#catholic school nonesense
Tw: transphobia
Cw: cis centric language because Cath School✨✨✨✨✨
Just a cute lil tiny petite rant about smt that pisses me off inspired by my MOTHER pissing me the fuck off by being WRONG and trying to justify her wrong opinion with fucking drag race of all things THAT FUCKING DKGNLDSKJGSND.
I go to a Catholic school and it has really strict rules on dress, hair and nails. For girls its the usual modesty rules they also can't have long nails, wear makeup (in a creative way, if you wear makeup to beautify yourself that's perfectly acceptable), and hair can't cover the face. The rules for boys is very long: no long nails or polish, no earrings or excessive accessorizing, pants can't be cut slim or too baggy, obv no makeup and hair has to be a barber's cut. Though I guess the last rule relaxed over the years cause now it's just advised to have a barber's cut the rule is just: no hair past the brows or touching the ear and the sideburns must be tamed. (Sidenote but the barber's cut looks literally so bad. Like the guys who looked good with it were the guys who already looked handsome and had flat hair. If you had wavy or god forbid curly hair you were walking around school looking like a kid who cut up a clown's wig and put it on their head. Like omg I hate my past pictures so much why'd they do that to us). Anyways all that to say that I have this acquaintance who I talk to very irregularly but I bump into her from time to time in the halls. She transitioned from male to female around the start of high school and for awhile she was allowed to keep her hair long. I guess it helped that it was pandemic times and the rules were very lax then and even I grew my hair out (can't exactly judge someone's moral worth based on aesthetics when you're judging them through a camera screen, you can do it but just not in a timely manner).
Eventually the school transitioned into a hybrid modality where sometimes we'd go to school and sometimes we'd go to school through a computer. She was still allowed to keep her hair, I unfortunately had to cut it (goodbye my sweet locks you served cunt without even much effort) and we still didn't have uniforms the school just told us to wear "respectable" civilian clothes, ew.
Then we went majority face to face classes and even had a prom and they were very strict again about the outfits. (which I will get into exhaustive detail don't you worry BECAUSE THIS IS MY RANT POST AND I CAN DO WHAT I WANT). The girl's dresses could not be backless, have a slit higher than the knee, have a bodice lower than the topmost part of the armpit and if the dress did reveal the back it could only reveal as low as an inch or two lower than the top most part of the armpit. Girls were also not allowed to wear suits but we all complained enough that they eventually let them wear suits BUT the suits had to be feminine. Which was very funny to hear come out of our Student Head's mouth cause girlie been rocking that short haircut since I knew her and I have never seen that woman in a skirt.
For boys it had to be a suit, polo and pants. No makeup or nail art as usual. Oh and no crossdressing of course. I was excited to go to prom cause dancing with friends in a party scenario at a bougie fucking place is fun. IT IS VERY FUN. (tho you do have to get through hours of speeches and one really cringey heterosexual dance like omg the fucking cotillion was such trash also the forced dance between the prom king and queen BIG EWWWWWW and they weren't even into it and the prom king was such a basic flop and looked it too. Like there was someone who actually deserved the prom king title and they overlooked him cause he was a fruity flavor and the panel had a couch who wanted to shower his star player with attention, allegedly I do not know if anything I said in the last sentence is true all I know is multiple people said it and multiple people believed it and multiple people think the prom king award was a fucking sham).
So how does this relate to my acquaintance, well she wasn't allowed to wear a dress. Just full stop was told no and had to go to the prom in a suit, the suit was pink but still that's bullshit. Which is honestly so annoying cause no one even followed the dress code (and looked fucking stunnin', gorgeous, show-stopping, cuntalina doing it).
But yeah that was last year and now we're in the "attempting to return to normal with some new stuff" era and it's back to uniforms and the really strict dress code. YAY. They did hair inspections and the head of Student Discipline told me my hair was just a smidge too long and I'm going to be honest it took everything in me not to say the most vile insult I could think of.
The next day I saw that acquaintance of mine with her hood up in a sweater, my first thoughts were: "the hair inspections and dress code are dumb and based on archaic customs that aren't even native to our country but brought over by stinky colonizers" and "is she wearing...a dysphoria hoodie???". I left it alone cause I know how important hair can be to someone, even more so when you're a trans girl desperately trying to be comfortable with the body you were born in and we are not close enough for me to accidentally dig up her trauma.
Following day I find out she did cut her hair and I felt bad but didn't comment much cause I'm not good at being sincere with my and other people's emotions (its a problem and I am doing my best to change). It only annoyed me at first but I know now that slight annoyance was truly just the tip of that emotional iceberg.
When my mom and dad got home, my mom started asking me questions about my day and I complied cause I was in a good mood (which will very quickly dissipate in those next few minutes). It was average storytelling at first, told her about clubs etc. then she mentioned the hair thing and since she still thinks I keep in contact with all my friends in the past asks me about my acquaintance since she's the most visible trans person in our school and I told my mom she was forced to cut her hair and how the grooming rules are dumb.
This mountain of intellectualism looks to me and is like (and I am paraphrasing cause I did not nor will not save space in my brain for this), "well those are the rules boys hair should be short plus it looks better anyway since it looks fresh and clean". I immediately told my mom she was following the rules the school just doesn't respect her enough to apply the right ones and how the Student Discipline head is annoying cause he had the nerve to tell us that the school respects our "gender preference" when the school very much does not and he didn't even use the right words to explain his point.
My mom responded with something like, "Those are the rule and it does look better look at those queens on drag race when they're out of it they look nice and he's not a girl look at his birth certificate." Answered with that classic "her birth record would also say she's 10 pounds" and "don't start with that drag race stuff you know nothing of that art and community, you watched one season and it had a trans woman". She tried to continue reasoning and I remembered the sacred lesson of it not being worth it to educate bigoted or prejudiced people because they're reasons for being that way is non logical and any argument you bring up with only be met with skepticism or strawmen (also this is the same woman who brought up the woman are from venus and men are from mars bullshit in the year of our lord 2023 so I was not going to be her queer educator of the day. fuck that noise) I ditched the convo telling her she's wrong and I do not care what her opinion is on the matter and that my acquaintance is a girl period. Then I started writing this post cause the embers of rage still burn brightly and I am not willing to study and let it go till I finish writing this post.
Oh before I was able to fully leave she brought up how "well his parents were ok with it" and "if they don't like the rules they can go to a different school". Which have very clear obvious arguments: "HER parents may be ok with it, doesn't mean she is" and "You can't just switch schools cause the administration decided transphobia was cute. Switching schools takes time and money and you should know that as a parent stop acting ignorant to support your ignorance" but again I ain't spending more time on her bs so I just went with a catchy:
"The institution should support the individual."
Thank you for coming to Rant post...if you're even here or made it this part. Gift shop is down there somewhere you'll have to scroll for it tho. Also remember to support trans rights , bye bye.
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flashfuture · 3 years
Conn reading Kyle’s nonesense texts in his voice 🥺 thats so freakin’ sweet.but I guess a valley girl-Irish accent would be pretty recongizable even if he wasn’t self admittedly in love with him. Kyle giving him nicknames close to his heart to show how close he is to him...especially if he hasn’t really had a relationship wher he could be that close with people in a romantic sense.
I do think Kyle went to a Catholic school too, because idk I feel like Maura defaulted to what she needs when she moved here for the first time.
Kyle has picked relationships with very determined people but not always open people. Alex was a very tell you how it is girl, there wasn’t much guesswork to be done, Kyle always knew where he stood with her. Donna likes to focus on other people and avoid her own emotions. Jade just isn’t that expressive about her emotions. She much more similar to Guy actually in that she’d rather go punch things than discuss how she’s feeling. Conn much prefers to talk things out. That's why they vibed so well as friends. 
Yeah all we know is Kyle went to a school in North Hollywood. Which at the school reunion looked public but who cares what canon thinks what does it know. Kyle went to a catholic school and he was raised in the religion too for certain. 
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