything, lost the love of his life to his own choices, Giacomo was here. And, against all odds, still wanted him.
He was going to prove himself worthy of it. He’d never hurt him again.
They’d talked about the past, gotten everything out in the open. A new start.
As they lay there, curled up in bed, Giacomo said: “If we’re confessing, there’s one more thing you should know. I don’t think it’s a huge deal or anything, but I don’t want you hearing it somewhere else.”
“Of course, babe. I’m listening.”
“Alright,” Giacomo started, wringing his hands in his typical nervous gesture, “so, right after we broke up, I was...not doing great, to say the least.” Martino ignored the sharp stab of guilt at the reminder of that time. He needed to give Giacomo his full attention.
“And, I guess looking back it was all part of his plan, but Basilio came to comfort me, and, well,” At this, Giacomo stopped, lacking the courage to finish his sentence. 
A familiar feeling of protectiveness flared in Martino’s chest: “What did the bastard do?”
“No, actually, that’s it. This time, he actually didn’t really do anything wrong. I guess you could say we did something wrong together. Multiple times.”
“Whatever happened, you can tell me. I won’t judge, babe, you know that.”
“I’ll hold you to that. Okay. He was kind of my...I’m not sure distraction is the right word. Rebound, maybe? But that night, when he came in to see how I was doing, I kissed him. And for the next couple months, he helped get me back on my feet.”
Martino knew he had no right to be angry. If anything, he should be mad at himself, for hurting the man he loved so badly that Giacomo felt the need to turn to someone like Basilio.
And he wasn’t mad. Not really.
He was, on the other hand, so fucking jealous he could barely see straight.
But, he would process that later. Right now, Giacomo was looking at him with his glowing green eyes, nervously awaiting his response.
Martino pressed a kiss to his forehead: “It was so sweet of you to tell me, when you didn’t have to. I would never be upset with you for something like that, I promise.
“He what?!” Vincenzo sounded genuinely shocked when Martino told him about the previous night’s conversation.
“Nah, I called it. We always thought there was something between those two,” Enrico spoke up, before Niccolo clamped a hand over his mouth. 
Martino glared at him: “Shockingly, that isn’t making me feel any better.”
“I mean,” Niccolo said, “and not to judge, I understand what happened, but you did break his heart.”
“Pretty viciously,” Vincenzo said.
“It was hilarious,” Enrico jumped in.
“So you really don’t have a right to be jealous,” Niccolo continued, as if he hadn’t been interrupted. 
“I know,” Martino sighed, “I’ve been arguing with my own emotions all day. And I’d never tell him, of course. He’d find a way to make it his fault, and that’s the last thing I want.”
“Why are you jealous?” Vincenzo asked, “he clearly did it because of you.”
“I don’t know, okay. I know I’m being ridiculous. I guess I was always afraid that if he had to choose, Giacomo would pick him. And now it kind of feels like he did.”
“Did you miss the part of the story where he cried over you for a week?”
“Enrico, you are not helping.”
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Joy! I'm back for more! For any OCs of your choice:
🤥 LYING - are they good liars? do they have tells to show they're lying?
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their "ghostly experiences", if any?
💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
Hey! Thanks for the ask!
I’ll do Livia and Martino
Livia: She’s an amazing liar. She can come up with a cover story on the spot, and to people who don’t know her very well, she doesn’t have a tell. Eventually Nova’s able to catch on to the tiniest hints that she’s lying—usually, it’s when something sounds practiced.
Martino: He can tell a pre prepared lie, but he can’t make things up with no warning. His tell is usually the fact that he gets nervous, or that his story is inconsistent.
Livia: She believes in ghosts. The Circian aristocracy has a fear of ghosts, because they think of them as magical/consider them an extension of sorcerers. But when she was 15 she briefly saw Arnoldo’s ghost and he told her to go hunting through the archives.
Martino: Absolutely. Bellamagnan religion loves ghosts, and someone’s ghost appearing/coming to you in a dream is considered incredibly important to listen to. He saw Odoacre’s ghost once, basically just to tell him how he died.
Livia: Jealousy. Her initial reaction to situations is usually “manipulate to get what she wants”, and she has a hard time distinguishing between when its warranted and when she has a personal stake
Martino: Guilt. He beats himself up over everything, even when it was objectively the right thing to do. He has a hard time accepting forgiveness—he always wants to atone more
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OC Assumptions Ask: Martino still feels slight guilt over going North
Martino: I mean…of course I do. I was trying to help, but I could have found a better way. It’s nice to have someone think that, actually. Everyone always assumes I’m proud of what I did, and I can’t stop thinking…how much of that does he hear? What if he thinks it’s true?
Yeah, you could say I feel a little guilty
(You cracked this man’s emotions wide open)
Send an assumption about an OC, they have to answer for it
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For the prompts: Martino + doubt, because I really want to know more about him
Hi! Thanks for the prompt!
Scene under the cut! I don't talk about Martino enough and that's a shame!
Sometimes Martino wondered what Giacomo was doing with him.
He knew Basilio hated him, and the feeling was certainly mutual.
He and Giacomo were keeping things a secret. As much as Giacomo said he didn't care what his best friend thought, he wasn't up for telling him yet.
Contrary to popular belief, he wasn't jealous of Basilio. He wouldn’t trade places with the man for anything. But he couldn’t deny that the man was powerful, regal in a way he wasn’t. And he never hesitated to throw his influence around.
Martino knew that Circi’s views on magic were very different from Bellamagna’s. They were wary of it, and according to Giacomo, having Basilio’s friendship kept him safe.
(Martino had seen things that made him doubt that, but he wasn’t broaching that subject quite yet.)
But he knew he was the antithesis of everything Basilio’s comfortable, aristocratic life could offer. He was a commoner, a foreigner, a warrior who came home covered in blood and sweat.
If it came down to it, he doubted Giacomo would choose him over a life of safety and security. And he couldn’t blame him.
He was interrupted when the man he was thinking about burst through the door.
“Babe!” Giacomo called out, jumping into his lap like an excited kitten. It was adorable.
“I’m doing it. I’m telling him tonight. I love you, and I don’t want to hide anymore.”
So this was it. Giacomo would tell Basilio he was dating a guard whose guts Basilio hated, Basilio would tell him that if he wanted to stay here he would rethink that, and it would be the end for them.
Martino pulled his face into a smile to hide his distress.
“Love you too, babe. It’ll be fine, I’ll be there for you.”
Giacomo’s huge grin almost quelled Martino’s feeling of impending doom.
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happy blorbo blursday! do any of your OCs have character foils? If so, what significant similarities and differences are there between your OC and their foil? what is their relationship like?
Hi! Thanks for the ask!
Character foils and parallels are my favorite topic and I'll talk about two of my favorite sets!
Martino and Basilio.
They are complete and utter opposites in every sense of the word.
Martino grew up a peasant, from a warlike culture right outside of the main empire. He’s worked with his hands for his whole life, and he’s a warrior–so, could kick your ass, but actually has a heart of gold. Basilio grew up rich, and has never worked a day in his life. 
Martino will get violent in defense of people he cares about, but only towards people who are causing actual harm. Basilio is a murderous tyrant, but he doesn’t do his own dirty work–he has servants for that. That’s one of the things Martino hates most about him–if Martino wants something done, he doesn’t burden other people, he does it himself. He thinks that outsourcing bad jobs is one of the most dishonorable things you can do.
Public perception of them typically favors Basilio–he’s an aristocrat, and knows how to talk to them, and he can blame anything bad on whoever he forced to take care of it. Martino’s a foreigner, and doesn’t concern himself with his reputation–people mostly see him as an unfeeling brute (he isn’t! he is a sweet teddy bear who will also slap you if you need it). Martino is someone who will do the right thing no matter how it looks, Basilio is primarily concerned with his reputation.
The only thing they have in common is that they both know Giacomo backwards and forwards.
Giacomo and Leonidas
These two are fun because they start in a similar place--born magical, have to find a way to deal with it. Leonidas even chugs liquid tantalum to mostly suppress his magic.
But Leo was just a little bit luckier. He gets into the good graces of the Imperatrice, even though she's leading a magical purge. He befriends Niccolo, and somehow an aristocrat accepts him being born magical, and doesn't want anything from him. I cannot overstate how unlikely this all is, especially with him being foreign.
Giacomo...does not get that. His parents toss him out when the purge starts because they can't risk it. His sister arranges for him to meet Basilio because she wants power for herself.
And then, of course, Basilio. Pretends to "want what's best for him" but he's using him for his powers--once you get involved with someone like him, you're kind of marked for life with no escape. Sure, Basilio makes him Rex, but a title doesn't fix everything else happening.
So at this point, Giacomo's a prisoner and Leonidas is a king.
These two never meet in canon. I'm convinced if they had one conversation things could have been sorted out. But they hate the idea of each other.
This is an aspect of magical politics that continues into the TTH era--you have people who work for aristos to protect themselves, and those who try to hide and assimilate, and they hate each other (e.g. Nova and Orianna)
Leonidas thinks people like Giacomo are weak-willed sellouts who just confirm all the negative stereotypes about magic. Giacomo thinks people like Leonidas are arrogant, self-serving, and disloyal to people like them. (Neither group really understands that the other side isn't sunshine and roses)
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🩸 please!
Hi, TC! Thanks for the ask.
🩸-Patching Up A Wound
TWs for injuries and mentions of abuse (I promise the drabble is actually soft fluff). Not sure how I feel about this but hope it’s at least cute.
"Let me see it."
Martino's stern but loving command left no room for argument. Giacomo chose to argue anyway.
"Everyone's making way too big a deal about this, I'm fine!"
“Dear, when your shirt is soaked in blood, you very much are not fine. Now let me see it.”
Realizing he was not going to escape medical care, Giacomo sighed and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing his injury.
He’d been away from the remala court for about half a year, and in that time his scars had managed to heal a bit. They hadn’t gone away, but they no longer looked dark red and painful. He’d been able to eat better now that he wasn’t constantly around tantalum, and he still remembered how incredibly thrilled Martino had been the day they realized his ribs no longer showed through his skin. He was sleeping better than he had in ages.
In comparison to how bad things had been before, a tiny stab wound in his side truly didn't seem like a problem to Giacomo.
Unfortunately for him, his boyfriend did not agree.
Martino had grabbed some cloth, and was soaking it in water and pressing it into the wound in Giacomo’s side.
“You gonna tell me how this happened, babe?”
“Basilio’s servants aren’t the biggest fans of traitors. They see one, they stab one. Simple as that.” Giacomo said, tone closer to describing the weather than an attempt on his life by a madman.
Martino’s face hardened at the mention of that man, and to avoid an outburst he focused all his attention on bandaging Giacomo’s wound.
“If you would let me stab him, just a little bit.” “No, dear,” Giacomo sighed. They’d had this conversation many times since getting back together. “You always say that you just want me to be happy again, after everything. I promise you, I would not be happy if my boyfriend spends the rest of his life rotting in a remala dungeon.”
“Fine,” Martino laughed, putting a final bandage on the wound and climbing onto the bed to put a careful arm around Giacomo, trying to avoid jostling his injury, “But only cause you’re the one asking.”
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This the the other snippet I considered posting on Sunday for @memento-morri-writes‘ “Laughter” prompt. I figured I’d share it anyway
Under the cut!
Martino didn’t think this through.
He couldn’t have stayed in Vecellio’s tyrannical regime any longer. He had just hoped that if he could seek clemency from the reantica Imperatore, that he could convince Giacomo to come with him. That he could help him.
He should have known that Basilio had spies everywhere. That he would be branded a traitor before he and Giacomo could have a proper conversation.
It didn’t help that the reantica court seemed to find the whole thing hilarious. 
Imperatore Enrico was the worst of them all. It seemed he’d finally found a way to connect with his courtiers--leading them in laughing at Giacomo every chance he got.
(Martino didn’t have it in his heart to blame the Imperatore. He was acting out of love, too)
If there was ever a chance of Giacomo forgiving him, it was gone. The one thing he couldn’t abide was being humiliated.
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This is for whatever couple you wish to do it for:
🕊, 🌸, 🧚🏼
Hi! Thanks for the ask!
I'll do Martino and Giacomo
How did they meet?
These two met while Giacomo was staying with Basilio at his family estate in Cannae. There had been some skirmishes, so Basilio's father hired some guards from Bellamagna to protect the palace, and Martino was one of them. Giacomo didn't really have anyone in the palace other than Basilio (and he's...not great).
How long did it take them to get together?
It took them about eight months. They liked each other, but there were so many barriers that they wondered if acting on it would be a good idea, or if they should just be friends. Eventually, Giacomo asked Martino "Okay, are we flirting or am I crazy?" and they ended up kissing.
What was their relationship, if they had one, before they got together?
Giacomo's first impression of Martino was him and Basilio having a screaming match. Even thought at this point, Giacomo still considered Basilio his best friend, he thought that someone with the guts to publicly disagree with him was cool. Giacomo's also really interested in politics/other cultures, but was never really able to get an education (for various reasons). So he loves when Martino talks about Bellamagna, and they strike up a friendship. Martino, on the other hand, is used to people asking about weapons, war, battle, stuff like that, and is sick of it. So when this guy with the energy of an excited kitten likes talking about government and trade routes, he's smitten.
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