#c3 e62
Orym reaches for Ashton, telegraphs his movement, waits for the okay.
Always, Ashton says. From you, always.
A breath. Trust. Orym reaches. Hesitates. Ashton meets him, pulls him the rest of the way. A massage that hurts--the good kind of hurt--that Orym knows he can offer without asking. That Ashton will accept.
Orym knows how to handle pain. So does Ashton. The burden is lighter with two.
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deramin2 · 1 year
Critical Role clip: The Wildmother's Spirit Friends (13:26).
C3 E55: Fearne asks the Wildmother to watch over her missing friends. C3 E62 The Wildmother sends local spirits to watch over them. Later Orym also prays to the Wildmother.
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lildark1 · 1 year
Critical Role: Fav Laura Bailey moments
--- Vex ---
Back to Back NAT 20s against Delilah (C1/E25)
Laura knows how to make an entrance (C1/E34)
Barrage of (Holy) Arrows (C1/E34)
Vex gives Vax a Winter’s Crest Gift (C1/E36)
Vex is a bit of an asshole (C1/E37)
Where’s Trinket?! (C1/E38)
“It’s a good night, you guys” it was in fact NOT a good night (C1/E44)
We knew he wasn’t getting it back (C1/E46)
Vex struggles to get the broom to work (C1/E47)
Happy Vex (until Laura remembers she’s gotta say it the same way forever) (C1/E47)
Vex: The Silver-tongued Ranger (C1/E56)
“You Flying Fuck!” (C1/E58)
“Hey Buddy” (C1/E59)
“Headphones, dear” (C1/E60)
“That’s a baroness burp” (C1/E60)
“I should have told you: it’s yours” (C1/E69)
“Have you tried a Greater Restoration” (C1/E70)
---Jester Lavorre---
“Has anyone seen my shoe?!” (C2/E4)
“The shaft...” (C2/E7) I also love that Travis immediately looks at her because he knows his wife XD
“Where’s Molly?” (C2/E30)
Jester reunites with her mother (C2/E33)
(Laura) and Jester learn about her father (C2/E33)
Jester knows how to make an entrance (C2/E58)
She’ll figure out how to take care of Sprinkle...maybe (C2/E62)
"Only for you Fjord.” (C2/E123)
---Imogen Temault---
Official Spell: Imogen’s Lightening Titties! (C3/77)
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remjl · 1 year
Well, I don't see problem with "sister from another mister" situation. Laudna considers Imogen her close best friend and she haven't unlock this part of her brain yet. Also we should remember, that Laudna prefer to don't show her vulnerabilities and enjoy her life as it is. So, as long as she doesn't have any confession from Imogen, she is gonna treat their relationship as close friendship. When she is aware of Imogen's pining and feelings, she might rethink or not. That's great slow burn, however after today it might be one sided (which I still doubt, considering what has been done and said between these characters)
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The Knights of Penance:
The Band of Boobs and Deadeye meet the Knights of Penance, then hatch a plan to save Hardwon. Beverly meets yet another father figure, Moonshine converts to a new religion, and Hardwon loses control.
Foster Origins:
Duck Team returns the serpent to Oberron and discovers Foster's origin! Sol learns about his daddy-self, Calder meets some familiar bullies, and Callie resolves to clear her family's name.
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critrolecw · 1 year
Content warnings for CR C3 E62
Content warnings for Critical Role C3 E62 have been posted to the website.
⚠️ Epilepsy and light sensitivity warnings for the intro and 3 ads.
Recurring Themes:
Hunting, fishing: Characters repeatedly discuss how they acquire food while camping.
Desecrated bodies: Remains of humanoids and animals are moved, looted, and used like neutral objects.
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Batterie Nokia Lumia N900 520 521 525 5230 1430mAh
Avec la Batterie NOKIA BL-5J restez productif plus longtemps qu'avec une batterie standard. Cette batterie pour Nokia Lumia N900 520 521 525 5230 longue durée sera rapidement pour vous l'accessoire indispensable afin de rester opérationnel en toutes circonstances. Meilleure qualite, prix de gros, large gamme de produits.
Batterie pour Nokia Lumia N900 520 521 525 5230 (1430mAh,3.7V 4.2V)
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NOKIA BL-5J Les Spécifications: Marque: NOKIA Technologie:Li-ion Capacité: 1430mAh Tension: 3.7V 4.2V Garantie:Garantie de 1 an et remboursement de 30 jours Ce Batterie pour NOKIA BL-5J contient des composants électroniques avancés et a été testé en accordance avec les standards très stricts de la CE. Protection contre la surtension, la surchauffe et les court-circuits avec interrupteur thermique intégré. Batterie Nokia Lumia N900 520 521 525 5230 haute capacité pour une meilleure autonomie en veille. Conçue et testée pour garantir une longévité optimale. 1 ans de garantie, 30 jours remboursé, 100% neuf! La capacité de la batterie (mAh/A/W) peut être différente; plus elle affiche de mAh/A/W, plus son autonomie est élevée. Certifiée en sécurité CE / FCC / RoHS. Les numéros remplacés(P/N): BL-5J Les modèles compatibles: Nokia Lumia N900 520 521 525 5230 Nokia Nuron 5233 5238 5800 5802 X6 C3 Autres Magasins en Ligne: United Kingdom------------Battery for NOKIA BL-5J Germany------------1430mAh NOKIA BL-5J Akku Japan------------1430mAh 3.7V 4.2V BL-5J バッテリー Italy------------NOKIA BL-5J Batteria Spain------------NOKIA BL-5J Baterías Poland------------Baterie do NOKIA BL-5J 1430mAh the Netherlands------------NOKIA BL-5J Accu (3.7V 4.2V, 1430mAh ) Conseils d'utilisation de la batterie: ① Lorsque vous utilisez votre nouvelle batterie la première fois, déchargez la batterie quand son autonomie atteint 2%, puis rechargez-la jusqu'à 100%. ② Utilisez votre batterie à des températures inférieures à 40 °C. ③ Rechargez votre batterie avant de passer sous les 10 % de sa charge. ④ Il est également inutile de charger complètement votre batterie avant une longue période sans utilisation. Conseils d'entretien La batterie pour NOKIA BL-5J doit subir au moins une charge par mois pour se préserver de l'effet mémoire et éviter que sa tension ne chute trop bas. Une batterie au repos trop longtemps risque de perdre ses performances, voire de ne plus fonctionner du tout. Ne laisser jamais descendre votre batterie Lithium ion en dessous de 20% de capacité avant de la recharger La batterie pour NOKIA BL-5J est livrée avec un reliquat de charge. Il est nécessaire de la charger avant son utilisation. Il est également recommandé de charger et décharger votre nouvelle batterie pour NOKIA BL-5J 2 à 5 fois pour obtenir sa capacité maximale. Meilleures Ventes: 4500mAh 17.41WH 3.87V 4.45V Nokia LPN387450 1430mAh 3.7V 4.2V Nokia Lumia N900 520 521 525 5230 1430mAh 3.7V 4.2V Nokia Lumia N900 520 521 525 5230 3400mAh 13.09WH 3.85V 4.4V Nokia HE375 1590mAh 5.9WH 3.7V 4.2V Nokia BP-5DW 4370mAh/16.91WH 3.87V/4.45V Nokia CN110 4000mAh/15.40WH 3.85V/4.4V Nokia HQ430 4500mAh/17.32WH 3.85V/4.4V Nokia 2.3 1500mAh 3.7V/4.2V Nokia E61 E62 9500 N92 7700 7710 2500mAh/9.5WH 3.8V/4.35V Nokia C1 Plus 2021
0 notes
shiraishi-blog-blog · 3 years
//@version=4 // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
strategy("Y-Profit Maximizer Strategy with Exit Points", shorttitle="Y-PMax Strategy with Exit Points", overlay=true, default_qty_type=strategy.cash, default_qty_value=10000, initial_capital=10000, currency=currency.USD, commission_value=0.1, commission_type=strategy.commission.percent) baslik1 = input(title="-------------------- PMax Setttings -------------------", defval=false) src = input(hl2, title="Source") Periods = input(title="ATR Length", type=input.integer, defval=10) Multiplier = input(title="ATR Multiplier", type=input.float, step=0.1, defval=3.0) mav = input(title="Moving Average Type", defval="ZLEMA", options=["SMA", "EMA", "WMA", "TMA", "VAR", "WWMA", "ZLEMA", "TSF"]) length =input(13, "Moving Average Length", minval=1) changeATR= input(title="Change ATR calculation Method?", type=input.bool, defval=true) showsupport = input(title="Show Moving Average?", type=input.bool, defval=false) showsignalsk = input(title="Show Buy sell signals?", type=input.bool, defval=true) showsignalsc = input(title="Show Price/Pmax cross signals?", type=input.bool, defval=false) highlighting = input(title="Cloud On/Off?", type=input.bool, defval=false)
baslik4 = input(title="-------------------- T3 Setttings --------------------", defval=false) length1 = input(89, "T3 Length") length2 = input(5, "T3 Filter Length") a1 = input(0.84, "T3 Volume Factor") a13 = 0.84 length12 = input(5, "Fibo T3 Length") a12 = input(0.618, "T3 Fibo Volume Factor") T31Show = input(title="Show T3?", type=input.bool, defval=false) T32Show = input(title= "T3 Filter On/Off?", type=input.bool, defval=false) T3FiboLine = input(false, title="T3 Fibonacci Lines?")
shownum = true
baslik7 = input(title="---------------- Take Profit Setttings --------------", defval=false)
len = input(25, "Snake Length") domcycle = input(20, minval=10, title="Dominant Cycle Length") rapida = input(8, "Fast Avg") lenta = input(26, "Slow Avg") stdv = input(0.8, "Length") tpfiltre = input(false, title="TP Filter avg2/avg4?") tplevelshow = input(false, title="TP Level and Exit Level Count On/Off?") tp1show =  input(false, title="Early TP Signals On/Off ?")
baslik8 = input(title="------------------- MOST Setttings ------------------", defval=false)
src_most=input(close,"Source") AP2 = input(defval=8,title="Length",minval=1) AF2 = input(defval=2,title="Percent",minval=0.1)/100 mav1 = input(title="Moving Average Type", defval="ZLEMA", options=["VAR","ZLEMA"]) plotbuysell = input(true, "Buy/Sell Shapes On/Off ?", input.bool)
///T3 1&2 e1 = ema((high + low + 2 * close) / 4, length1) e2 = ema(e1, length1) e3 = ema(e2, length1) e4 = ema(e3, length1) e5 = ema(e4, length1) e6 = ema(e5, length1) c1 = -a1 * a1 * a1 c2 = 3 * a1 * a1 + 3 * a1 * a1 * a1 c3 = -6 * a1 * a1 - 3 * a1 - 3 * a1 * a1 * a1 c4 = 1 + 3 * a1 + a1 * a1 * a1 + 3 * a1 * a1 T3 = c1 * e6 + c2 * e5 + c3 * e4 + c4 * e3
e13 = ema((high + low + 2 * close) / 4, length2) e23 = ema(e13, length2) e33 = ema(e23, length2) e43 = ema(e33, length2) e53 = ema(e43, length2) e63 = ema(e53, length2) c13 = -a13 * a13 * a13 c23 = 3 * a13 * a13 + 3 * a13 * a13 * a13 c33 = -6 * a13 * a13 - 3 * a13 - 3 * a13 * a13 * a13 c43 = 1 + 3 * a13 + a13 * a13 * a13 + 3 * a13 * a13 T33 = c13 * e63 + c23 * e53 + c33 * e43 + c43 * e33
atr2 = sma(tr, Periods) atr= changeATR ? atr(Periods) : atr2 valpha=2/(length+1) vud1=src>src[1] ? src-src[1] : 0 vdd1=src<src[1] ? src[1]-src : 0 vUD=sum(vud1,9) vDD=sum(vdd1,9) vCMO=nz((vUD-vDD)/(vUD+vDD)) VAR=0.0 VAR:=nz(valpha*abs(vCMO)*src)+(1-valpha*abs(vCMO))*nz(VAR[1]) wwalpha = 1/ length WWMA = 0.0 WWMA := wwalpha*src + (1-wwalpha)*nz(WWMA[1]) zxLag = length/2==round(length/2) ? length/2 : (length - 1) / 2 zxEMAData = (src + (src - src[zxLag])) ZLEMA = ema(zxEMAData, length) lrc = linreg(src, length, 0) lrc1 = linreg(src,length,1) lrs = (lrc-lrc1) TSF = linreg(src, length, 0)+lrs getMA(src, length) =>    ma = 0.0    if mav == "SMA"        ma := sma(src, length)        ma
   if mav == "EMA"        ma := ema(src, length)        ma
   if mav == "WMA"        ma := wma(src, length)        ma
   if mav == "TMA"        ma := sma(sma(src, ceil(length / 2)), floor(length / 2) + 1)        ma
   if mav == "VAR"        ma := VAR        ma
   if mav == "WWMA"        ma := WWMA        ma
   if mav == "ZLEMA"        ma := ZLEMA        ma
   if mav == "TSF"        ma := TSF        ma
   if mav == "T3"        ma := T3        ma    ma
MAvg=getMA(src, length) longStop = MAvg - Multiplier*atr longStopPrev = nz(longStop[1], longStop) longStop := MAvg > longStopPrev ? max(longStop, longStopPrev) : longStop shortStop = MAvg + Multiplier*atr shortStopPrev = nz(shortStop[1], shortStop) shortStop := MAvg < shortStopPrev ? min(shortStop, shortStopPrev) : shortStop dir = 1 dir := nz(dir[1], dir) dir := dir == -1 and MAvg > shortStopPrev ? 1 : dir == 1 and MAvg < longStopPrev ? -1 : dir PMax = dir==1 ? longStop: shortStop
///MOST zxLag1 = AP2/2==round(AP2/2) ? AP2/2 : (AP2 - 1) / 2 zxEMAData1 = (src_most + (src_most - src_most[zxLag1])) ZLEMA1 = ema(zxEMAData1, AP2)
valpha1=2/(AP2+1) vud2=src_most>src_most[1] ? src_most-src_most[1] : 0 vdd2=src_most<src_most[1] ? src_most[1]-src_most : 0 vUD1=sum(vud2,9) vDD1=sum(vdd2,9) vCMO1=nz((vUD1-vDD1)/(vUD1+vDD1)) VAR1=0.0 VAR1 := nz(valpha1*abs(vCMO1)*src_most)+(1-valpha1*abs(vCMO1))*nz(VAR1[1])
getMA1(src, length) =>    ma1 = 0.0    if mav1 == "VAR"        ma1 := VAR1        ma1
   if mav1 == "ZLEMA"        ma1 := ZLEMA1        ma1
Trail1 = getMA1(src, length) SL2 = Trail1*AF2 // Stop Loss
Trail2 = 0.0 Trail2 := iff(Trail1>nz(Trail2[1],0) and Trail1[1]>nz(Trail2[1],0),max(nz(Trail2[1],0),Trail1-SL2),iff(Trail1<nz(Trail2[1],0) and Trail1[1]<nz(Trail2[1],0),min(nz(Trail2[1],0),Trail1+SL2),iff(Trail1>nz(Trail2[1],0),Trail1-SL2,Trail1+SL2)))
Buy = crossover(Trail1, Trail2) Sell = crossunder(Trail1, Trail2) SR=(iff(Trail1 > Trail2 ,1, iff(Trail2 > Trail1,-1,0)))
////T3 TILLSON 1
col1 = T3 > T3[1] col3 = T3 < T3[1] col4 = T33 > T33[1] col5 = T33 < T33[1] color_1 = col1 ? color.green : col3 ? color.red : color.yellow color_4 = col4 ? color.green : col5 ? color.red : color.yellow
e12 = ema((high + low + 2 * close) / 4, length12) e22 = ema(e12, length12) e32 = ema(e22, length12) e42 = ema(e32, length12) e52 = ema(e42, length12) e62 = ema(e52, length12) c12 = -a12 * a12 * a12 c22 = 3 * a12 * a12 + 3 * a12 * a12 * a12 c32 = -6 * a12 * a12 - 3 * a12 - 3 * a12 * a12 * a12 c42 = 1 + 3 * a12 + a12 * a12 * a12 + 3 * a12 * a12 T32 = c12 * e62 + c22 * e52 + c32 * e42 + c42 * e32
col12 = T32 > T32[1] col32 = T32 < T32[1]
h = ema(high, len) l = ema(low, len)
hp = h / h[len] lp = l / l[len]
avg = avg(hp, lp)
havg = ema(highest(avg, len), len) lavg = ema(lowest(avg, len), len)
avg2 = avg(havg, lavg) avg3 = avg(havg, avg2) avg4 = avg(havg, avg3)
dif = havg - avg2
ust = havg + dif alt = lavg - dif
///BB on MACD
SDev = 0.0 banda_supe = 0.0 banda_inf = 0.0 m_rapida = ema(close,rapida) m_lenta = ema(close,lenta) BBMacd = m_rapida - m_lenta Avg = ema(BBMacd,9) SDev := stdev(BBMacd,9) banda_supe := Avg + stdv * SDev banda_inf := Avg - stdv * SDev
color2 = col12 ? color.blue : col32 ? color.purple : color.yellow
TS1 = plot(Trail1, "ExMov", style=plot.style_line,color=Trail1 > Trail2 ? color.blue : color.yellow, linewidth=2) TS2 = plot(Trail2, "Most", style=plot.style_line,color=Trail1 > Trail2 ? color.green : color.red, linewidth=2)
tp1 = tpfiltre ? crossunder(BBMacd,banda_supe)  and (avg>avg2) and (MAvg>PMax) and nz(MAvg[10]) > nz(PMax[10]) : crossunder(BBMacd,banda_supe)  and (avg>avg4) and (MAvg>PMax) and nz(MAvg[15]) > nz(PMax[15]) plotshape(tp1 and tp1show, title="TP1", text="TP1", location=location.abovebar, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=color.aqua, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
plot(T31Show ? T3 : na, color=color_1, linewidth=3, title="T3") plot(T32Show ? T33 : na, color=color_4, linewidth=3, title="T3 Filter") plot(T3FiboLine and T32 ? T32 : na, color=color2, linewidth=2, title="T3fibo") plot(showsupport ? MAvg : na, color=#0585E1, linewidth=2, title="Moving Avg Line") pALL=plot(PMax, color=color.red, linewidth=2, title="PMax", transp=100)
buySignalk = crossover(MAvg, PMax)  
plotshape(buySignalk and showsignalsk ? PMax*0.995 : na, title="Buy", text="買/売ポジ閉じ", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny, color=color.green, textcolor=color.white, transp=10)
sellSignallk = crossunder(MAvg, PMax) plotshape(sellSignallk and showsignalsk ? PMax*1.005 : na, title="Sell", text="売/買ポジ閉じ", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=color.red, textcolor=color.white, transp=10) buySignalc = crossover(src, PMax) plotshape(buySignalc and showsignalsc ? PMax*0.995 : na, title="Buy-Price", text="C_BUY", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labelup, size=size.tiny, color=#0F18BF, textcolor=color.white, transp=0) sellSignallc = crossunder(src, PMax) plotshape(sellSignallc and showsignalsc ? PMax*1.005 : na, title="Sell-Price", text="C_SELL", location=location.absolute, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=#0F18BF, textcolor=color.white, transp=0) mPlot = plot(ohlc4, title="", style=plot.style_circles, linewidth=0,display=display.none) longFillColor = highlighting ? (MAvg>PMax ? color.green : na) : na shortFillColor = highlighting ? (MAvg<PMax ? color.red : na) : na fill(mPlot, pALL, title="Up Trend Cloud", color=longFillColor) fill(mPlot, pALL, title="Down Trend Cloud", color=shortFillColor)
tplevel = 0 //tplevel := tp1 ? nz(tplevel[1])==0 ? 1 : nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 2 : 0 : nz(tplevel[1])==0 ? 0 : nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 1 : nz(tplevel[1])==2 ? 2 : sellSignallk ? 0 : 0 //tplevel := sellSignallk or MAvg < PMax ? 0 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==8 ? 9 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==7 ? 8 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==6 ? 7 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==5 ? 6 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==4 ? 5 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==3 ? 4 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==2 ? 3 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 2 : nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 1 : nz(tplevel[1])==2 ? 2 : nz(tplevel[1])==3 ? 3 : nz(tplevel[1])==4 ? 4 : nz(tplevel[1])==5 ? 5 : nz(tplevel[1])==6 ? 6 : nz(tplevel[1])==7 ? 7 : nz(tplevel[1])==8 ? 8 : nz(tplevel[1])==9 ? 9 : 1 tplevel := sellSignallk or MAvg < PMax ? 0 : Trail1 < Trail2 ? 0 : tp1 and nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 2 : nz(tplevel[1])==1 ? 1 : nz(tplevel[1])==2 ? 2 : 1
exitlevel = 0
exitlevel := sellSignallk or MAvg < PMax ? 0 : Sell and  nz(tplevel[1])==2 and nz(exitlevel[1])==1 ? 2 : Sell and  nz(tplevel[1])==2 and nz(exitlevel[1])==2 ? 3 : Sell and  nz(tplevel[1])==2 and nz(exitlevel[1])==3 ? 4 :  Sell and  nz(tplevel[1])==2 and nz(exitlevel[1])==4 ? 5: nz(exitlevel[1])==1 ? 1  : nz(exitlevel[1])==2 ? 2 : nz(exitlevel[1])==3 ? 3 : nz(exitlevel[1])==4 ? 4 : nz(exitlevel[1])==5 ? 5:  1
plotchar(tplevel==0 and tplevelshow, char='0', color=color.green) plotchar(tplevel==1 and tplevelshow , char='1', color=color.green) plotchar(tplevel==2 and tplevelshow, char='2', color=color.green)
plotshape(exitlevel==0 and tplevelshow , text='0', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red) plotshape(exitlevel==1 and tplevelshow , text='1', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red) plotshape(exitlevel==2 and tplevelshow , text='2', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red) plotshape(exitlevel==3 and tplevelshow , text='3', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red) plotshape(exitlevel==4 and tplevelshow , text='4', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red) plotshape(exitlevel==5 and tplevelshow , text='5', location=location.belowbar, style=shape.triangledown, color=color.red)
plotshape(nz(tplevel[1])==2 and Sell and exitlevel>=2, title="TP", text="TP", location=location.abovebar, style=shape.labeldown, size=size.tiny, color=color.lime, textcolor=color.white,transp=0)
/// PERIOD /// //testStartYear = input(2019, "Backtest Start Year") //testStartMonth = input(1, "Backtest Start Month") //testStartDay = input(1, "Backtest Start Day") //testPeriodStart = timestamp(testStartYear,testStartMonth,testStartDay,0,0) // //testStopYear = input(2020, "Backtest Stop Year") //testStopMonth = input(12, "Backtest Stop Month") //testStopDay = input(31, "Backtest Stop Day") //testPeriodStop = timestamp(testStopYear,testStopMonth,testStopDay,0,0) // //testPeriod() => //    time >= testPeriodStart and time <= testPeriodStop ? true : false // //if testPeriod() //strategy.entry() //strategy.close()
if (buySignalk)    strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long, comment="")
if nz(tplevel[1])==2 and Sell and exitlevel==2    strategy.exit ("Exit1", from_entry="Buy", limit=close, qty_percent = 25, comment="利食い25%")
if nz(tplevel[1])==3 and Sell and exitlevel==3    strategy.exit ("Exit2", from_entry="Buy", limit=close, qty_percent = 33.3, comment="利食い33.3%")
if nz(tplevel[1])==4 and Sell and exitlevel==3    strategy.exit ("Exit3", from_entry="Buy", limit=close, qty_percent = 50, comment="利食い50%")
if nz(tplevel[1])==5 and Sell and exitlevel==3    strategy.exit ("Exit4", from_entry="Buy", limit=close, comment="利食い")  
if (sellSignallk)    strategy.close_all(comment = "")
0 notes
Orym praying to the Wildmother, so quietly, alone, only when his companions can't hear . . .
He does still believe in her, in the good of the gods . . . She who gifted him his sword's enchantment, who saw him so early in his journey . . .
I'm emotional.
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You know it almost seems like Bor'dor is fishing for information here. "How many did you take out? Can you really take him on? Are you sure you want to do this? What's your ultimate goal here?"
I'm fucking watching you, sheep herder.
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Orym is attempting to stave off a mental breakdown right now
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Okay Okay Liam got to do wizard husband merch I'm fine it's cool I'm fine
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Hello, Emily, you look beautiful but Liam O'Brien tearing my heart out as usual.
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deramin2 · 4 months
A thread of Critical Role edits I've made about Orym.
The Tragedy of Orym
EXU Prime - CR C3 E34. ("Orym's Death and Resurrection" is a shorter cut from there focusing only on E33 - E34.)
The Wildmother's Spirit Friends
3 related scenes from CR C3 E55 - E62. Fearne visits the Wildmother's shrine. Local forest spirits visit team Issylra. Orym prays to the Wildmother.
Orym and the Hag
Clips from CR C3 E77 - E81 exploring Orym's headspace from the night before Ashton took the shard until his deal with Morrigan.
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