#capcom was building up this emotional torture
elena-fishr · 8 months
I’m gonna say it
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Resident Evil 5 IS scary!!!
Losing a loved one and living on doing AS MUCH AS YOU PHYSICALLY CAN to bring them back but still end up feeling helpless?? Scary.
Being TRAPPED in your OWN body for YEARS with compulsive thoughts that aren’t your own. Horrifying.
Re5 has emotional terror and it hits me hard. Even the professionals can be helpless for ones they love. Chris and Jill aren’t scared of zombies/viruses. They can handle that, so capcom put what even they fear into a game.
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idreamofasriel-blog · 6 years
So, on my RP Blog, @hallsofmuses I’ve been working on X-Kai, the scraped Mega Man X character that Capcom never used for Mega Man X2 due to rom space but yet later on made into a rare to get action figure that was only found at Comic Con and I got some headcanons I made about him that I’m going to share on here too. Just a heads up, if you see a headcanon that is being used on here that is already thought up by someone. It’s no doubt a coincidence since I never steal headcanon from anyone else. Note: Jessica is one of my Reploid OCs that I RP on my RP blog and yes, I made her as Zero’s daughter and it’s been like that since I was fifteen years old. -Even though X-Kai is a cold and merciless Reploid, doesn’t mean he’ll up and willy nilly kill you on the spot if you annoy him or just for no reason at all. X-Kai is not a cliche psychopath who would mindlessly kills people just because he’s the evil clone of X and a Maverick. He will always have a good reason to kill you or do something worst to you. If you’re a total stranger that X-Kai has no knowledge about, he’ll have no interest in you and leave. If you try to annoy him, he’ll ignore you cause he feels like that you’re doing it on purpose to piss him off. -X-Kai is an intelligent Reploid who prefers classical music, opera, theatre, and reading books. Unlike X, he finds Geek Culture stuff to be stupid, immature, and a waste of time. Same to go with X’s hobby of collecting toys and building them. -He’s equipped with the ability to change his armor to the same coloring as X’s to lower his friends and allies’ guard down but the downside is that he can’t change his facial appearance and his eyes so he relies on makeup and contact lense to do that. -Yes, X-Kai will torture Reploids of any kind to get what information he wants out of them but he’s also a bit of a man of his word and lets them go once he got what he wants out of them. He sees his torture method as his way to get a message across everyone about not messing with him.-He has a strong hatred toward his creator for creating him to look like X and he won’t hesitate to kill Zero on sight, same to go with X as well. This makes the old man angry at him for wanting to kill Zero and they would get into nasty fights over it. But the Old Man always shows him who’s the real threat here.-He blames Zero for the reason why their creator abandoned him and he wants to show the Old Man that he is superior than Zero and what a mistake he made. -He refuses to acknowledge Jessica as his niece as much as Jessica refuse to acknowledge him as her Uncle. X-Kai has a terrible plan for her. -He has no interest in love and sees it as a “worthless emotion” so shipping with him is out of the question. -He has a pet black cat named Poe. Hurt that cat and you die. -He likes fine wine and coffee.  
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harrytwigs248 · 7 years
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February 9th, 2017
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
So this is kind of an important game in a few ways for me. I’m a gigantic Resident Evil fan, it’s right up there in my top 5 game series with Zelda and KH, and I’ll be honest, I was a little worried about this game at first. The first person perspective was an odd choice to me, and the demo didn’t really feel all that “Resident Evil” to me. Well, if you’re like me and was the least bit worried, good news.
This is classic RE.
I see this game as the perfect marriage of the classic RE (1, 2, 3, etc) and the modern (4, 5, 6). You’re given a freedom of control not given in most RE games, moving and sprinting, while still being able to fire a weapon. But, unlike RE 6, it gives you this freedom with sacrificing the horror in favor of action. From all the classic games, is EVERYTHING ELSE. There are themed doors, ridiculous contraptions, trap or puzzle, that even the protagonist, Ethan, has to wonder “who builds this shit?”
Before I start gushing, I want to go over my problems with the game. As a RE fan, I couldn’t be happier, but there are some things that keep it from being a masterpiece.
-Ethan I mentioned him briefly a moment ago, but the protagonist is a new character named Ethan Winters. And he is not interesting to me. He doesn’t ever seem frightened enough for someone who deals with some the shit that he goes through in this game. And while I respect the decision to move away from the established cast, who are mostly veterans of bioterrorism horror at this point, I wish I knew more about him. Which, may be remedied with ‘Not a Hero’, a free DLC coming out in spring. It Stars my boy Chris Redfield, so I’ll be posting about that when it comes out.
-Enemy Variety While the games enemies are initially very frightening and disconcerting, there are 3 types of basic enemies, with the deviations from that being how many limbs they have. It’s kind of disappointing, and knowing where the Molded come from, I honestly think they are more bland than if the Baker Estate was filled with classic T Virus zombies.
-The ship So, the buildup to going to the ship and getting some backstory on Mia, and Eveline, and the genesis of the Baker family as we know them is excellent. When you get there though, it’s not fun. The videotape sequence is alright, and if they just had Ethan find that tape somewhere, it would’ve gotten the exposition part out of the way, and we can get back to the good parts. The ship is frustrating, and an abrupt change of pace. Without spoiling too much, Ethan needs saving and you play as Mia to do it. This means you lose all your items during this intermission of level. This invalidates one of my favorite parts of Resident Evil, item management. No matter how well you aim, or save your ammo, or avoid taking damage to stock up on healing items, you CANNOT prepare for this portion of the game. That’s not to say it’s overly difficult. My main gripe is it’s confusing. It might just be me, but everything looks the goddamn same on that ship. And it’s easy to forget which floors you have access to by the elevator shaft or the stairs.
Now, on to the good stuff.
I love the Bakers as antagonists. Jack is horrifying with the way he stalks you around the house, and chainsaw dueling him is a boss right that’s definitely going to stick with me for a while. Marguerite was extremely disturbing with the emphasis on bugs, and Lucas made me feel an emotion I didn’t expect from a horror game; anger. He actually pissed me off with his psychopathic traps and torture of Clancy (the true hero of RE7), which is not a complaint. I liked that I felt that about him, and i feel it was intentional. Unfortunately, Lucas is also my least favorite Baker antagonist. Aside from a pretty shocking reveal via files toward the end of the game, you don’t ever fight him, so there’s not a lot of closure on him as an enemy. My theory about 'Not a Hero’ is Chris going back in to hunt down Lucas, and if that’s the case, I’m glad the DLC is free, but it’d be nice to have that story closure at launch. My absolute favorite Baker is Jack. Aside from being an imposing and truly scary foe, he is goddamn hilarious. He’s constantly taunting you in his ridiculous hillbilly way, and he was extremely entertaining, even when I was trying to fight for my life.
So as a RE fan, I’m happy to say my fears were in vain, Capcom knows how to make a good RE game after all. One of the other ways this game is important to me, is that this is the first game I’ve ever gotten all of the trophies on since I started playing games on 360 in 2007ish. This felt like a huge accomplishment for me, and was hugely satisfying. The pictures aside from the title are my first run through, the speedrun in under 4 hours (managed to do it in just over 3, so that was also exciting), and my Madhouse run. Another playthrough not pictured was one I did on Easy, but with using less than 3 healing items, and using the item box no more than 3 times. To save time, I did both playthrough at one time, and it was pretty stressful, even on Easy. The item box trophy is tricky though, it says no more than 3 times, but the game forces you to use the item box 3 times, so this means you can’t use the box AT ALL. It made for some tense decision making.
All in all, this game blew me away, and I’m still playing it now. I’ve played through the majority of the DLC, and I started a Madhouse run where I’m not using the bonus items you get for meeting certain requirements, and let me tell you, I miss the circular saw.
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