#campy superhero movie meets tacky sit com meets cheesy romcom is the vibe I'm trying to go for but I think I failed I'm sorry
okay okay okay okay okay shushushushshshsbsbrhwh
an enemies to lovers story where the villain and hero are unknowingly roommates who are crushing hard. villain kidnaps the (ftm) hero's sidekick for ransom, the villain feverishly ranting about how he would call cps if the system wasn't a trashfire that is somehow more dangerous than a viggilanti recruiting the equivalent of a child soldier. "WHERE EVEN ARE YOUR PARENTS IT IS A SCHOOL NIGHT!" the hero gets there, calls villains bluff as villain doesn't have the stomach to see a kid get hurt. hero is right, and so, fighting commences. "fishy, how you've gotten better at dancing.. chip.. lover" hero says wiping a dribble of blood away from under his nose, desperately trying to keep cool after such a bad pun about the villain being a computer nerd and robot overlord. Villain snikkers. "nailed it" thinks hero outloud.
cops get there, villains robot henchmen activate "to keep things fair darlings", war wages, Villain is seemingly winning but not for long, hero is winning, no it's a tie they both know eachother so so very well, finishing eachothers quippy remarks even. cops dropping like flies. villain finally has the upper hand again due to hero not wanting more casualties, and then some nosey cop butts in says something infantalizingly transphobica, deadnaming hero's old alter ego/heroname. Mid synchronized punch towards each other they both shout "shut the fuck up terf" blammo, their fists instead hit the transphobic jackass and are both simultaneously saying "oh my god I love you!?!!!" commence make out session in front of the unconscious transphobe dead flying pigs and the now interrupting kidnapped sidekick, who is so fucking done with his pun obsessed dadsaster of a father.
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