lady-griffin · 4 years
Avatar both Korra and Aang legends?
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Avatar: The Last Airbender
Favorite character: Aang, Katara, Toph, or Zuko (I can’t decide)
Least Favorite character: Pakku (his sexism was only really “solved” by Katarina being the granddaughter of the women he was once betrothed too – it felt forced and weak. I also didn’t like him letting Katara call him grandfather (or a version of that), but not Sokka. 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Zutara, Kataang, Zuko x Mai, Sokka x Suki, Mai x Ty Lee
Character I find most attractive: Katara, also definitely June
Character I would marry: Sokka or Suki
Character I would be best friends with: Katara or Suki
a random thought: Are the combo animals their own unique species or are the animals in the Avatar world able to reproduce with different animals and just over time, those half babies were able reproduce as well, and thus becoming their own species. 
That would explain the existence of both Solo Animals and Combo Animals. Example: Bears (Solo), Armadillo Bears and Platypus Bears (Combo) 
If that’s the case does that mean, the interspecies mixing happened millions and millions maybe a billion years ago, if so, is that why solo animals (cats, bears) are so rare while combo animals are the majority? 
Solo animals are super rare, which makes me think Bosco was like a super expensive/valuable gift to the King - showing his status as King. 
Turtle Ducks are the greatest thing ever.
An unpopular opinion: I never really thought “The Great Divide” was as awful as people make it out to be. It’s certainly not my favorite, but I was surprised when I learned how much people truly hated it.
My Canon OTP: Kataang
My Non-canon OTP: Zutara
Most Badass Character: Azula, also Kyoshi 
Most Epic Villain: Azula and Ozai
Pairing I am not a fan of: Azula x Ty Lee (I don’t hate it, but given how toxic their relationship was, I can’t say I’m a big fan)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): 
Not a character, but I thought that having Fire Lord Sozin banned homosexuality (in the comics) felt very weird to me and not in line with the Fire Nation. Out of the three remaining nations, the Fire Nations seemed the most “progressive” in terms of equality for women or more accurately for the goal of world domination they were willing to used everything and everyone they had.
It’s also interesting see how each nation and their relative status in terms of morality and their relation to female warriors/fighters/ 
The Fire Nation (Bad) has the most female fighters. We see actual women in the army, female prison guards, as well as the most individual named fighters/characters – Azula, Ty Lee, Mai, June, Lo and Li. Azula’s teachers must have been on an entirely different level than everyone else, as neither one was a fire-bender, but yet they were charged with being Azula’s mentors and teachers in regards to fighting and fire bending.
The Northern and Southern Tribes (Good) have pretty sexist views. Sokka is pretty sexist in the beginning (he had to learn that from somewhere), in Katara’s introduction all the men left (not all that were capable) and Sokka felt as the only teenaged male it was his duty to be in charge/protect everyone.
We literally have episodes that explored the sexism of The Northern Tribe and it literally takes Katara throwing down with an old man from them to start to change. And to my knowledge, there are only two named female water benders – Katara and Hama, maybe the healer in the northern tribe had a name(?), but the fact that I would have to look up her name, if she has one (proves my point). Her name is Yugoda. We don’t have any non-bender female fighters for the Water Tribes. 
The Earth Kingdom (Neutral) has Suki, Avatar Kyoshi and the Kyoshi warriors (unnamed), June, and the girl from Jet’s gang, but the only living female earth bender we ever see is Toph, aside from her we only ever see male earth benders.
The Air Nomads (Strive For/Good) seem to treat everyone as equals, but women and men lived and were raised separately.
So, it just felt lazy to say oh the fire nation is ruled by an oppressive regime and the regime is bad and banning/outlawing same-sex couple is also bad – so there.
When I think you could’ve had a very interesting story, when the Water Tribes who we’ve seen have the most backwards views on women, being the nation to ban same-sex marriages/relationships.
Avatar was very good on the whole – “It’s not that simple” and “Oh god, it’s so much more complicated -  so, I think it would’ve been a very interesting storyline to have The Water Nations have been the ones to ban same-sex relations, while maybe the Fire Nation maybe took after some ancient (Greece/Roman societies) where some thought a soldier would fight harder if they were fighting and protecting their lover/love.
Also, maybe in the recovery period. The Fire Nation wants to have same-sex be legal, but as they were were literally trying to take over the world and systematically tried to destroy other nations and colonize,  the Water Tribes don’t want their traditions and customs being dictated by those of the Fire Nation. I don’t know, that could’ve been very complicated and nuance story. 
It just seemed lazy to me and sort of ignoring what they’ve already set up in their canon universe, on purpose or not. 
 Favorite Friendship: Momo and Appa, Aang and Sokka, Aang and Zuko, Aang and Toph… Aang with anyone really
Character I most identify with: I don’t think I really identify with anyone, but when it came out, definitely Mai.
Character I wish I could be: Mai or Ty Lee
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Favorite character: Korra 
Least Favorite character: Varrick, Unalaq (weak villain), Mako (at times)
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Korrasami, Bolin x Opal, Korralin, Kai x Jinora, Makorralin (…I’ve read a lot good smut of these guys, so yeah...)
Character I find most attractive: Asami
Character I would marry: Asami
Character I would be best friends with: Jinora
a random thought: Why did they have Korra sleeping on her bed with shoes on in season one… that will forever bother me.
An unpopular opinion: I’m have no idea if this is unpopular, but I think Bumi getting air-bending was such a copout. There was something very interesting about the child of two of the most powerful benders (literally his dad is the avatar and his mother was the avatar’s water bender teacher) being a non-bender and that really could’ve been explored. It felt “cheap” to give him air-bending…I was never a fan of that
Also, it bothered me that the Tenzin, Kya, and Bumi all had skin tones that matched perfectly with their respected powers/lack of powers and also they all dress with that same mind set. As one of the first mixed families we really get to see, It would’ve been nice, if their styles of clothing were different or combos of Air Nomad, Water Nation and Earth Kingdom (given where they lived). 
Having only Tenzin be the only we see dress as an Air Nomad and later Bumi (when he gets air-bending) definitely gives credence to the idea that Bumi definitely had a reason for thinking he didn’t truly belong in the Air Nation.
I think Legend of Korra loss a good opportunity of introducing the first mixed families/kids, but still had them dress in regards to their respected element 
It felt weird that Bolin and Mako, dressed with their specific element color. 
Especially since Republic City was this huge diverse city, with influences and people from across the four nations. 
My Canon OTP: Korrasami
My Non-canon OTP: Korralin/Gender-Reverse Korralin
Most Badass Character: Korra
Most Epic Villain: The Red Lotus
Pairing I am not a fan of: Makorra, I was a huge fan of them when it started, but honestly as the show continued and looking back at it, their chemistry was off after the second episode. They had such a great set-up with the gazing end and music, but after that it was downhill.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Not so much a character, but Aang and Katara and their relationship with their children never felt right to me. 
In general, though, I think the creators struggled in finding the right groove for many of the characters if not all of them, at one point or another. 
Favorite Friendship: Korra and Asami, Korra and the Airbending Kids
Character I most identify with: Jinora and Ikki
Character I wish I could be: Asami
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lonely-night · 4 years
Ship: Young Jin/So Yeon
I didn’t expect this shjdfhsgdkfjgskdk ok for anyone who don’t know what this ship is, it’s from a kdrama called “nobody knows” starring kim seo hyung (play as cha young-jin) and her co-star jang young nam (play as jung so-yeon)
alright the first 5 things that come to my mind about this ship:
1. eun-ho’s moms :’)
2. it feels like swan queen all over again skjdgfkjsgdfdk
3. divorced moms vibe
4. the show should focus more on them rather than other boring dudes
thank you for the ask
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you the first 5 things that come to mind when I think about it
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lonely-night · 4 years
Ship: Supercorp?
hmmm this is a tough one bc i haven’t watched sg since forever???? lmao anyway i’ve been gif-watching so the first 5 things that come to my mind about supercorp (i’m sorry if some of them are negative)
1. lena filled kara’s room with all the flowers THATS GAY AS FVCK
2. sc fandom going through the similar path with sq sjkgfkjsgfdk
3. still remember some sg cast making fun of sc fans during sdcc 
4. from what i’ve seen from spoilers lena and kara are angsty as fvck lately 
5. the looks they keep giving each other THATS GAY YOUR HONOR
thanks for the ask
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you the first 5 things that come to mind when I think about it
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