#can we please get a Dracula movie that just lets Dracula be full nuts?
granny-weatherwax · 4 months
Book Dracula: *turns into a big ole doggo a lot. Just some thin pale dude with a mustache*
Voyage of the Demeter Dracula: *Batman*
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scare-theory · 3 years
me again <3! i have a few requests cuz i thought u might like 2 choose, yanno make it funsies<3!
the halloween movies r gr8, i’d love 2 see ur review of them !!
(joker 2019 is an honorable mention)
bbc’s dracula (on netflix) is fun, a bit lengthy but *chefs kiss*
thanks again love ! its totally up to you & i cnt wait 2 see more content ! stay rad
- 🐀
This is awesome! I so appreciate it! I’m going to start with the Halloween movies, but if you want future reviews of more of these movies, please just ask! 
I haven’t seen every single one of them (the sequels I have seen run together in my mind, so please forgive me for that) but I do enjoy this franchise a lot. I’m not necessarily a die hard fan of this series specifically, but I love horror and appreciate what these movies did for it. If you want me to discuss one of these movies in particular, let me know. There’s a lot to this series. 
So here are a few scattered takes on it. 
The first Halloween was one of the first horror movies I saw, so it certainly has its spot in my heart. More importantly though, I relate to very few fictional characters as much as I relate to Laurie Strode. She means a lot to me, especially in the first one, so that also puts it ahead for me. This movie is also one that I, full disclosure, laugh at when I’m not supposed to. I enjoy that aspect all the more. 
It also (along with Black Christmas) established one of my favorite horror tropes: the killer POV shot being used to conceal their identity. We often seem to forget that there is no way to know that Michael is a child when he kills his sister in the cold open, and the reveal was truly genius and chilling. 
However, I must admit: As a die hard The Thing fan, I am sometimes annoyed by people who pretend that this was John Carpenter’s best work. It’s great, it’s important and it’s fun, but it’s not his best. 
I don’t care what others say, Halloween 3 is a treasure. Yes, it doesn’t have Michael in it, but that’s FINE! The original idea for the series was to make an anthology around the holiday, and Michael only got more attention because he was more popular than expected! It’s stupid to write this movie off because it doesn’t have Michael, especially when there’s so much absurdity to have fun with. 
The plot is nuts, the performances are zany but somehow work, and the theme tune will not leave you alone for days. If you’re the kind of person who likes something like Killer Klowns, this movie will give you that exact same type of enjoyment. People get scared off from this movie because it doesn’t have Michael, which is completely ludacris. If you haven’t, watch this movie with some friends and some popcorn. It’s dumb fun. 
I also kinda like Halloween Resurrection. It’s a fun concept at the end of the day, even if it is campy and restricted by the elements of its time. Yes, Busta Rhymes did make me want to throw a chair at my screen because he needed to shut up. No, that didn’t undermine my enjoyment of the movie too much. To me, it stands out more than a lot of the other sequels, and that absolutely counts for something in my book. 
Ah yes, the gory elephant in the room: Rob Zombie. I’m not a Rob Zombie fan really at all, so it should be no surprise that his Halloween movies are not my thing. I don’t mind gore and vulgarity (this is a horror blog, I hope you weren’t expecting someone hypersensitive to that) but I like it to have a purpose, or at least make sense in the context. Serving the plot, or making us feel bad for the protagonist, or even simply being the MO of the killer opposing our protagonists. Most of the Saw films do this pretty well. Zombie always seems to employ graphic kills, sexual assault (probably my biggest issue with him) and vulgarity just because he can. I like his music, but his movies (Halloween remakes included) do not appeal to me. 
Halloween 2018 is actually one of my favorites in the series. I LOVE Laurie in this movie, and her role is one of the most unique takes I’ve seen on a slasher protagonist. Her relationship with her family is a huge strength of the movie, and it is another wonderful example of the protagonist centric horror movement of recent years. It’s also the one I found the most suspenseful, and the one that truly delivered on the scares. The teeth scene is one of the most effective simple scares in recent memory. 
Though it’s not a personal favorite, I respect the hell out of the Halloween series, and really enjoy the films. 
Thank you for the ask! Like I said, if you’re curious on the other ones, let me know!
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