#c.a.w. agents
summeryseaserpent · 2 months
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I can finally post my piece for the @anachronism-ahitzine !!!! I couldn't decide which character to draw so I said ALL.
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polygonsexual · 9 months
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fionacle · 1 year
i have found 1 gif of these guys and it has some kinda effect on it so I made a gif myself, please handle the gay C.A.W. agents with care <3
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majormeilani · 7 months
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suggestion by @snarlesofthesewers
cookin' breakfast (with the crows)
little bit of close ups shots lol
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malfunctioning-mantis · 9 months
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Forgot to post this, this is from a week ago I think. Also using it as my pfp now
Caw caw
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nasubeenwithcat · 9 months
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Shane Frost’s story doodle
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zaiaam · 24 days
Fun Fact that everyone probably already knew but me! :
A group of crows is called a murder, therefore, Murder on the Owl Express can technically have two meanings. One for the crows, the other for the actual murder
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diesaur · 2 years
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hplonesomeart · 2 years
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The C.A.W Agents are seriously underrated tbh
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vg-bird-reviews · 4 months
C.A.W. agents
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hopelessly endeared
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ahatintimepieces · 2 months
Scully, you're not going to believe this... but remember that ahit pokemon au that's a mash-up of the coliseum games and detective pikachu where Snatcher is an Eevee that can see shadow pokemon and Hattie is going on a journey to find her missing father, Luka Andersen, while rescuing shadow pokemon from Team Mafia and more? Yeah. It's been three years but I finally updated! In this chapter, Hattie confronts the C.A.W agents! I don't know how often I'll update but I hope you enjoy! Until next time!
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dustedrosedraws · 2 years
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Snatcher shapeshifted as a C.A.W agent crow, Idk what made me want to draw him like this but he looks neat.
Feel free to draw him if ya want :)
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royalphantompain · 1 year
tumblr bitch: liking Dead Birds Studios makes you a peckneck!
me: **growls really hard**
DJ Grooves: its okay theyre just jealous darling...
me: i know grooves, i know
conductor: **attaches a bomb on to me instead of his lovly train**
conductor: youre so boring **stabs express owl with a rubber knife**
me: **sighs**
C.A.W agents: **en route**
DJ: **Grooves**
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majormeilani · 2 months
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my zine piece for @anachronism-ahitzine
full view is recommended but i also have some detailed shots below
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meyasthatbird · 1 year
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The people(2) have spoken, my next plushie will be this high bird from the recent greatest indie horror game
Dont mind the C.A.W. Agent Bird from a hat in time, this isn’t about them.
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nasubeenwithcat · 1 year
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Phantom of dead bird cinema au notes 4
Notes! This explanation was a bit difficult and I could not verbalize it very well. Anyway, this time I am explaining about (yandere)discotrain and the timelines.
⚠️warning inspired:Phantom of the Opera (original by Gaston Leroux) contents:blood, swearing, yandere discotrain, mental illness, mind control, death, serious bullying, machine translation
🎬Now, I should say that they are in very complicated times. Globalism is progressing due to the development of transportation, and with it, the need to understand different cultures. There is a growing movement to digest and incorporate language, culture, values, and history as art.
🎬It definitely makes people uneasy. Some of them are starting to make noises that they hear the voice of God or see their dead lover. The psychiatric wards are always full of patients. Therefore, they cannot expect much proper treatment for the patients. This is one of the reasons for the confusion in DBC.
🎬If the letter delivered by him is correct, it is not the bird that rule the cinema but the ghost. If the owner reports this to their boss, there is no chance they will be sent to the psychiatric ward. At the very least, they will be removed from the position of owner.
🎬And in fact, there were two mafias who did. They reported Phantom to their boss, but he did not believe them and removed them from their positions as owners. Timmy was sent in their place. He welcomed Mustache girl into his office as his sidekick.
🎬There is more than one problem caused by this renaissance. The insecurity caused by globalism triggers patriotism. They will be constantly compared to foreign countries and will want the opportunity to reaffirm the value of their country. And this leads to a revolutionary movement against the mafia that practically controls the bird city.
🎬Hatkid's loupe is useful for all purposes, but it has rules. Anyway, the function of the loupe is to intentionally distort time, forcing it to produce timelines and storybooks. The basic premise is that there is always a baseline for distortion. To distort correctly, that baseline and the force applied must be somewhat solid.
🎬The only animals that have the time concept are those that need to process large amounts of information. Other animals have accurate internal clocks but cannot grasp the time concept for long periods of time. The presence or absence of the time concept is the difference between C.A.W agents and unintelligent crows. Wild animals live continuously in the instantaneous "nows". In other words, time is an ambiguity that only social animals possess.
🎬Magic is a very unstable technology. Therefore, magically created objects and effects disappear 24 hours after they are created. However, in the case of Subcon Forest and DBC, they are exceptionally persistent. Phantom has magically concealed the wound on his face. That is fine in the cinema, but when he goes outside, the magic's time moves and its effects disappear. He must reapply the magic each time he goes out.
🎬Magic is only stable in a special environment, but that special environment can be created. All that is needed is a large mirror. By creating a simulated looping space, he can temporarily create a one-sided time concept and another one-sided time concept facing each other and looping.
🎬There is magic that affects the physical and magic that affects the psychological. Magic that affects the psychological is more troublesome. Most of the time, the actual workings of that magic are to regulate dopamine levels or to instill a particular thought, which has no relevance to the disappearance of the magic. Physical ends when the object disappears, but psychological does not.
🎬Phantom uses it frequently, but only as an assistance. When he wants to manipulate someone at will, he speaks to someone and successfully directs the thought. Anyway, the important thing is to "make the subjects themselves aware of the ideal opinion that Phantom wants." This will make it more difficult to modify it from the outside.
🎬Grooves calls Phantom "the Angel of the Movie", and the Phantom sometimes calls himself that as well. In the original story it is the being in Christine's father's story, and the original phantom poses as an angel to gain access to Christine and teach her to sing.
🎬Grooves also believed in the existence of the angel. He was under huge stress and pressure at the time and was crushed. When people and birds are in such a state, they look to God and angels for help. Phantom understood this and spoke to him in the guise of an angel.
🎬He has several candleholders in his room. When he has a really hard time, he lights them and prays to his parents who are already dead. And he keeps praying to escape from reality.
🎬The fateful day was a truly terrible day for him. As usual he lit a candle. Then the light suddenly went out and an invisible whispering voice spoke to him.
🎬Then he began to pray every night, not to his parents, but to the angel. He would light a candle and call the angel. Then he will take his classes.
🎬Phantom taught him techniques and theories. Always have a note and pen with you so that you don't forget the ideas that come to you. Never help the crews with their work more than necessary. The release of a movie is not the goal, but only a path to winning an award. If you want people to understand that your movie is interesting, you must first become the biggest fan of it.
🎬Why is their romance distorted? First, Phantom loved Grooves romantically, but Grooves loved Phantom religiously. To Grooves, he was worthy of respect and faith, not romance.
🎬How can a romance be established between the angel and a believer? Clearly, there are too many problems. This particular relationship must have been one of the reasons why the original phantom and Christine did not get together in original. Faith and romance are not similar.
🎬Therefore, Phantom had to approach him in different ways. To do this, he kept destroying the timepieces and kept trying to find a better way to do it. I should say that it is almost complete at this point.
🎬Despite this they are not able to have a normal relationship. Both Phantom's love and Grooves' faith are feelings based on insecurity. To correct that instability they seek each other out and eventually become interdependent on each other.
🎬When I talked about their codependent relationship, I feel I wrote as if Phantom is giving him one-sided love. I need to make it clear that Grooves is also giving him an equal amount of love and attachment. Of course, if Phantom wants to end this relationship, Grooves will not allow it. He needs to thoroughly inculcate Phantom with its disadvantages until the phantom regrets his choice.
🎬This obsessive behavior of the two may amount to enabling. They respect each other. On the other hand, they assume from each other that they are indispensable to the other. The breaking of that relationship is synonymous with the breaking of the common sense rules they have believed in up to that point. Both people and birds do not like to see common sense broken. And even when they realize that their common sense is wrong, they desperately try to hold on to it.
🎬Phantom sees his value in being dependent. He maintains his own peace of mind by controlling Grooves and making him do what he wants.
🎬Now, I should explain about some romantic methods. Both people and birds like people who are similar to them. Even if they have seemingly completely opposite personalities, they can be stable lovers if they have fundamentally the same characteristics. One of the evaluation standards is the congruence of thought patterns. Thought patterns are mainly reflected in a person's favorite phrases and actions. Of course, this can be changed or acted out.
🎬Grooves' pattern is that he is the type of person who wants to maintain the status quo. He has had many failures after a moment of glory. That may be what he is afraid of. Phantom's pattern is the type that desires challenges and opportunities. He has been betrayed by people he trusts. He may be afraid of that. Phantom decided that he could not go on like this, so he first decided to imitate Grooves' thoughts. Then, once Grooves opened up to him, Phantom decided to control his thought pattern. He became more and more ambitious. He began to seek trophies, to desire public popularity, and to depend more and more on the angel to get it.
🎬As a result, I should say that he has changed completely. The discomfort that the empress felt toward him was a change in his thought pattern. He no longer chose the means for make his movies better.
🎬In addition to thought pattern, Phantom also adapted a variety of preferences to Grooves. The most familiar would be his food preferences. Even though he doesn't much like fish, he eats fish every day. This naturally affects the seasoning of his popcorn. In truth, he prefers dark flavored popcorn, but he always eats light flavored popcorn.
🎬Why is Grooves suddenly interested in being a filmmaker when he wants to maintain the status quo? Perhaps it is not a spontaneous challenge. Perhaps his fans or a close movie directors enthusiastically encouraged him to become a director.
🎬Phantom often needed Grooves to remember its dominance over Phantom. This was also necessary to maintain their relationship. If the phantom was too absolute, it became almost a religious relationship. This process was necessary to show Grooves that this relationship is equal. Physical weaknesses are easy to produce and mental weaknesses are immensely effective. As long as he doesn't get the balance of these things wrong, he should be fine.
🎬They are engaged. Of course they have a engagement ring. It was difficult to fit the ring on the fin, so I made it into a necklace. The top is decorated with moonstone, also known as the lover's stone. A small diamond adorns the side.
🎬Who made it? Probably Phantom. It is not mentioned in the original. The length of the chain is about 70 cm.
🎬Phantom loves to wear this ring on his finger. He likes to look at the moonstone and listen to the heartbeat of Grooves. So the ring is sized for him.
🎬The original phantom is making a wedding dress for Christine without consulting her, but this yellow owl will not be doing that. He prepares for the wedding slowly and carefully, and he wants to do it with Grooves, not alone.
🎬About the wedding? I don't know if they will have a ceremony, but if they do, it will be after everything is over. He will win or cooperate with the detectives and take full control of DBC, around the time he starts to have his influence on the city. It will be fairly quiet and solemn and they will not invite anyone. There will be no priests or choirs. The place may not even be a church.
🎬Having written about the Phantom's preoccupation with Grooves, perhaps now I need to write about Grooves' obsession with Phantom. He is very afraid that the world will find out about Phantom. And he is equally afraid that Phantom will get tired of him. Grooves attributes his success entirely to Phantom. He does not want to fail again. In other words, he must completely rule out the possibility of Phantom mentoring another director. Such a possibility absolutely does not exist, but he has strong opinions about it.
🎬Is fear of failure the only reason Grooves is so obsessed with Phantom? No way. He was hungry for unconditional love. He craved an existence that would love him as he is, not as a star. He obsess with Phantom to satisfy that as well.
🎬So Grooves whispers exclusivity to Phantom with many loving phrases. People and birds are vulnerable to words they hear repeatedly. Whether the information is right or wrong is not important; they become deluded about it.
🎬Grooves should sometimes say mean things in a deliberate and fun way. He will tease the angel by saying things he doesn't mean. This is to make Phantom feel insecure. Strangely enough, romantic relationships end quickly when they are too kind to the other. When the unusual becomes the usual, people start to seek a new unusual. So he needs to make Phantom jealous to some extent and keep him hooked on him forever.
🎬He really loves to see Phantom try so hard for him. He loves to see Phantom become desperate or terribly confused by his own mean acting. He loves most of all to see the look of relief on his crumpled, crying face when he rescues Phantom from his confusion.
🎬Of course he understands that this is a very bad habit. He then hugs the trembling bird and makes up for his anxiety with plenty of love. This sequence of events may resemble "candy and whips". Phantom becomes more and more addicted to this romance.
🎬Phantom has done that exchange hundreds of times throughout the entire timelines, but each time he is violently distraught. Even though he knows that it is a mean acting performance by a great actor, and that this exchange is ritualistic and regular, he is frightened every time. It means that he has been heavily traumatized.
🎬Perhaps it is one of the vast amount of timelines. tat is these in which Grooves betrayed Phantom's trust. This is why the Phantom had to kill Grooves.
🎬The love that Grooves gives to Phantom and the ambition for trophies should be considered two very different things. But they interact with each other. His love for Phantom is stronger for the trophy, and because he loves Phantom, he wants to live up to his expectations.
🎬He calls Phantom "Angel". It continues even when his love is no longer religious. This is because Phantom does not have a name.
🎬How does Grooves make his movies? Before Phantom's guidance, his method is basically similar to the original DJ Grooves. A detailed script exists and he makes a movie filled with many of his favorite things. If it's after receiving guidance, then it's probably closer to Conductor's method. He respects improvisation and is open to the plot changes that come with it.
🎬It should be said that Grooves' attitude and thinking toward his crews has changed as well. Before guidance, he cared more about his staff than necessary. But he could not manage his team well. In fact, because of this, some crew members underestimated the director. After being guided, he decided to stop meddling in the affairs of his staff. And it gradually became as arrogant as Conductor.
🎬Phantom's body temperature is quite cold. Like a dead corpse. He needs gloves to touch Grooves. As they live together, Grooves' average body temperature also changes. When his body temperature is as cold as Phantom's, they can finally touch each other without gloves.
🎬Phantom is not afraid to kill. And he has his own aesthetic for it. He doesn't mess up a body with a knife. If there is no hurry, he prefers hanging. That's because he doesn't have to worry about the face breaking like his own. Or he chooses a premeditated murder with a big trap. The reason no one notices his presence even though he lives in the basement of the cinema is because of a trick in the basement staircase: when someone steps on the eleventh step of the third landing, any witnesses or unintended visitors are automatically sent to the processing layer.
🎬In this AU, the equivalent of the original phantom's requiem is "Train Rush". It was produced shortly after Grooves won the best picture award at the festival, (not the annual bird movie award) although the script and title were changed. But the production of this movie must have been very difficult. The original story is The Polar Express. As you can see from the movie or the storybook, there is a lot of pretty intense action with trains.
🎬here are many problems. First of all, most of the actors are children. Therefore, they cannot film for long periods of time. The film will be released on Christmas Eve. So they need to shoot in the snow to produce a white Christmas. Needless to say, cats hate humidity out of survival instinct. Cross-cultural understanding and respect between them did not work either. Cats basically don't obey moon penguins. Moon penguins are not very kind to them.
🎬There is not a single crew member who is not involved in the movie production process. Teamwork is essential to make a better movie. Phantom needed to remedy this situation. Especially Campanella, who is his successor.
🎬Although Phantom's intervention helped to ensure that the movie production went smoothly, what happened afterwards also needs to be considered. Until then, the conductor of the Galactic Railroad had dared to ignore the Nyakuza and the problems associated with them, treating all passengers equally. After the intervention, however, he does not run the Galactic Railroad in the same manner. He acts according to his own ideas, but there is no rationality or consistency in his thinking. If there is a reason for his crazy thinking, it is redemption for Giovanna.
🎬The cost of movie tickets varies considerably between cats and moon penguins. In the Metro, price competition for movie tickets is implicitly forbidden, so customers must pay about 20 pons to purchase a ticket. However, at other movie theaters, including Dead Bird Cinema, customers can watch the same movie for about 5 pons.
🎬Fruit is expensive for cats, but not so much for birds. For the same melon, it costs 50 pons if shoppers buy it in the metro, while they have to pay 3 pons if they buy it in the moon. Due to the ongoing rule by Nyakuza, there was no price competition in the metro at all. Because of this, the same food is served at the same price in every restaurant. And that can be a stepping stone for the mafia to take over the metro.
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