#callum can be strong and amazing by himself without any influence from a love interest
jamieedlund · 2 years
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"I see danger in your eyes"
Look, I've been keeping somewhat quiet about the recent updates. There are a lot of things I wanted to say but also...don't??? Because all of these interviews are happening without context of the existing product. Aka I haven't seen ss4 for myself yet so I can't really be feeling anything about it. Making predictions and being upset isn't gonna do anyone any good either! So I'm offering you guys the same advice. I will reserve my opinions till ss4 comes out <3
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theredhairedmonkey · 4 years
Viren and Callum—Defining Heroism
Callum is a foil for each of the three antagonists, and each season focuses on a different pairing.
During Season 2, Callum’s arc was a foil to Claudia’s. I break down some of the similarities between them here. Callum and Claudia both exhibit a curiosity to learn more about magic (particularly at the Moon Nexus), and both are fiercely protective of those closest to them. To the extent they will use Dark Magic to protect them.
But whereas Callum tries it once and decides to reject it for good, Claudia continues to succumb to this temptation, time and time again.
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During Season 3, Callum’s development is contrasted with Aaravos. At this point, Callum is, like Aaravos, a magical prodigy; each had mastered at least one Primal Source they weren’t born connected to.
Additionally, both demonstrate great influence over the lives of those around them. But they are diametrically opposed in terms of their goals. Whereas Aaravos cares primarily about advancing his own interests, Callum wants to genuinely help people, and empower them to make their own choices (as opposed to manipulating them like Aaravos).
This foil can be summed up simply—Callum is motivated by the Narrative of Love. Aaravos is motivated by the Narrative of Fear.
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Harrow: “I ask you and your brother to reject history as a narrative of strength and instead have faith that it can be a narrative of love.”
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Aaravos: “You tried to win over the other humans with loyalty and friendship, but they ignored you. Those who fail tests of love are simple animals. They deserve to be motivated by fear.”
But the focus here is on Viren and Callum, and starting in Season 1 and throughout the first three seasons, Viren and Callum have very deep, narratively important parallels with one another.
Both are the mages who advise their respective Kings.
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Callum: “When you grow up, sometimes you have to face things you’re not ready for.”
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Viren: “He insisted I stand next to him in the painting, because he knew I would stand by him through anything.”
Both are curious and want to explore the depths of magic to the greatest extent possible.
Viren and Callum are also both insecure in their place in the world, relying (at least initially) on magic to help give them a sense of belonging
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But their differences not only define their dynamic, they also define many elements and themes to the Saga, in particular as to what it means to be a hero.
To begin, Viren is great, though not necessarily good. That is to say, even though he may be capable of great deeds that save countless lives (such as in saving the people of Duren with the heart of a Titan), these deeds don’t actually make him a heroic person.
This is because every great deed he did stemmed not from altruism or compassion (no matter how well he convinced himself that it did), but from his tragic flaws: his arrogance, his vanity, and importantly, his hubris—his belief that he can subvert the natural order in his favor without consequence.
From what we can gather, Viren is a force to be reckoned with. His skills with magic have made him so powerful, he can cast a spell that would save two kingdoms from starvation.
They are also such that he’s considered by Amaya, a talented warrior herself, perhaps “the most dangerous human in the world.”
His martial prowess is quite exceptional as well, as he’s able to go toe to toe with two Dragonguards for a time. Even though they’re elite fighters and they’re flanking him, he’s able to hold his own for a while before having to resort to magic.
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However, Viren is a tragic character. I don’t mean this in the sense that we should feel sorry for the power-hungry man who attempted to murder two boys and steal the throne. Rather, his “greatness” is undermined by his personal flaws, which he can’t quite shake and prevent him from being good.
Part of Viren sincerely wants to improve life for his people. When talking to Aaravos, to whom he has no motivation to lie, he states his aim is to help mankind flourish “without a knife to its throat”
He’s even willing to consider sacrificing himself, either for King Harrow or, in Lux Aurea, for his army.
Aaravos: “We’ll risk as few lives as possible. One.”
Viren: “Ah. Mine.”
But as per his hubris, he exhibits great pride in how his abilities can help mankind flourish or save his people. While he wants mankind to prosper, he wants this to be his achievement and wants people to know that he is the one who saved them.
In his story to Queen Aanya, he places a bit of undue emphasis on the fact that he was the one who up with a solution that saved Katolis and Duren. Whether or not this is what happened, it’s clear that he wants Aanya to know that he personally saved her kingdom.
A little less unclear is how necessary he ultimately was. Sarai goes back to save Viren because “without him to perform the spell, the heart is worthless, and this was all for nothing.”
I’m...skeptical as to whether this is what Sarai says, or if it’s Viren intentionally or unintentionally reading in what he wants her to say. Truth be told, Viren has no idea if this is what Sarai said because he wasn’t there when she said it. And why is the heart worthless? Viren wasn’t the only Dark Mage in the world, and probably not the only one between Duren and Katolis. There’s no reason why another mage couldn’t perform the spell.
But for Viren, the heart of the Titan might as well have been worthless because, in his mind, he’s the only capable of accomplishing these great feats.
Even when he was potentially willing to sacrifice his life for Harrow, he botched it with his  speech to Harrow.
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Viren: “Right now I do not come to you as my King. I think of you as my brother.”
Truth is, none of this throat-clearing is necessary. But, Viren’s not quite so humble, even when he’s attempting to do the right thing. He still wants to be seen as someone special, even when laying his life down for another.
Turns out, this was entirely the wrong thing to say to Harrow, who is put off by Viren’s self-righteousness.
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Harrow: “I see the problem now. It’s that you believe you are special. Better than everyone else, above the laws of this kingdom.”
When he’s forced to kneel and Harrow calls him a servant, this infuriates Viren and he sets aside any plans he had to sacrifice himself for his King.
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Harrow: “You are a servant of Katolis. You are a servant.”
Because if Viren is going to sacrifice himself, he needs people to know what a great thing it is that he’s doing. He’s not a mere servant, he’s their savior.
It’s interesting that Viren’s pride is so hurt of being called a servant of Katolis, since that’s exactly how Harrow sees himself, according to Viren.
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Viren: “King Harrow worked tirelessly. He told me he thought of himself as a servant of all the people of Katolis. A servant King.”
But Viren doesn’t see himself in this way. When his potential sacrifice is treated with the same level of significance as though he were anybody else, it offends him that he has to share that importance with others.
And thus, his pride leads to his downfall, casting aside his desire to protect his King, and replaces it with a desire to be the King himself.
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Viren: “Today, we must mourn sevenfold. For tonight, there will be a coronation.”
Callum, on the other hand, begins his journey on the opposite side of the spectrum from Viren. Whereas Viren can accomplish great feats without being good, Callum is a good person, though not great.
At least, not yet.
According to the main site, “Callum has a big heart, and always tries to do the right thing.”
He can be super proud of himself and his accomplishments, but he usually has enough perspective to avoid letting this get in the way of what he knows is important. For instance, he connects to the Sky Primal, something thought of as impossible for humans, he immediately shifts his attention to Ezran, never once bragging or reminding people of his accomplishments.
Corvus: That’s incredible, Prince Callum.
Callum: Thanks…uh, who are you?
And, when it comes time to laying his life on the line for others, he never hesitates. Notably, around the same time as Viren was thinking about sacrificing his life for Harrow, Callum was preparing to sacrifice himself for his actual brother, but with none of the bravado or self-righteous congratulating of himself.
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Just a solemn, quiet attempt to save his brother, even at the cost of his own life, and even without anyone finding out about his sacrifice.
For Rayla, he performs Dark Magic, knowing how much she could possibly hate him for it, but deciding that her life is worth more than how she sees him.
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Callum may start out with a big heart, but when it comes to his skills, well…
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But if Viren begins as both powerful and amoral, it makes perfect sense to have Callum’s arc to begin as his opposite--someone without any special abilities but with a strong moral compass.
Because of this, we get to see him go from good to great. And his story walks this fine line, where he develops these magical abilities to perform heroic feats walking hand in hand with the realization that he doesn’t need magic to be heroic.
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Callum: “It’s up to us now. We have to return this egg. We have to keep it safe and carry it to Xadia.”
Callum has the same temptation as Viren—this need to be someone important, which is a big part of his arc in S1 and S2.
In S1, he initially places a high premium on his sense of self-worth, willing to put their mission in jeopardy just so he can obtain an object that might help him become a better mage.
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He assigns great importance to objects (such as the Primal Stone and the Key of Aaravos) rather than focusing on people or lives. Much in line with the way a Dark Mage would attach significance to magical components that are needed for spells.
Callum: “The truth is, its not me. It’s this. All the magic, all the power, all the confidence. It's just because of this amazing thing. A Primal Stone.”
Ellis: “That Primal Stone needs you to do all that amazing stuff. Without you, it's just a neat, glowy ball.”
Callum: “I guess so. But without this, I'm nothing. Just a guy who can draw and make wry comments from time to time. And they're not even that wry.”
Much like how Viren assigns great value to the mirror or the Dragon Egg, even above his own children’s lives.
Viren: “The egg. If you have to choose [between Soren and the egg], choose the egg.”
But by the end of S1, he realizes just how much more important the lives of his friends and the Dragon Prince are over his own sense of pride or self-worth. Unlike Viren, who places a great degree of importance to his sacrifice (honestly, Harrow should be honored that Viren would consider throwing himself on the sword for a mere king), Callum simply makes the realization of what he needs to do…and then does it.
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S2 follows the aftermath of his decision, and Callum has to deal with no longer having his mage abilities. Again, he latches his entire sense of self-worth to be able to do magic.
As @raayllum​ points out here, he also aligns his ability to do magic to agency. Without magic, he’s paralyzed by indecision and an inability to do the right thing. He believes himself imprisoned by his inadequacy.
Callum: “If we're really going to change things, we can't just watch while humans and Xadia keep hurting each other. But how do I take a stand? Believe me, I want to go down there with you, and be the heroes who stop all the fighting and save the day, but I can't do that. I can't do anything!”
And he follows this line of reasoning to its logical conclusion:
Dark Magic
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Dark Magic gives him all the power he needs. If Callum wants to be special (like Viren), if he wants to have agency and freedom for himself, this is the path he can take.
Dark!Callum: “You can have unlimited power, and you can choose what to do with that power.
And in that moment, he’s tempted. Truly, he’s tempted, to commit to this path, set himself free from his past limitations and feelings of worthlessness.
He can become like Viren, and make himself great…but in a moment of clarity, he sees Dark Magic for what it truly is.
This isn’t freedom. It’s not the power he wants.
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It’s just another prison.
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And unlike Viren, who succumbs to this temptation, Callum sees through it.
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What’s noteworthy is that Callum doesn’t press on the point that it’s possible for him to learn an Arcanum and do magic some other. He doesn’t insist he can make this choice easy on himself; he chooses that, Arcanum or no Arcanum, this is not the kind of magic he will choose to do.
Callum: “Destiny is a book you write yourself!”
Instead of attaching his sense of self-worth and agency to magic, he breaks free of this toxic cycle and seizes the ability to direct his own fate.
This is a lesson that he then passes on to others.
Rayla: “What does this mean? What should I do?
Callum:  “I don’t know. But it’s your choice. No one else’s.”
He finds his agency and self-worth independent of his ability to do magic, and realizes that his potential is actually in his complete control. Fittingly, it’s this realization that completes his journey to finally understand the Sky Arcanum.
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In the end, Viren and Callum are quite similar, but the former lets his flaws get the better of him, his pride sinking him until he becomes malicious, grasping, and power-hungry. Eyes set on stealing the power to make him important.
The latter ascends past his prior limitations, refusing to yield to his own worst impulses.
Moreover, Callum holds on to his ideals in the face of adversity, even at his own expense, while Viren constantly tries to find “pragmatic” and expedient solutions to problems that always happen to end up with him on top of everyone else. Viren continues his dramatic decline, eagerly crossing one moral horizon after another, until by the end, he admits to Aaravos what he is really after is conquest; he’s willing to steal Zym’s life force just to become more powerful, sacrificing the entirety of his army to do it.
Callum, on the other hand, begins to truly understand what can make a good-natured person into a hero.
He expresses it in a speech about Rayla…
Callum: “It's because Rayla is a hero…Rayla saves people. She's brave. She does what's right, even if it puts her own life in danger, and even when the odds seem impossible. Even when it means her own people might misunderstand and turn against her. Rayla is selfless, strong and caring. That's what makes her a hero. That's what makes her Rayla.”
…and then proceeds to do each and every one of those things on the pinnacle. He bravely leaps after Rayla--even though it put his own life in danger--because it’s the right thing to do. Even though the odds of quickly mastering a complex spell on the way down seemed impossible.
Viren thinks his great feats are a substitute for a good character. Callum’s journey, on the other hand, is learning those character traits that make one heroic. He realizes, not only that Rayla is “selfless, strong, and caring,” but also why and more importantly, why he can be those things too.
And this dynamic between Viren and Callum culminates in the finale, where one falls…
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…and the other rises.
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