7. Jock Arthur
Dew Point
by Kianspo http://archiveofourown.org/works/425397?view_adult=true
Summary: (~58k) Arthur Pendragon is as popular and successful as a sixth former can be. He hasn’t quite figured out his future yet, but it’s going to be brilliant, he’s certain. At least until some daring stranger on a cool motorcycle topples his world upside down on the first day of school. Modern magical AU.
Review: [9/10] Ugh this was so beautiful and hot as hell. The summary doesn't do it justice. This stressed me out to no end though. I was a roller coaster of emotions by the end of this and I’m still trying to decide whether or not I enjoyed being toyed with so much..(I guess I must have considering I rated this so high).
This fic was pretty fucking great. It keeps you on your toes and doesn’t let you get too comfortable. It’s a fast flowing read that makes you want to devour every page. The sex is written with the right kind of description that actually makes you feel like they are emotionally connected and not just performing the act, while simultaneously leaving not much to the imagination.
The enigmatic Merlin is both sexy and frustrating. He comes across a bit heartless in the beginning but that is only because you are reading from Arthur’s POV which means we are lacking any insight into Merlin’s reasoning for being the way he was. However we just KNOW how much Arthur is about to dive full into a Merlin Ocean and drown himself with his love for him. You hope that he doesn’t fall too hard because you know how complicated Merlin is and wonder if he will able to reciprocate Arthur’s love.
Kianspo did such a wonderful job with character development and gave Merlin such an interesting background. There were some descriptions in here that were so fucking BEAUTIFUL I swear I needed a minute to soak up the words:
“He’d remember how he used to exist within Merlin’s touch, how it was his truest way of knowing the world.”
I mean, I was probably a puddle of goo at this point.
So yeah. This fic was insanely hot yet super romantic and full of angst. I need something light to read now, my god.
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5. Involves a Revolution (Political Themes)
In Spite of Everything, the Stars
by Polomonkey, Mushroomtale http://archiveofourown.org/works/4647243/chapters/10599906
Summary:(~82k) London. 2015. The government is set to vote on ending the microchipping of magic users, and Arthur Pendragon has been tasked with kidnapping prominent Magical activist Merlin Emrys to influence the outcome.Locked away in a house on the North York Moors, tensions rise and confrontation ensues as Arthur is forced to re-evaluate everything he’s been taught about magic, and Merlin finds himself in a struggle for his life. And the fact that they’re falling for each other doesn’t help…
Review: [10/10] (Long ass review ahead.) 
Wow. Just wow. Read this immediately.
There were times i picked this up and said I’ll just read for a quick minute and then somehow it turned into an hour later? Not quite sure how that happened tbh. (Polomonkey you are incredibly talented author and I would definitely read whatever original fiction you write as well.)
Each time I picked this story up I was sucked in immediately. Every page has such wonderful prose and I enjoyed reading this so so so much.
And mushroomtale don’t even get me started on the artwork. Like really? You’re just gonna drop 10+ stunning pieces of art randomly throughout this story and expect me to keep reading normally?? Haha yeah right. You made me stop and just stare at each picture for like 10 min. Goddam you are too talented and how were you able to reach inside my head and draw the images out of my brain but then make them 10 times better than what I could’ve imagined? It’s honestly unfair. 
Not only did this story give me life but it’s completely ruined my back to back trend of fic readings. Sorry guys, but I need to take a short break from reading my next fanfic now bc I doubt anything is going to be as great as this for awhile. I have a case of post-fic depression now. So yeah thanks a lot for making the best fanfic I’ve read in a long while and completely taking my breath away.
NOW on to the more coherent review…
This Fic has so many instances of raw emotion and pain. So many beautiful details and hard awful moments of brutality. From the introduction of the characters and their childlike naivety to their brief moments of happiness and youthful determination to take charge of their own life, only to be met with the harsh reality that life is what takes charge of them. Their innocence is stripped away leaving hard shells of who they once were in its place.
There are many political comparisons to be drawn from it to to our real world. A lot of questions to ponder and it’s scary to find that anti-magical sentiment is a perfect symbol for so many minorities that have had to deal with similar discrimination throughout history and the present. The toxicity of being predisposed to think that their lives are worthless because of how they are born (I’ll let you fill in the blanks). Its a heart breaking but honest perspective of the dangers of mass ignorance and the destruction it causes when paired with grief and manipulation of the facts. These people inevitably lash out in fear and become the “Monsters” they think they want protection from. 
(kinda-spoilery!) Now on to my more specific praise for this fic. The minute Arthur fell apart in Merlin’s arms after realizing what his father was capable of was the moment I knew I was giving this Fic a perfect score. It shows vulnerability coming full circle for  them and the exact moment when both parties have let their guards down and acknowledged their personal ghosts to each other. Its when you realize everything Merlin and Arthur went through their whole lives caught up to them. Now they must move forward.
The addition of Arthur and Merlin’s childhood descriptions were such an integral part of getting to know them completely and how they lost their innocence and became the men they grew up to be understanding how despite their circumstance they could still fall in love. They deserve their happy ending and I was so happy they got it after all the shit they went through. 
Side note: I realize I always have some snide comment about the sex scenes in fics and let me tell you I have no complaints for this one. This is exactly how I like my obligatory hot sex written ;) 
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6. One of them is Famous
with fame comes . . . um, something?
by Mookitano10 http://archiveofourown.org/works/2716313/chapters/6081653
Summary: (~10k)  Merlin is a famous actor who meets one of his biggest fans on the tube. The thing is, this fan doesn't act like the others. Or the one where Arthur meets his celebrity crush on the tube and decides to play it cool only to become friends with said actor.
Review: [6/10] This was adorable. It’s filled with cute moments and humor. Not serious at all and it’s sure to put a smile on your face. This is also loaded with guest appearances of other more minor characters, which is something I really appreciate!
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2. Modern Royalty
Documentary of Dorks: Engaged to be Harried
by DustAddsCharacter http://archiveofourown.org/works/4469885/chapters/10158512 
Summary: (~26k) Many of us have watched Prince Arthur grow up - on our televisions, in our newspapers, in magazines. One constant presence in his life has always been Merlin Emrys, and so we watched him grow up too.In a time of much strife, with magic and LGBT+ rights becoming topics even more fraught with tension than ever before, the relationship between two of the United Kingdom's favourite people has had to face many challenges...
Review: [7/10] This was a really cool idea for a fic. I probably read it in a little over an hour. The majority of this story is told through texts, letters, and notes. The alternating voices of Merlin and Arthur are funny and their banter is witty and true to character. The interspersed commentary of all their friends are a nice touch as well. 
I enjoyed the bit of political commentary that was thrown in as well. The issue of registering Magic Users and the political tension that formed the backdrop was interesting and avoided making this fic too happy go lucky. 
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1. Canon AU
To the Victor
by MrsPurplePebble http://archiveofourown.org/works/527294
Summary: (~77k) When a fellow prince, Arthur's childhood friend, arrives for their annual competition, Arthur realizes there is more to lose than is willing to risk. With the only choice to win, Arthur is prepared to do anything to save all he holds dear, but with Merlin involved, a bitter rival, and three rounds of challenges, things are never going to be easy. ( Set during the S1-S2 gap.) 
Review: 8/10 Wow, this fic was not what I expected it to be. There was so much action and excitement, Kay is absolutely evil in this, and there is a fair amount of pain and angst. Arthur is every bit as protective, and emotionally stunted as ever. In fact this Arthur is probably worse than most others. Merlin is as always self-sacrificing and forever loyal. There is no love lost between Kay and Arthur, and somewhere the rivalry goes beyond childish to outright malicious on Kay’s end. 
(Spoliers!) The plot was interesting and full of twists. The characters were well written and true to form. This is a M/A fic for sure without so much as a kiss. I was waiting for a happy ending, but that wasn’t really the case with this. There were so many times I hated this Arthur for how much he hurt Merlin, but this is not a fic that wants you to suspend all reality and get them kissing and fucking at the end. No, this one makes you realize the love they have for each other, is something they can never truly express outwardly, so why even tempt it? 
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4. Based on a Movie
Jurassic Chaos
by Rotrude http://archiveofourown.org/works/5141303 
Summary: (~22k) Jurassic World AU. Arthur is an up and coming business executive running a very special theme park his father owns. Merlin’s a zookeper turned dinosaur wrangler. They’re opposites and can’t seem to get along, not even when they try, until all breaks loose.
Review: [7/10] This fic has exactly what I wanted in a movie AU. It sticks to the plot while keeping the integrity of the characters and somehow manages to blend the two worlds seamlessly. Merlin was made to be a dragon trainer and I loved his personality through this. He was tough, cool, and sexy (exactly like Chris Pratt haha). Merlin and Arthur have a very fun dynamic and their personalities work so well for this AU. I enjoyed all the vivid descriptions of the more intense scenes, and the story had a good pace. I flew through this so fast. It’s definitely a quick, satisfying read. 
(Spoilers!) I know i may be in the minority when I say that this fic had a super gratuitous sex scene. I think it could’ve been left out. Hear me out, I know fanfic is all about the hot sex, but when it’s written so graphically I always feel like it takes away from the story. I just wish it was left out of this one. Because it definitely felt super thrown in and ridiculous, not at all romantic haha. But hey that’s just me, and I hardly think that’s gonna turn people away ;)
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3. Based on a Book
Dreams for Wings and Wanderers
by Etharei http://archiveofourown.org/works/488853/chapters/852871
Summary: (~67k) Dragons are feared and mistrusted throughout Albion, and there are very few of them left in Camelot, for Uther’s long campaign against magic also included hunting down all the dragons in the wild. Now, Camelot is recovering from the invasion of Cenred and Morgause's army. Prince Arthur is the one in charge, and Merlin finds out that his secret regular visits to the covert haven't been very secret at all. There's a great deal of manly bonding with the Knights, inquisitive dragons being inquisitive, and a record-breaking number of near-death experiences for Merlin. And this is before he gets his very own dragon. (A Merlin/Temeraire fusion.)
Review: [5/10] okay. This is uncomfortable because wow I did not realize this fic has such a great following with 1000+ kudos. Maybe I’m missing something? I thought this fic took awhile to get going and then when it did I feel like it was very rushed towards the end. It contains one of my least favorite cliches (which is where Merlin and Arthur fuck in the last 100 pages and do so like porn stars.) It felt super forced, and didn’t fit the story. I’m sorry, but that always ruins a fic for me. 
It wasn’t all bad though. I really enjoyed how much detail went into describing the dragons, and I found the bond between the dragon-handler and dragon was pretty interesting. Overall, I just think that the Merlin and Arthur had awful chemistry in this. Honestly, I think he should’ve ended up with Lancelot or Gwaine. (I realize this is blasphemy.)
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