#calling all xenohoarders
kn1febunny · 1 year
xeno explanations :: kindersurprise gender
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. • ¨ • . ¸ ¸ ♡ :; a foodic gender that shows the user's gender has a connection to on the kinder surprise chocolate egg candies. these candies also normally come with a toy inside, so some user's may use this gender feeling a toy is hidden within their gender.
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kindersurprisegender flag :;
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this flag starts out with black and then continues in a rainbow-like patter with a medium orange-red stripe, small yellow stipe, medium green stripe, smaller blue stripe, and a tiny pink stripe, and finishes off with a large white stripe before repeating itself. There is kinder egg candy still in its wrapper in the middle. It seems like there is no meaning and the colors are colorpicked from the egg itself.
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♡¸ ¸ . • ¨ :; this gender is coined by @D34dC4k3 on Pinterest. thank you for reading! hope this helped someone on their transgender journey. lots of love <3
— (>ω<)
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fallen-and-holy · 3 months
Redoing my pinned post!
Heyo!! Call me Mars or Aster, i use he/hymn/it pronouns, and this is my main blog for all things! I'm alterhuman and queer in almost every way possible, and this is my place to be obnoxious about it. I’m also autistic and vocal about it. That’s the summary, more info below the cut!!
About Me
Alterhuman things
Kintype(s): Western dragon; fallen angel/demon; nökk/nixie/nokken
Theriotype(s): Maned wolf (linktype)
Theriomythic type(s): Night (or Forest??) Fury (linktype)
Fictionflicker type(s): Eztli Tokoyami (MHA/BNHA, non-canon); Rust (TMA, non-canon Corruption avatar); the Leviathan (TMA, non-canon Hunt/Vast avatar); Mike Crew (TMA); MK (Lego Monkie Kid)
Hearthome(s): Star Trek
Hearttype(s): changelings; canines; space/stars
Archetrope(s): Guardian
Satellotype(s): Harpy eagle (orbiting the Leviathan); red winged blackbird (orbiting Eztli); felines (orbiting both of my dragon kintypes)
Miscecanis/miscanimalis: Beta, scent is ozone and old books with an undercurrent of sandalwood, revolves around all of my alterhumanity but specifically avian, canine, and eldritch behaviors
Queer Things
The short answer for my gender is nonbinary man, the long answer is ‘i dont know if i have a gender, i dont know what a gender is supposed to feel like, but i like being referred to with masculine terms and also there are things that are intrinsically important to my identity so i might as well call them genders’
Xenohoarder, here’s my hoard: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_P8tza81UckHbBm2LaRa_mzihvhPHPq_kNIDICQpAY8/edit?usp=sharing
The label i usually use for my orientation is omni, but the long and short of it is i like men in a fag way and women in a dyke way and men in a dyke way and women in a fag way and absolutely everyone in a queer way
Aroacespec, demirose
Name and pronoun hoarder, my pronoun page is here: https://en.pronouns.page/@fallen-and-holy
Plural, not sure how much im going to talk about that on here. Im a median subsystem as well as having one headmate, Cypher.
I dont really have a DNI, because those dont work and people are going to do what they want, but you will be blocked if you bring me into discourse. Additionally, i block/unfollow for a variety of reasons, including ‘i just dont want to see this on my dash for aesthetic reasons’ and i most likely wont remember why. I would prefer not to see anti endos though.
Fandoms i’ll likely talk about/reblog on here are the Magpod universes, MHA/BNHA, Dungeon Meshi, Fullmetal Alchemist, Lego Monkie Kid, and Star Trek
Sideblogs/digital shrines
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smokeywolves · 1 year
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☆ ┊ hi all !! my name is smokey, but you can also call me ryan or ghost.
☆ ┊ sixteen, wasian - caribbean, hindu, aroace xenohoarder !!
☆ ┊ adhd, ocd !!
☆ ┊ otherkin !!
-> wolfkin (spiritual)
-> wingedcatkin (spiritual)
-> robotkin (psychological)
-> ghostkin (psychological)
☆ ┊ interests !!
-> doom (1993 - now)
-> discduo / primeboys
-> collecting squishmallows (ryanetherite on squadapp !!)
-> linguistics (currently learning esperanto, french, and ASL - as well as dabbling in some russian)
-> tomb raider (1996 - now, but mostly the survivor trilogy)
-> the topic of speedrunning retro games
-> horror ;; gore
☆ ┊ do not interact if you are / support !!
-> basic dni criteria
-> radfems
-> mspec lesbians or gays
-> non-traumagenic / endo / tulpa "systems"
-> anti-kin or support cringe culture
-> proshippers
☆ ┊ other !!
-> main blog
-> reddit
-> twitter
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concomitant-gang · 2 years
🌫 Intro! 🌫
Hi there! Y’all can call us Concomitant or Holden :) Our collective pronouns are he/him or they/them. Our body is 18. We are a specutien monoconsious pseudosinglet pluralflux traumagenic proxy system who mainly blurs, experiences passive influence, and non-possessively switches.
We have probably been a system since we were little, but only recently became aware/conscious of our plurality since our host was a lonelet (/j haha) due to the rest of us keeping him unaware of our existence. After an incident he ended up hearing us accidentally, and so far he’s been trying his best to communicate thoroughly. We’ve decided to make a system blog to ask questions, reblog information and terms we identify with, talk about our experience as a system, and just generally keep track of all of us and our roles and what decisions we make towards our recovery from here on out!
Our host’s main/mogai blog is here ( @genderpains ), and it’s the blog we like/follow from :)
Please do not bring up discourse or syscourse on this blog, we do not need any more added stress about plurality and will avoid interacting with any specifically syscourse related content.
Also please DNI/Do not follow if: MAP/(No)MAP/PEAR/Pro-Contact/MAP Supporter/RadPara/Pro Harmful Paras/ZOO/Zeta/Pro-Zoo/Kink/NSFW or SFW DDLG/ADBL/Proship/Anti-MOGAI/LIOM/Neopronouns/Xenogenders/Fakeclaimer/Have a christian/religion focused blog/are a vent blog/ and all other gen dni criteria!
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System Tag: 🫥 or ⛓
vv Quick Alter Intros vv
Will update later when everyone else is co-con
Host/Base: Holden
Full Intro
Sign off: -h
Pronouns: he/him
Age: same as body, 18!
Labels: Trans ftm, polysexual/bisexual, greyromantic, many many MOGAI labels haha
MOGAI/Main Account , Otherkin Account
Xenohoard , Kin List
Reasonist/Protector/Soother: Lazuli
Dualmate w/ Tive
Full Intro
Sign off:
Pronouns: she/her
Moodbooster/Beauhuer: Tive
Dualmate w/ Lazuli
Full Intro
Sign off: 🍇
Pronouns: he/him, 🍬/🍬s, 💕/💕s
Age: Unsure
Labels: Girlyboy, Veldigirl, Malewife, Boygirlthing, Pinkgender
Nonhuman Stim/Tic & Trauma Holder: Shaker
Full Intro
Tag: -⚡️
Pronouns: it/its aux he
Age: n/a
Labels: Shakegender, Twitchgender, Sharpmotiongender, Alderamorph, Itgender
It can’t type or communicate using the body and can only communicate with us telepathically, and even then all he says is Up Down, so, 🤷‍♂️
No Role: Arthur (Ambrose/Dorian/Hyacinth)
Full Intro
Sign off/Tag: -👥 or -A
Pronouns: he/him they/them 👥/👥s it/its
Age: Unsure
Labels: Namehoarder, (sort of) Nonhuman/Althuman, (sort of) Reverse System
Syskid/Trauma Holder: Jessy
Twin & Dualmate of Payton
Full Intro
Signoff/Tag: 🪵
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 7-10 but mostly 10
Labels: Tomboy, Cisgender, Paleaestinostic
She’s honestly very different from her twin, so you might see more stuff from her.
Syskid/Religious Trauma Holder: Payton
Twin & Dualmate of Jessy
Full Intro
Signoff/Tag: 🎀
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 7-10 but mostly 10
Labels: Cisgender, Girlgender, Elysiangender, Blessivisae
Please pay no kind if she reblogs/post abt any evangelical/conservative christian stuff, it’s sort of her whole thing we’ll try to limit it or delete stuff but if you catch it we’re super sorry, it triggers our host so we try to avoid it.
No Role: Perseus
Full Intro
Signoff/Tag: 🐋
Pronouns: ael/aels, ar/ars, ai/ais, ~/~
Age: Unsure
Labels: Voidkin, Genderfuzzy, Alterhuman
Ael relates to the emojis 🍥💫🌀 and ~.
Persecutor/Malicious/Sexual/Drug Alter: Bud
Full Intro
Pronouns: he/him
Age: 19
Signoff/Tag: 🍃
Labels: Cisgender Bicurious
Bud only comes out when the body is high or drunk, or if talking about those things.
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closet-begone · 2 years
well well well look what the closet dragged out !! 
hey hi hello !! you can call me mod space dog !! [ nicknames very appreciated !! ] my main pronouns are he / they / it / fizz  bee / bem / beez / beez / beeself bee / bug / buzz / boops / bugself xey / xem / xir / xyrz / xemself  but you can use any neos on me as long as you dont use she / her or emoji / noun related ones !! [ although fully support beings who do use them !! ]  i am a polytherian or a shapeshifter !! i dont know if im using those right though but those are the best ones that fit me !! i only have three forms which are :  a space dogboy a grey humanoid blob w a big ? on my body / head w short wavy space hair  and my human form but i feel disconnected from what i look like physcially / i dont feel like i identify with my physical body im nd and poc who doesnt feel comfortable revealing specifics  because im on the nd spectrum please try to be kind and patient w me but also honest , i value honestly but i also value being considerate w people ,, im a genderhoarder / xenohoarder / genderactiofluid as well as unlabled for anything related to relationships  very excitable ?? check !!  having lots of love to give ?? check !!  swearing as a form of expression ?? check !!  loves to hear stories about beings ?? check !! typing quirk ?? yes check !! open to vents / rants / a need to scream ?? deffo check !! as you can tell , im a very funky person who loves to give love !! i have a lot of it and will be very happy to give some !! im also someone who gets easily excited , very empathetic to people [ and i mean very empathetic ] , and a very good listener ,, i will make sure to answer / respond to every single point you make so nothing gets missed out !! and to make sure no one ever gets left out as well ,, :] please dont hesitate to ask for anything from me ; hug , love , just a void w no reply , a comforting message , anything related to this !! ill make sure to give to the best of my ability !!
i think thats all for now folks, the closet calls !! make sure to never answer though , you may feel tempted ,,,
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