#can someone please give lyme a zoloft
cmdrlyme · 9 months
has anyone ever betrayed their trust? do they still speak to them? / what do they consider their worst habit? / do they celebrate any holidays? what are the celebrations like? do they have a favorite?
has anyone ever betrayed their trust? do they still speak to them?
It's not that Lyme doesn't trust, because they do, that's apart of life. We trust people with little bits of ourselves every day. But she's never found herself caring enough about a person for it to be considered a betrayal. But she has betrayed her own trust. She let herself hide her own truth, the core of who she was, for petty revenge and to prove people wrong...And look where she ended up because of it. A Victor. But of what, other than senseless violence and staining blood? If they hadn't betrayed themselves, hadn't given into weakness, their life would be so different than what it is now, and she's not sure that's something she can ever forgive herself for.
do they celebrate any holidays? what are the celebrations like? do they have a favorite?
It's a bit morbid, but no. Between all the pomp and circumstance surrounding holidays they had grown up with (everything had to be perfect but nothing ever was) and the constant celebrations she was forced to attend in the capitol...When Lyme is back in 2, in their own house, even when the rest of the district may be celebrating, her house remains dark. No lights, no songs, just her. They're not even sure if they know how to celebrate without it being a farce, anymore.
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