#cancellation and suspension applications
chterzidislaw · 1 month
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⚖️ Δικηγόρος εξειδικεμένος στο Δίκαιο Αλλοδαπών & τ.νομικός σύμβουλος στη ΜΚΟ 'ΑΡΣΙΣ' σε θέματα προσφύγων και μεταναστών.
💼 Ενδεικτικά,αναλαμβάνονται υποθέσεις που έχουν να κάνουν με:
• αίτηση για πολιτικό άσυλο
• άδειες διαμονής προσφύγων και μεταναστών
• προστασία από απέλαση και κράτηση
• οικογενειακές επανενώσεις
• διαβατήρια
• αιτήσεις ακύρωσης και αναστολής, • προσφυγές - υπομνήματα
• πολιτογράφηση-κτήση ελληνικής ιθαγένειας
• Golden Visa υποθέσεις κλπ.
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georgeter88 · 1 month
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tieflingkisser · 3 months
Transgender People in Florida Face Having Their Driver's Licenses Revoked
Transgender people in Florida could have their driver's licenses revoked or face prosecution if they try to change their gender markers, according to a memo shared on social media. Robert Kynoch, the deputy executive director of the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, issued a memo dated January 26 that said "establishing gender on a newly issued Florida Driver License is based on the supporting documents provided with an application," according to a screenshot posted on X, formerly Twitter. The documents "must be sufficient to establish the identity of the applicant" under Florida law, he said. "Furthermore, misrepresenting one's gender, understood as sex, on a driver license constitutes fraud under s. 322,212, F.S., and subjects an offender to criminal and civil penalties, including cancellation, suspension, or revocation of his or her driver license."
In other posts, Caraballo wrote that "if the language used in this directive is taken at face value, any trans person driving with a changed gender marker on their drivers license could be criminally charged with fraud. This interpretation could potentially apply to anyone driving in the state, including tourists." Caraballo told Newsweek that the change will "forcibly out" transgender people and put them in danger. "This is a 'show me your papers' policy for trans people in the state of Florida," she said. "Trans people are now at risk for having their licenses revoked or suspended at any time. It's the legal erasure and criminalization of the entire trans community. It's a dangerous change that will forcibly out trans people and put them at immense risk for discrimination and violence."
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vstheworldzine · 3 months
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Hello everyone. If you follow us on Twitter, you might have seen that our account has been wrongfully suspended, and we assume it's due to targeted action against us (as it says it's "due to a user report", and usually accounts only get suspended after several reports against it). None of the host's account have ever been suspended before, nor have we broken any rules whatsoever, so there was no reason for this to even happen.
If you know of anyone speaking badly about this zine or trying to bring an end to it for whatever reason these people may have, please inform us. Thanks.
If the suspension appeal doesn't go through until Saturday we will have to postpone the application opening. And if the appeal gets rejected we will most likely cancel the entire project.
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doctorfiction · 6 months
Go Ahead . . .Suspend My Disbelief!
Question: Do you have any general suggestions for an author who wants to write a thriller with a medical theme as its hook?
This question is very timely for me as I am just starting a new book. I would like to say that this is my second novel, but like many authors, I have a number of books in progress and struggle to find the one that inspires me to push through to the end.
That said, I took a look at my “works in progress,” and found that they all have something in common.
I like searching the web for a new scientific breakthrough or discovery that fills me with hope and scares the shit out of me simultaneously.
There . . . you see . . . we have the makings of a good thriller already. Kind of like Schrodinger’s Cat, it’s both alive and dead at the same time.
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I am delighted and somewhat surprised to announce that my debut novel, Immortal Red, has just become an Amazon Best-Seller in the Medical Thriller, and Crime & Mystery / Science Fiction genres.
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As such, I will use it as one of my examples for how to select an idea / premise for a novel. Shameless Plug: The eBook edition of Immortal Red is on sale for a limited time for $0.99 on Amazon. CLICK HERE for a deeper explanation and the opportunity to buy at $0.99 if you wish. While searching the web for second-hand parts for an ancient Lotus Elan and a used tweed jacket on Poshmark, I came across this article about a unique creature.
Fact: Turritopsis dohrnii, the dime-sized jellyfish with the bright red stomach, is the only creature on earth with the gift of immortality (notice that the title of the novel, Immortal Red, is chosen from the headline). When confronted with death due to advanced age, starvation, or trauma sufficient to kill but not obliterate, turritopsis dohrnii has the ability, through a process called transdifferentiation, to repair itself by converting adjacent healthy cells of one type into precise replacements for damaged cells of another type. This is not unlike a fetal stem cell, except for the fact that turritopsis can do this a seemingly endless number of times. Through this mechanism, turritopsis is able to effect a complete repair of all damaged tissue and emerge young and healthy.
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Now I was intrigued and looked for a way to make this a universal concept, something that would appeal to everyone.
Questions: Would you want to live forever? Would you kill to be able to live forever? If everyone you know and love—dies of old age—would you want to go on? Would you be motivated to do anything if you had all the time in the world?
Suspension of Disbelief: A marine biologist snorkeling off the coast of Cape Fear discovers the jellyfish and takes it to her lab for further study. She kills the little invertebrates over a hundred times only to have them come back to life, new and perfect. She wonders if there may be mammalian applications. The Institute finds her research interesting but unimportant and cancels funding. Her husband works for the eighty year-old director of a CIA black ops division charged with doing jobs too dirty for the rest of the agency to touch. Surprise, the aged director offers to fund her research—and we’re off on a tale filled with a diverse cast: Nick, an archaeologist turned CIA “fixer,” who is dying, Tommie, a Native American who has died more times than he cares to remember, and Lucy, a young graduate student on the run with the “Cliff’s Notes” for immortality.
Procedure: At this point, I had to invent science sufficiently credible to allow human application of transdifferentiation. I took liberties with the existing science, but remained true to basic scientific and medical principles to allow the reader to suspend disbelief.
Here is another example of a simultaneously hopeful and horrifying scientific “breakthrough.”
CRISPR: (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) By use of a hand-held “gene gun” scientists are able to coat a heavy-metal projectile with specific gene material and literally fire it into a cell, inserting this genetic material into a strand of DNA to repair the strand or eliminate the sequence of certain diseases such as Cystic Fibrosis. . .
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or to create a genetically modified “super” tomato.
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All well and good until a Chinese scientist used the process in utero to create genetically modified super-twins. He’s now in prison, and there is a selective moratorium on the use of CRISPR in humans.
But once the cat is out of the bag . . .
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The internet is chock full of tidbits like this if you just dig a bit. Below are the workings of machinations of one such headline:
“Combining a Virus and Genetic Material for Insertion into a Human Genome.”
Consider the following premise: the military, searching for a way to offset its ever shrinking ranks decides that it needs to create soldiers who can operate on the battle field without the constraints of conscience or the PTSD that often results from such activities.
The researchers note that the limbic system plays a vital role in the inhibition of violence and manifestation of the inevitable mental trauma of these actions. A plan is developed to insert DNA from the limbic system of a reptile into the limbic system of a test subject. Researchers note that reptiles are able to attack their prey without anger or regret. They simply do what is necessary to survive.
Ideally, the effects would be limited in both time and scope, manifesting on the battlefield and dissipating soon afterward. To that end, a decision is made to combine the type-specific DNA with a virus and literally give the subject’s limbic system a short-term “cold.”
What could possibly go wrong?
Well—it turns out—not only are the changes not limited to the target organ—the subjects are also contagious.
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This premise happens to be the idea behind Elegant Beasts, a novel I am currently working on.
Below you will find the teaser prologue illustrating the evolution of an idea from Science Fact to Created Science to Suspension of Disbelief.
Elegant Beasts
            What if? The two most dangerous words in the English language. What if he hadn't ignored that nagging pain in his gut? Or better yet, what if he had never worked for that chip manufacturer growing those damn silicon crystals for micro-circuits and then cleaning them with trichloroethylene?
            But that had been 1973. Who knew, another provocative word pairing, that “Tricky” would turn out to be one of the most potent hepatic carcinogens the world had ever seen? A time bomb that could sleep soundly for decades before waking to spawn a tumor that would quietly, double every 6-8 months, seeding the lung and regional lymph nodes. before bursting free, to take out its host in six months.
            “Damn.” Albert Fontaine, MD rolled on his left side, brought his knees to his chest and palpated the growing mass under his right ribs. If he lay perfectly still, in a tight fetal position there was no pain. But moving—well— that was something else.
But, this morning, something was different. He didn't know what. But it didn't matter, given his present circumstance, different was good. The mass felt, not so much smaller, but softer, somehow less of a challenge to his survival.
            Elizabeth Gilmore, PhD in Genetics and Virology or as he nicknamed her, Elizardbeth, now shortened to simply Lizard had told him this was just a “taste” of what was possible. A cure for the incurable. But at what cost he thought, picking at the scaly rash that had appeared on his forearms.
            Life for his humanity. But not the life he had now. Was it a good trade? He supposed it was a matter of perspective and belief. He was no longer the Catholic schoolboy who accepted everything the nuns told him. But he was not quite ready to accept the Kansas rock band's thesis that “all we are is dust in the wind.”
            The skin of the creature was the worst part.
            Albert Fontaine had always been fascinated with skin. It was an overlooked wonder of evolution and accident, a twenty-one-square foot organ with an exceptional ability to regenerate itself. He had once read that dead skin cells accounted for a billion tons of dust in the atmosphere and he wanted to believe it, but as a scientist, he had no faith in how they’d arrived at that figure. Measured how many cells the average individual lost in a year, he supposed. 30,000 cells a minute? Was that right? Skin was always changing. Microbes roved its surface, fighting disease, the miniature populations unique to the species they protected. Fontaine liked this idea of humans hosting one kind of vibrant community and dogs another and baboons and sharks yet another. He was not religious, but this felt close: every moving creature a solar system for another world, every beating heart a sun, each world contained by living, seething skin.
Albert brushed the now vaguely greenish flakes from the rash on his forearm.
Lizard had hinted at the existence of another subject, someone months further along in their “treatment.”
And so, Fontaine had broken into Elizabeth Gilmore’s lab to see for himself.
Broken in wasn’t quite the correct term, since he had used a key card to gain access, but he’d acquired the duplicate key card under a false premise. So whatever that was, it was enough that he felt jumpy. He was not given to criminal activity; he did not get speeding tickets, he did not cross against the light, and he did not eat donuts from bags labeled with other people’s names in the break room. So long as the rules made sense, he was a rule follower.
But Elizabeth Gilmore’s research did not make sense.  She had been one of DARPA’s (Defense Advanced Research Project Agency) “golden girls,” a rising star in charge of a government-funded “super soldier” program. Fast forward six months: The Lizard had been unceremoniously booted from her high-tech digs in the Virginia Tech research center and banished to a hastily outfitted lab in one of the many dozens of remote abandoned buildings that dot the nearby Radford Army Ammunition Plant Army Base  
As Fontaine prowled through her lab, he tried to look as if he belonged, although he didn’t truly believe he would be interrupted. It was after hours for most of the staff and he’d watched Gilmore leave as he arrived. She worked the twelve-hour day shift that was typical here, seven am to seven pm. Fontaine was on the exact opposite, pulling nights since beginning his circadian skin research.
Gilmore’s lab was impeccable, not just spotlessly clean but fastidiously organized. A radio had been left on and it played the glimmering ‘80s music she listened to relentlessly. He’d somehow expected her research to be secret, hidden away, but the isolation chamber was clearly labeled.
Fontaine hadn’t been able to see anything through the glass square in the door, so he dutifully scrubbed down and searched for a hazard suit. Finding none, he considered his options. Given his dismal prognosis he decided to go for it.
The door opened with a snake-like hiss as the chamber decompressed. His vision adjusted slowly to the faint red lighting.
There it was.
One fell straight into uncanny valley just to look at it. Two legs, two arms, those frightful hands, the eyes. Was it a thing that looked human or a human that looked like a thing? It was impossible for Fontaine to tell which direction the slider was being pushed.
And the skin was the worst part. On some areas of the body, it was smooth and hairless, the surface marked only by striations that reflected the arid environment of the isolation chamber. But on other others, particularly the arms and the face —
He was reminded suddenly of his younger brother, a miracle baby. He’d been born with Harlequin Ichthyosis, a rare skin disorder that left him plated with a thick armor of his own skin, a tiny stegosaurus-human chimera. The red, scaly plaques had to be operated on to keep his limbs from auto-amputating, and to this day he had to constantly manage his scaly, red skin.
Looking at Gilmore’s research, he was reminded not of the adult his brother had become, but the tiny, scaled hybrid in the ICU he had begun as.
“Dr. Fontaine, you seem lost.”
Fontaine startled.
She was there. Of course, she was there.
Elizabeth Gilmore stood just outside the isolation chamber, her narrow, shapely face framed in the thick glass window. He saw the thick blue lanyard at her neck; she had not left at all.
“What is the use of such research?” Fontaine demanded, his voice raised in order to be heard. “What practical application can there possibly be?”
Gilmore smiled. It was neither amused nor friendly. “It cured her anxiety disorder entirely.”
Her. Somehow it was far worse to think about the creature as possessing a gender.
“This is unethical,” he told her.
Gilmore merely blinked at him.
“How did you even get someone to volunteer for this?” he asked.
Gilmore looked away for a moment; she was tapping something into the keypad. When she looked back at him, her smile was gone. She said, “They wander in after hours.”
He heard the lock slide into place.
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i-should-have-studied · 6 months
Sols: solid in a liquid
When a solid substance is dispersed in a liquid, the colloidal system is called a sol or colloidal solution. If the dispersion medium is water, the sol may be called a hydrosol or an aquasol. If the dispersion medium is alcohol or benzene, the sol is called alcosol and benzosol respectively.
Sols can be divided into 2 sub classes: Lyophilic and Lyophobic.
Lyophilic sols are sols where the dispersed phase have a definite attraction for the medium or the solvent. Ex: gum and starch.
Lyophobic sols are sols where the dispersed phased has no attraction to the medium or the solvent. Ex: gold in water.
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Lyophilic sols can be prepared simply by warming the solid with the liquid dispersion medium. Lyophobic sols on the other hand have to be prepared by special methods, such methods fall under two groups: Dispersion and Aggregation.
Dispersion methods take larger macro-sized particles and break them down to colloidal size while aggregation methods start with colloidal sized particles, they are built up by aggregating single ions or molecules.
Properties of Sols: Kinetic, Optical and Electrical.
Kinetic Properties include Brownian Movement.
When a sol is examined under a microscope, the suspended particles are seen as shining specs of light. When following an individual particle, it is observed that the particle is undergoing a constant rapid zig-zag motion. The zig-zag movement executed by a colloidal particle in the dispersion mediums is called Brownian Movement.
Suspensions and true solutions don't exhibit Brownian movement.
According to Einstein, at any instant, a colloidal particle was being struck by several molecules of the dispersion medium. The movement of the particle was caused by unequal number of molecules of the medium striking it from opposite directions. When more molecules struck the particle on one side than on another, the direction of the movement changed.
In a suspension, the large size of the suspended particles drop the probability of unequal bombardments. The force of the molecules hitting the particle on one side is cancelled out by the force of collisions occurring on the other side, therefore no Brownian movement.
Brownian movement shows why the dispersed particles don't settle with the force of gravity like suspended particles do, the constant pushing and pulling from the dispersion medium molecules simply don't let them settle down.
Optical properties include the Tyndall effect, each particle being individually visible under an ultramicroscope, and an electron microscope.
When a strong beam of light is passed through a sol and viewed at right angles, the path of light is visible as a hazy beam or cone. This is due to the fact that sol particles absorb light energy and then emit it in all directions in space. The scattering of light illuminated the path of the beam in the colloidal dispersion. This phenomenon is called the Tyndall effect. The illuminated beam or cone formed is often called a Tyndall beam or Tyndall cone respective. True solutions can not scatter light because their solute particles are too small.
Sol particles can't be seen under a microscope, but with the application of the Tyndall effect, an apparatus called the ultramicroscope can be used. The ultramicroscope allows us to see the halo of scattered light around a particle, but not the particle directly. Therefore it can't give us any information regarding the shape and size of the sol particles.
However, it is now possible to get a picture of an individual particle with a magnification of 10,000x with an electron microscope.
Electrical properties includes dispersion phases carrying charge, electrophoresis, electro-osmosis and coagulation.
All colloidal particles possess either a positive or negative charge, the mutual forced of repulsion between similarly charged particles prevent them from aggregating and settling. It provides the sol stability. The sol particles acquire a charge by preferential adsorption of positive or negative ions from the dispersion medium. The sol as a whole is neutral, which means the dispersion medium has the equal and directly opposite charge of the particles. This is done with oppositely charged ions called counterions.
The surface of a colloidal particle acquires a positive and negative charge by selective adsorption of a later of positive ions around it. This later attracts counterions from the medium to form the second layer of charge. The combination of positive and negative charge layers around a sol particles is called Helmholtz Double layer. The double layer is made of a compact layer of positive and negative charges which are firmly fixed on the particle surface and a diffuse layer of counterions diffused into the medium containing the particle's charge ions(english isn't englishing). The combination of both layers is called the Stern Double Layer.
If electric potential is applied across two platinum electrodes dipping in a hydrophilic sol, the dispersed particles move toward one or the other electrode. The movement of sol particles under an applied electric potential is called electrophoresis. If sol particles move towards the negative electrode, they carry a positive charge and vice versa. Electrophoresis allows us to determine the charge of sol particles.
We know sol is electrically neutral, the dispersion medium has a charge equal and opposite to the dispersed particles. Therefore, the medium will move in the opposite direction to the dispersed phase under the influence of applied electric potential. When the dispersed phase is kept stationary, the medium is actually found to move to the electrode of opposite sign if it's own. The movement of the dispersion medium under the influence of applied potential is known as electro-osmosis.
The stability of a lyophobic sol is due to the adsorption of positive or negative ions by the dispersed particles. The repulsive forces between the charged particles do not allow them to settle. If the charge were removed, the would be nothing to keep the particles apart from each other, they would aggregate and settle down under the action of gravity. The grouping and settling of the discharged sol particles is called coagulation or precipitation of the sol. Coagulation can be brought out by addition of electrolytes, by electrophoresis, by mixing two oppositely charged sols, or by boiling.
Addition of Electrolytes:
When excess of an electrolyte is added to a sol, the dispersed particles are precipitated. The electrolyte furnishes both positive and negative ions in the medium. The sol particles adsorb the oppositely charged ions and get discharged. The electrically neutral particles then aggregate and settle down as precipitate. A negative ion causes the precipitation of a positively charged sol and vice versa. The effectiveness of an anion or cation to precipitate a sol, will naturally depend on the magnitude of the charge or valence of the effective ion. Hardy and Schulze gave a general rule on this, Hardy-Schulze Rule states that the precipitating effect of an ion on dispersed phase of opposite charge increases with the valence of the ion. The higher the valency of the effective ion, the greater is its precipitating power, For example: Al3+ > Ba2+ > Na+ to precipitate a negative dispersed phase and _3- > _2- > _- to precipitate a positive one.
Protective action of sols:
Lyophobic sols are readily precipitated by small amount of electrolytes. However these sols are often stabilized by the addition of lyophilic sols.
The property of lyophilic sols to prevent the precipitation of lyophobic sol is called protection.
The lyophilic sol used to protect a lyophobic sol from precipitation is called a protective colloid.
Ex: If a little gelatin is added to a gold sol, the latter is protected. The 'protected gold sol' is no longer precipitated on the addition of NaCl.
This works because the particles of the lyophobic sol absorb the particles of the lyophilic sol. Thus the lyophilic colloid forms a coating around the lyophobic sol particles. The lyophobic colloid, therefore, behaves as a lyophilic sol and is precipitated less easily.
The use of protective colloids to stabilize colloidal systems is widespread. In the preparation of ice cream, gelatin is added to act as a protecting agent to the colloidal particles of ice. If the ice particles coagulate, the smooth texture of ice cream is lost.
Gold Number:
Lyophilic colloids all differ widely in their powers of protection. The protective action of different colloids is measured in terms of the ‘Gold number’ introduced by Zsigmondy.
Gold number is the number of milligrams of a hydrophilic colloid that will just prevent the precipitation of 10 ml of a gold sol on the addition of 1 ml of 10 per cent sodium chloride solution.
The onset of precipitation of the gold sol is indicated by a color change from red to blue when the particle size just increases.
The smaller the gold number of a hydrophilic colloid, the greater is its protective power. Gelatin has a small gold number and is an effective protective colloid, while starch has a very high value and is an ineffective protective colloid.
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Reason Why Your Personal Licence Can be Suspended
Yes, a Personal Licence can be suspended or revoked if any of the offences are committed by the licence holder. The Licensing Act 2003 has a complete list of these offences that can lead to suspension of your licence. It guarantees that the licence holder is an accountable, law-abiding citizen.
A Personal Licence ensures that its holder is competent enough to operate or oversee a company that provides or sells alcohol in a professional way. If licence holders don’t follow the rules or expectations, their licence can be suspended or revoked.
Personal Licence holders risk having their licences cancelled for up to six months if it’s found that they are not adhering to the requirements.
What Happens If a Personal Licence Gets Suspended or Revoked?
A Personal Licence can get suspended or revoked for up to six months, which means the business will face a loss of 6 months. Moreover, the staff won’t be employeed or get paid during this time period. This will lead to damage to the owner’s reputation for customers and staff. Once the Personal Licence gets suspended or revoked, the holder will have to re-apply for it, which means paying additional costs.
How Can You Lose Your Alcohol Licence in the UK
You can lose your Alcohol Licence in the UK if you:
fail to meet the requirements you stated you met on your application.
used false documentation or an alias.
allowed another person to use your licence to engage in licensable behaviour and receive a sentence or disposal for a relevant offence.
the date your sentence restrictions end puts you in the “Automatic Refusal” category of the licence criteria.
are not authorised to work in the United Kingdom (unless you are a director of a UK-registered company).
violate the licensing requirements.
are not considered a fit and proper person to hold a licence if you violate any of the licence conditions, including any additional conditions imposed on your licence.
fail to complete the required training.
receive a sentence or disposition for a relevant offence, and the date your sentence restrictions end puts you in the “Consider Additional Factors” category of our licence criteria.
are not qualified to have a licence.
Lost, Stolen or Damaged Personal Alcohol Licence
Under section 126 of the Licensing Act 2003, if you lose your Personal Alcohol Licence or it gets stolen, you must inform the Licensing Authority. You must complete the application form and send it to the Licensing Authority. With the application, you must pay a fee of £10.50 in the form of a cash, cheque, or postal order. You can also make credit/debit card payments over the telephone.
If your Personal Licence gets damaged, you can send the old licence with the ID card and paper copy to the Licensing Authority. Then you will receive new licence documents from the authority.
Surrender a Personal Alcohol Licence
A Personal Licence doesn’t expire and has a lifetime validity, but the holder can surrender it whenever they want. If a Personal Licence holder decides to surrender the licence, they must inform the Licensing Authority in a proper way.
To surrender your Personal Licence, you must:
Complete the application form.
Send your Personal Licence with the ID card and paper copy.
Reasons for Getting Your Licence Suspended
The UK Government may suspend your licence for either one or all of the following reasons.
If they think that you are a danger to everyone’s safety.
If they think that doing so is for the general welfare.
How Can a Pub Lose Its Licence in the UK
There could be a number of reasons why a pub can lose its Alcohol Licence in the UK.
Serving Alcohol to Individuals Under the Legal Drinking Age Serving Alcohol to visitors of the pub who are under the legal drinking age is one of the serious reasons a pub can lose its licence. In the UK, this age is 18. Breach of Licensing Hours If a pub is caught selling alcohol outside the licensing hours, they can lose their licence. Violation of Noise Regulations Although pub are supposed to be a lively place with musicand alcohol, there are still some regulations. Violating noise regulations can result in losing a licence.
Breach of Fire Safety Regulations A pub in the UK risks losing its license if found in breach of Fire Safety Regulations. It shows that a pub is compromising the safety and well-being of patrons and staff.
Selling Alcohol without a Valid Licence In the UK, if a pub is selling alcohol without a valid licence can lead to the revocation of its licence, as it’s violating one of the major regulatory requirements.
Violating Health and Safety Regulations Violating Health and Safety Regulations shows a failure to maintain a safe and secure environment for customers and employees. It can lead to losing a licence.
How to Get an Alcohol Personal Licence?
Getting an Alcohol Personal Licence is a 3-step process. First, you must first pass an APLH Personal Licence Course. Then, get your DBS check and finally, complete and submit your application.
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can you purchase flights with a vpn
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can you purchase flights with a vpn
Flight booking VPN legality
Title: The Legality of Using VPNs for Flight Bookings
In an increasingly digitized world, where online transactions dominate, the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) has become commonplace. Among the myriad of applications, travelers often wonder about the legality of using VPNs for booking flights. Let’s delve into this complex issue.
Firstly, it’s essential to understand what a VPN does. VPNs encrypt internet connections, safeguarding user privacy and masking their IP addresses. This functionality allows users to access geo-restricted content and bypass censorship, including booking flights from different locations.
From a legal standpoint, using a VPN for flight bookings typically falls into a gray area. While VPNs themselves are legal in most countries, their usage for certain activities may breach terms of service agreements set by airlines or booking platforms. These agreements often specify that users must book flights from the country of residence or the country where the transaction takes place.
Furthermore, airlines and booking platforms employ sophisticated algorithms to detect fraudulent activities, including VPN usage. Although using a VPN to access better deals or circumvent regional pricing may seem harmless, it could lead to account suspension or cancellation of bookings if detected.
Additionally, the legality of using VPNs for flight bookings varies depending on jurisdiction. Some countries have strict regulations governing VPN usage, while others have more relaxed policies. It’s crucial for travelers to research the legal implications of VPN usage in their specific location before making flight reservations.
In conclusion, while using a VPN for flight bookings may offer certain advantages, it’s essential for travelers to proceed with caution and adhere to the terms of service set by airlines and booking platforms. Understanding the legal implications and potential risks associated with VPN usage can help travelers make informed decisions and avoid any legal or financial repercussions.
VPN for purchasing airline tickets
When it comes to purchasing airline tickets online, utilizing a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can be a helpful tool to secure your transactions and potentially save money.
A VPN serves as an encrypted tunnel between your device and the internet, masking your IP address and providing anonymity online. This added layer of security is beneficial when making online purchases, including booking flights. By using a VPN, you can protect your personal and financial information from potential hackers and cyber threats.
Moreover, a VPN can also help you find the best deals on airline tickets by changing your virtual location. Airlines and booking websites often offer different prices based on the user's location. By connecting to servers in various countries through a VPN, you can compare ticket prices and potentially access exclusive deals that are not available in your region.
Another benefit of using a VPN for purchasing airline tickets is bypassing geo-restrictions. Some airlines or booking platforms may restrict access to certain deals or content based on your location. With a VPN, you can virtually transport yourself to a different region and access discounted fares or promotions that may be unavailable in your area.
In conclusion, incorporating a VPN into your online ticket purchasing process can enhance security, provide access to better deals, and bypass geo-blocks. It is essential to choose a reputable VPN service with servers in multiple locations to fully leverage these advantages and ensure a smooth booking experience.
VPN bypass for flight purchases
Title: Unlocking Flight Deals: How VPN Bypass Enhances Your Booking Experience
In the digital age, securing the best flight deals often involves navigating through a maze of geo-restrictions and price discrimination. However, savvy travelers have discovered a powerful tool to overcome these obstacles: Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). By utilizing VPN bypass techniques, travelers can unlock a world of possibilities when it comes to booking flights online.
So, how does VPN bypass work in the realm of flight purchases? Essentially, a VPN routes your internet connection through a server located in a different geographical location. This masks your true IP address and makes it appear as though you're accessing the internet from the location of the VPN server. As a result, you can bypass geo-restrictions that may prevent you from accessing certain flight deals or experiencing price discrimination based on your location.
One of the primary benefits of using VPN bypass for flight purchases is the ability to access region-specific deals and promotions. Airlines and online travel agencies often offer discounted fares to customers in certain regions or countries. By connecting to a VPN server located in that region, you can take advantage of these exclusive offers and potentially save a significant amount of money on your airfare.
Additionally, VPN bypass can help you avoid dynamic pricing strategies employed by airlines and booking websites. These algorithms track your browsing history, location, and other data to adjust prices in real-time based on your perceived willingness to pay. By using a VPN to mask your true location and browsing behavior, you can mitigate the effects of dynamic pricing and potentially secure a better deal on your flight.
However, it's important to note that while VPN bypass can be a valuable tool for unlocking flight deals, it's essential to use it responsibly and ethically. Always ensure that you're complying with the terms of service of the websites you're accessing and respect any applicable laws and regulations regarding online activity and privacy.
In conclusion, VPN bypass offers travelers a powerful solution for accessing region-specific flight deals, overcoming price discrimination, and securing the best possible fares. By harnessing the capabilities of VPN technology, you can take control of your booking experience and unlock a world of savings when planning your next trip.
Risks of buying flights with VPN
When it comes to purchasing flights online, using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can have both advantages and risks. While a VPN can provide you with increased security and privacy by masking your IP address and encrypting your data, there are specific risks associated with buying flights through a VPN.
One of the primary risks of using a VPN to purchase flights is the potential for price discrepancies. Airlines and travel websites often adjust their prices based on factors such as location, browsing history, and cookies. By using a VPN to change your virtual location, you may encounter higher prices or different fare options compared to what you would see without the VPN. This can lead to confusion and frustration, especially if you believe you are getting a better deal by using a VPN.
Another risk of buying flights with a VPN is the possibility of being flagged for suspicious activity. Some airlines and booking platforms have measures in place to detect and prevent fraudulent behavior, including the use of VPNs. If your activity appears suspicious due to the use of a VPN, you may be denied access to certain deals or even banned from the website.
In conclusion, while using a VPN can offer increased privacy and security when purchasing flights online, it also comes with risks such as price discrepancies and potential suspicion from airlines and booking platforms. It is essential to weigh the benefits and risks carefully before deciding whether to use a VPN for buying flights.
VPN impact on airline ticket transactions
Title: The Impact of VPNs on Airline Ticket Transactions
In the age of digital globalization, the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) has become increasingly common for individuals seeking privacy and security online. However, the use of VPNs can also have a significant impact on airline ticket transactions, both positive and negative.
One of the primary ways VPNs influence airline ticket transactions is through pricing discrepancies. Airlines often employ dynamic pricing algorithms that adjust ticket prices based on factors such as demand, browsing history, and geographical location. When users access airline websites through VPNs, they can mask their true location and appear to be browsing from a different country. This can sometimes result in lower prices for tickets, as airlines may offer different rates to customers in different regions.
Conversely, VPNs can also lead to higher ticket prices in some cases. Airlines may detect when users are accessing their websites through VPNs and respond by either blocking access or displaying higher prices to deter users from using VPNs to exploit regional pricing disparities.
Furthermore, the use of VPNs can impact the user experience during the ticket booking process. VPNs may slow down internet connection speeds, leading to longer loading times and potentially frustrating experiences for users trying to make quick purchases.
Despite these potential challenges, VPNs remain a valuable tool for travelers looking to protect their privacy and data while browsing online. By encrypting internet traffic and masking IP addresses, VPNs can help users safeguard their personal information from hackers and other malicious actors, particularly when using public Wi-Fi networks in airports or hotels.
In conclusion, while VPNs can influence airline ticket transactions in various ways, their overall impact depends on factors such as pricing strategies, user location, and the effectiveness of VPN detection measures employed by airlines. Travelers should weigh the benefits of using a VPN for privacy and security against any potential limitations when booking airline tickets online.
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actualcannibalgirl · 29 days
6 Measures To Success: Obtaining Your Health Care Florida Board Of Medicine License
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Whether you're going after a medical career in the sun state of Florida, obtaining your Florida healthcare license is a crucial landmark. Fla boasts a dynamic healthcare landscape, however getting through the licensure procedure could be discouraging.
Six Measures To Lead You Toward Attaining Your FL Medical License
Recognize The Criteria
Before diving into the application process, inform on your own along with the qualifications criteria established due to the Florida Board of Medicine. Typically, you'll need to have actually finished health care institution coming from a certified institution, passed the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or even the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX), as well as accomplished residency instruction in an accredited course.
Collect Necessary Paperwork
Ensure you possess all necessary documents all set before starting your Florida md license application. This might feature transcripts coming from clinical university, exam ratings, letters of recommendation, as well as proof of postgraduate training. In addition, you'll require to offer particulars of any type of previous corrective activities or even lawful proceedings.
Send Your Application
The next action is actually to provide your application with the Florida Department of Health's online website or even via email. Be actually thorough in submitting the application form, as any sort of mistakes or noninclusions could possibly delay the process. Double-check that all called for documentations are actually affixed which you've spent the application cost.
Meet the Requirements of a Background Check
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As portion of the licensing method, you'll undertake a background inspection to ensure you fulfill the Board's standards of moral personality as well as professionalism and reliability. This might entail fingerprinting and also disclosing any type of unlawful record or even previous disciplinary activities. It is actually necessary to be straightforward and deliver accurate info during the course of this phase.
Total the Interview
Relying on your application as well as background, you might be asked to attend a job interview with the Florida department of medicine. This job interview strives to determine your appropriateness for clinical licensure in the state. Prepare by assessing usual job interview inquiries and also showcasing your dedication to ethical process and also patient treatment.
Await License Approval
When you've accomplished all needed steps, the Florida Board of Medicine are going to examine your application and assisting papers. If every thing meets their demands, you'll obtain notice of your license authorization. This generally takes several weeks to procedure, thus bear with in the course of this standing by duration.
Incentive Tip: Maintain Compliance along with Continuing Medical Education (CME) Requirements
After getting your medical license, it's crucial to stay current with proceeding health care learning (CME) criteria set through the condition of Florida. This includes completing a certain lot of CME credit scores regularly to guarantee you're current along with the most up-to-date health care developments as well as greatest techniques. Failure to fulfill these demands could possibly lead to license suspension or cancellation.
Finally, getting your health care license in Florida requires mindful focus to particular and adherence to all governing needs. Through adhering to these six actions and also staying positive throughout the method, you can easily position yourself for success in your medical job in the Sunshine State.
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hardynwa · 3 months
Plateau gov sacks varsity VC, others
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The Vice Chancellor of the Plateau State University, Professor Bernard Matau has been sacked from office. Matau was appointed as the Vice Chancellor of the state university while serving as the state Commissioner for Higher Education in the last administration led by former Governor Simon Lalong. It was learnt that the vice Chancellor whose tenure is yet to elapse was removed from office alongside four other heads of tertiary institutions in the state including the Rector of the Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin Ladi; Provost, College of Health Technology, Pankshin; Provost, College of Health Technology, Zawan as well as the Provost, College of Education, Gindiri. A statement issued by the Secretary to the State Government, Samuel Jatau, confirmed the development on Tuesday. The statement read in part “His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Plateau state, Barrister Caleb Mutfwang has approved the dissolution of the Governing Council of the Plateau State University, Bokkos with immediate effect. Similarly, the governor has also approved the removal of the following heads of tertiary institutions: Plateau State University, Bokkos; Plateau State Polytechnic, Barkin Ladi; College of Education, Gindiri; College of Health Technology, Zawan and College of Health Technology, Pankshin”. The statement which offered no reason for their removal said all affected heads should take note and hand over any government property in their possession to the next most senior officers in the institutions immediately. It added “The governor has also approved the cancellation of recruitment earlier conducted by tertiary institutions in 2022 and early 2023 that have been under suspension. “Consequently, applications for an all-inclusive recruitment for all tertiary institutions would be advertised.” The statement quoted the governor as thanking the chairman and members of the Governing Council for the services rendered in the state and wished them success in their future endeavours. Read the full article
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divorcegotoronto · 3 months
Potential Consequences of Divorce on Immigration Status
Divorce can impact immigration status in several ways. One key area is the revocation of conditional visas: 1.Revocation of Conditional Visas: Conditional visas, tied to the marriage's duration, may be revoked if the marriage doesn't meet immigration conditions.
Permanent residency status, often obtained through marriage, can also be at risk: 2.Loss of Permanent Residency Status: If the marriage didn't meet the required duration conditions, divorce may lead to losing permanent residency.
Immigration authorities may reassess your status post-divorce, with potential consequences 3.Reassessment of Immigration Status: Post-divorce assessments may result in changes to residency rights or even deportation in some cases.
Divorce can significantly affect sponsorship applications for spouses and dependents: 1.Suspension or Cancellation of Ongoing Applications: Divorce during the application process can lead to application suspension or cancellation. 2.Financial Obligations of the Sponsor: Sponsors may still have financial obligations to ex-spouses or dependents, depending on sponsorship terms. 3.Complications for Future Sponsorships: Divorce may complicate future sponsorships, as immigration authorities scrutinize past relationships and sponsorships.
Seeking guidance on divorce and immigration? Get a FREE consultation with us at https://divorcego.ca/
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tieflingkisser · 8 days
Independent review panel releases final report on UNRWA
An independent panel released its much-awaited report on Monday about the UN relief agency for Palestine refugees (UNRWA), providing 50 recommendations and noting that Israeli authorities have yet to provide proof of their claims that UN staff are involved with terrorist organisations.
“Israel made public claims that a significant number of UNRWA employees are members of terrorist organisations. However, Israel has yet to provide supporting evidence of this,” according to the 54-page final report, Independent review of mechanisms and procedures to ensure adherence by UNRWA to the humanitarian principle of neutrality. The UN Secretary-General, who received the final report at the weekend, had appointed the independent review group days after Israel announced the allegations against UNRWA, which employees 30,000 people and serves 5.9 million Palestine refugees in the West Bank, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and war-torn Gaza. The much-awaited final report found that UNRWA, established by the General Assembly in 1949, has extensive tools in place to ensure it remains unbiased in its work and routinely provides Israel with employee lists and “the Israeli Government has not informed UNRWA of any concerns relating to any UNRWA staff based on these staff lists since 2011.”
UNRWA has ‘most elaborate’ rules within UN system
“The set of rules and the mechanisms and procedures in place [at UNRWA] are the most elaborate within the UN system, precisely because it is such a difficult issue to work in such a complex and sensitive environment,” Catherine Colonna, former French foreign minister and head of the review group, told journalists at UN Headquarters following the report’s launch. “What needs to be improved will be improved. I’m confident that implementing these measures will help UNRWA deliver on its mandate.” Strongly encouraging "the international community to work side by side with the agency so it can perform its mission and overcome the challenges when they are there", she said “this is the purpose of the review.” In its nine-week-long review of existing mechanisms, the group conducted more than 200 interviews, met with Israeli and Palestinian authorities and directly contacted 47 countries and organisations, presenting a set of 50 recommendations on issues ranging from education to fresh vetting processes for recruiting staff.
Report steers new UN action plan
The report’s recommendations include creating a centralised “neutrality investigations unit”, rolling out an updated Code of Ethics and associated training to all staff, and identifying and implementing additional ways to screen UNRWA applicants at an early stage of the recruitment process. The report also suggested exploring the possibility of third-party monitoring for sensitive projects and establishing a framework with interested donors to ensure transparency. In a statement on Monday, the UN Secretary-General’s Spokesperson said the UN chief accepts the recommendations contained in Ms. Colonna’s report. He has agreed with Commissioner General Philippe Lazzarini that UNRWA, with the Secretary-General’s support, will establish an action plan to implement the recommendations contained in the final report.”
Claims financially hobbled UNRWA
According to the review group’s final report, Israel’s claims against UNRWA triggered the suspension of funding amounting to around $450 million. The direct impact of Israel’s allegations swiftly hobbled UNRWA’s ability to continue its work. Operating solely on voluntary donations, UNRWA saw major donors, including the United States, cancelling or suspending funds for the agency. In April, Washington banned funding for UNRWA until at least 2025, but other donors have pledged additional funding or restored their donations. The new report recommended increasing the frequency and strengthening the transparency of UNRWA’s communication with donors on its financial situation and on neutrality allegations and breaches. The review group suggested regular updates and “integrity briefings” for donors interested in supporting UNRWA on integrity and related issues.
[keep reading]
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raducotarcea · 5 months
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pranay-234 · 5 months
Embolotherapy Market Product Development Strategies by Prominent Players and Industry Forecast 2023-2032
Embolotherapy, a minimally invasive medical procedure aimed at blocking blood vessels to treat various conditions, is poised for significant growth in the coming years. This article explores the future prospects of the embolotherapy market, unveiling emerging trends and outlining strategic growth strategies that will shape the landscape of this innovative medical field.
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐒𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐂𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 : https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/request-toc-and-sample/8744
𝐂𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐃-𝟏𝟗 𝐒𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐬:
Financial Strain on Healthcare Facilities: The COVID-19 pandemic has placed an immense financial strain on healthcare facilities globally. The combination of increased expenses for personal protective equipment (PPE), medical supplies, and staffing, coupled with a drastic drop in revenue due to the suspension of elective procedures, has led to a precarious financial situation for many healthcare institutions. Small hospitals, clinics, and nursing homes, in particular, have faced significant challenges, with some being forced to shut down operations, further exacerbating the strain on healthcare services.
Disruption of Elective Surgical Procedures: Social distancing measures and localized curfews implemented to curb the spread of the virus have resulted in the delayed or canceled elective surgical procedures. This disruption not only impacts the revenue stream for healthcare providers but also has repercussions for patients who may experience delays in necessary medical treatments. The backlog of postponed procedures poses a challenge for healthcare systems worldwide as they strive to address the backlog while simultaneously managing ongoing COVID-19 cases.
Impact on Medical Tourism and Global Healthcare Services: Visa cancellations and travel restrictions associated with the pandemic have led to a temporary hiatus in medical tourism. Many individuals who would typically seek healthcare services internationally are either unable or hesitant to travel. This disruption negatively impacts the healthcare services market growth, particularly in regions heavily reliant on medical tourism. Healthcare providers must navigate this challenging landscape, adapting their strategies to address the current scenario and plan for the resumption of medical tourism in the post-pandemic era.
Trends Shaping the Future of Embolotherapy:
Technological Advancements in Embolic Agents: The future of embolotherapy is marked by continuous technological advancements in embolic agents. Innovations in the development of biocompatible and precisely controllable embolic materials are enhancing the efficacy and safety of embolization procedures. The utilization of advanced imaging techniques is also improving the precision of embolotherapy, allowing for more targeted treatment approaches.
𝐏𝐫𝐞-𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐍𝐨𝐰 : https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/embolotherapy-market/purchase-options
Expanding Indications and Applications: As research and clinical studies advance, the scope of embolotherapy is expanding to cover a broader range of indications. Beyond its well-established use in treating tumors and vascular malformations, embolotherapy is gaining traction in addressing conditions such as uterine fibroids, aneurysms, and gastrointestinal bleeding. This diversification of applications is expected to drive increased adoption in various medical specialties.
Rise of Interventional Radiology: The field of interventional radiology is witnessing a surge in prominence, and embolotherapy plays a central role in many interventional procedures. The non-surgical and minimally invasive nature of embolization aligns with the growing preference for interventional radiology techniques. This trend is expected to fuel the demand for embolotherapy procedures globally.
Growth Strategies in the Embolotherapy Market:
Investment in Research and Development: To stay at the forefront of the evolving healthcare landscape, companies operating in the embolotherapy market are strategically investing in research and development. Continued efforts to enhance embolic agents, refine delivery systems, and explore new applications will be crucial for sustaining growth and meeting the evolving needs of healthcare providers and patients.
Strategic Collaborations and Partnerships: Collaborations and partnerships between industry players, academic institutions, and healthcare organizations are becoming increasingly vital in the embolotherapy market. These alliances facilitate knowledge exchange, access to cutting-edge technologies, and the pooling of resources for large-scale clinical trials. Strategic collaborations enable companies to leverage synergies and accelerate the development and commercialization of innovative embolotherapy solutions.
Global Market Expansion: The future of the embolotherapy market lies in global expansion strategies. Companies are focusing on penetrating untapped markets and establishing a robust presence in emerging economies. The increasing prevalence of vascular and oncological conditions worldwide presents a significant market opportunity, and strategic global expansion efforts will be key to reaching a wider patient base and maximizing the market's potential.
𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝐑𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭? 𝐈𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 : https://www.alliedmarketresearch.com/purchase-enquiry/8744
The future of the embolotherapy market is marked by promising trends and strategic initiatives that position it as a dynamic and evolving field within interventional medicine. With a commitment to innovation, collaboration, and global expansion, stakeholders in the embolotherapy market are poised to shape a future where minimally invasive and highly effective vascular and tumor treatments become increasingly accessible and sophisticated.
About Us
Allied Market Research (AMR) is a full-service market research and business-consulting wing of Allied Analytics LLP based in Wilmington, Delaware. Allied Market Research provides global enterprises as well as medium and small businesses with unmatched quality of "Market Research Reports" and "Business Intelligence Solutions." AMR has a targeted view to provide business insights and consulting to assist its clients to make strategic business decisions and achieve sustainable growth in their respective market domain.
Pawan Kumar, the CEO of Allied Market Research, is leading the organization toward providing high-quality data and insights. We are in professional corporate relations with various companies and this helps us in digging out market data that helps us generate accurate research data tables and confirms utmost accuracy in our market forecasting. Each and every data presented in the reports published by us is extracted through primary interviews with top officials from leading companies of domain concerned. Our secondary data procurement methodology includes deep online and offline research and discussion with knowledgeable professionals and analysts in the industry.
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gstnitbuddies-blog · 9 months
Foreign Contribution Regulation Act
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FCRA का मतलब Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, जो भारत के भीतर होने वाले विदेशी योगदानों को नियंत्रित करता है। सरकारी प्राधिकरण द्वारा जारी एफसीआरए पंजीकरण प्रमाणपत्र किसी भी पंजीकृत ट्रस्ट, सोसायटी, संस्था, एसोसिएशन और गैर-सरकारी संगठनों द्वारा किसी विदेशी अंशदान या विदेशी अनुदान को प्राप्त करने या प्राप्त करने के लिए एक अनिवार्य दायित्व है।
The minimum requirement for FCRA Registration
A) Obligations for Proper FCRA Registration:
• आवेदक(applicant) एक पंजीकृत संस्था होगी और उसका न्यूनतम 5 साल तक संचालन होना चाहिए।
• आवेदक इकाई को अपनी मुख्य वस्तुओं की प्राप्ति के लिए पिछले तीन वर्षों में कम से कम INR 10 लाख खर्च करना चाहिए, जिसके लिए इकाई को प्रशासनिक व्यय को छोड़कर पंजीकृत किया गया था।
• एक योग्य चार्टर्ड एकाउंटेंट द्वारा लेखा परीक्षित पिछले तीन वर्षों का वित्तीय विवरण एक आवेदक द्वारा प्रस्तुत किया जाएगा।
B) The Obligation for Prior Permission FCRA Registration:
• यदि नव पंजीकृत संस्था (newly registered entity) विदेशी अंशदान foreign contributions प्राप्त करने के लिए तैयार है या विदेशी अनुदान पूर्व अनुमति के लिए आवेदन करेगा |
• उसी के लिए आवेदन करने के दौरान, यह एक विदेशी मालिक से संबंधित विवरण देगा जो निधि में योगदान दे रहा है
• प्राप्त फंड का उपयोग केवल निर्दिष्ट उद्देश्य के लिए किया जाएगा
Following documents shall be annexed with the online application:
• Self-certified copy of incorporation certificate, trust deed, or any other certificate hold by such entity.
• PAN of NGO
• Copy of MOA & AOA of associations and institutions
• Signature of the chief judiciary in JPG format
• A detailed report on activities of the preceding three years.
• Audited copy of financial statement, P&L account, Income-Expenditure details, and cash flow statement of the preceding three years.
• CTC of the resolution passed by a governing body authorized by NGO
• Certificate obtained under section 80G and 12A of Income Tax. Section 80G and 12A provide tax exemption to NGOs under the Income-tax Act.
FCRA Registration Process
• FCRA की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट https://fcraonline.nic.in पर उपलब्ध ऑनलाइन फॉर्म एफसी -3 भरने के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन आवेदन करें
• FCRA के तहत पंजीकरण के लिए विकल्प "एफसीआरए ऑनलाइन फॉर्म" पर क्लिक करें।
• आवेदक को कई विकल्पों के लिए अगले पृष्ठ पर पुनर्निर्देशित किया जाएगा जैसे कि केंद्र सरकार की अनुमति लेने के लिए आवेदन, विदेशी रसीद सूचना, एफसीआरए पंजीकरण के लिए आवेदन आदि।
एफसीआरए पंजीकरण (एफसी -3) के लिए आवेदन के तहत "ऑनलाइन आवेदन करें" विकल्प चुनें
• नए उपयोगकर्ता को आवेदन पत्र पूरा करने के लिए साइन अप करना होगा
• फॉर्म भरें और सभी अनिवार्य विवरणों को पूरा करें
• फॉर्म पूरा हो जाने के बाद, सेव बटन पर क्लिक करें जिसके बाद “यूजरआईडी”अपने आप जेनरेट हो जाएगी।
• फिर आवेदक को उपरोक्त प्रक्रिया पर स्वचालित रूप से उत्पन्न लॉगिन क्रेडेंशियल का उपयोग करके साइन अप करना होगा।
• कदम पंजीकरण द्वारा कदम शुरू करना जारी रखें।
• पूरा फॉर्म पूरा हो जाने के बाद, आवेदक को पीडीएफ प्रारूप में दस्तावेजों को स्कैन और संलग्न करना होगा।
• ऑनलाइन भुगतान गेटवे के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन भुगतान करके ऑनलाइन पंजीकरण को पूरा करें।
Renewal of FCRA License
FCRA registration पांच साल के लिए वैध रहता है, जिसे नवीकरण के लिए आवेदन करके नवीनीकृत किया जा सकता है। निम्नलिखित समयसीमा के भीतर नवीकरण के लिए एक इकाई लागू होगी:
• लाइसेंस रद्द होने की तारीख से कम से कम छह महीने पहले।
• पंजीकरण से कम से कम 12 महीने पहले जब पंजीकरण में कमी होती है, तो इस मामले में इकाई बहु-वर्षीय परियोजना पर काम कर रही है।
Cancellation/Suspension of FCRA Registration
1. एनजीओ विदेशी अंशदान (विनियमन) अधिनियम के प्रावधानों का पालन करने में विफल रहता है।
2. यदि इकाई नियत तारीख के भीतर वार्षिक रिटर्न जमा करने में विफल रहती है
3. यदि किसी संगठन द्वारा परिचालन में किसी गलत काम के लिए लगाए गए किसी भी आरोप के लिए कोई जाँच की जाती है, और ऐसा आरोप सही साबित हुआ है
4. प्राप्त अंशदान का उपयोग FCRA पंजीकरण आवेदन के दौरान बताए गए उद्देश्य को प्राप्त करने के लिए न तो इकाई के मुख्य उद्देश्य की प्राप्ति के लिए किया जाता है।
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Metallic Powder Coatings Market Trends, Report 2022-2029
BlueWeave Consulting, a leading strategic consulting and market research firm, in its recent study, estimated global metallic powder coatings market size at USD 1.98 billion in 2022. During the forecast period between 2023 and 2029, BlueWeave expects global metallic powder coatings market size to grow at a significant CAGR of 6.07% reaching a value of USD 2.99 billion by 2029. Major growth factors of global metallic powder coatings market include increasing production of automobiles and surging demand for medical devices. The demand for metallic powder coatings is increasing from various end-use industries, such as automotive, construction, and furniture, due to its excellent properties including high durability, corrosion resistance, and aesthetic appeal. Metallic powder coatings are considered eco-friendly as they contain no solvents or volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which make them a preferred choice for several applications. Also, the development of advanced technology for the production of metallic powder coatings has led to the introduction of new products with improved properties as well as stringent regulations related to VOC emissions and environmental pollution are driving the demand for eco-friendly coatings, including metallic powder coatings. Hence, all these aspects are expected to fuel the expansion of global metallic power coatings market during the forecast period. However, limited availability of raw materials and metallic powder coatings have limited color choices compared to liquid coatings are anticipated to restrain the overall market growth.
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Global Metallic Powder Coatings Market – Overview
Metallic powder coatings are a type of coating material made up of finely ground metallic particles that are mixed with a resin and applied to a surface using various methods such as electrostatic spraying or fluidized bed dipping. These coatings offer various advantages, such as high durability, corrosion resistance, and aesthetic appeal. Metallic powder coatings are widely used in various end-use industries, such as automotive, construction, furniture, and appliances. They can be categorized into two types: metallic effect powder coatings and metallic appearance powder coatings. Metallic effect powder coatings create a metallic effect on the surface, while metallic appearance powder coatings provide a true metallic appearance to the surface. The global metallic powder coatings market includes several key players that are actively involved in the production and distribution of these coatings.
Impact of COVID-19 on Global Metallic Powder Coatings Market
COVID-19 adversely affected the global paints and coatings marketing including metallic powder coatings, disrupting the production of raw materials used in manufacturing. Paint and coatings manufacturing in many major Asian countries, including India, China, Japan, Singapore, and Thailand, was affected as they are major suppliers of these raw materials. For example, China exports a significant amount of resins, which are essential for manufacturing paints and coatings. The shortage of raw materials has led to a decrease in the production of paints and coatings products. In April 2020, various industries, such as private buildings, construction sites, government projects, and automotive businesses that rely on paints and coatings were severely impacted by COVID-19. Retailers are also canceling bulk orders due to the suspension of the market, and end-users are not buying expensive coating technologies like polyurea and polyurethanes from distributors and retailers. The sales of paints and coatings products have been hampered at the distributor level due to the suspension of construction and building activities.
Global Metallic Powder Coatings Market – By Resin Type
By resin type, the global metallic powder coatings market is divided into Epoxy Polyester, Polyester, Epoxy, and Polyurethane segments. The polyester resin segment held the highest share in the metallic powder coatings market. These coatings are created by combining metallic pigments with a powder coating system that uses a polyester resin. They are specifically designed for exterior applications where a high-quality decorative finish is needed, as they provide superior flow and durability. Polyester-based metallic powder coatings also offer additional benefits, such as increased resistance to damage from metal rubbing and fingerprints, as well as Tribo-safe properties. These coatings can be applied to a variety of surfaces.
Competitive Landscape
Major players operating in global metallic powder coatings market include Akzo Nobel N.V., Axalta Coating Systems LLC, BASF SE, Berger Paints India Limited, Jotun Group, Kansai Paint Co. Ltd., Nippon Paint Holdings Co. Ltd., PPG Industries Inc., The Sherwin-Williams Company, RPM International Inc., TIGER Coatings GmbH & Co. KG, The Valspar Corporation, IFS Coatings, KCC Corporation, NOROO Paint & Coatings Co. Ltd., and  Protech-Oxyplast Group. To further enhance their market share, these companies employ various strategies, including mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, joint ventures, license agreements, and new product launches.
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