#cancelled con
egg-bread-cryptid · 2 years
Im actually glad Reagan had a positive experience with love. I liked Ron, and I’m both sad and happy it didn’t work out because sometimes that’s truly how it is, you meet someone great but your goals are too different. But it was fun while it lasted.
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artemisiatridentata · 10 months
due to circumstances (stuck in my house feeling like a caged animal bc of wildfire smoke) I have crocheted another fish! I stuffed this one with old clothes instead of polyester fiber filling like the previous ones I’ve made, and I actually like it way better bc the extra weight makes the fish so realistically floppy! and it’s perfect for whacking people with! >:)
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Alt text for video: Two short clips of my hand holding the crocheted fish and flopping it around to demonstrate how the weight makes it move realistically. In the first clip I’m holding the fish by the middle and flopping it up and down. In the second clip, I’m holding the fish by the tail and making it wiggle from side to side. In the background of both clips you can hear my brother practicing the mandalorian theme on the piano. End alt text.
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frimoussette88 · 1 year
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Doing promo about Secret Invasion:
"If you don't mind me asking: did you at any point call Kit Harington to say like 'Dude, is this really a good idea?' or was it like 'No, let's go' ?" (x)
Bonus (still laughing at her own joke)
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angrycloudloud · 3 months
Thanks Tumblr for KICK ME back into the shadow of Sherlock Holmes!!!
I just got far enough from BBC Sherlock... WHY YOU PUNCH ME IN THE FACE WITH A PODCAST!?!?!
With a spanish Miss Hudson talking shit about men in Spanish to a dog?!
Autistic Sherlock seeking hugs when overstimulated?!
John with an obsession with his podcast because PTSD makes him feel a bit lost and he needs to feel like he IS doing something good?!
John loving his fans but using the case of the goose as an excuse to not go to a trip with his mates?!?! and Sherlock being pure gremblin energy when the cases are close?!?!?!
I LOVE them but FUCK OFF Tumblr i was busy i didn't need to get back into my "John and Sherlock need a hug" era!!!
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lukino94725764 · 3 months
You know, before this one, I had another au, I didn't make much progress with it because I was overloaded with work at that time and I was also overworking the pages because of the subject matter, are you interested, although I think that if you have been following me for a while you will know which au I am referring to.
Anyway, I know I'll pick up that project again at some point, but I'd like to share the pages I had until I cancelled it.
Interested in?
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gaypirateslife4me · 5 months
I'm gonna be fucking sick. What the actual fuck?
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What more could we have done? Or the production, for that matter - 40% budget cuts, shorter season, they did everything! Fuck off HBO.
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fiuworks · 8 months
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alexa play remember my name by mitski gahhh. it's litterally appleton guys im gnawing at drywall jesus christ
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sapphic-agent · 12 days
I don't think people understand how PEAK a crossover between Gravity Falls, Amphibia, and Owl House would have been
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sunnibits · 1 year
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oh my fucking god
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clannfearrunt · 10 months
thats right. my favorite cardgame anime is not yugioh, the one I've been posting about for approximately a year straight. *i pause as if waiting for the crowd to gasp but there is no one in the audience to begin with*
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blackmageeljin · 4 months
I haven't posted in a long time.
My anxiety and depression have backslid a lot in the last year. My social anxiety and agoraphobia are particularly out of control.
I have fallen out of producing fandom content, frankly because I have been too afraid to. Fandoms have become a lot more charged than they were when I was younger. I keep trying to get into new fandoms that I hope are less problematic only to stumble across the same patterns, up to and including someone being harassed and told to 'kys' repeatedly over fandom drama to the point of ending their own life.
But being isolated is hard. I haven't stopped making content I just... Stopped sharing it. I don't really know what to do, or if any followers I have here are even still active. I got back into JoJo's and expected most of the discourse to be more 'gay vs not gay' type stuff but some parts are... Really, *really* bad. Worse even than KH. And inconsistent! Censoring myself to fit some fear mongering anti's agenda seems like an anathema, so I just haven't posted anything, even the stuff I have I know isn't problematic.
To me the 'right' thing to do would be to post anyway and stand up for a censorship free Internet and community, but I'm afraid that, especially right now, I just don't have the resilience.
I guess I'm asking people more in touch with a 2024 Tumblr what they think. If it's even worth it. What tools there are. I've spent half the day blocking hate in a tag and trying not to panic about it. As an actual abuse survivor, seeing some of these accusations fly over such inane things is just... Disheartening. Especially knowing my abusers will never be prosecuted, but I'm getting accused of those crimes by trying to cope through artistic expression.
Also if there is anyone interested in some of the 'problematic' ships I've tagged, please give me a ring. I might try finishing and posting some stuff after all of it will actually make people happy. But after seeing witch hunt posts calling for people to haze or blacklist certain crators? It's just... Really scary.
But I'm so tired of being alone.
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fuckspn · 6 months
yknow what in retrospect i'm kind of glad the "i love you" got cut from goodbye stranger simply because if they'd included a canon love confession on top of all the blatant romantic subtext of season 8 and then gone "lol they're just friends destiel isn't real you freaks" i would have blown up the earth
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sudaca-swag · 3 months
ufff dove cameron you dont know with the people you just messed with, better start making an appointment to wash off los gualichos that theyre going to be sending your way lmao
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rainbowcaleb · 1 month
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xieliancore · 1 year
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ayaka doodle!!! modern au?
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shedontlovehuhself · 1 year
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Still thinking about these two and how they easily hit it off and gravitated towards each other. They're best friends now, cause I said so.😁
pics from @/gknightschaos & @/hiswingsflare twitter
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