#ch: kiana davenport
witchwarsrp-blog · 7 years
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                       HALE INSTITUTE FILE: BASICS
NAME: Kiana Davenport AGE, YEAR: 22 Years Old, Fourth Year SCHEDULE: Schedule C MENTOR: Professor Harmony Rose HOMETOWN: Sarasota, FL PRIMARY FACE CLAIM: Kat Graham BACK UP FACE CLAIMS: Bex Taylor-Klaus, Alycia Debnam-Carey
                      HALE INSTITUTE FILE: POWERS
POWER: Nature Enhancement
The ability to manipulate plant life. It is primarily used to grow and rejuvenate plants and flowers, though it can be used offensively by manipulating vines and roots. An important aspect of this ability is that it is enhancement and manipulation, not creation; if there is not plant life around, the user is unable to create it. Kiana is able to augment and grow the size of plant life, as well as control it to do her bidding such as encasing or entangling a target. She can also bring plant life back to life as long as the damage occurred within the last three hours. Kiana has an empathic connection to the plant life that she is controlling and manipulating, so any pain or damage done to the plant life she is interacting with will also be felt by her. For example, if someone were to snap vines she was using to encase someone or burn plant life she was actively enhancing, she would feel it and receive similar injuries.
                    HALE INSTITUTE FILE: HISTORY
Sometimes there are just good people in the world, and Kiana Davenport is one of those girls. She has always been the kind of person who will go the extra mile to make sure that people feel included and always wants to make sure that the people around her are smiling and in a good place. Ever since she was a small child, growing up in coastal Sarasota, Florida with her younger brother, Kiana was extremely friendly and outgoing. Any time they would spend out on the beach near their oceanfront home, she would never meet a stranger and always introduce herself to the other children and sometimes adults who passed by. Of course, her parents were always weary about the “stranger danger” aspect that their eldest child seemed to be all but neglecting, but with a watchful eye, they allowed Kiana to flourish and become quite sociable from such a young age. Kiana was introduced to magic at a young age, something that the Davenport family has always known about and never hidden from either child. Both parents were witches themselves and came from esteemed magic families in North America. Kiana discovered her ability one afternoon while she was outside and building sandcastles on the beachfront. She had found some small plant life that had been covered by sand and trampled. She felt a warm glow in her hands, and suddenly, the plant life began to grow again. She immediately ran home to her parents and explained what happened, and from there, they began to experiment with what her powers could do. It was an interesting experimentation, sometimes dangerous as she learned more and more about the empathic connection that she has with the nature life that she enhanced, but with the support of her parents she began to discover what exactly her abilities could do for her. From there, it was only natural that Kiana would enroll in the Hale Institute when she was of age. She kept counting down the years each birthday, eager to envelop herself in all things magical. While her brother didn’t share the same enthusiasm, she was happy to know that he would be attending shortly after her when his abilities began to develop. Now that she’s in her fourth year, Kiana is a very studious and well behaved member of the student body. She’s commonly found hanging out in the library and working on her assignments when most people are enjoying the weekend. That being said, she isn’t a wallflower or shy by any means; she’s actually quite sociable and many of her peers enjoy having study sessions with her because not only is she extremely intelligent, but she also makes studying fun. One day, she’d eventually like to come back to the Hale Institute and teach, but for now she wants to focus on bettering herself and her magical prowess.
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