aftereffectsprojects · 17 hours
Abstract - Text Animation Motion Design from Antony Parker on Vimeo.
✔️ Download here: templatesbravo.com/vh/item/abstract-text-animation/46201106
10 Text Animations for Adobe After Effects In the intro – outro version Compatible with CC2020 and higher versions of Adobe After Effects Full Adobe After Effects project file No additional plugins used You can control the Time Duration of the animation (intro – outro) Compatible with 4K, Full HD, Square and Instagram Stories resolution videos. (Resolution size can be changed easily.) Universal Expressions (Works with any language of After Effects) Autoresize: All boxes are auto-sized according to the text. Tutorial video Included Text, color and duration control (FULL CONTROL) Used fonts free (link included) Preview music not included
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busanpng · 8 days
eu comprei um notebook da lenovo 8gb ram 256gb amd ryzen 3 (era o que cabia no meu orçamento), ele é um bom computador para photoshop? sempre quis fazer trabalhos de design (te vejo como um inspiração <3)
obrigada anony!! <3
não diria que ele é um dos melhores pra photoshop, porque o ryzen3 equivale ao intel 3, e eu tenho péssimas experiências com um i3 kkkk a ram ser 8GB e ter pouco HD/SSD ajuda no pc rodar com menos engasgos. se vc quiser usar o photoshop eu não recomendo as versões mais recentes porque ele pode não aguentar, usa do CC2020 pra baixo
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rhandzgraphix · 1 month
Royalty Free AE Template 5 Logo Animation CC2020#Shorts #ae #logo #aetem...
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avatex · 2 months
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eground01 · 3 months
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Digital Timers 2.0 - videohive (2024)
Videohive Digital Timers 2.0
Особенности проекта:
Плагины не требуютсяAfter Effects CC2020 и вышеДля фото и видеоРаботает с любым FPS и разрешениемПростота уста��овки и использованияВидеоруководство включеноМетод перетаскиванияПолная настройка
В этот пакет входят готовые к использованию элементы. Экономьте время при редактировании и добавьте к своему видео уникальный профессиональный оттенок.
Для просмотра вы должны войти или зарегистрироваться.
Читать далее
Подробнее на https://eground.org/threads/digital-timers-2-0-videohive-2024.114028/?&utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=autopost&utm_campaign=project_21975&utm_content=post_36600301
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tyunni · 2 years
HI ANOOOONNN first of all thank u SO MUCH OMG THIS IS SO SWEET 🥰🥰🥰 i used a few apps/programs to make it
For apps i use picsart and ibispaint x, but i was mostly working in photoshop 🙏🙏 then once i was done creating and editing all of the pieces together i moved to after effects (i used cc2020 I think 😭) to do the transitions, effects, and add the hyein video, etc. I exported the video and then went to the ezgif website and everything over there is pretty self explanatory. You attach the video, turn it into a gif (fiddle with the settings like the FPS and resolution a little to raise/lower the MB's, keep in mind that the gif has to be smaller than 10MB or else tumblr won't let you upload it!)
Quick tip tho, you don't necessarily have to use after effects or photoshop 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ it's just my personal preference cuz i like working on my laptop better than on my phone. You can use any editing app or program you're familiar with. I'd recommend canva, picsart, capcut and ibispaint x they're my personal favorites!! I also used the website called pixlr to remove the white background from a few pictures, but the website has quite a lot of features as well. A lot of useful effects and tools, i defo recommend.
If you want a more in-depth sort of explanation, like which effects i used in photoshop, or how i edited the transitions in after effects please do let me know i'll be glad to help 🫶🫶 HOPE THIS ANSWERED UR QUESTION 💝
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carlosviloriadesign · 2 years
Rolled Canvas Mockup Bundle by creatsy5
Rolled Canvas Mockup Bundle by creatsy5
……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Rolled Canvas Mockup Bundle ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Rolled canvas template – layered, editable .psd files prepared to showcase your custom design, by editing smart objects and color layers. files work only in Photoshop (min. version CC2020); pack includes 21 .psd files: 6000×4000 px, 300dpi; editable…
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View On WordPress
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chachacharlieco · 4 years
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...This... A Pear...
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justforn0thing · 4 years
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The last goodbye from our gone characters. The 100 Special Video Presentation & Q&A | Comic-Con@Home 2020
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kingwilliamv · 3 years
The Duke of Cambridge’s Engagement Tally for 2020
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Total Engagements: 184
• Total Solo Engagements: 118
• Total Joint Engagements (with Kate and/or other BRF members): 66
Monthly Breakdown:
January - 22
February - 15
March - 21
April - 14
May - 18
June - 25
July - 8
August - 3
September - 19
October - 9
November - 16
December - 14
(These numbers are not official but are only based from my own way of tallying. There is no guidance from the Palace on how engagements must be counted so numbers may vary from person to person.)
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Text Animations Motion Design from Antony Parker on Vimeo.
✔️ Download here: templatesbravo.com/vh/item/text-animations/52454242
7 Text Animations for Adobe After Effects In the intro – outro version Compatible with CC2020 and higher versions of Adobe After Effects Full Adobe After Effects project file No additional plugins used You can control the Time Duration of the animation (intro – outro) Compatible with 4K, Full HD, Square and Instagram Stories resolution videos. (Resolution size can be changed easily.) Universal Expressions (Works with any language of After Effects) Autoresize: All boxes are auto-sized according to the text. Tutorial video Included Text, color and duration control (FULL CONTROL) Used fonts free (link included) The music used in the preview video is not included in the project content. You can buy it here.
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careerclass · 4 years
Segala sesuatu yang berhubungan dengan keputusan yang kita pilih, pasti ada konsekuensi yang harus diterima. Entah itu awalnya karena terpaksa atau memang sukarela. Terpaksa menerima konsekuensi mungkin karna keputusan dari orang lain atau sukarela menerima konsekuensi karna kita tahu seperti apa baiknya kita bersikap.
Salah satunya konsekuensi yang kuambil untuk memilih mengikuti Career Class. Di awal tahun sebelum memutuskan untuk mengikuti paket setahun, aku membaca berkali - kali topik kelas yang akan disampaikan, apakah akan relate denganku atau tidak, serta apakah aku siap waktu luangku di saat weekend jadi kurang asik karna otomatis akan selalu berkutat dengan zoom. Tapi, setelah melewati berbulan - bulan bersama dengan sesama teman bertumbuh di Career Class, pemikiranku tentang konsekuensi yang memberatkan ternyata sangat berbanding terbalik.
Jujur saja, banyak sekali hal - hal baru yang aku dapat dari sini. Relasi yang baik, atmosfir pertemanan yang positif, semangat belajar yang tidak habis - habis, sudut pandang baru tentang berbagai hal, dan malah terbesit perasaan menyesal kenapa baru belajar sekarang.
Disini aku menemukan rumah kedua, keluarga yang terjalin karena persamaan semangat belajar dan bertumbuh menjadi lebih baik. Sering aku berpikir, padahal ini hanya kelas di dunia maya tapi efeknya luar biasa di dunia nyata. Merasa diri ingin terus belajar menjadi baik dan tulus untuk membangun relasi dengan orang lain, komunikasi yang efektif kepada orang tua, rekan kerja serta atasan kerja dan semangat untuk mencapai goal diri yang sudah di targetkan. 
Tentang konsekuensi, memang ada waktu yang tersita untuk belajar, tapi aku yakin akan mendapat ganti yang jauh lebih bermanfaat. Mungkin ilmu yang di dapat belum bisa digunakan sekarang, tapi mungkin suatu saat nanti di fase hidup yang akan datang kita jadi lebih siap. Di kelaspun selalu diingatkan untuk harus selalu belajar, untuk selalu berproses, untuk terus berdampak baik dan jangan lupa praktek karna ini bukan kelas motivasi hehee. 
Oiya, doa - doa dari kami untuk Mas Gun, Kak Alia, dan tim Career Class serta para narasumber yang super duper keren membagikan materi dan insight yang luar biasa. Semoga sehat selalu, semoga ilmu yang diberikan menjadi amal jariyah berkah dunia dan akhirat. aminn :”)
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4free · 3 years
Adobe Dimension CC 2020 Free Download
Adobe Dimension CC 2020 is effective and superior software that lets customers convert and layout their pictures into 3-D and 2D items or pictures. The software has the excessive great and practical output and reports. It consists of particular and great gear and alternatives for modifying   clear out and outcomes of the pictures to enhance the photo great and attain greater higher appearance and performance.
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uponaspoiler · 4 years
Why National Geographic's The Right Stuff Is A Different Kind of Space Show | Comic Con 2020
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eground01 · 4 months
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Trendy Text Animations - videohive (2023)
Trendy Text Animations
6 модных текстовых анимаций для Adobe After Effects
В интро-аутро версии
Совместимость с CC2020 и более поздними версиями Adobe After Effects.
Полный файл проекта Adobe After Effects
Дополнительные плагины не используются
Вы можете контролировать длительность анимации (вступление – завершение).
Совместимость с видео с разрешением 4K, Full HD, Square и Instagram Stories. (Разрешение можно легко изменить.)
Универсальные выражения...
Читать далее
Подробнее на https://eground.org/threads/trendy-text-animations-videohive-2023.112086/
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atlassylvestris · 4 years
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GRAPHIC DESIGN: minhas experiências no curso
Copiando do jornal que postei na última semana no Spirit:
Estou fazendo um curso EaD de Fundamentals of Graphic Design, do California Institute of the Arts, disponibilizado pela plataforma Coursera (e que tornou-se gratuito para mim por uma parceria da plataforma com a minha universidade, UFABC). Além disso eu tenho estudado muito CSS e HTML nesses meses.
Sisi está vendo coisas novas e abrindo horizontes visuais, então mudanças virão, tenho estado em conflito com o Photoshop e minha edições já faz algumas semanas, acredito que o curso irá me ajudar a experimentar novidades. Tenho tentado resgatar coisas que eram "marcas registradas" minhas nas edições e procurado estilos de que eu gosto mais para compreendê-los melhor.
Um bom exemplo dessa procura é a coleção de styles do Golden Child, Lucid Dream. Eu briguei dias e dias com o PS para chegar num design que eu realmente gostasse e que fosse o que eu estava procurando (teve fundo branco, flor, folha, forma geométrica, uma cota de coisas até eu olhar e achar uau era isso!).
Como bom curso de design gráfico, os alunos possuem atividades para incentivar que experimentem o design (afinal, é assim que se aprende). Na primeira atividade (de três semanas atrás) vimos o que são imagens denotativas e imagens conotativas e tivemos de trabalhar estes conceitos na atividade.
As imagens nessa postagem são minhas produções para as imagens denotativas.
O que são imagens denotativas?
Imagens denotativas são imagens que não possuem significado subjetivo e são compreensíveis em qualquer contexto, por qualquer pessoa, em qualquer cultura, sociedade e idade. Nas aulas usaram de exemplo imagens de maçãs. É algo bastante simples e pode ser desenhado e criado em diversos formatos (e, por vezes, em diversas cores), e ainda assim, serem facilmente visualizadas como maçãs por qualquer espectador.
A atividade solicitava que escolhêssemos um objeto cotidiano e criássemos dez imagens denotativas deste. Ficou evidente que eu escolhi a colher? Espero que sim, porque era para ficar, é justamente a intenção de algo denotativo 💁
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